Chapter 50
Slowly she looked at Seena Thana and gave him a mild smile. Seena Thana had his share of
half-lucks with some women in his innumerous encounters in the mall. He couldn’t believe
his luck that somebody as beautiful as Samantha would smile in response to his deliberate brush against her.
In some time, he again made sure the store lady or the lady with Samantha were not looking
and pretending to walk behind her looking for dresses, brushed his hand on Samantha’s
lower back and waist. It sent a sensuous chill in Sam’s spine.
She has a sensitive waist and it was an area that would provoke her sexuality.
Just then, Amala calls Sam and she goes over. Seena Thana also notices that the lad
who came with Samantha was wrapped in a saree earlier and now looking many years younger
after wearing the churidar. He eyed Amala a bit too, his eyes wandering back and forth between the DIL and MIL.
Lets go, Maa Ji.
What? Let me change.
No need. You look so good in this dress. Lets go.
Seeing Amala’s resistance Samantha calls the store lady.
Sam: ( to store girl) Doesn’t she look gorgeous in this churidar?
Store girl: Yes Mam. She looks so beautiful. The dress suits her.
Amala is blushing.
Sam: ( to store girl) tell me. What do you think her age is?
Store girl: Oh mam. I don’t know. Maybe 30 or 32.
Obviously, the store lady wants to flatter them, but, it was true that Amala was looking very youthful.
Amala was really flattered hearing this. Her real age is 46 ( Chai was born to her at 19).
Sam: Look Maa Ji. Didn’t I tell you. Please wear this until we are in the mall. You can change before we go home.
Amala couldn’t decline. They left the store. Seena Thana followed them too.
2. Shopping for Lingerie
Amala was flabbergasted seeing the lingerie store. She was all blushes.
Samantha started being playful and teasing with her MIL and even Amala was partially opening up.
She convinced Amala to try a few newer kinds of bra and panties.
The store lady helped finding the right size.
Amala couldn’t believe how soft and heavenly those panties felt on her,
compared to the man-style undies she was wearing earlier.
Samantha even teased her to wear a skimpy pair. Amala resisted.
Maa Ji, Sasur Ji would be all over you if he sees you in this.
Amala froze for a couple seconds. Even Samantha is thinking if she went too far.
Then Amala broke into a shy-ish smile.
“Oh, Samantha stop it. You are talking very naughty. Patidev will kill me if he sees me in this”
“No, Maa Ji, you will kill him with your looks if you wear this” Sam pressed on.
They spent about 30 minutes more, chatting, giggling, bonding, also buying lingerie for Amala.
Towards the end of this store visit, Sam made Amala abandon her old fashioned underwear and start using newer type lingerie.
On the other side, Seena Thana could obviously not enter the lingerie store so he look for other shoppers.
No body interesting. Having seen Sam’s beauty, no body else impressed him. Unable to control,
Seena Thana goes to the restroom and shags for a while and kept loitering near the lingerie store waiting for them to come out.
3. Shopping for footwear
Sam got Amala a couple of really good footwear.
Amala was not comfortable with the store guy handling her feet while trying to fit her footwear.
Sam talked to her in a friendly, reassuring manner. Amala agreed.
Sam knew the stalker rascal had followed them into the footwear store too and stealing glances at them.
4. Shopping for iPhone
MIL and DIL took the elevator to go 2 floors below. Noticing they were going into the elevator, Seena Thana got ahead of them in the elevator. Now they three were in the elevator, with Seena Thana right behind Sam. Amala was oblivious to his presence. As soon as the lift doors closed, Seena Thana began touching Samantha’s back, first slowly, then a bit more firmly. Sam tried to put a straight face and was making sure her MIL was not looking. She indulged him by not moving or resisting. Seena Thana quickly moved his hands further and further down, stroking Sam’s back in a sexy massaging maneuver. Samantha was enjoying this sensuous feeling. The risk of doing all this in right in the presence of Amala was vera level for Samantha and gave her a kick and kink. Then Seena Thana reached lower and lower to the upper part of Sam’s butt and started feeling it. He was in cloud nine. Sam’s cunt was active and moist already. And at that time, the lift door opened and they had to get out. As Amala went out, Sam turned to Seena Thana gave him a smile again and silently walked out with Amala to the phone store.
Overriding Amala’s resistance, Sam got Amala the latest version of iPhone.
Amala is overwhelmed with the attention Sam is showering on her.
5. Hair styling
This was where Amala resisted the most. Assuring her that she would not get her hair cut, but only style it a bit, Samantha took her inside. There were a couple of things Samantha told the hair stylist and the stylist got to work on Amala’s hair. Amala was trying to process what she was doing. It was all so overwhelming to her. True to Sam’s word, her hair was not cut. But, with all the treatment and styling, her hair was mold into a totally different look, again reducing her age. At this time she really looked like Sam’s sister.
6. Chat and Chit Chat
Seena Thana didn’t get much chance to go near them since neither the mobile store or the hair salon are stalker friendly. Again he saw them going towards the elevator, he went into the elevator, but to his luck there was already an old lady standing inside. He still went inside and stood next to her. Amala went in first and stood behind Seena Thana and Sam following her stood behind the old lady. Cursing his luck of Sam not standing in front of him, his perverse eyes turned towards the MIL who also looked beautiful and appealing to him. Now he pushed his luck too far. Amala felt a hand on her back. Initially she thought it was by accident and soon she realized it was a male hand deliberately feeling her back. This was first such experience for Amala. Unable to handle it, she started crying silently. Samantha immediately noticed it and asked what happened. Amala was too ashamed to tell the guy behind was groping, but Samantha guessed what mush have happened.
As soon as the elevator door opened,
Samantha dragged Seena Thana out of the elevator by catching his shirt collar.
She landed slap after slap on his face before he could realize what was happening.
She pushed him down and kicked on the side of his stomach and soon he felt real pain.
In a couple of moments, the security guards came in.
They didn’t need to ask what happened.
It was plain obvious. They dragged that stalker rascal out.
Amala was aghast seeing all this. Samantha’s face was full of anger. She felt so protective towards Amala.
As Amala was processing all this she felt a rush of pride, admiration and affection for Sam.
They got a couple of chat items to eat and sat in a table.
Sam calmed down a bit and started talking to Amala.
She told Amala that she should not cry and there is no reason to feel shame in this.
If there was any shame it belongs to the perpetrator.
Sam started talking in feminist terms – how a woman should stand up for herself, be vigilant,
be able to handle how men including strangers treat us, should not take things lying down and more.
In a way, Sam was now telling Amala what she learnt in her MIMS master program.
Amala was listening to Sam in a mesmerized way. Amala was slowly beginning to become a ‘Sam convert’.
Amala's love and bonding for her DIL that increased when Sam visited the village is now increased even more and more.
After Sam finished, Amala smiled and said she is so proud of Sam and
so much overwhelmed with the love Sam is giving her.
Amala said she is so happy for Chai said Sam is the best thing that happened in her life.
And, in the trance of the moment, Amala let her guard down and she let the cat out of the bag.
Amala blurted out that she got so worried when Chai called
and told about Samantha’s health and so glad she could come and help them out.
It was an OOPS moment and Amala bit her tongue.
“Oh Samantha… Chaitanya told me not to tell you he called me. He said you will be angry.
So stupid of me… I told all this too you… Pleaseee don’t be angry on Chaitanya…
He really loves you and was very worried about you…
So he asked me to come… don’t tell him I told you this… pleaseeee…”
Samantha was triumphant. She got from Amala what she wanted to get.
So easily. Almost without much effort.
Her suspicions were now CONFIRMED. Chutiya Chai has double crossed her.
Sam is careful not to let out any feelings or thoughts.
She assured Amala she will not bring this up with Chai and Amala became relaxed.
Inside Samantha’s mind:
"My dear Chutiya Chaitanya Ji! You sprung me a Surprise!
Now wait for your turn to be surprised! Just wait! Just wait!
I promise you it will be a surprise worth remembering forever!"
The DIL and MIL chatted and bonded for a couple of hours.
Amala is surprised how close they have come to each other in a matter of a day.
Finally, when it was time to leave, Sam convinced Amala to come home in the churidar.
Amala was now coming under the powerful spell of Samantha now.
As they returned late in the evening...
At the apartment garage, for a moment Karim Kaka thought Samantha came with someone else.
He is utterly shocked looking at Amala whom he knows ever since Amala got married
and came into the Bahadur’s family. Is it Bade Bahu Ji? Oh God!
She is wearing all these modern clothes. She looks totally different.
Oh Samantha Bahu is spoiling her.
Amala avoided Karim Kaka’s gaze while Samantha looked him into the eye taunting him.
Chai who is already concerned where Samantha took his Mom and so green with jealousy at Gautam
who seems to have got his wife back from Bitchy state, is waiting anxiously for them to return.
Chai was stunned into silence watching his transformed Mom, Amala
What is happening? What the heck is happening? Chai’s stressed mind is thinking.
A single day with my Slutty wife and my Mom is coming home in a totally transformed attire.
What will Samantha do next? Chai is wondering.
Samantha Springs a Surprise {season 11. 6, Time: Present}
Over the next few days, the MIL-DIL / Atha-Kodalu / Mamiyar -Marumagal / SasuMaa/Bahu pair
spent time with each other, bonded with each other and became even closer to each other.
Samantha has a genuine affection for Amala and vice versa.
Even after Amala unknowingly spilled the beans that Chai had told her to come,
Samantha played along and did not confront Chai.
Chai was not comfortable with his mom getting close to his wife.
Strangely he felt Samantha will not be a good influence on his mom.
He had seen how much Samantha is capable of when they both visited their village and stayed in Bahadur Mansion.
If Sam can impress and make Rao Bahadur fidaaaaaaa about her, whom can she not impress.
He also was not comfortable and was nervous about Samantha’s strange silence.
It looked like silence before a storm.
Every now and then Sam would look at him and give a mischievous smile.
Chai did not have a good feeling about this.
Chai felt like a college boy who did wrong and knows his teacher will soon punish him,
he was awaiting what Sam will bring on him soon.
For Chai, Sam seemed like a whip holding Vixen who would punish him soon
The SamDom FemDom punishment Chai is fearing will come soon {pic credits - Anushka0711}
{Well, Chai is not wrong here. His punishment is SOON coming}
Amala & Feminism
While for Amala, Sam continued being a sweet and dutiful DIL on one side and almost a feminist mentor on the other. Amala was slowly imbibing what Samantha was saying about standing up to Men and taking care of self and all the stuff. All her life she was taught to be subservient to men and to her in-laws and husband. She had followed those rules all her life and they had served her well. Now at the age of 46, Samantha was trying to make Amala a late convert to feminism. Well, just the essentials: being strong, being sensitive to self, enjoying life, pursing interests other than family and kitchen, etc. some of the things she was taught in the MIMS masters program.
Amala & Gym
Samantha takes Amala to the gym. Sam had secretly bought a pair of gym clothes for Amala. After a long persuasion and seeing no one around, Amala wore them. It was her first time wearing sleeveless. She felt exposed but in the rigor of the exercise, her clothes were her least concern. Samantha introduced Amala to cross training and doing a few weight exercises. Amala said weights are for me but Samantha corrected her saying it’s for everyone. Amala is excited about the equipment and different exercise and gets into the exercise mode.
Both DIL & MIL exercise for sometime - it is quite a sight
As Amala was trying out a few exercises Samantha taught her, Samantha clicked a few pics.
And sent the pics to Chai… Chai’s shock and anxiety increased...
“Chutiya Chai, how do you like the newer version of your Mamma?
Amala & night dress
At Samantha’s cajoling, Amala began to dress in night wear at the time of bed. She really liked how soft they were and how comfortable she felt wearing them. She couldn’t help but think what Vivek would say looking at her in these dresses. Rather, what Vivek would do looking at her in these dresses. Amala felt a little erotic thinking about Vivek. Her husband had lost interest in an active sex life. And to the extent she knew her husband, Vivek unlike his bother Chari, did not have an extra-marital relations or affairs. Maybe all these changes in her looks and her dress would stimulate him towards sex. Thinking all this made her erotic. She was smiling to herself and the really clever way in which her DIL, Samantha was making her change herself. Thus, with a moist pussy after many days, Amala slept in those comfy night dress.
erotic Amala thinking about hubby Vivek
Amala & singing
Amala learnt singing since the age of 4. At 6, she participated in her first Meera Bai Jayanti festival, which is a singing event on what is considered to be the Birthday of the medieval singer Meera Bai. Even after marriage, she continued practice singing in private. During religious festivals she would sing with the group but never sung solo. But there was one event she celebrated without fail. It was Meera Bai festival. On the full moon day of Meera Bai Jayanti, at the time of moon rise, Amala would adorn a self-made garland on Krishna’s idol, do a puja and sing Bhajans of Meera Bai. This event has a special place in her heart.
Amala told Samantha all about that event and told her to prepare the puja room for the event.
But surprisingly Samantha responded: “No Maa Ji, I don’t like all these rituals in the puja room.”
Amala is surprised as to why her usually obedient DIL is resisting to make preparations in puja room for Meera Bai Jayanti.
Samantha’s planning
Samantha realized it is the 40th anniversary ( Ruby jubilee) of her MIL celebrating Meera Bai Jayanti.
She wanted it to be special.
There is an event hall in the apartment that could seat 50 people.
She planned for a get together in the event hall to celebrate this festival.
She called Chanakya the courier boy {Readers, remember him?} who is so pleased to receive her call.
After a bit of chitchat, Samantha asks him to bring the best jasmine flowers possible for making garlands
and also lot of other flowers for decorating the event hall.
Chanakya says he will bring the flowers and decorate himself.
She invited all the apartment neighbors and her Mom and Dad too.
When in private with Chai, she confided her plans with him and told it was going to be a surprise.
The plan: ritual, Amala will sings bhajans, dinner.
Chai is on one side happy these arrangements are being made for his Mom
but on other side still trying to figure out why Samantha is doing all this.
Then she broke a bombshell…
Sam comes close to him, brings her face to his ear… and catching his crotch, whispers in his ear:
CHUTIYA CHAI, I not only have a surprise for your Mom on Meera Bai Jayanti,
but, I am planning an unforgettable surprise for you too on the exact same day…
Are you prepared? Is your cock prepared, my dear Pellam-broker hubby?
So saying, Sam squeezes Chai’s cock, looks into his eyes and gave a devilish grin.
She leaves the room leaving Chai dumbfounded.
At Chai’s office
Chai calls the catering guy who specialized in puja related food and gave him a food order for Meera Bai Jayanti night event.
Sitting in this chair, all Chai could think was Samantha and her ‘warning’ about giving him a ‘Surprise’.
Now more than ever, Chai desperately wanted to find out a solution for Sam’s slutty behavior.
He was dying to ask Gautam how Kajal’s transformation happened.
Chaitanya is breaking his head unable to understand Sam’s moves.
And now this Meera Bai Jayanti?
Then came a Eureka moment for Chai. Chai thought about it and decided to go ahead.
Chai called Gautam to his desk and started by chatting about work.
In some time…
Chai: Gautam. You know my Mom has come for a visit.
She is doing this ritual where she sings Meera Bai bhajans
Gautam: I did not know Aunty is a singer.
Chai: Yes she is. So we are have a small get together for this event tomorrow.
You and Kajal are invited.
Gautam was silent for a moment.
Chai was almost sure Gautam would come up with some excuse and say no.
But to his surprise…
Gautam: Sure, Chai. We both would love to come.
Tell me the time and place.
Chai is again surprised.
His plan was to invite them and if Kajal comes,
he can really see if all Gautam was saying was true or not.
His plan worked. He was going to see the ‘transformed Kajal’.