Chapter 09.1
The bus took no time to get to the mall and soon I had to get out and go in. I scanned my clothes, what little I had on and ensured everything was in position and I didn't accidentally expose myself. As naughty as it usually was for me to be exposed in public I didn't want to look like a slut. God, just thinking about myself in that term made my pussy wet. I got out of the bus and walked towards the front entrance of the busy downtown mall while scanning the people for any signs of Frank. His instructions were to meet him in the woman's lingerie department at the local department store which was on the opposite end of the mall.
I walked into the sea of people that usually visited the mall and started making my way to the store. The closer I got to the store the more anxious I became to know how Kristy was doing with her plan to get those explicit photos of me back. I reached for my cell phone and dialed her number.
"Kristy, how are you doing?" I asked when she answered.
"Mom, I'm still waiting for my friend. She was supposed to take the bus and meet me at Starbucks but she's not here, where are you?" She answered nervously.
"I'm in the mall making my way to where I'm supposed to meet him. Jesus, you think she'll be there? You think she'll still help you?" I was starting to panic.
"Yes, I told you she's great and she always keeps her word, she will be here we just have to give her more time. Mom, just stall him, do whatever you can to stall him."
"God, I will try, I will try really hard just hurry please."
"I will Mom and you take it easy and...don't do anything..." She stopped but I knew damn well what she wanted to say.
"I won't...and Kristy, thank you honey, I love you so much," I told my daughter.
"I love you too Mom, we'll get those pictures back, I promise. Just keep your cell phone on."
I put my cell phone back into the tiny purse I brought with me and walked into the department store. Surprisingly the lingerie department was not busy at all, there were few people mostly women looking at the selections of intimate clothing on the tables but nothing like the mass of people in the main mall areas. I looked around and immediately noticed Frank. He stood in the corner with four other men, presumably his friends. Four other men, five total! My chest rose and fell with my deep breathing as I realized what this could mean knowing what he wanted from me. Five men I would have to please if Kristy failed.
I was nervous walking up to Frank who noticed me when I entered the store pointing me out to his friends. Now they were all looking, scanning my sexy body from head to toe as I walked up to them in my tiny mini skirt and small top. They were all smiling gleefully, anticipating the things they would do to me, I had no doubt they were all perverts like Frank.
"Hi Frank," I said looking only at him.
"Hi Kate, I'm glad you're finally here. I said six o'clock, not six fifteen," He said in a firm tone.
"Got delayed at the bus stop, you know how public transportation could be," I answered giving him a cold stare.
He stared back and than shifted his eyes to my chest, to my loose blouse and my braless breasts underneath.
"Nice, I see you followed my instructions and didn't wear a bra, I can almost see your nipples from here Kate."
I could see he wanted to set the tone of things from the start mentioning my nipples in front of his friends like that gave them all a go ahead for that sort of remarks. Than his eyes shifted to my pantyhose covered legs and that darn short skirt.
"Phew, nice legs, turn around for me Kate."
"What's the point Frank, we're in the store," I snapped.
"Listen Kate, you'll have to realize from the start the only way to get those pictures back that we all so admired earlier today, is to do exactly what I say. Understand?" He looked at me smugly.
He showed his friends my pictures! He showed me sucking his cock and him fucking me to those men around me! My face slowly turned crimson from the realization that all of them knew what I looked like under my clothes. I turned around more with the desire to hide my face than to do what he asked.
"Good girl, wow, what a nice ass you have," He said flagrantly.
Suddenly I saw a pair of panties land right in front of me. He must have thrown them there, why? I didn't have to wait long for an answer.
"Kate, those panties are for you, I want you to try them on but I want you to pick them up without bending your knees. Do not bend you knees Kate," His voice carried with authority.
What an asshole! He knew I would certainly expose myself from the back! So this is what he wanted, to expose myself in public, to humiliate me in front of his friends! I gave the immediate area around us a scan and noticed a young sales girl that could possibly see me from where she was standing. Oh Jesus, here it goes! I thought to myself bending over to pick up the panties while keeping my legs straight. I felt my skirt ride up exposing my ass and I knew those tiny pair of panties I had on did not hide my pussy well. Regardless of who was staring at my assets at that time, being in such position in public gave me a thrilling, erotic feeling.
"Nice ass, wow!" It was one of his friends.
I heard gasps and low whistles and I immediately straightened up without prolonging this lewd exposure. I looked at the sales girl and noticed she was looking in my direction. They were probably going to kick us out of this store soon. I turned around holding the pair of panties in my shaky hand and pulled my skirt down over my hips again.
"Good, now let's go into the change room and see how they look on you," Frank said pointing in the direction of the change rooms.
I clenched my teeth in frustration and walked towards the rooms trying my hardest not to look sexy for them. No matter what I tried I knew walking in high heels in a short mini skirt made my ass look sexy, my hips roll seductively with each step I took. Subconsciously I felt their gaze on my ass watching me, undressing me with their eyes. I walked into the narrow hallway and stopped, waiting for someone to help. The perverts piled in behind me. I didn't have to wait long, the young girl that saw me bent over came up behind us.
"Can I help you?" She asked.
She was young, but I could tell she was over eighteen since the department store only hired people of legal age. Her long blond hair was tied in the back with a bow keeping them away from her delicate facial features. She was very pretty with the biggest pair of blue eyes I ever seen. She wore a nice sweater that complemented her full breasts and pants, a usual department store ensemble.
"Yeah, my friend here would like to try these on," Frank said.
"Oh hi Frank, I'll be able to help her out," She said smiling at him.
"Hi Liz, I didn't know you worked here," He smiled back at her with a charming smile that surprised me knowing his character.
"Yeah, a girl has to make money somehow while perusing her education."
She looked at the pair of panties in my hand.
"I'm sorry but customers can't try those on, you're just...going to have purchase them, you can always return them if there is a problem," She explained.
I smiled at her thankfully hoping this would spoil his plans, take that Frank!
"Liz, she really needs to try these on before she purchases them, isn't there anything you can do?" Again he gave her a disarming smile.
I was beginning to see why he picked this store versus others, he knew she worked here! What a devious man! Young Liz bit her lower lip thinking.
"Well, maybe. Maybe I can bend the rules just this one time, since you asked so nicely," She smiled back at him.
The girl was flirting with him, obviously attracted to him. Boy if she only knew what he was really like.
"Awesome, thanks, you're the best Liz."
She squeezed past him and grabbed a number tag from the nearby counter. She looked at me and her eyes got even bigger as I noticed her holding her breath. I could tell she was a little nervous probably from seeing me bent over earlier.
"Follow me," She simply said and headed for a row of change rooms.
"Oh Kate, we would like to see you in them so come on out once you put them on."
Liz looked back at him with wide eyes but didn't say anything. I followed her and walked into the booth closing the door behind me. I leaned my back against the wall and checked my phone for any sign of messages hoping Kristy would give me a sign of some kind of progress. There were no massages as I stared at the little screen with hope. Ok, panties, put them's OK.
Up until now I did not pay attention to the pair of panties in my hand but looking at them now I realized they were completely see-thru! They were thong, white panties kind of small in the crotch area and see-thru! No wonder he picked them. Knowing there was no way out of this yet, I pulled the pair I had on off of me and put the thong panties on. Pulling my skirt up over my hips I examined myself in the mirror. As I feared my pussy was plainly visible, my clit, my outer lips...everything!
This would be so humiliating; I only hoped the young girl would not look. I pulled my skirt down and taking a deep breath I opened the door and walked out. I saw her and Frank with his friends talking and laughing but as soon as I walked out, they stared at me. I walked up to them and stopped. The girl was staring at me with wide eyes as Frank and his friends watched me with hunger.
"Well Kate, let us see them," Frank said expectantly.
I hesitated, the girl brought an additional pair of eyes that I didn't expect, a pair of eyes that did not know me and the situation I was in. To her I simply must have looked like a slut, who else would expose herself so lasciviously. Frank just stared with cold stare. I grabbed the edges of my skirt and slowly lifted up. The girl gasped looking around from face to face as she couldn't believe I would do that in front of so many men. Knowing I had to do this I inched my skirt past my hips looking down at the floor, I didn't want to see the satisfaction in the pervert's faces.
"Nice, so sexy,"
"Holy shit, look at her!"
All I heard were lewd comments at the site of my pussy under those thong panties. I mustered my courage and looked at them. Everyone was staring at my pussy including the girl. Oh god, I'm showing myself to them! It started to feel warm in here and I knew I was getting excited, my breath coming in gasps. No matter how much I tried not to, my body was responding to this erotic situation making my pussy wet.
"Turn around Kate," Frank demanded.
I did showing them my ass which was completely exposed. Same gasps, same comments. I felt like a slut, a slave to Frank's will which for some reason was giving me an enjoyable feeling that I couldn't understand. I should feel angry, hurt, pissed off at what he was making me do not excited! Turning back to face them I kept my skirt up and for unknown reason looked at the girl. I saw shock and excitement in her large eyes which added to my own excitement.
"What do you think Liz? You think she should keep them?"
Liz swallowed hard looking me up and down with unsure eyes. She licked her dry lips before answering.
"Ah, oh my, I've never...ok, I think so. She looks really good in them," She finally said her own face turning crimson as she looked back at Frank.
I could tell he noticed her excitement. His face twitched in a tight smile that he immediately suppressed. He was thinking about something, planning, I could tell his pervert mind was working on overdrive.
"You know we're taking our friend to a bar, maybe you'd like to join us? I don't know when you get off..." He trailed off.
"I get off at eight," She said kind of quick.
Again he smiled knowing this young girl was game for some of his perverted ideas.
"Great, we're taking her to Max's, you know where that is right?"
Her eyes got big and she gasped.
"Oh my god, I drive by that place on the way home, you're really going in there?"
Something in her tone made me uneasy. Max's...Max's, where did I hear that name before? My husband and I visited bars from time to time and I thought I knew most of the popular places in town but I just couldn't place that one.
"Yeah, why not, she's game," He pointed at me.
Liz looked at me and again her eyes darted down to my crotch. She took a long look at my panties before responding.
"I can tell, Ok, I'll meet you guys there around eight."
What did she mean by that? What kind of a place was it? I turned around to change back into my panties but Frank stopped me.
"Oh Kate, you can wear those on you, we'll just pay for them so keep them on."
"Sure, I'll help you with that," Liz said smiling at him and headed for the register.
Frank and his friends parted and I walked out behind the girl without saying a word, I was trapped...for now. Again I felt their stares on my ass as I walked which gave me little goose bumps all over my body. I couldn't understand it, why would this turn me on so much? I was in public dressed in very skimpy outfit and whole bunch of men were staring at me. Why did I like their stares?
We paid for the panties during which time Frank kept flirting with the naïve girl and walked out of the mall. In the parking lot we piled into a single car where I was squeezed in the back seat between three of his friends and drove off with Frank driving. No matter how much I tried to keep my skirt down it was impossible. With such a tight fit my skirt rode up around my hips exposing my long legs completely and my see-thru panties were showing which was a target of constant stares from all the perverts around me. Frank at one point adjusted his mirror so he could see down between my legs. I kept them tightly closed so I wouldn't show him anything.
Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh and looking down I saw the perv on my right decided to feel my skin. Very soon his partner on the left did the same. They kept their hands on my thighs for a while and very slowly started to move them up playing with my hot skin the whole time. I could tell Frank was smiling watching this in his rear view mirror. When their hands were very close to my panties I placed my hands on theirs and moved them away leaning forward. I didn't want them to feel me so easily.
"So Frank, where are we going and what do you have in mind?" I asked striking a conversation with him.
"You mean you never heard of Max's?"
"Can't say that I have, it's probably not my kind of establishment."
"Well Kate, you're in for a surprise tonight, trust me you'll love it."
I felt someone's hand at my back pulling on my skirt so I quickly sat back but not before they had a chance to pull my skirt from under my butt, now I felt the cold leather seat pressing against my ass. The sensation gave me a cool enjoyable feeling that quickly traveled to the center of my crotch. We turned a few turns and again I had hands on my thighs very close to my exposed panties. I decided not to say much since I kept my legs tightly together but somehow my hands were pinned against my sides and I could not move them. My breathing was increasingly becoming harder the more those hands kept on touching and caressing my thighs no matter how disgusted I was with this situation.
I felt a finger slide along the side of my panties deep into the crevice of my crotch making my breath come in gasps. I looked down and saw both of the pervs trying to force my legs open. I kept my ground and all they succeeded was parting them so my knees touched the backs of both front seats. Because of the way I sat slouched down in the middle of the back seat and due to lack of room my knees were permanently wedged in this position. It was enough however to expose the gusset of my wet panties and my steaming slit under them. I tried to free my hands but all I succeeded was to dislodge my blouse to where my aureoles were showing from under the edges of it. Everyone was looking at me including the perv in the passenger seat and Frank through his rear view mirror as the most private parts of my body were becoming exposed to them.
I wanted to stop this but I couldn't because how tight it was in the car with all of us in it. I watched with frustration as those fingers gently ran along my panties the length of my pussy lips making me shudder. I wanted to say something, tell them to stop but I wasn't sure if I just wouldn't moan if I opened my mouth and I certainly didn't want them to know I was enjoying it. And boy, did I enjoy it! The feeling those fingers were giving me was slowly melting my resistance away. While the two pervs were playing with my panties, the third who was sitting to my right reached around his buddy and put his hand inside my blouse, slowly sliding it toward my full breast. When his finger grazed the edges of my aureole the perv in the passenger seat reached out and put his hand on my bare thigh softly rubbing it driving me crazy.
I had four sets of hands touching me in places no one ever should! The decent person in me hated it while the more prominent side of me I tried to suppress enjoyed the touches and how they made me feel. Suddenly when those fingers on my panties rubbed in tiny little circles where my clit was my legs spread open on their own, I no longer had any control over them. I only moaned in pleasure and pleaded in frustration.
"Oh no boys, please don't do this to me right now."
They looked at my face for a moment but quickly stared back on my increasingly exposed body. Their eyes were like piercing fire melting any resistance I had left and making me open myself to them in a perverse way. Their fingers increasingly bold probed my panties sliding them to the side exposing my freshly shaved wet pussy and looking from face to face I saw the excitement in their eyes of seeing me this way. My legs were quickly lifted and both of my feet were placed on the back of the car seats, opened and exposed. The perv that was touching my breasts pulled my loose top down and exposed my full tits for everyone to see. He grabbed my hard nipples and squeezed them hard while pulling on them making me arch my back with pleasure while those fingers at my pussy rubbed my wet lips pulling them apart.
With the last ounce of self dignity I pulled to free my hands but the two pervs on my sides grabbed them and held them behind my back. I was exposed like I've never been before, every inch of my intimate parts on display. I looked at the car windows and realized that all this was visible from the sidewalk of the streets we were driving on. Oh no! More people seeing me like this! My mind reeled and I didn't know if it was in pleasure or shock. They continued their probing, spreading my pussy lips, wetting their fingers in my womanly juices, gleefully looking at my body so wantonly exposed for their viewing pleasure.
I looked down and saw their fingers between my spread pussy lips rubbing my open slit the length of it, making me so wet and crazy. I arched my back again and rolled my eyes into the back of my head moaning in pleasure. At that moment one of them placed his lips on mine and kissed me forcing his tongue into my mouth. I resisted only for a moment, up until I felt one of the fingers penetrating my dipping hole, than I just let go. I opened my mouth and returned the hot kiss twisting my own tongue around his in an intimate duel. I felt another finger sliding into me and realized with naughty approval that I had two men finger fucking me at the same time.
The perv kissing me let me go and begun watching my wet pussy being abused by his finger while I surveyed the scene as if in a dream. I looked at Frank, his eyes visibly darting to the mirror every chance he had probably wishing he was in the back seat with me. I felt myself quickly approaching the inevitable climax as I lay gasping from the attention these pervs were giving my body. When we pulled up to a red light and stopped, I saw a man and a woman looking inside through the windows in shock. They saw everything! My god, I couldn't stand much less understand what was happening to me. I felt the perv in the passenger seat reach further down my thighs and touch my ass sliding his fingers towards my rear hole.
For some reason I lifted my legs higher and wider apart looking at him, knowing full well what he wanted to reach. The intoxicating, sexual feeling was overwhelming my senses and when he touched my asshole with his wet fingers, I moaned looking at the couple on the sidewalk. I felt his finger penetrate my ass hole spreading my relaxed ring apart as I slung my head back in pleasure. Again I felt someone kissing me and I eagerly kissed him back as three fingers reamed both of my fuck holes. I was in total perverse ecstasy and I wished it would never stop. I started to feel my own hips moving involuntarily to the rhythm of their probing as I moaned into the pervs mouth.
I was so close, so close and than...he stopped kissing me. He pulled back enjoying the eyeful of my body in ecstasy. I realized my hands were free, no one was holding me down any longer and supporting myself with my free hands, I lifted my ass off the car seat. Perversely spread open and shocked at what I was doing with my feet on top of the car seats in front of me, with fingers in my pussy and asshole and my tits exposed, I started to fuck myself on them.
"Holy shit!"
"No way!"
They were shocked and so was I! My god, I should stop this, I shouldn't be doing this, my mind screamed to me. They were shocked at what they saw. I didn't want to do it, god I needed to stop this but my body needing a release betrayed me at that very moment. It was humiliating to open myself up to these men but I couldn't stop it, it felt too damn good...I needed more! My hips moved by themselves, forcing those fingers deeper into my pussy and ass all the while moaning, moaning with pleasure of having both my holes filled at the same time. I was fucking myself...fucking myself on their front of them! Again I pushed my head back and moaned. I felt fingers pulling on my hard nipples, pinching them until I felt, pleasure...pleasure not pain! I felt fingers inside of me wiggling, putting pressure on my inner walls, stretching me...stretching my already opened holes as if they wanted more of me...more of me opened and I came, I came so hard my juices flowed out of me like a water fall.
I don't know how long it took, I heard myself moan in the distance and I nearly lost consciousness. All I knew was that my hips were still moving and their fingers were firmly imbedded inside of me up to their knuckles as I regained my senses. I was flushed, my whole body was flushed as I looked at them, their wide eyes staring at me. Relaxing I sat back on the seat and their fingers slipped out of me at the same time.
"Nice Kate, nice. You've managed to do this just in time, we're at Max's now," Frank said looking back at me with a sly smile on his face.
I realized we were parked. They opened the door and started piling out of the car. Sighing, incredibly embarrassed, I pulled my skirt down and arranging my blouse to hide my breasts got out. Looking around I saw the place, a dark wooden building with a bright neon sign above the front door, "Max's, a gentlemen's club". Oh my god, it was a strip club! They were taking me to a strip club! They started to walk but my legs wouldn't move. I felt one of the pervs grabbing my hand and I was pulled along as the realization of where I was about to go into hit home.
I moved behind them as if in a daze, I couldn't believe what I did in the car, I couldn't believe where I was letting them take me as my mind worked in high gear on how to get out of this before I did any more improper things. The only hope now was my daughter and the plan she conjured to save me. I reached for my purse wasn't there! Oh my god, my cell phone was gone!
"Frank, I need to go back to the car, I left my purse inside," I said stopping ten feet away from the main entrance.
I could see some men walking out and scanning me as if I was a stripper starting my shift.
"Ok Kate, let's go get it," He said with irritation.
I checked the car thoroughly but my purse wasn't there. I stood up beside the car lifting my hand to my brow with worry and than I remembered, I left my purse along with my panties in the change room of the department store. I left them there because Frank wanted me to wear those damn new panties! Oh my god, what am I going to do now!
"I have to go back, I left my purse in the department store," I told him.
He just looked at me.
"You don't really think I'm going to take you back all the way to the mall?"
Asshole, he was such an asshole, he didn't care about anything but himself and his deviant perverse ideas.
"I have my phone there, my id, everything. If you won't take me I'll take a cab."
"Kate, Kate...Kate. You forget the predicament you're in. If you don't do what I want, those wonderfully explicit photos will find their way to your husband. Hmmm, maybe even some of your friends or your kids. How would you like it if Tommy found out what his innocent mother was really like?"
I wanted to kill him, I wanted to jab my finger nails into his eyes and rip them out! I hated that man with passion, but I knew what was at stake, my marriage and my family. I thought of Tommy and possibility of loosing him and suddenly, straightening up my back with what little pride I had left, I walked away from Frank heading towards the strip club and my inevitable doom as I heard his low laughter in the back.
Quietly I walked up to the pervs, they were standing there watching my body with their hungry eyes. Frank walked up beside me and we all followed him in. We walked into the narrow hallway and stood there waiting for some men in front of us to pay their cover charge. Scanning the scene on the main floor I saw two young women completely nude dancing on separate stages to the loud music blaring from the speakers. They moved seductively bending over from time to time to show their feminine assets. I was surprised they could do that completely nude, they didn't even have any panties on. I quickly realized this was an all nude club.
Finally we had a chance to pay our way in and shuffling up we were confronted by two men, probably bouncers. One of them was a rough biker looking guy with long black beard and mustache that reminded me of ZZ Top. He was big, probably 6 foot and massive in his chest and stomach, rough features told me of his dangerous ability to make peace here. He scanned me from head to toe lingering his eyes on my breasts and my tiny skirt, enjoying the view before he took the money from Frank.
"Hey Frank, who's your date?" He asked pointing at me.
Frank smiled turning back to face me.
"Just a little slut we're going to have fun with tonight."
I could feel my face getting red as I heard those words come out of his mouth. God, how wrong this sounded coming from him!
"Alright man, it's about time you brought something that good looking in here," The bouncer laughed.
"I see you're still hanging around with the retard," Frank replied pointing at the other bouncer while his little pervert friends laughed.
I looked at the other bouncer and gasped. The first bouncer was tiny in comparison to this man. He was at least 6'8" if not taller. Everything about him was massive, his shoulders, chest even his arms. The muscles under his simple tea shirt tightening in steel precision with tiniest move he made. He wasn't overweight like the other bouncer, his stomach was flat and I knew folds of hard stomach muscles lay hidden under it. But the most captivating feature was his face. He was clean cut with blond hair brushed to the side, his face handsome clean shaven and his as the deepest ocean told me his mind wasn't all there. I looked at him and I just knew he was still a child...a child with a body of a giant...a gentle giant.
"Yeah, he's still around, don't know why, he's fucking useless."
They all laughed looking at the man. At first I couldn't believe he let them talk to him like that, he was obviously strong enough to handle each one of them but seeing his eyes I knew he wouldn't...he wouldn't hurt a fly. He just stood there with blank stare in his eyes and expressionless face.
"I think they just keep him around because he's so fucking big, he just scares the assholes that don't know him," Again the first bouncer laughed.
"Well he doesn't scare me, he's a fucking retard and everybody knows it."
I was furious at Frank for saying something that mean but wasn't surprised he said that, Frank was a big asshole. He walked up to the gentle giant and patted his face roughly with his open hand showing he wasn't afraid. Someone else would definitely give Frank one in the jaw for something like that, the bouncer just stood there not even looking at Frank. We all walked into the main floor area as I glanced back with sadness at the giant man and saw he was looking at me...not my body like everyone else...he was looking into my eyes! I was surprised because suddenly, for a brief moment I saw intelligence in them. Quickly that spark of intelligence was gone but not before his lips twitched in a small smile, a friendly smile that combined with his clean looks gave me a warm feeling.
"Kate! Let's go!"
I was snapped back to my dreaded reality by the voice of the one I hated. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the table closest to the main stage. I noticed everyone in the club was staring at me, even the strippers on stage looked on as I walked up to the table taking a seat. I immediately crossed my exposed legs to keep the prying eyes from seeing my panty covered pussy. Looking around I noticed the whole club was composed of one big room littered with tables and chairs. The bar stood against the back wall where scantily dressed women kept refilling drinks and delivering them to paying customers. Every one of the waitresses wore tiny panties with revealing bras; some of them wore sexy see-thru lingerie that gave everyone an eye full as they walked by serving drinks.
One of them walked up to us and looking from one perv to another took their order. She was young, pretty with short dark hair and nice proportionate body. When she asked me I noticed her eyes darted to my breasts and she licked her lips before looking at my face to take my order. That brief look gave me a slightly thrilling feel as I recited to her what I wanted. She smiled and giving my body one last look winked at me and walked away. I glanced at Frank and noticed he saw the whole thing. Oh god, that pervert didn't need to see that but it was too late. Giving the girl a concealed look I noticed how nicely round her ass was visible to everyone. Ok ok, I don't need to do this, I chastised myself for looking at that young girl's butt.
"Alright, Raven's on, let's go get a little closer shall we," He held out his hand to me.
I took his hand with resignation and followed him to the stage. He sat down looking at the chair next to him expectantly without a courtesy of pulling it out. I pulled the chair out myself and sat down watching him pull out a wad of single dollar bills. Soon the pervert friends sat on either side of us anxiously anticipating the woman called Raven. The music changed to a sexy electronic beat and curtain hanging in the back of the stage moved to the side.
A woman walked out and everyone's eyes were immediately peeled to the stage, including mine. I couldn't help it, as much as I wanted to look away her beauty and incredibly attractive body kept me looking at her. Her long dark hair flowed over her shoulders and back in sexy waves giving her an exotic look while her barely covered body enticed everyone with magnetism. Her breasts were magnificent and her already hard nipples poked out from under the thin lace bra she wore while her tiny panties covered her vagina only. It was obvious she was completely shaven down there with no sign of pubic hair anywhere.
She twirled around the pole in the center of the stage to the beat of the music and looked around the audience with an animalistic stare. The confidence and knowledge how she affected everyone was painted on her beautiful face. When her eyes reached me I stiffened and looked on with envy as she slithered near us moving her sexy body to the beat. She smiled at me and leaned over Frank teasing him with her nearly exposed breasts.
"Who's your friend Frank?" She asked.
I didn't understand why everyone thought I was with Frank!
"This is Kate, Kate meet Raven," Frank made quick introductions.
She moved closer to me and extended her hand. I shook her hand noticing how wet my panties were from being so close to this beautiful woman. I tried so hard to keep looking into her eyes but my eyes betrayed me and slowly dropped down to her breasts and tight stomach.
"Hi I'm Kate," I whispered looking back at her face.
"I'm Raven," She smiled at me knowingly.
I felt like a little girl getting her first look at a naked man and being caught at doing it. My face burned with embarrassment and I swallowed hard not sure of what to say.
"Do you have a dollar for me?" She asked and I felt someone stuff a bill into my hand.
She smiled and stood up moving her sexy hips to the beat and pointing at me with her finger to get up. I didn't know what was happening or what I was doing but my body suddenly took over and I stood up on stiff legs pushing the chair away from me with the back of my knees. I was afraid I would loose my balance being so weak so I spread my legs a bit giving myself some stability while I supported myself with my hands on the padded edge of the stage. I looked as she danced in front of me totally captivated by her. She turned around pointing her ass towards me and my throat suddenly dried out while my eyes roamed freely over her gorgeous ass.
In that moment I didn't hear any music, everything suddenly slowed down and all I could see was her on stage in front of me so close. She spread her legs and looked back at me smiling. I couldn't even return the look, I just stared at her enticing ass my eyes beginning to see what was between them. Suddenly she bent over on stiff legs and her hands came out in between her legs reaching out for mine. I reached out with my trembling hands clutching the dollar bill and grabbing both of them, she pulled me towards her. She pulled me closer and closer rubbing my hands across her stomach as I stared with wide eyes between her spread open ass cheeks.
I saw her pussy, slightly wet peeking from under her panties as the tiny string running between her cheeks couldn't hide anything. She pulled my hands further as my face came close to her ass making me panic. I was in a strip club full of men with my face mare inches away from a beautiful woman's ass! She pulled further and I had to lean over vaguely aware of my own skirt riding high on my butt probably exposing it to whoever sat behind me. I wanted to stop, to turn around and pull my skirt down so no one would see my butt but I couldn't.
With one final pull my hands rested on her full breasts and my face touched the crack of her ass wedging my mouth against her asshole. I held my breath shocked at what was happening but I couldn't pull away, something deep down inside me kept me standing there in such lewd position. Slowly the erotic thought of what I was doing won over any inhibitions I might have had and taking a deep breath I opened my mouth. Oh god, oh god, oh god! Her ass smelled so good, the aroma mixed with her wet pussy was overpowering my senses and shocking me, it felt so erotically dirty to do that! I slid my tongue out touching the woman's asshole with it. "Oh god, so naughty to do that" the thought raced through my confused mind. She moaned and arched her back making her dark hair fly back against her shoulders.
I licked again and she moaned again! Oh my god, what was I doing? I licked again this time longer running my tongue across her asshole and down to her wet pussy lips slurping the wetness off of them and listened with anticipation for her to moan. Another revelation crossed my mind, I enjoyed making her moan! I licked and licked and licked closing my eyes and realized she wasn't holding my hands down anymore, for some reason my hands stayed glued to her breasts. I opened my eyes and saw she was looking back at me over her shoulders with surprise and her hands were on her luscious ass cheeks spreading them apart for me. I opened my mouth wide and ate that woman's asshole with passion...with lust...with every ounce of my being. I didn't care at that moment who was watching me do that, I just wanted more of her.
I became aware of shouts and whistles and bodies crowding around us but I couldn't stop. I licked her asshole twisting my head from side to side, driving my tongue into her and she moaned spreading herself to me. I felt hands on my ass and my panties but surprisingly, no one touched me intimately. I don't know how long I ate that woman's ass but when the music stopped she pulled herself away breathing really heavy, she turned around looking at me with wide eyes. I stood there with my face wet from her juices, watching her body with desire still hot from what we were doing and became aware that everyone in the club was crowded around us. As the realization hit home, she walked up to me and bending over held my chin in her hand kissing me passionately. After a moment she pulled herself away and begun sweeping the floor with her hands gathering all the bills that were there.
"Oh my god!"
I sat down covering my face with my hands. I felt everyone watching me as they slowly went back to their seats.
"Wow, as usual at Max's, wild things happen. Quench your thirst with drinks and don't forget to tip the ladies. From the looks of it, you might have to stop at our ATM first. Next up, Bonnie, the sultry young starlet from Texas. Give a big hand for Bonnie!" The DJ announced over the speakers.
I put my hands down and looked around. Frank was intently watching me and so were all the perverts. His eyes strayed to my lips and I just knew what he was thinking about. He leaned closer to me.
"Do you eat your daughter like this Kate? Do you eat Kristy like that?"
My hand involuntarily flew out to hit him on the face but he caught it.
"I bet you do, I bet when your husband goes to sleep you slip out and go into her bedroom making your daughter moan like you just made that woman moan on stage."
I gave him a murderous stare which he laughed at.
"Don't forget the pictures Kate," He whispered and let go of my hand.
He got up and motioned for me to do the same. When I stood up I realized that my skirt was up around my waist and my panties were stuffed with bills. Oh my god, they tipped me! They tipped me like I was a stripper! Not knowing what to do I started to pull my skirt down just to cover myself but Frank stopped me.
"Keep it up, you won't be wearing it for long, and I want everyone to see how much money you made me."
His words made me feel cheap but at the same time excited. How could that be? I...I made money from eating a woman! God, why did that make me feel so excited? I didn't want to be a slut! Not right now, not for him! Frustrated and trapped I walked up to our seats with my skirt around my waist and my wet panties clinging to the pouch of my sex. I noticed the unmistakable stared men gave me with every step I took. I sat down and waited, they must have a pay phone around here, I have to call Kristy before this goes any further!
Suddenly I noticed Raven walking up to us, she looked at me and down at my naked hips. One of the pervs pulled up a chair setting it next to me. She sat down wearing only her bra and panties leaning over and put her arm around me.
"Uhmmm, you felt wonderful," She whispered to me and immediately looked at Frank.
Again I smelled her, she had a distinctively sweet smell that drove me crazy.