Chapter 11.1

"Mom, when is Dad coming home?" Kristy asked as she zoomed by me on the way to the garage.

Wow, she seemed to be busy today, she was holding a load of laundry when passing by and all I saw was a blur as she ran by. I continued to dust the living room TV without answering her as I knew she wouldn't hear me.

"Mom! When is Dad going to be home?" I heard her yell from the garage.

Ok, she was destined to drive me insane today. Ever since the weekend Gina spent the night, my daughter seemed a little different, more energetic and willing to help around the house. I often wondered if I imagined the moaning sounds coming from the top of the stairs in my uncontrollable moment of passion with Gina, and was one of my children looking down at what I was doing at that moment. Was it Kristy? Or was it Tommy? Maybe I just imagined the whole thing and tried to tell myself it was one of them. I walked in the direction of the garage but now stopped dead in my tracks. Did I want them to see me with Gina? Oh god, what was I turning into?

I definitely didn't feel like yelling so I walked to the garage to see what my daughter was up to. When I opened the door I was greeted by the sight of my daughter bent over pulling clothes out of the dryer and putting them in the laundry hamper. I stood amazed watching her butt with apprehension. She was dressed in a tiny pair of silk red panties and nothing else. Because her legs were placed apart for balance and bent I could see the panties tightly hugging her young sex to the point of outlining the details of her pussy. I should have said something but I didn't, I stood and watched every detail, every outline of her behind chastising myself in my mind for doing it but at the same time getting extremely turn on.

"Mom! When is Daddy coming home?" She yelled again.

"Kristy, I'm right here you don't' have to yell," I answered calmly, I hoped.

She jumped and straightened out facing me, flashing her perky young pair of breasts which had sexy tan lines where her bikini covered her while sun tanning. I instinctively looked at her breasts and gave her a smile wondering why my mouth suddenly went dry.

"Feeling a little free-spirited today are we?"

She smiled back unsure but didn't cover herself.

"Mom, you've seen me before, I didn't think it was a big deal. Unless my breasts bother you..."

I looked down at them trying to hide my excitement in front of my daughter. They were full for her age with tiny nipples and tender aureoles around them. Somehow my eyes wondered further down for a second and glancing at her tight stomach I zeroed in on her panties before looking back at her, my heart suddenly pounding hard in my chest. I've noticed a tiny smile cross her face which told me she was enjoying tormenting me in this fashion or just enjoying me looking at her. Did she suspect my feelings for women sometimes? Or maybe it was her on top of the stairs while I did things with Gina. Oh my god, I hoped not. My daughter was too precious to witness her mom's weakened state.

"No honey, your breasts don't bother me, fine with you prancing around half naked. Just don't let your brother see you like this, could be embarrassing you know."

Phew, I almost said "I like looking at your breasts" before catching myself. That was too close, I needed to be more careful in the future if she was going to put me in these situations.

"Tommy, no way, I wouldn't want to give HIM any ideas."

What did that mean? Grabbing her hamper she squeezed by me as I held the door open for her, her fresh scent reaching my senses adding to my excitement. As she was passing me she stopped for a moment and leaned against the opposite side of the door frame with her breasts towards me, I noticed her small nipples were firm.

"You know Mom, you should try this sometimes, it feels like how you put it, free spirited. Especially when we're just by ourselves."

She looked down at my breasts under my simple shirt.

"Hmmm Mom, I'm not getting you excited, am I?"

Confused I looked down at what she was looking at and noticed with embarrassment my own nipples were standing at attention making a visible impression in my shirt. I looked up at her alarmed but all I saw was a gorgeous smile. I was scared she could see right through me and what she would do if she realized...I was excited thanks to her. I couldn't say anything, I couldn't deny it, and anything I would have said at that time would sound fake.

Flashing her beautiful smile she turned and walked away as my eyes stayed glued to her round ass cheeks moving from side to side as she walked, the back of her panties lost somewhere between those firm cheeks. I tried getting my breathing under control and shook my head to clear my thoughts but all I could think of, was her.

I finished my housework early and made coffee for my daughter and me thinking of what to do next. John was coming home late tomorrow and I knew I needed to fix things with him. We needed to be close again so our relationship would not disintegrate completely. I still felt guilt from what I allowed to happen with Frank and pushing that creep completely out of my mind I concentrated on my husband. I remembered how he liked it when I took control of him while having sex, so this would have to be something special.

"Honey, I need to go out for a bit and your brother will not be back from the city until tomorrow. Do you have any plans for today?"

We were sitting around the kitchen table sipping our coffee. She looked up at me flicking her hair to the side exposing her long, sensual neck that seemed unusually delicious at the time.

"I was hoping we would spend the day together Mom."

That actually sounded good, some time with my daughter without Tommy might be good for me as long as she didn't start teasing me again with that tight body of hers.

"I'd love to but let me take care of this one chore, it won't take long, I promise."

"Well, can I come with?"

Oh no, not this time, not the place I planned on visiting.

"Sweetie, would be better if I went alone," I said carefully.

"Mom, where are you going?" Her curiosity suddenly picked up.

"Just a place to buy some things... some things for your Dad and me, I just think I should go alone."

"No way, I wanna go! Pleasssseee."

She was so cute with her dark hair put up and minimal make up on, she looked younger than her age and very hot.

"Oh god, this could be embarrassing. If I take you with me promise never to tell your brother or anyone else," I finally said with caution.

"I promise," She quickly answered.

"Ok, go get dressed and we'll go."

"Wait, where are we going?"

"You'll see."

This could be fun, I thought. She was very excited and had no idea where I was taking her. I had a feeling she would understand once she sees the place. I put on my favorite dress and waited patiently for my daughter downstairs. She came down wearing a tight pair of shorts which left her long legs exposed and a tank top. I could tell she wore nothing under the tank top since her nipples were making an outline. The shorts were so short her thighs were exposed up to her hips and when she turned to the side I could see the sides of her breasts rolling out from under the tank top. She looked very sexy as I tried not to stare.

"Ok Mom, I'm ready," She smiled.

I swallowed hard heading for the car and suddenly feeling well overdressed. Maybe I could loosen up a bit too? I took the opportunity to undo the top button of my dress while she wasn't looking and drove off.

"Mom, why don't we catch some lunch?" Kristy asked.

"That sounds good, I'm starving. I know of a good place where your Dad and I go sometimes."


It took only five minutes to get to the small Italian restaurant and walking in we asked the waitress for a booth table. She put us in one which was at the back of the restaurant and we sat down side by side in a secluded booth. Pretty soon the waiter came up to take our drinks order. He was tall and young, I suspect about Kristy's age with blue eyes and blond hair which he kept spiked up in a neat style. As soon as he came up his eyes were all over Kristy.

"Mom lets have some wine," My daughter suggested.

"Kristy, I'm driving, I can't drink."

"Just one glass, it won't make a difference."

Throughout my short conversation with Kristy I noticed the waiter kept looking at her breasts which were outlined in her skimpy top. It sort of made me a little jealous, not once did he look at me!

"Ok, just one glass. We'll take two glasses of red wine," I said to him.

"Can I see your ID," Again he only looked at Kristy.

"Ahh, the wine is for my Mom," Kristy answered quickly.

"Oh, Ok. In that case, two glasses of wine coming right up."

He gave Kristy one final look and walked away.

"Oh my god, did you see how he was staring at me? I felt like he wanted to see my tits out of my tank top," She laughed.

"Yes, I noticed. He didn't even give me a single look," I said disappointed.

"Mom! He's just a guy and the way I'm dressed keeps them hypnotized," She laughed again.

I smiled at her looking at her breasts and the exposed skin on the side.

"I bet he would be all over you if you showed a little more skin," She winked at me.

"I doubt it. You're beautiful and he's interested only in you."

"Ok, I'll bet you I can make him keep his eyes only on you."

I smiled at her doubting he would.

"Come on Sweetie, enjoy it, I don't need the attention."

"But you wish he did, maybe just a little," She brought her fingers close together to display how little I wished for it.

"Well, maybe a tiny bit," I laughed.

"Ok, than we're on. First thing's first, you have to expose your cleavage, those buttons on top have to go."

My daughter reached out and tangling her fingers into the top of my conservative dress snapped the first button. I looked down at my cleavage already quite excited and saw that top parts of my breasts were now exposed.

"Mom, you're wearing a bra!" Kristy said with disappointment.

"Of course honey, I'm married, I can't be flaunting my assets to everyone on the street," I answered laughing.

"You're going to have to get rid of it; it's the only way this is going to work."

My daughter stared at me expectantly. I sighed. God, what was I getting myself into? But for some reason, deep down inside I felt as if having her with me made it alright. Mom and daughter just having a little fun.

"Hmmm, you're right, we can't have that."

I got up and walked around the table leaning over it towards my daughter. I put one leg over the other and curved my hips in a sexy way, I'm sure my breasts were starting to spill out.

"I will have to go to the bathroom and take care of this. Why don't you keep our poor little waiter in the mood for us."

I turned around and making sure no one was watching grabbed my dress and slid the back of it up until I felt cool air hit my butt. I knew I was exposed. Immediately I heard Kristy gasp which gave me a satisfying shiver. Walking away I held my dress up as long as I could.

I nearly ran into the stall locking the door behind me and lifting my dress I slipped my panties off. I turned them inside out and looked at the wetness deposited in the middle of the thin fabric. Looking at them I slowly realized that was not what I came in here for, I was supposed to take my bra off! Slut! Hearing those words in my own mind made a low moan escape my lips. What was I planning to do? I know I wanted them off and decided to keep them off. Kristy didn't have to know how much of a slut mommie she had.

Since I came in here without a purse and didn't have any pockets I placed the panties behind the roll of toilet paper and took my bra off. I would love to see the face on the woman who will find my panties and I wondered what they were going to do with them. Would they simply throw them away? Or maybe...they would smell them...and keep them...and maybe even wear them. God the thought of another woman's pussy pressing against my panties made me wet and my heart beat faster. Ok, I had to compose myself. Straightening out my dress I walked out of the bathroom.

"It took you long enough!" Kristy said as soon as I walked up.

Taking a seat beside her I threw my bra at her.

"I had to make sure I looked good for our poor waiter," I answered noticing the wine on the table.

Taking the glass I drank deeply until it was completely empty.

"So did you let our waiter get a good peek at you?" I asked feeling the effects of the wine I just drank.

"Moooom," Kristy exclaimed.

"Well what's wrong? You're the one walking around the house half naked."

She laughed and took a small sip of the wine looking me up and down.

"Yes, he was ogling me like before. Mom, top button..."

I looked down and realized I buttoned all buttons back up. Well, we can't have that. I unbuttoned the top two buttons.

"Not enough," Kristy said looking at my cleavage.

My god, she's insane! If I unbutton one more button my whole cleavage will be exposed to below my breasts! Taking the remaining glass of wine I drank it all.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I murmured and released the third button.

"Nice, ok now just let the top of the dress drift to the this."

Kristy reached over and moved my dress to the sides enough to expose my breasts in the middle but still covering my nipples...barely. My daughter's hands were moving over my breasts while she worked lightly brushing against my already hard nipples which sent shivers up and down my spine. I did my best to hide the excitement from her but couldn't stop my breathing from coming in gasps.

"Uhmm, Mom your nipples are so hard."

She touched one of them and looked at me unsure. Although I wanted her to pull on them hard, to continue playing with them, I had to compose myself, this wasn't how a Mom should be acting.

"Ok, ok young lady, that's enough," I said calmly, I hoped.

Our waiter showed up in a couple of minutes and immediately noticed the state my dress was in. His large eyes showed excitement and desire.

"Can I...can I take your order now?" He asked while looking at the exposed parts of my breasts.

Kristy and I exchanged quick glances trying not to laugh and ordered our meal. While he was taking Kristy's order I pretended to look for something in my purse beside me and twisted my body to reach it. That slid my dress out of place and looking down I noticed one of my nipples coming into view. My large aureole and the nipple were peeking out from the edge of my dress. I stayed in this position long enough for him to get a good look but when I faced to the front again, my nipple was still exposed. Since no one else was around I decided to leave it that way.

Not only the waiter but my daughter was looking at my breasts with an exciting, hungry, sexual looks. Part of me wanted to cover myself but another part enjoyed this...enjoyed the sexual attention I was getting. The seat below me was wet for obvious reasons and I'm sure my dress had a large wet spot in the back of it, I didn't care. I did one more thing in the heat of the moment. Closing my eyes and lifting my hands to the side, I stretched lazily until I felt both of my breasts leave the confines of my dress. As soon as I felt them do that I quickly opened my eyes and brought both hands to the front covering them.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. This dress is so unmanageable sometimes," I said distressed looking at the young man.

He looked like he was about to faint. His large eyes got even larger and I could make out the outline of something hard in his pants.

"Oh, don't worry maam, it's ok, I understand," He could barely talk.

I took my hands away relived showing my breasts again.

"Thank you, I'm so glad you understand. Now how does this go again?"

I took my time pulling the sides of my dress over my breasts just until they covered my nipples.

"Oh, and we'll take two more glasses of wine again," I said.

He took the order and walked away stealing glances at me until he was out of sight.

"Oh my god MOM! I can't believe you did that!" Kristy said excited.

"I know, I can't believe I did that either," I laughed.

"Did you see his eyes? They looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets!"

She laughed and slid closer to me grabbing my hand.

"This is so much fun, what else can we do?"

"Ok, I've done all I'm going to do, we need to work on you now."

I looked at my daughter's tank top. Hmmm, not much we can do there...unless...

"Ok, I have an idea," I said reaching for the bottom of her tank top.

The tight shorts should keep her tank top secure. I started tucking the bottom of her top into her shorts stretching the fabric over her breasts until the top pulled low enough to expose a large portion of her breasts just so her nipples were hidden. Pulling a little further showed the outlines of her aureoles. Kristy already excited leaned back facing me and put one leg up on the seat bent at the knee. I looked up surprised she did that but didn't say anything.

Tucking her top in was no easy chore, I had to reach deep into her shorts to make sure it stayed securely in. Twisting my hand around I slid my fingers holding the tank top deeper so it would stay. As my fingers ran down her smooth naval I felt her panties and how wet they were, the fabric was soaked! Looking up at her I saw that her face was red and mouth open, she was breathing hard and so was I! Somehow, without my control my fingers slid down further, under her panties and I felt nothing but smooth skin until I grazed the top of her pussy, it was so wet!

I knew I was crossing a boundary of Mother and Daughter and with the last ounce of strength I begun to pull my hand out but Kristy immediately grabbed it. I looked up at my sweet daughter and she was looking at me. Neither one of us spoke. She slowly pushed my hand down again until my fingers reached her clit, at that moment she threw her head back and moaned.

"Kristy..." I whispered knowing I had to stop this.

She pushed my hand down even further and my fingers found the opening of her pussy. I couldn't believe she was doing it, this was so intimate and she was my daughter! Excitement was coursing through my body as I felt the wetness between my daughter's legs.

"Kristy!" I said lauder trying to stop her.

She opened her eyes as if waking up from a dream. I looked over and noticed our waiter was heading our way with the wine. I quickly took my hand out of her shorts and she sat up straight. My fingers were slick with her wetness and I kept my hand under the table.

"Here is the wine," He said while his eyes were roaming from me to Kristy.

Suddenly I felt my daughter touch my wet hand under the table and her fingers intertwined with mine spreading her wetness around. She was gently rubbing my fingers, sensually touching them knowing what that wetness was.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked.

"No, that will be all," I barely managed to say.

He gave us one last look and walked away. I sat straight and couldn't look at my daughter. We were still holding hands and she was still gently rubbing it, driving me crazy with the knowledge of what we were doing. After a moment I begun responding, touching her hand and playing with the wetness between us, it was so sensual! I looked over at her and she just smiled. She took a quick look around and unbuttoned her shorts sliding them off of her and then did the same with her panties placing both garments on the seat between us.

"Oh my god Kristy, what has gotten into you?"

Again she smiled without saying anything. My heart was beating so fast I could almost feel my dress moving while it covered my chest. I looked down at my daughter completely naked from the waist down. She moved her hand down between her legs and slid her finger the length of her pussy until she reached her opening. I watched as her finger disappeared inside her hole, at that moment my mouth involuntarily watered and I had to swallow hard. I reached for the glass and took another long drink from the wine glass, the alcohol starting to work its effects on my body.

Somehow my own hand found the edge of my dress and I pulled it up until my own pussy was visible while I looked around to make sure no one was watching. Kristy immediately looked down and licked her lips playing with her pussy.

"Oh god this is so crazy we could get in so much trouble..." I whispered to her.

"Don't worry Mom, one can see us."

My own pussy was so wet! I ran my fingers down into my hole and sunk in two of them immediately feeling the pleasure of something inside, I still did not feel right with my daughter watching but couldn't stop. I leaned over and placed my elbow on top of the table with my hand over my face hiding it from anyone who might be looking at me from a distance, Kristy did the same. We both turned toward each other to be able to do this and each one of us placed a knee on the bench seat we sat on. From a distance it looked as if we were sitting close whispering to each other and the curved booth effectively hid the sides.

Kristy looked at me and down at my pussy which was now visible to her as was hers to me. Smiling she brought her wet hand up to her mouth while watching for my reactions. I think she saw my eyes widen. Her finger wavered really close to her parted lips and I saw droplets of moisture coating it. I watched her with wide eyes while playing with my pussy as she slowly touched her lips and traced her wet finger along them from side to side. Watching my daughter do this made me shiver and long for my own taste, but I knew I couldn't...not in front of her.

I think she was satisfied with me just watching. She reached down again and traced the lips of her pussy gathering more moisture. Again she brought the wet finger to her mouth, this time she put it in her mouth and wrapped her lips around it sucking her own pussy juices. Ohhh, she was such a little slut! The more she did it the more I longed to do the same especially feeling how much wetness I had stored between my legs. Watching her suck her fingers I pulled my hand up but caught myself just in time. No, I can't!

Kristy just smiled knowing how much I wanted to do the same. Again she moistened her finger with her pussy and sucked on it drinking her own wetness. She watched as I fidgeted in my seat watching her recognizing I wouldn't do it in front of her. Suddenly, grabbing my wrist, she pulled my hand from my pussy and slowly forced it up. Inch by inch my wet fingers were traveling towards my mouth as I tried to tell myself to stop her. It was no use, my hand was limp in her grasp as the inevitable approached.

Neither one of us spoke until my wet fingers reached my mouth, at that time a moan escaped my lips and Kristy pushed one of my wet fingers inside my mouth while watching it intently. My lips closed around it and so did my eyes, I sucked tasting myself in front of my daughter, I just couldn't stop this. When she let go of my wrist I opened my eyes and saw she was watching me, sucking on her own fingers. For some reason her expression changed from mischievous to serious and excited.

I reached down and pushed two fingers inside my pussy fucking myself, afraid to take them out and what I would do with them but the knowledge of what just happened kept eating at me and slowly won. I pulled my fingers out again and pushed them as deep into my mouth as I could nearly choking myself. I licked and sucked feeling my sexual excitement building up to that point of no control again, I no longer cared if my own daughter was watching this.

Again I went down on myself and put three fingers in fucking, making little whimpering sounds and watching my daughter do the same in front of me. Seeing her young pussy being violated by her own fingers and watching her lick her juices made this experience ten times better no matter how wrong it was. We were both watching each other's hands with hungry eyes, Kristy's face was red and her eyes glazed over.

As I brought my dripping fingers up she grabbed my wrist again. I was confused, she didn't have to do this, I was willingly sucking my pussy juices in front of her! I felt my hand being pulled away from me and I froze. NO!

"Kristy, don't..." I whispered.

She didn't listen to me, she was in a sexually intensified state, I don't know if she even heard me. My whole body was stiff as a board as my fingers moved to within an inch of her mouth. This was so wrong! Kristy's eyes shifted from my wet fingers to my face and looking into my eyes she placed my wet finger on her tongue. No, no, no, she can't do this, my mind was screaming at me but I felt powerless to move my hand away. I watched in fascination as my daughter closed her rosy red lips around my wet finger and sucked!

"Uhhmm..." She made a low sound.

She took that finger out and replaced it with another and then another until they were all clean. She let go of my wrist and just watched me playing with herself. I was shocked that she would do that but sexually turned on beyond comprehension. I wanted to taste myself again but didn't know if she would do this again. Confused I placed my hand over my drenched pussy and just wet my fingers without even sticking them in. I knew my whole face was beet red as I took my hand away watching her. Again she grabbed it and pulled it towards her.

"Oh no Kristy, what are you doing? You shouldn't..."

I protested but watched as she placed my wet fingers inside her mouth and sucked and licked the wetness off of them. God, why didn't I stop her? She tasted my pussy, my own daughter tasted my pussy! I couldn't stand it, I needed more wine. After taking a big gulp I looked at her, she was still watching me, waiting. I suspected what she wanted but couldn't bring myself to do it.

Our waiter saved me by bringing our food to the table. Although I pulled my dress down Kristy was naked from the waist down and I was afraid he might see it but she pulled the table cloth over her enough for him not to notice. All he was seeing was our breasts nearly exposed which kept him occupied enough.

We ate in silence each one lost in thought of what happened. Why did I allow this? Why didn't I stop her? The only explanation was my desire for Kristy and the sexy uniqueness of the situation. After all, we were doing this in public.

"Mom,'re not mad at me are you?" She whispered.

How could I be? I loved her too much.

"No baby, let's just put this in the back of our minds and eat our lunch. We still have to get to the store," I answered not wanting to discuss this and complicate things.

"I know I can't wait. I guess I better put my shorts on."

Well, maybe we had some time still.

"Why don't you do it after the meal," I whispered and squeezed her hand taking a peek at her barely visible pussy.

She smiled and slid back giving me a better look.

"You like me that way don't you?"

The wine was doing it's job and I answered without thinking.

"Uhmmm, yes."

I could tell her breathing increased.

"Mom, for you I would do anything."

Saying that she brought her leg up bending it at the knee and tucked it behind me on the seat. In this position she was spread with one leg behind me and one leg on the floor and her pussy was opened staring at me with its wetness inside the separated lips as she started leaking juices onto the seat below her. She looked so sexy with her naked hips, pussy and legs! I swallowed hard and ate my lunch looking down between her legs from time to time. This kept me extremely aroused and sexually stimulated and so was Kristy, she was dripping down there.

When we finished our meal she pulled her shorts on and we left the restaurant to a lot of disappointed looks form our waiter. The trip to the novelty store took only minutes and walking inside I tried to compose my thoughts. I had to buy something special that would excite my husband and make him want more. Thinking back at our love making I knew he liked being dominated by me. Walking the isles of the store I came to a section with straps and whips, this was it!

Kristy was on my heels looking at stuff wide eyed.

"Mom, look at all this stuff!"

She playfully grabbed one of the whips and smacked it against my butt laughing. I shook my head at her.

"Don't start this again," I said referring to the time she spanked me while I was trapped inside our kitchen cabinet.

As if the light bulb went on in her head she smiled smacking me again.

"Mom, you have to get this. Can I buy a few things?" She asked excitedly.

"Sure," I answered but in my mind I tried to figure out what to get for my husband.
Next page: Chapter 11.2
Previous page: Chapter 10.2