Chapter 04

The instant we finished our last assignment of the day -- a short worksheet on Native American migrations during the early colonial period, which we were allowed to work on together -- my sister took me by the hand and briskly led me out of the classroom. Our teacher had given us permission to leave early, as soon as we had completed the assignment.

We didn't bother packing up our books and bringing them back to our rooms for studying later on. There was no time for that. I was so eager to be back inside my twin sister that it almost felt like a physical ache coming from my crotch. I wondered if Julia was feeling the same thing.

"You can get your books later," Mom spoke loudly from behind her wide teacher's desk as we made our way out of the classroom. "And don't forget to grab a towel!" she yelled after us.

"Yes, Mom!" we called back in unison. We stopped by the downstairs bathroom to get an old towel. Apparently there was no time to travel up to Mom's bathroom for one of the nicer ones.

As I expected, Julia was leading us back to the living room. We stopped in front of the couch and my sister turned around and smiled excitedly at me.

My hand went up to her neck and drew her face to mine. I kissed her soft lips and she kissed me back, and we kissed again and again, and I was not aware of it but my right hand had wandered down from her neck to her left breast, and I fondled it in my fingers, and her nipple grew hard.

"Mm..." Julia moaned lightly as we made out. Soon I decided it was not enough to touch her outside of her clothes.

But before I could pull my sister's shirt off, she asked me: "Whaddaya wanna do first?" Her eyes were wide and red and she looked deeply into mine.

Remembering our lessons, I answered: "I should make you cum first, right?"

"I guess," Julia said disinterestedly. "Can I suck it first?" she asked, and I assumed she was talking about my penis, which was currently raging against the interior of my jeans.

"Sure," I swallowed, and she quickly went to her knees and began undoing my belt and my button and my zipper. She handled them so quickly that it was as if she did all three at once. In seconds my pants and boxers were at my ankles and I could feel my sister's warm breath against the underside of my penis, which was pointing straight up.

So I was right: she was talking about my penis.

"I just wanna..." Julia said thoughtfully to herself as she took the base of my shaft in her right hand and pointed the whole unit down towards her mouth. She flicked her tongue over the tip. As she drew away, a strand of precum connected her lip to my penis.

"There's already some coming out..." she said to herself after swallowing. Now she came back and slurped the head of my penis into her mouth. She began sucking, but only taking the head into her mouth, constantly dragging her lips over me, occasionally letting me fall out of her mouth so she could quickly swallow and then return to business.

It seemed to me that Julia was enjoying herself, and that she was doing this more to satisfy her own personal desires than she was to make me feel good. That made pretty good sense: I felt the same way about going down on her. It was cool that doing that felt good for her and would eventually make her cum, but honestly my biggest desire was just to taste her body and experience the texture of her delicious vagina against my tongue and in my mouth. The best part was when she finished. There was always so much fluid. It tasted so good.

I'm still so glad that she seems to feel exactly the same way towards me.

"Oh!" I heard Mom exclaim from the hallway. "I thought you guys would be in one of your bedrooms. You don't mind if I get started on dinner in here, do you?" she asked casually as she made her way into the kitchen.

Our living room and kitchen are right next to each other, with no barrier between them at all.

"I'm gonna start getting dinner ready. You kids all right with hamburgers?" Mom asked, crouched down with her back to us as she rummaged through the fridge for ingredients.

"Sounds great!" I said, not looking away from my sister's face, which contained most of my penis. For some reason, whenever she puts it in her mouth, I can't look away. It's just so amazing to see it disappear between her lips.

"MMmm-hmmmm!" Julia made an affirmative noise without taking me out of her mouth.

"All right, all right," Mom agreed. "I'm gonna put on a show while I work in here..." Mom picked up the TV remote from its usual resting place on the kitchen countertop. She opened Netflix and put on the Reba McEntyre sitcom show, but at a low volume. My sister and I tuned it out, and I suspected that Mom did as well, at least for the most part. There was something else going on that Mom seemed to be more interested in.

Julia began to work my shaft into her mouth, going down a little bit farther each time.

"Robert, did you make your sister cum yet?" Mom asked us as she was turning ground beef into hamburger shapes.

Julia let me fall out of her mouth and answered for me: "No, but that's okay, I just wanna suck Robert's penis," she explained before quickly stuffing me back into her mouth. Her tongue glided along the underside of my shaft.

"Honey, I think you should cum before you guys go very much further," Mom advised us from the kitchen. "You might regret it if your brother finishes before you do."

My sister rolled her eyes with my penis still in her mouth. "All right, let's do this real quick," she sighed, sounding disappointed that she had to stop sucking. I wanted her to continue, but I wanted to make her cum even more. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like orgazming myself -- it's mucho, mega fun, especially with my sister -- but for some strange reason, I wanted to make Julia cum even more. Is that weird? Is that selfish?

Julia began to quickly undress herself. I was ready to chow down, but as my sister sat down on the couch and opened her legs, she had a different idea: "Can you put it in? Maybe you can make me cum like you did with Mom yesterday. You know, when she did it real fast?"

I remembered the day before. Julia was feeling nervous about our first time inserting my (apparently large?) penis into her vagina, so she had asked Mom to demonstrate. And we did, so Mom was technically the first woman I ever had sex with. Before Mom would let me and Julia get back to our education, she somehow used my penis inside of her to quickly give herself an orgasm. In just a few seconds, her vagina had squeezed me out, and ejected hot fluid onto my genitals and torso.

Mom was putting hamburgers in the frying pan as I got into position in front of my sister. Julia looked down excitedly at my erect penis, which swayed in the air as I got into position. Her eyes closed as I slid into her. Not knowing any better, I followed my instincts and quickly got into some wonderful, super-basic, in-and-out motion, fully in and then almost fully out, repeating that way. We had done this before, but I was still amazed at how good it felt.

Who knew brothers and sisters could have so much fun together?

Mom looked over at us. "Do you guys want some pointers? I mean, only if you want. Julia, I can show you how I did that yesterday, if you want?" she suggested.

"MMMMmmrrrgggh...." Julia groaned. I took myself out of her so she could speak. My penis stood at attention over my little sister. It was eager to get back to work.

"Show me, show me!" she exclaimed. Mom walked over and knelt down beside me on the floor.

"Okay," Mom began. "What you want to is angle your body so that the top of your brother's penis -- right about here --" and she ran her fingers gently along the top of my penis, around the area where the head meets the shaft -- "and you want this part of your brother's penis to rub up against the top of the inside of your vagina. Does that make sense?" As Mom spoke, her hand had gently wrapped around my penis, and she was holding it while lovingly moving her thumb back and forth over the head.

"I think so... thanks, Mom..." Julia said. Mom reluctantly let go of me and made her way back into the kitchen.

"Robert, it's best if you stay mostly still, and let your sister get into the right position. It's easier for her to feel the right spot than it is for you. But over time, you'll both get the hang of it."

I agreed: I inserted myself partially into my sister, and left the rest to her.

Julia's lips pursed in a look of concentration. She wiggled her body around, changing the angle of insertion until she seemed to think she had it just right: her back was actually hunched forward a little bit, with her butt almost partially lifted up off of the couch. This changed the angle so that the top of my penis was pressed hard against the top of her vagina.

Julia began to grind against me in this position, and her breathing became starkly more pronounced the moment she began. Mom glanced back from the stove: "I think you've got it," she told my sister.

"I.... thinnnnk, soooo..." Julia groaned, barely able to speak as she grandually grinded harder and faster.

I did my best to stay still while my sister used my penis in this way. It felt good, but also a little funny; my dick was bent at a slightly awkward angle, and rather forcibly. It wasn't uncomfortable, but I could feel the pressure against my boner's natural lean. This only made the ridge at the bottom of the head rub even harder against my sister's vaginal ceiling (which, as I learned later on, was sometimes referred to as the G-Spot).

At a certain point, Julia's face abruptly changed from what looked like intense concentration, to a pleasantly surprised realization: she had found the exact spot and rhythm, and it was now only a matter of seconds until she would achieve her goal. I did my best to stay still at this moment.

Several things happened at once: my twin sister squeeled as her vagina tightened to the point that I was forced out of her, and a hot jet of water gushed out of her in the direction of my penis, testicles, and generally all over my crotch and lower torso.

Shit! I had let her fluids go to waste again.

Julia lay back, panting, her fluids warmly dripping down my body. Her vagina and the area around it were glistening with moisture.

"Can I put it back in?" I asked my sister desperately.

"Huh... uh-huh..." Julia nodded, still breathing heavily.

"Robert, remember, you can't finish inside your sister," Mom reminded us both as I sled effortlessly back into place.

"I wish... you could..." Julia said. I agreed with her.

"There is one way..." Mom added cryptically from the kitchen, where she was still working on dinner.

We both paused and looked over at her. "How!?" we demanded in unison.

"Uh, I'll tell you guys tomorrow," Mom said, a little dismissively. "It's sort of a... well, it's an advanced technique." Mom glanced over at the half of my penis that was not inside of my sister. A look of uncertainty crossed her face. "Maybe too advanced for you two. Just wait until tomorrow, and we'll go over it. Don't finish in your sister," she reminded me once more.

It was smart of her to keep reminding us, because every instinct told me to finish as deeply inside of my sister's vagina as possible.

"Finish... in my mouth?" Julia suggested.

"Okay," I agreed dumbly, increasing the pace until our bodies began to make a wet slapping noise when we connected.

Julia smiled wide, leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling. "I can't wait to drink it again," she said to the roof of our house.

Maybe it's weird, but hearing my sister talk about drinking my semen is, for some reason, a huge turn-on for me, and even moreso if she is insinuating or directly saying that she likes it.

I know that doing this sort of stuff is probably normal for most of you reading this -- and of course we've all done this stuff with our siblings, if we have them -- but for me, just getting into sexual education, it was insanely exciting.

So, obviously, hearing her say that sent me over the edge.

"Cum in my mouth," my sister demanded as soon as I pulled out of her.

I quickly stood up and stepped back, allowing her some space on the floor in front of me. My sister got onto her knees in seconds and desperately stuffed the head of my penis into her mouth. She was just in time: the first spurt flew before she could secure me behind her lips, but her mouth was already opening wide and that first spurt landed on her tongue.

"Julia, don't let any get on your shirt, please," Mom advised from the kitchen. I glanced over and she had paused her work, and was watching us closely. I adjusted my pelvis a few degrees, to give Mom a better view.

Mom sighed. "Guys, let's try and make it a habit to get totally naked for this stuff," she said with an air of light motherly authority. She didn't sound mean - but she did sound serious.

"Yes, Mom," I agreed.

"Hmm-hm," Julia acquiesced without taking me out of her mouth.

Julia looked up at me as her mouth filled with semen. For the first few spurts, I allowed my penis to work on its own, and I could see it flexing in her mouth repeatedly. But my instincts took over, and I wrapped my right hand around my shaft, and carefully milked myself into my sister's lovely face.

She swallowed once while I was still ejaculating, and it felt like the suction of her swallowing pulled the next spurt out of me and into her mouth. Once I was finshed, she let me fall out of her mouth and swallowed again. She looked thoughtfully at the tip of my penis for one moment, then slurped the head back into her mouth, gave it one additional suck, and then swallowed one final time.

"Dinner's about ready, if you guys wanna go ahead and wash up," Mom said as she took three plates out from the kitchen cabinet.

Hamburgers were great, as usual. I say hamburgers, but I guess they were technically cheeseburgers. Did you know that there are some people out there who don't like cheese on their hamburgers? I've never met one myself, but Mom swears they exist.

Mom slowly finished up her dinner and messed around on her phone while Julia and I cleaned up the table.

"So are you gonna tell us about this, uh, what was it again?" Julia said while loading her plate into the dishwasher.

"An advanced technique, right?" I was scraping my plate into the trash and looked up at Mom. I handed my plate to my sister, who loaded it into the dishwasher.

"Uhm," Mom began, holding her hand over her mouth as she finished her last bite. I picked up her plate for her as she continued, "you guys are gonna have to wait until tomorrow." She swallowed. I thought about Julia swallowing earlier, a few minutes before we st down for dinner.

"But it means Robert can finish inside me? He can cum inside me?" Julia asked hopefully. I handed Mom's plate to her and she loaded it up.

"Yes, honey," Mom reassured her. "Well, sort of," she added.

Julia raised one eyebrow and we looked at each other questioningly. We dropped the subject, trusting that our teacher would fill us in during 1st period the next day.

But... "sort of?" What did Mom mean by that? I remembered what I had thought of before, when I noticed my sister's asshole, fully visible right underneath her vagina.

No. Unthinkable. I dashed the thought from my mind, and felt guilty for having considered it again.

The butthole is simply not built for that sort of thing. There's no biological reason for it. I had to stop considering the idea of my penis slowly sliding into my sister's anus, me playing with her dripping vagina with my thumb and fingers, the moisture slowly making its way down to her anus, her lovely face looking into mine, and finishing deep inside of her, thrusting deeper and harder with each new convulsion.​
Previous page: Chapter 03