Chapter 45

The Two & Half Virgins 1 {season 10.20, Time: Present}
The dancing continued for some time and then the party came to a rocking end.
The party was a success – the guests enjoyed and the all was going according to Sam’s plans.

It was time for the guests to leave.

Noor: Chaitanya Sir! I will leave now. I will take an Uber ride.
NO! said Samantha & Chai together.
Samantha: At this late hour and in this state, it is not safe. Chaitanya Ji will drop you at home
Noor: No Madam. It is OK. I don’t want to trouble Sir.
Chai: Listen, Noor! No trouble. I will drop you.

Chai then turned to Gabe.
“Gabe your home is at the other end of the city. Will take you 2 hours to travel almost. Stay here tonight.”
Gabe was happy he got chance to spend more time with Samantha. He immediately agreed.

Chai then took Gabe to the side.
“Keep company for Samantha while I am away.
Obey what she says and make her happy.
Gabe for some reason Samantha is annoyed with you.
Satisfy her fully coz your full time job will depend on Samantha too.
I do not want to hear any complaints. Understood?”

Gabe was unable to process the weird instructions, just nodded blankly.

Veda was in cloud nine. It was her first time drinking 3 servings of wine.
“OK Samantha Akka. I will leave now.” Her voice was stuttering a bit.
Are you sure, Veda? Drink some water, stay for some more time and then go.
“Its OK, Samantha Akka. Grandpa will be sleeping now. I will go and sleep.”

In sometime…
Veda entered her Grandpa’s apartment…
Chai and Noor are in the car…
Sam and Gabe are alone in Sam’s apartment…

In Sam’s Apartment…

Gabe was sitting on the sofa while Samantha went inside.
He was recollecting the awesome incidents that transpired today:
he kissing Noor, Veda and his Boss’s wife, Samantha too.
Then Samantha sitting on his thigh, putting her finger on his cock,
she kissing him, then strangely warning that she had seen what he did and
is going to punish him and maybe fire him. Even more strangely,
Chai had given him ‘an order’ to ‘obey to everything Sam tells him to do.
The thoughts about the dance with Samantha was making him horny again.’

“But… How did Samantha Mam know I kissed all three of them? Did she not wear the blindfold?”

At the precise moment, Samantha came to the living room. She came straight to him.

“You naughty boy! I was thinking you are such a well behaved and innocent person!
Here you are taking advantage of the blindfold situation and kissing all three of us?”

She caught him by the ear and twisted it a bit playfully but still hard enough to pain him.

Gabe: aaaawwww Samantha Mam…. Sorry… Really sorry… aaawwww

Sam: No Sorry business, Gabe! You deserve full pledged punishment.
It’s your choice – either a punishment or removal from the company.

Gabe: Nooooo Mam… please… I will take whatever punishment you give.

What did you say when we were dancing?
“punish me, Samantha Madam” right?
Well, get ready… I will come back with your punishment…
Saying this, Samantha went back to her bedroom again.

Sam was smiling to herself - now she had Gabe all for herself while her hubby will wait in Garage

And Gabe is waiting with thrill & anticipation & a little bit of fear.

In Velan’s apartment…

“Forgive me Valli! I am so sorry I am such a bad man!
Having dirty feelings on our Grand daughter. But I am unable to control myself.
Why did you leave me?” Velan was thinking about his dead wife.

He was out pouring his guilt on having sexual thoughts about Veda.
For the second time in the day, he was horny and his aged cock was in full bloom.
He was pressing his cock thinking about his neighbor Samantha and his granddaughter Veda.

And at that moment, he heard the apartment door open.
Veda has come he thought.

Velan with his erection was embarrassed to face Veda and so pretended to be asleep.

Veda came into her grandpa’s room. She is also sleeping in the same room so she can
help her grandpa with anything if needed. Her clothes were in the same room as well.

Veda switched on the small light. In her tipsiness she quickly checked if her grandpa was sleeping
and went on to change to her night clothes. It ended up being a visual feast for Velan.
She took off her dress and for a good moment gave darshan to Velan in Bras & Panties.

Veda giving darshan to Velan in bra & panties

She slipped on her night dress, drank water and crashed on the Velan’s bed on the other side.
Velan continued to pretend sleeping and after a good 10 minutes turned to the side of Veda.

Veda was in deep sleep already.
In the small bed light, the young nubile beauty of his sleeping granddaughter Veda was maddening Velan.

“Sorry Valli. Forgive me.”
He continue to look at her for 5 minutes and then began to shag his cock.

Finally he gave up trying to control.
He extended his hand towards the sleeping Veda.
“Sorry Valli. Forgive me.”

In the car…

Noor was looking at Chai with admiration.
Chaitanya Sir. I had such a good time today.
Thank you, Sir. You are an amazing man. Truly.

Chai just gave a mild smile and continued driving.
It was Saturday night and there is lot of drunken driving.
So he was focusing carefully on the road.

Sir… Can I say something honestly?

Chai thought for a minute and said, “Yes!”

Sir, Samantha Madam is so lucky to have you.
You are a perfect gentleman.
Unlike David Sir, you never took advantage of me.
That is why… That is why… I have a crush on your Sir.
I loved kissing you today and was so happy you kissed me.

Chai continues to driving listening to Noor.
He was unsure where the conversation was going.

Sir… please don’t take me wrong sir…
Can I tell something?
I want to give myself to you Sir.
Fully… my body to you.

And Noor was stretching her body as if to expose her Boobs to Chai.

Chai knew Noor had some wine.
But he was alarmed and bit nervous on what Noor is trying to say.

Sir. So many people have taken advantage of me.
Even David Sir you know that. Even Leo our security guard.
But I have true feelings for you only. It is true Sir. I swear.
For first time, I want to voluntarily have sex with a person.
And that is with you.

Noor looked at Chai and spread her legs a bit wide.

Chai hit the brakes Hard!!!! Noor jerked forward.
Thankfully she was wearing a seat belt!
Noor is shocked at this sudden stop and wondering if Chai got angry with what she said and did.

Plot Reveal

For readers who are wondering about VICTORY VENKA aka Venky Mama's whereabouts...
Sometime in Season 6/7 Venky gets a call to work in Dehradun military headquarters
on a top secret mission to plan for a future Military Operation in Ladakh.
That's a terrain he has worked for many decades and further
he has shown brilliant intelligence to chalk out military strategies.

Samantha is heartbroken that her beloved Venky Mama will be separated from her.

Venky Mama consoles her that he has to do this for our country.
He tells her he will be back soon and they will be united.

So... that's the background story that happened in Season 6/7.
I thought of revealing it, so Readers may get a context as to why Venky Mama is in contact with Sammu only on phone!

The Two & Half Virgins 2 {season 10.21, Time: Present}
Noor! Stop it! Clearly you are drunk!

Noor started crying loudly.

For Chai this was unexpected. He felt awkward with this and also a little afraid if someone
might notice them both in this desolated place on the side of the road.

Sir… Chaitanya Sir… I am so sorry…
Sir I really wanted to be with you… under you… Comforted by you. Cared by you.

I had sex with many people but each time I was coerced into it...

My 12th standard math teacher took my virginity in the staff room the 2 days
after I reached 18 and kept fucking me through out that college year ( it was true).

My college senior abused me for 2 years in my college
( this part was not true, she added this to gain Chai’s sympathy)

Then David sir…. Security guard Leo… Many of our company’s clients…
Chaitanya sir… you know all this…

Noor sobbed like hell. Noor cries more, moved closer to Chai and hugged him.
Chai hugged her too in the intention of consoling her.

Noor was trying to gain Chai’s pity and seduce him.
She was partly succeeding coz Chai was responding to her hug. In Chai’s mind,
he felt himself partly responsible for Noor’s situation in company,
not doing anything when David is using Noor physically
and dishing her out to many of the company’s top clients.

Noor is still crying and started to hug Chai more tightly, rubbing her Boobs to Chai’s chest.

Chai was still hugging her in the intention of making her to stop crying, but her warm body
hugged against him was something totally new. New in the sense that it was not Samantha’s body.
Their bodies were different. The feel was different.

Chaitanya Sir… I like you so much. I adore you. You are a true GREEKU VEERUDU ( Greek Hunk).
Sir… please… I want to be under you. Taken by you.

Chai was taken aback by all this.

Noor moved fast. She kissed on Chai’s cheeks and not giving him the time to react, kissed on his lips.
Her fast and strong move surprised Chai. Her lips were all over his lips…

Sir… Chaitanya Sir… Please kiss me… only once…

Somehow he was unable to decline and didn’t Sam say “Be a man and enjoy yourself today.”

Here was a girl who is calling her a Greek Veerudu and begging him to take her.

Chaitanya opened his lips partly and Noor grabbed his lips savoring the kiss.
Chai responded and like with Sam let Noor take the lead.
Noor, not a newbie in the slightest, started kissing him with all intensity,
slipping her tongue into his mouth and entwining it with his tongue.
Chai was turned on too, forgetting all else for the time being.

Chai savored Noor’s taste, enjoying it and his tongue started to trace Noor’s tongue too and embraced it.
Noor and Chai kissed for more than minutes before breaking it.

Noor looked into Chai’s eyes: Sir you are a perfect gentleman. I am not lucky to be your wife.
I have always wanted a husband like you Sir. You are my dream boy.

Again she kissed on his cheeks,
both left and right, kissed on his mouth which was all wet by both their saliva

The car gearbox was keeping them from getting further close.

Noor looked at Chai with full lust.
For the first time, she was with a man she wanted and was willingly offering herself. It was a dream come true.

Not letting Chai take a moment to take control of the situation, Noor lunged to Chai’s pants.

Realizing what she is doing, Chai tried to stop her: No Noor… No… Don’t…

Please Chaitanya Sir, Noor was saying and by the time she had found his pant’s fly and had already unzipped it.
As she is trying to get his cock out of his underwear she realized the underwear was wet with his cum.

She leaned forward from her seat, around the gearbox and her face was near Chai’s pants
when she was struggling to get his cock out. The smell of his cum was slowly oozing into the
air conditioned car and she was close enough to smell the musky pheromones further stimulating her.
Now her cunt was flowing juices.

As she got Chai’s semi-erect cock outside, she realized it was a average size but thin cock.
Having had David’s and Leo’s huge and fat cocks she was a tad disappointed for a moment.

But she quickly lunged forward and put her mouth on his specimen.

Sir… This is my act of submission to you… I am all yours...

As her mouth touch his cock,
Chai was thoroughly stunned with her move as much as he was excited to have a second mouth other than his wife’s on it…


By which time Noor’s mouth was expertly sucking the end part of his uncut cock
and once in a while licking the mouth of his penis while pulling his foreskin down a bit.

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee Stoppppppppppp Nooooorrrrrrrrr

Meanwhile, at his apartment

The awaiting Gabe saw Samantha return again to the living room.

And in her hand was a flogging whip. A gift from Venky Mama.

The first time she saw it was when Venky Mama used it on Priyanka Panda ( pretty puppy).

And then her own ass experienced the ‘sweet pain’ of it when he used it on her another time.

Her cunt was oozing just thinking of that time Venky Mama had used it to whip her ass a
good number of times as she was shouting Maammmmmaaaaa Venkyyyyyyy Maaammmmmaaaaa
Then she experienced his amazing tongue soothingly lick her ass giving her heavenly pleasure.

It was all part of her training in the MIMS program.

He then gifted her the same whip,
telling her to giving her hubby ‘a good treatment’ once in a while.
But she hadn’t used it yet on Chai and today she was going to use it on Gabe…

Ohhhh Mama… how much I want you here and now!!! Sam thought as she came to present.

Gabe was shivering not in fear but in excitement of what Samantha has planned for him.

Mam… Samantha Mam…

Samantha was standing in front of him in the same sexy exuding red dress with a whip in her hand that is also red, complementing her dress.

For a moment, Gabe felt Samantha was a SEX GODDESS who came from heaven to reward him.

Sam: Are you ready to get flogged for your naughty acts? Are you ready to receive flogs on your fat ass, you Cheater?

Gabe: Mam… really sorry for what I did… I couldn’t control myself Mam…

Sam: No more talking, get up and turn around… You are about to receive your punishment…

Although she is putting a confident face to Gabe, all this was a first time for her too.
She was so excited and trembling inside. She shaven pussy was a quagmire.

Gabe turned around, eagerly anticipating what Sam was going to do further.

Sam: Bent down you naughty Boy

Gabe did so quietly.

Whip came her first lash…
Not much response from Gabe.
She had not hit hard with intensity and further he was wearing jeans.

She hit a little bit more harder.
Still no pain for Gabe, although the naughtiness of the scene was so much exhilarating him.


Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh Samanthaaaaa Maaammmmmmmmm
She was taken aback for a couple seconds and then let out a satisfactory smile…

One more time…
Even harder
Ahaahhahhhhhhhhhhhaahhh I ammmm soooooooo Sorrryyyyyyyyyyyy Mam

Naughty Boy! You thought you could get away with kiss all three of us!
How dare you do that?
Here I am thinking you are an innocent Boy.

You deserve more lashes…




3 more…
And Gabe was yelling each time.

Then Sam thought of an even naughtier idea.

I don’t think it is hurting you, Gabe! You are just acting!

It was partly true – it was hurting but not too much pain.

Get your pants down, Sam said and as she was saying that her own voice turned husky in sexual arousal.

Gabe is stunned…


Sam: Nothing doing. You want to get fired?
Do you remember what Chai told you?

Gabe: Yes Mam, Gabe said cowed down.

Sam: Tell me. What did he say?

Gabe: Chaitanya Sir told me to obey you every single order or else I will lose my job.

Sam: Yesssss… exactly, Gabe.

Gabe: Now… Remove your pants…

Her red lingerie was soaking wet. Samantha was terribly enjoying dominating Gabe.
Gabe is at a heightened state of mind. He unbuckles and removes his pant excitedly.
Samantha couldn’t help but immediately look at his crotch trying to catch a glimpse of his cock.
Gabe noticed it and their eyes met. Samantha turned her face away in slight shame realizing he had caught her staring at his crotch.
And as Gabe put his pant away and bent again, he was now in fear that the whip might really hurt.

Sam: Are you ready?

Gabe: Yessss Mamm… please don’t hit hard… please…

As he anticipated the heavy lash of the whip:


Aaaahhhhhhh Gabe cried.

But. It was not a whip lash. Samantha spanked him with her palm.
Hard off course but thankfully she spared the whip.

Serves you right Gabe!

Be careful in future if you try to be over smart!

Remember this forever!


Samantha’s hand was burning…
Gabe’s cotton underwear protected him a slight bit… But his BUTTT WAS ON FIREEEE!

Equally his cock too was burning.
It is fully hardened and is struggling against the fabric of his wet underwear in spite of having cummed twice already.

Over here Samantha was done with her spanking. She was fully excited and enjoying.

Gabe then turned around.

They both looked into each others eyes.

Gabe’s looks were a mix of pain and shame and lust.

Sam was fully sporting a Vixen smile.

And then… something totally unanticipated by Samantha happened.

Gabe still in his underwear, reached out to Samantha as if asking for something.

Samantha looks back puzzled.

Mam, give me the whip!

Sam is still looked at him confused.

"Samantha Mam, I cheated in the blindfold game by kissing all three of you. Yes!
But you also cheated by not blindfolding yourself.
Or else, you would not have been able to see that I kissed all three.
So Mam, if you are fair, I should also have a chance to punish you."

Samantha was stunned but only for a moment.
Samantha broke into a wide smile… And she clapped her hands…

“Excellent, Gabe! You exceeded my expectation!”

And she continued to look and smile at Gabe. She took the whip and gave it to Gabe.

She went to the sofa and in one graceful move,
bent forward, pushing her ass towards Gabe, submitting it to him, and,

Gabe watched Samantha’s heavenly back beauty with a wide open mouth, unable to believe his luck.

Meanwhile, right beneath them, in Velan’s apartment…

“Sorry Valli. Forgive me.”

Velan’s trembling hand touched the breathing breasts of sleeping Veda who is turned towards him.

Touching a woman for the first time in 4 years had it’s effect on him.
In spite of cumming once from masturbation, his old penis bloomed fully.

Slowly he traced his fingers on her luscious breasts and rested his hand on one breast,
cupping it and fully enjoying it’s feel and texture. They felt heavenly.

The animal sleeping in him is fully awaken.

He moved more closely to Veda and started moving his hands all over her breast on top of her night dress and Bra.
In the process, he felt her nipple and unable to control himself pinched her nipple…

Aaahhh… Veda gave a moan in her sleep…
He quickly removed his hand but noticing she is still asleep, again put it back on her breast…

Moving even more closely to her, he was enjoying her super beautiful face beauty as he put one hand
on her back trying to wrap around her and pulled her closely.

The feel of her back and her waist was torturing Velan.

And now Velan’s body was fully against Veda’s body.
In one full lug he pulled her against him and hugged her tightly,
his chest against hers, his stomach against hers, his thighs thrashing on hers.

He put his other hand beneath Veda’s neck and fully embraced her

The drunk Veda was letting out moans in her sleep…
aaahhhh mmmmm aaahhh

Her breathe and her body smell was making Velan crazy forgetting all about propriety…

He started feeling and pressing her back and waist like a madman,
at this point not even thinking of the consequences of her waking up.

He moved a little down and started rubbing his head on her breasts…
rubbing his nose, mouth and cheeks on her both breasts… again… like a madman…

Veda was letting moans in her sleep giving out the name of the last person in her mind before she crashed
Ogggghhhh Gabeeeeee….. stopppppp…

Velan is wondering if Gabe is her BF while he is still maniacally enjoying her body…
Even Velan is moaning in sexual pleasure…. Vedaaaaa Kutttiiii… Ammmmuuuuu Kuttttttiiiiiiiii

Ggabbbbeeeee… what areeee youuuuuuuuu doingggggggggg….

Velan is now thrashing his body against her….. ummmmmmmuuummm Ammmmuuuu Kuttiiiiiiiiii

Velan opened his mouth and started to chew Veda’s boobs…

first he gently chewed and licked her Boobs…
aaaahhhhhhhhhhh Gabbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeee whhhattttttttt

The moans of Veda was further making him so aroused and barbaric…
then he roughly started to chew and lick and even bite her Boobs…

aaahhhhhhhhhhh… what is happeningggggggggg…

Velan was in his world….. ahhhhhaahhhh heavennnnnnnn…. Pleasureee….. aaah… ohhhhhhh Ammu Kuttiiiiiiiii!

He didn’t even realize Veda’s moanings stopped….
Until after a moment he realized Veda is not responding and he took his face from her breast and looked up…

In the dim light, he noticed to his fucking shock: Veda was awake eyes wide open looking at him.

Like a person stung by a scorpion he lunged back in utter fright and shockkkkk

Next page: Chapter 46
Previous page: Chapter 44