Chapter 03
My sister and I were both very eager for school to start the next day.
"Do you think Mom's alarm went off?" Julia asked unsurely, kicking her feet at the ankles.
We were sitting on the couch in the living room, starting school in the living room per our teacher's instructions from the previous day. And naturally, since we're siblings and all, we were sitting close enough that our thighs and knees were touching. I casually observed my sister's outfit: jean shorts and a shirt that was, as usual, loose enough so as to not give away the true size of her surprisingly large breasts. It was about 8:55 in the morning. We weren't usually early for class, but lately...
"I guess I'll go check if we don't hear anything in the next few minutes," I said as I laid back on the couch. We were downstairs, with Mom's bedroom almost directly above us. We would be able to hear any movement from above us. So far, there had been nothing.
My sister stayed seated, hunched over and looking impatient to get started with the day's lessons. I reached up and scratched her back, my fingernails gently running up the sides of her spine, just the way she liked it. She shuddered, arched her back forward and pulled up her shirt to expose her bare back, a years-old sign to keep going. I did. She let out a sound of satisfaction that was almost too faint to hear.
By the way, this sort of contact wasn't unusual for me and my sister at all. I mentioned that we were twins, right? We scratch each other's backs all the time. And since we're almost genetically identical, we know exactly what feels best for each other.
As I scratched, I observed some of my sister's side boob, the nipple not visible due to the angle. I had never realized, until recently, how beautiful my sister's body was. It was hard to describe how I felt when I thought about or looked at her now. But as I observed that side boob, there was an obvious change in my groinular region. A growing change. Mysterious and wonderful.
"I hope we hear something soon," Julia said. Just then, we heard some movement from upstairs and soon after the sound of the upstairs shower rattled in the wall.
"Thank GAWD," Julia said, rolling her eyes impatiently.
"Sorry, class, sorry I'm laaate," Mom sang as she entered the room, fully decked out in one of her favorite teacher outfits: a nicely fitting teal pants suit. It didn't show any cleavage: our mother was always professional during school hours. She was carrying two large fluffy towels from her bathroom, and she set them down on the large chest of drawers in front of the living room TV.
I was still leaned back on the couch, scratching my sister's back with her shirt partially pulled up. When Mom, our teacher, entered the room, we sat up straight and Julia let her shirt fall back down. School was in session now, and we would follow our teacher's lead for the rest of the day.
Mom clasped her hands in front of her with a light slap of her palms. "Okay! I thought for today, maybe you two might want to decide how we get started? Julia, any ideas?" Mom suggested to my sister.
Julia thought for a moment. "I wanna make Robert cum again," she said confidently, looking over at me with a little smile. I think I grinned back at her.
"Okay. Okay, that's good," Mom said. She looked around thoughtfully for just a moment. "But actually, it would be best for your brother to make you cum first. Do you know why?" We both shook our heads, but I thought I had an idea. It turned out I was basically right:
"Well, guys, when a man has an orgasm, he kind of... well, he 'finishes' in a way. His penis might not get hard again right after, and he'll also become less interested in sex, just temporarily." She paused for a moment. "This is less of a problem for young people," she added. "But regardless, it's generally best for the man to orgasm last. It's usually the last thing that happens during sex," Mom explained clinically.
"Oh! That makes sense," Julia agreed. "Sooo...?" she began to very slowly unbutton her pants, looking back and forth between me and Mom.
"Julia, let's have your brother undress you. It's good practice. Stand up, honey," Mom instructed.
My sister stood up and faced me. She lifted her shirt and began to slowly and rhythmically gyrate her hips in a circular motion. The movement was so slow and so slight that I do not think she was doing it consciously. She was lightly humming a cute little "waiting" song - I do not think she was doing that consciously either.
I sat up and began fumbling at the metallic button of my sister's pants. Her skin was so very soft on the backs of my fingers and hands. I had never unbuttoned anyone's pants but my own, so it took a moment, but I got it done. Then I unzipped. A moment later I had my sister's pants and underwear around her ankles, and I helped her step out of them.
Julia still held her shirt up. I gazed ahead at my sister's vagina, still nearly bare from the trim job she had done before. She stepped closer to me. I breathed in deeply through my nose. She smelled so wonderful. I was fully entranced and well on my way to being Stone Cold Steve Austin (I'm talking about my penis, people!).
"Her shirt, too," Mom reminded me.
Now I stood up too. I took my sister's shirt by the hem. She held her arms up, and I pulled her shirt up and over her head, tossing it to the couch behind me. She stood in front of me, completely naked, smiling so wide that her eyes were almost shut.
I had never kissed anyone before, at least not in the way that I kissed Julia then. I didn't think about what I was doing, and I wasn't even aware that it was happening until after.
I know it seems really weird, getting my first blowjob and going down on a girl before even getting my first kiss, but that's just the way it went down for me.
Even though we didn't kiss for very long, and we didn't use our tongues, somehow our first kiss felt even more strange and wonderful than anything we had done in the previous two days of sex ed. We must have disconnected and reconnected our lips to each other's a dozen or more times before Mom interrupted:
"Julia, would you like to undress your brother now?" Mom asked while we were still making out.
Our lips disconnected after a final kiss. I slowly opened my eyes and looked into my sister's perfect face. She looked deeply into my eyes and nodded slowly in reply to our teacher.
Julia's hands reached for the hem of my shirt. I lifted my arms as she pulled it over my head and tossed it to the floor. I kissed her again once I was shirtless. She kissed me back and didn't stop.
"His pants, too..." Mom reminded my sister. She sighed, dropped to her knees and began fumbling at the button of my pants.
I was quite erect by this point. Once my sister pulled the waistband of my pants far enough down to release my penis, it shot back up and almost hit her on the nose.
"Whoa!" Julia exclaimed. "It's already hard!"
"I don't think it's quite all the way hard yet, honey," Mom said, stepping closer to us and looking curiously and closely at my penis. She was right; it was probably at about the three-quarters mark right then.
"Why's it so hard already?" Julia asked us both. "It's just, on the first day, it took a while? Right?" she said unsurely.
"I think it's because..." I trailed off, trying to come up with the right words. "I think it's because now I kinda know what to expect. So, I mean, just thinking about, uhm..." I trailed off again.
"Thinking about what, honey? About what we did in class the last couple of days?" Mom's eyebrows went up inquisitively.
"Yeah, I think so, yeah," I replied awkwardly.
"So... you really liked it when I sucked it?" Julia asked unsurely, almost like she was embarrassed
Hearing her say that got me the rest of the way there. My penis stiffened fully uprightly.
Mom noticed and spoke before I could: "That means yes, honey," she told Julia.
"Can I suck it again?" Julia looked up at me first, then turned around and looked up at Mom.
"Not right now, honey. Your brother needs to make you cum first, remember? Then it's time for us to learn something new."
Something new? Was this going to get even better? That didn't even seem possible.
Mom grabbed one of the towels from in front of the TV and handed it to Julia.
Julia stepped around me and daintily laid the towel down on the couch in front of her so that it draped over the front of the cushions. Then she turned around and sat down, careful to sit directly in the center of the towel. She settled into position, her massive breasts heaving as she did.
My sister was not shy. As I settled into position on my knees in front of her, she opened her legs so wide that her legs were bent with her knees up by her breasts, rubbing against her pink nipples. Her asshole was completely visible. I'm not sure if she was aware of that. I suspected that she was, because her asshole and the area around it appeared to be shaved as bare as her vagina was.
For a brief moment I wondered what it would feel like to actually insert my penis into her ass, inch by inch, until it was fully submerged. I wondered how warm and tight she might feel. And then I pushed the disgusting thought from my mind, and felt guilty for ever even thinking of it in the first place.
Julia's vagina, even with her legs open wide like this, still appeared as mostly just a slit in between her outer labia, but there was maybe a quarter-inch of visible pink vulva and clitoris in between. Selfishly, with no thought for how it might feel for my sister, I dragged my thirsty tongue from the bottom of her vagina to the top. I flattened my tongue against her. I wanted to feel as much of her texture, and taste as much of her fluids, as was humanly possible.
Julia did not seem to mind. I continued to lick her and she began to breathe faster. Soon I felt her fingertips caressing the top of my head. That's a good sign, right?
Mom came over and sat down on the couch to Julia's right, I assumed so that she could get a better view of how I was doing things.
"Julia, how's he doing?" Mom asked my sister, leaning over and watching me. At least that's what it sounded and felt like; my eyes were closed while I made out with my sister's perfect crotch.
"It's... so... good..." Julia groaned. At this point I remembered my lessons from the day before, and began to focus on Julia's clit, running my tongue in circles around it and occasionally lightly going directly over it with my tongue.
"Great, Robert! I was just about to tell you to start doing that," Mom congratulated me on my technique. I was not able to respond to her. For some reason my right hand slithered up my sister's body and began to fondle her left breast. Then my greedy fingers focused on her nipple. I felt it grow hard. I moved my thumb over it again and again as I carried on licking my sister.
"Uhm... Guys..." Julia said, her body beginning to tense up. I continued. I started to taste more salt in the fluid that was coming out of her now. I dragged my tongue up her entire vagina once quickly just for the taste, then returned to her clit.
"Hunghh... Robert..." Julia could hardly speak now. Her body tensed up further, and she rapidly became much wetter until finally a jet of hot water shot out from her. She grunted loudly at the exact same moment.
I tried to catch as much of it in my mouth as I could, but at least half of it just splashed over my chin and upper lip. I would have liked to swallow every last drop, but at least I caught more of it than I did the day before.
I swallowed and looked up at my sister. She was panting. I lightly kissed and licked her some more, but only on her outer labia. I had learned that her vagina might be very sensitive after she orgasms.
"Are you guys ready for the next lesson?" Mom asked casually from her seat next to Julia on the couch. I looked up at our teacher and nodded, moisture dripping down my cheeks. Julia groaned, "I'm ready..."
"Okay," Mom began. "I think you guys are gonna love this next part." Her lips were pushed together in an excited little closed-mouthed smile. She kept looking back and forth between my sister and me.
"Did you guys know that the man's penis can actually go inside the woman's vagina?" Mom finally said.
Holy shit. What would that feel like? I wondered if there was any possibility that it could feel even better than when Julia sucked it, but that thought didn't stay in my head for long because it seemed impossible.
Before I could say anything, Julia busted out laughing:
"Have you seen Robert's penis, Mom?" she giggled. "It's not fitting inside me. No way. Not possible." Julia reached down with both hands and held her outer labia apart. Just a few inches from my face, her delicious vulva and clitoris were fully exposed and still dripping wet. I kind of agreed with her: her vagina seemed very small.
"Honey," Mom replied, "it's completely possible. Your brother's penis isn't that much bigger than you father's, and we did it all the time. All the time."
My sister and I exchanged a brief glance: ew, gross.
"Okay, okay..." Julia acquiesced. "Should we do it?" she asked me seriously.
"Normally I would say to make sure your sister is nice and wet first, but it looks like that's already taken care of," Mom remarked as I got up on my knees and as Julia carefully scooched her butt closer to the edge of the couch. I was still fully erect, and my penis was just a few inches from my sister's perfect vagina. Her legs were still open wide with her knees up by her breasts.
"Start by rubbing your penis up and down her vagina," Mom instructed me.
I pressed myself into my sister's outer labia and the head of my penis partially disappeared in between. Julia sort of jolted at first, then relaxed again.
I pushed myself up and down, rubbing the tip of my penis against my sister's inner labia and clitoris. The warmth and slippery texture felt incredible. But was this really what Mom meant about the penis going inside the vagina? It was pretty cool, and it felt good, but everything in me wanted to go deeper. Much deeper.
"Is that nice, Julia?" Mom asked my sister.
"Uh-huh..." Julia confirmed. Her neck was bent forward and she was watching the action as closely as she could. I could see how her outer labia moved to make way as I rubbed myself up and down in between, but I was not sure if Julia could see this from her angle.
"Do you want more?" Mom asked my sister.
"Uhhhhhh..." Julia trailed off as I continued rubbing our genitals together.
"Honey?" Mom prompted her.
Julia sighed. "I dunno. I just don't see how... Can he try it with you first? So I can see?" She asked.
I looked over at Mom, whose eyes had widened in surprise. "I didn't, uhm, well, I guess I hadn't considered that," she sputtered. "Robert, does that sound okay with you?"
I swallowed. It sounded great to me.
"Sure, I guess," I said, trying to hide my excitement.
"Okay, good. I'm gonna need you to get my vagina nice and wet first," she explained as she unbuttoned, unzipped, and pulled her pants down along with her underwear. She kicked them to the side.
"Also, the towel," Mom said. I stood up, walked over and grabbed the towel. I handed it to her and she quickly placed it under her bare ass.
Mom opened her legs in the same way Julia had done, with her legs way up and her knees up near her breasts: now they were both spread open in front of me, my sister completely naked, Mom still wearing her shirt. I suppose this was more of a demonstration really, so there was no need for Mom to get completely naked, but somehow I was a little disappointed not to see her totally naked. Oh well... time for education.
"Now, Robert" Mom began as I got into position to begin licking her, "You don't need to worry about making me cum, so don't worry about licking the upper part,my clitoris. Just get the lower part nice and wet. That's where the penis goes in." Reaching down with her right hand, she held her vagina open at the bottom. Was that the opening? It didn't look like my penis would actually fit in there, but I trusted my teacher that it would.
I licked my mother several times, only paying attention to the lower part of her vagina which she still held open. She tasted pretty much exactly the same as Julia. I had only licked her two or three times when she stopped me.
"Okay, baby, are you ready?" she asked me. I looked up at her and nodded, then got up on my knees. Like Julia had done before, Mom adjusted her butt so her vagina was right at the edge of the couch. And, like Julia before, I could clearly see her asshole below her vagina.
"Closer, honey," Mom instructed me. I inched closer on my knees. My penis hovered directly over my mom's vagina. Julia sat up so she could closely watch the ingress.
Mom reached forward, took my penis and angled it down. I inched forward a little more and the tip of my penis slipped in between my mom's outer labia, near the bottom. If it were to slip and go downwards, it would slide over Mom's asshole. What if it went in? What would that feel like? Again I pushed the thought from my mind.
"Okay. Keep it there. Come closer," Mom told me.
My knees were already pressed against the front of the couch. I could not physically move closer to her with any part of my body except my pelvis. I pushed forward, and the head of my penis finally popped inside of my mother's vagina.
"There we go!" Mom exclaimed. "Julia, can you see?"
"Uh, yeah, I think so," Julia replied. She was sitting on the edge of the couch, turned towards Mom, her head craned down and closely watching the educational demonstration that was unfolding in front of her.
"Okay, okay, okay... Robert, let's go deeper," Mom told me. I slowly pushed the next inch or two into my mother's warm vagina. Not to brag, but I have about 8 inches of wiener on a good day. Mom whimpered faintly as I pushed deeper.
"So it really fits, huh..." Julia said in amazement as she watched my shaft disappear inside our mother.
"Of course, baby," Mom said as she slowly exhaled. "Robert? More, please?" she prompted me.
I inched forward, sliding the next inch or two of myself into my mother. At this point I much have been about two thirds of the way fully submerged. And I was sure now: as impossible as it seemed, Mom's vagina felt even better than Julia's mouth. A lot better. Warmer, tighter, more slippery, grasping me evenly across my entire hog.
"It's so good..." I said dreamily.
"I... I think I'm ready to try now," Julia said.
"Okay, just a minute, Julia. Robert?" Mom prompted me again. Without a word I inched closer still, and now I was fully submerged inside of her.
Mom was breathing heavily now. Without any further instruction, my body began to move on its own, slowly exiting and re-entering my mother's vagina. The sensation was unbelievable now.
"Fuck me, baby... you can fuck me harder... Robert, you can go faster if you want," Mom told me, but I was already gradually increasing the pace. I only ever got about halfway out before pushing back in. I didn't want to risk falling out and having any difficulty getting back in. Of course, now I know that wouldn't have been a problem, but at the time I was much more uncertain.
"I'm really ready now," Julia pouted, still closely watching the action.
"Just... I'm almost... Robert, can you stay still for a minute?" I told her I would try.
As I struggled to stay still for my mom, she got her pelvis into a position that sort of pressed the top of my penis hard against the ceiling of her vagina. She began gyrating her pelvis slowly, and quickly worked up to a much faster pace. As she went, the sounds and sensation became gradually wetter. I stayed as still as I could, Mom doing all the work.
"I really wanna try..." Julia pouted again.
Mom grunted loudly and in the same moment she tightened up to the point that my penis was forced out of her. As it bounced into its upright position, a hot jet of water came out of my mom, splashing against my dick and balls, and also against my groin and torso, partially splashing back onto my mom.
"Good job, honey," Mom said, leaning back on the couch and panting a little. "You made a woman cum your very first time!"
"Can it be MY first time now? Please?" Julia pouted yet again.
"Robert, why don't you attend to your sister? Go in slowly, gradually."
"Yeahhh!" Julia hissed with excitement. As I scooted over to my right, Julia got back into the same position as before, her vagina and asshole spread open at the edge of the couch, with her knees up by her breasts. Again I saw her asshole and wondered...
"Any day now..." Julia grinned up at me.
I scooted forward and pushed my penis down until the head made contact with her clitoris. I rubbed it up and down. She was still wet enough that I slid around effortlessly. I was sure I would be able to slide right in effortlessly, too.
"Remember... slow..." Mom reminded me. She was now relaxed against the back of the couch, but she was still diligently observing her students activity.
My sister's eyes instantly went wide when the head of my penis entered her body.
"Robert, stay there until your sister gives the okay. This is probably a little more intense for her than it is for you. At least right now." I obeyed, which took every ounce of discipline I had.
"I'm ready, I'm ready," Julia said. Her smile widened and her mouth opened slowly as I slowly entered her. I watched her closely for signs of discomfort - but there were none, so I kept going, and soon I was fully submerged. She felt just like Mom did: perfect. Everything about this felt right.
"See, honey? I told you it fits!" Mom exclaimed proudly.
"It's... it's..." Julia could hardly speak.
"It's good, right?" Mom asked.
"It's.... it feels so big..." Julia whimpered. I began to slowly pull myself out of her.
"That's because it is, honey. Your brother..." and Mom looked closely at my penis, which was now mostly outside of my sister.
"Well, he has an extremely large penis. It's okay, Robert, it's not too big, don't worry," she reassured me. Jeez, what a relief.
I began to push back into my sister. "Mmmmmm..." she moaned in a high pitch as I re-entered her. Our bodies made a wet sound as we came closer together. Soon I was fully submerged again.
"It's big, but..." Julia started, "but it feels really good..."
"See, it's not too big, is it?" Mom asked.
"Nooo-auughmmm..." she said as I quickly exited, pulling myself out about halfway, and then pushed back in faster than before. The sensation was wonderful for me - but it seemed so intense for Julia that she could hardly speak.
"Can... can you... can you do it faster?" Julia asked in ragged breaths, looking up at me with wide and slightly red eyes. I looked over at mom with my eyebrows up. She nodded. It was time to engage. Full throttle, pedal to the metal, etc.
I grasped my sister by her thighs, which were still held up for maximum penetration. I began to slowly increase the pace, watching my sister's face for any signs of duress. Luckily there were none; she smiled and panted harder while looking up into my eyes. She almost looked thankful for what I was doing to her. I suspect that I looked the same way.
"Very good, Robert!" Mom encouraged me. "It's nice when the man holds onto the woman during sex. It always makes the woman feel secure, like the man is in control," she said, and Julia giggled in agreement as I continued to up the pace. Now we were going fast enough that our shaved pubic areas made a wet slapping noise each time I went all the way inside. Each time we connected, the sound was louder: I could not resist the urge to fuck my sister faster and faster.
"Julia, honey, you're still okay, right?" Mom asked, sounding a little concerned.
"Nn-hnnn," Julia groaned an affirmative while being fucked harder and harder by her brother.
"Robert, when you're ready to cum, you need to take it out. I'm sorry, but you can't finish inside your sister." What the fuck? Why the fuck not!?
"But... but I really wanted him to..." Julia managed to say between moans. "Yeah..." I agreed, not slowing down, and still watching the action closely. It was crazy to see my penis just keep... disappearing inside of another person like this. It would have been even freakier with a stranger. Hell, even one of our cousins would seem a little distant to be doing something this personal with.
I was so grateful that I had my twin sister to do sex ed with. Oh, and my mom, too.
"Well, I guess I just had an idea," Mom said thoughtfully. Since I could see some movement to my left, I looked away from my sister's vagina: Mom was getting back up into her previous spread-wide-open position.
"If you want, Robert, when you're ready, you can switch over and finish with me. I won't get pregnant if you cum inside me, but your sister will." Wow. There it was. The secret to it all. I had understood long ago that the story about The Stork couldn't be true, but I didn't know the actual truth, either.
Julia's attitude completely changed. "Don't cum inside me," she said, looking up at me seriously, her body convulsing from the movement that I would need to stop before I ejaculated.
"Okay..." I said, fully understanding. I mean, sure, we were both adults, but pregnancy? A baby? My sister and I were still young, we weren't ready to be parents. But I did realize, then, that if I ever were to become a dad, I would only ever want my beautiful sister to become the corresponding mom.
Mom reached around with both hands and held her vagina open, I assumed to make sure she was ready for me. It was so pink inside. Seeing her offer herself to me like this, I'm not sure why, but it turned me on so much that I couldn't hold it in any more.
I was ready to orgasm. I didn't want to pull out of my sister - in fact, every instinct in my body urged me not to - but I managed.
"Noooo..." Julia groaned as I schlorped out of her and scooted over closer to our mom, who was now scooching her ass closer to the edge of the couch. Julia returned to a seated position now, but she was slouched down on the couch. Her hand wandered over to the top of the slit of her vagina, and her fingers began to rub in circles over her clit.
"That's good, baby, rub yourself while... while..." Mom said as I hurried inside of her.
"Deep inside, baby, finish deep inside..." my teacher whispered to me. I obeyed her, thrusting at such a pace that I was fully submerged each time more semen erupted from my penis. This wasn't something that I needed to be instructed on, though; a deep instinct told me that it was the correct way of doing this. It's hard to explain how I knew that, but I knew it very clearly.
Julia watched with lust and jealously as she rubbed herself.
"Stay there, baby, stay there..." Mom said when I was done, still deep inside of her. I guess she could feel when my penis stopped convulsing. That made sense.
"So why won't you get pregnant, but I will?" Julia asked
"Because, honey, after I had the two of you, I didn't want any more kids. So I actually get a certain type of surgery to make sure I never get pregnant again. Can you see these marks?" Mom motioned with her fingers to two small marks that were below her belly button, on either side of her lower stomach. "These little scars are from the surgery. They were bigger at first, but now you can barely see them."
"Wish I couldn't get pregnant..." Julia pouted.
"Honey, you just wish your brother could cum inside you," Mom corrected my sister as I began to soften inside of her.
"Yeah... I guess so..." Julia agreed, then her eyes went wide. "I think I'm gonna cum..." She began to rub herself faster. I wanted to go over and drink from my sister's vagina, but I hesitated because I didn't want to pull out of our mother just yet. Julia's fluids went to waste, but I wouldn't let that happen next time.
Everyone got cleaned up and we continued on to second period, transitioning from the living room back to the classroom again.
"I don't think I can wait until tomorrow," Julia said at some point during 5th period (American Studies). Mom understood what she meant.
"Well, you guys don't HAVE to wait until tomorrow," Mom said, as if it should have been obvious to us both. "I mean, we're all adults, remember?"
My twin sister and I exchanged an excited glance. "After school?" I mouthed without actually speaking.
Julia nodded excitedly, and then we got on with the rest of the day's lessons.