Chapter 10

Mark got home late, and I heard him making himself something to eat downstairs, so setting aside my glasses and laptop, I climbed out of bed to get something as well. I caught him eating a plate of leftover take out from the night before, and I joined him.

I was ready for things to be awkward between us, allowing for that morning to be a one-off, but to my surprise and joy, he was just as relaxed and comfortable with me that evening as he had been that morning. There was a moment or two, where our eyes caught one another's that things got awkward, but I never felt uncomfortable, just the opposite.

As he talked about the video game streaming project he was working on with his friend, he brought up that they were going to launch the beta version in a week. They needed to start putting together a company of some kind if they wanted to do it properly.

“I can help with that,” I said, “Or if me being around your friend makes you uncomfortable still, I can give you the name of a good manager.”

“I would love the help,” he said, his smile warm and grateful, “let me get the business proposal I’ve started on. It’s really not much, just a few paragraphs about what I think the business could be and the direction I’d like to take the engineering.”

“Sounds like a good start,” I said, grinning back.

He ran upstairs and brought down his laptop and showed me the field he’d been working on, as well as a demo version of the site. He spent a good amount of time showing me all the various features he’d built into the website, such as the video feed, chat box, and ways for commenters to tip or send gifs and emojis.

“The gamer boys are going to go crazy when a girl starts streaming,” I said with a laugh, “you have stuff in place for when the girls start flashing their tits for tips?”

“No,” he said in concern and reached over to make a note in his notepad, “I never even thought of that, that’s a good point. User experience is important, and if it turns into a sex site, that could be bad. I can write security software that will-.”

“Don’t,” I said with a grin. “Write it, but don’t release it right away. If that does become a problem, you can, but I’d imagine cute topless girls might attract more people to the site than any ad campaign could.”

“That’s not very ethical,” Mark said, but he had a sly grin on his face as he made another note beside the first, “When did you get to be such a devious businesswoman?”

“I’ve kept my ears open over the years,” I said, feeling a warmth inside at the compliment, “But I’ve always had a knack for making something desirable.”

“I’ll say,” Mark said, his pale green eyes dancing with faint amusement as he looked me up and down in my housecoat.

“Stop that,” I said with a grin, then I stifled a yawn that cracked my jaw, as I stood to leave, “It’s after twelve, we’ve been up all night. You better get to sleep; you have class in the morning.”

“Were you serious last night?” Mark asked, and the serious tone in his voice caused me to turn and look at him.

“Which part?” I asked, feeling my heart flutter.

“That… that it was the only time,” for the first time, I saw the weak boy I’d come to recognize as Mark, peeking out.

“Do you want it to be?” I asked, a heat in my voice, and I could only grin when he shook his head violently. “Then what are you going to do about it?”

The words hadn’t finished coming out of my mouth when Mark leaped to his feet and swept me into his arms. I was so stunned I stiffened up, but when he pressed his lips to mine, holding me in a surprisingly firm grip, I felt myself melt against him. Our lips softened into one another, and the fire within my loins was lit, as his strong hands slipped down to grip my ass, and I felt him grind that massive erection against my hip.

Heady emotions were swirling within me as our tongues danced with one another. My body was aching to be touched, but when I felt Mark’s hand slip under my robe, I panicked a little, feeling as if things were moving too fast.

Breathlessly I broke off our kiss and gently pushed Mark back. His chest was heaving, and there was a wildness around the edges of his eyes. He drew in a ragged breath and held my eyes for a long moment. There was a glint in his gaze that set my heart fluttering and pussy quivering. One I’d never seen in a man before but had dreamed of seeing. It was love, lust, and raw need all wrapped up in confident self-possession.

Turning, I fled up the stairs as I had the night before, my mind a confusion of swirling emotions.

Throwing myself on my bed, I pressed my face to a pillow and screamed in frustration. This was all supposed to be to save the house. Mark was my son, I couldn’t be having feelings for him, certainly not ones as powerful as these. And yet the memory of that kiss lingered; the passion of it unlike anything else I’d felt.

I heard footsteps approach my bedroom door as Mark stood outside for a moment. I thought he might knock and try to apologize, but blessedly he left me alone and went down to his room. A part of me wanted to follow, to jump his bones, or just to snuggle and make out with him all night. That’s the part that disturbed me, my aching desire to touch, hold, and be near my son. It was a strange feeling for me, and I wasn’t quite sure what it was.

My sleep was restless, and finally, I gave up at three and went out to my car and had a smoke, then another one and another. As I stood beneath the stars and let the cold breeze flow through my night coat. I thought about my agreement with The Director, no longer a simple matter of some taboo sex.

Stubbing out my third smoke and lighting another, I tried to imagine my life without wealth, and it wasn’t hard to do. I would be able to find work and live a decent life regardless. Then I tried to imagine life without Mark, and I felt an empty pit in the middle of my gut. A future without that sweet young man in it, was depressing.

I came to a decision, for good or ill, I could only see one path forward towards a happy life. Praying it wasn’t a selfish decision I went inside to shower and get ready for what would be a day to remember.

Mark woke early and tried to rush out of the house without seeing me, but I was waiting downstairs. Just as I’d guessed, his shoulders were hunched, and there was the familiar nervous expression on his face.

“Mark!” I called, stopping him with a hand on the front door, he didn’t look back, and I saw his lips grimace in a frown, “Here I made your lunch.”

I handed him the sack lunch, and he went to thank me, a surprised look on his face. I’d made a habit of making his father's lunches in just the same way.

“Thanks,” he said, a touch of sadness in his voice.

“I wanted to speak with you tonight,” I said gently, ignoring his flinch, “about everything that’s been going on and what it means for the future.”

He nodded his head, eyes downcast, a sad expression on his face that picked up when I reached out and tilted his chin up. He looked with curiosity at my smiling face, curiosity that turned to shock as I leaned forward and kissed him as no mother should, tongue slipping into his mouth.

I thought I was prepared for the swell of emotions Marks touch caused in me, but I wasn’t. What I’d hoped to be a quick peck, a hint of what was to come, turned into a passionate make-out session. His lunch dropped on the floor, my back against the banister as his hands ran down my sides. Finally, drawing in a gasping breath, I broke free and held him out at arm's length, both of us heaving in deep breath as we stared into one another’s eyes.

“We will talk tonight,” I said, releasing him and stepping back, trying to keep myself from reaching out, kissing him again, “I promise.”

His eye took on the fierce gleam that I’d seen a couple times now, and my pussy quivered in desire. Mark gave one firm nod and then left for school without a word. I collapsed against the door and found myself grinning.

I met Alice at the gym an hour later, joining her for a spin class. After class, we went and got a cup of coffee, and I told her about my plans. She was over the moon with excitement and made me promise not to back out.

“You have no idea what this means to me,” she said, “Truly, dahling, it will be an evening to remember.”

“I just hope it doesn’t upset Mark,” I said, “I feel so guilty about involving him in all this without his approval.”

“I don’t think he’ll mind,” Alice said with a grin, “but you can tell him once you’ve done the deed.”

“I can?”

“Oh yes, most of the mothers and fathers do. I’ve never seen any react poorly to it.”

“Maybe I’ll do that,” I said with a frown.

“I just want to know that you’ll be ok with it,” Alice said with a look of concern, “The last thing I would want is for you to be upset.”

“Don’t worry about that,” I said with a grin, “I’m looking forward to it more than I should.”

Alice smiled back as she sipped her wine, eyes sparkling with excitement. When she started speaking in frank detail about her plans, I grew more and more excited. By the time I left, I was so worked up that my panties were damp, and Alice’s big nipples pressed against her silk blouse, hard as pebbles. When we hugged goodbye, the embrace lasted a few moments longer than usual, and when we pulled back slightly, looking into one another’s eyes, I saw the same excitement and resolve in her that I felt. With a final wink, Alice got into her car and drove home.

I stopped at the store and picked up groceries and a couple bottles of wine. Then I went home and started preparing dinner. I had a feast planned, and it was a relaxing couple of hours in the kitchen, music blaring as I prepped and prepared things.

The potatoes were peeled and chopped, boiling away, and the oven was preheated and ready to go. All I had to do was sear and toss the lamb, sauté the broccolini, and finish the potatoes. It would only take an hour or so, so I had time to kill. Throwing on my suit, I went out back to get a bit of the late afternoon sun.

Twenty minutes later, Mark got home, and I felt my pussy grow damp, and my heart begin to race. When the sliding glass door opened and he stuck his head out to ask when dinner would be ready, I let him know.

“In an hour and a half or so,” motioning to the bottle of lotion beside me, I said, “think you could help me out?”

“of course,” Mark said, an eager grin working its way onto his mouth, “Just let me change into my suit.”​
Next page: Chapter 11
Previous page: Chapter 09
Next article in the series 'MILF Harem': MILF Mansion Inheritance