Chapter 01
For all of our lives, my sister and I were home-schooled by our mom.
We live in a rural area, just me, my mom, and my twin sister Julia. My name's Robert. Not Robert California, not Robert New York, just Robert.
Mom and Dad got divorced so long ago that I can't even remember when it happened, and Dad had gradually faded from our lives. Our parents had split their seemingly vast fortune, which left our mom with more than enough resources to spend the majority of her time being our teacher. She was really into it; she developed lesson plans, decorated the classroom for holidays, gave reading assignments, the whole shebang. She had even found a couple of those combination chair-desks, complete with the little metal basket under the chair.
It's not that there wasn't a public school system that we could have attended, but Mom had gone there when she had grown up, and she didn't want to send us there.
"I don't want you guys to go through what I went through at the schools around here. It's better that I just teach you here at home," was the general explanation. We never pressed Mom for more details, and since the public schools around here looked so run-down and depressing anyway, we felt like we understood.
I was lucky. Rather than go to the crappy schools in this little town, I got to spend my time in the very nice house I grew up in, with my two favorite people in the world: Mom and Julia.
Shortly after my sister and I turned eighteen in the middle of our final year of high school, Mom wanted to introduce a new topic of education.
"Shouldn't we have started learning about this stuff... a while ago?" I asked our teacher from my seated position in my desk. I glanced over at my sister and we exchanged a quick look: I know, right?
"Well," Mom began, "I waited until you two were grown for a few different reasons. One of them is because I wanted you guys to be able to take this stuff seriously. It's important, and I didn't want a couple of pubescent kids snickering about penises and vaginas or anything like that. You're adults now, so I expect that you can behave like adults during these lessons." She sounded serious, but there was an odd hint of playfulness dancing under her voice.
"Only technically adults," I replied.
"Yeah," Julia agreed, "I mean, I don't really feel like an adult."
"You never really do, sweetie," Mom told her.
"Well, maybe after today's lesson --- we will," I said, stretching my arms in front of myself and yawning through my sentence. It was only a few minutes after 9AM. Our mom, who used to joke that we should call her Ms. Mommy during school hours, actually ran a pretty tight home-schooling ship. She wasn't unfair, but she wasn't as easy as someone might hope their mom would be as a teacher.
"Oh, honey," Mom started, "It's not gonna be just a 'today' thing. There's a lot to cover. Where do you two wanna get started?"
My sister and I looked at each other unknowingly. Why was she asking us?
"Mom, uh," I started to say, still looking at my sister and slowly turning towards our mom, "Aren't you the teacher here? We don't really know anything."
"Like, at all," Julia added. I nodded in agreement.
My sister and I were raised without the Internet. We used it in school for learning and research, but Mom didn't let us spend time on the Internet outside of school the way we understand most kids do. Neither of us had a phone either.
As impossible and bizarre as this may sound, my sister and I knew virtually nothing about sex; all I really knew for sure was that it had something to do with the penis, and a vague understanding that the woman's vagina would also be involved. That last part was only a guess, though.
"Then in that case," Mom began, switching to full teacher mode, "Let's start from the beginning. Can anyone tell me the first thing that usually happens during sex?" Mom looked back and forth between my sister and myself.
"Uh... Arousal?" Julia asked slowly.
"That's right! When two people have sex, the first thing that starts that process is the feeling of arousal. It might be felt in one person before the other, but both people involved will feel aroused. Now, can any tell me what that might look like?"
My sister and I glanced at each other unsurely, then looked up at Mom for direction.
"Okay, okay. Let me ask this instead. And remember, we're all adults now, right?"
We nodded back to her, still seated in our all-in-one chair-desks.
Mom took a deep breath, then she clasped her hands together and asked, "Robert, does your penis ever get hard?" Oh, god. This was embarrassing It had gotten hard before. I wasn't sure why, but it definitely had.
"Yeah, sometimes in the morning when I wake up," I replied bashfully.
"Wait, it gets hard?!" My sister blurted out, as if she had just heard the most ridiculous thing in the world.
"Julia, please," Mom brushed Julia's question off and returned her focus to me.
"And does it get bigger when it's hard?" Mom asked plainly. I told her it did.
"Like how much bigger?" Julia interrupted again, raising one eyebrow.
"That's a little different for everyone," Mom explained. "Robert, how much bigger does yours get, since your sister wants to know?"
I sighed. This was still pretty awkward, but I reminded myself again that we were all adults. I explained to my sister: "Kind of a lot bigger. And it sticks up too. And it's harder to pee."
"It sticks up?" Julia asked, and Mom answered:
"That's right. That's why it's called an 'erection,' honey. It actually sticks up, like a tower. Did you know that when people build a tower, you could say they 'erected' it?"
"Huh. An erection," Julia said thoughtfully. "Why does it get bigger though?" she asked. We both looked up at Mom for answers.
"That's for another lesson, sweetheart. Right now we're focusing on the basics. Now, Robert, when your penis gets hard, does anything else happen?" Mom asked sort of clinically.
"Uh, it gets more sensitive, I guess," I said awkwardly.
"Have you ever tried touching it when it gets like that?" Mom asked.
Okay, adult time. Time to be a big adult at school and tell the truth. How could my sister and I ever learn if we weren't honest with our teacher and each other?
"Sometimes I do. It feels good to kinda, like... rub it and massage it," I answered, completely truthfully, feeling somewhat ridiculous.
"Does anything else happen? After you've rubbed it for a little while?" Mom asked.
I genuinely didn't know what she was referring to. I had only ever touched myself for a few seconds in the early morning before getting out of bed. Nothing had ever happened aside from that.
"I mean, I don't think so. But I've only ever done it for, like, 30 seconds or so. Then I get up and it goes back to normal eventually," I told my family truthfully.
Mom looked genuinely surprised. "So nothing's ever come out of it when it's hard like that?"
"Something comes out? What, like pee?" Julia interrupted again.
"No, honey, not like pee," Mom replied.
"Mom, do you mean if I keep rubbing it, something comes out?" I asked incredulously.
"That's right. And it feels really good when that happens, too."
"What does it feel like?" I asked. This may sound ridiculous, but I genuinely did not know.
"It's not something that can be explained. It kinda has to be felt," Mom explained.
Julia huffed and held her hands palms up, saying "I just can't believe it gets bigger and harder. I thought it was just, like... like a hose for peeing out of."
"Robert, would you mind showing your sister?"
I turned to Julia, who didn't look nearly as grossed out as I expected her to be. I turned back to Mom and said, "Mom, I don't actually know how to make it hard. It's just like that when I wake up sometimes."
"Oh," Mom said, then looked away for a moment, thinking. Her eyes lit up then and she looked back over at me. "Well, that's actually even better," she said optimistically. "We're learning about sex, right?" Mom's eyebrows went up questioningly as she looked between her two students. We nodded in agreement. "Okay. So let's learn about sex," Mom said with conviction, pulling a chair away from the wall and placing it about 8 feet in front of both desks, facing forward.
"All boys present, please step up to the front of the class!" Oh Jesus. That's me.
I stood up, gave my sister an awkward glance, and made my way up to the front of the class room. As I sat down in the chair Mom had provided, she stepped around me and settled herself into my desk.
"Robert, go ahead and take your penis out for the class," Mom instructed me.
"I--- should I, I mean, should I take off-" I stammered, and Mom interrupted me: "Yes, I think you should take your pants and underwear completely off."
I sighed, mentally preparing to expose myself to my mom and sister, who had not seen my penis since well before puberty.
I undid my jeans, unbuttoning first and then unzipping. I lifted my butt a couple of inches and pushed my pants and boxers down to my ankles, and left them there. The hard plastic of the chair was cold against my bare ass.
Mom and Julia were both focused on my penis, which was still completely soft. After a moment Mom sort of straightened up in her chair and said, "Why don't you play with it, get it hard for your sister to see?" but it seemed like Mom wanted to see as well.
"I guess I can try," I said, awkwardly flopping my penis forward and backward, left and right. "I've never actually tried to make it hard before," I explained honestly.
"That's okay," Mom encouraged me. "Just try to do whatever feels good. If it feels good, that usually makes it hard."
I tried, but after a minute or so with no progress I was ready to give up. Maybe if not for the awkwardness of this situation, I would have gotten hard. I really don't know. But at least it looked like my sister was enjoying the show; her eyes hadn't left my floppy penis from the moment I had taken my pants off. She didn't seem particularly disgusted.
"Julia, you'd like to see your brother's penis get hard, right?" Mom asked my sister, who continued staring dumbly at my groin but slowly nodded her head in agreement.
"Okay, good. I think you might need to help him out a little bit." Help me out? What the fuck was Mom talking about? How was Julia going to help get my dick hard?
But my sister didn't seem opposed. "Yeah. Okay. Sure," Julia said. Her eyes still didn't move.
"Okay," Mom began. "This might be easier in the living room, actually. Who's in the mood for a short field trip?"
Luckily, since our mom was also our teacher, we didn't even need permission slips.
I sat down in the center of the couch, as I had been instructed by my teacher. I resumed awkwardly playing with myself, and I thought I was starting to see a change.
"Julia, would you like to sit here next to me?" Mom asked my sister, motioning to the empty space next to her on the loveseat that was positioned in front of and to the right of the couch. Both the couch and the loveseat were facing the center of the room.
"Or," Mom continued, "If you'd like to get a closer look, you can sit down on the floor in front of your brother," she suggested.
Julia took the second option, plopping down onto the floor in front of me and settling into an Indian-style seated position. Her face was maybe three or four feet away from my penis. Her neck and back were held straight up so she could get the best possible view.
"Okay, now we can continue," Mom began. "It's time to learn about visual stimulation. Julia, honey, are you ready?" Mom asked her daughter.
"Uh-huh," Julia said dumbly, still looking at my flopping penis, which I continued to play around with.
"Okay. Take off your shirt so your brother can see your breasts," Mom told Julia, who gave me an apprehensive look.
"Seriously?" Julia asked.
"Honey, there's a good chance it'll help make your brother's penis get hard," Mom informed my sister. "And bigger too," she added.
"Oh!" Julia said excitedly. "In that case..." she added as she quickly pulled her shirt and undershirt off over her head, tossing them onto the couch to my right. "Ta-daaa!" she sang, still sitting on the floor in front of me, completely topless now.
Anytime someone sees my sister and me together, it's extremely obvious that we're closely related. We are nearly the exact same height, about 5 feet and eleven inches. We have the same straight brown hair, which Julia usually wore at about shoulder-length. She didn't have bangs; she had always thought they looked childish, even when she was a child.
Julia had a pretty enough face, though I had never really thought about whether or not I found her attractive before. Honestly, her face was just a feminine version of my own, so it had never occurred to me before. She is me, I am her, and we are us, and that's all I ever really thought of it. We're both pretty average in terms of weight. Not super skinny, but not even remotely overweight either. We're white, if that matters to you.
My sister's breasts, which I had only ever seen while covered with loose-fitting clothing before, were almost disproportionate in size to her body. Like I said, we're both of pretty average build and weight... but Julia's breasts were gigantic. Mom instructed her to sort of lean back to give me a better view, which Julia was happy to do.
Her massive breasts reached down to just a few inches above her belly button, but they were still perky, and her pale nipples pointed almost directly forward. Perhaps I shouldn't say "point," because at this time my sister's nipples were not hard, or pointy. But they did face forward. From the tops of her breasts down to her nipples, a sparse scoring of barely-perceivable stretchmarks ran, surely the result of her breasts growing too fast, probably years ago.
I did not realize it, but as I stared ahead at my sister's partially naked body, and as she did the same to me, my penis had quickly reached its zenith, or close to that.
"See?" Mom asked. "I knew visual stimulation would work! Julia, do you see how hard your brother's penis is?" she motioned to my penis with her hands.
"It got so much bigger..." Julia wondered out loud. "But is it really hard too?" she asked.
"Robert," Mom said to me, "Would you mind letting your sister touch it?"
I said I wouldn't mind, and I moved my hand away from myself so my sister could take over. I didn't say how excited I was that my twin sister was about to lay her warm hand on my penis. As her fingers gently wrapped around the base of my shaft, I hoped she couldn't feel through my blood flow how excited I truly was. My penis twitched and throbbed in her gentle grip.
"It's really hard. Like, really hard. It's crazy," Julia said.
"That must mean your brother likes what he sees!" Mom said enthusiastically.
"Really?" Julia looked up at me bashfully.
I shrugged. "I can't seem to look away, so... yeah, I think I do," I admitted.
My sister beamed at me. Then she looked over at Mom, and asked studiously, "Is it gross that I kinda wanna see what it tastes like?"
Mom looked taken aback for just a second, but quickly composed herself. "That's not gross, honey. That's completely natural. It probably won't taste like much though," she warned her daughter.
"I still wanna!" Julia whined. "Can I?" she looked back and forth between me and Mom.
"If it's okay with your brother, you can," Mom told her.
Julia looked up at me expectantly.
I shrugged, still trying to conceal how very excited I was becoming. "I guess," I said uncaringly, "if you really want to."
"I really want to," Julia confessed as she got up onto her knees and scooched closer to me.
"I'm so proud of you two," Mom told us. "I knew you'd be able to treat this material with respect, like adults. Julia, go ahead."
"Okay..." My sister held my penis from the base so that it was sticking straight up. She stuck her tongue out between otherwise closed lips as her face inched towards my penis. Just before she made contact, she twisted her head slightly, and then she quickly ran her slippery tongue up and down the underside of my penis several times, her face still turned at a slight angle, before disconnecting from me and returning to her cross-legged seated position.
"Robert, how did that feel?" Mom asked me.
Some obscure instinct urged me to lie, to say that it hadn't affected me at all, and that it was the same as if she had licked my finger. But this was school, and school was the place for honesty. I was just glad I could learn this stuff with my family; it must have been crazy for kids in public schools, learning this material with their classmates, some of whom they may not even be that close with.
"It actually felt really good," I replied honestly. "It's hard to explain it, though," I added.
"Would you like her to continue?" Mom asked. Julia started nodding while looking back and forth between me and Mom. I nodded, still hoping no one could tell how excited I was for her to resume.
Julia resumed licking up and down on the shaft of my penis. For whatever reason she avoided the tip - which was unfortunate, because I wanted to feel her tongue there.
"Be careful, your brother doesn't have much experience with this and his penis might, uhm... go off, prematurely."
"You mean like about how something comes out of it?" Julia asked.
"That's right," Mom replied.
"What does that even look like? It's really not like pee?" Julia asked, looking over at mom and still holding me upright in her hand.
"It's nothing like pee, sweetheart," Mom replied. "Here," she said, picking up her phone and appearing to do a quick search. "You can just see... here. This is kind of a crude way of doing this, but that's what it looks like."
Mom tossed her phone to me. I held it up in front of me, and Julia got up and sat down next to me on the couch so she could see as well.
The video was taken in portrait mode. It started with a woman smiling and looking into the camera. She was pulling her blonde hair out of her face and tilting her face upward. It looked like she was preparing for something.
"Mom, I think this is the wrong video," I said. "This is just a woman, but I thought..." at this moment in the video, a man's penis moved into view at the bottom of the frame. The man must have been the one filming. He appeared to be stroking his penis at a very fast rate.
"Just wait," Mom told us. "Like I said, it's a little crude, but it shows you what it looks like when a man, uhm... when a man has an orgasm."
In the video, the man seemed to inch closer to the woman's face. He continued to stroke himself. The woman seemed to be closing her eyes extra-tight.
"This guy's penis isn't as big as Robert's..." Julia observed nonchalantly.
"Not everyone has the same size-" Mom started to say, and then Julia interrupted her:
"Whoa! That's what comes out!?" Julia exclaimed.
In the video that was still playing on Mom's phone, the man's penis had begun to spurt out streaks of thick white fluid which mostly stayed where they landed. They pelted the woman's face, covering her cheeks and forehead. She opened her mouth and the man repositioned his penis so the next few spurts went in between her lips. When it appeared that he had no more fluid for her, she closed her mouth and swallowed, showing the camera her bare tongue to prove she had swallowed every drop of whatever had just come out of the man's penis. "I love your cum, baby," she said into the camera before the video ended.
"That's right, babe," Mom confirmed for her. "That happens every time two people have sex."
"Every time?" Julia's eyebrows went up. She had returned her attention to the video, which was now replaying.
"That's right, honey. Every time," Mom replied.
"Wow," Julia smiled widely as she continued to watch the video replay. By this point, the man's penis was raining down white fluid on the woman's face again. Looking closer at the video, she didn't seem particularly thrilled to be having this happen to her. She didn't seem nearly as thrilled as my twin sister did in that moment.
"Okay, let's continue, guys," Mom said, motioning to me to hand her phone back. I began to, but Julia placed her hand on my arm. The video was still playing for the second time, and it was right in the middle of the scene.
"Just... I wanna see..." Julia said absently, most of her brain power bent towards the video that played in my hand. It ended after a few more seconds, the woman swallowing what little had been deposited in her mouth. Julia released my arm and sat against the back cushions of the couch.
"I can't believe that happens every time," my sister said. She spoke awkwardly, seemingly stifling a big grin. She was still seated next to me, and she looked down at my penis longingly.
"Did you want to lick your brother's penis some more, Julia?" Mom asked. "I don't think he'd mind." I told them I wouldn't mind at all.
"And guys, just to be clear," Mom began to explain as Julia got back in position in front of me, "it doesn't have to happen like that every time. I mean, the man finishing over the woman's face like that."
Julia almost looked disappointed to hear that. She looked over at our teacher and asked, "But I thought that happened every time?" she said, almost like she was pouting. She was now on her knees in front of me, partially sitting on her feet.
"It does, but it doesn't always have to be done over the rig's face like that. It can be done in many ways."
"Like how?" Julia asked, grinning absently at my penis. She was casually stroking it up and down at the base while listening to Mom talk.
"Well, directly in the girl's mouth is one option," Mom explained. "Or, sometimes the man can wear something called a 'condom' over his penis, and that would catch the, uhm... semen, or as the woman in the video said, cum."
"Sooo, is it semen or cum?" Julia asked unsurely.
"It's both, honey. Scientifically, it's semen. But in the bedroom, it's okay to call it cum. That's just easier. Also, the word 'cum' can be used in multiple ways. For example, if someone was having an orgasm over your face, you could say that they were 'cumming on your face.' Does that make sense, baby?"
"Mmmm-HM!" Julia replied cheerfully. "My brother's gonna cum on my face," she giggled, looking up at me.
"Do you really want that, honey?" Mom asked. "It's just, some girls think that's gross. It's a little, uhm, invasive, I guess."
"It looked okay in the video. And it's not really gross since I'm just doing it with my brother."
She had a point - we shared everything, even popsicles. It's not like we were strangers or something.
"Well, all right," Mom chuckled. "Julia, did you know that you can actually put your brother's penis in your mouth? Some guys like that."
"You mean, like..." and Julia slyly looked over at Mom from the corner of her eye, "like sucking it?" she whispered.
"Yes, honey, exactly. Sucking on his penis," Mom confirmed.
"Should I... Can I really suck it?" Julia looked between me and our mother, seemingly asking us both for permission.
Mom shrugged. "I want you guys to be as hands-on with your education as you're comfortable with. So I'm going to let you two decide on that. But let me give you both a few facts first."
Mom turned around, and began writing a short list of bullet points on the whiteboard, which she had rolled out into the living room when we had initially embarked on our field trip.
1st - Oral sex feels good for the recipient.
Mom explained: "So, for the recipient - in this case your brother - it feels very, very good. Using your tongue on his penis felt pretty good, but this would be even better."
2nd - Oral sex is fun for both people
Mom explained: "At least, it always was for me. Sorry, I know that's not very scientific, but it's true. I honestly think you'd have fun, as weird as that might sound, Julia. If you didn't mind licking his penis, this is just a bit more involved."
"I really didn't mind," Julia shrugged.
3rd - Oral sex can result in orgasm
"Does that mean, like, he cums? Like in the video?" my sister asked.
"That's right, babe," Mom said, "just like in the video. He doesn't have to do it all over your face, of course,-"
"But he can, right?" Julia interrupted urgently. "He can?" she questioned again.
"Of... of course," Mom said, seeming once again taken aback at her daughter's eagerness. I was surprised too, and pleasantly. As guilty as it made me feel, the idea of cumming on my sister's face like in the video was extremely exciting to me.
"You could also keep his penis in your mouth and just let him finish there. It's less messy," Mom suggested.
"You mean I can drink it?" Julia asked unsurely.
"Course you can," Mom told her. "It's not bad for you. I never minded it, but a lot of girls say they don't like the taste. Did you wanna get started? I think your brother is ready." Mom grinned at me.
My beautiful twin sister got into position in front of me. She straightened up on her knees and scooted forward until she couldn't any more. I opened my legs for her. My penis continued to stick up at me, and I don't even know what my balls were doing.
My sister, still holding my penis at the base in her hand, bent my penis forward, facing her. It wasn't uncomfortable, but being pushed forward while being this hard put a certain kind of pressure on the base of my penis.
Julia began to gently kiss the head of my penis. She started directly over the urethra but moved around, kissing all over the head of my penis.
"Use your tongue more, sweetie," Mom coached her daughter, who began to slip her tongue out with each kiss. I couldn't even believe how good it felt, especially when she did it over my urethra. I could feel my sister's breasts rubbing gently against my thighs as she kissed my penis over and over.
"How is that, Robert?" Mom asked, trying to sound professional, not looking at me but at her daughter.
"It feels really good," I replied shakily, also watching Julia, whose lovely eyes were gently closed as she continued to make out with her brother's penis.
"Honey," Mom began, speaking to Julia, "Do you think you can sort of stroke his penis in your hand while you do that? Nice!" While Mom was speaking, Julia had adjusted her hand around the base of my shaft so she could gently massage up and down, which she did very slowly. Her arm which held me was rested over my thigh, with her elbow pointed away from us.
Finally, after what must have been several wonderful minutes of Julia making out with the head of my penis, she began to carefully work me into her mouth. She breathed through her nose as she slurped the head of my penis behind her lips. I felt her thirsty tongue lapping at the front of my penis, right over my urethra.
Outside of my conscious mind, my right hand searched for my sister's left hand, and I held it tight, but not in the same way as when we were children and we held hands to keep from being separated in crowds. "I love you," I said to her without thought.
Hrmmgn, she groaned an answer as she took me deeper into her lovely face, so strangely similar to my own. Now I could not feel her tongue on my tip, but lengthwise along my shaft, the tip of her tongue maybe at the halfway point, but she still pressed farther. Mom said nothing, but she did cross her legs and relax on the adjacent loveseat, cradling her chin in her left hand as she examined us closely. She had set her phone down on the coffee table in front of her. It was nothing unusual to have her full attention during lessons.
Once Julia had made it about three quarters of the way down my shaft, she began to slowly pull back, dragging her wet lips and tongue along my penis as she went. She came off of me with a sweet little kiss against the tip of my penis, and a single strand of moisture stretched from the tip to her lower lip.
Julia swallowed. "I think something came out." She swallowed again. She didn't seem too grossed out. "Did you cum?" she asked me. I told her I hadn't realized anything had even happened.
"You'll know when you cum, Robert, don't worry," Mom informed me. "Sometimes, Julia, when a man is very excited, some fluid can leak out of his penis before he orgasms. That's normal. The unofficial term for that is 'precum.' Did it bother you?"
Julia shook her head emphatically and looked over at me and then back at Mom, all while still shaking her head. "I mean, it wasn't gross or anything. And I think... I dunno, I'm kinda flattered that Robert's getting that excited over this? I mean from me doing this to him. It's kinda exciting for me too," she explained.
"That's great!" Mom exclaimed happily. "Robert, how about you?"
"I, uh, I'm definitely enjoying myself," I stammered.
"Oh, I was too busy to say this earlier," Julia said sweetly to me, "but I love you too." She smiled as she took me back in her mouth. Now she began to truly suck, and she continued for several minutes, until I began to feel something welling up inside me, and I knew something was going to happen, and I thought I knew what that was.
"I'm... I think I'm gonna..." I said, still watching my sister, who did not pause or slow down at all.
"Julia, if you don't mind a little more, I think you should let your brother cum in your mouth," Mom said, sounding just like what I assumed any school teacher would sound like when giving any basic instruction.
"Mmm-hmmm" Julia hummed as she worked, and it sounded like she would have said "Okay" if her mouth were not full of her brother's penis.
"Julia... Julia... I think..." I struggled to say, and then I began to ejaculate into my sister's mouth.
I know I've said this sort of thing before, but believe-it-or-not, this was the first time I had ever consciously ejaculated. I had a vague suspicion that it may have happened in my sleep once or twice before, but I had no way of being sure.
Julia sort of froze when I started cumming, holding most of the head of my penis in her mouth.
"Stroke his penis while he's cumming, Julia," Mom said. Julia obeyed, bringing her hand repeatedly from the base of my penis up to her lips, and then back again. Her eyes were gently closed. Was she really still enjoying herself?
"Robert, how does it feel?" Mom asked.
"It's... unbelievable..." I struggled to say.
"Julia, use your tongue. It's especially important to stimulate the penis when the man is ejaculating. Keep stroking it too," Mom instructed.
I felt my sister's tongue begin to caress the head of my penis in her mouth. It was still mildly convulsing, so I could only assume that a small amount of semen was still dripping into her mouth, and it must have been in direct contact with her slippery tongue. It felt wonderful and I wished she had been doing that the entire time I was orgasming.
After a few more seconds I was done, and I began to squirm from my sister's tongue on my sensitive penis.
"Julia, take it out of your mouth if he's finished cumming," Mom instructed Julia.
My sister slowly took me out of her mouth, keeping her lips closed tight as she did. Mom could be heard breathing in a sharp gasp when Julia swallowed in a single loud gulp.
"What, was I not supposed to swallow it?" Julia looked over at Mom with uncertainty.
"No, honey, no, that's fine," Mom said reassuringly. "I just thought you'd spit out out. Like I said, most girls don't like it."
Julia sort of shrugged. "It was fine, or I wouldn't have swallowed it. Most people really don't like that?" She seemed skeptical. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, moving her tongue around thoughtfully inside her mouth. She swallowed again. "It's kinda good," she finally admitted.
"This does make cleanup a bit easier," Mom conceded. "Otherwise it can sort of get everywhere."
"Like on my face?" Julia asked hopefully.
"Yes, but also everywhere else, too. Usually when a man cums on a woman's face, they miss at least once. Usually more than once."
"Oh." Julia said plainly. "In the video it didn't really look like that."
"I guess that wasn't a perfect example. I just pulled that one up to show you guys what semen looked like. I think if your brother did that over your face, it wouldn't be as clean as it was in the video. Your brother doesn't have that much, uhm... experience, with, uhm... masturbation," Mom explained awkwardly.
"Oh. Can we see another video then?" Julia asked, but Mom was already fiddling around on her phone. After a moment, she handed Julia the phone, where a video was already playing. Julia hopped back up on the couch, sat down next to me and held the phone up in front of us so we could both see.
This one was different from the first video, but very similar. How many videos like this existed?
It showed a woman kneeled down, but in this video, the camera shook violently.
"Almost ready?" The camera man could be heard asking. "Mmm-hmmm," the woman replied, her face upturned and her mouth closed tightly.
"Here we---go---" the man could be heard stammering as several shots of semen flew cleanly over the woman's head.
"Whoa!" Julia and I both exclaimed, as the next few spurts landed only partially over the woman's face, leaving the rest to fall to the floor and onto the couch behind them. The pale semen stood out clearly against the dark green fabric. What a mess.
"He's kinda getting it everywhere," I noted. Julia agreed.
"This guy's penis isn't as big as Robert's either. I can't believe how far his cum went, though." I wasn't sure why, but I was really proud to keep hearing from my sister about how my penis was bigger than the ones we were seeing in the educational material our mom was finding for us.
"Most men's penises aren't as big as your brother's," Mom explained, glancing over at my penis, her eyes lingering for a few seconds longer than necessary. It had mostly lost its hardness by this point, but it was still larger than normal.
"My brother's a freak of nature," Julia teased, reaching over to play with my softening penis, flopping it forward and backward and left and right. "I liked it better when it was hard."
Mom busted out laughing at that one. "Most women do, sweetheart," she explained.
"I still don't even understand. Like, why does it have to get hard. Why does it get bigger. I mean, technically, it would have been easier to suck it if it stayed soft." Julia asked.
"How about we learn about that tomorrow, or maybe the next day? Depending on how much material we have time to cover tomorrow."
"You mean we're done for today?" Julia whined.
Mom looked at her watch. "Yeah, that's first period. Time to get dressed and get back to the classroom guys," she said, almost with a sigh, as if she too was disappointed to be returning to the mundane task of regular school.
Me, I didn't mind. For some strange reason, I felt completely satisfied. It was a feeling I was looking forward to getting used to, at least as long as sex ed was in session.
The rest of the school day was normal, uneventful. Well, I shouldn't say uneventful, we learned some more about the Sino-Japanese war which was interesting.
Before we carried on with the rest of the school day, though, Mom had some homework to assign for sex ed.
"Just to make things cleaner and easier as we continue with your sexual education, I'd like the two of you to trim the hair around your pubic regions. I, uh..." she glanced at my crotch once more, but by this time I was fully clothed again. "I just hadn't realized how hairy you guys had become over the years..."
Julia admitted that she was pretty fuzzy too, and I wondered how she looked completely naked. Was her vagina as hairy as my penis was? Why was that exciting me? And why was the idea of her vagina being hairless exciting me even more? What was going on here?
Mom gave us specific instructions to use the hair clippers with the "Number 1" guard on them, the shortest one. "Be careful, but with the guard it should be pretty safe," she told us.
I did mine before hopping in the shower that evening. It was surprisingly easy, and my penis looked noticeably bigger afterwards. I had a feeling my sister would feel the same way once she saw it, which I assumed would be tomorrow.
Before Julia showered, I heard her trimming away in the bathroom as well.