Page 02

"Well the feeling is mutual, Mister," she said playfully.

Steve loaded his daughter's suitcase into the back, and then they left campus and headed for home. Even though they texted every night and talked at least once or twice a week, the two were quickly talking and catching up on the details of each other's life. Eden told her father about getting through her first ever college exam week while he listened attentively. For a while, she started to forget ever flashing her own father her ripe boobs. It was a relief he could let it pass so easily.

It was so good just to be near him again, especially without her mother around to constantly get between them. She started thinking about asking him about moving in with him and commuting to campus. The drive was a little long, but she could probably arrange her schedule so she only needed to be on campus two or three days a week. If she convinced him she could get more studying done at home than in her dorm room he would probably agree. She liked Sara well enough, but her roommate's constant sexual appetite was distracting, to say the least.

It also reminded Eden how much she wanted a nice, hard cock between her legs, but she wasn't interested in the boys she kept meeting on campus. She wanted something much more substantial. Either way, she had a hard time imagining a conversation with her father where she told him about having a roommate who put on a live sex show at least three times a week. He'd probably move her home immediately, but how embarrassing would that be?

But for now, they were mainly talking about exams for Eden and work for Steve. He kept looking over at his daughter and smiling at her, letting her know how happy he was to have her close again. But a few times, Eden noticed her father's eyes take a quick trip over the alluring swell of her tits in her snug top. It made her pulse jump every time she caught him peeking, and she couldn't help wondering how many times he'd looked at the picture she impulsively sent him barely a week ago.

They were about halfway to the new house when the need to pee became more than Eden could take.

"Um, Dad. I really need to pee," she told him.

"Didn't you go before I picked you up?"

"I didn't have to. But seriously, Dad, if you don't pull over I'm gonna burst."

"Okay, okay, we can't have that," he said with a smile.

Steve was looking for a good place to pull over, but they were passing through an unpopulated area. There wasn't so much as a gas station or convenience store anywhere in sight.

"Sweetie, it's probably another fifteen miles before we get somewhere to find a bathroom for you."

"Dad, I really can't wait that long."

"Looks like it's gonna have to be in the bushes."

Steve pulled onto the shoulder. Fortunately, there was hardly any traffic, so Eden didn't feel too bad about jumping out of the SUV and dashing a few feet into the trees along the road. But as she opened her shorts and pushed them down along with her panties she realized the logistics for a girl peeing outdoors were nothing she was at all used to. And now, the pressure was making it hard to be very logical. So she turned to the one person who always managed to make everything okay in whatever situation.

"Dad? I need help," she called back toward the car.

Steve got out and walked over into the trees while Eden held her open shorts around her hips. Fortunately, he didn't make his daughter explain any further, saving her from getting any more embarrassed than she already was. He just walked up behind her and hooked his arms under hers, supporting her weight and allowing her to push her shorts down to her knees and squat halfway down.

It felt weird to have her ass and pussy hanging out like that while her father held her up. But it was weirdly comforting too. At the same time, as badly as Eden needed to piss, her body wasn't cooperating under the circumstances. It wasn't that her father could see much from his position, but he was holding her, touching her body while she tried to relax enough to let go.

"Um, sorry, Daddy. It just, um, won't come."

"Don't worry, sweetheart. It will. You just have to relax."

"That's easy for you to say."

Making matters worse, Eden felt a persistent swarm of damp heat in her pussy. She felt completely vulnerable, relying on her father to hold her as she willed her uncooperative body to relax enough to let loose a stream of pee into the soft bed of pine needles under her. His soothing voice was practically in her ear as he talked to her about how happy he was she was coming home for a whole month. She knew he was just trying to take her mind off of the pressing problem, helping to make it easier, but it was just making her pussy feel hot and wet. Her slit was already feeling juicy and she hadn't even started peeing yet.

The weird thing was that Eden also felt so safe and protected. Her father was the only person in the world who ever made her feel that way. She knew she could just as easily have propped her back against a tree, but she'd asked her father for help anyway. And if she knew that much, then so did he. But he was there for her without a second thought. Everything he ever did, from the way he doted on her to the way he texted her every night like a starry-eyed boy who was in love with her - all made her feel his love and dedication to her. She knew there was no man in the world who would do for her what he was willing to do.

And then a sudden burst of piss shot from her pussy onto ground below. It felt thick and forceful. Eden moaned a sigh of relief. It was embarrassing when she realized how sexual it sounded, but the relief of finally pissing was almost as good as an orgasm. There was the added fact that her father was holding her in his arms while her stream shot into the ground. It felt so weird, yet so warm and comforting at the same time. She moaned again. Fuck it, she thought. How many times would she ever be in a situation like this? She decided to let go of her worries and just enjoy the sensation. She moaned again and then sighed as her stream finally ebbed down to a trickle.

Steve then helped Eden to her feet. She pulled up her panties and shorts, zipping back up before turning back around to face her father. Her bare ass was obviously on display for him, and she didn't think he was not going to look. She was hoping he would, but she wasn't brave enough to flash him her pussy. What would he think when he saw the way she shaved herself bald? It was also embarrassing to be as wet as she was, her pussy being soaked between the peeing and the arousal of the whole situation. She didn't know how she could look her father in the face now, but she took a deep breath and finally turned around.

"Guess you really did have to go," he said with one brow raised in surprise.

"Thanks for the help, Dad. I, uhh, guess I'm not used to peeing in the woods."

Just as Eden thought she noticed a swollen bulge in the front of her father's pants, he quickly turned away and started walking back to the car. The moist ache in her pussy suddenly surged at the thought that her father had been just as excited as she was. Her bare, shapely legs felt unsteady as she followed him out of the woods, wishing he'd turn around so she could make sure she wasn't just seeing things that weren't there.

They got back in the SUV and continued on their way. The next few minutes went by in silence, but Eden kept thinking about the way her ass had been fully exposed to her dad and the way he'd held her and spoke to her in his soothing voice as she pissed in the dirt. The silence between them made her think he probably had the same thing on his mind. She would've been disappointed if he didn't. After a while, she decided that breaking the awkward silence was the best way to make light of the situation.

"So now you've seen even more of your daughter," she said with a snicker.

Steve laughed. The two of them laughed for the next couple of miles. They spent the rest of the ride talking and laughing about everything except peeing in the woods and topless selfies.

Eden loved her father's new house, even though this was only her third time being there. In the fall, she'd spent a few days there before the semester began, and then again over the Thanksgiving break. When they arrived, she hauled her luggage straight to her room and felt a huge wave of relief. It was so much nicer than her room on campus. It had an amazing view of the beach, for one thing. For another, even if she was used to Sara having sex in the room in front of her, Eden was looking forward to a few weeks of privacy. But the best part was just getting to have a whole month on her own with her dad.

The damp feeling in Eden's panties made her feel like taking a shower and changing into fresh clothes. There was a bathroom right across the hall from her room, but she liked using the bathroom adjoining her father's bedroom. It was the nicest bathroom she'd ever seen. The shower was huge and she loved the hand-held nozzle. She tried to use the other bathroom as much as possible, but her father's was so much more luxurious, and after the ride from campus she felt like taking a long, hot shower.

She pulled her top off over her head, and after she took her bra off, Eden spent a couple of minutes massaging her firm bulbs, relieved to have the confining garment off. It felt good to rub her sensitive tits and feel the tingly sensation of her nipples growing thick and hard under her fingers. It was impossible not to think about the pee stop with her father during the ride from school. Her pussy was still aching from the strange experience, and she was thinking about going into her father's bathroom and getting that handheld showerhead between her legs and giving herself some badly needed relief.

Eden finally stopped playing with her tits and pushed off her shorts and soggy panties. She put on the robe she left in the closet here at her dad's. The thin, satiny material felt good on her skin. It was short, but not so short as to be indecent if she wore it outside her room in front of her father. She tied the front closed, but just as she was leaving her room she stopped and readjusted it to show just a little more than a hint of cleavage. It was a completely irrational thing to do, but her dad's attention was something she found herself wanting more of the more she got.

The warm feeling between her smooth thighs her father's attention gave her was becoming addictive. Sometimes she wished he was anyone but her father. But that was silly. Only a girl's father could ever hold her or look at her the way Steve did.

She found him in the kitchen making dinner preparations. When she entered the room, he stopped what he was doing and smiled at the sight of his baby girl. Eden felt so good to have someone who was that happy to see her.

"Do I have time for a shower before we eat?" she asked.

"Sure, sweetie. And yes, go ahead and use mine," he said, anticipating her next question.

Eden smiled and blushed a little at being so transparent. But the blush was also because she saw how her father's eyes kept darting over the exposed part of her cleavage and the pokie dents her hard nipples were making in her robe. She leaned in the doorway and crossed one leg in front of the other. The support of the door frame was helping because she found herself feeling a little weak in the knees. It was weird to stand there talking to him when she was planning to go into his bathroom and finger her pussy while she thought about him.

Spending a semester with Sara fucking and sucking a bunch of different guys right across the room must have affected Eden more than she thought.

"Anything special you want for your first dinner home for the holiday? You haven't had your dad's homemade pizza for a while," Steve said.

"I would love that, Daddy."

"In that case, I should run to the market and get some more cheese. You go ahead and take that shower, and I'll be back soon. We can have pizza and watch some dorky Christmas movies."

Eden giggled happily. She loved curling up on the sofa with her father to watch corny holiday shows. Her mother would always disapprove, but now she had her father all to herself and whatever her mother thought about how close they were didn't matter anymore.

"You know how much I'd love that, Dad. After I get changed I can help you cook."

"It's a date," Steve smiled. He went to his daughter and kissed the very corner of her mouth before leaving for the market. It was the closest he'd ever come to kissing his daughter on the lips, and the feeling made Eden's nipples buzz even harder.

When she went in to use her father's bathroom, she didn't bother closing the door between his bathroom and bedroom. She'd probably be out of the shower and changed by the time he got back from the market. She untied the sash on her robe and let the garment slip off. Then she started the water, but knowing it would be a couple of minutes before it reached the temperature she liked, she went back into her father's bedroom. It just felt good to be naked in his room. Her hands came up to cup and squeeze her tits, pinching and rolling her hard nipples between her fingertips.

Eden walked around her father's bedroom like it was her room too, her hands kneading her sensitive tits the whole time. The wet, slippery feeling between her thighs was nagging at her now, setting every pore of her fine skin on edge. Looking at her father's empty bed, she imagined him there, sitting up with his phone when he texted her at night when she was away at school. She tried to imagine what he looked like, what he did, that night she lost her senses and sent him a picture of her tits. In her mind, he kept holding his phone in one hand while the other slid under the sheets to fondle his growing cock.

With the dripping ache in her pussy growing into a tiny inferno, Eden lay down on her father's bed and spread her legs wide apart. With one hand moving over both of her smooth tits, she sent the other between her thighs and began rubbing the juice-covered lips of her pussy. It felt dangerous to finger herself on her father's bed, thinking of him. What if he suddenly forgot something and came home to catch her in the act? She liked to imagine she'd just spread her legs even wider for him and beckon him to fuck her. But she knew in reality she'd probably die of embarrassment and try to cover herself.

Knowing she only had a limited amount of time, Eden reluctantly got up and went back in the bathroom, stepping into the large, glass encased shower. The water temp was perfect now, and she played with her distended nipples while the warm stream ran over her skin and wet her down. It wasn't long before one hand slipped down to continue rubbing at the aching lips of her young sex. She uttered a long sigh and moan as she stroked her lips, bringing the ache into every cell of her body.

Eden leaned back against the wall while her finger pressed into the swollen nub of her aroused clit. A sharp breath pulled deep into her body as she touched her slippery pearl. She set one foot on the edge of the wide, stone tub and then grabbed the nozzle off the bracket. First, she let the spray wash over her tits while she plumped her nipples with her free hand. Then, she lowered the nozzle to her bald, aching pussy mound. The other hand peeled her slit open as she angled the stream against her clit. The warm, forceful spray made her gasp. A tingling wave of delicious pleasure fanned out through her entire body from the hot point of her swollen clit.

While she kept her slit splayed open with her fingers, Eden held the stream directly on her clit. It was impossible to keep visions of her loving father out of her swirling mind. Her vivid imagination had him lying in his bed, stroking his aroused cock as gazed at his own daughter's exposed tits on his phone. Eden whimpered at the mere thought, feeling the nozzle rush steadily against her clit. The fire flaming in her pussy was spreading out through her body, causing an aching throb to torture her fattened nipples.

Eden held the nozzle closer to her clit, increasing the pressure of the spray hitting her nub. Unconsciously, her mind switched to the image of her father stroking his dick in bed to the shady little spot off the side of the road where he held her and whispered soothing words to help her piss in the dirt. Another whimper of weak pleasure escaped her supple lips as she remembered the way she felt. Even now, her body seemed to flow naturally into a delirious sensation of being in between tense and complete rubber. As the memory of letting her piss flow while being in her father's arms, she felt yet another stream of her body's liquid flow from her pussy against the stronger spray from the nozzle.

"Oh fuck," she mewled aloud. "What's happening to me?"

Eden knew there was liquid squirting from her slit while the unrelenting spray from the nozzle battered her throbbing clit. Between the nozzle, the flowing dew of her sexual heat and this new, unbidden burst of pee, the girl's pussy felt like a sodden swirl of wetness. It was like there was a rapidly growing ball of fire in her core, and as it loomed large, a body-shaking climax began to rock her naked, dripping form.

"Oh, oh, Daaaaaad, fuck!" she cried as the pleasure crested. Her stream of piss ebbed down to a trickle as she came, but before she knew what was happening to her, a larger, mistier burst of fluids erupted from her pussy.

Eden was completely transported by the overwhelming sensations rippling through her body. It was as if her pussy had taken over her entire existence and left her breathless in the wake of a powerful wave of wet pleasure.

As she leaned against the wall and waited for her breath to come back to normal, the young coed was painfully aware of the fact that she'd just peed and squirted all over her own inner thighs. How could anything so dirty feel so amazing?

But if it felt that good, how dirty could it really be? She didn't think it was dirty to pee on the ground being held in her father's arms. Every time she thought about it she remembered feeling so warm and protected. In her father's loving arms, anything and everything would be okay. She wanted to feel that way again. She needed to. But short of talking her father into another long trip in the car, ever being in the same position again would be impossible.

She finally finished soaping and rinsing her tingling body and dried off with one of her father's big, fluffy towels. Still a little light-headed, she put her robe back on and went back to her own room, relieved to find her father wasn't back from the store. She couldn't believe she'd just peed and squirted all over his fancy shower enclosure, all while having one of the most intense orgasms she could ever remember. Not even watching Sara get fucked had ever made her cum so hard.

It felt so weird yet also thrilling to think about peeing in her dad's shower. It was like she left something of herself behind just for him. She couldn't help wondering if he ever peed in the shower. Sara said lots of guys did that. This brought a dreamy image to mind of her naked father peeing in the shower. She'd never watched a man piss before. She'd never even given it a second thought. Until now. At the same time she was trying to imagine what her father's cock looked like, and then how he'd look with a strong, manly stream of piss flowing out of his flesh.

Eden's pulse was beginning to race when she heard her father's car pull in. She got dressed in a hurry, pulling on a loose, but short, sun dress and not taking the time to put on a bra or panties. She went out to meet him in the kitchen where they proceeded to have a wonderful time making pizzas together.

They sat on the couch in Steve's living room with the multiple glass doors onto the balcony open, and they watched Christmas movies with the sound of the ocean coming from outside. Eden was enjoying the holiday much more in the warmer weather than she was used to.

"We don't need to curl up under a blanket and cuddle like we used to," her father pointed out.

"Yeah, but we can just pretend it's cold outside and still cuddle. Cuddling's the really important part, Dad."

Steve gave his daughter a warm smile and put his arm around her. She curled her legs up on the couch and snuggled against his body. After watching a couple of movies this way, her nipples were tingling and her body was aching just as much as it had been earlier. She finally yawned and kissed her father's cheek before getting up and going to her room. It would have been perfect just to let him hold her all night, but it was driving her crazy too. But then, Steve got up to go to his room at the same time.

In her room, Eden took off her dress and got into bed naked. She felt sleepy, but her lush, young body was tingling from being cuddled by her father for hours. She decided tomorrow would be the day she'd bring up the idea of living with him instead of going back to campus at the end of break. As dreamy as she was feeling, sleep was being elusive, but after lying in bed a few minutes her phone buzzed with a new message. She picked it up and smiled when she saw the text was from her father.

Did I tell you how happy I am you're home? it said.

Dad! I'm even happier! Then she followed quickly with a second text. Why are you texting? I'm just in the next room! Lol.

I missed you. I'm so used to us texting each other from bed I couldn't go to sleep.

Eden's heart nearly exploded. Dad. I seriously love you, you know.

I love you too, baby. More than anyone in the world.

Eden knew he meant every word and it made her skin feel hot. Her pulse was going faster and making her forget how sleepy she was just moments ago. No one could ever say the same thing to her with the same genuine feeling her father had. It was so wrong, but it made the smooth lips of her pussy tingle with heat to feel that important to someone, especially someone as amazing as her father.

Omg, Dad, it's almost midnight, she texted. You know what that means!

Does it still count if we're in the house together? he asked.

Of course!

A moment later she got a selfie. He was lying in bed without a shirt, looking straight up at his phone lens from the pillow. She couldn't see below his firm, bare chest, but her mind was spinning as she wondered if he was naked in bed. She loved thinking he was, especially with herself being naked right in the same part of the house, just a room or two away from each other. It made her body vibrate to imagine being naked beside him in bed.

Oohh, sexy! she texted back after seeing her father's picture. A second later she could hear him laughing in his room.

Nothing you haven't seen before, he wrote back.

Eden sat up and took a selfie that cut off just before her areolas showed. The top halves of her tits were enticingly displayed along with her lips being pursed into a kiss. It was flirty, but certainly not as bad as the full-on boob she'd sent him a week ago. That's what she really felt like sending him, but she didn't have the courage. At school, having Sara fucking in the same room seemed to cloud her better judgement.

Baby you always look so beautiful, but that's pretty sexy to be sending your father, Steve responded.

Sexy? Really?

Maybe a little.

Well it's nothing you haven't seen before, either. Even more, if I recall.

Sweet dreams, angel. See you at breakfast.

Steve cut off the chat the same way he had when Eden sent him the booby picture. She didn't know whether she should feel more relieved or disappointed.

But that's the way it went over the next few days, and even on Christmas Eve and Christmas. During the day, Steve never showed any reaction to their nighttime text chats from one bedroom to the other. He acted like it never even happened, but Eden had it on her mind every day. She imagined hinting at it at least a thousand times, but she could never gather enough courage. It didn't keep her from hoping her father would talk about it, though. But he didn't, and after a couple more days she ended up going to bed early just so she could wait for his texts.

The other thing that had been on her mind was bringing up the subject of moving off campus to live in her dad's house. He was still newly single again and didn't have a girlfriend yet. How would he feel about having his college aged daughter living in his new house just when he should be meeting all kinds of new women.

But Eden didn't want him meeting new women. She wanted to be enough for him. Logically, she knew this was ridiculous. She was his daughter, and she hadn't even turned nineteen yet. As much as he loved her, he would probably never see her as the girl who could give him everything he needed. But in her heart, Eden knew she could give her father everything he would ever need if she ever got the chance.

Eden's chance came up unexpectedly at the end of the best Christmas she'd ever had. Steve showered his daughter with gifts that would've made her mother furious, including jewelry and extravagant gift certificates to her favorite lingerie shops. But the most impressive gift was the BMW. It wasn't a new one, but was only a couple of years old and nicer than she imagined being able to have while she was still in college. Yet it was what her father told her when she was sitting in the driver's seat of the car he had somehow snuck into the driveway overnight.

"You'll need a good car in case you decide to commute to school next semester instead of living on campus."

Eden nearly lost her breath. The car hardly even mattered by comparison. She would've taken the bus if she had to, but she still hadn't thought of a way to bring up the subject, yet her father was a step ahead of her. It was like he had read her mind. It took her all of two seconds to tell her father she wanted to stay at his house instead of the dorm. She jumped out of the car and hugged him until her arms gave out.

They went for a long ride in Eden's car, and later Steve made dinner. They snuggled on the couch and watched more corny holiday shows while he made eggnog with a healthy dose of rum. They were both a little high by the time Eden said she was ready to go to bed. She loved the buzzy feeling she had while snuggling under her father's arm, but she was also thinking about stripping naked and texting her favorite man from her bed.

"Thank you for everything, Dad," she sighed, giving him a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

He smiled at her and brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. "I hope you know how much I love you, pretty baby," he said.

"I love you, too, Daddy. But I'm going to bed now. There's this guy who likes to text me at night and I don't want to miss any messages. You never know, there might be something important."

Steve laughed. "Careful, sweetie. Sounds like this guy has a crush on you."

"Hmm, well he wouldn't be the only one with a crush."

Eden finally went to her room and got undressed. Lying naked on her bed, it made her smile when she heard her father going into his room barely a minute later. She was holding her phone in one hand, the other grazing over the smoothness of her freshly shaven pussy. She was anxious to get her nightly text, but tonight she didn't wait for Steve to go first as she quickly thumbed out a message.

Best Xmas ever! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

It was mere seconds before her father's reply came back: If my girl is happy, I'm happy.

Eden loved that he called her his girl. It made her nipples tingle just to read the words. Ooh, Daddy, am I really your girl? she wrote back.

Of course, you silly thing.

Steve's message made the girl giggle. She actually did feel a little silly, but that was probably from the rum in the eggnog she'd had with her father. Or maybe giddy was more like it.

I can't believe we're finally gonna live together. And WITHOUT MOM!

Steve sent her a laughing emoji and a thumbs-up. I've missed you too much, baby angel. But I hope we still text each other like this.

She rolled her eyes. Her dad could be so corny sometimes, but she loved it so much it made her nipples ache. Daddy, I'm just in the next room! We could talk face to face, you know.

He told her how much he'd gotten to love their chats, and the way they shared selfies. And also that they probably talked about things they wouldn't say if they were face to face. Then he reminded her that midnight was coming close and they hadn't sent each other selfies yet. It would be terrible if we skip a day, he told her.

She probably wouldn't have done what she did next if the eggnog hadn't been so strong, but she sat up in bed, fluffed her hair, and then took a selfie that showed her face along with her naked, shapely tits. She didn't think twice about sending it, not with the buzz she was feeling, plus the fact that it wasn't the first picture of her tits he would've seen.

The next message from her father was a little slower than the others. Um, baby, I think you didn't mean to hold the camera that way.

No, Daddy. That's exactly what I meant to do. Don't you like it?

I'm your father. I'm not supposed to like it. But I do. I might even love it. You're so beautiful, sweetheart.

Eden's heart raced. Her father was looking at her tits from just across the hall and telling her how much he liked them.

Your turn, she texted back.

Steve sent his daughter another selfie of himself lying in bed without a shirt, but this one went much lower and showed off his taut abs. Eden loved it, but she was dying to see farther down.

You look amazing, Dad, but you're holding the camera wrong. It's supposed to go lower.

Steve wrote back and said below the waist was against the rules.

Whose rules, his daughter asked.

Every father and daughter in history.

I don't like that rule, Eden responded.

After that, she leaned back and spread her shapely legs. She took a moment to stroke and fluff her tender pussy lips. It didn't take long for Eden to bring a glistening flush to her smooth slit. She held her legs just far enough apart to let her lips part open slightly. Then she held her phone between her legs and took a picture. She sent it to her father before she had a chance to change her mind. After, she sent another text: This is what I think of that rule.

It must have been five minutes before Steve texted back. To Eden it felt like forever. Totally inappropriate! it said. A moment later there was another one: But fucking amazing.

She put her hand between her legs again and rubbed her slit, feeling her dew flow more heavily. Her breath started to labor as she thought of her father just across the hall, looking at his daughter's naked, wet pussy. She couldn't resist slipping a finger inside and stroking at her slippery hole.

Your turn, Dad, she managed to text with one hand.

No, that's impossible, he wrote back.

It wasn't impossible for me, she said.


It made her giggle to see her father using the using the F word. It wasn't something he did in front of her, except by accident. But she lost herself to the feeling of her finger stroking the inside of her pussy until her phone vibrated again. She kept her finger going in and out of her hole while she opened her father's picture with one hand. When she saw her father's rock hard cock jutting straight up in the air she gasped. He was so much longer and thicker than any of the college boys she saw with Sara. To Eden, her father's excited cock looked so perfect.

She forgot to text him back as she stared at the image of that beautifully formed, male organ. Her father's organ. She slid a second finger into her pussy and thought of how he had to be stroking it right now, right across the hall in his room with a picture of his own daughter's pussy on his phone.

Eden's nectar was flowing like mad now while her fingers pumped and slipped in and out of her aching hole. They felt so good, but she knew her father's cock would feel so much better. She wanted to rush to his room immediately and impale herself on that fat, hard rod, but even the rum from the eggnog didn't give her the courage for that. Her nipples were aching for attention, too, but she couldn't put down her phone. She just kept staring at her father's rock-solid cock and pumped her sodden fuckhole until she felt the swarming sensation of an oncoming orgasm.

She brought her soaking wet fingers out from her hole and began to furiously rub her swollen clit. The waves of pleasure just kept getting hotter and stronger. She knew her father had to be stroking along with her. She could feel it in her heart. If only she had the courage to go to him. He would certainly be in his room with her now if it weren't for the fact that he thought it would make him a terrible father. But Eden wanted him to be a bad man that way. She want him to take everything she had to give.

Suddenly she was gasping for air and her hips were rocking while the flood of pleasure burst from her pussy and rushed through every part of her young, luscious body. It felt like her climax was never going to stop until it finally left her breathless. And then it took her even longer to recover.

She finally got it together enough to send her father another text. Daddy. You made me cum. Sooooo hard.

This is bad. So so bad, he texted back after a long wait. He didn't admit to cumming, but Eden knew he had. She just knew it.

I love you, Daddy, she wrote.

I love you too, baby angel. So much.

The next thing Eden knew, she was waking up and the morning sun was bright in her window. She could hear the rush of the ocean waves as she groggily got out of bed and looked for something to wear to the kitchen. After pulling on a fresh pair of panties, she decided that would be enough. If it shocked her father then so be it. She was living with him now, and she wanted him to be able to see her the way she'd never allow anyone else.

After slipping into the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth, she went into the kitchen and found her father there, already awake. He was only wearing a snug pair of boxer briefs, and after the two exchanged a contrite look, her eyes dropped toward the bulge between his legs.

"Good morning, Dad."

"Coffee's ready, baby," he said, avoiding eye contact, but his eyes were all over her bare naked tits. He poured two cups and held one out to her.

Eden stepped close and took the cup. They stood within a couple of feet of each other as they took their first sips. Seeing her father in nothing but his boxer briefs was making the girl's nipples swell and perk up. There was no way he could miss it.

They finally were able to make eye contact, and their feelings about the night before were impossible to hide, even though Steve's eyes were still glued to his daughter's tits. It made Eden feel nervous and self-conscious, but she loved every second of the way her father's eyes followed wobble and curve of her naked boobs.

"I think you forgot to put on a top," he pointed out with a wry smirk.

"No, Dad. I didn't forget. Besides, it's nothing you haven't seen already."

"Um, speaking of things we've both seen," he started, then paused while his daughter watched his face expectantly. "I'm sorry about last night. I never should have sent you that...ummm...picture."

Eden felt her face flush hot. Her nipples were on fire at the blatant mention of her father's cock picture. She didn't know how she could look him in the eye, but she wasn't about to let him think she felt anything but love for his big, beautiful dick.

"I'm not sorry," she managed to say. "Are you sorry I sent you that picture of my, umm, my pussy."

"Oh, baby, no. You're so beautiful. Even your, uhh, pussy. But let's just blame it on the eggnog and not let it happen again."

Steve's eyes never left his daughter's almost naked body. Eden could see that his cock was getting bigger in his briefs. She couldn't believe he could really mean what he was saying if he was getting hard for her at the same time. One thing in her mind was solid as concrete. She wanted more from her father, not less. Much more. She wanted what Sara was getting all semester, but she wanted it from him and only him. There was no one else and there never would be.

Eden decided right then to tell her father how all semester when they were texting at night her roommate was just a few feet away across the room getting her brains fucked out by different guys every time. Steve listened to his daughter's story with a shocked expression, but the bulge in his boxer briefs was getting even bigger. Then she finally came to the part she really wanted him to finally know.

"So, Dad. All those nights we texted from school? Sara was having sex in the same room, and I was...turned on."

Steve's cock finally got so hard his shaft stood up and the top of his shaft was sticking up past the band of his briefs. Eden gasped out loud when she saw it. He started to push it back inside his underwear, but his daughter pointed out that he'd sent her a picture of it only the night before.

"I like it, Dad. It's so nice," she told him, her heart racing. "It's so much nicer than anything I saw of those guys who came to fuck Sara."

Eden poured herself a cup of coffee with trembling hands. She was dying to touch her father's cock but she didn't dare. Not that she thought he'd mind. It just felt like such a big step, no matter how much she was aching for it to happen. She took her cup to the table and sat. It was easier to think being a few feet away from him, and it also gave her a better view of the impressing rod jutting up from his briefs.

"Baby, did any of them ever see you like this?" he asked, nodding at her state of near nudity.

"No, Daddy," she shook her head. "I didn't want them to see me like this."

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure. You're the only one I want to see me like this."

"Fuck," Steve whispered under his breath, bringing his hand to his cock. He began rubbing his shaft as he gazed at her thickly curved body.

"Ohh, Dad, that - fuck - looks so good," she sighed.

"Didn't you ever wish you were getting what Sara was getting?"

He pushed his briefs down past his balls, fully exposing his swollen dick. His daughter watched him wrap his fist around his shank while twirling her nipples with the tips of her fingers.

"Yes, every night, Dad. But not with any college boy."

Steve looked up at her face and gazed into her eyes with an intense glow, like something vital had changed.

"I'm glad to hear that, baby. I can't imagine anyone else enjoying those beauties," he said, dropping his eyes back down to her tits.

"Are they really beautiful, Dad?"

"Oh, baby, they're perfect. I thought so the first time you sent that picture from school."

"And you don't want guys to look at them?"

"No, sweetheart. I would hate that."

"But you're looking at them, Daddy."

"But I shouldn't be, sweetheart. This is really, really bad."

"Then why does it feel so good?" she asked.

Steve finally pushed his briefs all the way off and started boldly stroking his cock in front of the girl. He was leaning back against the counter and staring at her sensitive tits. This whole, forbidden situation was quickly breaking down whatever fears Eden still had. "I got really excited when I sent you that," she admitted. "I mean, like, the wet pussy kind of excited."

"Oh, god," her father moaned. "So did I, baby. You made me so hard."

"Did you touch yourself like you are right now, Daddy? Looking at my tits, I mean? At your daughter's tits?"

"Fuck, baby, yes I did. I know it's so bad, but I couldn't stop."

"Me, too. I fingered myself under my blanket while Sara was getting fucked."

"Fuck," her father nearly spat.

"And last night? Did you do it again? You were so hard. I made myself cum looking at your cock, Dad."​
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