Chapter 15.3

I gave a startled look but he seemed not to notice, he was entranced in what he was doing. He backed up a bit looking at his handiwork and bringing the camera up took photos.

"Kate, now turn your head to the side and look at the ground."

I was still a little shocked from our accidental contact but did what he said.

"Now lift your feet and bend your knees," Jason directed and I complied.

"Now press your knees to your breasts," He whispered.

I swallowed hard and did that.

"Oh yesssss," Tim hissed finally realizing where Jason was going with this.

I realized it too. It made me look like I was exposing myself for the camera knowing how wrong it was and being ashamed of doing it. Together with my makeup it was a really hot pose.

"Kate, bring your feet down."

I was glad Jason was done because my feet were getting tired. I watched him waiting for what was next. I couldn't believe I actually waited for him to tell me what to do! This eighteen year old kid! Why was I so inappropriate...such a slut?

He walked up to me and stood between my spread open legs watching me. He slowly bent down and slid his fingers under the top edge of my top. I felt his cold fingers touch my breasts and had to fight really hard not to make a sound. Jason pulled the edge down a bit but it was not sliding evenly. He had to slide his fingers towards the middle lifting on the fabric sliding it down until my aureoles showed and my nipples were halfway out. That's when I felt his fingers touching the bumpy skin of my aureoles.

"This will do," He whispered and took his fingers out of my top.

I looked in the mirror and saw a long drool of moisture hanging from my slightly separated pussy lips dripping down to the floor below. Tim saw it too, both boys immediately taking pictures of me in this state. I was sure no one looking at those pictures would ever recognize me with the amount of makeup I had on but I could not help but think how dangerous this was.

"Kate, look down at your nipples," Tim requested.

I tensed hearing him say that but looked. The edge of my top covered half of my extremely erect nipples barely clinging to them, the other half was exposed, my full breasts heaving with excitement.

"Oh god, no," I moaned.

I heard their cameras capturing the scene of my concern.

"Now spread your legs wide and lift your feet off the ground like before," Jason was fully into this, his words coming out as passionate whispers.

"No, don't do it. Don't let these kids see you like this!" My mind screamed.

I watched my legs slowly spread open and my feet lift off the floor until my knees touched my tits.

"Uuugggmmm..." A frustrated sound came out of me.

More pictures.

"Now look down at your pussy," I heard Jason's whisper.

"I can't! I shouldn't! It's so wrong!"

My eyes uncontrollably looked past my tits and saw my clit peeking out from between my spread open legs with traces of my spread pussy lips barely visible to me.

"No, no, no, no, why am I doing this?" My mind questioned what I was doing.

"Like that?" I heard myself ask with a trembling voice.

Jason didn't even look at my face; he was only watching the complete scene and my exposed body.

"Yes, just like that," Jason softly answered.

"Oh Jesus..." I whispered with sexual intensity and shocking surprise at what I allowed them to photograph.

My face must have showed the confusion and shock because they both begun taking pictures from all angles. I felt both boy's eyes staring at my ass as if they wanted to see the rest of my tiny rear hole. At first it was embarrassing but the embarrassment quickly turned into kinky excitement of having two teenagers staring at my ass. It was dirty but so exciting! I watched them with my breasts lifting from my heavy breathing, my nipples hard and my pussy dripping juice to the floor below. I could see it in the mirror, because my ass was at the edge of the chair, my pussy spilled it's moisture to the floor below.

"Oh god boys, I can't believe you're taking my pictures in this way..." I moaned.

Both of them looked up at me; ready to stop this.

"Do you want us to stop Kate? Just tell us and we will." Tim said.

Yes, I should stop! I was a lady, a Mother, their friends Mom...god, I was old enough to be their Mom! I should stop them; this was so un-lady perverted.

"No," I whispered.

"Not yet."

I could have sworn my face turned completely red but the make-up I had on hid it well. Why didn't I stop this? I acted like a slut! Oh god, a tied up helpless slut!

"Ughmmm..." I moaned again as my thoughts registered and my pussy dripped more clear love nectar to the floor below.

Jason pointed the camera at the pool of my juice on the floor and took few shots.

"Kate, can you keep your feet up like this and your legs spread?" He asked me.

"I don't know, I'll try," I answered him looking into his camera.

"Tim, move away and take the pictures from behind me. I'll lay down on the floor," He directed.

I was surprised how quickly Jason took charge. They both moved away and I kept my feet in the air where they were. Jason laid down on the floor and Tim stood right above him. Their cameras were snapping some pretty explicit photos of me but I wanted more...I wanted to be more explicit. Looking at them I lifted my legs as high as I could touching my knees to my chest and slid forward. I stuck my ass out at them! I knew I was showing them everything including my asshole.

It took a few moments for them to start shooting again, their eyes wide; they wanted to absorb my explicit pose first. I couldn't believe I did that. My mind kept screaming at me: SLUT! But I kept my legs up truly enjoying the erotically perverted scene. I think the only reason why I did it was I wore that make-up which made me look like someone else. After a long minute of this my legs were so tired I had to put them down on the floor. Tim and Jason looked very disappointed.

"Maybe we should stop this. Tommy and Gina will be coming back soon," I said looking at both of them.

"Sure Kate but can we take few more shots with you standing up?" Tim asked.

"Ok, but just a few. I don't want Tommy to see me like this, not until I have a chance to explain," I said looking for their reaction.

I wanted them to understand I was still Tommy's Mom and it would not be ok for my son to see this or know about this. I would have to discuss that part with them after the photo shoot.

"Of course Kate, let's do it quickly," Tim said and both boys quickly untied my hands.

I stood up stretching, letting blood flow freely in my arms and noticed my skirt slid down hiding my pussy and my ass. Tim and Jason looked disappointed but didn't say anything. I smiled, I could see right through them. If they had their way I would be completely naked and bent over in a nasty position. Instead, they both sat on the floor in front of me watching, taking shots from time to time.

I turned the chair around and putting my hands on the back of the chair turned away from them bending over. I spread my legs and kept them completely straight. I thought that would make a good pose. I looked back over my shoulder making a seductive face and posed. Tim and Jason's cameras were clicking away and I'm sure they were getting shots of my still dripping pussy from the floor below wearing that tiny skirt and the platform shoes which made me taller than before.

"Kate, can I adjust your skirt up a little?" Jason finally said.

I looked in the mirror behind me and saw my ass was covered.

"Sure, you're the director."

I could tell that reply made him very excited. He swallowed hard and getting up stood right behind me. I watched in the mirror as he slid his fingers under my skirt pressing them to my ass and slid the fabric up until my ass was half exposed. I got a secret thrill from the touch of his hands.

"There, now look back at us again."

I did and they took more photos of me showing my excited pussy between my legs.

"Beautiful, you look great Kate, now look into the camera."

I did and saw Jason practically laying down on the floor underneath me. He was so close to me, taking shots of my pussy and ass I felt like I wanted to rip my clothes off and tell them to fuck me! I was so wet and so excited I needed release! For a moment I hesitated...almost asked them to, but then I remembered Tommy was coming back soon. Maybe he would fuck me when we got home.

"Ok boys, I think we should quit now. I don't want to push my luck with Tommy and Gina." I said and stood up straight.

Tim got up and Jason followed. I looked at them for a while. They were still excited, Jason sporting an obvious hard-on in his pants and so was Tim which they tried to hide turning their bodies to the side. I wonder how big they were for a moment.

"Tim and Jason...these photos are very explicit. Although my face is made up so no one can recognize it Tommy or anyone from my family still could. I would not want my son to see me like this," I started still standing in front of them with my top down and breasts exposed.

Giving myself a quick glance in the mirror I noticed my pussy was showing with my pussy lips still dripping but my clit was barely hidden under the fabric of my skirt. I kept my legs slightly spread as well giving myself a thrill from being so naughty.

"I allowed you to take those pictures but you'll understand that you cannot do anything with them, they're too explicit."

Tim scratched his head looking at me. I knew he was desperately thinking of a way to talk me into letting them use the pictures.

"Please Kate, no one will recognize you."

"I said no Tim," I said gazing at the teenager.

"Ok, they are definitely too explicit for our web site," Tim said slowly trying to think of something which would make me change my mind.

"Definitely too explicit for our web site but what if we create one for Kate?" Jason said smiling.

He still had the bulge in his pants but stopped trying to hide it.

"My own web site?" I couldn't believe he said that.

"No, no, hear me out. We would not use your name, we would give you a...a stage name, I don't know, something like...Geisha. We would build the site based on that using the photos we took today, it would be a porn site but just dedicated to you Kate."

My own PORN SITE?!?!

"Damn Jason, you sure have some good ideas sometimes."

Tim slapped his friend on the shoulder.

"Wait a minute..." I started to say but the phone rang and Tim quickly picked up.


He listened to the phone for a minute and then answered.

"Ok, but hurry up, we've been waiting too damn long," He said and hung up.

"Tommy and Gina will be here in ten minutes," He said and looked at me scanning my body from head to toe and stopped at my pussy just staring.

"Ten minutes! Oh my god, I have to get dressed. Jason, come with me, you'll help me with these clothes. Tim, put everything the way it was and not a word of what I did to anyone and that includes Tommy and Gina. You better hang on to those photos and don't do anything with the web site, we have to discuss it first," I barked out commands to both of them and grabbing Jason's hand ran for the bedroom.

Because I still had the platform shoes on it was more like fast walking with my hips swaying excessively and my ass exposed. I knew Jason was looking at my ass the whole time but I didn't mind, I just needed to get changed.

We walked into the bedroom and quickly closed the door. I walked up to the bed and pulled my top and skirt off. I was completely naked in front of Jason and sitting down on the bed stretched out a leg towards him.

"Quickly Jason, help me with those damn shoes," I said.

I don't know why I picked Jason. He was quite but sure of himself, in a way he reminded me of Adam from the strip club. He was well built and still had that damn bulge in his pants! I looked down at it wondering if it was real.

"You mean you don't own a pair of these?" He laughed.

I looked at him and busted out laughing as well. Taking that opportunity I spread my legs a bit more showing him the length of my slit. I immediately noticed his eyes lock on to my pussy and he licked his lips. My god, he licked his lips as if he wanted to taste me!

"You think every woman should own a pair of these?" I said and brought my foot up trying to place it further apart on the bed. Because the shoes were so tall, I couldn't and my foot dropped to the floor in a clumsy way further apart then before.

Jason looked at me and laughed.

"You should leave them on so you could get some practice wearing them," He said and kept on stealing peeks of my spread open pussy.

I was getting a secret thrill from him watching it!

"Sure, and I should stay naked the whole time spread open like I am right now," I laughed too.

He looked at me and then slowly moved his eyes down over my breasts down my stomach until he reached my pussy. He kept them there staring. I was amazed how my body reacted to his eyes! I felt as if his eyes had hands and he was gently caressing my body with them.

"I wouldn't mind watching you all the time Kate, you're very beautiful," He said softly.

Uhhhmmm...I was beginning to like him more and more.

"Nice, thanks but you really should take my other shoe off now," I whispered giving him a warm smile.

He fumbled with the remaining shoe directing more glances at my pussy and finally had it off. I stood up in front of him, my pussy inches away from his face since he was still kneeling down and stretched my hands up above my head. I knew I was close to him...very close to him but I wanted to tease the young man a bit more. When I thought he had enough, I brought my hands down and looked down at him.

Jason was kneeling in front of me and his face was only a couple inches away from my clit and my very wet pussy. His nostrils were flaring as he inhaled my aroma and I saw his tongue come out and wet his lips.

"Jason, will you help me wash my make-up off?" I asked but did not move.

He looked up at me, his eyes slowly focusing on my face.

"Of course Kate, just tell me what to do," He managed to say.

I turned around in the same spot I stood spreading my legs more and bent over to grab my top I threw on the bed. I stuck my ass out in the process so he could see me from behind. I don't know why but having him look at me in such an intimate way was turning me on.

"Oh my god Kate, I wish I had my camera right now!" He exclaimed.

I turned my head to the side and looked at him. He was so close to my ass...

"Why?" I asked, I very much wanted him to tell me.

"Your ass...god I love it!" His voice trembled while saying it.

"You really like my ass?" I asked.

"Yes," He whispered back.

"Would you like to see more of it?"

My god, I was such a slut! His eyes shot up at me wide as saucers.

"Yes," He mumbled.

I trembled from the thought of what I was doing. I spread my legs as far as I could short of doing a complete split, bent my knees a tiny bit, leaned forward on the bed supporting myself with one hand and stuck my ass out at him while arching my back. I looked back at him just to see his face with expression of wonder and excitement I haven't seen before.

"You like it?" I asked barely able to speak.

He couldn't peel his eyes away from it to look at me.


"Do you want to see more of it?" It was my turn to mumble.

He peeled his eyes away this time, looked at me and just shook his head up and down while my face turned completely red. I looked straight ahead of me still deciding if I should do it. Part of me didn't want to, the part which was a wife and a mother but the other part...the slut part won.

Without looking back at him I reached back with my hand and placed it on my ass cheek. I knew my pussy was dripping from the excitement I felt, excitement from...from showing myself in such a slutty way to my son's friend. I...I slowly pulled my ass cheek away from the other! Inch my inch, fraction by fraction I was exposing my asshole to Jason.

"Ohhhhh myyyy goddddd," I heard him whisper and I knew my asshole was exposed and he was looking at it.

"Oh my god," I whispered as well.

I pulled a bit more but that was as far as I could get it apart with one hand. I turned my head and looked back at him. He was so close right behind me...looking...inspecting. I looked down at his crotch and saw the outline of a very long cock! Oh my god, how big was he?

"Do you like it?" I asked in a seductive voice.

"Yes...god yes."

I took a deep breath.

"Would you like to see more you want to see more of me...more of ass?" I asked making sure we both knew what he was looking at.

He looked at me, his chest heaving from the excitement.

"Jesus yes...please me," He begged.

He really didn't have to beg, I would have shown him anything he wanted to see at that time. I let go of the bed and stood up still slightly bent over with my knees bent, back arched, one hand pulling one of my ass cheeks apart. Reaching behind me I placed my other hand on the other ass cheek and twisting my head looked back at him while pulling the remaining ass cheek apart as far as I could.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful," He whispered.

I was dripping; I knew I was dripping insane with excitement, my juices running down the inside of my thighs. I wanted him to take me right here, right now...I wanted him to fuck use me like a slut in any hole he wanted!

Suddenly I heard a loud knock on the door and we both jumped. I quickly turned around bumping my pussy into Jason's face as he struggled to get up to his knees. The result was both of us losing our balance and falling to the bed behind me, with Jason being on top. I felt the long cock in his pants press against my slit.

"Yeah!" I yelled.

"They're almost here, hurry up you two," Tim's voice came muffled from behind the door.

"Ok, we're almost ready!" I yelled back.

That's when I felt Jason's hand on my breast. He didn't move it there; he accidentally put it there when we fell. Another revelation was my legs spread open around Jason. How could I have done that?

" have to let go of me now," I looked down at my breast meaningfully.

He didn't move and I felt him inch his finger tips towards my nipple.

"Jason dear, I have to get up, please let go of me."

I felt his finger tips reach my nipple and looking down I saw he was beginning to pinch it. I frowned knowing how that affected me but before I could say anything, his fingers closed around my tender nipple. The pain from the pinched nipple ran like an electric current down to my pussy and I involuntarily rolled my eyes arching my back.

"Uhhhhmmmmmmmmmm..." I let out a long moan.

The hard cock in his pants pressed more into me spreading my pussy with its thickness. I felt my pussy lips spread apart and his hardness press right between them driving me insane. My hand was beginning to inch its way down towards the fly in his pants to release his fuck me with use me like I longed to be used, but...but he let go of my nipple and got up. I lay there looking up at him with my legs spread pussy dripping and waiting for his cock but he got up!

"Kate, we have to hurry," He said.

His words woke me up from the sexual trance I was in and I slowly got up noticing his crotch had a considerable wet spot from where he pressed it into my wet pussy. I was a little mad at him for not finishing what he started but understood why he stopped.

"You better take care of that," I said to him pointing at his crotch and walked into the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and planted my hand on the counter top supporting myself, barely able to stand. My god I was so close to having him fuck me! Another moment and I would have dug his cock out of his pants and put it in me! I looked at myself in the mirror frustrated I did not get my release and noticed it wasn't me looking back. I quickly washed off the makeup and using what I could find in the bathroom put on new makeup. It wouldn't be the same as before but no one but Gina would notice it. I would just have to figure out how to explain it to Gina. I walked back into the room. Jason was gone. I picked up my clothes and put them on. Giving myself one last scan to make sure everything was in order, I walked out to the living room.

Tommy and Gina were already there and Gina was taking her clothes off, I was surprised she was doing that in front of everyone but quickly realized she had the new bathing suit on.

"We had to go all the way to the North Mall to get this thing but I think you guys will like it. It fits Gina perfectly," Tommy tried to explain why it took them so long.

He looked at me and frowned.

"Sorry it took so long Mom."

"It's Ok, what kind of bikini did you pick up?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Kate, you're going to love it, I almost picked one up for you," Gina said sliding her pants off.

Because her pants were so tight, she took extra long taking care her bikini panties did not slide off with it. When she finally had it off I saw it was yellow and pretty small. It covered her pussy but stopped maybe an inch above her clit. The fabric was narrow too, I could see the skin on the side of her pussy showing tan lines.

"Wow, that is nice," I said.

Gina smiled and gave me a knowing wink.

"Ok, Gina, take your place."

For the next hour and a half the boys went through the rigorous routine of photographing Gina in multitude of positions until the poor girl was worn out. Throughout the whole session Tim and Jason looked at me excitedly but never said a word regarding what we did earlier.

I kept thinking of the pictures they took and the idea of my own web own secret porn web site. As much as it was dangerous, the idea thrilled me and gave me little goose bumps all over my body as I watched them circling Gina taking photographs. I needed time to think and definitely see the pictures before I decided yes or no on the porn site idea. The very thought of it made me tense with goose bumps all over my body.

It took the boys over an hour to get all the pictures they wanted while Gina posed for them. I could tell it excited her just as much as it excited me when they took my pictures. The boys were busy little photographers at times bulling each other for the best angle to take the shot from but eventually they were done. It was time to go home.

Before Tommy, Gina and I left for the evening; I discretely told the boys I wanted to see the pictures first and they were not to post any of them without my approval. I told them I would be in touch.​
Next page: Chapter 16.1
Previous page: Chapter 15.2