Chapter 08.1

I put the phone up and placed my back against the wall breathing nervously and thinking of what to do. I could only imagine what perverted things Frank wanted me to do for him and his friends…yes, his friends too! My god, I would be a total slut! How many friends would he bring? Two? Three? Ten? Did it make a difference anymore? Would they fuck my pussy? My ass? My mouth? Maybe all three of my openings at the same time? I couldn’t breathe thinking about it! I dreamed of doing that with Tommy whom I loved and maybe someone else…someone close to me, but not with that creep and his creep friends!

But what could I do? I was alone, vulnerable and confused. Frank had all those pictures that could destroy so many things so he was in total control of this situation. But the more I thought, the more this idea repulsed me. I couldn’t do it! I couldn’t have him do this to me! What perverted pleasures was he planning on getting from me? The thought of him driving his cock into me was no longer exciting but repulsive. In frustration I hit my head against the wall! I had to think of something!

I went up to see Tommy almost ready to tell him everything but I realized he was already gone. I was in a panic; I didn’t know what to do. Wondering around the house for few moments I ended up in front of Kristy’s room. I just needed to take my mind off of this for a short while. I knocked on her door lightly and herd her soft voice telling me to come in.

She was lying in her bed, still in her night shirt reading a book. She put the book down on her chest and watched me as I walked in. I sat down on the edge of the bed and didn’t say anything.

“Mom, what’s wrong?” She asked concerned.

I was so transparent that my own daughter could clearly see the tension in me. I wondered for a few seconds if I should tell her the whole thing but than I realized I couldn’t. I just looked at her. She was so young, so beautiful and innocent, I felt so much love for her.

“Oh nothing, just a little sad that’s all,” I lied.

She sat up putting her arm around my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

“Oh you’re sad because Dad works too much…Mom, he’s only doing it because of his job, it’s so demanding on him sometimes. What can I do to make you happy again, tell me, anything you want.”

She was so good to me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her, I immediately felt her return the hug. We sat there for few moments just enjoying the closeness and the hug. I noticed how good she smelled, her natural body smell with just a tiny scent of perfume and the warmth of her body pressed against mine were slowly driving my troubled thoughts away.

“Here, lay down with me,” She said pulling me to her bed.

She moved over so I could get in and held the covers open for me. I smiled at her thoughtfulness and noticed getting in that her nightshirt was pulled up. My eyes momentarily rested between her legs and although they were close together, I could see her bald pussy and the start of her pink lips as I laid down. I was surprised she did not wear any panties. The brief and accidental exposure sent shivers through my body as my mind recalled my phone conversation with Frank and his lewd suggestions. What was making matters worse was as Kristy closed the covers over us I smelled a mild scent…a scent I immediately recognized as her pussy, mixed with the wonderful scent of her body. My senses were filled with my daughter and although I knew that in my present state I shouldn’t lay down with her, I…did.

The bed was so warm and cozy and the closeness of my daughter made it feel like the old times when she used to sleep with me sometimes whenever she needed someone close. She wrapped her arm around my stomach and brought her head to rest on top of my chest, her face resting on the top part of my breasts. Her long hair fell around her face and I instinctively begun brushing it back with my fingers.

“Mom, I miss being close to you like this. Remember when I was a little girl and I got in trouble with Dad you used to always cuddle me like that?”

God yes I remembered. Kristy pressed her body to mine and hugged me as if I was her pillow. I felt her now developed breasts smash into my side and I wondered if it was her hard nipple under the thin material of her shirt that started to give me the tingly feeling between my legs. Maybe it was the intoxicating, musky smell of her pussy that was doing that, I didn’t know. Chastising myself I drove the thought away and hugged my daughter closer to me.

“I remember baby, god you were so young back than.”

“I’m not anymore though Mom.”

I felt her hand slide down to my hip as I realized that my own nightshirt has bunched up around my waist. I felt Kristy’s fingertips on the sensitive skin around my hip, thank god I was wearing panties. The only bad part was that those panties were practically soaked at that moment.

“Mom, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure sweetie, anything,” I said trying not to think of where her fingers were resting.

She paused for a brief moment and than I felt her take a deep breath.

“Do you ever masturbate?”

What??? The question caught me so off guard that I didn’t know what to say! Moments passed before I formulated my response.

“Well, of course honey, everyone does.”

I felt her body relax as she lay there peeled to me.

“Do you ever cum when you do that?”

“Kristy! Why do you ask?” I tried to keep my tone of voice level but couldn’t help my face getting warm.

“I’m just…I’m just curious because I never can,” She whispered.

Her response surprised me. She couldn’t cum? I had to dig deeper, I had to find out what was wrong.

“Honey, why not? Is anything wrong?” I asked concerned.

She looked up at me with her large blue eyes, so close to me, her chin resting largely on my breast.

“No, everything’s fine down there…just that…it never happens for me, no matter how hard I try.”

My first thought was, she must not be doing it right but than I realized that it was one of those fundamental things about a person that came natural. I thought about what I was about to say. I wanted to help my daughter but this could lead to something I wasn’t quite sure I was prepared for.

“Well…how do you do it? Maybe you’re doing it wrong…” I whispered looking into her eyes.

“Ugrrr…this is embarrassing, but…you’re my Mom and I feel I can tell you anything.”

She put her head back on top of my breast, this time her lips were right at my nipple to where I could feel her hot breath. Jesus, I hoped my nipples weren’t getting hard!

“Well, I usually spread my legs really wide and with my finger I start rubbing my clit area while trying to think about something…sexy. Like a movie I saw recently when a boyfriend made his girlfriend go down on another girl in front of him and his friends.”

Sexy? That was sexy? I realized my daughter had some kinkiness to her sexual side and maybe even some exhibitionism! My mind wondered as thoughts of one woman going down on another filled it. I had to admit though, that particular idea seemed to increase my heart beat and make my breathing shallow. I squeezed my legs together tight feeling my pussy lips grind together.

“Ok, that’s a good start, but what about when you’re with a boy? What about then?”

“Mom, I’ve only been with two boys in my life and believe me, it was quick and not very enjoyable.”

I just laid there dumbfounded and couldn’t believe my daughter never had an orgasm! She was 19 years old!

“Mom, when I saw you with Dad I…I envied you so much, I watched you and saw that…that you came, that you…really, really enjoyed it,” She said with a big sigh.

“Oh my god sweetie…I didn’t know, I am so sorry.”

I hugged her closer to me and by accident brushed my hand against the underside of her breast pressed against me. I thought that would create tension and make her pull away but she didn’t even flinch. Instead, she put her leg on top of mine in a sort of fetal position. I kept my hand under her breast lightly touching it as my mind raced trying to figure out what to do next. I knew she wasn’t wearing any panties and in this position, if she moved any closer, I would feel her sexy pussy lips on my leg. I didn’t know how to pull away, I knew I should but because what we were talking about, I couldn’t.

“I know Mom, it’s ok, I just wished I knew how to do it…would you…would you show me how you do it?” It seemed like those last few words slipped out of her.

I felt her body tense up and so did I. How could I answer that? If I said no and totally pushed my daughter away at that moment she might go through life without knowing or experiencing the most wonderful feeling…an orgasm! No, I couldn’t do that to her, not my baby daughter.

“Oh god Kristy, I really want to help you but how?” I asked unsure.

She relaxed again and looked up at me with her big dark eyes. They were large, larger than usual and full of excitement.

“Just…just show me how you do it. If I could only see, Mom…I could…god how I wish I knew how to make myself cum!” She put her head down on my breast again and hugged me really tight.

She moved closer and suddenly it happened. I felt her pussy, her lips on my leg and…it was wet! I froze unable to think straight feeling the warm, slimy flesh of my daughter’s most private part. I needed to somehow peel her off of me, but how?

“Kristy…I aaa…”

“You’ll do it Mom? Please say you will.”

“Ok…uhhh…I will,” I whispered after a long pause capitulating to my young daughter’s request.

We were both women after all and even more. We were Mother and Daughter in need of one another. She needed me to teach her something about masturbation and I needed a release right now, I needed to be part of someone I loved, even if it meant masturbating in front of my daughter.

As soon as I said I will, she sat up in front of me wide eyed. Her face was serious and reflecting anticipation with wonder of seeing something she though she would never see. She sat with her knees together and under her, watching me carefully.

“Ok, although I will do this, I need you to promise me you will never mention this to anyone.”

She just nodded her head eagerly listening to me as I started to pull the covers off of me.

“This…this isn’t something a Mother would do…usually,” I added at the end pulling the covers completely off.

She quickly grabbed them and threw them off the bed. I already felt exposed although I still wore the nightshirt. There was nothing within reach I could use to cover myself with and that, combined with the fact that Kristy’s eyes were freely roaming up and down my body, added to my excitement.

“Oh god, this is really happening! I cannot believe this is really happening!” The thoughts ran through my mind.

I slowly grabbed the edges of my shirt and slid it up my body. My eyes involuntarily darted to Kristy’s and I saw she was watching my body as I slowly exposed it to her. Oh god, I realized this whole situation was turning me on! Undressing in front of her was turning me on beyond belief! Watching her watch me, made my pussy cream!

I looked down at my panties at the moment when my shirt went past my hips and although my legs were still together, I saw how wet they were pressed tightly to my pussy. My slightly swollen outer lips made a visible indent in them creating what is known as a camel toe. Surprised and slightly embarrassed I looked into Kristy’s eyes but didn’t find anything in them except…wonder and…lust. She watched my wet panties with her mouth slightly open as I tried to judge her reactions in her eyes. Suddenly as if she realized why my panties were wet, her eyes widened and she looked into my eyes holding her breath. I could feel my face getting warm as she stared in amazement into my eyes. We gazed at one another for a brief moment and there was no mistake that we both understood why I was wet. Exhaling she looked back down to my barely covered pussy.

Embarrassed at the fact that now my daughter knew part of my wickedness…or weakness, I pulled my shirt up higher knowing I couldn’t stop this, I already made a commitment. I bunched my shirt up around my waist like a respectable Mom would do and looked at my curious daughter. The feelings from Kristy watching me were slowly building up my excitement.

“Ok, here is what you should do,” I whispered barely able to stop my voice from shaking.

Kristy looked disappointed as I soon found out why.

“M…Mom, you have to take your panties off so I can see,” She smiled at me.

“Kristyyyy…no, Jesus I can’t, I’m your MOM!”

Although it was shocking to hear her say that, part of me was glad she said it. That wicked part that usually got me in trouble was now telling me to listen to my daughter.

“I know, that’s why I asked you, because I love you and you are so dear to me.”

My heart was pounding hard as I looked at her in shock. She, on the other hand, grinned and grabbed my ankles.

“If you don’t do it, I’m going to have to spank you.”

I smiled and shook my head at her.

“No way, you already had your share of spanking me today, my butt is still hurting.”

Without waiting for any further responses she twisted my ankles one over another forcing me to turn my body over and lay on my stomach.

“Ouch, Kristy!” I yelped.

I immediately felt my legs being spread and Kristy sitting down between them. Oh no, my panties were way too small for this position.

“Kristy let me go,” I demanded looking back at her over my shoulder.

I looked down at my panties as well but all I could see was that they were wedged between my ass cheeks.

“Let me go or you’ll get it!” I shot a warning back at her.

She just laughed and I felt the first smack of her hand swat across my butt cheeks sending strong sexual shivers through my body. I tried twisting out but couldn’t as she effectively held my ankles in place.

“Will you take your panties off Mommy?” She asked poised to swat me again.

“No way, not in front of you, you’re my daughter,” I said and tensed for a spanking.

SMACK! My cheek stung. She didn’t wait to give me a hard one this time. SMACK! My mouth opened and…

“Uhhhmmmmmm…Kristy, Jesus you have to stop doing this to me,” I moaned.

SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! She let go of my ankles and smacked me hard with both hands. Her knees separated my legs even more and I instinctively arched my back and stuck my ass out. “Panties…my ass…my pussy, god I’m probably showing her…” The thought raced through my mind.

“Why Mom? You obviously like it.”

She was right! I did enjoy the spanking, the constant sting of my butt cheeks combined with having my legs spread wide open and the cool air circulating around my most private parts kept me highly aroused. But it was my own daughter who was doing this to me. My mind and proper nature of my character wanted to stop this but my body just wouldn’t move.

“Ok Kristy, Ok…I will take my panties off, please just stop,” I begged knowing this could go much further if I didn’t stop it.


She backed up and let me turn over watching me the whole time. I noticed her nipples were really hard poking through the material of her night shirt and looking down on my own, mine were hard as well! Looking into her eyes I shook my head disapprovingly hooking my fingers in the waistband of my silk panties.

“Alright, Jesus I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I whispered and pulled.

Kristy’s eyes widened as she watched my hands pulling my panties down over my hips, exposing my naval, and down my thighs. Once my pussy became visible her wide eyes stayed glued to it and she gave a startled “Oh” after which her mouth stayed open with arousal.

It was so hard to control my movements, to stop my hands from shacking and just ripping my panties off as I wanted to. Gracefully, I pulled my panties down my long, tanned legs and took them off. I didn’t know what to do with them, I held them in my hands sort of confused and kept my legs together while looking at my daughter, I could only imagine what I looked like to her.

As if sensing my uncertainty she grabbed my panties and took them from me.

“I’ll take those.”

Why? Why did my daughter take my wet panties from me? I thought about Frank and the time he took my panties as a trophy of what he did to me, did she think the same way? I lay there completely naked from the waist down breathing shallow. Although the room was nice and warm, I felt goose bumps on parts of my skin.

I didn’t know how to proceed; I mean this was so much different than doing it by myself! Without looking at Kristy, I put one hand on my breast and the other on my firm stomach. Slowly I started rubbing my breast through my shirt as my other hand wormed it’s way down to my cleanly shaven pussy. My fingers touched my pussy lips and I ran one in-between them to my sopping wet hole.

“Uhhhmmm…” I moaned with pleasure.

I gave Kristy a look hesitating a moment. How far should I go with this, I kept asking myself. Kristy was so innocent, sheltered by me since she was my only girl and protected in every way. But she wasn’t a child anymore, she wanted to learn, to be able to experience and feel the pleasure of an orgasm! It was only right that I showed her how to reach it.

Making up my mind but deciding just to put on a show, I slowly parted my legs watching her…judging her reactions. As my legs spread open, so did her eyes and her mouth. She watched my pussy intently and the finger worming it’s way in between the moist parts. Something else became evident, I could smell myself! As soon as I spread my legs the wonderful smell of my sex permeated the warm air around us. I could tell my daughter smelled it too from the look of her nostrils slightly flaring.

She sat on my side, facing me about the knee level, watching…watching her Mother. As soon as my right knee touched her side, I realized it wouldn’t be enough. I also felt her shiver from the touch my leg made with her skin as I shivered as well…her skin was so warm!

I kneaded my nipple and rubbed my clit in circles driving myself crazy in front of my own daughter but I knew I needed to be spread wider. The wild lust filled sexual feeling slowly building up inside of me made the decision to open up more for me. I lifted my leg up bending it at the knee and slowly straightened it out with my toes pointing to the ceiling. Looking at Kristy I slowly moved it around my daughter and brought it back down on the other side of her. That really opened me up but now that leg was resting on Kristy’s thighs and she was between them. The contact with my daughter’s skin was driving me crazy!

Kristy’s eyes almost popped out of her sockets as she looked at my spread open pussy right in front of her. She sat there stiff backed and her hands rested on her thighs as if it was the only safe place to put them. In my mind, she made herself put them there so she wouldn’t let them wonder…

My breathing was already labored but now I started moaning softly to the rhythm of my own finger which by now was running into my hole and then up my slit and around my clit rubbing it in circles. I closed my eyes and continued this treatment until I felt my body tingling with warm, lustful feeling of release. Forgetting who was watching, I plunged three fingers into my pussy hole and fucked myself hard, in and out…in and out, moaning…moaning with pleasure I was giving myself!

I don’t know how much time has passed with me masturbating on my daughter’s bed…putting on a show for her. I opened my eyes one time and saw that Kristy was still in the same position but her right hand was buried deep in her crotch as she masturbated herself kneeling so close to me…watching me. Her face was flushed and she had a lustful look in her eyes, mouth open, lips dry.

I was so close…so close. I closed my eyes and pulling my shirt up over my breasts pinched my nipples hard pulling on them. That’s what I needed! Three of my fingers deep in my pussy and the kneading of my nipples combined to a moment of release and I screamed.

“Ohhhhh Myyyyy Goddddd…I’m cumming…yesssss…ahhhhhhhh…”

My body was thrashing on her bed in front of my daughter and then…then I heard it.

“Ahhhh…Ohhhhh…Oh fuck…yesssss...ahhhhhhh…”

It was Kristy, she was Cumming as well! In that moment of pleasure, I opened my eyes and saw her reclined back, knees apart and her hand furiously rubbing her clit as she came…came at the same moment I did. Ohhh the thoughts…seeing her pussy so blatantly open in front of me…her pussy lips apart…her hole visible, wet and dripping made my body…my orgasm so powerful I screamed watching her…watching my daughter’s sensual pussy to the point of almost loosing consciousness. I finally threw my head back and rode the last remaining waves of ecstasy.

Breathing hard I tried to come down. I lay there staring at the ceiling and didn’t move listening to Kristy’s breathing. After a while I lifted my head and saw that she was staring between my legs which were still spread open. She was reclined back supporting herself on her elbows with her knees spread open revealing her moist pussy to me. My eyes darted to her crotch for a quick look and I marveled at her dark lips and pink insides showing from between them.

Being with Suzie and Gina before made me lust for the taste of that flesh to the point of extreme and dangerous weakness. I swallowed hard. Afraid my daughter might recognize my thoughts I peeled my eyes away from her pussy and looked at her smiling.

“God that was wonderful. Did you…did you?” I mumbled.

She looked at me and smiled back.

“YES…YES I DID,” She said with such joy it made my heart flutter.

She pulled herself up and with one move threw her whole body over mine hugging me tightly.

“Oh my god Mom, I did. I did. Thank you so much, my god it was great, what a feeling. It’s…it’s indescribable!” The words were pouring out of my daughter as she lay on top of me laughing.

I laughed too hugging her close forgetting I was naked underneath her with my legs spread open. I felt her hips digging into the insides of my thighs but didn’t care. I felt her soft pussy grazing against mine but didn’t care.

The only thought that registered in my fuzzy brain was that I helped my daughter have an orgasm! I was the first one, in a way, to give her an orgasm!

“Mom, thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” She said joyously and kissed me.

It was just a joyful kiss, a Mother-Daughter kiss but the longer it lingered…the more dangerous it was becoming. At that moment if felt as if time has stopped. Suddenly I felt her pussy touching mine and recognized the lewd position we were in. I looked into her eyes as she looked into mine. A few heart beats past and suddenly I felt her tongue slightly running across my lips. “NO” my mind screamed!

With shock I realized my hands were on her ass, her shirt around her waist. More tongue! “NO, I can’t!” my mind screamed again!

Lifting my hand off her ass I smacked her butt cheek with force. SMACK! Her eyes widened and she broke our kiss.


“Ok young lady, that’s enough fun for one day,” I said trying to stay calm breathing really hard.

“Ohhh, you always have to spoil the fun,” She said making a sad face.

Rolling off of me she lay beside me propping her head on her hand so she can watch me. I took the opportunity to pull my shirt down and cover my naked body. We continued to lay there talking about our experience, laughing together but slowly the thought of what I had to do today crept back into my mind. Frank and his friends!

She must have recognized the sudden change because she immediately became concerned.

“Mom, what’s wrong?”

“Oh nothing, why do you ask?”

“Mom, I can see something’s bothering you, come on tell me.”

“Kristy, I’m just a little sad that’s all,” I whispered looking away.

“You’re sad because of what we did…at what I asked you to do,” She whispered back.

I turned my head back to her sharply.

“No Kristy, what we did was wonderful…I mean, it’s wonderful that you were able to experience an orgasm. Believe me, that is great!”

She looked skeptical.

“It sure doesn’t look like it Mom. I understand, I’m…I’m a freak aren’t I?” She turned away from me sad.

No! This can’t be! She can’t possibly think that!

“No, of course not, Kristy you’re not a freak! You’re beautiful and it’s OK what we did, it was nothing, please believe me!”

My mind raced to figure out how to make her believe.

“Mom, please…I…I shouldn’t have asked you…”

I saw tears starting to form in her sad eyes.

“Kristy, it’s something else…I…I’m in trouble…” I whispered looking into my daughter’s eyes.

Her face suddenly changed from that of guilt to total interest and concern. What could I have done? I couldn’t let her think that she was a freak and allow her guilty feelings to consume her. No matter how much my common sense told me to keep it a secret, I lay there with my daughter and began a tale of how I got into this mess.

“God Mom, I didn’t know!” Kristy stared at me with so much sadness in her eyes it almost made me cry.

Up to this point she listened to me intently without any interruptions. I anticipated her calling me a slut, a whore for what I did but none of that happened. She looked at me the same, with love in her eyes and…and concern. I didn’t tell her anything about me and her brother of course, just the part about the photo shoot in the rail yard and what I did with Frank.

“I know. I don’t know what to do. I mean if I go there tonight who knows what that demented person will make me do! I can’t…I just can’t.” I buried my face in my hands and cried.

I felt Kristy come up close to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

“Mom, I know what to do. I know how to help you!” She exclaimed.

I lifted my head up and looked at her. She was really excited about something.
Next page: Chapter 08.2
Previous page: Chapter 07