Update 04

Secret Lives Ch. 04

I arrive in time to see some of Neil's friends arriving. There weren't any really familiar faces; I doubt I had met any of them. I knew Neil had other friends but this really brought home to me that my brother and I just weren't as close as I had thought. I felt sad for him that he felt he had to keep this part of his life separate and a little pissed off with myself for not noticing.

I hopped out of the car and had a good look at these people turning up. They were all very well dressed and looked pretty fit. My guess was that they were friends from the gym. They were all talking animatedly amongst themselves and all seemed to know each other. Curiously there wasn't a single female among them. Never before had I felt like an outsider going into my brothers' house but I sure do now.

My phone goes off again, another message from Sarah.

"Look up."

I look up to where their bedroom overlooks the street. There is Sarah, completely topless, playing with her nipples. Anyone in the street could have seen her. If any of Neil's friends were to look up to see what I was looking at she would have had nowhere to hide. I admired her bravery as well as those gorgeous breasts. Her lovely pink nipples had gone a darker shade of red as she pinched and squeezed them. So glad I wore loose fitting shorts this time.

I made sure no one was watching as I readjusted myself then laughed at the irony. I looked back up and Sarah was waving me in. She turned around and briefly flipped up the back of her skirt showing me her bare ass again as she walked away. I head inside and am surprised at what I see. Neil is laughing amongst his friends. Not just a little laugh but a full on, happy, belly laugh. Everyone around him is laughing as well. You might be thinking "Big deal" but it actually is. I haven't seen him look this happy since we were kids. That's not to say he's morose and unhappy but just never this happy.

I walked over and said my hello's and was introduced all round. They all seemed to be a really nice bunch of blokes but I just couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider. I went out to the backyard and out of a lack of anything to do I began cleaning the grill and heating the hot plates.

"Ah someone who knows their way around a barbecue I see."

I turned to see a man my age, although much better groomed, standing behind me with an armful of meat and a canvas roll.

"Ah..... Hi."

I know, I'm just loaded with witty remarks right.

"I'm Max. I'd shake your hand but mine are kind of full at the moment."

"Oh shit. Sorry, here pop it on the bench. I'm Danny."

Once he had put everything down he gave me an appraising look which only made me a little uncomfortable, then stuck his hand out. He had a firm shake but didn't try to crush my hand; somebody who is self confident but not a dick. They seem to be a rare find these days.

"So what have you got here?"

I asked, pointing to the newly deposited armload.

"Got some eye fillet and my barbecue tools."

He flipped the canvas roll across the bench and every kitchen tool you can imagine, and some you possibly can't, unfurled.

"Holy shit! Are you a master chef or an assassin?"

"Ha! No just an enthusiastic amateur."

He began by sharpening a knife with a steel then began slicing sections of the steak that looked good enough to eat raw. He went and got some more goodies from the kitchen and while he was gone Sarah came outside. She was wearing a loose fitting pair of shorts and a bikini top. Speaking of looking good enough to eat raw.

"So are you going to be the barby boss tonight?"

"I was thinking about it but it seems I have been seriously outranked."

"Ah so Max did show up. I wasn't sure if he would be here."

Right on Cue Max wandered back out with another armload of food.

"Hey gorgeous, looks like it's going to be a good night."

"Hey Max. Was that gorgeous comment for me or Danny?"

"Always for you honey........ Although."

Now I was really feeling the weight of that appraising stare. Sarah started to laugh.

"Danny doesn't swing that way Max. He is Neil's brother and he is here to entertain me while you all have your boy talk. You know how easily I get bored. Besides, I need someone who will join me in the hot tub later who actually appreciates these."

She reached up and grabbed both boobs, squeezing them together to accentuate her cleavage.

"Oh there are plenty of boys in there who appreciate them honey; they just want to be the ones wearing them."

This guy was cracking me up. Sure he seemed to be the only openly gay man in a house full of men who were still firmly in the closet, but I found his open honesty and candour quite refreshing. Besides, who doesn't like a smart guy that can cook?

The first steak hit the grill and within seconds the smell had my stomach rumbling. Not long after there was a minor stampede as the smell wafted through the house. Not only could Max cook an incredible steak but his sauces, all home made of course, and his salads were amazing. The only thing more amazing was the speed in which they all disappeared.

The drinks were now flowing thick and fast and the music was playing. Everybody looked relaxed and happy. Smiles all round. I realized that although I barely knew anyone there I was still having a good time. Sarah rarely left my side which was good because although we were all having a good time I just couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider. Neil spoke to me a couple of times and gave me some nervous glances every now and then when someone was being overly flamboyant, but as the night wore on he became more relaxed.

People were breaking away into small groups and it had the feeling of winding down a bit. Sarah was obviously getting bored; it must have been a special kind of torture for an exhibitionist woman to be trapped in a party full of gay men. Neil must have picked up on the changing mood. He stood up tapping his glass with a knife.

"Alright, who's up for a game of poker?"

It was like some esoteric code word had been uttered. Everyone and I mean everyone except Sarah and I just disappeared inside. Neil ushered them all in the door then looked over to Sarah and I.

"You two want to play?"

Something in his face or the tone of his voice made it abundantly clear he would prefer it if we didn't. Sarah just sighed.

"You know I can't play poker for shit."

"I suck too, as you know. I'll keep Sarah company."

Neil didn't even bat an eye. He was too keen to get in there and play.

"Well that was weird."

"Yeah it's like he's trying less and less to hide it."

"What are you going to do?"

"Right now I'm grabbing some drinks and getting in the hot tub. Are you coming?"​
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