Chapter 18.2
Tommy kept taking pictures but without looking through the camera, he was more interested of seeing this moment without obstructions. John's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. His pants sported a huge hard on visible to me and Kristy. As crazy as it was all of us were excited beyond belief!
Without saying a word I slid Kristy's shirt off until she stood in front of me completely topless like me. This was a huge moment which to my surprise was so tense, so charged with sexual excitement that I was sure all four of us were getting wet at the same time. I could tell my husband and son's cocks were leaking pre-cum and Kristy's panties were soaked.
To my surprise no one said a word to stop this, no one said 'enough, we've gone too far, we're a family and we're not supposed to do this'. Instead, we all roamed our eyes over the scene and each other's bodies and enjoyed the moment.
"Now Mom, stand beside Kristy," Tommy said, his voice trembling very noticeably.
I knew why, my panties were so tiny I would look extremely exposed in them. But...I did, I came out from behind my daughter and stood beside her. My tiny panties pressed against my wet sex, the waistband riding high over my smooth hips.
"Kristy, pull Mom's panties up just like she did to you," Another chocked up request from my son.
Kristy readily complied and I felt the material digging into my slit, spreading it open, making my pussy lips fall out to the sides.
"Good, now keep that pose."
Kristy and I did, without a single protest, topless and with panties dug deep into our wet pussies, flushed and panting while my son hovered around us taking pictures from numerous angles. He must have taken a hundred pictures before he finally stopped. I could hear his heavy breathing.
Suddenly the door bell rang and we all froze! I looked at my husband and I could tell he felt the same thing I did. Panic. Who could it be?
"Are we expecting anyone?"
No one answered my question, but everyone had the 'deer in the headlights' look. Hmmm, probably because my daughter and I were almost completely naked and being photographed.
"Ok, Kristy and I will...put some clothes on. Tommy, can you answer the door?"
I grabbed Kristy's hand and dragged her upstairs.
"God, this went way too far!" I exclaimed as soon as we were in my bedroom and shut the door.
I was angry at myself for allowing this...this photo session to go that far. Kristy just shook her shoulders and played the whole thing off.
"Why? We didn't do anything, just showed some skin. Mom, people show more by just going to a nude beach."
I didn't buy it; I knew she had special interest in steering this whole encounter towards something sexual. And I could bet it was her father what she was after.
"Nude beach is one thing, posing practically naked for your brother and YOUR DAD is something totally different. And YOU! Making all those innocent eyes at your dad..."
She knew I saw right through her. Kristy smiled and leaned against the wall giving me her little girl look.
"Well if you don't let me have him when he's blindfolded, then I'm going to have to try something else."
So that was the reason. She wanted to make sure I kept inviting her to our late night bedroom encounters! And if I didn't she was going to seduce her dad without my permission!
Although she kept looking down with an innocent look, I felt as if she was manipulating me. I really needed to do something about my daughter.
"Ok, I'll see if your Dad feels like having some company tonight."
She immediately looked up excited.
"Would you Mom? Please?"
She walked up to me, grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"I love you both so much; I just want to be with you both."
She pressed her breasts against mine and putting her hand on the back of my neck, pulled me towards her until our lips pressed together in an intimate kiss. Ahhh...I loved when she did that. Her lips were so soft, so delicate and tasty; I could kiss her for a very long time. Feeling her tongue snake its way into my mouth sent sexual excitement coursing through my body.
I tried pulling away from her but couldn't.
"We have to...ahhh...we have to check who came in...ohhhh..."
I felt her hand beginning to caress my hips making its way towards my crotch. Then she stopped and pulled away. I was panting and...disappointed she pulled away!
"Mom, I have an idea. And you really have to do it!" She exclaimed excited.
"What, what do you mean?"
"I tasted Dad, and I love his cock. But...but he never tasted me."
She kept looking at me excited and I could tell she was still working out the details of...of whatever it was that popped into her head.
"I don't think Dad is going to taste you sweetheart. He doesn't even know it is you who suck his cock," It felt so perverted to say it that way.
"I know I know, but you can make him taste me."
I was lost and couldn't understand what she was talking about. She shook her head.
"Ok, the plan is simple. We put our clothes on but before we go eat me."
What? I was a bit shocked by what she said. She smiled seeing my reaction.
"You eat me to where I'll cream into your mouth and then we go downstairs and you kiss Dad, tongue and all and make him taste me."
She pulled me to her again, seductively. Our faces were so close...
"Make Dad taste me. Make him taste his Daughter Mom," She whispered.
For some reason I was trembling.
"Oh god, this is so crazy," I whispered back.
"Is that why you're trembling? You're so excited knowing you would make your own husband taste his daughter's cum? And...and he wouldn't even know about it."
Each word she said felt like a whip of pleasure punishing my pussy. Suddenly my breathing was very difficult, my face was hot and my pussy was wet. A look of recognition and understanding spread across my daughter's face.
"Oh that really excites you doesn't it? Are you ready to eat me? Are you ready to deliver my cum to him?"
As perverted as it was and as much as I should have said 'NO', I didn't.
"Ok, let's put our clothes on first."
She was like a little girl playing a mischievous prank on someone; her eyes were gleaming and her face showing excitement. We both put light, summer dresses on with nothing underneath. She turned to me scanning me up and down, noticing my heavy, excited breathing and smiled. Turning around she simply lifted her dress up exposing her long legs and perfect ass, placed her foot on the rear by end table, bent over and spread her ass cheeks.
My mouth instantly watered seeing my daughter's cleanly shaven and moist pussy.
"Come and get it Mommie! Oh god, I'm ready to cream in your mouth right now...just...just from the thought of what you're going to do with it..."
My mind was in a haze, I was about to lick my daughter's pussy like some starved slut. And then...and then have my husband taste her justices???!!!
I moved slowly, watching her perfect form and exposed, smooth skin. I noticed her tiny rear hole...I don't know's not like I was going to touch would be dirty!
Oh god, what's happening to me?
I dropped to my knees right behind her and placing both hands on her ass cheeks, leaned forward. My tongue gently grazed her wet pussy lips and I felt her arch her back and moan from the intimate contact. I savored the sweet wetness which flowed into my mouth, my daughter's wetness.
I licked her, I liked her pussy with intimate tenderness driving her crazy. I felt her hips begin to move up and down, I thought perhaps it was just a involuntary movement due to what I was doing to her. I kept my face still and extended my tongue out as far as I could. She felt I stopped moving and begun moving her hips up and down, sliding her pussy up and down my face.
"Oh fuck yeassss Mom...I'm going to cum! Fuck I'm going to cum!"
She was fucking herself on my tongue now, moving up and down and stopping when my tongue reached her hole. At that moment she would push herself on it and move up and down as if she was fucking a cock. I was just a tool to her...a dirty fuck toy she was using for her pleasure.
Her movements became more pronounced, more forceful as if she wanted to orgasm on my face at that very moment.
"Mom! Oh my god Mom! I'm cumming! Hmmmmmmmmmm..."
She let out a long, muffled moaned and came flooding my mouth with her juices. I opened my mouth but didn't swallow. I...I just sucked.
She tried catching her breath while pushing me away.
"Ok...let's go downstairs...Mom...Mom..."
My tongue was buried deep in her hole and she wanted me to stop?! I disengaged for a moment giving her a bewildered look.
"Kristy now?"
I was panting like a bitch in heat, barely able to talk.
"Yes Mom, remember our plan," She said turning around.
She knelt with me and wiped my mouth a bit.
"Ok, you're ready; make sure you give him a long, deep kiss. I want to see it."
She grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her while I did my best to calm myself down. John was standing near the dining room table when we walked downstairs. I didn't see where Tommy was or whoever it was that came in. Excited, and knowing my daughter watched me, I walked up to my husband and grabbing his neck gave him a deep, passionate kiss snaking my tongue inside his mouth which I, less than a minute ago, fucked our daughters' pussy with.
John's tongue immediately begun exploring my mouth with passion and I have to say, a little bit of curiosity. He probably wondered what came over me. One thing's for sure, he didn't realize he tasted our daughters' pussy.
"Ok you two, get a room."
Panting from excitement I pulled away from my husband and looked around. Gina stood few feet away smiling at me while Tommy looked over her shoulders. All eyes were on me and I felt my face become warm.
"Oh hi Gina, I didn't know you were here," I mumbled hiding my embarrassment.
She wore a short pair of shorts with a very tight pink top which buttoned down the middle and hugged her firm tits like gloves. It was so tight the buttons were barely holding it together and she showed skin in the middle. It was obvious she did not wear a bra underneath. I couldn't help myself and my eyes slowly drifted to those luscious tits of hers. Gina of course noticed that right away.
"Please don't let me stop you Kate, looked like you were doing a great job. Maybe I can learn a thing or two..."
Now she took the time to scan me up and down, her eyes resting on my tits which of course were making a nice outline underneath my light summer dress. I was pretty sure my nipples hardened as Gina's eyes rested there. However, what she said bothered me a bit.
"Oh I'm sure you do fine on your own, I don't hear Tommy complaining." I fired back.
She looked at my face and smiled.
"Who knows, your techniques might be better and Tommy might like it better."
I tensed. I knew she wasn't talking about kissing anymore. She watched me suck Tommy's cock in her hot tub and I was pretty sure she was referring to that. Did she...did she know about anything else? I tried to come myself down.
"Oh ok, if you insist."
I turned to my husband and planted another kiss on him. I could hear Kristy sigh and Gina whisper 'nice'. After considerable amount of time I let my husband's head go and turned to Gina. Putting my hand on my hip I gave a cold smile.
"Learned anything?"
She stood eyeing me, her breasts were moving up and down to the rhythm of her excited breathing. She was about to say something nasty and even opened her mouth when Tommy wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back.
"Ok Gina, I thought we were going upstairs to listen to some music."
I was really looking forward to hear what she was going to say and now my son spoiled it. There was no doubt in my mind she was going to continue this word game with me dropping the subtle innuendoes. Maybe it was better to have her go upstairs with Tommy. Either way, I needed to talk to her and set things straight. She needed to realize what happened between us was done and over with and she should not bring anything about it up, especially with others around. I promised myself to have that talk with her next time I see her when no one's around.
Tommy and Gina went upstairs to Tommy's room and Kristy went to hers as well. I turned off all the lights and followed my husband upstairs.
Later that night I snuggled up close to John lying in bed. The lights were out and I could barely see the outline of his face in front of me.
"John, about today..."
He stirred and I could tell his eyes opened searching for me in the darkness.
"We should talk about it," I whispered.
His heavy arm wrapped tighter around my waist.
"Yeah babe?" He murmured.
I could tell this was going to be more of a one sided conversation which aggravated me but I promised myself to remain calm. I needed to 'Air things out' even if it meant I did most of the talking. I took a deep breath.
"John, you know what I'm talking about. It wasn't exactly normal what we were doing today. I don't think parents should act the way we acted...the way I acted," I paused giving him time to consider my words. He still wasn't saying anything.
"John I showed my breasts for crying ou..."
"Shhhhhhh," He whispered and placed a finger to my lips stopping my outburst.
I was on the edge of losing my temper with him. I needed him to focus and talk this out with me!
"So what? So you showed our kids your breasts, big deal babe. Hundreds of parents do that every day. They're called 'Nudists' and as far as I'm concerned it's no big deal. Honey, you have a wonderful body, hell, you have a hot body that everyone I know envies. Men look at you with desire, even women! It makes me a hell of a lucky man. As far as me...I enjoyed our little show today tremendously, I vote for doing it again."
"John, even if it means me showing my body to our kids?" I asked and waited for his answer with great anticipation.
I was so glad for the darkness that way he couldn't see the expressions on my face, the expressions of desire...desire just like his for the photo-shoot to happen again. He took his time but finally gave me a hug and whispered.
I placed my lips to his and kissed him passionately. No more words were spoken but both of us had a definitive understanding between each other. I fell asleep that night wondering what the next few days might bring.