Chapter 15

“So, what is this idea you have?’ Alice asked, her blue eyes dancing with merriment as she looked up at Mark, “And how can I be of help?”

“Video gaming is becoming a sport,” Mark began sounding as though he were reciting from a script and awkwardly, “But more than that, it’s a pastime for billions around the world. People love to watch their favorite games being played by charismatic and attractive people, you can just go on YouTube and see the view counts on videos for evidence.”

Mark gave his pitch, and it was remarkably well put together, if stilted in its delivery. He spoke of the software he’d developed and the site layout, as well as how it would scale when and if the user base grew. He detailed several phases where the company might grow, but that’s where the presentation took a turn, as he had few ideas on how to market the site and attract new users.

“Can you show me the demo you made?” Alice asked.

Throughout the presentation, she’d undergone an interesting change. In the beginning, she was ready to amuse Mark and me by listening, her mind stuck on other dirtier details. But as he went on, I saw her shaken out of that mindset and lean back, her expression changing from curious to intrigued as Mark finished.

Now, as Mark showed her the demo he’d shown me, she peppered him with questions. I wasn’t surprised at the sharpness of her mind, but I saw Mark show a pleasant surprise at the first incisive remark. She was a brilliant woman who hid it well behind her glossy plastic appearance, and he was forced to reassess her on the fly.

“So, what is it exactly you’re looking for?” Alice asked, “Or do you even know?”

“I’m looking for twenty thousand dollars for start-up capital, and I’m willing to offer ten percent of the company for it.” Mark held his breath, waiting for Alice to respond, but she was already shaking her head gently.

“That was the wrong ask,” she said, voice thoughtful. “You have the technology, and you’re obviously passionate about it and the direction it should take, but you have no idea how to run a business. Nor how to manage people or create a company culture that’s sustainable and dynamic.”

“I can learn,” Mark said, defensively.

“Of course, you could,” Alice said, flicking her hand dismissively, “but why waste time? Focus on your strengths. You’re obviously a brilliant engineer already, you should leverage that talent in the new company.”

“Then what should he have asked?” I asked her, genuinely curious.

“My first husband was an investor in a lot of internet startups in the nineties, and I learned much from watching him squander his family fortune. The biggest mistake tech companies make is they let their founders, often engineers with little understanding of how to run a large company, be CEO and President. I can’t tell you how many companies I’ve seen run into the ground because focus was placed too heavily on engineering instead of sales and user experience.”

“I don’t want to be CEO,” Mark said, “I was going to offer the position to Mom.”

“Me?” I said in shock.

“That’s a good idea,” Alice said with a nod, “A woman CEO will get you headlines and goodwill. And with your looks Heather, they will be begging for interviews and photo spreads. CEO is important for big picture stuff, but what you really need is a good president to run the day to day operations. One who you trust and are comfortable with, who can take your vision for the product and Marshall dozens to make it a reality.”

“How would the President do that?” Mark asked, and I saw his own brilliant mind turning over an idea as Alice spoke.

“It starts with the org chart and filters down from there,” Alice went on, describing several different structures for companies and business units and which she thought would work best for the tech start-up Mark was contemplating. By the end, he was nodding along, eagerly absorbing the information.

“I would be willing to take on the job and invest in the company. If Heather here, is CEO and offers to match my initial investment.”

“That sounds amazing,” Mark said, but his grin fell quickly, “But we can’t invest. I don’t know if Mom told you, but we’re in a lot of debt and might even end up losing the house.”

“You haven’t told him yet?” Alice asked me, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

I shook my head and felt my stomach flip-flop as nervousness stole through me. I’d been fearing this moment and opened my mouth to confess, but nothing came out. Seeing my weakness, Alice spoke, increasing my shame even more.

“Your Mom made a deal to save the house. Filling your house with cameras to film her… seduction of you.” Mark blinked in shock, and I pressed my eyes closed, face burning with so much embarrassment I thought I might die, “I should know… I paid a lot of money to watch it all happen.”

“What?!” Mark asked, and the pain in his voice caused me to look at him, the betrayal on his face cut to my core, and I felt hot tears filling my eyes. “Mom, is this true? What she’s talking about?”

“Yes, baby,” I said, my voice breaking with emotion, “I did it for us… to make sure we had a home… I didn’t mean for it-.”

“You didn’t mean for what?! I can’t believe this… It’s all lies?”

His face was twisted with anger, pain, and sadness that broke my heart too. Turning, he fled upstairs, scrubbing at his face as he did. I collapsed into Alice's arms, crying and filled with shame. She patted my back gently, then lifted my chin and gazed into my red, tear-filled eyes.

“You love him.” It was a statement, not a question, and I nodded in agreement, “Then go to him and tell him. He loves you too and will understand, I promise.”

“You’ll stay here?” I asked, biting my lip, nervously, “Just in case?”

“I’ll be here,” she said, running gentle fingers down my cheek, “Whatever happens, you know I love you.”

I held her for a moment longer, resting my forehead on hers, then stood and headed upstairs. Pausing outside of Mark's closed door, I drew in a deep breath, preparing myself, then tested the handle. It was unlocked surprisingly, and when I stepped in, I found Mark sitting in his bed, arms crossed before his chest.

He glared at me at first, then the harsh glared softened slightly, and I let out a silent breath of relief. He didn’t hate me, at least not wholly, and for that, I was grateful. I walked over to his computer and turned the chair to face him, sitting down gently.

“What are you thinking?” I asked softly.

“I don’t know,” Mark said, letting out a long breath through his teeth before going on.

“I’ll understand if you hate me,” I said, “At times, I hate myself for agreeing to it. But I hope you know I love you, Mark, and I only did what I thought was best for us.”

“And…” he waved his hand towards my room, “all of that? That was for money too?”

The raw anger in his voice cut me to the core, and I shook my head violently.

“At first I agreed because I was desperate and didn’t see another way,” clasping my hands I looked down at them, searching for the truth within, “I thought I’d cancel it before it went too far. Maybe a bit of flirting, it seemed fun and exciting. But then… things got real… emotions became… complicated.”

“What do you mean?” He asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

“You know what I mean,” I said, looking into his eyes and letting him see the depth of my emotions. He glanced down to his crossed arms and nodded slightly.

“How many… people were watching?” He asked, giving a shiver of revulsion.

“I don’t know,” I said simply.

“You didn’t care about them, seeing… a mother and son…?”

“I liked it,” I said with a little laugh at myself, “Things just progressed so fast, and I was so happy I didn’t want it to end… I thought if I admitted it that you’d never want to see me again. That we’d never…”

“Then why did Alice tell me?”

“Because she wants you to agree to the final condition of my contract with the company that set this up,” I felt my cheeks heat slightly at the thought.

“What condition?” He asked.

“My contract with the company is complete after last night,” I went on quickly, ignoring my now burning cheeks, “but they had a doubling clause in it. If we perform certain… acts, then what we’ve earned so far will get doubled.”

“You keep saying we,” he said with a curious head tilt as he looked over at me. “How much money did ‘we’ earn?”

“I’m not sure,” I said in surprise, “To be honest, I haven’t checked in a few days. But from the start, half of everything we earned is yours.”

Pulling out my phone, I opened my banking app. In annoyance, I swiped away nearly a dozen red warnings about large deposits and treasury tracking, then gasped in shock when I saw my checking accounts balance. Holding up my phone, Mark leaned over curiously and glanced at the amount, then nearly fell out of the bed when he leaned farther, eyes disbelieving.

“Thirteen million dollars… and these are all huge deposits over the past few days…” he turned and looked at me, shock making way to elation as we shared a grin. Then he remembered he was mad at me and turned his head back forward, suppressing the smile.

Drawing in a deep breath for courage, I stood and sat on the edge of the bed. Mark looked at me in annoyance for a moment, but that faded quickly to a gentle smile when I lay against his side, drawing his arm over my shoulder.

“I know you’re mad at me,” I said softly, “and you have every right to be. But you should know that I wouldn’t change anything if I had it to do over again.” Looking up, I caught him staring down at me, “If not for the push, I would have never taken the leap with you. I love you, Mark, not like a mother should, but as a woman, and I wasn’t kidding last night when I said, ‘this is your room now’.”

His hard eyes softened, and I felt his arm flex, drawing me in closer, and he kissed my forehead. Then tilting my head up, pressed his lips gently to mine.

“Don’t do it again,” he said softly and then gave a jerk of surprise when there was a gentle cough of interruption from the bedroom door, “What the hell?!” He asked, eyes wide as he stared at Alice standing there.

“As for not doing it again,” I said, feeling my cheeks heat again, “you should hold off on that decision until you’ve heard from Alice.”

“What’s going on?” Mark asked suspiciously, glancing from me to Alice, where she stood nervously in the doorway.​
Next page: Chapter 16
Previous page: Chapter 14
Next article in the series 'MILF Harem': MILF Mansion Inheritance