Chapter 01

Samverse: Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife

(Samantha & Chai Novel)

The Fictional Happenings in This Fictional Novel
Are All Happening in A Fictional Universe Call SAMVERSE
Which Is a Parallel Universe Very Similar To Ours.​


It Is a NON-LINEAR Plot, Going Front And Back in Time.
Having Read And Appreciated Many Stories And Loving Certain Themes, I Decided To Try One.
I Wish And Hope And Look Forward To Your Readership, Feedback, Criticism; And Off Course, If You Like The Story, Your Appreciations.


1. The Plot And Themes Are All Fantasies & Fiction - Any Attempts To Replicate in Real Life May Have Detrimental Consequences To Your Valuable Marital Relationship.
2. All Characters in This Story Are Above 18 Adults & All Are Fictional.
3. All Pics I Use Throughout This Thread Are from Internet.

"Sapadi madanAnalO dahati mama mAnasam"
"Now, my heart burns out of sexual desire!"
(12th Century Sanskrit Poem)

Poem For The Heroine of My Story

His Face of Shock,
Mine Full of Cock!
OMG! He Gasps!
The Shock Disintegrates,
Replaced by Resignation!
His Lips Crack Open,
And Then Shudder And Shut!
My Life Greatest Fantasy Come True!
My Lovers Cock, Slams Back,
Ramming Into My Mouth!
I Give a Nasty Smile!
My Hubby Is Now a Cuckold!

(Improvisation of An Online Poem)​

Samantha's Grades In Courses & Assignments of MIMS Program

{The MIMS program and all the more related details will be the content the content of Season 5}


MIMS 101 A
Wife Initiation B+
Hubby Initiation C-
Handling Men (Advanced Course) A+
Carrying Self A+


Assignment 1:
she got A- coz she took little help from Venky Mama,
although she Aced in her performance with Syed Ji

Assignment 2: she got A+ coz she wore kinky wear and entertained Maja Manohar & Watchman Rahim
in a really Sleazy manner with brilliant performance

Assignment 3: she got A+ for the flawless design and execution of the Saturday Night Party
& furthermore doing all what she did with a Virgin guy. Victory Venky is impressed

Assignment 4: what grade will she get?

Chaitanya & Samantha's Family:

(22 years) An angel on earth, most beautiful damsel, housewife

Chaitanya (Chai): (25 years) A chap from a privileged rich family, happy go-lucky guy, workaholic, friendless

Bahadur Family:

Grandpa - Rao Bahadur, Mom - Amala, Dad - Vivek

Karim Kaka - Rao Bahadur's most trusted loyalist,
their family is loyal to Bahadur family for generations

Chari Chacha, Charu Chachi, Jackin Jai

Other Characters:

Venky Mama
Maja Manohar
Syed Ji
Bhikari Baba
Sangi & Mangi
Maitreyi & Macushla

Gautam: Chai's colleague, he is the closest to a friend that Chai has

Kajal: Gautam's wife

Bhikari Baba

Chai's Office:

Kaama {Season 8.1, Time: Present}

Chai is lost in his thoughts!

Chai thoughts: “How did my life get so far? How many twists and turns and turbulences?” I am now living the life of a ____ . Yesterday when I came back from office she was right ____ on ____. She was not ____ . She was ____ . When I ____ , she coolly said ____ and boldly made ____ . ____ came right near me and gave me a tight hug ____ on my expensive office formals. ____ by my office tie and ____ . She grabbed ____ to perform my entitled job of ____ .”

[Folks, I deliberately left blanks in the above para. Will connect the dots as the plot progresses!]

Today is Saturday. Chai is walking on the walking track by a small lake located adjacent to his posh apartment. The lake with all the shrubs, trees and overgrowth around it is full of hiding spots. In fact, this lake is called lovers lake because it had a infamous reputation of being a convenient fucking place for youngsters, lovers, illicit couples and all sorts of people.
☁️ Lake View

☁️ Walking Track​

As he is walking, he is thinking. As he is thinking, he is walking. His mind is full of Samantha. His wife. Today, she wore a sexy blue saree and went shopping. She had told him she will msg him on where and when to pick her up.

Nearby the lovers lake, a little bit off the track, there is an area where there are about 10 huts. It is a small settlement. Many of the home maids and workers who work at his apartments live there… In one of the huts, there lives a begging sadhu, Bhikari Baba.
☁️ Bhikari Baba Hut​

Chai has seen Bhikari Baba multiple times. He is a calm person in his 40s with a mysterious smile. The smile of a person who does not have enough but is content. He is of medium height and medium build, with beard and dirty clothes… He is one of the smelliest person Chai came across. He smelled heavily of sweat and dirt and strange odor almost as if he is dipped into pheromones. He roams around in the settlement and near the walking track and sometimes outside the apartment. The apartments being one that is very expensive, exclusive villa kind, doesn’t tolerate outsiders and beggars near it. But for some reason the watchmen and guards let go of Bhikari Baba. He gives some herbal medicine and remedies to some folks who visit his hut. He sings random bhajans and verses from time to time.

Chai has sympathy for him. Whenever Chai walks on the walking track and happens to see Bhikari Baba and he gives some cash. Today Chai is too preoccupied in his marital world and its complexities and troubles. So he is walking and doesn’t notice Bhikari Baba. As he walked, Bhikari Baba came behind him and asks “How are you, Beta?” Chai turns back and sees him. “Baba, I didn’t notice you” And begins to take some cash out of pocket. “God bless you, Beta. You look worried! May god give you all the wealth of the world”

Chai just nods and as he turns to walks away, Bhikari Baba recites an enigmatic Sanskrit verse:
Kaamanam Kamini Kaama Patnicha

Pathi Kaama Santhustha Bhoginaam


Kaamanganam Anga Kaamapiditancha

Parapurushena Kaama Paripaalitham

Sadhu repeats it 3 times looking at Chai. Although, Chai is too engrossed in his world, he knows a little Sanskrit, notices the poem and feels a little odd. Bhikari Baba stares at Chai and leaves. Chai feels a little weird. He turns back and stares. “Maybe Bhikari Baba was saying a random verse and I am over imagining”, he thought. And he resumes his walk.

Just then Chai got a whatsapp msg from Samantha, “Pick me up from here in 1 hour”. She sent her location. It was an unfamiliar place, far away from their apartment and the place looked like a not-so-rich-area… no malls or any big stores in that area… Why did she go there? What is she shopping there? What is she upto now?

Sultriness on Steroids I {Season 8.2, Time: Present}

Chai is walking back to his apartment still thinking about Samantha and her actions.

Why is Samantha behaving more and more lasciviously? It’s as if she is in a trance. I did reconcile to ____ . For a couple of months I even went along. Truth be said ____ . But, this is water above the head. Her behavior is destroying our marriage. As much as I am trying, this is getting harder. What will become of my family, my reputed, well-connected, famed family if words gets out. We will all be put to shame. My Grandpa will kill me. My Mom will forsake me.

Where should I have stopped this? Those crazy &&&&&? Those visits by #####?
Those flowers? Those god-damned, ill-fated flowers?
Terrific Tulips,? Dazzling Daffodils? Jolly Jasmines? Lovely Lilacs? Iridiscent Iris?
Opulent Orchids? Red Roses?
My boss – demanding David?
My conniving cousin?

That terrible night I asked Samantha to ******* like Kajal?
What a suicidal mistake it was?
How can I ask my faithful, dutiful wife to *******
Is this all because of Gautam?
All of this is because of that ill fated tire puncture.

What a streak of bad lucks?

Chai head is hurting terribly.
He remembers the puzzling Sanskrit verse sung by Bhikari Baba.
Kaamanam Kamini Kaama Patnicha
Pathi Kaama Santhustha Bhoginaam
Kaamanganam Anga Kaamapiditancha
Parapurushena Kaama Paripaalitham​

English Translation:
When a beautiful wife’s sexual needs are met in the embrace of husband,
They blend together in the lust filled satisfaction!
However ,
When a sexy wife’s sexual desires are unmet,
She falls into the arms of strangers and lets them rule her!!​

Was it a coincidence that Bhikari Baba sang this Sanskrit poem looking at me?
What does he know? Does Bhikari Baba have any real powers?
His stare and gaze and intense look and enigmatic smile always unnerves me!
Ah bullshit! Bhikari Baba randomly sings bhajans and poems!
I am over thinking!
Sultriness on Steroids II {Season 8.3, Time: Present}

Chai goes back to his apartment and immediately took his car and left to the location Samantha sent her. It is a middle-class neighborhood with narrow streets. It was difficult for Chai to navigate as he is not used to driving in such clustered streets. He came an even narrower street with a dead end. The GPS said arrived at the very end of that dead end street where there was a medium size Kirana store. Chai parked his car and got down.

Is this where she is? What is she doing here? Chai checked Sam’s whatsapp location. Map showed the place to be exactly where he stood. He went inside. It was afternoon 2:30. The store was completely empty. No sign of Samantha. He gave her a call and the call went on for a full minute and no response. He was about to end the call when he realized Samantha’s ring tone from a distance. He looked outside and Samantha was nowhere to be seen. He then realized it was coming from inside the store. He looked inside and there was a door to what looked like a storage area. Why would Samantha be in the store room? Was it somebody else’s phone? He was walking towards the store room when a young girl in early 20's who looked like a Kirana store worker came from behind and stopped him.

“Sir, what do you need?” The girl looked shaky and nervous. Nothing, Chai said. “You are not supposed to go into that area”, she said, a little bit loudly. Now Chai could hear some muffled noises from the store room. Chai was puzzled. He stepped a little back and again called his wife. Now Samantha’s ring tone could be heard clearly from the store room – loud and clear. The store girl was dumbstruck too. After some rings, this time Samantha picks up, and asks impatiently, “What, Chai?”

“I came here in front of Syed Kirana Stores and waiting for you. Where are you?”, Chai said.

Just then Chai heard a voice behind Samantha grunting “Quickly bitch, put it back in your mouth!”

“Wait near the billing counter, I will come there soon”, Samantha said.

The utter realization of what was going on inside was too overwhelming for Chai.

Me, the great, grandson of Veera Bahadur Zamindar, me the grandson of Rao Bahadur,
am standing outside a wretched kirana store while my wife is giving a blowjob to some random person inside the store room.

Standing near the billing counter, the shocked Chai reminisced about his life and his family.
Next page: Chapter 02