Dan and Sam are driving around looking for a spot to do their hunting. Dan had scoped out some likely areas over the last two weeks. So far every one of them already had two or three vehicles there ahead of them so they pushed on. When all Dans' spots had been checked and abandoned, they looked for a place not yet occupied. When they stumbled on a place that looked like a possibility, it appeared to be an old logging road.

Dan asks Sam, "What do you think? Good as any I think and nobody else is here yet."

Getting a non-committal shoulder shrug from the teenager he pulls in. This is the second year and the second and only time left to hunt this season. Dan has a very successful Specialty garage in a nearby city but they come out here to hunt. Dan has hunted since late in his High School years. He decided then though to only hunt with bow and arrow after hearing about so many hunters shot by other hunters toting guns.

Bow season is shorter but a better and bigger challenge. It also helped when he got into Renaissance fairs, he had a period bow made in the old recurve style and has used it every season since. Sam on the other hand coming late to the hunting scene uses a modern compound bow. Sam needs the let-off feature common to them as Sam doesn't have the best upper body strength yet.

They swing into the 'road' in Dan's two-year-old Jeep Gladiator. They follow the track until it branches. The left side looks slightly more used and Dan decides on going right. They go in about another quarter mile and the road runs out in a little roundabout. Dan turns the truck around in the narrow area so it faces out. Letting the tailgate face the woods he plans to hunt today to make loading their kill easier.

They hop out and grab their gear, both have fanny packs of water packets and energy bars. Each added prearranged small survival items. They grab their bows and quivers, each helping the other set them for maximum comfort for the long day. Locking the truck, they head into the woods in search of their quarry and a place to set up an ambush. They slowly work up the way about another quarter mile in a zigzag pattern searching for animal sign.

Since they had gotten a late start on the actual hunt they kept moving not realizing the expected late afternoon storm was going to arrive early. The sky began to darken quickly and the two began to worry that they should head back. Dan asked Sam, "Should we head back to the truck? Looks like it's about to get nasty." As Sam was about to answer the sky opened up, it started hard and immediately got worse, soon enough there were small hail pellets mixed with the cold rain.

Unfortunately, since it was a new area for hunting for them they got turned around in the storm. Dan, thinking he was backtracking, was actually heading slowly to his right. They put their bows back into the cases strapped to their backs to free up their hands to keep branches from swatting their faces. They continued blundering through the unfamiliar woods and the storm. In about an hour, they stumbled upon a rustic cabin, and hurrying to it they found no one home. They knocked several times but with no lights or answer they correctly the place was unoccupied.

Assuming 'what's the worst that could happen Dan tried the doorknob and found it unlocked and open. They step inside out of the dropping temperature and off the little overhang of a porch. Inside they find it dark of course but a neat and clean place out of the storm. Leaving the door open for a minute Dan wanders around and finds an old oil wick lamp. He has Sam grab the weatherproof matches from his fanny pack and lights it. When the lamp is lit and giving off a warm light Dan nods at the door for Sam to close it. Sam closes the door and then gives a pretty significant shiver.

"Yeah, we need to get out of our wet clothes before we get so cold we get sick. Come here and I'll grab the 550 cord and we'll hang everything on it to dry after you make a clothesline. In the meantime, I'll get a fire started in the wood stove."

Sam just answers in typical teenage fashion, "Okay Dad."

Instead of moving to Dan, Sam just pulls off the fanny pack and digs around pulling out the 550 cord and a small folding knife. Sam finds a couple of places from near the door across the stove and then to the kitchen area to tie the two ends off, very effectively creating the clothesline. Dan found the stove had been well cleaned and put some handily placed tinder and small kindling inside. He then uses another match to get the fire going, when it looks right he feeds in a couple of the full-sized logs and watches them take off.

Sam starts getting the wet clothes off and as Dan finishes and starts to do the same Sam says, "Dad, I have a small problem. Everything I'm wearing is wet."

Dan is old school and feels his clothes are all soaked through too. Through to his old-school white cotton long johns and skivvies. Sam is soaked through but is again more modern and soaked completely through the Under Armor Sam wears skivvies included. Dan just replies, "Just get everything off and hang it all up, Sam. You don't have anything I haven't seen before."

Sam hesitates before answering, "True Dad but it has been a while."

"Just do it, Sam, I don't want you getting sick because of modesty."

Sam, still feeling shy, says, "But Dad it feels a little weird."

Dan is down to his boxer briefs by this time having worked at getting out of his clothes and trying not to look at Sam during the entire exchange. Dan getting a little peeved says, "Just do it Sam, now."

Finally looking over he sees Sam for the first time in a few years and he gasps. Sam is standing there in just her tiny white bra and panties, they are nearly see-through since they are wet. Dan's manhood springs to life unbidden but unnoticed at first by Dan but not Sam. "Oh Sammie Honey I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. My God, when did you grow into such a beautiful young woman?"

Sam had been wearing boys' clothes for all her outdoor activities with her Dad since she was little after her mom got exasperated at her constantly ruining her good girl clothes. Sam was her Dad's tomboy since she was 4. Mom had insisted she wear her regular clothes when not out playing but bought boys' clothes for her to run around in with Dan. Sam and he had been doing all of Dan's favorite outdoor activities since then. They went fishing, camping, hiking, you name it. Last year Sam started hunting with her Dad.

Before that though, Mom had left finally having enough of telling both Dad and daughter she felt cheated. He had her all the time as his 'Son' and she never got any mother-daughter time. It didn't help that his wife didn't share their enthusiasm for the outdoors. She would go outdoors of course but her idea of 'outdoors' was tanning on the patio or Golf at the Country Club.

That's where she found him, the golf pro, and she started having an affair soon after. She left for the golf pro leaving her daughter, nee 'son' with Dan. Dan provided his wife a good life as an in-demand specialties Mechanic but she went to the golf pro thinking she was improving her station. It has been just the two of them for the last 6 years since.

Sam is actually Samantha as you might now understand. At 18, Sam is 5'6" tall and weighs about 110#, a slim womanly figure with full B-cups but she has been wearing an undersized A cup to make them look bigger since being teased when she was younger having only 'Bee-stings'. When the boys started noticing and stopped teasing her, she didn't give them the time of day. She just grinned evilly and walked away.

She has Auburn hair with Red highlights thanks to her Redheaded mother. Her smooth porcelain white skin is unblemished except for a few very cute freckles on her nose and cheeks, also thanks to Mom. Her bright blue eyes set off her face, always having a twinkle in them, usually mischief. When she smiles it is truly dazzling. Dan is stunned at the beauty that his daughter has become. A sexy vision of womanhood. He shakes his head at that thought and tries to banish it from his head but doesn't really succeed.

Sam sees the effect she is having on her father and she gets excited but doesn't yet know what to do about it. She slowly peels off her wet underthings and stands before her father naked as the day she was born. She gets a thrill up and down her spine at her father seeing her this way. She slowly hangs her things up while intentionally giving him a look at her cute bubble butt too.

Dan just stands there stunned as hell. That's when he notices he has a raging boner for his own daughter. He tries to think of things to make it go down but with her standing like that it is impossible. Sam follows her instincts and just goes with it. She isn't a virgin anymore but has only been with 2 guys since she was sixteen. Both guys had her twice each before she stopped seeing them. She said it just didn't feel right.

Right then she sees this may be what she had been wanting without knowing it. She walks up to her Dad, the very picture of a tigress on the hunt. "You need to get yours off too Dad, you can't get sick either."

She slowly pulls her Dads' wet skivvies down, they catch on his hard cock but she just keeps pulling, as they come free she only glances at Dan's equipment. She continues the dutiful daughter act and pulls Dan's legs from them. She then saunters back to the clothesline and gives her butt a little extra wiggle while moving to hang his skivvies on the line.

Dan is in shock and just stands there staring. Sam moves back to Dad feeling the sultry need come over her to have her Dad. She slips back over to him, then saying, "Is this for me Daddy? Do I turn you on? Are you hard for your daughter?" She grips his manhood lightly as she speaks.

Dan feels shame and answers, "I'm sorry Honey. I shouldn't be hard, you're my little girl. You're just so damn sexy."

Sam smiles and on her tiptoes leans up and kisses Dan on the lips, she holds a few seconds then pulls off knowing he is still in shock. "It's okay Dad, I like it. It makes me feel good to know my Dad sees me as a woman. Will you have me as a woman, Dad? Will you please take me to this bed and make love to me? I need to feel your passion and your love." She then leans up and kisses him again, this time also pulling him to her.

Dans' brain has short circuited and can't process that his own daughter wants him to have her. But when she kisses him again, he just does what comes naturally and kisses her back. They move to the neatly made double bed and lay atop it. Dan on his back pulling Sam down on top of him. They kiss slowly and lovingly, no hint of hurry just passion and need.

Soon Dan rolls over and is on top of Sam looking down at his beautiful daughter finally coming back to himself. He asks, "Are you sure Sammie? We can't take this back if it becomes weird later."

"Yes Dad. Make love to me. I think now that the 2 boys I was with before weren't right because... They weren't you. I love you Daddy. Make me your woman Please!" Hearing the plaintive need in Sam's voice as well as his own need decides to make love to her.

They return to soft needy kissing. Dan's hands begin sliding over Sammies' ultra-soft skin and the thrill is incredible. Sam does the same, feeling her Dads' strong arms, back and butt, the feel of his strength makes her excited in no way she has ever felt before. She spreads her legs under Dan signaling what she wants, what she needs from him.

Dan sits back breaking the kissing and groping for a minute to look at and truly see his daughter as the woman she is. He is captivated at the sight of his young nubile daughter lying there, legs spread for him. Her little pink pussy shaved clean, the outer lips puffy with desire. The inner lips just poked from between them ever so slightly plumped up also.

He takes his turgid member in his hand and looking at Sam for her permission, she nods. He places himself at her now seeping wet opening and wiggles his cock head. Sam gasps, having never been this turned on before. The touch of her own fathers' cock on her pussy sends electric bolts right to her clit and her nipples. She grabs both her tits and begins fondling her hard nipples.

She nods hard and Dan slips into her ever so slowly. Both want to feel this for the first time to memorize the ecstasy. They moan together at the ultimate taboo and the sheer pleasure of their coupling. When Dan bottoms out inside Sammie's tight love tunnel they both moan again loudly. As Dan's cockhead nudges inside it bump into Sammie's cervix and she cums immediately and hard. Her pussy clamps down on Dan holding him in place. Dan lets Sam ride out the majority of her first orgasm but as it begins to ebb he starts pumping slowly. He continues to tap Sammies insides, bumping her cervix each time. Her orgasm continues to roll on as Dan continues tapping her cervix.

After almost two more minutes he pulls back and waits for her to come down. "Jesus Christ Daddy! That was phenomenal! You are an amazing lover. Please keep it up, I'm yours now Dad, never stop stuffing me with your manhood. Please!" She says the last as nearly a begging request.

Dan smiles and tells her, "I want to make you feel that good everytime Honey. You're so incredible when your orgasm hits. It's a beautiful thing to watch."

Sammie smiles, that magical twinkle alway there reaching a fever pitch. "Then get to it Dad. Make me cum again and again, I love you Dad. I have always been your special 'boy', now make me your special girl."

"No Sammie, you have always been my special 'girl'. Until this moment though I never realized how truly special you are. I love you too baby. Now hold onto your socks, Daddys' gonna rock your world."

She grins again and replies, "I'm not wearing any socks Daddy, you made me take them off remember. You'll just have to do it while I hold onto the bed and enjoy every second."

Dan begins to pump her pussy with vigor and wanton lust as they stare into each other's eyes until Sam has to close her eyes as too much pleasure hits every part of her again. Dan watches Sam cum on his cock again and when her peak hits his does too and he unloads inside his daughter filling her womb with his cum. Sam has another coupled orgasm as she feels her fathers' cum spray her cervix and fills her with his hot sperm.

She grins thinking, 'Damn, too bad I'm on the pill, he could be breeding me right now, knocking me up with a baby.' The thought makes her cum again.

When both their orgasms finally finished Dan lays down beside Sammie and cuddles her to him, for now leaving his shrinking pole inside her. They nod off like that for a good half hour. They wake with Dans' cock laying limply next to Sams' asscrack. Their juices slowly oozed from Sam pooling over her leg and down onto the bed top.

Dan wakes to holding his naked daughter and smiles, "Damn. Thank god it wasn't a dream."

"You are my dream Daddy. I am yours from now on. No other man will have me if you want me."

"No regrets Baby? You're not just saying that so I don't feel bad right?"

"No Daddy. I'm your woman and I hope you're my man. Is that Okay Dad?"

"More than Okay baby, you couldn't make me any happier than right now."

Sam gets a devious smile on her face and looks back at Dan asking, "How about if you just got me pregnant?"

Dan gets the shocked look on his face and begins sputtering nonsense.

"I'm just kidding Dad. But it's hot to think about. I came that last time thinking about that and I loved it."

Dan flops onto his back gasping then laughing, "Damn Sammie. You got me with that one."

Sammie rollsover feeling the goo on her privates but doesn't care. She cuddles into Dan giggling. "Got ya."

Dan looks down at her with a grin and says, "Most definitely. But I can get you too, you know, especially since you're naked as a jaybird." He jumps her and begins tickling her like when she was little and she goes into hysterical fits of laughter.

Suddenly she stops and says, "Oh no Dad! I need to get up. I really gotta pee."

It's Dan's turn for an evil grin. "Oh yeah how bad?" He tickles her just a tiny bit more.

She squeals and cries out, "I'm gonna pee on the bed, that's how bad!"

Dan laughs and lets her up. Sam cups under her slimed snatch to both hold back her fathers' remaining cum and the pee she feels coming.

Looking around Sam realizes there isn't a bathroom and nearly panics. "Dad, there's no bathroom! Where do I pee?"

"Nothing inside means it's outside. They probably have an Outhouse."

"Oh Daddy, I gotta go back out into the rain, Naked?"

Dan laughs and says, "I'll go with you. Let me get the flashlight from the pack."

"Hurry Dad, or I'm gonna pee right here."

Dan chuckles again. He quickly grabs the aforementioned flashlight and heads for the door. With the door open they see it's still light out but the storm has darkened everything to near twilight dimness. "Let's go quick and get back inside and dry off warming up."

Dan pans the light around and not seeing the outhouse yet steps out into the storm and hunching starts looking quickly for the outhouse. They make a fast loop around the cabin and find it on the other side from where they came to the cabin initially.

Sam runs up and throws the door open and plops down on the toilet seat inside. Dan steps in too out of the storm closing the door to keep the rain outside. Sam looks up at Dan and says, "This reminds me of potty training."

Dan laughs and says, "Now that you say that, me too. But then it was just pee coming out of you, not my jizz too."

Sam blushes and then giggles too. "I kinda like it slipping out of there, it's kinda hot and nasty at the same time."

The image gets Dan going again and his cock stands up pointing right at Sam. Her eyes go big seeing the thing that was just inside her pussy. She licks her lips and stares a second then just leans forward and takes it into her mouth. Dan gasps in surprise and bliss, "Oh God Sammie. That's great, suck it, suck it hard."

Sam brings her left hand up and grabs his cock from underneath and starts stroking, occasionally fondling his balls. She licks and sucks her father's cock while still feeling his jizz slip from her wet cunt. She shivers and looks up at Dan, she sees his eyes closed enjoying her attention. When she finishes down below she looks around inside for Toilet paper, she finds some in a nail nearby. Still bobbing her head she lets go a minute to clean herself up. When done she pulls Dan from her mouth saying, "Let's go back inside Dad so I can service you right."

Without a word, Dan opens the door, waits for Sam to bolt out then follows her back inside. For the second time, they enter wet but this time being naked makes it easier. They just wipe their skin down with their hands and then jump on the bed to continue. Sam goes back to sucking her Dads' cock with vigor.

After a bit, Dan stops her and says, "Turn around baby, come sit on Daddy's face and suck my cock." Sam grins and moves into a 69 position with her Dad on his back and her little pussy in his face. Dan smells his recent load on her lips and he doesn't care and buries his face in her pink little pussy eager to taste her and make her cum.

Both throw themselves into pleasing the other but Dan with his experience gets ahead of Sammie. Quickly Dan soon has her moaning with his cock not moving in her mouth. She shutters as she cums hard a couple of minutes later. He slurps greedily at her slot wanting every drop of her nectar.

When she comes down from her orgasm Sam pops Dan from her mouth and moans, "Oh Fuck Daddy that was great! Will you do that again?"

Dan just smiles and attacks her pussy again, this time attacking her clit hard first and she cums immediately. He continues wanting her to ride this one as long as possible. He moves from her love button to her hot slit then to sucking from her pussy directly. He then went back to her clit, licking, kissing, and nibbling all over her sex. She cums for about two solid minutes before Dan hears her breathing get so ragged he has to stop.

Sam just lay there on his chest riding the wave of her orgasm unable to speak only moaning. When Dan stopped she was able to get a big breath and start slowing her breathing. When she can move again she looks back at Dan and sees him grinning back at her.

Dan quips, "Was it good for you?"

"Oh Jesus Christ, I almost passed out Dad, fuck yeah that was Great! You gotta do that again too but now it's your turn let me get back to taking care of you."

With that, Sam slams her hot mouth on Dan's cock and returns to sucking him off with everything she's got. Dan cums in about 5 minutes just because of her ferocity to get him off. He warns her and she keeps on sucking as he cums. She swallows every bit except the last little bit. She holds on to it savoring her Dads' flavor, needing to know what he tastes like. After several seconds she swallows that too with a little moan of pleasure.

Sammie moves back around and lays down next to Dan cuddled into him like when she was younger but now naked and loving it. Dan loves the feel of Sam's soft skin and warm body next to him, he has missed having someone to cuddle at night.

He thinks now that may have just changed, so he asks. "Sammie Honey?"

Sam coos, "Yes Daddy?"

"Honey, where does this leave us from here on? Are you going to want to do this again or after we go home will we act like this never happened?"

Sam pushes herself up on one elbow looking at her father a mildly surprised look on her face. "Why? Don't you not want to do this again?" She looks at him afraid of his answer.

"Oh, Sammie Yes. I would love to make sweet love to you from now on but is that what you want?"

"Yes, Daddy I do. I told you, I'm your woman now more than ever. I want to take care of you just like you took care of me all my life. I know you will still take care of me too." She then leans in and kisses Dan ever so gently, lingering as Dan kisses her back.

She sighs and lays back down with him. "I love you, Daddy. In a bit I want you to make love to me again Okay? Please?"

"I would love to Baby. Let's get into bed and take a little nap though, Okay?"

"Mmm, I'd like that." They wiggle around until they can get the covers from under them and then pull back over them. Cuddled up like the old days they drift off to a nap.

About an hour later they slowly wake but Dan notes they had slipped into a big spoon, little spoon position and loves this a bit more. He also finds his hand cupping one of Sammie's small boobs and lightly starts playing with her nipple. Sam moans at the attention and pushes her hips back into Dan. Sammie starts thinking about her boobs and worries they aren't big enough for him.

She asks Dan, "Daddy, do you like my boobies? They are so little I don't want to disappoint you because they are so small."

"Do you like what I'm doing to you little buds Honey?"

"Yeah, that feels really nice."

"Do I appear to not be enjoying them?"

Sammie smiles and looking back over her shoulder sees Dan smiling and says, "No Daddy. I like that you like them. Will you suck on them? They are really sensitive." Sammie smiles with a little blush.

Dan slips back and rolls Sam towards him. He then immediately begins sucking her nipple, gently at first then with more passion, rubbing the other nipple at the same time. Dan continues nuzzling Sammies' breasts and nipples like a starving man. He even gets Sam off lightly with a small cum.

She coos out, "Mmm, yeah."

Dan keeps this up for at least 10 to 15 minutes while Sam lays in his arms and sinks into the bed loving every second.

When he finishes she has cum twice and she looks at her father and says, "Neither of those boys spent any time with my little tits. I never thought anyone would want to until now. Thank you, Daddy."

Dan smiles, kisses each one once, and then kisses Sammie's lips just as gently as she had him earlier. "There is not a single thing wrong with any part of you Angel. I have loved every part of you since birth and that is not about to change now." He pulls her towards him and begins kissing her to show her how much he loves her. When he looks back into her eyes he has a twinkle in his eyes then quips, "I just might like them a little differently now." To demonstrate he slips his hand down and fingers her pussy lightly, tickling her clit.

She smiles and then moans. "Make love to me now Daddy. I need you back inside me. Fill me with your manhood and keep making me yours."

Dan slips between her creamy white porcelain thighs and enters her ever so slowly, dragging it out again for them both. While slowly pumping into her he takes a nipple back into his mouth, chewing on it lightly this time. Sam cums grabbing her Dads' head, mashing it into her little boob. He switches nipples and continues pumping her tight hot wet quim. She cums again after several minutes, this one bigger and it triggers Dan to cum with her. Together they ride the waves of ecstasy.

After that they slip back to cuddling, Dan continues letting Sammie know he truly loves every part of her. He rubs her bubble butt with the captured hand and rubs her small tits with the other. He occasionally brushes her face with a super gentle touch and brings her lips to his. They lay there until Dan notices it getting a bit cooler in the cabin and realizes they hadn't fed the fire. He slips from Sam's arms to add wood to the chamber after stirring the coals to keep the fire going.

He then slips back in with his daughter and returns to kissing her gently. When the room warms back up again, Dan realizes it has gotten a little late and is pretty hungry. He slips back out grabs their underthings and sits back on the bed handing Sam her things, now dry, and gets dressed. In their underwear, Sammie looked particularly hot, padding around checking cupboards. The two look for food besides their energy bars. They find some Spam, Olive oil, and egg noodles. Fortunately, there is water in the form of an old hand pump at the sink. They find a pot and a frying pan and they work together as they have for years and put together a simple yet filling meal.

After dinner, it's Dan's turn to need the outhouse, and strips down and grabs the flashlight. Sam looks at him and asks, "Where are you going, Daddy?"

"Potty. My turn to pee."

Sam looks at him then gets a disgruntled look on her face and says, "Dammit. Now I gotta go too."

She strips down and then looks disappointed for a second. It's Dan's turn to ask, "What is it Honey what's wrong?"

Sam sighs and replies, "When I sit down to pee I'll lose all your jizz again. I was hoping to sleep with it in me." Then she brightens and goes on, "Well you'll just have to put a fresh one in me so I can sleep properly as my Dads' woman, filled with his cum."

Dan looks at her in mock pain, "Well, if I must have sex with you again, I guess I can." He chuckles and Sammie giggles. They then head for the outhouse. The rain has slowed but it's still very cold even without the ice pellets. They get to the outhouse, take turns doing their business, and then sprint back inside to get warm again. Drying a little first in front of the wood stove rubbing each others' skin dry and loving the caressing touches.

They climb back into the bed and Dan makes love to Sammie again. This time they move with more purpose and passion racing each other to the finish line. Lovingly, they cum together again. Dan fills Sam's little quim with the requested seed. She moans and coos as she feels it splashing inside her. Dan leaves his member inside her as they carefully move to spoon with him still inside her, drifting off pleasantly to sleep.

Overnight the rain stops and when the two wake the sun is just peeking through the trees lighting the cabin inside with a warm glow. Kissing Sam fully awake they lay there making out, loving the tender time and the beautiful sun shining off the rustic walls. Dan realizes something that he didn't know he could want until now and asks Sam, "Honey, were you serious about wanting me to get you pregnant?"

"Well, not right now Dad. I want to graduate from High School first. I don't want to be crossing the stage with a big belly and a waddle." Sam replies with a grin and a wink but continues more seriously. "But someday I would love to have a child with you. You were such a great Dad to me, I'm sure you would be to our child just as much."

"Our child. Wow, Sam, you got me again but I think I would like that too. I love you, Babygirl."

"I love you too Dad. Now let's go home."

Hating for their time here to end, they get up anyway and get redressed. Sam mashed her panties into her mound to keep whatever was left of Dan's stuff inside her with a grin at Dan.

"I'll give you a fresh one when we get home Baby. Would you like to sleep with me from now on?"

"Well duh. Where else would your woman sleep? Besides it will be easier for you to either make love to or fuck the shit out of me daily." Sam says with a grin and a giggle.

"Yes, Baby. I can do that. Let's go home and get to that directly, maybe after breakfast. I probably will need my energy to keep up with you."

Sam nods and replies grinning, "Probably."

They gather their things and Dan leaves $100 and a note for the owner, Thanking them to the port in the storm literally. Once they have everything they step outside to see the area around the cabin for the first time. The cabin faces mostly East and they note a small track leading off into the woods. They follow it and soon it becomes an old logging road.

After another ten minutes they find they are at the fork they came across yesterday on the way in and laugh now knowing where they are. They turn left up the road and after the same quarter mile as yesterday find Dan's Gladiator sitting where they left it none the worse for wear except it's plastered with dead leaves. They unload their gear into the back seat then hop in and head home.

When Dan and Sammie get home they continue loving each other as father and daughter when people are around but at home, Sammie is Dan's woman and he loves it and so does she. They make love or when frisky have passionate sex all over the house. After Sam graduates and starts classes in another town several towns over they move and live as husband and wife, a May-December romance.

Their neighbors are none the wiser. Dan commutes to work for a while until he sells to one of his trainees and retires to love Sammie just making money as they need. When Sammie is secure in her new job after graduation from college Dan does put that baby inside her, they have a little girl of their own. Both couldn't be happier.​