Chapter 19.1
We pulled up to the two story house at the end of the secluded cul-de-sac and my heart begun beating faster. This was the same house where few weeks ago I was seduced into giving my son a blow job in front of his girlfriend and her friend. The images of that erotic night were currently flashing in my mind distracting my conversation with my husband.
"Ok honey, we're here, let's go and party!" My husband said with apparent excitement in his voice.
He didn't know anything about my special relationship with our son, so being in the same spot with my husband where I sucked off our son was going to be weird.
"John just please promise me you won't drink a lot," I said knowing he liked drinking exuberantly at such parties.
He looked at me hungrily running his eyes over my body. I wore a very fashionable short black dress that stopped about mid tight revealing my smooth, tanned legs. The front of the dress was low cut leaving a wide area between my firm breasts exposed, teasing his eyes with a partial view of my soft breasts. Although my nipples were covered, the material stopped just an inch away from them barely covering my big aureoles. The dress had a zipper down the whole front that stopped at my pussy level. The small zipper handle had a loop attached to it as if it was meant for someone to hook their finger through the loop and open my dress. I wore it because he begged me to once he saw it in our closet.
"John, wake up and promise me you won't drink a lot," I snapped my fingers at my drooling husband.
"Hah...yeah, sure, just a few," He mumbled getting out of the car.
I looked down at my cleavage making sure everything was in order while my husband walked around and opened my door. I shivered seeing my partially exposed breasts! I never showed that much before! What possessed me to do that? This was just a get together with some friends not a wild night on the town with bunch of girlfriends! The only explanation I could come up with at the time was Tommy! I knew he was going to be there and I knew he loved seeing me dress provocatively
"My son's Slut...I'm his Slut," My mind uttered the seductive words.
I also wanted to discuss my relationship with Gina, my son's girlfriend, if I had the opportunity. I was definitely attracted to the young, raven hair beauty but she was my son's girlfriend and I needed to stop any sexual relationship with her. Unfortunately, the dress I wore was hardly the attire for discussion with a young girl to try to discourage her from having sex with me.
Jeannine, Gina's mother was throwing the party and asked my husband and I to come. I refused at first out of guilt of what I did with her daughter, but she kept calling and finally convinced me John and I absolutely had to be there. After all, we were friends for a long time. After a few days of constant telephone assault, I accepted her invitation with great reluctance.
The door clicked and my husband opened it like a true gentleman. I placed my right foot far enough to clear the gutter which was full of water and vaguely realized that spreading my legs that wide made my small dress snap above my hips like a rubber band. I pretended to be surprised and looked at my husband giving him "Oh gosh, I can't believe this just happened" look.
My husband stared at the tiny pair of pink panties I wore under my dress. The panties were tiny, when I bought them the young salesman that was helping me out called them micro panties due to the fact that as he put it "they were designed to only cover the vaginal opening and nothing else", god I got wet just from hearing him say that.
Now seeing my husband looking at them, I decided to give him a little show and kept my legs open for a moment letting him admire the bulges my pussy lips were making in the thin fabric, what was it called, a camel toe?
Taking my time, I slowly crawled out of the car and landed in his arms. I placed both of my hands on his shoulders without pulling my dress down so my ass was exposed.
"I can't believe I'm that clumsy..." I whispered looking at him.
He was breathing hard so I knew what I did excited him as well as me, the fact that I stood there with my ass visible to anyone that might accidentally look made me shiver.
"Babe, oh my god your panties, holy shit that looked so fucking hot," He whispered back to me.
I felt his hands slide down to my ass and squeeze both cheeks with surprising firmness.
"Jesus your ass is bare, show me those panties again!" He said excited.
"What do you want me to do, lay down on the hood of our car and spread my legs open for you like some slut? Right here in the street? Honey, what if somebody sees me?"
I hoped so desperately that he would say yes, that he wouldn't care who saw me like that, my mind and the feeling in my pussy were ready to rip all my clothes off for him at that time!
"You're right, maybe we shouldn't, let's get you covered up," He answered looking around.
With that he pulled my dress down. I stood there looking at him frustrated and disappointed. I wanted him to use me, to treat me dirty like a...slut and he just didn't understand! I needed this! I needed to be used!!!
He pulled me along behind him towards Jeannine's house and I followed frustrated, disappointed and very unhappy.
My friend Jeannine sensed my mood right away as we walked in.
"Oh oh, is everything alright?" She said looking from me to John.
He just stood there not understanding and I waved a hand in resignation.
"Ask me some other time and I'll tell you."
We both walked in and immediately started talking to other people we knew, friends, acquaintances and people we haven't seen in a long time. It was a typical dinner party, well dressed couples, drinking and catching up on things.
Once during the party I spotted Gina as she walked into the kitchen. As she passed the living room packed full of her mother's guests, she briefly looked around. There was a moment when her steady gaze stopped as she looked at me and...smiled giving me an inviting wink. She walked into the kitchen and I stood listening to my heart pound in my ears, my eyes fixed on the door leading to the kitchen.
Why did she affect me that way? Is it because I had sex with her and loved it? True, I let the girl control me and make me do things I wouldn't usually do but did she think she can just wink at me and make me run to her and let her do anything she wants with me? NO, I wouldn't! The girl needed to be put in her place and I needed to do it now!
Determined, I excused myself from the conversation leaving my husband talking and casually walked into the kitchen where Gina was. She had the refrigerator door open and as soon as I walked in, she bent down on stiff legs pretending to look in the bottom drawer sticking her ass out towards me. Unfortunately for me, the skirt she wore rode up on her legs and I had a flash of her tiny white panties under her skirt.
Wait, what was I going to do walking in here? I stared at her shapely ass admiring the tanned thighs and the two ass cheeks that made her whole ass look so enticing. God that girl had a hot body!
"Gina, I wanted to talk to you," I said tearing my eyes away from her exposed ass.
She slowly turned her head to face me without moving her bent over body.
"Oh, hi Kate. Are you having fun out there?" She asked.
Although her face was serious, I saw laughter in her eyes. The girl was obviously playing with me by teasing me with her ass.
"Yes thank you. I wanted to talk to you in private where we couldn't be interrupted."
"Oh, talk to me, what about?" She asked innocently.
I felt my body tense up. She knew what I was talking about but yet she decided to pretend as if she didn't.
"I think you know exactly what we need to talk about young lady," I said in a serious tone.
She smiled again, straightened up and closed the refrigerator door.
"Follow me," She said.
I followed the young girl up the stairs leaving the party behind and all I could think of was how I was going to approach the whole situation of her, Elaine and Tommy few weeks ago in their hot tub. As I thought about it I realized that I was still watching Gina's shapely ass swaying in front of me as she walked up the stairs. The girl's skirt was so short that I could see the pink pair of panties wedged deep in between her ass cheeks as she walked up the stairs. The site of her ass gave me goose bumps and sudden dryness in my mouth.
Swallowing hard I followed her through the upstairs hallway and into the room at the end of it determined to put her in her place. It was her room, I could tell from the pink colors of the draperies, bedcovers on her bed and light blue paint on the walls. Besides the bed, there was a low couch opposite of the bed. Looking at the bed I saw Elaine sitting there reclined reading a magazine.
"Oh Hi Kate!" She said startled as soon as she saw me walk in.
I didn't expect her there; I wanted to talk to Gina alone before having a conversation with this young girl and the fact that both of them would be there during the talk made me feel slightly at a disadvantage. But maybe I could kill two birds with one stone.
"Hi Elaine," I said walking in and put on a serious face.
I stood in the middle of the room and watched Gina close the door, walk over to the bed and sit down beside Elaine facing me. Her short skirt rode up and barely covered her panties as she half lay there watching me. Elaine looked at Gina and sensed what her friend was doing because she reclined in the same fashion letting her milky smooth thighs be visible. Both of them wore tiny school-girl skirts which didn't help matters any.
I immediately recognized what they were doing, they were teasing me. Both girls being teenagers, very promiscuous and sexually conniving were trying to control me by their actions. I had a feeling Gina was a ring leader in this and Elaine followed what she did.
Well although the site of these two gorgeous girls exposing themselves that way was exciting, I had other things I needed to accomplish here. Determined and slightly excited I put both hands on my hips and looked into their eyes.
"Girls, I wanted to talk to you about, ah...the time we spent together few weeks ago in the hot-tub."
Both girls gave me their blank stares and I noticed Gina's legs separate a bit.
"What we did should never have happened and I'm blaming myself for allowing it to happen. Women should not act this way, especially an adult like me. I mean, I'm old enough to be your Mom...hell, I'm friends with your Mom Gina."
As if sensing Gina's actions, Elaine's legs parted and I received a peek of her white panties. My own heart started beating a bit faster and I tried my hardest not to stare between her legs.
"What you two girls witnessed between me and my so...and Tommy was...was wrong. I was weak allowing it to happen but I need to tell you it will never happen again. As far as what we did together that day was wrong. You girls might want to experiment with your sexuality, as is very common between girls your age, but I cannot. I'm happily married and I love my husband very much."
"There, I said it! Oh god, I can't look at their panties!" I thought to myself satisfied with the progress of this conversation so far.
"I know Kate, everyone is allowed to be weak sometimes," Gina said getting up.
I've noticed Elaine place her hands on her sides and grabbed the edges of her skirt giving me a weak smile. Her legs were moving together and then apart just to the point of making her panties visible to me as if to the rhythm of the music playing form the nearby stereo.
"Oh no, I can't let them do this to me...god I can't!" My mind kept sending warning signs to me but I stood there riveted watching Elaine.
Gina took the opportunity to walk up to me and place her hand on my shoulder.
"Kate, what happened between us was very know Elaine and I do that all the time and it was just great that you joined us. As far as you and Tommy...well...let's just say if I had a son with a cock like his, I would be all over him as well."
She gave a seductive smile and ran her hand down my arm to my elbow grabbing it. She brought my arm around her waist and put her hand around mine.
"Gina, I know you like my son, you're his girlfriend. But what I did is inexcusable and should not have happened. I was weak from drugs that night and I promise will never happen again," I told her weakly looking at what she was doing to me.
"I know Kate, for now let's not worry about what happened and enjoy the present. I feel like dancing, don't you Kate?"
Things were happening so fast I couldn't react fast enough. My mouth went dry watching Elaine pull her skirt up to the point where her panties were plainly visible now as she continued moving her legs apart and then together again. Staring at Elaine's panties, I noticed a dark spot right where her slit was began to appear and realized with astonishment that she was getting wet. I barely registered what Gina was doing and when I finally realized she was so near me, I felt my hand on her ass and her hands on mine!
I jerked my hands away really quick as if her ass was on fire.
"No, Gina, you're not listening to me. I can't do this...I'm not like that, that's what I'm trying to tell you," I mumbled realizing that her cleavage was now more visible than before. Did she unbutton some buttons without me noticing?
"Is that why you're looking down at my tits right now?" She asked playfully.
What? Jesus she's right, what the hell is happening to me. My brain became fuzzy from the alcohol I drank earlier and I felt manipulated again.
Suddenly the door opened and we all looked at who interrupted us.
With a relief sigh I noticed Tommy peak his head in.
"Hey guys, what's happening?" He asked looking around the room.
He immediately noticed Elaine with her skirt up showing her panties and Gina and I in a close embrace in the middle of the room. We must have looked like deer in the headlights, frozen with wide eyes, because he slipped into the room closing the door behind him.
"Hey guys, I didn't mean to interrupt."
"You're not interrupting anything Tommy, we were just talking," I said trying to save my dignity.
Elaine pulled her skirt down and got up walking up to me and Gina while Tommy slowly walked to the couch taking a seat. OK, now I had all three of them there, maybe that would be a good time just to let everything air out.
"Tommy, I was talking to Gina and Elaine about what happened few weeks know...with all of us in the hot tub," I said meaningfully without actually recounting the events.
"Oh, I see Mom."
For some reason his eyes were wide and it looked like he was excited about something. I concentrated on Tommy so much I didn't even notice when Gina pulled my hands up placing them on her shoulders.
"I told both girls how wrong it was what we did."
Tommy's eyes were riveted to us, watching. I felt Gina's body move to the rhythm of the music as Elaine walked up behind me. I had to admit, the music was catchy and I even felt my own body move a few times to the rhythm but I had to stay focused on what I had to do.
"I should never have allowed things to go as far as they did, it was wrong of was wrong of all of us to do what we did."
I felt Elaine right behind me and her hands on my hips as she moved her body to the music as well. Almost unconsciously, my own hips started moving in unison with the girls as I stood there sandwiched between them.
"Now, we all need to understand that what we did will never happen again."
I watched Tommy as his jeans begun to swell in the crotch area making my heart beat faster. I also felt a pair of hands on my ass squeezing it lightly. I looked at Gina who smiled at me seductively and pressed tightly against me.
"No, please..." I whispered.
"Relax Kate, we're just dancing," She said giving me a warm smile.
I realized that yes; we were just dancing, provocatively but just dancing. I figured this must be how young people dance now in clubs and decided not to make a big deal out of it. This wasn't exactly what I came up here for but it gave an opportunity to talk to them.
"So Tommy, you like watching us dance?" Gina said looking at my son with a smile on her face.
All he did was just nod his head in approval and I saw his hands jerk instinctively towards his crotch, stopping himself at the last moment from touching his growing cock.
"Oh my god, he's getting a hard on just watching us! I have to stop this!" I thought.
Gina smiled at him and visibly ran her hands up and down my ass giving me a thrilling, lewd kind of sensation. I took my hands off of Gina's shoulders and placed them behind me so Gina wouldn't be able to squeeze my ass but I found Elaine's round hips instead. It startled me so I grabbed them to steady myself as this situation was slowly getting out of hand. Elaine's arms came around mine pinning my arms to her sides and she ran her hands slightly over my stomach as we moved to the slow, catchy beat.
"Your Mom's so hot, isn't she Tommy?" Gina cooed.
My eyes were on my son. Up until this point I have not heard him express any feelings towards me in front of these two girls. As our eyes met I could see he was highly aroused, breathing shallow breaths watching us. Was he going to confirm his feelings for me? No I had to stop him.
"Yes she is, she's extremely hot," Tommy said before I had a chance to stop him.
"Would you like to see more of your Mom?" Gina kept on going as her hands explored my ass.
I gave her a sharp look. She smiled and looked down at my breasts licking her lips. I tried to free my arms but Elaine had them firmly pinned. I knew I could free myself if I really wanted by pulling really hard but that would look too much like a struggle, too much like a fight which I needed to avoid.
Now, Elaine's hands traveled up to my breasts and softly touched the bottom of my swells.
"Ahhh...please...stop," I mumbled giving Elaine's hands a look.
I began allowing the two girls exactly what I just told them I would never allow them to do.
"I must break this up," My mind continued to produce correct thoughts; I just didn't seem to act on them.
"Oh Kate, this is too hot, just go with it," Gina whispered in a low tone which only Elaine and I heard.
"Yes, God I'd love to see more of her," Tommy almost shouted.
Alarmed I looked at my son giving him a disapproving stare. In return he merely shook his shoulders giving me a pleading look intended only for me.
" would, wouldn't you! Your hot, hot Mommie! Would you perhaps like to see her tits?" Gina purred glued to me looking seductively at my son.
Again I whipped my head back to her and shook it vigorously.
"No, Gina, I just told you I would not do something like that!"
She looked into my eyes with such a sexual intensity that it almost made me moan with excitement.
"But we're not doing anything, we're still just dancing," She moaned and looked at my lips as if she was about to kiss me.
As if that was a cue for Elaine, the young girl pinning my arms touched my zipper in the front of my dress playing with it. I jerked my hands afraid she wanted to pull on it but Elaine had them pinned down, not hard, but seemed like I didn't try to break free hard either. Alarmed, I looked down watching her hands.
Gina looked down too and smiled while Elaine pulled on the zipper slowly inching it down. I watched in panic as the zipper made its way past the middle of my breasts exposing them more.
"No! Stop, you can't! Not in front of my son!" I looked at Gina pleadingly.
"But he wants to see them Kate...and..." She paused studying my face"...yeah, you want to show them to him don't you?"
I clamped my mouth shut and shook my head from side to side in weak defiance wishing I didn't drink all that wine earlier.
"No, how can you say that, he's my son. He shouldn't look at my breasts..."
I gave Tommy a quick glance for help but he just sat there rubbing his big cock through his pants.
"Even Moms have secret fantasies," She whispered but everyone heard it.
My face turned red hearing her say that from embarrassment. Yes, I loved what my son did to me and I loved being his slut but I couldn't let these girls know that!
"No, no...oh god, Gina please let me go."
It seems like I forgot about Elaine and now I felt cold air around my nipples. Looking down I saw the fabric of my dress covering only half of my nipples, the top half with my big aureoles were visible!
I glanced at my son and then back at Gina shaking my head while my pussy shivered from the excitement I felt. Gina read my excitement and gave me a smile then looked at Tommy.
"Would you like to see more Tommy?"
My son sat riveted to the couch, his bulging cock making a very large impression in his pants.
"Yes," He whispered after a few tense moments.
"Oh god, this is getting out of hand, I have to stop this."
Elaine immediately pulled the zipper further down and the edges of my black dress fell to the sides exposing my cleavage and my hard nipples. I felt my face warm up further knowing both girls could see how hard my nipples were. I tried protesting to what they were doing but my body betrayed me with signs of excitement.
"Girls, please stop, this isn't right..." I pleaded.
Gina's face was flushed while she watched my nipples so close to her face. Elaine pulled the zipper until it stopped at my belly button and then slid her hands up moving the fabric completely off of my breasts.
"Oh god Kate, they are so beautiful!" Gina's voice trembled.
I looked down and saw my breasts completely exposed. I looked at my son and saw he was sitting up, one hand on his crotch rubbing it, the other at his jaw. His eyes were wide and his breathing heavy.
I looked at Gina, my own breathing coming in labored, and waited. Part of me wanted to pull free and cover myself but the stronger part kept me from moving. It was the part of my secret fantasies...the part which made me a slut.
While Elaine's hands cupped my breasts from the bottom, Gina moved her hands and placed them over my breasts covering my nipples. I faced Tommy but now Gina moved completely to the side so my son would see me unobstructed.
"You want to see your Mom's hot tits Tommy?" She asked.
"Oh god no...don't," I whispered to her but she didn't even look at me.
"Yes," My son replied.
Slowly she took her hands off of my breasts and Elaine followed. Tommy watched me with hungry eyes as I chastised myself for being so weak.
Elaine pulled on my zipper as far as it would go and opened my dress past my belly button. Now I felt cool air around my naval and wondered if I showed my tiny panties. Everyone was excited staring at me with wide eyes astonished at the situation.
Gina stepped in front of me putting one leg between mine and I immediately felt her crotch press to my thigh. The panties she wore felt damp.
"You're so beautiful Kate," She whispered pressing her body to mine.
"Gina...Elaine...girls," I breathed with excitement.
"I can't let my son see this."
I felt I didn't have any control and if this continued I could do things I might regret later. The music played and the three of us swayed our hips sexily to it in front of my son. I just couldn't stop what was happening. Why? Why did I allow being in this situation again? Was it the excitement of doing something this erotic in front of my son? He had a perfect side view of us as he watched his own Mother provocatively sandwiched between his two young friends!
Suddenly I felt Elaine's hands grab edges of my dress and started raising it up. I felt her go higher as I looked at Gina with alarm who kept massaging my ass until my skirt was half way up my hips. I quickly looked at Tommy and with my freed hands grabbed Elaine's wrists stopping her from going any further.
"No, I can't, I told you it's not right." Although I felt like going further, I didn't want to come off as a total slut in front of these girls. There had to be a limit to this...
Gina just smiled and brought her hands to the front cupping my breasts.
"Kate, you are so sexy," She simply said and ran her thumbs over my already hard nipples.
So now I was effectively holding off Elaine from going any further but that allowed Gina to have unrestricted access to my breasts which she took full advantage of by squeezing them and fondling. Looking over at my son, I saw he was truly enjoying the show, his cock making a visible outline in his pants.
Gina looked in his direction as well and arched her back seductively sticking her ass out while pressing her sex to my thigh and fondling my tits. I saw her lick her lips in a seductive fashion as her head neared my breasts.
"Nooooooooo...I can't let her!" My mind shouted.
I let go of Elaine's wrists and grabbed Gina's taking them off my breasts and holding them to the sides. As soon as Elaine's wrists were free, she pulled my dress above my hips and bunched it up around my waist exposing me to them and my son. I immediately felt her hands roaming all over my hips and ass.
Oh no, I forgot I had the micro panties on! They were only meant to be seen by my husband not these...these kids! I let go of Gina and tried to bring my skirt back down but Elaine grabbed my wrists and held them tight. She brought my hands up raising my arms, and placed them behind my head holding them tight in her grip. Being powerless sent shivers through me and the all familiar warmth spread throughout my pussy.
"Girls, please, you have to let me go," I whispered pleading them to stop without my son hearing it.
I trembled as Gina looked at my exposed breasts with admiration and licked her lips in anticipation of playing with them while a mischievous twinkle appeared in her eyes. Grabbing my hips she pressed herself to me and seductively kissed me smashing her tits to mine.
All I felt was her wet tongue in my mouth exploring, twisting and touching places that sent excitement racing through me. I didn't feel when she twisted me around to face my son, I was so engrossed in her irresistible kiss. Suddenly she peeled away from me and I was facing my son.
"Oh my god, no, not again!"
Tommy's eyes were wide and his hand glided across the surface of his pants stroking the hard cock underneath. Gina walked around and pressed herself to Elaine's back wrapping her arms around the young girl and placed her hands on my hips pushing us in Tommy's direction. Elaine still held my hands behind my neck.
I awkwardly shuffled to stand within an arm's reach of my son, my dress almost peeled away and above my hips, my tiny micro panties the only thing hiding my sex from him. He watched me with deep excitement in his eyes.
"" I whispered to myself shaking my head from side to side knowing what that look meant.
Under normal circumstances I would love it but not now, not with Gina and Elaine there.
"Oh Kate, you know you want to show him what you've got," I heard Gina as if from afar.
Waking up from this hypnotic dream I looked back at her.
"Gina, have to let me go," I said.
"Why? Doesn't this feel good?"
"Jesus, he's my son...please understand...I can't..." I whispered.
While Elaine continued to hold my hands, Gina walked around and placed another kiss on my lips. I loved when she kissed me and lost myself in the moment until I felt her tugging on my dress.
"Gina stop, please..." I pleaded while she pulled my dress down.
The black material fell around my feet and I stood there completely naked except for my micro panties and my high heels.
Looking from face to face I realized every one of them was intoxicated with sexual desire including me. Deep down inside I was ready to do anything at that moment...ANYTHING!
Gina tugged on the dress and I instinctively lifted my feet allowing the young girl pick it up. She held in her hands for a moment thinking and walking up to Elaine, whispered something in her ear. Elaine reluctantly let go of my hands.
I relaxed a bit and brought my arms down covering my breasts in modesty. Gina came around to face me and stood there admiring me.
"Kate, you really are a beautiful woman. You're what we call a first class MILF."
I didn't know why but her words made me feel sexy.
She sat down with a smile next to Tommy and Elaine soon followed them sitting down on the other side of my son as they all stared at me standing in front of them.
I realized my modesty was way too late and these kids saw plenty of me already. I slowly took my hands away from my breasts and put them at my sides.
"Good girl, she's beautiful isn't she Elaine?" Gina admired me.
"I love her, can we have her now?" Elaine responded.
Looking down at myself I realized that my tits were fully exposed and the tiny micro panties were misplaced and wedged inside my slit exposing me even further. The tall high heels made me look arousing and very sexy.
"Gina, please let me have my dress, I have to get back to the party."
I didn't know why I asked so politely, I was the adult here and should have controlled this situation. The only thing I could think of was Tommy.
As if reading my thoughts, Gina placed her hand over the bulge in my son's pants and started stroking it in front of me. My eyes darted to her hand and she smiled knowingly.
I watched as her small hand methodically worked his meat through his pants to a full raging hard on erection. My mouth watered at the site of the strained buttons in his fly. Elaine pulled his tea shirt up and started licking Tommy's nipple purring softly and watching me. This was the first time I saw her take any interest in a boy.
Tommy's hands traveled to both girls asses and pulling their skirts up, he started massaging their firm ass cheeks.
"Would you like to see what this big meat looks like out of the pants?" Gina asked seductively.
"Yes, god yes I want to see it and suck on it." My mind screamed.
"No Gina...please...I can' shouldn't," I protested weakly.
She smiled and loosened his belt.
"And what do you want me to do with your son's big cock Kate?"
Not trusting myself in this vulnerable situation, I shook my head from side to side without saying a word so the wrong words would not come out. Although I longed for the taste of my son's cock, I could not fall into the same trap again. Gina fumbled in his pants a moment and pulled my son's big hard cock out stroking it seductively.
"Oh god, look how hard he is," The slut me whispered in my thoughts.
"Come on Kate...what should I do with this...huge cock."
"S...Suck it..." I whispered and quickly shut my mouth.
It slipped out, it just slipped out and I couldn't stop the words from coming out. She smiled.
"What was that Kate? What did you say you want me to do to your son's cock?"
She knew I couldn't stand her flaunting his cock in front of me like that, she knew I was losing control.
"Suck it." I clearly said looking into her eyes.
" want to watch your own son's cock get sucked...that's so naughty. Would you like to get a closer look while I do that? Just step closer, it won't bite," She smiled at me and without waiting put her head down and took Tommy's cock into her mouth.
I watched while trembling with excitement as she sucked his cock in front of me. Eventually my knees gave way and I collapsed down between Tommy's stretched out legs.
Gina's mouth expertly worked my son's meat sucking and licking the whole length of his cock coating it with her spit. Some of it ran down the shaft, over her knuckles of her hand with which she stroked him while giving him head, and down to his balls making a mess on the couch below. I hungrily watched her and my desire to join her grew.
Tommy watched Gina giving me looks from time to time. His eyes were full of pleasure indicating he loved what was happening to him. Elaine smiled at me and reclining a bit lowered her head to my son's lap. She watched Gina very close licking her lips and waited for an opportunity to take Tommy in her mouth.
This was the whole new side of Elaine. Up until now I thought the girl was totally gay and had no interest in boys. Seeing her wait for my son's cock I was becoming convinced she was only Bi.
"Oh you little slut, you want to help?" Gina finally noticed her friend.
"Uhhhhmmm..." Elaine moaned.
Gina moved Tommy's cock in her direction and the young girl quickly wrapped her pink lips around it sucking hard. She turned to me and winking smiled at me.
"You wana taste?"
I stiffened up and fought hard not to say yes and was barely able to keep my mouth shut. Gina lowered her head and licked the base of my son's cock while Elaine had her mouth wrapped around the head of it.
"Are you sure?" She teased me.
My full tits rose and fell to the deep breathing caused by my excitement. I pretended to resist but knew the girls saw how hard my nipples were, how hungry I watched them suck my son's cock and I'm sure my face was full of desire. What was the use denying it and pretending I didn't want him.
"I shouldn't..." I whispered.
Gina immediately recognized my weakening will. She raised her head and grabbing my hand gently pulled it in the direction of my son's cock.
"Ok, then maybe you can help by just holding it..." She said.
Her eyes were already widening in her own excitement knowing I would touch my son's cock. For some reason it extremely excited her to see me do it.
"I...a...Gina...I shouldn't," I mumbled confused at what to say.
Suddenly I felt my hand touch a warm, pulsating and very wet son's cock.
"Oh no...what are you girls making me do!" I whispered watching my fingers close around the shaft.
Gina's face was already flushed from excitement.
"Uhhhmmm...yes Kate, just hold him for us."
Gina started licking the shaft and alternating with Elaine sucking the head of the cock. Both girls seemed lost in this moment and paid attention only to their task. Tommy's head was tilted back and his eyes closed as he enjoyed what they did to him.
Suddenly I felt my own hand move up and down pumping my son's cock very slowly...seductively while I watched the girls suck him.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Tommy moaned.
Gina felt what I did and gave me a seductive glance.
"Oh yes Kate, help us, uhhhmmmm..." She moaned and went back to sucking him.
I noticed that from that moment she glanced at me from time to time. My hand continued its sexy pumping action as it stroked my son's huge hard on. I still couldn't bring myself to joining the girls.
Gina pulled up for a moment to wipe her chin and placing her hand on my neck pulled me in her direction until my lips pressed against hers.
"Thank you for helping with your son Kate," She whispered and planted a wet, seductive kiss on me.
Her tongue slipped inside my mouth and I immediately tasted Tommy.
"Ughmmmm..." I moaned into her open mouth.
She smiled knowingly and went back to sucking my son's cock. The kiss just intensified my desire to taste Tommy. Did she do that on purpose? Probably, she was very conniving and I wouldn't put it past her.
I moved closer and opening my mouth stopped just inches from their mouths and my son's cock. Gina noticed it and moved away with Elaine doing the same leaving Tommy's huge cock in my hands and inches from my mouth. Both girls quietly watched me, I knew why, I was losing control and was about to go down on my own son again.
"Kate! Are you there?"
I froze with my mouth open hovering above the head of my son's cock. It was my husband's voice! I quickly pulled away and clamped a hand over my mouth in horror. Gina and Elaine pulled away as well.
"Gina? Hallo, anyone in there?"
We heard a knock on the door. I got up and scanned the room in panic to find my dress. Gina put her finger to her lips telling me to be quite.
"Yes I am, no, Kate isn't here," She yelled.
"Thanks Gina, sorry for disturbing you," My husband yelled from behind the door.
"That's Ok, I think I saw her heading to the back yard," She yelled again.
"Ok, I'll take a look, thanks."
My heart was still beating hard in my chest but I gave her a thankful look.
"My dress," I whispered to her.
"Kate, you're not going to leave now, are you?" She asked.
"Oh yes I am," I told her and grabbed my dress from behind her.
Gina got up and embracing me pressed her well-developed tits to my bare breasts.
"Please Kate, don't leave. I...I was really looking forward you staying."
It seemed she was very sincere and didn't want me to go. I knew why but I wanted to hear it from her.
"Why?" I asked.
She looked down just to find my tits pressed to her.
"Because I wanted to see you suck Tommy," She whispered.
It was barely audible and neither my son nor Elaine heard it. I watched her and suddenly recognized how much it meant to her.
"Maybe I'll come back, but I have to see what my husband wants," I whispered to her in the same tone.
She looked up at me with hope and gave me a more intense, longer lasting kiss. Finally I was able to pull away from the girl just to find Elaine sucking Tommy's cock again. Gina smiled and walked up to the couch dropping beside Tommy.
The last thing I saw after putting my dress on and walking out was Gina's head bobbing up and down on my son's big cock.
I quickly walked downstairs looking for John but didn't see him anywhere. The main room seemed more crowded now and there were people there I didn't recognize. Finally I saw Jeanine talking to someone and walked up to her.
"Where did all these people come from?" I asked in her ear.
"Kate, where were you? John's looking for you, he's in the back yard. Ah the people, they're my husband's buddies from work who decided to crash the party. Apparently my wonderful husband opened his big mouth regarding our little get together."
She spoke in a low voice so the people around her wouldn't hear. I could tell she was stressed out but still managed to keep a smile on her face.
"I'm going to look for him," I gave her a reassuring squeezed on her arm and walked away.
Heading in the direction of the back yard I saw more booze on the table. There were bottles of rum, whiskey, vodka and who knows what else. Shaking my head I walked out in the back yard.
I saw John talking to Jeanine's husband and a couple of other guys I didn't know. I walked up to them thinking of what to say to John but he seemed to already forgotten I was missing.
"Kate! There you are babe, come on over here and let me introduce you. This, fellas, is my wife Kate," John said proudly.
I appreciated his admiration and the fact he was proud of me but I could already tell he was intoxicated.
"John, honey, having a good time?" I asked him while he put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.
He reeked of alcohol.
"Yes babe, very much, this is a great party. George here knows how to throw one," He pointed to Jeanine's husband.
George was little older than me and my husband but in good shape. His dark hair and thin, dark mustache gave him a look of a Spanish conquistador.
"I only wish my wife would agree. She's a little pissed off at me right now for inviting all my friends from work. I don't know why, this is a party after all."
George laughed and holding his glass up, proposed a toast. All men held up their glasses and took a sip of their drinks.
"George, we need to get Jeannine here with us and having fun and she'll forget all about it." One guy said.