Chapter 15.2
"Tommy, where is the bag?" She asked.
"What bag?" He answered fidgeting with his new camera while the boys stood around him admiring his new toy.
"The bag with my bikini," She looked at him questioningly.
"You mean that tiny paper bag? Oh shit, I left it in my room!" Tommy looked at Gina with horror.
"Oh don't tell me you guys left the bikini at home?" Tim said.
I looked at Gina with a smile on my face.
"Maybe you should just pose naked?"
"That's not funny Kate," She replied in a serious tone but my son smiled.
"I don't mind," He whispered.
Gina shook her head disapprovingly looking at him.
"Why am I not surprised, you and probably all men are just perverts who would love to see every girl naked. Admit it, you're a walking erection!"
"Ok, you two love birds. Yes Gina, we would all love to see you naked. Tommy, you Fucked up by not grabbing the bag. Now, what are we going to do? We need PICTURES," Tim's voice was a little stressed out.
Everyone looked at him falling silent; Gina looked like she was going to say something about his comment of wanting to see her naked but just opened her mouth without saying anything. I couldn't believe how big of a crisis they made this out to be. I rolled my eyes.
"My god kids, it's not that difficult. Gina and Tommy go back to get the bikini. If you don't want to waste the time, find a store nearby and buy one, that's all."
Now everyone's eyes turned to me. I stared at them with a smile hoping they realized how simple this was.
"Shit, Kate's right! Tommy and Gina, scram, go and get the bikini. In the meantime we will fine tune the set. Here, take the phone so we can communicate better. Just go to the mall few blocks down and pick one up, it will be faster," He gave quick directions.
Tommy looked at me questioningly but I waved him off.
"I'll stay here, no use of me tugging along in this heat."
Tommy and Gina left and I sat down on the nearby chair watching Tim and Jason fiddle with the lights and the back-drop for the set. I had to admit, they had a good thing going with the beach scene which would complement Gina's bikini. Jason stole peeks at me when he thought I wasn't looking and I was beginning to suspect he was a real perv, except a nice perv as opposed to the likes of Frank.
I was thirsty; I realized I did not have anything to drink in a long while. Because both boys were busy setting things up I decided to take a look around on my own. I went to the kitchen which was big with rows of dark cherry wood cabinets lining both sides and a huge stainless steel refrigerator and stove. In the middle was a serving island big enough to double as a dining table with a sink . On the edge of it was an opened bottle of Charles Krug Cabernet, one of my favorite wines. I picked up a glass, poured myself a generous amount and continued my tour of the house.
Moving past the kitchen I found a business room or a library because it had a beautiful, dark wood desk in the middle of it and all walls were lined with bookshelves full of books. On the desk was a huge monitor and a simple keyboard with a mouse. I guessed this was a family office. The more I thought about Jason the more surprised at him I became. He was young and yet he managed to take such racy pictures of me. I mean I was his friend's Mother, what boy would have enough courage to shoot photos like he did?
It did not bother me too much, I was clothed in the them, barely but clothed. I walked into the kitchen again and poured another glass. I had to admit to myself, as inappropriate as it was, the pictures he took of me were exciting and turned me on. Thinking about them now gave me a tight, anticipating feeling of sexual arousal.
How much of a pervert was he anyway? I decided to test my theory and walked into the living room where both boys were lazily stretching and allowed my skirt to drift up a bit, just enough to show majority of my thighs. Out of my peripheral vision I watched both boys and noticed Jason immediately look at me followed by Tim. Jason's hands twitched clutching his camera as if he wanted to take a picture of me but stopped himself at the last moment.
I could tell he was really interested in me more than Gina which...was pleasing, I liked the attention. I saw both of them converse in hushed voices and then Tim came up to me.
"Kate...I have to be honest with you. We're really looking forward to Gina's photo shoot but..." He looked at Jason hesitating a moment.
Jason gave him a nod and Tim continued.
"Would you mind if we started taking some test photos of you?"
"Me?" I asked knowing full well where he was going with this.
"Kate, it takes a long time to adjust cameras to light conditions and color, all of which plays an important role in taking photographs like these. It would just save our time if you could just let us take some sample photos of you so we can fine tune everything."
Both boys looked at me expectantly, anxiously waiting for my answer. More photos, was fun to have them take photos of me and exciting too but these boys didn't have to know that. My secret feelings and fantasies were just for me and no one needed to know.
"Hmmm maybe, what did you have in mind?" I teased them already knowing I would say yes.
Jason's face lit up and Tim smiled rubbing his hands together.
"Great Kate," He looked around a bit.
"I was thinking you could stand in the scene and relax posing in different standing positions while we shoot," He pointed to the backdrop.
Jason was already holding his camera up to his eye watching me through it. I felt a stir of excitement and slowly walked over to the center stage.
I stood in the middle of the living room unsure if this was such a good idea. The alcohol I drank coupled with the sexy pictures we watched managed to put me in a state of arousal.
"You look very nice Kate, let's start with some beginning poses so you can get used the cameras and we can adjust our lenses," Tim directed gesturing towards the backdrop.
I walked up to the setting and putting my hands on my hips made the best pose I knew. Immediately I felt my tube top starting to slide down exposing more of my breasts but still keeping my nipples covered. Tim and Jason started to snap pictures from different angles and I tried to keep up with them looking into each camera.
"Great Kate, now turn around leaving one hand on your hip and put the other behind your neck," Tim said.
I did as he asked and separating my legs a bit looked back at them over my shoulder. Tim immediately dropped down to his knees behind me snapping pictures from below. I knew my skirt was long enough so he would not see anything underneath especially not wearing any panties for this. On the other hand just knowing I had no panties on with both boys taking pictures of me made me feel naughty fueling my sexual state.
"Nice Kate...really nice, now reach out and touch the back of the reclining chair," Tim said.
I looked at the chair and touching the back of it would have me bent over quite a bit. I recognized his plan but still saw no danger of me showing anything. I still believed the skirt was long enough to hide my tingling pussy. I reached out bending over and touched the back of the chair. I felt my tube top sliding down again and looking down I saw I almost showed my aureoles. Jason managed to walk up in front of me and was now taking the pictures of my almost exposed breasts. I casually pulled my top up to make sure I wouldn't show my nipples.
Turning around I saw Tim lying down on the floor behind me taking more pictures so I quickly brought my legs together. I don't think he was able to see anything because his face showed disappointment. I liked what they were doing; the thought of two teenage boys taking my pictures and obviously trying to see me naked excited me and made my pussy moist. The more pictures they took, the more I wanted to show myself in front of them. I had to remind myself they were my son's friends and I couldn't allow that to happen.
"Kate, this just isn't working, your hair and your make-up...we need to change this," Tim finally said.
I stood there without saying anything but inside I was on the edge wanting to know what he was going to do.
"Hmmm...wait...I have an idea," Tim said.
He moved the back drop out of the way and put one of the wooden chairs from the sitting room in the middle of the living room.
"That's a start, now we have to change your make-up and the clothes. Jason, can you do your magic on Kate? I have an idea."
Jason took a long hard look at me scanning my body and face and vigorously shook his head in agreement.
"Good, you take Kate to your bedroom and make her up...ah just anything you want and I'll find some rope."
"Rope?" I asked concerned.
He smiled and put up his hands.
"Sorry, but the top you are wearing makes you look so...gothic...and sub, I just think it's a perfect opportunity to take advantage of it."
Gothic I knew about, but sub? I didn't look sub, did I? Jason extended his hand giving me a smile and I let him take my hand. He pulled me behind him in the direction of the bedroom. I watched his butt as he walked in front of me, sexy, moving from side to side the wine I drank making my thoughts bold and probably inappropriate.
We walked into the master bedroom and Jason walked up to the dresser fumbling for things. He produced what looked like a make-up bag from one of the drawers and asked me to sit down in the chair in front of the dresser. Once I was in place he knelt in front of me and begun putting on various make-up on my face. I wondered if he knew what he was doing but wanted to see the end result before saying anything.
"There, I'm done, take a look," he said after a few minutes and moved away.
I turned looking in the mirror and what I saw wasn't me! I mean it was but my face was covered in make-up to the point I would not recognize myself if I wasn't looking in the mirror.
"Wow Jason, I...I don't know what to say," I mumbled.
He managed to put heavy eyeliner on me covering my eye brows with dark color. He used the same dark color to color my eyeliners extending them way to the back, almost to my ear in a oriental fashion. My cheeks were colored a whiter color and he put a heavy red lipstick on my lips. The end result was my face barely recognizable. I stood there in front of the mirror wondering what he had in mind next.
"Now for your skirt, put this one on and...these shoes. Kate, remember this is a set, it's modeling so the clothes you're wearing and those shoes are important for the photo shoot," He said throwing the skirt and shoes on the bed.
I suspected Jason dug them out from the back of his Mom's closet. The shoes were ridicules. They were platform shoes so they would make me look extremely tall and black; I guess it was the gothic look. I smiled at him.
"Ok Jason, I hope you know what you are doing."
"Thanks Kate. We'll be waiting for you in the living room," He said and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.
I picked up the shoes and examined them. They were one size too small but would fit, I would just have to walk really careful in them. I put them to the side and slid my skirt off. I picked up the skirt Jason picked out for me and held it in front of me for a moment. He knew exactly what he was doing. The skirt was tiny! I was afraid I would show too much. Thinking about it for a minute I decided to put it on and see what it would look like.
I stepped into the tiny piece of fabric and pulled it up feeling how tight it was. Jason's Mom was obviously smaller in the hips then me. Pulling it up over my hips to a normal level I was used to would make my pussy exposed so I had to pull it down almost half way on my hips to cover myself. That left my stomach exposed way below my belly button. I shrugged my shoulders and put the platform shoes on.
I could barely stand up in them and looking at myself in the mirror I was amazed at how long they made my legs look. But the most amazing part was how I looked with all of it on. The make-up I had on made me look like a geisha but the clothes were gothic and slutty, they barely covered my breasts and my hips. Coupled with the platform shoes I definitely looked gothic and...sub.
I spread my legs a bit and made a pose noticing the tiny skirt was sliding up when my legs were apart. I looked around for any panties but wasn't sure about wearing Jason's Mom's personal items. Shit, I was out of luck! I would just have to keep my legs together for this and hopefully I would not show anything I shouldn't. If this went too far I would just have to stop the whole thing.
Taking a deep breath I carefully walked into the living room.
Tim already had the chair set up with old lamps on either side of it and Tim was just walking into the room holding the rope. Hmmm, now I remembered the rope.
"Ok, I cut this into four pieces long enough for our prop," Tim said proud of himself he found the rope so quick.
"Perfect, now Kate would you please take a seat?" He gestured towards the chair in the middle.
Both of their eyes were wide with excitement and I could tell the clothes I had on turned them on. I took one last look at myself in the large mirror which stood on the pedestal nearby and sat down as directed. Actually, I flopped down. The chair seemed lower than a normal chair and by misjudging the height I ended up almost losing my balance. I had to spread my legs a bit to regain my balance. I looked in front of me just to see Jason holding his breath and his eyes widening. His eyes were looking straight between my legs.
Oh my god, no! I quickly closed them together embarrassed and wondered how much I showed him. By the look on his face I probably just showed him my pussy. I shivered at the thought and I had to tell myself to be more careful from now on.
"Ok Kate, now remember you are a sub in this photo shoot so try to make faces which would make you look meek," Tim said, I don't think he noticed my clumsiness and the inadvertent exposure.
"Sure Tim, I'll do my best," I said noticing that the nearby mirror was positioned in such way that I could see myself perfectly.
Good, I thought. The mirror would be a perfect way to make sure I don't' show too much.
"Thanks Kate, this means a lot to us, thanks for doing this. Now, here is something that we need to put on you so tell me if it's uncomfortable," He said holding up a round red ball.
The ball had leather straps attached to it with snaps and I quickly realized it was a gag ball, something you would place on a sex slave. I stiffened up at the sight of the instrument but didn't say anything, just shook my head in compliance. Deep down inside another one of my secret fantasies was reawakened and I was afraid my voice would tremble if I answered.
I still remembered the fantasies of being tied up without any clothes on and used as a fuck toy by a bunch of burly men. Every time I had those fantasies I always had a gag ball on and had the biggest orgasms. Tim came up to me and held it in front of my face until I slowly opened my mouth and he was able to put it in. I trembled, I know I did! I couldn't help it. It was as if I was living my fantasy and I was hoping he took it for being uncomfortable.
He wrapped the straps behind my head and snapped the gag ball securely in place. I examined it with my hands and was surprised it wasn't uncomfortable; it just made me salivate a bit.
"Is it ok Kate?" He asked.
I shook my head up and down telling him it was since I couldn't say a word.
"Good, now we're going to put the ropes on, just tell us if we get them too tight."
Tim and Jason walked up to me on either side and each one of them took one arm. Extending them behind me they held them to the chair and begun wrapping the thick cords around them and the chair. Because the chair was little narrow, tying my hands in this fashion made me stick my chest out and with the top I had on I was afraid it would slide down. I looked at the mirror but saw that everything was fine which calmed my fears a bit. I watched them as they worked getting a secret thrill from their touches and the fact I was being tied up.
"They're not too tight are they?" Jason asked when they were done.
I shook my head from side to side telling them I was fine.
"Now we're going to do the same with your legs," Jason said and both boys took up positions in front of me.
I kept my knees close together as they worked tying each foot to the vertical post of the chair. It was hard because my feet were spread apart but I didn't want to show them anything I shouldn't since they were so close to me. Each one of them took their time and glance at my crotch whenever they had the chance. Looking down I saw the tiny skirt still covering me but barely.
"Great, we're done, you look perfect Kate," Jason said.
I looked at myself in the mirror and nearly came. I was tied up...tied up and gagged barely dressed in front of those boys and their cameras. I knew my face was red and I thanked god for the unusual make up I had on which covered my obvious excitement. I noticed my nipples were hard making an outline in the top I had on but I could not help that.
They started taking pictures and I tried to look as sub...or meek as I could. I glanced at the mirror from time to time to make sure everything was still in place. One thing was that my legs were getting really tired. I had to force my knees together and keep them there and the longer this went on, the more tired they became. I was glad when Tim finally stood up resting his camera.
"We need something else, something is missing. I'll be right back," He said and walked out of the room.
He came back after a few moments holding a scarf.
"Kate, I'm going to put this on you, I'm going to blind fold you for this part. Is that Ok?" He asked.
Oh god, a blind fold! In one of my fantasies I was blindfolded and gagged while being fucked! I didn't want to do it, I really didn't but my head moved up and down not listening to reason.
"Good, thanks Kate."
I couldn't control my breathing any more, my breasts rose and fell as my breathing came in gasps. Tim walked behind me and suddenly I couldn't see anymore! The scarf covered my eyes and Tim tied it securely behind my head. I heard him walk back in the front and suddenly I heard both of their cameras snapping pictures. I couldn't tell where they were anymore and from what angle they were taking pictures, all I could do was sit there.
After a few moments I had to adjust myself in the seat and suddenly I felt my top slide down a bit. I froze in my seat afraid of what I just exposed.
"Nice Kate, just like that," Tim said.
Oh my god, he wanted me to move expose myself more. These boys were my son's friends and I was tied up in such a vulnerable exposed.
"Ugmmmm..." I made a low moan from the thought.
I moved again wiggling in my seat to get more comfortable and again I felt my top slide down.
"Oh my god..." This time it was Jason's voice.
I felt cold air around my aureoles and knew I just exposed them, my top barely on. The only thing which held it on my body were my very erect nipples which stood out like tiny posts grabbing the edges of my top. The clicking of the cameras was constant, from different angles but especially from the front. I could only imagine what kind of pictures they were taking and was glad for the makeup, no one would ever recognize me like that.
"Ohhhhh..." It was Jason again.
It surprised me because I didn't move; my top should still be covering my nipples. Wait! I couldn't feel my knees together anymore! Oh my god, they were looking in between my legs! They were looking at my pussy! Quickly I brought my knees together and held them there wondering how many pictures they just took.
"Nice Kate, you're beautiful, you're hot," Tim kept on saying.
They saw my pussy! These boys saw my pussy and loved it. Just like in my fantasies when I exposed myself in front of bunch of men, teasing them until they couldn't stand it anymore...tying me up and fucking me...fucking all my holes.
Again I wiggled, don't know why and suddenly...I did feel cold air on my nipples.
"Oh god that's hot!" It was Tim this time.
I was nipples were exposed, I couldn't stop it, I was tied up and gagged. I heard their cameras snapping pictures. I moved again and my top slid completely off of my breasts as I felt them bounce out of the tight confines.
"Oh Jesus Kate, you are so beautiful! Your breasts...your nipples, I didn't know," Tim mumbled.
More camera noise, more pictures.
"Ugggrrrrrhhhh..." I yelled for them to stop taking pictures but only the gurgled sounds came out of my mouth.
How could I allow this? I should have been ashamed for acting like a slut! But yet...I sat there, my body on wantonly display in front of my son's friends and...and I was aroused! I couldn't understand, as wrong as it was for me to feel that way, I was incredibly aroused.
"Oh god, show them to us Kate. Show your tits to the camera," Tim's said with a horse voice.
I was salivating really bad now excited beyond control and as wrong as it was, my body stretched out more and I pushed my breasts out and arched my back. I tried to scream again for them to stop but just felt my saliva run out of my mouth and drip down hitting my breast, running down to my nipples making them wet. It gave me chills and I felt goose bumps all over my body.
"God yes, that's the look I want, that's it. Jason, go to the side and take her pictures there."
Obviously Tim wanted to be in the front. I held that position but my legs were so tired, I needed to relax them but I would show...god I would show my pussy to these boys! Again my mind flashed to my fantasies when I teased men with my pussy, why not now? My legs were so tired...
Suddenly I couldn't feel my knees together anymore, my legs were so numb from being tied up, I couldn't tell where my knees were!
"Yessss...god yesssss..." Tim hissed and I knew my pussy was now exposed.
The thought made me cream and I threw my head back from pleasure my mind felt at the moment.
"Uggggggmmmmm..." I moaned.
"Yes Kate, it feels good doesn't it, show us more, show us everything," Tim kept on saying.
I was losing control, my body tingling with sexual intensity and my mind wanting to live my fantasy. I slid down in my seat, towards the front of the chair and because my legs were tied up, my knees separated more from the pressure of being at this angle. I didn't know how much, they were still numb.
Suddenly I felt a pair of hands behind me and my blindfold was pulled off of my head. I immediately looked in the mirror and gasped! My legs were wide apart, at least three feet from knee to knee. Because I slid down in my chair my ass was now on the edge of the chair and tiny skirt bunched up around my waist. My pussy was in plain and dripping! Tim and Jason were right in front of me taking pictures.
"Ugggrrrrrrr..." I made a sound shocked at my exposure.
Tim immediately understood it and got up reaching out for the gag ball. He snapped it off and I was able to breathe freely again. I swallowed hard a couple of times clearing my throat.
"My legs, I can't feel them," I whispered.
Both Tim and Jason moved into action and quickly untied them.
"I'm so sorry Kate," Tim apologized.
"Yes Kate, are you ok?" Jason asked concerned.
"That's ok, I just need to stretch them for a bit," I said moving them around.
I still had them spread open and both boys were looking straight at my pussy, giving my face a glance from time to time. There was no use of closing them at this point. I looked in the mirror again and saw how erotic I looked. My smooth pussy enticingly wet and almost pulsating, I could even see a long drool of pussy juice connecting it to the chair below. God I was wet and both of them could see that.
I spread my feet wide apart stretching them out and noticed both Tim and Jason picked up their cameras watching me. Seemed like they were hesitant to take more pictures, unsure if I would allow them to. I wasn't sure if I should let them so I closed my legs again. Looking in the mirror I saw my skirt was still around my waist, my hips exposed, my legs bare and my clit visible to the boys. My breasts heaved up and down, nipples extremely hard from excitement.
"I can't believe you two managed to get me naked," I whispered looking at them embarrassed to be so exposed in front of them.
Jason had an innocent grin on his face and Tim looked down at his feet.
"Is that what you two wanted all along? To see me like this?"
Jason's grin widened.
"Yes, all the time," Jason said confidently.
"All the time! He wants me to be naked for him all the time!" My mind screamed.
"All the time?" I asked.
"Isn't that inappropriate for me just to show you this much?" I asked and pointed towards my exposed breasts.
My hands were still tied up, my breasts heaving with excitement but my legs closely together. That didn't stop my pussy from peeking out from between my closely held thighs.
"Kate, nothing here is inappropriate," Tim said.
"You are a model and we...we are artists. How many classical pieces of art would never have been created if models like you wouldn't expressed themselves? Did Michael Angelo tell his models not to get undressed?"
"So all I'm doing is expressing myself?"
"Yes Kate! You are beautiful and as a model, very talented. We are both very lucky to have you here. You need to realize that art has no limits, most of the time people are seeking the shocking and different. Kate, let's be different! " He finished with passion in his voice.
Wow, he almost had me convinced...almost. I noticed Jason was eyeing my tits and both, him and Tim were trying to steal peeks between my legs. Yeah, artists, maybe pervert artists.
"So where do we take this from here," I whispered surprised at myself I would even think of allowing this to continue.
"Just let whatever happens happen. Do what's natural and let us photograph the whole thing."
I watched them both while thinking of what to do. Inside I was in turmoil; the proper character of a Mom was clashing with the character of a slut in a battle of wills to decide on what to do next. In the meantime Jason picked up his camera and pointing it at me took another picture. I looked at him with a feeling of mild disapproval but didn't say anything, just shook my head from side to side.
Jason snapped another picture from the front and then another. Although my legs were closed they were still able to take erotic pictures of me, my tits were exposed and my nipples so hard. Tim walked up to the front and sat cross-legged right in front of me snapping pictures of my naked breasts.
I took a deep breath. My make make up made me look like someone one would recognize me. My legs separated a bit. As much as I tried keeping them together, they spread a tiny bit.
"Uhhhhmmm..."I made a disappointing sound that I couldn't keep them together.
I looked into the camera but Tim had it pointing right between my legs. Again my legs spread a bit more as if they wanted to expose me and both boys looked at me excited realizing I was willing to show them more. Looking in the mirror I saw myself reclined with my legs spread about a foot apart. That was enough to show them the length of my moist slit.
Jason's eyes were wide and he just watched while I noticed a bulge starting to grow in his pants. Tim kept taking pictures. Suddenly Jason sat right next to Tim...right in front of me. I wanted to stretch my legs so much so I lifted both feet and placed one on Tim's shoulder and one on Jason's in such fashion their heads were on the inside of my feet. Uhhhh, that was comfortable! Their eyes bulged out at my suddenly willingness to be exposed. I looked into their cameras as they took picture after picture.
After a while Tim moved a bit to the side, edging himself away from Jason spreading me a bit. I looked at him and he stopped. Now Jason did the same and when I looked at him he stopped as well. They took a few pictures of my pussy from that angle and Tim moved again spreading me more. They had my legs spread open further than ever before and because my legs were straight out and I was tied up, my knees locked in that position. Even if I wanted to bring them together to hide my explicit exposure, I couldn't. I felt so exposed...looking down at my breasts I saw my nipples standing straight out full of erotic excitement and for some strange reason I wished...I wished one of those boys would reach out and twist them...oh god...twist them until I felt pain!
Jason moved next taking pictures. They kept alternating and taking more pictures until I was almost doing the split...still tied up...still excited...still waiting for them to do more. Jason grabbed my foot and sliding forward bent my leg at the knee and placed my foot back on his shoulder. I tensed! God, if Tim does the same!
Tim's eyes lit up and he moved up bending my other leg and placing it on his shoulder. I was so spread open I was afraid I beginning to show my ass and my tiny little rear hole! I felt my pussy lips pull apart and I quickly looked in the mirror just to see my dripping lips apart, my hole showing my pink insides and right below that I could see my asshole peeking out. Oh my god, I looked like a porn star spreading for a photo shoot! I felt like that too!
"Oh my god you are so hot Kate!" Tim exclaimed staring at my pussy.
"Thank you," I whispered looking into his camera.
"Kate, can I put your top back on you?" Jason suddenly asked.
"What? No, leave it down," Tim chimed in.
"Please, I know what I'm doing."
I looked at him and shrugged.
"Sure, do what you want."
Shit, that one slipped out, I didn't mean to say that but neither boy caught the double meaning in my words. Jason walked up and stood between my legs, slid a finger under each one of my breasts tucking them under the fabric of my top and slowly pulled the top up over my breasts. His fingers pressed into my breasts sliding along them until he had the top in place.