Page 06
Mom gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll give you a nice big kiss later," she promised. She turned to leave.
She turned back to face me, half way to the door, wearing a quizzical expression.
"Why don't you save that kiss for tomorrow," I suggested in a lowered voice. "You guys should take sleeping pills tonight. It would make tomorrow less special if something happened tonight."
"Ok, dear. That's a good idea."
"You still have some don't you?" I couldn't keep the worry out of my voice.
Mom smiled, an especially pleased smile. "Don't worry. I have enough for one last heavy sleep."
Mom bounced out of the kitchen. I stayed, thinking about what had just happened and what I wanted to do most tonight, probably the last time I would get my mom.
She returned a minute later with Dad's empty plate and his glass which was half full. She seemed annoyed.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"Your father's being difficult. He doesn't want to take the pills. I won't get any rest tonight."
Shit. The thought of not getting Mom one last time was enough to make me want to shove the pill down Dad's throat. I looked at the pills Mom had thrown on the counter beside the empty plates and the half-full glass of ice tea.
"Marina," Dad's voice intruded in the tense kitchen air, "I wasn't finished my drink."
Mom looked at me. "Can you take it to him? I need to settle down."
I picked up the pills.
"No, don't say anything to him. You know how stubborn he is. He'll just get mad at you."
I smiled. "I won't," I said. I passed my hand over Dad's drink and dropped the pills. I looked at Mom as she watched the pills slowly spiral down, fizzing as they settled to the bottom of the glass.
"Babe. Can I have my drink back?" Dad yelled.
"Just a minute. I'll be right there," Mom called back. She opened the cutlery drawer and pulled out a spoon. The mischievous smile returned and she looked in my eyes as she began stirring Dad's ice tea. "I'll take it in to him," she said.
"Give him a kiss when you do," I suggested.
One corner of her mouth turned up higher than the other. She looked so cute with that bratty smile.
"I will," she said.
I couldn't help it. I leaned forward and kissed her crooked mouth. Just a short one but when I finished I slid my tongue across her lips.
"You still owe me a nice one," I reminded her.
"It's in the bank," Mom replied. "And an extra special one, for this," she nodded at the glass.
Mom walked away in a slower gait than usual, the sway of her hips more exaggerated than usual. I watched her ass as she walked into the living room holding Dad's drink in front of her. "Here it is sweetheart."
And here it comes, Mom. I was going to do everything tonight, a real marathon.
* * *
I crept down the dark hall listening intently. I hadn't heard a sound for the last ten minutes and was eager to get in and get started on Mom. My boner was incredibly hard. I stopped by my parents' door which was uncharacteristically closed. Not shut tight, but cracked open only an inch.
Ahhhhh, there it was, my father's wheezing breath. Relief swept through me and tension drained through my legs and out. But I couldn't hear Mom. Cautiously, I pushed the door and cringed when it creaked. I couldn't see but I daren't turn the light on until I knew Mom was sleeping. Had she taken her pills?
I walked stealthily to Mom's side of the bed and stood, craning my head to catch the faint sound of her breathing. Thank god. She was breathing long and deep, but quietly. I put my knee on the bed and eased my weight on, ready to bolt if I was wrong. Mom's breathing didn't change. I swung my other leg onto the bed. Shit. I forgot to go back and turn on the light. I was too eager to go back now. After the first fuck. Then back for more. I reached out in the darkness to find Mom's legs so I could straddle them and lift her hips. I needed to get my cock in her right away.
Something was different. She was on her back. I felt a thrill course through me. Great. I hadn't had her that way yet. I reached higher and felt for her tits. Yes. Awesome. I could suck her tits while I fucked her. I squeezed her nipples. They were already hard. Was she like Dad? Was she dreaming of what she was going to do tomorrow after such a long abstention? Well, at least as far as she knew, she had being going without.
I slid my hands down Mom's pouting belly. Shit, and shit again. She was wearing panties. Why? She'd always been naked before. Was she worried about Dad waking up? Whatever. Nothing was going to stop me tonight. I hooked my fingers under the waistband of the panties and slipped them, with some difficulty, down her legs and tossed them to the floor. Remember to put them back on, I made a mental note to myself.
I pushed Mom's legs open wide, slipped my hands under her knees and lifted her thighs up. My cock was already poking around, trying to find her entrance. There, my tip found her slit and my head slipped inside. So hot. I shoved, sliding my hands down her thighs to her hips so I could pull her up. I buried myself as deep in her as I could, then leaned forward and searched for her tits with my mouth. I filled my mouth with nipple and began to suck and fuck at the same time, squeezing her nipple against the roof of my mouth on the inward thrust, sucking on the way out. Through the gates of heaven again.
I was surprised but thrilled when Mom's legs curled around and locked behind my thighs with her heels digging into my buttocks. I loved the automaticity of her body. She felt alive, and tighter too. I lunged into her, wanting to reward at least her body even though she was sleeping. I was surprised again when Mom's arms curled around my neck, holding me tight, and thrilled when her pelvis started pushing up to meet me. And that's when the real shock came. Mom's mouth pressed against my ear.
"Stealing a little more than a kiss?" her harsh whisper speared into my head.
Legs clamped tighter, heels dug deeper, and arms closed like a vice around my neck; I was in a full-body grip.
"WHAT?" I cried.
A warm, wet tongue swirled around my ear, then dug inside. Mom's pussy squeezed tight and pulled hard. A throaty laugh enveloped my head.
"Did you really think I was asleep?"
"Mom? Uh..."
"Don't stop. Keep moving."
"Mom, I, uh...I..."
"I said don't stop. That's it, keep moving."
"Shhhhh, don't talk." Mom's pelvis lunged upward, matching the extra dig of her heels in my back as she pushed her cunt tightly over my cock. "Just fuck," she urged.
Mom's pussy was moving, doing things I'd never felt before; I couldn't have stayed still if I tried. Her arms loosened and she turned my head toward her, covered my mouth with hers, and slithered her warm tongue inside me. She moaned, galvanizing me into action.
My hands molded around her tits and my thumbs and fingers found her stiff nipples. I hunched my hips to increase the depth of each thrust, striving to convince her how eager I was to follow her instructions, to please her, like I did as a chid when she caught me doing something bad.
"Oh yeah. Like that, like that," Mom gasped.
My mind was in turmoil. How long had Mom known? She must have known for a while because she wasn't surprised. Clearly, she wanted more, and better, she seemed to love it. I clung tight. We writhed on the bed next to my sleeping father, straining hard to get closer and closer, striving to be one.
It was my turn to fill her mouth with tongue. It wasn't a long kiss, because soon after I started, I began spurting into her other mouth, the one chewing on my cock. Mom's hips started bucking even more wildly on the first gush and she didn't stop her frenetic tossing until I was fully drained.
We were still. Mom didn't even complain about my weight sagging on her sweaty body. When I could, I spoke.
"How long have you known?"
"Since the beginning."
Oh, jeez. "What about Dad?" What did I mean by that? I had no idea. It just popped out.
"He's forfeited his rights."
That degradation of Dad's status sent a thrilling zing through my exhausted body.
"I know he cheated on you, but I thought you'd forgiven him." Perhaps, feeling a little insecure, I needed additional assurance or maybe I just wanted to prolong my victory.
"I never said that. I said I'd take him back."
"I don't get it."
"In six months, he's proven that he wants to come home, so I'll let him, but its not going to be the same. He's get's it once a week, maybe, and no treats on special occasions."
"What if he strays?"
"Then he's done."
"Can you keep it up?"
"What do you mean?"
"Can you go without?"
"Eric!" Mom exclaimed. "Were you listening to us?"
I managed to sound guilty and sheepish in a single word. "Yes."
I was glad there wasn't enough light for Mom to see me blush.
"I can resist your father now."
"Are you sure?"
"I have you," Mom chuckled, wiggling her hips. "And I see your interest won't wane soon."
I groaned. Mom could do amazing things down there.
"Just so you know, it was hard for me. I realized I had let myself go so I worked hard to fix that. I wanted your father to look at me that same old way. Then I noticed other men looking at me a lot and I realized that hadn't happened for a long time. Even young men looked me over, and that made me feel good. My anger at your father came back, and I wasn't so concerned anymore about what he thought, and that surprised me."
Mom paused for breath.
"Then you came home and I knew you were looking at me differently. I could feel your eyes on me, eyes that were looking at the woman those other young men were seeing, and not your mother."
"Mom, I ..."
"Shhhhhhh. Let me finish. I liked it. It was a strange feeling, that first time on the way home from the airport. I didnt' expect it from you but I liked it and that scared me, but I couldn't help myself and I started showing off my legs. What could a little teasing hurt, especially if you liked it and it made me feel good. Things just got out of hand, that's all."
"I couldn't help it, Mom. You just looked so beautiful, so sexy. I felt like there was something wrong with me but I couldn't stop looking at you. I wanted you," I admitted.
"So we like each other and we've both found out that we have a similar nature, a weakness for the wild side. I couldn't believe what you did, and how much I loved it. That convinced me that your father still had a role to play in our family and that's when I made my decision to take him back. And now we've gone too far to go back."
I agreed.
"I don't want to go back," Mom said.
"Neither do I."
"So all the treats are for you now. Do you want one?" Mom moved her pussy which had been idle through our discussion.
"A treat? What kind of treat?" I asked.
"Well, you did that dirty thing from behind," Mom answered. "You know," she went on as an aside, "I've never done that before. Your father wanted to but I never let him."
"You'll have to turn over," I panted. Knowing Mom hadn't let Dad in her ass made me suddenly short of breath. She resisted my effort to turn her over.
"I was thinking of something different."
"You want to get on top of Dad first?" Did she like DP best?
Mom laughed. "Now, you really liked that, didn't you?"
Actually, I was happy the way things were going. We were moving together nicely now and this was enough of a treat. Mom, in live mode.
"Yeah. It was kind of wild."
"We can't do it that way anyhow."
"Oh. So you didn't like it."
"I didn't say that," Mom replied. "I meant we can't do it tonight. Actually, I like the feel of you in there. It shocked me, what you did, but using your father like that really got me off. I'd like to do it again."
"How about after this one?"
Mom laughed out loud. "You think you can do it all night?"
"Yes," I panted. I was gearing up fine now. "That was my plan for tonight."
"So you really did think it was over. I'll tell you what. I'll give you a different treat tonight. Like I said, we can't do that other one tonight anyway."
"Because I didn't give him any Viagra tonight."
"That's why he was hard?"
"Yes," Mom laughed hard, interrupted by little gasps as my cock made its point. "He isn't superman."
I didn't answer, concentrating instead on exploring Mom's cunt. By the way, that wasn't a dirty word to me anymore. In reference to my mom's, it was a magical word.
"But you're a bit of a superman," Mom gasped. That felt good and I tried even harder to make her gasp again but Mom succeeded first.
"You know that night when your father made a mess on my neck...and my face?"
"Yeah," I grunted, really getting into it now.
"And you cleaned me up?"
"Would you like to wash my face again?"
"Uh, sure." What was she asking. Did she want me to get Dad to do that again? How would that work if she hadn't given him Viagra?
"You better bring it up here when you're ready to finish and make a mess then."
That was an offer I couldn't refuse. Mom pushed my chest away from her and worked her legs in front, her ankles closing and hooking behind my neck.
"Lean forward and really hump me," she whispered. As I started, she added, "Remember to pull out and slide up."
Four minutes later, I sprayed all over Mom's face. I wouldn't have believed that would feel so hot but it was really thrilling. Strange. I got cloth and washed Mom's face very carefully but when I returned with a towel to dry her face, she was leaning over Dad.
"Last one tonight, honey. I have to get my beauty sleep if I'm going to make up with hubby tomorrow night."
* * *
I slept late the next morning. So did Mom. By mid-afternoon, Dad was in a very good mood. Somehow, he seemed to know that tonight he was being released from purgatory. Mom made a nice dinner and brought out a special bottle of wine, one that seemed to make Dad really happy. I think it was a signal Mom used when she wanted to 'get it'.
"Can you slip out to get another bottle of wine, dear? Eric is going out tonight."
Dad couldn't wait to get out the door. His evening was assured.
"I'm going out?" I asked Mom after Dad left.
"Yes, just for a little while. I want to get this over early."
"But Dad won't want it to be over early."
"He won't have a choice. He'll be sleeping."
"Yes. He'll have something extra in his wine. He can't do it more than once now anyway. He doesn't need a lot of time."
"What time should I come back?"
"As soon as you see the downstairs lights go out."
"Shouldn't I wait until later?"
"No. I want you to listen to us."
"Mom," I complained.
"Trust me," Mom said. "It will make you extra ready." As it turned out, she was quite right about that.
"Should I wait until you come?"
"Come?" Mom laughed.
"You know what I mean."
"No. You come to my room. We'll need your father if you want your dirty treat on his special night." Mom smiled at my reaction. "I'm going to put more than a sleeping pill in his wine."
"Did you put a sleeping pill in my hot chocolate once?" I was now suspicious about those times I fell asleep, ruining my plans, and waking up groggy.
"Mom," I pressed her, disbelieving.
"Not once. Several times."
The thought of Mom putting me out so she could use me made my cock harden in my summer shorts. Mom noticed.
"Did you put anything else in it?"
"No," Mom's smile morphed into a grin and she looked directly at my shorts. "You don't need it."
Mom turned and leaned over the counter, pulling her skirt up.
"I think I have a bruise, sweetie. Can you take a quick look, maybe poke it gently to see if it's sore?"
I advanced toward her, pushing my shorts down. My hard cock leaping out of my pants.
"You'll have to be quick. Your father will be home soon."
I fingered Mom's panties aside and pushed up into her already wet pussy.
"By the way," Mom panted, "I've never had my tubes tied."
God, she knew how to make me hard. I grabbed her tits and started lunging against her bum.
"That's it. Do it hard," she gasped. "Make me rosy."
After we finished, Mom reminded me to come back in when the lights went out.
"I'm going to have a shower," she said. "He should be asleep by the time I'm done my duty fuck. No, scratch that" she mused, "sympathy fuck."
After a thoughtful pause, Mom's eyes took on a wild glint and she added, "I don't think I'll have a shower right now. I want your spunk inside me when I take your father back. There, that's him in the driveway. Remember now, sneak back in to listen."
I don't know for certain what my Dad thought about his indiscretion but I'm sure he wished it never happened and that he had never hurt Mom even though, after a long six months, it was over and he was about to enjoy makeup sex. Dad might think things were getting back to normal, but he couldn't be more wrong. He may have understood they wouldn't be quite the way they were but in time they would get as close as they could be. In his mind, he had 'won her back' with hard work and dedication. They would be reconciled.
I thank God for his indiscretion because without it Mom wouldn't be accompanying me on a journey in the opposite direcction. I have learned never to spurn a woman, and if I ever do, to understand that her trust, once lost, can never be fully regained, nor can her true love. That's just the way it is. Things are not always what they seem to be.
I experienced my own form of makeup sex. You just wouldn't believe how hard Mom works to make me feel good after being with Dad, and how hard I try to prove to her that she has chosen the better man. Strange that my cheating father still plays a pivotal role in our family.