
It was a beautiful sunny morning in California as I drove home from the gym. Our new house was on a bluff in the hills of west Silicon Valley, with a beautiful view of the lower bay. I’d been sad to say goodbye to our old house, but I’ve learned it wasn’t the house I’d loved, it was the home I’d made within.

Parking, I got out and then opened the backseat, grinning as I tickled Abigail’s nose. She giggled and reached up with her little hands to be picked up. I took her in and got her changed and ready for her day. She was excited because today she and her sister were heading to their grandparent to play with the puppies while mommy and auntie Alice held an all-hands meeting.

With joint parenting, all three of us were able to both have careers and be there for our girls. With how much Mark was stuck at the office leading up to the launch, it was the perfect situation. Once the platform was launched, we could settle back into the more relaxed routine we’d grown to love. And I would get my breakfasts in bed again, and lazy relaxing morning with my boy in bed.

Abigail's sister Grace Ann was waiting already, having been dropped off by Alice earlier, when I brought Abigail by, and the girls were overjoyed to see one another, saying hello in their secret language. The girls had grown up almost like twins, being born a day apart. Alice and I made sure to give them their own separate times with either of us throughout the day so they could develop independent identities. It was hard though, the girls were even more inseparable than we’d become.

When I got to the office, I saw the arborist had finally finished planting the Japanese maples in the lobby. They were an extravagance, but really did tie the whole workspace together, giving it a light and airy feeling. Passing the framed copy of ReCode in the lobby, I ignored the picture of myself on the cover.

The interview had gone well, and the article was well-received, the market eager for our innovation. However, the photographer, an awkward grease ball of a man, had insisted on specific framing for the photos. In the end, the picture they’d used for the cover was me in a crisp white button-up shirt, nearly skin-tight, and a blue blazer and slacks. All very tasteful until the man got the right angle on my cleavage and hips. Apparently, it was their best-selling copy ever, but not for the articles.

I was greeted by the staff as I breezed through. It’s always so energizing to see your employees at work early, happy, and eager to do their jobs. We were lucky in that the culture Alice was building at the company rewarded and encouraged people to contribute while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

There was a financials meeting that I was running in ten minutes, before our all-hands, but I wanted to check in with the boss and see if he’d read my proposal from the day before yet. Mark’s office, as head of engineering, was a small dark room tucked in the back of the building, impossible to find if you didn’t know where it was. He loved it because he was able to lose himself in work for hours at a time without interruption, and Alice and I loved it for… other reasons.

Glancing down the hall to make sure no one could see, I flashed my badge, and with an electronic click, the door unlocked. I slipped into the room, and I found exactly what I was expected.

Alice was bent over Mark’s desk, biting her lip, face twisted in ecstasy as Mark pounded into her from behind. He grinned when he saw me, and I felt my sex ache in memory of the fucking he’d given us the night before.

“He… needed to…. Clear his… oh, fuck!... head…. Oh, good boy…. Right there….!”

Slipping my panties off, I kissed Mark fiercely and bent over beside Alice as she recovered from her orgasm. I sighed out as the familiar pleasure invaded my depths.

“Quick baby, mmmm Mommy has a meeting this morning…”

“Don’t worry,” Alice said, standing on wobbly legs and kissing Mark as he fucked me, “Aunty Alice will finish you off with her mouth. After all, what else should the President be doing, besides making sure the CTO is content and… sated.”

My first orgasm of the day built within, and I couldn’t contain the grin that spread on my face. We’d moved across the country and dedicated our lives to one another, and even though it was the craziest thing I’d ever done, this was the happiest I’d ever been in my life.

As my orgasm hit home, and I felt my stepson flood my womb with his seed, I felt complete for the first time in my life.

We would launch the company and our products to a rabid fanbase, and it would become wildly successful. There were tough times along with the good, but the three of us always came together. In California, a thruple wasn’t such a crazy thing, not that we let it bother us. Each night I slept with my best friends and the greatest lovers I’d ever known. Our children grew up happy and healthy, and my life turned out far better than I ever could have hoped.
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Next article in the series 'MILF Harem': MILF Mansion Inheritance