Part 01
Meghna: Arnav, was that on purpose??
Arnav: Hello Meghna Aunty. What was on purpose?? I did not get that.
Meghna: Stop messing around now. Did you do that purposefully, or was it seriously a mistake??
Arnav: Do what, Meghna Aunty??
Meghna: Ok, now do not make me angry. Did you just grab my ass at the wedding?! I am pretty sure I felt your firm grip on my body.
Arnav: What nonsense!! I would never do such a thing. Maybe I touched you by mistake. It was so crowded in there. You know that.
Meghna: Yes, I thought so too. But you never bothered to apologize, and also your hand was on my ass for a good 15 seconds.
Arnav: It wasn't me, Aunty. It must have been somebody else standing close to us. It could be just your feeling too. Maybe you brushed your back against a pillar or something.
Meghna: Well okay, I guess it was just that then. But I wanted to tell you, I loved the way you pressed my ass cheek.
Arnav: Whaat?! What did you just say??
Meghna: Exactly what you read. I loved it when you groped my ass, and continued feeling me up in front of all those people.
Arnav: Meghna Aunty, I am so sorry. I just lost my control. I did not mean to.
Meghna: Now don't feel bad, Arnav. I don't hate you for it.
Arnav: Please don't tell my mother. She would be furious.
Meghna: Haha, why would I do that?? I am your mother, too. I understand the feelings of a boy of your age.
Arnav: It was just from the heat of the moment. I had never had you this close to me before...
Meghna: And so??
Arnav: And I never knew you had such a big booty. I just wanted to know how it felt.
Meghna: And how did you find it to be??
Arnav: Firm, thick yet soft.
Meghna: Just like how you have imagined them to be??
Arnav: Come on Aunty. I have never thought about you like that before.
Meghna: Now that is a lie. I have seen you check me out, before too
Arnav: Well, I am just sorry. But i never wanted to hurt you or touch your private parts.
Meghna: So, you have learned a lesson?? You won't do it again??
Arnav: No Aunty, trust me, please. I will never do such a thing. Please forgive me
Meghna: What if I want you to??
Arnav: What??
Meghna: What if I want you to touch my ass again??
Arnav: You cannot be serious!!
Meghna: I am serious. I don't blame you for what happened today. It is normal, and I did dress to get all the attention.
Arnav: You knew all along that your ass was standing out?? I mean, you had your pink kurta on top, but your ass still projected out from inside your black tights.
Meghna: Yes, I knew that. I had worn no panties because I wanted my ass to be ogled at.
Arnav: I can't believe you are telling this to me, and we are having this conversation.
Meghna: When did you first notice my ass today??
Arnav: The moment I saw you!! I had your side view first, when you were talking to my mother. Your ass looked bigger than ever.
Meghna: So you have checked out my ass before as well...
Arnav: Honestly, yes. I always liked your bubble butt ass. I have always imagined you working out extra hard at the gym for that.
Meghna: I have been working out really hard with the squats, for the shape I have now. I just wanted to show it off in its full glory today.
Arnav: I am glad you did that.
Meghna: Somebody has started talking.
Arnav: I don't know, I feel this is just what you want to hear.
Meghna: Maybe. So what else had you planned to do today, if I had not left the function that early??
Arnav: Do you really want to know??
Meghna: As long as you don't say you were planning to rip apart my tights, and leave my naked ass on display for all our relatives, inside the wedding hall.
Arnav: Haha, no!! But I did want to dry hump your ass. At least feel my dick in between your thick ass cheeks.
Meghna: Damn, that would have been interesting...
Arnav: Yeah?? You really would not have minded that??
Meghna: Since we have talked so much already, I think I should tell you I might have loved that. As long as nobody noticed it.
Arnav: Well, I almost did. But Sonakshi suddenly looked at me, and there was no way I could feel her mother's ass when she was looking.
Meghna: So what are you going to do the next time we meet?? I always wish to be spanked on my butt.
Arnav: Well, since you have told, I am going to spank your butt so hard, the redness in your creamy ass cheeks would take a month to go.
Meghna: What do you have to say about this??
Arnav: Oh fuck!! I cannot believe this, I really did not expect this. Did you just take this picture now?? Your ass looks huge.
Meghna: I wanted to send you a picture as soon as I pulled my tights down, after the wedding. But I thought I would keep my naked butt for later. And so put on this red thong for you.
Arnav: That glorious silky red thong isn't covering much, though.
Meghna: You have a problem with that??
Arnav: Not at all. Just that I wish you had something more loving in between your ass cheeks. Something better than a thin lace of thread.
Meghna: And what would that be??
Arnav: My tongue, maybe. For now!!
Meghna: Did you just say you want to lick along my ass crack??
Arnav: I thought I said I wanted to lick your ass hole. And more...
Meghna: Arnaaavvv!! You know what?? Fuck you, hahaaha...
Arnav: And you know what Meghna Aunty, or just Meghnaa?? Shut up and suck my dick, bitch!!
Meghna: I am so fucking wet.
Arnav: Why don't you just say, you want me inside your pussy too??
Meghna: Well, if you ever get to licking my ass, isn't it mandatory you fuck my pussy too??
Arnav: Oh is it?? Is that how you been treated all these years??
Meghna: Excuse me?? You think I am some slut??
Arnav: I didn't say that. But next time we meet, you are my slut even if I don't call you one.
Meghna: Mind your language mister.
Arnav: What else should I be calling you after all these hot texts?? You expect me to call you 'mom' or 'mummy'??
Meghna: Aaha, so you really think I want you to call me 'mummy' after you grabbed my ass today??
Arnav: I don't know. If you like me calling you 'mummy', I can.
Meghna: You would have grabbed me even if i was your real mom??
Arnav: If that is the kind of ass you had, and if you chose to expose it like you did today, I certainly would have.
Meghna: Okkaayy. So have you tried the same with your real mom too?? Sujatha has a sexy ass after all.
Arnav: I have noticed...
Meghna: You are worse than I thought.
Arnav: But I like your well toned ass more. And now I own it too.
Meghna: You really think I am going to let you have it, for real??
Arnav: Do you think I would really be waiting for your permission. I am just going to pull down your tights and eat your ass, wherever it is I see you next.
Meghna: And what do you expect me to do??
Arnav: Just bent down, and push your ass out as much as you can.
Meghna: So we are seriously on, Arnav?? This is forbidden and really risky.
Arnav: You should have thought about that earlier. Now all I want to tell you is that you will never miss your husband again.
Meghna: And this stays between us, right?? Nobody should ever know.
Arnav: As long as you make sure I wake up to your nudes.
Meghna: You are going to get tons of them.
Arnav: I have never seen anything of your boobs ever. Not even your cleavage.
Meghna: You won't have to complain about it for long. Next time we meet, I am going to pull my top off for you.
Arnav: He says he loves you...
Meghna: You are big, seriously big!! Now I really wish I had it in between my ass cheeks.
Arnav: Soon, baby. Kisses on your pussy lips for now.
Meghna: Love you, honey. Tell your meaty cocky I am going to blow him nice very soon. Let me just find a way to spend time with you. Maybe another function will come up soon...