Chapter 08.2

“I know who Frank is, Tommy introduced us a while back and I know his girlfriend, I’m really good friends with her! She can help us! I mean, she’s not his girlfriend anymore, they broke up a week ago. I know she can help us!”

I felt a glimmer of hope that I just didn’t want to let go…

“What…what can she do?”

“I don’t know, let me talk to her, I know we can come up with something.”

“Kristy, this is really private. Frank has my pictures, pictures that could ruin my marriage…that could ruin a lot of things for all of us.”

“I know Mom, I trust her completely, believe me. She’s a sweet girl that you would like as well. Please Mom, let me call her and ask, I won’t say anything about the pictures yet.”

Kristy looked at me with excitement and anticipation. She wanted to help, she wanted to protect me, I could tell.

“Ok, call her but remember, not a word about the pictures…yet and…thank you…thanks for understanding honey.”

“I always thought Frank was an asshole, I just didn’t know to what extent,” She whispered.

My daughter quickly hugged me and grabbed her phone starting to dial a number. I looked at the clock and realized I didn’t have that much time to get ready. I left Kristy and went to take a nice, long bath.

After the bath, wrapped in a towel I rummaged through my dresser and closet looking for clothes that would satisfy Frank. His instructions were very specific and I was afraid of consequences if I didn’t follow them. After finding what I was looking for I laid them out on the bed and dropped my towel. That’s when my bedroom door opened and Kristy walked in.

As soon as she saw me naked she stopped and looked at me running her eyes up and down my shapely body and as always, lingering on my crotch area. I thought about asking her to leave but why? She already saw more of me than I would allow her to see getting dressed. Deciding to let her watch, I smiled and grabbed the black stockings lying on the bed.

“So did you get a hold of your friend?” I asked putting my leg up on the bed.

Somewhat of an exhibitionist feeling ran up my body as my daughter watched me.

“Yes, I did and guess what…she’s going to help us, their break up was pretty nasty and she can’t wait to get back at him,” She said sitting down on the bed beside my leg.

I looked at her a little doubtful but listened intently to what she proposed. She explained everything to me and I had to admit, it sounded promising. By the time she was done I had a real hope that everything will turn out good.

“My god Kristy, could this really happen? Could you two really pull this off?”

“Yes Mom, she’s like my best friend, she’ll do it!” Kristy’s eyes dropped down to my hands as I pulled the stocking high on my thigh.

My legs were separated and my cleanly shaven pussy was visible to her from where she was sitting. Somehow I felt at ease with her looking, maybe it was due to the time we spent together earlier, I don’t know. Every time she looked at me this way it sent pleasurable tension coursing through my body. It was as if her eyes had sexual effect on me that intensified anything I felt at the time. I couldn’t understand it but it was very exciting.

“Ok, you two go ahead with it as I entertain Frank, but it has to be done before nine o’clock! That will be “zero hour” for us. I will keep him busy, without having sex with him, until then and one more thing…we have to keep our cell phones on. When you and your friend are done…completely done, you have to call me right away, understand?”

My wonderful daughter’s eyes shone with excitement and she stood up at attention saluting me as if I was a general giving orders.

“Yes sir, understand,” Than she sat back down laughing.

I grabbed the other stocking and did the same thing to my other leg making sure Kristy had a good view of my separated legs. I don’t know what made me do it, I just…just felt like being little risqué in front of my daughter. After all, we were both girls. I saw her looking too and it made me get Goosebumps where her eyes roamed.

Once my dark stockings were on, I slipped my black 4” high heels on and grabbed the small pair of white lace see-thru panties and pulled them up just to find out how snug they were. The small crotch piece, which was completely see thru, rode up inside me separating my pussy lips pushing them to the sides and the back disappeared completely in between my ass cheeks.

I stared at myself in the tall mirror and remembered how Suzie looked at me in the shoe store. Shivering I glanced at Kristy. God, this was almost the same, just that it was my daughter looking at my half naked reflection in the mirror.

I pulled up the short mini skirt and put the loosely floating blouse on with no bra underneath.

“Oh my god, I can’t go out there like that,” I moaned looking at myself in the mirror.

Kristy looked with wide eyes on my reflection in the mirror. The heels made my legs look longer then they already were and the self supporting stockings wrapped around them tightly made them look very sexy. The skirt was so short that it barely covered my crotch area standing up! I turned around and realized that my ass was barely covered as well. I definitely could not bend without showing my panties.

My top was so loose and revealing in the front that most of my breasts were exposed, the very edges of the blouse barely able to hide my excited nipples. The thin straps holding my blouse up exposed my toned shoulders and long neck visible from under my pinned up hair. The sexy look combined with the state of my panties made me look incredibly arousing.

“My god Mom, you look HOT!” Kristy exclaimed.

“Yeah, and sluttish, don’t you think. No way. I can’t go out there like this,” I whispered looking at myself.

The weird thing was that it was exciting to show off like this…for some strange reason it was turning me on. But the thought of showing myself off like this in public…

“Mom, it’s OK. If I had your body I would be showing it off all the time. Listen you need to do this up until we carry out our plan, remember?”

She definitely had a way of putting me at ease and reminding me what had to be done. I walked up to the dresser and put on red lipstick. I bent over a bit and watched my daughter from the reflection in the mirror as she stole peeks between my legs. She was behind me watching and suddenly her eyes got bigger and she swallowed hard. I knew than that I just showed my daughter my panties! What about when I had to be in public???

After talking some more Kristy left to meet her friend and discuss the details of what they had to do. I walked around the house nervously trying not to think of what I was about to do. Every time I walked in front of the mirror I stopped for few seconds and admired myself, the way I looked…the way it made me feel. But as soon as I allowed myself to slip into this role of a…a slut, I got scared.

Finally, I couldn’t stand it. I decided to go and meet Frank. His first set of instructions was to drive to the nearby commute bus station and take the bus to the downtown shopping plaza and stand on the corner of J and 7th Avenue until he picks me up. Sounded easy enough until I put the clothes he wanted me to wear on.

I jumped into the car and drove off. The way there was quick, it only took ten minutes and after circling the crowded parking lot, I found a spot and parked. Looking around I saw several men walking up to the moderately crowded, enclosed bus stop.

My heart beat really fast and my stomach was in knots as I got out of the car taking great care not to spread my legs too much. I shut the door and locked the car walking towards an overhang where several people were already waiting for the bus.

The closer I got to the bus stop the more heads turned towards me. Older men, younger it didn’t matter, they all seemed to look and drink in my appearance with their eyes which reflected desire looking at me. I saw several women watching me with wide eyes, some of them smiling invitingly and some being intimidated by my erotically seductive look looked at me bashfully.

My heart was beating very fast as I made my way to the stop and took a position in a back corner waiting for the bus. The longer I waited the more people crowded around me and soon I was forgotten in the corner except for the few that were immediately around me.

A man in his forties with a dark goatee kept looking at me and smiling as if he wanted me to see he was interested. He stood in front of me and he wasn’t bad looking but I turned away from him because I didn’t want to indicate I was interested, I just wanted the damn bus to come and get this trip over with.

Something else was unfortunately happening to me. The more looks I received, the more glances and smiles, the more turned on I got! God I didn’t want to be, the thought of being turned on in a public place full of people just didn’t seem right. I thought it didn’t anyway. But the more leg I showed and the more people peeked at my cleavage the more excited I became.

My breathing soon came in gasps as the wall of people closed around me. I became aware of people on the side and behind me crowding in to the point I couldn’t turn in any direction and I felt bodies pressing against me. A young woman that looked to be in her early twenties and very pretty was directly in front of me now, facing me and as more people showed up waiting for the bus, the closer I was pushed against that woman.

Suddenly I felt a shove and my chest pressed against hers. I looked at her apologetically and smiled.

“Sorry, it’s really crowded today,” I said hoping she understood.

She didn’t reply she just smiled back giving me a quick look after which her eyes looked away in sort of a glazed fashion. Was she on drugs? She was beginning to bite her lower lip and her amazingly large chest was heaving as if in excitement. I didn’t understand what was happening to her but couldn’t pull away.

We were pinned to each other waiting in the mass of people as the afternoon sun started to warm the enclosed bus stop making my body lightly perspire. I became aware of her nipples poking into my breasts and realized that she was pierced! I felt the large orbital rings digging into my chest and her nipples hard as rocks pressing into my tender flesh. Was it me? Was it the fact that my barely covered breasts were pressed against hers? She didn’t look like the type that liked women.

As my curiosity wondered about the woman, I felt a touch on my leg! I froze from the contact and quickly turned my head in all directions to see who could have done that. The problem was that I couldn’t move! My hands were pinned to my sides and I couldn’t twist my body to find out who dared to touch me on my leg!

Looking around the best I could, I could not determine who had their hand on my leg. The touch was light but pronounced. The person that was doing it had his whole hand pressed against my inner thigh between my knee and my crotch. I didn’t want to cause a scene especially when I didn’t know who the perpetrator was so I didn’t do anything and decided to wait it out hoping they would stop.

Something else happened as I waited pinned to the woman with someone’s hand on my thigh. Somehow my feet got pinned between others and slowly, as if caused by the movement of the crowd around me, my feet were forced apart! It happened so slow that before I realized what was happening, my legs were at least three feet apart and I couldn’t bring them together!

That sent panic racing through me knowing how short my skirt was and how easy it would be to expose my pussy and ass having my legs spread apart in this fashion. I couldn’t believe this was happening! I felt my skirt ride up and knowing that my tiny pair of dark panties were see-thru, I just knew my pussy and ass were exposed. At that moment I was glad for the crowds of people around me since it was the only thing that prevented me from being humiliated in public.

“Oh god” I thought “How did I ever get myself into this”

Wait! Did that damn hand on my tight move up? Yes, oh my god I felt the invading touch higher now, the thumb of the outstretched fingers nearly up to my panties! Again I moved my head around in panic to see who might be doing that but because of the mass of people around me I couldn’t determine who it was.

I looked at the woman pressed against me…so close. She was staring at me now, at my lips as if she was considering kissing me. Her eyes were glazed over and her body made small movements as if she was rocking to a constant rhythm. I could hear small whimpers coming out of her.

“What’s happening to you?” I whispered not understanding the situation.

She didn’t answer. I noticed a man that was directly behind her move to the side, shifting his body sideways and the man next to him slid in his spot. I looked at her alarmed…were they??? No, not in broad daylight in public like this!

Suddenly the hand on my thigh moved up and now I felt the thumb pressed against my slit. At the same time I felt someone grab my wrist and my hand was forced down and to the front...between the woman’s separated legs! I gasped at the touch my hand made with her pussy and I wanted to scream…I wanted to stop this but…I didn’t.

Part of me was terrified and shocked that this was happening to me but another part was curious…curious to see how this would develop. Would I be fucked next? By now I realized that was exactly what was happening to the pretty woman pressed against me.

She looked at me, she knew my hand was touching her as well as she knew there was another man behind her and she was about to get violated again, but she didn’t stop it her hard breathing through her open mouth was evidence enough of her excitement. I felt my fingers slightly graze her pussy lips and felt the wetness there, moist sticky mess that was probably deposited there by the guy that just moved away. Suddenly I felt something warm and hard worming its way between her legs and felt it slide forward touching my fingers and separating her pussy lips. I gasped! It was a cock…it was a man’s cock!

I looked behind her and saw an average looking Hispanic male that was in a position to do this. He felt me looking at him and turned his head towards me. I could see him stiffening as he probably wondered if I was going to say something. I thought how wrong this was but looking at the girl I realized she was enjoying it…she wanted this to happen to her.

I don’t know who guided my hand between the girls legs, at the moment a lot of things didn’t make sense. I felt the cock sliding between my finger and somehow my fingers wrapped around the hard pulsating shaft. Oh god no! This was a man I didn’t know…I didn’t want to do this, I wasn’t just some kind of slut! My mind screamed at me but my fingers remained wrapped around the shaft as I looked at the man.

He only smiled feeling my hand wrapped around his thick meat and moved his cock back and forth fucking my hand. Oh god, I couldn’t do this not here, not in public…not with this stranger. The more I thought about it, the more turned on I was becoming. A slut, was I a slut now? The thought kept popping into my mind.

Afraid of loosing control and not knowing what else to do I pointed his cock to the entrance of the girl’s pussy and he easily slid in making her moan. She looked at me and her eyes glazed over in pleasure as the man pumped in and out. For some reason my hand was still wrapped around his cock and soon my hand became coated with slick juices. She was wet and the wetness was running down the shaft and coating me.

“Oh god…you’re so wet…” I whispered and the girl pressed harder against me.

Suddenly the hand that was glued to my thigh disappeared replaced by a smaller hand…much softer. I realized that it was her hand. The fingers were grazing the edges of my panties making me shiver with excitement as I looked deeper into her eyes. Was she going to…was she going to touch me??? I was slowly drawn into this perverted act of public sex.

By now the Hispanic man behind her was fucking her pussy and my hand with full, deep strokes and the girl continued to slick my hand with her pussy juices. Breathing really hard I let go of the cock and brought my hand up to her slick pussy running my fingers all around playing with her hot velvety lips. She was bald down there, not a hair on her and very…very smooth.

“Ohhh…what are you doing?” She spoke in a soft voice full of sexual intensity.

I looked at her surprised that she spoke since up until now, she wasn’t trying to engage in any kind of conversation. Her voice was soft meek and her eyes stared at me with submissive intensity.

“Oh god, are you touching my pussy? Are you?” She was softly moaning to the rhythm of fucking she received.

“Yes…your pussy…I’m touching it, god I’m touching it,” I was able to whisper back.

I felt my legs being spread apart more and her hand softly ran up to my pussy with her fingers lightly touching my wet slit through my tiny panties. My own fingers were massaging her pussy spreading the wetness around. From time to time I grabbed on to the hot shaft running in and out of her feeling the wet, hot cock.

I was beginning to get the feeling that the girl was just letting it happen…letting anything happen to her without stopping it. Her voice and demeanor certainly pointed to the fact that she was a submissive and wanted to be dominated. For some unknown and perverted reason it excited me, it made my pussy shiver and get really wet knowing I could do this to her.

“You like that? You like getting fucked right here in public?”

I brought my face really close to hers rubbing her. Her eyes widened a bit but she kept panting with sexual excitement.

“Yes…god yes…” She moaned.

My lips were only an inch away from hers and I felt her hot breath inside my mouth.

“You’re such a little slut,” I whispered pulling on her pussy lips.

She moaned…she moaned hard almost screaming. The only thing that stopped her from screaming was the fact that we were in public and there were people around us that although were not aware of what we were doing, would have stopped this whole thing from happening. From her reactions I knew she would let me get away with anything.

“Oh you like that don’t you? You like me playing with your wet pussy lips while that guy behind you is driving his big cock into you.”

Her dark eyes were big as saucers and her breath hot and heavy. I extended my tongue and ran it slightly over her dry lips wetting them with my saliva and getting looks from the near by men. By now I realized that every man around us was in on this.

“So what’s your name? Unless you want me to call you a Slut,” I asked licking her lips again.

She kept her mouth open and her tongue darted out to touch mine but I pulled away teasing her. I became aware of more men staring at what I was doing to this girl and that just added to my excitement fueling my actions.

“Betty…” She whispered “My name is Betty, but you can call me a Slut if you want to.”

I immediately liked the girl. She was young and I don’t know how experienced she was but she was willing to assume the role of a slut, I could tell it excited her. Her body was curvy just in the right places and her tits…my god they were big, must have been at least 44DD.

I kept playing with her clit while teasing her lips with my tongue. I felt her finger grazing my pussy and slowly gaining confidence…finding my pussy folds and putting sweet pressure on them.

“Oh god Betty…take my panties off…Jesus take them off…” I moaned into her mouth.

I felt her fingers pulling on my panties with urgency and I wiggled my ass to help her take them off. I was hot and extremely turned on. I couldn’t believe we could do this in public and get away with it.

Suddenly the cock that was fucking Betty disappeared and I felt like my legs were free. I brought them together to give myself some stability while feeling Betty’s pussy. I ran my fingers down to her hole and slipped two of them in.

“Ohhhhhhhhh…” It was a long moan that made me quiver with excitement.

“Oh you like that don’t you? You like me finger fucking you like a slut?”

I couldn’t believe what I was saying to this young girl! It was as if those words were being spoken by someone else. She looked at me meekly and pulled on my panties more. I saw movement among the men that surrounded us. We had more space now, both of my arms were free and she brought her other hand down to my panties. Slowly, we were given enough space and pushed towards the back corner of the bus stop that only the front was blocked by the men who from time to time gave us excited looks.

“Yes, god I like it,” She moaned.

It excited me beyond anything I’ve ever experienced to be able to talk to her that way, to be able to dominate this girl. I looked down at her big tits and had the biggest desire to expose her…to look at her big tits with those huge nipple rings right here in a public bus stop. I reached down and pulled on the simple white tube top she had on releasing her big tits which immediately rolled out as if released from their tight confines.

Her nipples were amazing, stiff with large dark aureoles and big silver rings making her look exotic. I slipped my fingers into those rings and pulled enough to extend her nipples out while watching her mouth open and her brow wrinkle in slight pain. She was panting looking into my eyes with her dark eyes full of wonder and sexual excitement.

“You like that Betty? You like when I pull your nipples?” Her only response was a soft moan.

I was aware of men watching us and for some reason it excited me more. I don’t know…it sort of felt I was putting on a show and all those men were watching me…watching what I was going to do to that young girl. Since I was taller than her I grabbed her hair and made her look up at me at the same time pulling her top down to her stomach. I grabbed her left nipple and squeezed hard how I knew I liked it, at the same time I brought my mouth on top of hers and kissed her slipping my wet tongue into her mouth. She immediately moaned and responded by sucking on my tongue.

Pulling away I looked down at her skirt noticing a zipper on the side. Holding her head by her hair I pulled on the other nipple this time watching it stretch outward away from her big breast. I let go of her nipple and grabbed the zipper to her skirt noticing the look she gave me which was excitement mixed with astonishment. I pulled the zipper down which made her skirt loose enough to fall down and around her feet. She did not wear any panties and was standing there completely naked. Her large chest was heaving with excitement and I thought her nipples were going to pop out they were so hard. She had a patch of dark pubic hair neatly trimmed above her pussy.

“Oh my god…oh my god…oh my god…” She whispered softly looking around at all the men that stared at her with their hungry eyes.

I saw her eyes dart past them to some people that were just standing there without any knowledge of what she was doing and I felt her stiffen…and then softly moan with a small wrinkle that appeared on her forehead. What must have been going through her young mind? I looked in that direction and realized how easy it would be for someone to get closer and see her naked.

She looked back to me with her wide eyes and I immediately grabbed her hands pinning them behind her back watching her amazing chest protrude even more. Her full tits lusciously displayed in their elegant form in public…for me to play with. I lowered my head down to her breasts and took one of her nipples into my mouth, sucking and twirling it around with my tongue while enjoying the soft flesh of this young girl. Betty made a small whimper allowing me to do that.

After giving that nipple some attention I stood up grabbing her elbow. I forced Betty to turn around showing everyone her ass. I couldn’t understand what came over me at that moment, I wanted to show everyone around me her most intimate parts…her ass…her pussy…everything. Breathing hard I forced her to bend over and arch her back and than grabbing both of her ass cheeks, I spread them apart. Slowly her brown asshole came into view and I felt her shudder.

I looked at the guy directly behind her.

“You want her ass…you want to fuck her there?”

He stiffened up, his eyes wide and his hard cock already making an outline in his jeans, he slowly shook his head up and down with wild anticipation in his eyes.

“Oh god…” Betty whispered but did not change position.

The guy walked up closer and pulled his zipper down, he was breathing really hard as well. I reached out and putting my hand in his pants pulled his hard cock out. It wasn’t long, maybe about 7” but very thick. It pulsated in my hand and I gave it a couple of quick jerks enjoying the velvety feel. I felt Betty look over her shoulder wanting to see what she was about to take up her ass and I immediately saw concern in her eyes.

“Oh please, he’s too big…I never…I never had anal sex before…please, he’ll hurt me.”

I could tell she was telling the truth. Her beautiful, dark eyes were full of fear. I wanted to dominate her but I didn’t want to hurt her. I looked at the guy and positioned his cock at the entrance to Betty’s pussy. With one thrust he was inside of her producing a low groan. Betty moaned as well and looked at me with gratitude.

“Thank you…ahhh…oh my god,” She moaned feeling the big meat penetrating her wet pussy.

He was slowly gaining rhythm, in and our, in and out. I was bent over her back looking at the point where his cock was driving into her…oh god, I wanted to see more. Again I grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them exposing her asshole and her pussy as she took that cock into her. Her pussy lips were wrapped around his cock like a glove and pulled away from her pussy not wanting to let him go. Oh my god, what a sight, watching her grip his meat was making me sooooo wet!

I slid my fingers down the crack of her ass until I felt the cock that was fucking her. She was so wet her pussy lips were slippery under my touch. I ran my fingers past her opening and around the cock and touched her clit…it was already swollen with sexual lust. I rubbed it in circles making her moan like a slut.

“Ohhh….ahhh…oh please…more…Jesus more!”

She put her hands on the wall of the bus stop and hung her head low allowing the guy to fuck her and me play with her clit, she was in ecstasy. I ran my finger up to her asshole and rubbed that little hole. It was a weird feeling since this was the first time I felt another woman’s asshole while she was being fucked. My fingers trailed wetness from her pussy to her asshole lubricating it. She looked at me with lustful wonder…and a little apprehension.

“Oh you like it when I rub you there?” I asked judging her expression.

“Uhm, no…oh god.”

I rubbed her asshole a little harder remembering how I liked it.

“You’re such a little slut, don’t lie to me.”

Suddenly the guy fucking her stiffened up and let out a low, deep moan. I ran my fingers down to his cock and grabbed it, stroking it with my hand as he pumped his cum into Betty. She was shuddering too, cuming at the same time but trying to be quite. The guy pulled his cock out and I slid my fingers into her, feeling the warm, moist tunnel which was full of cum. The guys love juice spilled out of her between my fingers and ran down the insides of her thighs.

Before I knew it another guy took his place. I looked at him and the black cock he was holding in his hand, it must have been 8” and thick as well. This was the first back cock I’ve ever seen in real life. He was a little smaller than Tommy but still impressive. What mesmerized me was the color of it, it was jet black and gave a visible contrast as he slid into Betty. Oh my god, what was I doing? I kept asking myself. Here I was touching these strange cocks fucking a girl I didn’t even know! What would Tommy think of me if he saw me like that? The thought gave me goose bumps all over my body.

“Ahhh…ohhh…ohhh…” Betty only moaned.

Oh this was lustful! Looking around I pointed to a guy watching us and motioned for him to come near. He did as if he was under my control pulling his cock out. I grabbed it and started stroking him, resisting the urge to kneel down and suck him. Suddenly another guy came on the other side of Betty and started stroking his cock, watching the whole scene. Betty had three guys around her with hard cocks, one of them fucking her sweet pussy as she moaned like a slut.

Very quickly they all approached an orgasm, the black guy pulling his cock out first as I stroked the other. Betty looked back to see what was happening.

“Suck his cock Betty…suck the cock that came out of your pussy and lick your juices off of him,” I said, my voice full of lust.

To my surprise Betty kneeled down and took the black cock into her mouth without hesitation, her delicate lips stretching around the shaft until she had half of it buried down her throat. She started sucking on it with passion making small grunts as she did. Suddenly the black guy pushed her head off of his cock and started shooting streams of cum on her face at the same time as the other two guys pumped their hard cocks Cumming all over her big tits. I backed away a little taking in the whole scene.

The streams of cum were landing all over her. Her face had cum on her nose, her eyes even in her shiny dark hair with her tits covered in white, sticky streams. Cum started running down her chin and around her hard nipples with those large rings in them making her look like she just took a bath in cum. Betty grabbed the black cock and put it in her mouth sucking the last bits into her mouth and swallowing it. After she cleaned off the black guy she did the same to the other two pumping their shafts as if she wanted to milk them for every little bit they had left.

I looked around and realized that the crowd has thinned out and it was becoming more likely to be seen. We still had the cover of those men who were in on this but I didn’t want to take any more chances. I pushed my way out of the circle and looked around noticing a bus pulling to the curb. I quickly realized it was my bus and stepped inside paying my fare. I walked to the back of it and sat down looking out the window, trying to see where Betty was. The only thing I saw was a mass of men deep in the corner of the stop with their backs towards the street but everything else was blocked from my vision.

I smiled to myself and wondered if Betty was going to take on more men. I really liked that girl, uninhibited and ready to please me. Uhhh…what I could do with a girl like that. As the bus gained speed I started thinking of Frank and what was going to happen when I met him.
Next page: Chapter 09.1
Previous page: Chapter 08.1