Chapter 14
I startled out of my nearly unconscious haze of pleasure, as my body was suddenly empty. I couldn’t think straight, but my body knew what it wanted, what I craved. Like a starving woman, I turned, latching my lips around Marks cock as he swore and grunted, his load filling my mouth faster than I could swallow. I felt thick warm blasts of cum hit my cheeks and chin, then I rolled onto my back and stroked him as he shot the last of his cum across my tits.
“Holy fuck… I’m… lightheaded,” Mark laughed, collapsing beside me on the bed.
Licking my lips clean, I rolled into his arms, sighing in pleasure as he held me tight. We were hot and sweaty but couldn’t stand to be parted from one another. Needing to feel as much skin as possible, we were pressed close, legs extended and wrapped around one another’s, noses brushing one another’s, as we gazed into each other’s eyes.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” Mark said, “Pinch me… Ouch! I didn’t mean for real.”
“Just wanted you to know it’s real,” I said, snuggling deeper into his arms, “So, you don’t go getting all shy and awkward on me again.”
“That won’t happen,” he said, kissing my forehead, “I promise.”
“Good,” I said, then feeling a touch nervous, went on, “So were you going to move your clothes in here? Or keep your room as a closet?”
Mark went stiff for one second and then relaxed, chuckling gently. His hand reached up and stroked my hair, and I grinned, knowing I’d gotten my answer already.
“I’d imagine you’ve grown to enjoy having the closet all to yourself,” he said, and I could hear the smile on his lips, “You’re serious, though?” He said, pulling back so he could look me in the eye, “I’ll understand if this is because of dads passing or something, but you’re serious.”
“I am,” I whispered in his ear, not wanting to share it with anyone else, “I love you. This is new and sudden, but… I’m happy with you. Very happy.”
“Me too,” Mark said, his lips millimeters from mine.
Light kisses turned into heavier, and then I threw my leg over his hips and let his cock slip back into my waiting depths. Pressing him down on the mattress, I rode that massive cock for all I was worth. I loved the way he stared up at me, his eyes drinking in the lines of my face and big bouncing breasts with ever-increasing delight. Not to mention the feel of him beneath me. Riding him, I felt powerful, beautiful, in control of my pleasure and his, and I loved the new experience.
Drawing things out as long as I could, edging both of us until we were wild with lust and I lost all control, riding him hard, as Mark gripped my ass and hammed up into me. I came several times then, as Mark’s cock swelled within me. I felt his massive blast of cum flood my womb and prayed for it to quicken, shocking myself.
He stayed in my bed, pulling me into a spooning position. I felt my son fall asleep, his warm breath tickling my neck, body pressed against my back and cock nestled between my ass cheeks.
There were a hundred things I should have worried about, but at that moment, nothing could ruin how loved, and taken care of I felt. I drifted off to sleep with the knowledge that a reckoning must be coming; that this much happiness could never be for long without something bad to balance it out. But I was intent on savoring it while it lasted.
I awoke in the middle of the night to Mark hard as a rock and pressing against my ass. He slid his hand up and down my sides, down over my hip and then up to cup one of my breasts. Sighing in pleasure as he hefted the soft flesh.
Mewling in pleasure, I ground my ass back into his stiffness. Mark responded immediately, fingers sinking into my tit in surprise as he thrust forward. We both took in sharp breaths as his cock sunk into me completely, filling me. Then the boy began digging his cock in and out of my pussy, causing moans of pleasure to escape my lips, especially when he pinched and pulled at my big nipples.
Long minutes we made love, and when we came together, Mark slowed his thrusting and drew his cock out of my sensitive pussy. Rolling into him, I slid my hand down and let my fingers drag up and down his slick softness marveling at his glorious body. I fell back asleep in his arms, head on his chest, his cock still in my fingers.
When I woke, my hand was gripping steely hard morning wood. Lifting my head to see the morning light streaming in, I looked around the room at the strewn clothing and twisted sheets and felt a thrill of wickedness shoot through my body. I should have been ashamed or embarrassed about what I’d done the night before, but all I felt was happy.
Mark still slept. He lay on his back, black hair curling artfully around his ears, and pale green eyes closed in slumber. He was a handsome young man, but I could see that he would grow into a gorgeous older man. Feeling like a randy schoolgirl as I gazed at his sleeping body, I let my fingers curl around his morning wood again.
Biting my lip and feeling truly wicked, I slipped beneath the covers and took the cock of my sleeping son into my mouth. Sucking and licking it lightly, I coated it in saliva and then wrapped my fingers around its girth and sucking hard, began to fuck my mouth and throat with his glorious cock.
“Nngh,” I heard Mark waking, the sound of surprised pleasure causing me to grin around his cock, then the comforter was thrown wide, and Mark was staring down at me, a look of shock and joy etched on his face.
“Holy fuck, Mom,” Mark moaned, but he wasn’t content with the blowjob, as much as I wanted to worship him and give him this gift.
Mark pulled me up and lay me on my back. With smooth and confident motions, he had my legs spread and was slipping between them. I could hardly believe that he’d been a virgin before we made love because he was a natural. Reading my wants and desires just from my body language.
His weight settled on me as his cock invaded my depths. We made love in sweaty passionate need, hands all over one another’s bodies, lips locked and tongues dancing together. I took his cum in my womb, praying that it quickened and shocking myself with the thought once more. I’d never had a desire to have a kid, let alone be pregnant.
After making love, we lay for long moments together, holding one another and touching gently. Eventually, we had to get on with the morning, and we slipped free of the bed, me heading to take a shower, and Mark getting ready for class. He’d agree to be home early to meet with Alice and me, and I found myself looking forward to the encounter far more than I’d intended.
In part, because I was excited about the business idea Mark had and thought it might actually become something. I found myself spending my morning after the gym reading up on startups and how to grow one successfully. I got so wrapped up in the topic that I almost missed the call from Alice saying she would be running a little late, that she wanted to stop by the hairdresser and nail salon before she got here.
Since she was running late, it gave me enough time to get ready. I took extra time to do my hair and makeup, wanting them to look perfect, then shaved my legs. I put on my favorite loose, silk blouse and a lacy white bra, then a pair of white capri pants that showed off my ass to perfection.
I was just pulling a bottle of white wine out of the fridge to pour myself a glass when Mark got home.
“Is Alice here yet?” He asked, peeking his head in the kitchen.
“She’ll be here soon,” I said.
“Good, I have a PowerPoint I put together. I’ll have time to set up my laptop and the projector.”
“Sounds perfect,” I said, feeling warmth blossom inside, as he slipped his arm around my waist and gave me a deep soul kiss.
I felt Mark respond to my body pressed against his, and he had to pull himself away from me with effort, casting one last lingering stare at me before running upstairs to his room. I sipped my wine, nervous and anxious for the fun to begin.
Mark was setting up his computer when the doorbell rang, and I went to let Alice in. When I opened the door, the woman swept in, throwing a silken shall over her shoulder in an outrageous move. The woman looked breathtaking in a tight black top that clung to her skinny frame and large round breasts, and a pair of skinny black jeans that showed off her slender legs.
“You look amazing, Alice,” I said in compliment, as the woman gave a little spin for my benefit.
“Thank you, Dahling,” she said with a wink, “and you look gorgeous yourself. Now… where is he?” There was a hint of strain in the woman’s voice. I saw a tightness around the edges of her eyes and wondered what was worrying her. “I’ve been going crazy all morning trying to kill time before coming over… Heather, what is it, why are you looking at me like that?”
I was grinning from ear to ear at seeing Alice, the queen of composure, so out of sorts and awkward. She had failed to wear a bra beneath her skin-tight black top, and her small nipples were standing out firm against the material, and her cheeks were flush with emotion.
“This way,” I said, ignoring her question and giving her a wink as I led her into the living room.
There, Mark stood, pacing nervously before the fireplace. He looked up when we entered, and I was pleased to see him do a double take when he saw Alice, eyes widening slightly as he took her in from head to toe. I heard a quiet, almost imperceptible sigh of relief from Alice when she saw him, and then she reached out and gripped my hand, flashing me an eager smile.
“Welcome,” Mark said, with a touch of nervousness entering his voice, “Thank you for coming to hear my proposal, Alice.”
“Of course,” she said, stepping up and shaking his hand, her dainty little hand gripping his for longer than was absolutely necessary before she released it and took a seat in the couch folding her hands upon her lap. I took the place beside her and regarded Mark as he gathered himself.