Chapter 01

"You’re telling me I’m broke?!” I was trying to keep calm, but from the nervous glances I got from the man’s secretary, I was failing miserably.

“That’s not the term I would use, ma’am,” the accountant said. “But your late husband was over-leveraged, and his assets are barely enough to cover the debt. He was in arrears on several payments, and with his passing… the banks are moving to collect. I’m afraid if you can’t make the payments or clear the debt, the house, yacht, and the car will all be confiscated, and a hold will be placed on all of your accounts.”

“Wait,” I said, my head spinning as I tried to process the news, “I don’t understand.”

“Ms. Beverley,” the little balding man said in a long-suffering tone, “Forgive me for speaking ill of the dead, but I had been warning your late husband for years that he was living above his means. He was engaged in some very shady debt practices that are considered… illegal in certain states. The banks are going to find out, very soon, and when they do, their retribution against those who hold his debt in their names, are going to be swift and brutal. You and your stepson would do well to sell everything and pay it off before that happens.”

“How soon,” I asked, “till they come after us?”

“I would be confident saying you have a week. After that…” he held up his hands and shrugged. “Certainly, by the first of the month, they will begin to inquire, and I’m required by law to provide them with the details of Mr. Beverley’s financial records if they have a court order. Which they will.”

“One week…” I shook my head, feeling like the world was crashing down around me, “I just buried my husband, and I have one week to pay off his debts or lose everything.”

Looking up at the little man, I saw sweat beading on his bald pate, and I knew there was no hope of trying to get him to cover this up. A man like him would crack under the slightest pressure.

“How much in total?” I asked.

“1.37 million,” he said, “That’s the debt in total. The payment amount for this month, including all accounts, is 74 thousand.”

It was all too much, and suddenly I had to be out of there. Away from this annoying little man and his disapproving stares. Standing, I staggered out of his office.

“I will have to arrange for assessors to review the properties,” he called after me as I pushed open the door, “Expect to see them any day!”

The secretary and other women in the office glanced away nervously, burying their heads in their keyboards and pretending not to notice me. I’m used to that kind of reaction from women. You don’t go through life looking like I do, without recognizing envy in women’s faces.

Ignoring them, I strode out to my car. As I sat in the plush leather seat, gripping the wheel, a sudden wave of anxiety and stress rolled over me, and I felt the tears threatening to overwhelm. Biting the inside of my bottom lip, an old habit for dealing with anxiety or pressure, and continuing until I tasted blood. With the sharp pain, came a moment or two of relief from the stress, and I gathered my wits.

“That son of a bitch isn’t getting the last laugh,” I growled to myself, not sure whether I meant the accountant or my late husband.

Starting up my Porsche Cayenne, I drove up into the hills, already late for my lunch at the country club. Cursing myself the whole drive for not looking into the finances before he passed. I almost pulled over to a corner store and bought a pack of cigarettes, something I hadn’t done since my modeling days. Finally, I got to the club, and the valet took my keys. Hurrying through the elegant lobby and into the clubhouse, I found Alice already drinking a glass of rose while she waited for me.

“Dahling, there you are,” Alice said in that MidAtlantic drawl of hers, “Look at this madness? You’d think the groundskeepers would deal with it.”

She pointed out at the golf course, where a flock of ducks waddled across a green, leaving a trail of poop behind. “This place is falling apart. Tell me how the meeting went, were you pleasantly surprised? Or did the old cancer fuck you over for that handsome boy of his?”

“The old fool died and left me nothing,” I said, my voice tinged with bitterness. Motioning for the waiter to bring me another glass of wine, I continued, “Apparently, he was in tremendous debt.”

“You’re serious?” Alice said, in shock, “You said the man was worth millions!”

“He was,” I said, feeling the frustration surge in me, “Or he told me he was. It looks like he was living on debt for years, maybe decades. His monthly salary just covered the payments, and now that he’s gone…”

“Dahling, that’s terrible!” Alice said, “We simply must do something about this. Come, drink your wine, relax. Leave it to Alice, dear, I’ll figure something out. Now tell me all about it.”

I told her all about my morning meetings with the lawyers, business managers, and the accountant. Alice was the perfect person to talk to. Not only was she my best friend and a sweetheart, but she’d also been through something similar when her second husband passed away a few years before. Over the years since we’d become friends, we’d grown close as sisters, able to tell each other anything.

The rest of the tables in the clubhouse dining room were filled with other women, all here for a late lunch or early cocktail. A sea of white tennis skirts, bleach blonde hair, and fake tits. I always found these women so tiresome, and the surge of pride I usually felt when I felt their side-eye stares, was absent.

I make no pretensions about who or what I am. I was sixteen when discovered by a modeling agency out of New York. By the end of that summer, I was making more money than my parents. After a stint with Victoria’s Secret when I was twenty, my bust developed too much for me to continue modeling. A few years later, I met my husband, who was decades older and wealthy, able to provide me with the lifestyle I’d become accustomed to.

I wish I could say it was a union of love, but the truth is I married him for the lifestyle. He was a good man, showering me with gifts and attention throughout our marriage. I never had to worry about him cheating since he wasn’t ever able to get it up, even with pills.

“The old fool didn’t even have a life insurance policy,” I said. “There is nothing left for me. I’m going to have to start all over. But what can I do? Get a job? What skills do I have?”

“Nonsense dahling,” Alice said, “you’re too gorgeous to work a nine to five. What about Mark? Didn’t his father leave him anything?”

“Mark’s money comes from his mother’s side, held in trust,” I said, shaking my head, “It’s safe, but he can’t access it until he’s twenty-five. His father made sure the boy’s college is paid for but other than that… he’s on his own for the next six years.”

“So, the boy could use the money too,” Alice said thoughtfully, her tone causing me to glance over at her in curiosity.

The woman wore an expression that always made me nervous. She usually got it just before doing something wild. Such as the time she’d done molly with her daughter’s sorority friends, or when she and I’d gone skinny dipping at three am, after a few too many bottles of red wine and nearly kissed.

“What is it you’re thinking?” I asked, not sure I wanted to hear.

“You ever thought about getting back into modeling?”

“Hmph, I don’t think there’s much money out there for a 38-year-old model,” I said with a shake of my head. “Don’t tell me that’s your idea.”

“I wasn’t thinking that kind of model,” Alice said, her eyes flashing with suppressed amusement.

“You don’t mean like on one of those sites?” I asked with a disbelieving laugh, “For all the world to see?”

“Certainly not,” she said with a firm shake of her head, “Nothing so low class. Those sites offer basic services, and the models make a reasonable income, true. Depending on their skill or attractiveness, they can even make decent money, but nothing serious. I’m talking about the exclusive sites. The ones that can’t be found from a simple google search.”

“How do you know about all this?” I asked.

“I used to track my second husband's credit card transactions, to see who he was cheating on me with.” She said with a smirk, “One time, a charge came through for fifteen grand, and I grew suspicious. I lined it up with his browsing history and saw he’d spent a half-hour on a special cam site.”

“What was he watching?” I asked, shocked at the amount of money.

“If you’re not interested, I understand,” she said, and I could see she was being evasive and wasn’t going to answer my question. “I can’t believe I’m even suggesting it. But if you really need the money, it’s the fastest way I know of to get it.”

“What kinds of things… what would I have to do?” I asked, feeling my heart race. Was I seriously considering this?

“Nothing at first,” she said with a shrug. “Just meet with them, have a video call. If they agree to take you on, they’ll tell you the details… Want me to pass along your number?”

“Sure,” I said, feeling a little light-headed, “Why not.”

“How is Mark doing, anyway?” She asked, a sparkle entering her eyes as she brought up my stepson, “Is he still on the diving team?”

“Not this year,” I said, happy for the change of topic, “with the funeral and graduation, the boy is a bit lost.”

“He’s a fine young man,” Alice said with a warm smile, the warmest I remember seeing from her, “Don’t you think? Handsome, sweet, and such a good boy.”

“I suppose,” I said with a frown, “To be honest, I don’t know him all that well. He’s always been so awkward and in his room on that computer. I’ve raised him since he was a boy, but we’ve never been close. I worry about him even more with his father gone. His interests are all so… odd.”

“I wouldn’t worry about Mark,” Alice said with a grin, “That boy’s going to be just fine. Being interested in computers isn’t a bad thing for a kid nowadays.”

I knew she was right, Mark was one of the good ones. Despite what I’d said, I’d been thinking a lot about Mark lately. Trying to square the shy, awkward kid, he was at home with the kid the rest of the world saw. From what I saw, the boy was quiet and a bit of a recluse, but sweet and brilliant. He was also driven to succeed in everything he did, always wanting to be the best. Whether that was diving, where he was a state champ, classes where he was one of the top students, or video games.​
Next page: Chapter 02
Next article in the series 'MILF Harem': MILF Mansion Inheritance