Chapter 19.3

"Great, I'm the only one sober," I sighed.

I noticed the guy who was outside with Sarah sat next to Jeannine. His blonde hair was neatly trimmed and brushed to the side. He had long side burns and a handsome face with strong chin. The sweep of his shoulders was wide telling me he was in good shape.

"Handsome and in shape," I thought and wondered how long Sarah has been cheating on her husband with him.

Scanning the crowd I saw Sarah short distance away sitting next to her husband drinking and talking excitedly. Boy, both of them looked like nothing happened but yet both had sex together, Sarah cheating on her husband.

I shrugged my shoulders. So what, I did it with my own son and a teenage girl just few minutes ago upstairs.

The man next to Jeannine said something funny and Jeannine laughed and reclined back against the couch. Her legs separated and because she wore a short skirt John and I were greeted with a close look of Jeannine's crotch.

It was shocking to see her pussy nestled between her legs and embarrassing. I immediately looked away scanning others to see if anyone noticed. No one did, everyone was too drunk and too wrapped up in their conversations.

I gave Jeannine's crotch one more glance. She was completely shaved down there with a tiny strip of trimmed pubic hair directly above her clit. Her pussy lips were puffed out and her clit was pierced.

I was surprised to see that and couldn't take my eyes away. The metal ring moved with her every movement bouncing on top of her clit and lips. Was that stimulating her right now? Having something rub against my clit would drive me nuts!

Suddenly I was aware of the man next to her staring at me and when I took my eyes away from Jeannine's pussy and looked at him, he gave me a big wide grin. My face must have turned red because his grin only widened with every passing moment. He knew exactly what I was looking at.

I looked away embarrassed and walked away leaving my husband to stare at our friend's assets. I walked into the kitchen looking for some wine. I saw a bottle and poured myself a tall glass.

"After seeing what you saw I would be looking for something to cool me off too."

Startled I turned around. It was the guy sitting next to Jeannine. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass.

"Sorry, I don't understand," I mumbled swallowing hard.

He grinned and proceeded to pour himself the same wine I was drinking. There was certain amount of flamboyance about him and a sense of confidence which kept me looking at him with interest.

"Hmmm...our friend Jeannine isn't exactly one for wearing panties, is she."

He turned around facing me, his blue eyes resting on mine. Again I felt my cheeks warm up.

"Ah, oh that! No she isn't," I took a long gulp of my wine hoping to come down and stop feeling like a school girl caught by her parent watching a porno.

He watched me for a moment, his eyes sliding down scanning my body just to come up again and rest on my face. He was definitely confident...and handsome.

He smiled and reached out his hand.

"I'm James by the way; I don't believe we've met yet."

I reached out and placed my hand in his.

"Hi, I'm Kate."

"Nice to meet you Kate, you're John's wife right?"

"Yes, and you? Married or are you here alone?" I asked with interest.

I wanted to find out who he cheated on.

"I am, but she's not here, she had to work tonight."

Work? Who works so late on a Saturday night? Even the retail stores close at this hour.

"Oh, poor girl, you must be very lonely without her."

He looked at me and smiled. He still held my hand and for some reason feeling his skin was pleasing to me. But the appropriate thing to do was to let go so I pulled my hand away. He released it slowly...very slowly.

"Of course I miss her but there are many interesting people here to keep me occupied."

"Yeah, like that slut Sarah!" I thought.

"I see, if you ask me they're a little bit too drunk right now for an interesting conversation," I said instead.

"Well, you just have to drink right along with them and your point of view will not change much," He smiled and lifted his glass to me.

I gave him a grin and touched my glass to his. Sipping on our wine we stared at each other for a moment without saying anything.

"So, what did you think of it?" He suddenly asked.

"Think of what?" I said confused.

"Our friend Jeannine's pussy."

I nearly choked on my wine hearing him say that. What kind of question was that? You don't just go out and ask a woman what she thought of another woman's...another woman's vagina! I felt like storming out of there but for some strange reason I stayed there leaning against the sink.

"I think it was nice," I finally whispered feeling my cheeks warm up.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I even talking to this man about that?" My mind wondered.

His eyes were fixed on mine as he stood across from me leaning against the middle island countertop.

"Just nice? Did you like anything else about her pierced clit?"

I gasped! How did he know about that? Did he...did he have sex with Jeannine too?

"How did you know?" I asked him.

He laughed. I could tell he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"No Kate, I am not romantically involved with Jeannine. She has been very careless tonight and you and your husband were not the only ones she managed to show her clean shaven slit."

For some reason my breathing increased. The more I heard him say dirty words, the more turned on I became. His eyes narrowed watching me.

"Yes, I can't believe she did that," I mumbled trying to come down.

"I particularly loved how her lips separated a bit showing her moist clit peeking from under its tender hood."

I could not believe he said those things but with every word coming out of his mouth, my breathing became more and more difficult. I wanted to run away but couldn't move.

I stared at him, red faced and flushed vaguely aware of someone walking in.

"James, here you are, everyone moved to the outside and they're planning to play cards next. Did you want in?"

Sarah walked in and stood next to him giving me a quick glance. I could tell she was curious of what we were talking about.

James still stared at me and slowly, very slowly peeled his eyes away from my face to look at his lover.

"No, I think I'll pass, the conversation with Kate here is way too interesting," He answered her.

I tensed. Why would he bring up our conversation to her?

"Oh, and what are you two talking about?" She asked giving me a displeased look.

She probably thought I was moving in on her territory. She didn't understand I wasn't interested. Or was I? What was the reason I was still there?

James gave her a look and then his lips curled in a mischievous grin.

"We're talking about Jeannine's pussy," He answered.

Sarah's eyes widened and it looked like she held her breath. My own face warmed up more. James just grinned.

"James..." She mumbled.

"Sarah, you told me yourself how sweet Jeannine's pussy looked tonight, I tried finding out if Kate felt the same way."

Sarah gave him a sharp look but didn't say anything. She thought Jeannine's pussy looked sweet? Did she see it as well? How many people did Jeannine show her lovely assets to? God, this was getting more interesting every second. Neither one of us spoke unsure of what to say.

"You see, just like you and your husband, Sarah and I were flashed a nice shot of our hostess's wet pussy when she entertained guests on the couch. Sarah here just thought her pussy looked especially delicious," James continued.

Sarah's face turned crimson and she gave me an embarrassed look. I didn't have much contact with Sarah, she was Jeannine's friend, so it was quite possible she was Bi-sexual.

"James, maybe we shouldn't talk about this in front of Kate," Sarah gave him a pleading look.

"Nonsense, unless you're ashamed of your love for pussy..."

James turned and walked around Sarah. He stopped behind her while she looked straight ahead. I could tell his words were embarrassing her but also exiting. Her nipples were hardening making an outline in her thin dress.

"Here Sarah, you look like you need to rest a bit, hop on," James voice suddenly changed and became more demanding.

He padded the countertop next to him as Sarah looked on with wide eyes. There was something going on between them that I couldn't put my fingers on yet but the look she gave him was that of shock mixed with plea. After a few moments she meekly hopped up sitting directly opposite of me.

That was odd, why would she listen to his demand? Sarah's eyes were directed downward and her whole appearance seemed to change. Her body was stiff and erect.

"Kate, you didn't answer my question. Did you like Jeannine's pierced clit?"

He was persistent. Did he really want an answer?

"Well if you're into that sort of thing, I suppose," I answered still trying to figure out why Sarah was so obedient.

She was pretty, in a slutty kind of way, in her late thirties. Her straight long blond hair fell down to the middle of her back and she always wore a lot of makeup with red lipstick. She wore a short black dinner dress which stopped well above her knees and now was dangerously close to showing off the entire length of her legs. Looking at her I couldn't help but notice that something about Sarah seemed familiar, as if I knew her from somewhere.

James touched Sarah's thigh with the back of his hand and begun gently sliding his index finger back and forth on her skin. I looked at Sarah and saw she did not change her position, eyes down, back straight and hands at her sides. He slid his hand up along the side of her thigh until his finger touched the edge of her dress, and then slid his finger underneath that edge.

"And are you into that sort of things Kate?"

His finger inched upwards dragging the edge of Sarah's dress up and exposing more of her thigh. I swallowed hard wondering what the hell he was going to do. And why was Sarah allowing him to do that in front of me? Her husband was just outside!

"What? Ah, James do you think I'm a lesbian? I'm married and I love my husband," I answered, my eyes steadily looking at him to keep from looking at what he was doing to Sarah.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw his hand move up further and Sarah's legs and hip was now exposed. I tried like hell not to show excitement!

"So seeing Jeannine's wet pussy didn't excite you at all?" He said and pulled on Sarah's dress until that side of it was well above her hip.

Her crotch was still covered but barely and I could tell she had no panties on because there were no panty lines anywhere. I stared into his eyes so I wouldn't look at her legs and I could see excitement in his eyes as well. I was beginning to believe Sarah was just his plaything or maybe even a sub! I've heard of those women who would allow their partners to do anything they pleased sexually...even hurt them. Was Sarah one of them?

"I could ask you the same question," I told him so I wouldn't have to answer his question.

He smiled and reaching out, grabbed Sarah's foot.

"I will tell you exactly how I felt. She gave me an instant hard on. I felt like reaching out right there in front of her husband and everyone in the room, pulling her dress up and sinking my hard cock deep inside her wet pussy Kate. She turned me on by showing me her pussy. Now tell me how you felt." He demanded.

His confidence surprised me, his steady tone of voice confused me while his words excited me. His piercing blue eyes seemed to stare right through me and I knew if I lied he would instantly see it. I couldn't hold his gaze so I looked down.

His hand moved Sarah's foot to the side separating her knees. My eyes automatically looked down between her legs, I couldn't help it, it was a reflex. I didn't want to answer his question...I didn't have to but the tone of voice...his demanding tone of voice...

"It was nice..." I whispered and instantly chastised myself for opening my mouth.

"Was it as nice as this?" He asked and lifted Sarah's leg up and to the side.

Her smooth legs spread apart and her dress completely slid up above her waist. Instantly her pussy was exposed in front of me and as much as I didn't want to, my eyes locked on to it and my mouth watered. Sarah's pussy was wet; her pussy lips were thin, sexy, red and shining with moisture. She had very fine, soft blond hair above her pussy shaved to form a small triangle.

I gave Sarah a look and noticed she was looking at me, her face flushed and full of excitement. God, this was crazy! She allowed him to do that to her in front of me! As crazy as it was, I felt excitement. Knowing they were both looking at me I fought to keep my eyes on their faces so I wouldn't show I liked girls. I didn't want them to know.

James smiled and lifted Sarah's leg more to the side teasing me with her lewd exposure. I fought a battle I knew I couldn't win as my slut side screamed at me to look down between the woman's legs. My head was spinning and my I didn't know if I could even breathe. Slowly...very slowly with internal resistance I slid my eyes down her body to her pussy and swallowed hard.

"No..." I whispered.

"So you like Sarah's pussy more?"


I didn't know why I was answering him and why I kept staring at Sarah's pussy. Deep inside I felt lowering my head to and it tasting it. I quickly suppressed those feelings.

"I think I'll have to agree with you. My little slave's pussy is much prettier then Jeannine's," He said.

"Slave! So she was his sex slave!" My mind screamed.

"She's your slave?" I asked surprised.

He smiled and lifting her foot up set it on the countertop.

"Sarah darling, do the same with your other foot so Kate can have a really good look at you."

I watched as she complied lifting her foot up and placed it on the other side. Now she was obscenely spread open and had to recline supporting herself on her hands. James watched her with admiration.

"Good girl," He praised her.

Sarah was obediently doing what James asked her for whatever reason. I on the other hand fought my desires to reach out and touch her while looking at her deliciously wet pussy.

Suddenly we heard footsteps coming from the living room and Sarah quickly brought her legs together and jumped off the countertop pulling her dress down. Gina walked into the kitchen heading for the refrigerator.

"Oh hi guys," She said finally noticing us and waved her hand.

She gave me a look and a wink smiling, Elaine must have satisfied her by now so she came down to grab a snack.

"Excuse me but I have to find my husband," I said giving them both a weak smile and slid away.

I noticed James disappointed face as he watched me walk away. Sarah looked up at him obediently, her face still flushed from excitement.

I found John and after several attempts was able to convince him to leave. Sarah came out and joined her husband and after a few moments James strode out with a drink in his hand.

"Oh, do you guys really have to go?" Jeannine asked disappointed at us leaving.

"It's late and if John drinks anymore he's going to pass out. It's time to take him home," I said.

Jeannine pursed her lips putting both hands on her hips and looked at my drunk husband.

"Bad boy for drinking so much, now you have to go and I wanted you guys to stick around."

"We'll just have to do this again next weekend then, who's in?" Jeannine's husband quickly chimed in.

To my surprise everyone cheered him on and promised to be here next weekend. Jeannine was a bit surprised and taken aback but smiled shaking her head.

"Ok, we can do this again next weekend but I'm going to need help this time. Kate, can you call me tomorrow? Who else wants to help?" She spun around a bit unsteady to look for more volunteers.

I smiled at her wondering how I got volunteered for this. I noticed James give Sarah a look and suddenly her arm shot up in the air.

"Oh, I will, count me in," She yelled and everyone cheered.

"What was he planning?" I thought looking at James.

He just smiled and continued sipping on his wine. Obviously, Sarah volunteered just because he gave her the look. Sarah's husband was so drunk he did not notice the looks another man was giving his wife.

"Great Sarah! Ok you guys, lets plan to have a party next weekend, drive safely."

It took us another twenty minutes just to get out of there. Everyone wanted to say goodbye to us several times and make sure we were going to show up next weekend. Finally we were in the car driving home.

"Honey, who is that guy James? This was the first time I ever met him, I know he's married but his wife wasn't here tonight." I asked my husband.

He was back in the passenger seat and looked like he was ready to pass out.

"Hmmm? What? Oh him. He's a sly one that James, always talking about other women when he has a pretty nice wife at home," John mumbled and was ready to fall asleep again.

I wouldn't let him.

"So you know his wife? Who is she?" I insisted.

I needed to know more about a man who was married and had someone else's wife as a sex slave.

"I don't see much of her or him for that matter. They're George and Jeannine's friends. James seems to be some kind of businessman, he owns a place...a club of some sort and his wife works there. Her name is...Rita if I'm not mistaken."

Hmmm, that wasn't much help. I would just have to ask Jeannine about them to find out more.

"What about Sarah and her husband?" I asked.

I waited for an answer but the answer never came. My husband begun to snore as we made our way home. The wicked love affair between James and Sarah kept tugging on my mind and then James's wife Rita? Was that her name? I had to get to the bottom of this.
Next page: Chapter 20.1
Previous page: Chapter 19.2