Chapter 06

Hopping in the shower, I washed off the sweat from the gym. As the pulsing water struck my skin, I nearly let it massage my aching sex, my desire still presenting its great need. I’ve always been a rule follower, though, or usually, and so I refrained and followed The Director's instructions.

After taking a few extra minutes to put on my makeup and arrange my hair in a cute ponytail. I put on the bikini standing in front of the mirror to check myself out.

I’d never had kids of my own and had no stretch marks or sag to my hips and breasts, like many women my age do. With E-cup boobs that still stand out proud and firm, and my flat and narrow waist, the bikini showed off my figure to perfection. The tiny triangle of the panties barely covered my hairless sex, and the back showed off my large firm butt.

Grabbing a towel, I took in a deep breath, settling my nerves, and went downstairs. Every step, I felt my anxiety climbing until I turned into the kitchen and made myself a giant margarita. Drinking down a third of it quickly, I felt my confidence return, only then did I step out into the backyard.

The weather was perfect for a day out by the pool, and I laid out my towel, set down my drink, and got out the suntan lotion. I coated my legs and arms and was just rubbing it between my breasts when I caught motion passing by the sliding glass doors.

“Mark?” I called, and when he peeked his head out, I grinned back, “It’s a beautiful day, why don’t you join me?”

“Mhmghs,” He mumbled a reply that I couldn’t make out, eyes locked on the ground, but before I could ask what he meant, I got a notification on the unique app I’d downloaded.

Bonus Instruction: get Mark to apply lotion to your back.

My heart began to hammer in my chest when I read the message. The terms sheet had laid out that Bonus Instructions would lead to large payouts. My mind was still debating what I should do as I heard my voice calling out.

“Mark! Come put lotion on me!”

Blinking, I realized the margarita had gone to my head quickly. Looking up, I saw Mark walking out of the house, licking his lips nervously as he came over.

“Mhmm, thank you, honey,” I said, laying down and crossing my arms beneath my face and turning to the side so I could watch him approach. My eyes just happened to be staring at the log swinging around in his flannel pants, and a little mewl of pleasure escaped my throat.

“What?” Mark asked as he rubbed lotion on his hands.

“Nothing dear,” I said, sighing out as his hands pressing into my shoulders, “I was just thinking what a handsome and sweet young man you’ve grown up into.”

“Hmph,” he snorted, “tell the girls at school that.”

“Young girls are bad at seeing a man for what he is,” I said dismissively, “don’t worry about them. You’ll find they’ll have a much different opinion of a nice, responsible, handsome man in a few years.”

“It won’t matter,” he said, and I turned to look up at him, the sadness in his voice tugging at something inside, “Somethings will never change, and I already know what girls think of me.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, my voice concerned.

“Nothing,” he said with a shake of his head, “forget it.”

“I won’t,” I said, reaching out and grabbing his hand, “tell me, Mark, what is it? What happened?”

He pressed his lips together and glanced away. I wasn’t sure if he was angry or what it was that was bothering him, but I waited, letting him speak in his own time.

“Do you remember Sarah?” I shook my head no, “From the diving team?” I nodded, suddenly remembering a mousey brown-haired girl, “Well, we went on a few dates at the beginning of the semester.”

“I didn’t know that,” I said, grinning up at him. My grin slipped at the sad expression on his face.

“We only went on three dates, and dad was sick, so I didn’t make a big deal of it.” He blushed before going on, “On the third date, we went back to her dorm and… fooled around. But when she… never mind, it’s too embarrassing. I can’t say it.”

“Mark,” I rested a hand on his forearm, feeling the warmth of him radiating against me, “Forget I’m your mom and just think of me as a friend. I won’t judge you.”

“God,” he said, shaking his head, “It’s so hard to say. Anyway, when we were trying to… you know… she got hurt and ended up crying. She never wanted to see me again after that, and people now assume I did something terrible. They think I’m an abuser or something, and Sarah is too embarrassed to explain. It’s ruined my reputation at school, not that I had one, to begin with.”

“Oh, honey,” I said, “don’t let that upset you. These things happen, you were just kids figuring things out. It’s not like you tried to hurt her, right? It was just an accident, I’m sure.”

“Of course not!” He said with an indignant shake of his head, “I just… I guess I went too quickly… It was too…”

He shook his head quickly and was about to stand, face red with embarrassment, but I gripped his arm harder and held him in place.

“I’m glad you opened up to me. And I hope you know that nothing you did was wrong, at least nothing more than anyone would expect from a horny teenage boy.”

There was a tightness around his eyes as if I’d hurt him in some way, but he stayed.

“Now, you can finish up the lotion before you go back to your games. I don’t want to get burned today.”

Rolling back over, I reached behind my back and unlaced the string of my bikini top, casually letting it fall to the ground, leaving my back bare to his eyes and hands. I heard Mark swallow loudly, then felt his hands once more on my shoulders.

Tentative at first, he slowly gained in confidence, and soon his fingers were massaging the muscles of my back with surprising strength. The boy worked the lotion into the skin, growing shy as they spread it down my sides. I felt the tips of his fingers near the soft flesh of my breasts, pressed as they were between me and the chair's cushion, but retreated before he dared to touch them.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I came to lay outside, feeling alive at being on display, but awkwardly removed. Now, I melted into the cushions, my mind dancing down wicked corridors as my stepson’s hands glided up and down the skin of my back. I sighed out in pleasure at one particular firm stroke, and he paused for a second before doing did it again, eliciting another moan.

Reaching down, I felt my heart race, cheeks burning as I pushed the back of my bikini panties down until just a bare hint of crack peeked through. I felt Mark hesitate for a moment before squirting another dollop of lotion into his hand. When his fingers pressed into my lower back, I felt pure pleasure radiating out from the center of my being.

Being here, laid out on display, with my son’s hands all over me was awakening feelings I didn’t realize existed within me. For an act that could be seen as so banal, the fact that both of us were aware of one another on a primal level, make it truly wicked.

As his strong fingers worked the muscles of my lower back, I felt tingles race along my skin as they grazed the upper softness of my behind. Slowly he worked lower and lower until his fingers were digging into the white skin past my tan line. My aching pussy quivered at the contact, and I nearly came right there.

Shifting my hips and knees, I just barely managed to stifle the whimper of disappointment as he stopped. His fingers left my skin for the last time, and he stood silently. For a long moment, he stood over me, and I trembled, feeling vulnerable beneath his gaze. I couldn’t see him, looking away as I was, but I could feel his eyes traveling the length of me.

A stray thought wanted me to call out for him to take me or roll over and see what he would do. But another part of me rebelled at the thought. As I was warring with myself internally, Mark turned and strode back to the house without a word.

Rolling over to watch him go, I held my top against my breasts and caught his pale green eyes as he turned back with a final glance. They were burning, with an intensity that I’d never seen in a man before. I felt the fire of it sear me to my soul. Never had a man looked at me with such fierce desire, such intense need. The power of it was more than compelling, it was electrifying. I half raised up on one elbow, the strings of my bikini hanging down, and Mark stiffened, face blanching as he dashed inside quickly.

Looking down, I realized one of the triangles of my top had slipped down, revealing a large pink and firm nipple. Tying the top in place, I lay back down and pulled over my margarita, taking a long sip and settling back down with sunglasses over my eyes.

You wicked slut, I thought to myself, how far are you going to take things?

I set the thoughts aside and put on some music, trying to ignore the wetness coating the inside of my suit and the burning itch to touch myself. Letting the music take me away as it always did. I was safe in a world of pumping synthetic beats and rising Latin vocals until the song ended, and I adjusted my sunglasses.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtain in my stepson’s room twitch, and a cold sweat popped out all over my skin. Laying back down, sunglasses covering my eyes, I couldn’t help but be aware of his eyes on my body. Shifting, so my back was arched slightly, and one knee higher than the other, I showed off my flawless form to maximum effect. I felt my nipples stand out firmly against the black suit, the soft material caressing my skin. For one delicious second, the curtain twitched again, waist-high, and I gripped the cushion in two hands, biting my lip, back arching higher as I imagined that monster impaling me. Imagined seeing his hand flying along its length.

The agony and the pleasure were like a plucked cord, vibrating within me. I couldn’t touch myself and wasn’t sure I could have while my son was watching. At the same time, I felt more alive than I had in years; not just beautiful but wanted and desired. The minutes stretched, and in frustration and feeling the heat cooking my skin, I set my glasses aside and dove into the pool.

The cold water was a pleasant shock, but my frustrations persisted. I swam for a few minutes and climbed out of the pool. On a lark, I swam down to the deep end and up, letting the water sweep my long dark hair back as I climbed up the step ladder. The water cascaded down me, and with each step, I felt my massive breasts sway and bounce. In my mind was the scene from ‘Fast Times’, but I’m sure it was more bumbling than that.

Feeling a touch of pride and knowing it was silly, but enjoying anyway, I drew my towel about myself, drying off and wrapping my hair up. My phone had a notification from the app, and I opened it with a touch of trepidation and more than a little excitement.

You’re not supposed to be enjoying this! I berated myself.

When I opened the app, all it said was: Task Complete.

I was left sitting there staring at the phone, knowing what had happened and yet unable to totally convince myself that it had. When nothing else popped up on the screen, I closed it down and opened social to see I had a message waiting for me.

Alice: It’s Friday, let's get drinks, the club has oysters on special

Me: I’ll see you @ five

Alice: Perfect!

Another quick shower and I was in a comfortable summer dress and on the road before I ran into Mark. As I drove, I tried my hardest to ignore the butterflies that were dancing in my stomach. The situation was titillating to me, that was all, and it was wrong of me to get off on it so much, when it was just to help us both out.​
Next page: Chapter 07
Previous page: Chapter 05
Next article in the series 'MILF Harem': MILF Mansion Inheritance