Chapter 06.1
I jumped every time the phone rang. I couldn't get the fact that Frank has taken my pictures out of my mind! I kept going back to that moment when he told me he would call me when he figured everything out with fear. What did he mean by that? Wasn't the fact that I let him take me enough for that kid? And the fact that he was just a kid, eighteen year old kid, was making the whole matter worse!
I haven't told Tommy, I couldn't. I didn't know what he would say, what he would think, I would just have to figure something out on my own. I realized now how dangerous it was to bring someone totally unknown to me into my little "Slut" world. How could I have done that? How could I have been so weak?
Playing a slut for my son was unique; I would not give that up for anything in the world. Anytime I thought of him my pussy got wet and my mouth watery, knowing how good his cock tasted. But letting someone I didn't trust take me? How could I have?
It was one of those warm Saturday nights in the valley where most people stayed inside enjoying a nice, air conditioned house or an occasional dip in the pool. The air was still and muggy, a little unusual for this part of the world where it was mostly dry. My husband and I were watching television, a program called "Survivor" when the phone rang. I immediately tensed up thinking that it could be THE phone call. My husband got up and answered it. Soon he got pretty irritated and handed the phone off to me.
"Kate, it's your son, and he's drunk wanting a ride. I 'm not going to go out there to get him...for Christ sake it's ten o' can if you want to, but I'm going to bed."
I took the phone from him as he walked away.
"Hallo, Tommy where are you?"
"Mom, listen I'm at Jason's house and I a ...had too much to drink to drive home...could you come get me?"
"Tommy can one of your friends give you a ride home?" I could hear music in the background and some laughter, sounded like girls.
"Mom, they're all drunk...please...can you come get me?"
"Ok, you're right, don't let them drive you, what about Jeannine, is she there?"
"Mom, Jeannine's gone and her husband isn't here either, it's just us."
"Ok honey, I'll be there in twenty minutes."
I got up ready to go, but noticed that I was wearing a night shirt. God, I have to change, I can't go like that. I went upstairs and saw that my husband was already in bed. He was in such a bad mood, I didn't want to turn the lights on or wake him.
My daughter Kristy was spending the night at a friend's house and I'm sure she had some clothes I could wear. I know she wouldn't mind. I walked into her room and looked in the closet.
My god, all I could see were skimpy shirts or blouses and mini skirts. I found couple of jeans but after trying them on found out they wouldn't fit. Oh god, maybe I should go into my closet and get some clothes? That would wake my husband up, I really didn't want to hear him bitch.
I picked up a skirt and tried it on. It was one of those stretch minis that covered my ass and hips but that's it. The mini was hugging my every curve. I took my nightshirt off and tried one of her shirts. It was low cut with only two buttons in the front. I put the ensemble on and looked at myself in the mirror.
Oh my god........Jesus, that showed off a lot of skin. My big tits were barely contained in the shirt, and of course, I had no bra on so it showed off a big part of my tits. The buttons looked like they were about to burst, and the shirt did not cover my stomach.
Looking at myself in the mirror I started feeling sexy. I ran my hands up the side of my hips and over my stomach. I bent over and looked at my tits hanging down and the cleavage......Oh Jesus, that looked so hot.
I turned around and looked at my round full ass. I bent over a little spreading my legs and noticed how easy my skirt rode up exposing my ass. I still had no panties on and I saw my moist pussy in the mirror. I grabbed a pair of black heels and slipped them on. Looking again I held my breath, I looked slutty.
I realized I was loosing track of time and looked at the watch. Fifteen minutes has gone by. Alarmed I pulled the skirt down and headed for the door. All I could think of was getting my son before any of those drunken teenagers could give him a ride home.
I drove in a hurry, trying to be careful, since I already had some wine tonight. I got to Jason's house, got out of the car, pulled the skirt down as best as I could and walked up to the door. I could hear the music blasting inside.
I rang the door bell and soon Jason, answered the door. He showed me inside with a big smile on his face, constantly looking me up and down. He was wet, dripping with water and wearing only a pair of shorts.
"Well hi Kate, come on in, you want a beer?"
"Hi Jason, no I'll pass on the beer, I came to get Tommy, is he here?"
"Yeah, we're all sitting around in the hot tub, come on in."
He handed me a beer even though I said no. I hesitated a moment, and took it out of his hand, oh well, why not, this was a party after all. I noticed that Jason was looking at me with his eyes wandering down to my cleavage, no doubt seeing more of my tits than he ever had before.
"By the way, that was a great photo shoot you did the other day, have you seen the pictures yet?"
"No I haven't, are you sure I looked OK?" I was more curious of what I showed than anything.
"You mean Tommy didn't show you the pictures yet? What a bum! Well would you like to go upstairs to my room? I'll show them to you."
His constant gaze running over my body told me that I shouldn't although the thought of being alone with him in his room made me shiver with excitement and wonder of what could happen.
"'s late, maybe some other time, I just need to get Tommy."
He was obviously intoxicated; he continued staring at my tits and than my hips. I smiled and looked around...god, I could be his Mother but I could still make him drool.
I followed him out into the back yard and onto the patio by the pool where the hot tub was. I saw my son and two girls with another boy sitting inside. I recognized one of them as Gina, Jason's sister, the other girl I didn't know. The boy was Steve one of my son's friends from school.
"Hey Mom, thanks for coming to get me," Tommy said with a smile.
Everyone was looking at me with hungry eyes, even the girls; both stared at my full, enticing figure. I came up to the tub, and Jason quickly dropped into the water. I sat down on the lawn chair, making sure to keep my legs together, remembering that I didn't wear any panties.
They were carrying on a conversation but every one of them, from time to time would look over at me. God, I could tell the boys were trying to get a peek between my legs but the girls? Maybe they were just intimidated.
" can come in here with us, the water is great," Gina said after a while.
I was a little surprised at her comment since I had no bathing suite on.
"Oh sweetie thanks but I don't have a bathing suite on."
"Well you could easily fit into one of my Mom's...she's gone and I'm sure she wouldn't mind."
Everyone agreed especially the boys probably imagining me in a tiny bikini. I looked over at Tommy and saw that he was looking at me with anticipation in his eyes. I could tell that the idea exited him and I have to admit, it exited me as well.
"Well maybe just for a little bit, that water does look good right now," I answered smiling at Gina.
She got out of the pool grabbing a towel and spreading her hands to the sides draped it over her shoulders. She was perfectly built with long dark hair, young, full breasts and hard nipples that poked through the fabric of her bikini. Her flat stomach bare down to her naval and hips that showed perfect shape wrapped in a tiny patch of fabric between her legs. I could tell she shaved down there because the fabric was barely big enough to cover her sex with tiny little strings that ran high over her hips. I looked back into her eyes and saw curiosity and tiny little smile that touched her lips.
"Come on, I'll help you change."
Noticing the other girl directly in front of me I spread my legs a tiny bit and got up probably showing her a bit of what I had under my skirt. I saw the girls green eyes widen and her cheeks turn red but she didn't look away, she followed me with her eyes as I walked behind Gina. I felt so naughty with everyone's eyes on my ass as I walked away which sent waves of excitement up and down my spine.
Gina led me to the upstairs bedroom with a big bed and dressers and throwing the towel on the bed pointed towards it.
"You mind as well get comfortable; I have to find my Mom's bikini."
I sat down on the bed and watched her as she fumbled through the drawers. She had her back towards me as I watched her shapely behind totally exposed with the string bikini deep between her ass cheeks. I was surprised how much she turned me on, I mean I was only with one woman before this and I remembered the whole experience so clearly but I always treated it as experimenting, something that I would only do once just to see what it's like.
She turned her head and saw me watch her, she smiled, turned her head back and reached for the bottom drawer without bending her knees. I gasped at the site of her ass and the tiny string that ran across her asshole. It barely covered it; I could see the darker skin around it. The gusset of her panties started barely at where her pussy was, tiny patch that covered her young sex but did not stop her pussy lips from making an outline.
My own sex was on fire as I stared at the young girl, thoughts of eating her flooding my mind, of spreading those luscious lips and driving my tongue deep inside her. I could barely contain myself from not running up there and grabbing her.
"Aha, I think I found it."
She straightened up holding a white bikini in her hands. She slowly walked up to me and holding it out looked into my eyes.
"Well, I think you should take your clothes off."
My mouth went dry, I forgot that I had to do this to get into that bikini. I must have looked a little uncertain because she smiled again as if she was the parent and I was a confused little girl.
"How else are you going to put this on?" She asked.
God I was acting so stupid, I was as old as her mother and I let myself be treated as a little girl! I stood up and took the bikini from her hands. I reached for my skirt and paused.
"Aren't you going to turn around?" I asked hesitantly.
"Why, it's just us girls here."
Again I saw laughter in those blue eyes as she waited for me to lift my skirt up. Oh god I had no panties on and she was going to see that. But so what, so many women nowadays did not wear any. I was willing to bet that she normally did not wear any either.
I lifted my skirt to bunch it up around my waist and slid it down my legs. Now I heard a small gasp from Gina as she watched me do that and saw my cleanly shaven pussy. I than unbuttoned my shirt and still facing the young girl, took it off. I was completely naked in front of her except for my high heels.
When I looked at Gina I saw her staring at my firm, big breasts, running her eyes down my stomach and over my pussy. I trembled, it felt like she was actually touching me with those eyes, sending pleasure down to my pussy making me so wet. I was flushed and barely maintained my composure. I reached for the bikini and slipped the bottom on, it felt really tight and like Gina's, only covered my sex. I quickly put the top on and looked at myself in the mirror.
"Oh my god, I can't go down there like that," I exclaimed.
I remembered that Gina's mom was smaller than me and not as curvy. All my body parts were showing except for my pussy, which was barely covered and my nipples and the small area around them. Wearing the high heels made my legs look so sexy, my hips exposed and even the small creases where the insides of my thighs were and where my labia begun were showing; the bikini only covered my pussy lips.
My big breasts were visible all the way around only the nipples with my areolas were covered and a small amount of skin around them. I turned around and saw that my ass was bare, the bikini string buried between my ass cheeks.
"Oh you'll be just fine, you're beautiful and you're going to knock all of them out downstairs," Gina was absorbing my reflection in the mirror.
She moved directly behind me and slightly to the side. She reached out and grabbing the strings holding my bikini bottom pulled them high over my hips just like she wore hers. I felt the bikini bottom dig into my pussy and a slight moan escaped my lips. I looked down and saw that one of my pussy lips was exposed and drooping down from around the fabric. My eyes widened and I held my breath. Oh god, I was an image of sexy, with my pussy lip showing.
Gina's eyes followed mine and her mouth opened as her tongue came out wetting her dry lips.
"Oh I'm sorry...let me put that back in."
She quickly reached out around me and touched my pussy, slid her finger on the inside between my pussy lips grabbing the edge of the fabric that spread them and pulled it up and over covering my sexy lips. I saw her finger glistening in the light covered in my wetness as she brought her hand back resting it on my hips.
Oh god, I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say. This was my friend's daughter, I remember when she was just a tiny little girl and now...and now she was touching my sex however innocent that might have been. I was trying to hide my desire for this girl but it was so hard.
"Ok I think you're ready, come on, let's knock their sox off."
She took my hand and pulled me behind her. I was confused and trembling as I followed her downstairs. We came up to the glass door leading to the back yard and I paused for a second. She looked at me sensing my uncertainty and standing on her tipsy toes brought her rosy lips to my cheek kissing me gently. She smelled so good, so close to me.
"You'll be OK, you'll see."
With her soft words calming my nerves a little bit she opened the door and pulled me into the back yard. I bit my lower lip and followed, my hips swaying as I walked in my high heels. As soon as we came into view and everyone looked at us, at me, all conversations stopped. The guys with their mouths gaped open stared at me, running their hungry eyes up and down my exposed body.
I looked at my son and saw him gaping in disbelief. Gina let go of my hand and dropped into the tub as I stood their trembling. Oh god, what have I done and in front of my son and his friends!
"Come on Kate, the water's great," I heard Gina say.
I dropped down into the tub between Tommy and Jason covering myself in water up to my neck. Gina, Steve and the other girl were on the opposite side of the tub. Very shortly the conversations begun again and I was able to come down a bit. I felt Tommy's hand touch mine and he gave me a reassuring squeeze.
"Mom you look great," He whispered into my ear.
Jason poured me a tall glass of red wine which I gulped right away and preceded to refill it. Gina was laughing and talking to Steve and the girl and it seemed like everyone forgot me standing there so exposed.
"Hey guys, do you really want to party?" Jason winked at Tommy.
He reached over and produced what looked like a rolled up cigarette from his nearby pants.
"Oh yeah, light it up," I heard Steve say.
"I thought you said you didn't have any," Gina looked at her brother.
"I was saving this for a special occasion." He said giving me a sly look.
"Oh sure, and this is it?" Gina was mocking him knowing that what he meant was me being there in the tub with them.
"Sure it is, as long as Mrs. Johnson's OK with it," Everyone looked at me.
"Ahh sure, and please stop calling me Mrs. Johnson, it makes me sound so old. I didn't know you all smoked cigarettes."
They looked at me smiling, even Tommy.
"Mom, it's a joint," My son said.
I gasped and looked closely at the joint Jason was holding.
"We don't do it that often, only when there is a special occasion, like you being here with us Kate," Jason took my advice and called me by my name.
It felt different being called by my name by a boy that was as old as my son but it immediately put me at ease. Up until now I was covered by the water but as he said what it was I raised a bit to examine the joint, after all, I never smoked one or saw one before. My breasts came out of the water and I saw everyone stare at them. Oh well, I thought, they already saw me like that.
What I didn't know was that the bikini I was wearing became transparent as soon as it got wet and my breasts, nipples, aureoles and everything was visible to everyone in the tub. I stood there looking at what Jason was holding in his hand.
"Ok, but I never smoked one, what do I do?" I asked confused why everyone was staring at me.
"It's easy, just take a drag and hold it in your lungs for a while," Jason answered lighting it up.
I became especially aware of the young girl that I didn't know yet staring at me. She wouldn't shift her eyes away like everyone else when I looked at them. There was something direct in them as if she was shocked to see me like that and...something that held a desire...a desire for me. I decided to find out who she was.
"Hi, I don't think we've met each other yet, I'm Kate," I extended my hand towards the girl.
She was pretty with freckles on her face and short, blond hair. Up until now she was pretty much covered under the water but as she extended her hand to shake mine, I saw a nice pair of full breasts completely covered by a bikini top. I was surprised to see such a generous pair of breasts on such a young girl. Sure she was eighteen but I usually didn't see eighteen year olds with big breasts like that.
"I'm Elaine," she said in a soft voice.
An unusual name but fitted her well. She seemed demure and unsure of herself and kept very quite. I shook her hand smiling and saw she smiled back and immediately dropped back down under the water.
I could tell Steve brought her here as from time to time he would say something to her trying to put his arm around her, which she automatically pushed away. This was the end of the conversation with Elaine since Jason lit up the joint and it was being passed around. Soon it came to me and I held it to my lips inhaling. The smoke stung and I coughed uncontrollably to everyone's laughter.
"I told you guys it's my first time," I mumbled between coughs.
"Well than you have to take another drag," Jason said putting his arm around me.
"Here, take it really slow."
He held my hand and brought the joint again to my lips. I took a small drag this time and held my breath. The world slowly darkened and my mind reeled. I let my breath out and felt a tingly feeling spread throughout my body.
I looked around and saw that everyone was pairing up. Steve staying close to Elaine, Gina moved up to Tommy and I was sitting close to Jason with his arm around me I realized. Even though he was half my age, I felt excitement I haven't felt since high school. This is how it was at those parties I usually missed when my parents made me stay home and study. I knew it was wrong of me to be here but I decided to go with it for just a while longer.
"Does that feel good?" Jason asked and I realized he was rubbing my shoulders.
I quickly looked at Tommy but he was snuggled close with Gina and wasn't paying any attention to me.
"Yeah actually. It's been a while since anyone rubbed my shoulders."
Jason kept massaging my shoulders and his hands slowly kept circling lower, down my front until his fingers were grazing the tops of my breasts. I looked around and saw that Tommy was now kissing Gina and Steve and Elaine were busy talking to each other. I didn't stop Jason and he kept going further down.
Finally I felt him cup my breasts and his fingers slid under the fabric of my bikini top as he touched my nipples. The world was swimming in front of me and I didn't fully realize what was happening. I felt him pinch my nipples and I let out a low moan. In my drugged state I would have let him do so much more, but...
"No, I will not."
Everyone looked at Elaine. She was sitting there red faced staring at Steve. I felt Jason's hands slide away from my breasts.
"Hey you guys, sounds like you need to take another drag of that joint."
Everyone laughed at Jason's comment and he reached for his pants.
"No, no more, we're just fine," Gina said.
"I think we should just play a game or something, everyone needs to relax."
Tommy slid towards me.
"Is everything OK Mom?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just having fun."
I noticed he was staring at Gina obviously wanting to do more with her. I was glad that he found interest in other girls not just me.
"Looks like Gina really likes you, why don't you go sit by her," I whispered to him.
"You sure? I mean, I don't want you to feel left out."
"Oh don't worry, I won't," I gave him a small push.
He lid towards Gina and Jason took up his place near me. I was surprised that he was holding another joint in his hand.
"OK, everyone has to take a hit of this, this one's really good," He said laughing.
He lit it up taking a big drag and passed it on to me. I felt quite at ease already and didn't feel like the earlier joint did anything to me so I took a big hit and held the smoke in my lungs a long time.
When I finally exhaled the world swam in front of my eyes. Now I really felt the effects of it.
Jason got out and turned some music on and the joint finally made it to Elaine and I could tell she didn't want to smoke it. Steve kept trying to hold it up to her mouth and she kept pushing his hand away.
"Steve, here let me try," I said moving towards them.
My breasts were above water now and I noticed both Steve and Elaine staring at them. Looking down I saw that the tiny white patches covering my nipples became transparent and my dark nipples were plainly visible to everyone. I should have covered myself but the joint made it seem like it was OK.
"Here, let's smoke it together," I said settling down beside her.
She kept looking at my breasts as if seeing them so close to her hypnotized her. I took the joint and took a small hit.
"See, there's nothing to it, just smoke it like a cigarette."
She moved closer to me and rubbing her legs against mine looked up at me with her innocent eyes. I leaned over and put the joint up to her lips. She inhaled and held it in her lungs. I noticed that her shoulder was rubbing against my breast making my nipple involuntarily hard.
"OK, Steve and I will be right back, we have to make a run to the store for some more booze," I heard Jason say as if from afar.
"Just don't be too long or you might loose your girlfriend."
I heard Gina say it but didn't pay any attention to her since Elaine was occupying my world at that time. She was so pretty and innocent with her long eyelashes and full, firm breasts that were almost visible under her top.
I gave her another drag and took one myself. God, this joint made me feel so much at ease. Putting it out I placed my hands on the edge of the Jacuzzi and enjoyed the high I got.
Looking over at Tommy I saw that Gina was kissing him passionately, running her tongue in and out of his mouth. Her hand was below the water but I could tell she had it wrapped around my son's thick cock, moving it in a steady rhythm. It surprised me a bit that she would do that in front of me but I didn't say anything happy that my son was enjoying it.