Page 01

Jane was a light sleeper to begin with, but the night in question she hadn't been sleeping at all, merely lying in bed letting her mind wander. It was a Friday night, and her son and daughter had left her with a large, empty house. This was happening much more frequently now that it was summer and her kids were spending more nights out with their friends. This probably wasn't enough to bother most widowed mothers, but Jane's maternal instinct was on edge.

Mia and Ben were as close as any pair of siblings Jane had ever seen. The only possible exception was her relationship with her own brother, Henry, but lately she suspected her son and daughter were unnaturally close. The root of it went back ten years, to the time the kids' father was tragically dying. At the time, Mia was nine and her brother eleven. In his final days, Ben's father took him aside and explained that he would be the man of the family, and that it was up to him to look out for his little sister.

"What about Mom?" the concerned boy had asked his fading father.

Jane had been eavesdropping, and Ben's question brought tears to her eyes.

"Of course you'll need to look out for Mom, too," her late husband replied in the weak voice he had in those last few days. "She'll need you to be strong for her, but she also has her own big brother, your Uncle Henry. He'll be checking in from time to time, I'm sure. But Mia," the dying man paused, "she looks up to you and she's gonna need you to show her the way and keep her safe."

Jane had always been so impressed that Ben took his father's deathbed advice to heart and barely left his little sister's side for the next ten years. He treated his sweet little Mia like a princess, and there were a few times he got in trouble for beating on boys at school who'd said things to make her cry. This became a more common occurrence as Mia entered her teen years and began developing curves that wouldn't stop blooming. She wasn't a chubby girl, by any means, but she was thickly built and shapely. By the time she graduated she was as voluptuous as any bikini model, and more than most.

It wasn't like Mia was unaware of the effect she had on the males around her. She was. She simply wasn't fully aware. During her school years, she became more interested in fashion and makeup than her studies with the unusual urge to make sure she always looked good for her brother. She loved that Ben was so proud and attentive toward her and she wanted to keep it that way. Yet this also drew the attention of every other man and boy in town. But after the first couple of overzealous boys ended up with blackened eyes and bloodied noses, courtesy of Mia's protective big brother, the local males safely adopted a look-but-don't-touch policy.

Realizing his little sister's effect on men, Ben started working out and studied martial arts. He wanted to be ready to handle anything when and if he were called upon to defend his curvaceous sister's dignity.

Now that Mia was nineteen and Ben was twenty-one, the pair acted more like a couple than siblings, which caused their mother no shortage of concern. Mia now idolized Ben like no one else after years of looking to him for advice, love and protection. And Mia was Ben's princess. In his eyes she could do no wrong. Ben was a straight A student on top of being fit and capable. He was popular with girls, but Mia was the only one he treated like an unblemished angel. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to Jane that on top of everything else, her kids were best friends and did things together far more than they ever dated anyone outside the family.

Jane understood how her kids felt about each other probably better than they did. Now forty, she was still fit and beautiful, with looks and a body that left no one wondering where her daughter's incredible appeal came from. Yet she was a woman with secrets. The kind she could never tell anyone, least of all her own offspring. But she often thought she might have to in order to save them from suffering the same kind of heartache she had.

It was past midnight that Friday night, now Saturday morning, when Ben and Mia came into the house laughing. It was far from the first time Jane had heard her daughter and son come in late giggling over whatever fun they'd been having. Mia let out a sudden shriek that was louder than she meant it to be, which was followed by more laughter between the siblings with Ben cautioning her to keep from waking up their mother.

After that, the giggling became softer and their voices dropped to murmurs Jane couldn't distinguish. There was no way she was getting to sleep anytime soon, so she quietly got out of bed and tiptoed toward the end of the hallway.

The ground floor of the house was mostly an open floor plan except for a guest room and home office toward the rear. The rest was kitchen, dining area and a living room that all flowed together without walls. The upstairs was built as a loft that took up about two-thirds of the area the first floor had. Past the bedrooms was an open, balcony type area with a railing that looked down on the floor below.

There were only two houses like it in the wooded development they lived in. Jane's late husband had been in the construction business and had maneuvered his way into a good deal on a large tract of land that he divided into individual plots and built upscale houses. He'd kept the nicest for his family, while Jane's brother lived in the only comparable house about a quarter mile away. With a few of the properties also being held onto as rentals, the family had been left extremely well off.

Jane came out as far as she dared, not wanting Ben and Mia to know she was awake. She'd had unsettling feelings about their unusual closeness for a long time. She didn't know what to expect, and based on her own history she could never be sure just how close they were. Yet. But in the back of her mind she knew it was only a matter of time before the unthinkable happened. Or was she simply being paranoid and letting her own past cloud her judgement?

She spotted her son now sitting at the end of the couch with his sister sitting half sideways, leaning her back against him. He had his arm around her shoulders and was lightly stroking her arm. This was nothing unusual for Ben and Mia. They'd been affectionate that way for years already. Jane never thought there was anything wrong with it. Despite her own personal history, she didn't think it would lead to anything shameful. If anything, it made her happy to know her kids weren't afraid to show they loved each other. So many of their friends had siblings they constantly fought with.

But that night they'd been out and Jane could tell they'd probably done some drinking with their friends. And the way Mia was dressed wasn't the most appropriate way for cuddling with her big brother. She was wearing a tight pair of white denim shorts and a pink tank top that scooped down low between her outsized tits. Jane wore C cup bras herself, so she knew her daughter was at least a D cup if not even DD. It was also easy to tell she wasn't wearing a bra and with her brother's arm around her his hand was dangling close to his sister's bust.

The way Mia and Ben were sitting might've been unusual for average siblings, but it was perfectly routine for them. It was the conversation they were having that really made their mother's ears perk. She knew they've been doing a little drinking with their friends, but they never seemed to overdo it so Jane didn't say anything about it. She supposed she shouldn't have been surprised that people their age liked to experiment in other ways too, but her son and daughter were about to open their mother's eyes to something she'd tried not to think about.

"I can't believe you actually kissed me in front of everyone," Mia giggled heartily, like she was boasting and not at all complaining about being kissed by her brother. "Did you see the look on everybody's face? They couldn't believe you really did it."

Jane's heart nearly stopped at the sound of her daughter's words.

"They were just jealous 'cuz I got to kiss the most beautiful girl there."

"Awww, Benny, you're sweet."

"It's true, though. Besides, you kissed me back so I guess you didn't mind."

Mia made a distinct purring sound. "I liked it," she admitted in a loud whisper. "Besides, I didn't want to kiss any of those other guys."

"They all sure wanted to kiss you, though," her brother mused with a light chuckle.

"They were watching us like horny hawks," Mia giggled.

"We gave them a pretty good show, didn't we, sis?" her brother said, laughing again.

"They'll be talking about it forever," she said proudly. "You're a really amazing kisser, you know."

"You, too, little sister."

"I guess I just liked it so I got into it. Is that really weird?"

"Nah. I was into it too."

They got quiet a minute or so after that. In her shaded hiding place, their mother felt relieved. So they shared a naughty kiss. They were probably goaded into it by their tipsy friends. Peer pressure. Sure, they liked it, but it looked like they were back to normal, or at least what was normal for them.

"Benny? Can I ask you something?" Mia broke the silence.

"Of course."

"Did you ever kiss anybody you really loved ... like a lot?"

"Hmm," Ben thought it over. "I guess not really."

"Do you think that's why we both got into it so much? Ya know? I mean 'cuz we're brother and sister, so we automatically love each other, right?"

"Geeze, I guess you're right. It's not like we're a couple or anything, but yeah, we love each other a lot."

"Thank you for saying that, Benny. I didn't wanna think it was just me."

"Aww, I love you the most."

Mia purred happily. "I love you, too, Benny."

Jane felt a beautiful warmth surround her heart as she listened to her son and daughter express their love for each other. She felt so lucky on one hand, but on the other she was worried. It wasn't as if history never repeated itself, even her kind of unmentionable history.

"Ya know, the guys weren't the only ones jealous when we kissed," Mia pointed out with another playful giggle. "All the girls wished they were me, especially Tera."

Ben chuckled. "Yeah, but I didn't kiss her."

"How could you when she had your dick all the way in her mouth?" Mia then giggled louder than she meant to. "After our little display she couldn't wait to get your thing out of your pants. She didn't even care everyone could see."

Ben snickered too. "Just like Bob couldn't keep his hands off your tits," he replied.

"Yeah, but I didn't kiss him, though. Just like you didn't kiss Tera."

"He sure kissed your melons enough," Ben chuckled.

Jane wasn't surprised to hear about the sexual nature of the fun her kids had been having, but it made her pussy go warm and quiver with arousal. It had been too long since anyone had touched or sucked on her tits, or for that matter, since she'd had a nice, hard, tasty cock in her mouth. Being an older, slightly heavier version of her hot, raven-haired daughter, she was still an intensely appealing woman, but she wasn't young like her son and daughter. A woman her age couldn't afford to give in to every naughty urge that came over her, but that didn't stop her hand from slipping into her panties while she overheard the kids' talk of their games.

She could see that Ben was still keeping an eye out for his sister like always, but now that they were older there was more he would tolerate than when Mia was still in school. Back then, any boy who tried feeling her gorgeous tits would've gotten his hand broken.

Jane was wearing what she put on for sleeping: a tank top that fit her loosely everywhere except her formidable bustline and a pair of dark purple bikini panties. When her fingers slid over her smoothly shaven mound to her slit, her sex lips were already moist and heating up.

"And how do you know what Bob was doing with your sister's boobs, Mister?" Mia said teasingly.

"Oh please. You knew I was watching. You were watching me at the same time. If I didn't know any better I'd say you liked seeing your sister's boobies." She giggled much too loudly again and her brother shushed her, also laughing.

"I was just making sure Bob didn't try anything you didn't want him to," Ben said. "In case I had to break his neck or something."

Mia purred audibly. "I always feel safe when I know you're there, Benny."

"I'll always be there for you, baby sis. I promise."

Mia sighed wistfully, then her tone turned playful again. "I still think you liked seeing 'em."

"Who wouldn't?" her brother replied. "They're perfect. Besides, I know you were watching me, too, but you weren't exactly making very much eye contact."

His little sister giggled again, but this time it sounded forced. "I, umm, I just never saw it hard before. At least not out in the open like that."

Ben groaned. "Umm, when did you ever see it hard anywhere?"

"In the pool, silly," his curvy little sister giggled triumphantly. "You think I can't tell when you're in the water, but I always see that big bulge in your suit when I come out in a bikini."

"Oh my god, sis, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say. I guess I just can't help it. You look so incredible in a bikini. Actually, you look incredible in anything. I'm really really sorry."

"Don't be. I take it as a huge compliment. And I do mean huge. Tera couldn't even take the whole thing," she giggled too loudly again. "Besides, I know you were looking at my tits."

"Okay, I admit it. I was looking, but Bob's head was in the way most of the time."

"So was Tera's!"

The brother and sister laughed together for a long time.

"Shhhh," Ben finally shushed. "We shouldn't wake up Mom."

But their mother now had one of her fingers inside her pussy while she struggled to keep from moaning. She knew it was sick and twisted, but she wanted to hear more of the naughty things her kids had been doing that night, in front of each other and who knew how many others. Everything about what she was doing was so wrong, but she couldn't help herself. Mia and Ben both had a reputation for being the hottest looking brother and sister in town. Whenever anyone talked about how good looking one of them was, it was inevitable the other would come up, too.

Jane was proud of them. Despite being their mother, she was fully aware of how hot and good looking her son and daughter both were. They reminded her of herself and her brother, Henry, when they were the same age. For years, people teased them about being a hot looking couple. Jane and Henry usually just laughed good naturedly, but they also realized they acted as much like a couple as siblings.

At least Ben and Mia didn't look as much alike as their mother and Uncle Henry. Neither of them ever said anything about that, so Jane never had to explain the truth to them. Only one other person knew that Ben and Mia were actually half siblings, and that was Henry. Not even Jane's dearly departed husband ever knew Henry was Ben's father.

All those years ago, Jane and Henry had done their best to put their explosive relationship behind them. And for a while, it seemed like they had. Yet not long after Jane got married, she and her brother lapsed into their old ways and had made furious love several times over a period of a few weeks. Mia's father, James, had been away during that time so there was no doubt in Jane's mind whose sperm had taken hold in her womb. It was her brother's. Jane had lied to James about Ben's due date, and fortunately, James was too excited about becoming a father to pay much attention to too many details. The timing had been just close enough for the deception to work.

For years, Henry suspected he was his own nephew's father. He'd brought it up now and then when they had a chance to be alone, but Ben was already six years old before Jane told her brother the truth. Henry never held the deception against her. He was the most understanding man in her life and he never failed her. He also protected their secret as fiercely as she. He understood why she did it, but when he found out he had a son he felt proud.

Jane's mind wandered over everything while she continued to finger her pussy. Her slit quivered and ached for the feel of her loving brother's cock. It had been years since the last time he fucked her, but she remembered that exquisite feeling like it was yesterday. And now, she didn't want to see her own children go through the same thing she had, but the way they treated each other reminded her so much of herself and Henry it made her pussy ache like mad.

"Benny?" Mia said, jarring her mother out of her thoughts of the past. "Would you think I'm a freak if I said I felt jealous of Tera while she was sucking you off?"

Ben sighed deep and loud. "No, sis."


"Really. I mean ... if we're being honest, I hated it when Bob was feeling and sucking those gorgeous tits. I was wishing it was me instead."

"Yeah, and I wanted to be the one with your dick in my mouth," Mia said in a dramatic whisper.

"Yeah, that would get 'em talking way more than the kissing will."

Mia giggled again, but then blew a sigh. "I wish you weren't my brother. Ugh! I didn't mean that like it probably sounded."

"It's okay, sis. I know what you mean. It's not like you're the only one who thinks like that sometimes."


"Only like forever, sis."

"Oh god, me too. Ya know, if you were my boyfriend I'd make you marry me."

They both laughed. "You wouldn't have to," her brother replied. "I'd already want to. I'd never let you go with anyone else. You'd be all mine forever."

Jane felt her eyes going wet with tears, but at the same time her finger began pumping faster into her pussy.

"Mia, what are you doing?" Ben said, making his mother look back down at them.

Her daughter was sitting up and pulling her tank top off. She sat with her shoulders squared back and her shapely, oversized tits hanging out in the open in front of her brother.

"You said you wished you could see my boobs without Bob's head in the way, so I'm letting you."

Jane was amazed to see her daughter proudly baring her chubby melons. They defied gravity even despite their considerable weight, and her russet colored nipples were clearly swollen.

"Ohhhh, sis ... fuck," Ben said, stunned. "They're even more than perfect. Bob definitely doesn't deserve those."

"Well I only let him play with 'em 'cuz you let that whore, Tera, suck your cock."

"I'm sorry, baby. Once she got started, I couldn't help it. But I was looking at you the whole time, wishing it was you instead."

"Did you really?" She tilted her head coquettishly and grinned.

"Of course. I already told you you were the most beautiful girl there. And, also the only one I'm in love with."

Mia gasped. Jane noticed her son was now rubbing his growing cock through his pants while he gazed at his sister's spectacular melons.

"You mean in love like a guy loves his sister in love? Or like a guy loves his girlfriend?" the busty beauty asked.

"Both," her brother replied.

"Fuck," Mia whispered.

"Yeah. Fuck," her brother repeated.

"I love you too, Benny." She hefted her glorious tits in her hands and toyed with her nipples. After a minute she giggled like before. "So do you like my boobs better without Bob's head in the way?"

"Much better," Ben replied with a chuckle.

"Well," Mia came back in sing-songy tone. "I'd like seeing your cock without Tera's mouth on it."

"This so bad," he replied, unzipping his pants.

Jane pushed another finger into her dripping cunt as she watched her son pull his thick, impressive cock out of his pants to a look of pure delight on his younger sister's face. He began stroking his flesh while Mia fondled her tits for him. They were both breathing heavily and couldn't take their eyes off each other. Jane bit her bottom lip to keep from crying as she orgasmed spontaneously. The release felt sublime and badly needed, but she knew it wasn't going to be her last climax before the night was through.​
Next page: Page 02