Chapter 44

Inside out 3 {season 10.18, Time: Present}
The weight of Samantha and the feel of her Butt on his thigh was Vera Level for Gabe.
What is in the name of sweet god is happening? Gabe wonders.
His just cum young cock is coming to life again.

Sam sitting on Gabe's thighs

Over here, Chai is watching with largened eyes, his wife sitting on his employee’s thigh.
He knew Sam’s ‘interaction’ with Gabe for the night had begun and clearly had an idea
where this would end: in their Guest bed. His cock was raging and somehow tonight felt
less ashamed about it and let his cock take its course.
Maybe coz it was a Blindfold situation. Maybe coz of the wine.

In fact, all of them, were a little tipsy by now. Veda more than others.

Sam, now seated comfortably seated on Gabe’s left thigh, had already noticed the wet spot on Gabe’s pants
and also could faintly smell his manly cum. Gabe’s cum smell was mixed with Sam’s cunt juice smell and
the cocktail of genital aroma were subtly but surely filling the air.

Sam was slowly moving on Gabe’s thigh leaning close to Gabe’s ear. And she whispered in Gabe’s ear:
“I should fire you, Gabe! I saw what you did, naughty boy! You thought you can get away?”

Blood drained from Gabe’s face and his cock dropped dead.
This was a jolt from the blue.

“Mam… Samantha Mam…” he whispered in a low voice too.
“I will have to punish you, Gabe! Brace yourself for it!”
“Samantha Maammm… sorry… sorry… I. I..”

Samantha put her finger on his lips shutting him down

Then, Sam did something very clever.
“Oh Chai! I love you! You are the sweetest husband, Chaitanya Ji!” She said loudly.
And, soundly kissed Gabe on his cheeks.
Muuuuchhhh Muuuuucchhhhh Muuuuchhhhhhhhh
Once. Twice. Thrice.
And again loudly said, “my darling hubby!”

Both Veda and Noor obviously thought Sam kissed Chai.
Only Chai with his see-through blindfold and Gabe who just
experienced Sam’s sweetest lips on his cheeks knew the truth.

The kiss had an instant effect on Gabe, kind of making his cheek blush red and had a rush of emotions.
Just minutes ago, he received a ‘warning’ from his Boss’s wife that he is fired.
And then just minutes later, she is now kissing him while loudly saying “I love you hubby!”

What the hell is happening?

And now Sam went even a step further.
She took her finger and naughtily traced it over his pant which had the wetness spot from Gabe’s cum.

Gabe clutched back in shock. It was as if he is being sexually handled. Not as if.
He was being sexually handled by his Boss’s wife. The beautiful Samantha.

What the hell is happening? Gabe is thinking again.

Sam continued to linger her finger on his pants for a minute and enjoyed seeing the blindfolded
Gabe’s facial expression. And then. She took her finger to her mouth and started licking at it.
While doing this she was looking in the direction of Chai. For Chai, this kinky act was propelling
his cock to motion. It was now in full erection. And Chai put his hand on his cock to adjust it
which delighted Samantha.

Sam got up from Gabe’s thigh and gave a final whisper
“your punishment is coming for sure, Gabe! Be prepared”, went back and sat down in her place.

I am done kissing. Any guesses on who I kissed?

Off course you kissed Chai Bhayya, Veda naively said.
To which Samantha gave out an audible laugh.
And Chai too couldn’t control a faint that Veda so innocently fell for the simple trick of his VIXEN wife!

OK. Finally your chance, Chai! GO ON! KISS!

And she teasingly said, “remember, you are allowed to kiss only one person.”
To which Gabe twitched and turned knowing Samantha’s words were aimed at him.

Obviously, Chai was not the fool around guy, and so started walking towards Samantha.
So he could her and be done with. But Slutty Sam had other ideas.

Sam stood up, walked up to Chai, took his hand and led him towards Noor.
Chai is shocked. He was shaking his head to express his disinclination,
but, Sam was already taking him to Noor.

“Chai! Remember what I told you in morning. We have a deal.
You have to be a man and enjoy yourself today.
Only then I will help you with asking Gabe to fuck me.
Go return Noor’s kiss, Chutiya Chai!”

Sam giggling to herself went back to her seat.

As Chai reluctantly moved closer to Noor, she realized there is someone approached
her - meaning Chaitanya Sir chose her to kiss? Noor’s heart was racing and wishing it was true.

Chaitanya had no problems with vision, obviously, and quickly bent down,
kissed Noor gently on her cheek, and leaned to her ear and said:
“Noor you are a nice girl. I know David is taking undue advantage of you.
Don’t let that ruin your life. Give Gabe a chance. He is a nice guy!”

Chai kissing Noor

And quickly went back to his seat saying “I am done with my turn.”

Kissed count: Veda/Sam/Chai once each. Gabe/Noor twice each.

Alright! Time to take off these blindfolds…

As the group ripped off the blindfold, the feeling in the room was tense.
lust, sex, desire, shyness, embarrassment, even fear were all mixed together.
For a moment they couldn’t see each other in shyness.
Sam was enjoying the facial expression of each one of them.

Did you guys enjoy this round?
There were a few meek yeses and a few nodes a few silent shy faces.

Bottom line: they were all taken to a new level today by Samantha. No denying.

Chaitanya Sir, can I use your bathroom please? Gabe asked and only Sam knew why.
He had a clean up to do, vis-à-vis his pants. His face was still red from shame of having cummed
and fear of the upcoming ‘punishment’ Sam said she will give him and the possibility of being fired.

Temperature in the room was up in spite of the well-air-conditioned situation.
This heat was one of horniness and anticipation and could be felt in the ears.

Chai filled their wine glasses and all began sipping more wine.
A little more wine... sip by sip... everyone was enjoying it and relaxing too...

After 10 minutes, once all recovered from the DARE game and Gabe is back, Sam announced dinner.
Everyone loaded their plates and sat back in their places to eat.

There is a TRUTH game we are going to play now, while eating, Sam began saying looking at all.

The question is simple: Are you a Virgin?
But, it’s not a simple yes or no. You have to tell a bit more about your experience either way.

Beginning with you, Veda!

Veda choked on the lamb kabab she was chewing.
This was something Sam did not share prior.
Veda was blushing like hell. What Akka? Chi. No I wont answer.

Well, either that or we will have Gabe spank you for not participating.
The word SPANKED by Gabe sent a thrill through the entire room.

Spanking! Is that what Samantha Madam is going to do to me?
Gabe wondered and his arousal was building up again.
His cleaned-up cock in his still wet underwear was recoiling.
The only 2 with real time experience of being spanked were Samantha ( by Venky Mama) and Noor ( by David).
Noor’s cunt was excited hearing this dirty comment too.

OK Akka! Yes…. I am a virgin…
Ohhhhh Sweet, says Samantha. Tell us more.
Nothing Akka. I just didn’t get the right boy friend for …. Chi Chi… enough Akka…
Veda was too shy and turned away.
OK, maybe soon you will find a good boyfriend, Sam says looking at Gabe.
Gabe flinched understanding Sam’s innuendo and Noor face turned ruby red to see Samantha still pushing Gabe and Noor together.

How about you, Gabe?

Gabe anticipating his turn had already prepared his answer.
He didn’t want to bluff. I am a Virgin. I am waiting for the right girl.
Maybe it will be the girl I proposed.” As he said this, he looked at Noor and Noor too was staring at him.
He continued, “Maybe it will be someone else. God knows.”

Not God but Chai knew what is going to happen today.
Chai’s thoughts, “well Gabe! Say goodbye to your virginity! Your virgin days will be forever over tonight.
That is the primary purpose of this party. And. It will be someone else indeed. Well beyond your imagination.”

OK Chai, how about you? Samantha said with all the sarcasm in the world.
The humiliation of his own wife asking him if he was a Virgin that too in front of his own employees
was beyond his expectation, even considering Sam’s Vixen-ness.

Veda couldn’t control her laughter. Neither could Noor a bit. It was a hilarious talk.
Off course I am not a virgin, Sam. You off all people know this, he managed to say.
Oh Chai, my sweet, sweet husband! I think maybe you are!

Sam put out her tongue teasing Chai

Chai too a big gulp of wine! The effect of the wine made him feel better.


She too had prepared her answer. It was no one’s business asking about Virginity.
Now she had to lie. She couldn’t bring herself to say the truth or even part of it in this group.
Somehow, she wished not to break Gullible Gabe’s heart.

I am a virgin, she said. And kept mum.
Really, Noor? Sam teasingly says.
“That bitch” Noor cursed Sam within her mind.

“Yes, my father would kill me if I did anything improper before marriage” Noor blurted out to manage the situation.
“I will remember to tell your father then” Sam joked to herself.
Gabe was so happy to hear his love interest tell she is a virgin.

OK, I guess that leaves just me.
Sam had thought of this question to be asked in this ‘truth’ round and had a well prepared answer.
You want to hear? Here you go.
I am an one third Virgin, Sam cheekily said.

Chai was stunned at the boldness of her statement. Noor too.
Gabe sweated in arousal hearing her really dirty statement alluding to her anal virginity.

Veda didn’t understand and looked blank.
“How can a person be 1/3rd Virgin?”, Veda was processing the input.
She couldn’t control herself and blurted her curiosity, “what Samantha Akka, how can a person be part Virgin?”

It’s like this Veda, Sam began; but, Chai interrupted her. ‘Sam please! Veda! No!’
Chai felt the conversation was getting out of hand and couldn’t stop himself.

Veda still didn’t get it and raked her mind and began to think of all the porn scenes her friends showed her.
Then it struck her… And she was amazed at the brazenness of Samantha’s answer.
Veda blushed heavily while Sam was giggling like hell.

Boss’s wife is really bold and naughty – Noor & Gabe are thinking.
'Well, that was an interesting round!' says Samantha.
Well... it truly was...

They were all still enjoying the delicious dinner prepared by Samantha.

Simultaneously they were all drinking too - sip by sip - the wine was mellow and taking effect.

The dishes Sam made were Lamb kabab, chicken curry, potato peas curry, jeera rice, and really well prepared rumali roti.
Sam being vegan restricted to her selected dishes.

As they continued eating, Sam then proposed a talent round, with each one getting a chance.

Inside out 4 {season 10.19, Time: Present}
As they continued eating, Sam proposed a TALENT ROUND, with each one getting a chance.

Veda sang a Tamil song in her melodious voice: Oru Maalai Ilai Udir Kaalam from Ghajini.

Everyone enjoyed it.

Now Gabe's turn...

Gabe made facial expressions mimicking the once-in-a-generation, comedian . andam
They were so close to the real Brahmi with Gabe performing effortlessly.
In fact, with his pot belly and the expressions, Gabe looked like a younger and haired version of Brahmi!

Loud Applause. Superb, says Chai. Everyone agreed.

Noor sings a special number:
Her dad was a soldier in the military and fondly taught so many patriotic melodies to his 2 daughters.

Everyone enjoyed Noor's patriotic song too.

Chai's turn...

Chai shied away saying he’s got no talent. No, you do! Sam said smiling.
“Folks, try asking Chaitanya Ji about any country in the world.
He knows them in and out. I challenge there is no country that he does not know ”
It was true. Chai’s GK was splendid.

As the guests asked him about lesser known countries,
Chai was in full form giving their capitals, systems of government, currency, geography and history.
Lesotho… Burkina Faso… Timor Leste… Seychelles… Malta… Bosnia & Herzegovina… Georgia…

The guests enjoyed his narration and were munching on the tasty dinner. And sipping more Wine!

And now, time for Samantha’s performance!

Now, time for Samantha’s performance.
She put her dinner plate away.

Samantha smilingly looked at all, switched on the music system, and dimmed the lights a bit.
The audience knew they were in for a show.

Sam was gonna dance and the song is TU CHEEZ BADI HER MAST MAST

Sam positioned herself and began her moves.

Pa Ni Sa… Ni Sa Pa Ni Ma Pa… Pa Ni Sa Ni Sa Ni …
Pa Ni Sa… Ni Sa Pa Ma Ni Pa… Ma Pa Ni Sa Ni Sa…
Pa Ni Sa…
Pa Pa Pa Ni Ni Ni Ga Ga Ga Ma Ma Ma
Gari Gari Gapa Dani Sa Ni Da Sa Ni Da Pa
Pa Ni Sa… Pa Ni Sa…

She started moving her hands naturally… gyrating her hips… pushing her hips forward…
So effortlessly mimicking Raveena Tandon’s exact moves.

The guests were dumbstruck and enjoying to the core.
They all enjoyed more wine as they were watching Sam dance.
Their inhibitions were being chipped away.

Sexual heat was in the air and beginning to get into their bodies.
She continued unrestrained…

Aashiq hai teraa naam naam
Dil lenaa denaa kaam kaam
Meri baahennnnnnnnnnnnn
Meri baahen mat thaam thaam
Badanaam hai tu madh mast mast

Shylessly showing her navel… gyrating herself freely…
to this side and that side… to front and back…
moving her hips in circles…
She was setting Chai and Gabe on fire with her moves

By the time she was done dance for this song the guests
were done with their diner and were in a mood to dance too

The next song was Selfie Pulla song

Samantha was in a full mood to tease and more
Hopping and Stepping… Raising her hands
Replicating the moves… with her hands and legs
Oozing oomph… even shaking her boobs a bit
She had Gabe’s full attention and his cock’s attention too

Gabe's average length, fat ‘virgin’ cock was giving it’s full salute to the Boss’s wife

Let’s take a Selfie Pulla… Give me a Ummaah Ummaahhh
Selfie Pulla… Give me a Ummaah Ummaahhh
Let’s take a Selfie Pulla… Give me a Ummaah Ummaahhh
Selfie Pulla… Give me a Ummaah Ummaahhh

And thus elevating the party to a new level, she took a seating.

Now you guys turn. Veda pair up with Gabe and Noor with Chaitanya...
Give me a show… The Vixen wife was in control of the group…

With just a little resistance, they paired up per her instructions and started dancing away…

Noor is mad at Sam for pairing Gabe with Veda, but, she was more than happy to dance with Chai.
Looking into his eyes, she danced away, as the gentleman Chai held her gently and gently danced.
Noor’s heart and looks were torn between her Boss with whom she was dancing and Gabe
who sincerely loved her but now was dancing with Veda.

On the other side, Gabe’s moves with Veda were awkward given his lack of experience
and this newbie feeling of touch Veda. You would kiss your Lover Noor I thought, Veda said in his ear.
Not knowing the ‘Tenali Rama act’ Gabe had done. Gabe just smiled. Come on, dance, Gabe.
Veda said smilingly. Slowly Gabe got into comfort.
He started following Veda’s moves and tried to replicate them… He was slightly improving…

Sam was resting her limbs and recovering, while watching the pairings she had setup.

Noor dancing with Chai | Veda dancing with Gabe

Chai was carefully trying to cover his erection that continued from Sam’s dance earlier and now dancing with Noor.
He was at a safe distance albeit holding her by her shoulder.

Same with Gabe. He was also hoping Veda wouldn’t notice his erect cock but ‘hard’ luck.
As Veda moved enthusiastically their lower bodies brushed and Veda felt his cock.
She giggled looking away from Gabe.

Sam noticed all of this. After some more time of dancing,
Sam dimmed the lights further so much that visibility was reduced to minimum.
Now it was hard to see what the dancing pairs were doing.

OK, my turn with the Guys. I want to dance with both the guys!

As Veda and Noor continue to dance solo, Sam went between Chai and Gabe, and began dancing.

Gabe was astounded by his luck.
His Boss’s wife was behaving so sleazily and now wanted to dance with him.
Chai was beginning to get nervous if things will get out of hand.

Sam pulled Chai and Gabe closer her. She set a rhythm so they all danced in unison.
Gabe somewhat clumsily but was trying to catch up. She turned towards Chai and began
kissing him as she made Gabe hold her shoulders… She slowly pushed her ass a little bit
backward towards Gabe but he was a bit far for her ass to reach… She continued gyrating
as she kissed Chai. Gabe being very close to them, was the only one who could see Sam
kissing Chai. Are you enjoying, Chai? Sam asks in his ear & Chai nods a bit.

Samantha kissing Chai while dancing with both Chai & Gabe

As she continued dancing while pushing her hips backward, Sam felt the traces of
Gabe’s cock on her ass. She was exhilarated. As se continued to face Chai and closely
hugging him, Sam pushed her ass further backward and now the heat of Gabe’s cock
was being firmly felt on her ass cheeks. Sam’s pussy was dripping by now filling the air.
Gabe felt heaven experiencing the rub of a woman’s ass on his cock for the first time.
His fat cock was in full form again.

The guests were all drunk now and full enjoying the music and dancing liberally.

Samantha then turned the other side to Gabe. Gabe’s heart skipped couple beats.
She had Chai’s hands on her hips and he was closely standing rubbing his chest to Samantha’s back.
While she pulled Gabe to her closely and swayed her hips. Gabe’s hands were on his shoulder.
Gabe’s face was now so close to Samantha that he could feel her warm breath.
Her breathing smelled of alcohol.

Sam took Gabe’s face closely and rubbed her cheek against his cheek.

Gabe stopped dancing. He was in bliss. He was enjoying the moment.
‘Mam Samantha Mam’ he whispered.
Sam brushed her cheeks on his cheek further.
Towards the back of Samantha, Chai could see Sam actions and was getting aroused
as much as a little fearful if Noor or Veda would notice. He saw them both dancing on their own
seemingly oblivious of what is happening between Sam and Gabe.

Lighting was so dim that Noor & Veda hardly know what is happening

Sam could feel her hubby’s cock against her ass and knew he was aroused watching her
do what she was doing. She was now in full heat. Her pussy was trickling liquid down
from her undies to her high. She felt like a bitch in heat. She drew Gabe even closer and
brushed her Boobs against her. She was enjoying Gabe’s heavy gasps as he was being
manipulated by her and enjoying the first experience of breasts against his chest.
His cock started oozing precum. He forgot where he was.

Maammm… mammmm…. You are so beautiful… he was whispering to her.

Sam was enjoying this Virgin’s body against hers and his reactions were exciting her.

She thought of her time with one of their watchmen, the young Ram, who was a virgin until Sam took over.
She enjoyed being in control… As Rana the psychiatrist mentioned, Samantha has a hybrid personality
– she can be submissive with a Dom and take charge when with a submissive. Both came so naturally to her.

Sam pulled Gabe even closer and kissed him on his cheek.

Gabe was excited beyond expression. As Samantha pulled him even closer,
he tightly held her shoulders and moved forward even further.
At this time he didn’t even care that his Boss is just behind Samantha.

Samantha was in pure bliss.
The warm body of her aroused hubby thrashing her from behind and his cock against her ass,
the thoughts of taking Ram’s virginity and now this virgin Gabe pressed against her.

Being sandwiched was a totally new experience for our Slutty Sam.

Sam’s breathing increased…

“Gabe! You are still going to get full punishment tonight before you go!” she was whispering to him.
Gabe’s fears were mostly gone. If punishment meant more of kinky behaviour from his Boss’s wife.
He was ready for more and more and more punishment.

“Samantha Mam! Yessssssss! Punishhhh meeeee…. Pleaseee…..”

Samantha became too horny now and clutched Gabe so closely that his cock knocked against her pubic area
rubbing partially against her pussy. And simultaneously she was pushing her ass against Chai’s cock.
That was all Chai’s cock could take for the evening.
It gave a strong orgasm and Chai instinctively grabbed his wife’s hips even strongly.

In quick following, Samantha and Gabe orgasmed too and were pressing their bodies against each other,
while Chai was still clutched to Sam’s back. As they all recovered from her orgasm,
Gabe realized his belly was pushed against Sam and felt Chai’s hand against Sam’s hips too. And reflexively moved back.

On the other side,
Noor and Veda were watching in the direction but it was too dark to see clearly what was going on.
Further they were both drunk and their eyes didn’t cooperate to notice anything significant at all…
And anyways lighting was deliberately dimmed to very low levels…

Then Samantha turned in the direction of Chai again, and whispered to him:
Chai, tell Gabe to obey everything I say and keep me good company.
Tell him to please me in every manner that I ask him to.
Go drop Noor at her home in your car and wait in our garage until I message you.
Once I message, come tiptoed into the home.
I will READY everything by then.

So saying Samantha pinched Chai’s cock. Chai twitched!

There was so much more coming tonight, Chai knew! Vera Level night!​
Next page: Chapter 45
Previous page: Chapter 43