Chapter 02
I had trouble sleeping that night. It had been, I must say, a momentous day. I had my hand on Mom's leg, felt up her butt, and sucked Jan's beautiful tits. In the panoply of momentous days, I would say mine was up there near the top. I practically rubbed myself raw masturbating, with thoughts of Mom and Jan alternating in my head. Jan had been pretty adamant, though - I was to concentrate my efforts on Mom. That was where I had started until Jan got me sidetracked, and that was where I would focus. Mom. I lay there, wondering what it would be like the first time I slid into her. What would her hair be like? Graying naturally now, she had always had reddish-brown hair. Would it be the same color down there? Would she give me a blow job? The whole night, I'd masturbate, drop off to sleep, wake up to the same thoughts, and go through the cycle again. It was a long night.
The next morning I was up pretty early, but I stayed in bed until I heard the door slam with Dad's departure for work. I normally slept in the nude, a habit I had acquired in my college dorm room, so I slipped on a pair of workout shorts and a tee shirt. Descending the stairs, I could see Mom in the kitchen, puttering at the sink. She had on the same robe. My eyes focused on the curve of her butt. Did she have anything on under her robe? I was about to find out.
Mom had not objected to my advances the previous day, so I saw no reason that she would reject me today. If anything, she had spent as horny a night as I had spent. I slipped up behind her, put my arms around her so that I was holding her belly, and rubbed my dick right on her ass.
She jerked around and hit me, hard, on my chest. "Dammit, Kevin! What has gotten into you? I'm your Mother, for Crissake. You're going to have to stop this behavior. I just won't have it!"
Whoa. Where had that come from? Mom never said, "for Crissake."
To say she was pissed off at me would be an understatement. She stood there glowering at me, and then started crying. Now what was I to do? I stood there like a complete dolt. I tried to take her in my arms to comfort her, and she pushed me away again. My previously hard dick was trying to shrink into my stomach - at least one of us had enough sense to run from danger.
"Mom, I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."
She brushed the tears from her eyes and sniffed. "Oh, Honey. I'm not mad at you. I just don't know what's gotten into you." She paused. "Well, I guess I do know. You're a college man now, and you're suddenly cut off from your normal outlets for what are natural emotions. But I'm not one of your college girls, and I hope you don't treat them like that. I'm your Mother. So, no more, okay?"
"Okay, Mom. I'm..."
She cut me off. "You don't have to be sorry. You just have to behave yourself. What if Jan had seen you do that? What would she think of me?"
"Okay," I said, and I slinked off toward my room.
"No, you don't, Mister. I'm just starting your breakfast. You get yourself some juice and coffee and sit yourself right down." Suddenly, as if a switch had clicked, she was her normal self again. That had always been Mom's strength, I thought. She would get mad, express her anger, and once she had her say, it was done. There were no long-term pouts or spells of anger with Mom. She got it off her chest, and that was that.
"So, what would you like?" She smiled at me as she said it, and I bit my tongue to keep from saying what I really wanted. She knew, and that door was closed. Closed? I would say that door was closed, bolted, and padlocked.
"I dunno. How about some cheesy eggs?" Mom made killer scrambled eggs with grated cheese.
"Coming right up. Is your sister up yet?"
"His sister is awake and raring to go," Jan said as she entered the kitchen. "What was all the hubbub?"
Mom glanced at me. "Oh, nothing. Kevin spilled some juice on the floor. You know how clumsy he is."
"Oh, I know. Big goof."
Whew. Mom didn't say, "I just had to set Kevin straight because he was trying to make a move on his own Mother," so I guessed I was ahead in the game.
After we had breakfast and cleaned up, Mom headed up the stairs. "I'm going to get dressed and go to the grocery. I guess neither of you two want to go with me." Both of us shook our heads. "That's okay. You can take advantage of the morning out by the pool. Any special requests?"
Neither of us had any requests, so Mom continued up the stairs and we heard her bedroom door close. Jan looked at me. "Well?"
I shook my head. "Not now, Jan. Still too raw. After Mom leaves."
Jan gave me the one-eyebrow raise and then started toward her room. She stopped and turned back toward me. "Okay, but I want a full report. Meet you out at the pool."
After Mom left, Jan and I adjourned to the pool. Jan was looking good. She had on a coral-colored bikini, and its color went perfectly with her auburn hair. It was just skimpy enough to show off her curves without being slutty. My eyes went immediately to her breasts and, remembering what had happened the previous evening, my blood went to my dick.
"Down, boy," Jan said softly. "Stay focused. Remember?"
"That ship has sailed," I said, bitterly, "and it sailed without me."
"What do you mean? What happened this morning? I thought you were pretty well on track."
I sighed. I told Jan what had happened with Mom. I told her everything, holding back no details. Jan was particularly interested in hearing exactly what Mom had said to me, and made me recount her words several times until she was finally satisfied.
"You idiot," she said, but at least she was smiling.
"I know. Went down in flames. I guess that little adventure is over, huh?"
"Oh, not by a long shot."
My eyes sprang from Jan's tits to meet her own eyes. "Huh? What do you mean?"
"You just hit a stumbling block. Really, I'll swear, I wonder how guys ever get laid at all. You have gotten laid, haven't you?"
I knew her question was rhetorical, but it still stung a little and I started to get angry at her smug attitude.
"Fuck you, Jan. You pushed me into this, and now Mom's pissed off at me."
"I pushed you into it? I pushed you into it? Was that my hand rubbing popcorn butter all over her ass at the movie? All I want to do is help you get it, if you'll shut up and listen."
I was laying on a lounge chair while Jan stood over me, delivering that message, and I could see her nipples standing out. "Oh, Janny," I thought to myself. "One way or another I'm getting those tits." But Jan was right. She was offering me a unique insight into the "how," in fucking a woman. How many opportunities like this does a guy have? Jan could, and from what she was saying, would, help me get a shot at Mom. I resolved to put myself in Jan's hands.
"OK, Jan. I'm in your hands." I leered suggestively when I said that.
She sighed, heavily and theatrically. "Focus, Kev. Foooooocus."
We laughed, and then she got serious. "OK. Let's review this morning's performance. There are at least two factors involved. First we'll review those, and maybe we'll identify a couple more as we talk through it."
"Right, Professor! I am a sponge, ready to soak up your knowledge."
"First, you presumed too much. You went in like a bull in a china shop. Think about it. You're back at school. You've starting dating a girl, had a couple of dates, and finally got your hands on her legs. Not too much, you've just started getting some liberties. Would you come up behind her at the Student Union and hunch your dick against her ass?"
I laughed at the image. "No, of course not."
"Then why did you do that to Mom? You presumed too much. You acted like it was already a done deal, and right now it's far from that."
"Yeah. I rushed it, didn't I?"
"Duh. You think so?"
She continued. Then there's the message you sent when you did that. You cheapened her. You acted like...well, there's no other way to put think she's a slut. How do you think that made her feel?"
I hung my head, and it was not an act. Jan was right. What the hell was I thinking?
"You got that? You must honor and respect each woman you date. But she's our Mom. She is on a pedestal. Above all, you simply have to show her respect. Always."
She shook her finger at me. "I mean it. Then there's another factor, and I hope I'm not breaking the Sisterhood Code, but I want this to work for you. For us. No matter how much a woman wants the same thing you want, she's going to have times when she pulls back. Some of it is unconscious, but some of it is conscious. She's going to pull back because she doesn't want you to think she's easy. She's going to make you work for it. There will be times, and you just hit one, where she thinks, "What the hell am I doing?," and pulls away. Magnify that a thousand-fold for Mom. For you, bagging Mom would be the sexiest thing you can imagine. For her, right now until you work her through it, it's a bad thing she is considering. You get me?"
"Yeah. I get you. She thinks I won't respect her anymore. She thinks she will be letting me down as a Mother. All that."
"'Zactly. And there's more. She let you take liberties with her yesterday at the movie and last night on the couch. She didn't this morning. What was the difference?"
"Hmmm. I'm not sure."
"Timing, Idiot Child. Timing. Yesterday you spent the whole day flirting with her and making her happy. She was happy anyway because we were home. But you spent a lot of time getting her ready for your big move. Anticipation. That's key for a woman. You have to prep the battlefield. You have to have her quivering with anticipation before you ever make a move. Make her want it, tease her with it, and make her want it even more."
She paused, then continued. "Plus, women are just different from men. A man has one switch. It's either on, or off. All a woman has to do is look at a man, his switch turns on, and he's ready to go. With a woman it's different. For us it's all about mood, and timing, and foreplay...yes, foreplay...and then maybe, just maybe, our switch will start to ease toward the on position. You do know about foreplay, don't you?"
"Sure. I'm not a dummy, you know."
"Okay, Mister I'm Not A Dummy. Explain to me what you think foreplay is."
"Well, you know. Kissing and touching. Playing with her tits. Fingering her. That's foreplay. Why are you asking me this? I do have some experience."
"You might have experience, but it's all wrong experience, then. That's not foreplay. That's fore-fucking. Foreplay is everything. If you're on a date, foreplay starts from the moment you meet her, and maybe even before. Foreplay is everything you do to get her in the mood. Like yesterday with Mom. You made her happy. You flirted with her. You spent hours getting her ready before you made your move. You listened to her. You talked to her. Your eyes were all over her. You made her feel special. That's foreplay. That's probably the most important thing you can learn, if you can learn at all. Idiot."
I laughed. Jan wanted to be a college professor some day, and she was going to be a good one.
"So, little brother. That all make sense to you?"
"Yeah, it does. Why didn't you tell me all this in high school? Damn, Jan."
"You weren't ready then. You're ready for the big secrets now. You listen to me, and any woman will be putty in your hands. Even Mom."
"Oh, I'm listening." And I was.
"And there's another thing. You remember I said last night that we'd have a competition?"
"Yeah, so why are you helping me win?"
She paused. "I was wrong. Having a competition for her does just what I said for you not to do. It cheapens her, objectifies her, and would doom us both to failure. She's not dumb. She'd see right through us. I'm your coach, and that's it. If we get you there, then I'll think about going for it myself. But for now, it's all you, Champ. Can you do it?" She pumped her fist. "Can you win one for The Gipper?"
I started humming the Notre Dame fight song. I couldn't remember if The Gipper had been the coach at Notre Dame or not, but it seemed appropriate. At least it made us both laugh. "So what do I do now? How do I recover?"
"You take two steps back, and work your way in again. You have one big advantage now that two days ago you might not have had."
"Wooo. What's that?"
"Think about it. She knows exactly what you want. She knows you want to fuck her. Whether she is cool with the idea or not, at this point, she has to be thinking about it." Jan was majoring in psychology, and knew all this stuff about how the brain works. "You planted the image in her brain of the two of you fucking. Believe me, that image is still there and she can't stop thinking about it."
"Well, I'm thinking about it, too. Between you and Mom, I'm rubbing my dick raw."
"Oh, I just bet you are, Kev. I just bet you are." She laughed, a deep and throaty laugh. "I've heard you jerking off for the past ten years. You are a noisy one."
I laughed. I liked this new Jan. "You grow up in a house with two women like you and Mom, and see what it does to you."
She laughed, too. "You grow up in a house with two men like you and Dad, and see what it does to you."
I jerked back, my eyes wide. "You mean...?"
"Oh, yeah. You think only the male of the species can have fantasies?"
"Dad? You think about Dad?" He was a few years older than Mom and even though he tried to keep in some sort of shape, it seemed to be a losing battle. Besides, he was Dad.
"Oh, hell yes. Someday I'm going to take a run at him, too, but let's just keep on focus here. This is about you and Mom. One step at a time. My day's coming."
"So what's the game plan for today? What do I do?"
We had been laying on our lounge chairs while we were talking, and now Jan raised up and looked at me. She let her eyes roam down my body to my dick, tenting in my swim trunks. "You really want this, don't you? You really want to fuck Mom."
"More than just about anything. You have no idea."
"Then here is what you are going to do. You already have the template, based on how it went yesterday. Back off. No touching. You have to respect boundaries. Tell me again, exactly, how you ended up with your hand on Mom's leg yesterday."
"There was that scene in the movie where the bad guy jumped out of the shadows, and she jerked and grabbed my arm. Her tit was pushing against me. I reached down and patted her leg. I said something like, 'There, there, little Laura. Don't be afraid,' and I just left my hand on her leg. She put her hand on mine. And that was it."
"So, the initial act was natural and in the moment - a moment you had created by flirting shamelessly with her all day. She felt special. You took advantage of the moment, without planning it, and she gave you permission by putting her hand on yours. You didn't plan it, did you?"
"No. It just happened, naturally."
"That's it. Like Mom said, 'Sometimes the best plan is no plan at all.'"
"Hmmm," I mused. I was learning a lot.
"So here is what you do. You recreate yesterday. Flirt with her. Act like nothing happened this morning. That was then. This is now. Water under the bridge. You apologized. She accepted your apology. Never mention it again. Do you love Mom?"
"Of course."
"You'd better. So act like it. Tell her you love her. Do you think she's pretty?"
"What do you think? I think she's beautiful. I think she's hotter now than she was when we were teenagers."
"Then act like it. Let her see you watching her. A woman can tell when a guy is interested because his eyes are always on her. I guarantee she will know what you're thinking. That will make her think the same thing. Now, I need to swim a little bit. For some reason, I'm a little hot."
I burst out laughing, and followed Jan into the pool. We played Marco Polo for awhile, reliving our youth, and then got out to dry off. Mom was just coming in from the garage, carrying grocery bags.
"You got more? Can I help?," I asked.
"Yup. There's a lot more out there," she said, so I hustled up to get the rest of the groceries in.
After I got all the bags on the kitchen counter, I started emptying them out and putting things away in the cupboard and refrigerator. Mom looked at me, a quizzical look on her face. "Thanks. I don't know where this is coming from, but I like it. Bringing the groceries in and putting them away is one of my least favorite things."
"I just want to help, unlike some people," as I looked pointedly at Jan.
Jan nodded at me, approvingly. "Oh, you're doing just great, little brother. Keep it up." We both laughed, because both of us knew exactly what she meant.
I turned my head to talk to Mom as I put things away. "What's for supper?"
"You just finished breakfast, and you're thinking about supper?," she asked.
I used my Chapo imitation again. "I am a man of big appetites," I said.
That got a laugh. "When we get finished with this, I'll make some lemonade and we can sit out at the pool if you want," Mom said.
"Sure. Jan wasn't much company this morning. Kind of grumpy, like usual."
Mom laughed, and I could tell she was in a happy mood. "I have missed you guys," she said. "Always arguing, but I've missed you. Having you home again, even if it's just for a couple of months, is the answer to my prayers. I can't get enough of the two of you."
I looked at Jan and she gave me the raised eyebrow and a smile. She turned to Mom and said, "I think you might get more of us than you want this summer, Mom." I looked at her. Now, that had a double meaning, at least to me. She continued, though, to soften the meaning. "I mean, we're here under foot until September, you know."
"Yeah, Mom," I said, "We'll always be here for you. Give it ten more years and you'll be making pointed comments about how we need to move out and get jobs."
Mom turned to us. "I don't worry about that with you two. You know how to work. You have good values. You'll both do fine."
"Okay, we'll compromise," I said. We'll move out, but we'll stay close. How's that?"
"Deal, Buster," Mom said. "Close is what I want."
"Me, too," I said, "But I don't know about Janny. She'll probably want to move to Paris, or something."
"Not me," Jan said. "I think I can have everything I want right here."
After we had finished, Jan and I went back out to the pool while Mom changed into her suit. Jan grabbed my arm and whispered to me. "You're doing great. You're getting her back in the mood. Keep it up."
I whispered back to her. "I think I can have everything I want right here?"
She punched my arm. "Just prepping the eventual battlefield, little bro. Just prepping the battlefield."
When Mom came out, I looked at her and gave a wolf whistle. Her suit was a one piece and modest enough, befitting her age, but it looked damned good on her. Her butt was accentuated by the cut of it and the tops of her breasts looked great. "Looking good, Mom. Looking great, in fact."
"Oh, stop it," she shushed and turned away, but I noticed her nipples had popped when I said that.
We all jumped in the pool and had a round of general horseplay. I wanted to grab her ass, but I didn't. Her mood was good, and I didn't want to ruin it like I had that morning. After awhile Mom climbed out and settled into a lounge chair. I got out and laid back in the chair beside her.
"Pools great, isn't it?," Mom asked.
"Yep, 'tis. I love this," I replied. "But the sun is strong. You don't want to get too much, you know. That fair skin of yours will just burn, like always."
She giggled. "Yeah, I can never get a tan like normal people. I burn and then get all freckled up."
Jan was still in the pool, and I lowered my voice so she couldn't hear. "I love those freckles, Mom," and I raised up and looked at the tops of her breasts, creamy-colored and dusted with freckles. "I have always loved your freckles."
She reached over and pushed me back down, bending over slightly so I got a good look at her breasts. Whether she did it consciously or not, I noticed the nipples were up and ready again. She laid back down and whispered back, "You've got a one track mind, don't you?"
I snorted. "I guess so. I can't help it."
"Don't let Jan hear you say things like that, that's all."
I laughed, for a couple of reasons. I was back on track. It had not taken much - just paying attention to her and flirting with her, and it was as if this morning had not happened. But if she knew what Jan and I had been talking about. Ha. "Don't let Jan hear you..." Jan was going to get a blow-by-blow report.
Mom was sensitive to the sun, so she got the sunscreen and started rubbing it on her. I leaned over, propping my head on my hand so I could watch her. She knew I was watching her, but didn't say anything. When she had her front done she rolled over and handed me the bottle. "Do my back, would you?"
"With pleasure," I said.
"Not too much pleasure," she giggled. "Just my back."
I put everything I had into it, trying to make putting the sunscreen on her back the most sensual act ever. I looked over, and Jan was at the side of the pool, watching me, with a hungry look on her face. After I finished her back, Mom took the bottle from me and did her legs. I wanted to do them, but didn't say anything. There was going to be time for that, later, I hoped. I had all summer.
"Jan, get out and get some sunscreen on you," Mom said, in her Mom voice. "I don't want you burning. You know that causes skin cancer, right?"
"Mommmm," Jan said in a whining voice. "I'm not a baby anymore."
"No, but you'll always be my baby. Now shut up, and put sunscreen on. You don't want to be a dried up old prune when you're my age."
Mom had decided we'd have pasta for supper, one of my favorites. I stayed in the kitchen with her while Jan was in her room. Mom had changed into a pair of black yoga pants with a white tank top, and looked great. She had her hair pulled back in a pony tail, which emphasized her neck. I had always thought Mom had an elegant neck. So, I told her so.
"Mom, I love your neck. It's elegant."
That got a snort out of her. "Yeah, long necks are the bane of a woman's existence when she gets to be my age. Damned thing hurts all the time."
I was helping her chop tomatoes for the sauce. I stopped and looked at her. "That's the second comment about your age you've made today. I won't have it. You're beautiful. I was telling Jan this morning that I think you're even prettier than you were fifteen years ago. So, stop it. You're as young as you feel."
"Then I'm a hundred," she laughed. "At least."
"Well, I don't think so. I think you're as sexy as all get out." I stopped. Had I gone too far, too fast? Jan had warned me, but my comment had slipped out without thinking.
"Young hormones," Mom said. "Nothing like them." She smiled when she said it, and there those nipples were again, poking right out. "Whew," I thought. "She's not mad. Dodged a bullet on that one."
After dinner, Jan and I stayed in the kitchen to clean up while Mom and Dad went to the family room to watch Jeopardy. Dad had broken out a bottle of red, and they took their glasses with them. As soon as they left the kitchen, Jan grabbed my arm. "You're an artist. You've got her right back in the palm of your hand. Tell me about it."
I recounted our conversation, boring as it was. I told her how I thought I messed up with the sexy comment, but Jan disagreed. "It was in the moment, and it was natural. You did fine. You sent her a message."
Jan and I took wineglasses with us to the family room and settled onto the couch after we filled them. Again the room was chilly, and again Mom got the throw to put over our laps. I was in the middle again, and found myself in a quandary. What should I do? I had my hand on her leg last night, but should I do it again? Mom answered my unspoken question for me as their mystery show opened, reaching under the throw for my hand and placing it on her leg. She looked straight ahead, not showing anything, and kept her hand on mine. I gave a gentle squeeze to her thigh, as a gesture of appreciation, and she squeezed my hand back. It was an unspoken communication, just between the two of us, and it spoke volumes to me.
Before long, Jan's hand snaked onto my other leg, rubbing gently, and Mister Diamond Cutter was back. I had not adjusted myself when I sat down, and it was painfully kinked. As casually as I could, I took my hand from Mom's leg and adjusted myself, then reached quickly over to touch Jan's hand. I put my hand back on Mom's leg, gave a squeeze, and she put her hand back on mine. "Okay, Bud?," she asked softly.
"Oh, yeah. All warm and comfy," I said, and she giggled.
So, Mom knew my dick was hard for her, and she was alright with it. That had to mean something. I started gently rubbing and massaging her thigh. She gave no sign anything was going on, so I took that as consent and began ranging farther afield. I rubbed the inside of her thigh, and then slowly, ever so slowly, moved my hand upward. She still gave no sign. She had taken her hand off mine while I rubbed her thigh, and now she came back, giving my hand a squeeze. I wiggled my little finger, now on her upper thigh no more than a couple of inches from her pussy. Still no sign. Still no rejection.
Maybe I'm wrong, but seems to me there is a natural progression to touching. I've always gone for the ass first. Breasts might come next. The pussy has always been the last thing I'd go for. You touch a woman's pussy right out of the box, and that's disaster waiting to happen. But here I was, with my finger very close to Mom's pussy. That was close to being a violation of the natural order of things. What to do? I had already had my hands on her butt. Going for her breasts now was not possible. What to do? So, I did nothing. I left my hand where it was, while continuing to gently rub my little finger as close to her pussy as I dared.
I was so focused on that little finger that I was oblivious to Jan's hand, until she ran it up my leg and rubbed it across my dick. A credit to my discipline, I didn't jump. I had my left hand on the couch between Jan and me, so I carefully reached up to put it on Jan's hand and encouraged her to rub my dick. She gave a little squeeze to the head of my dick, and then took her hand off my leg.
"Anyone ready for more wine?," she said as she took the throw off her lap and stood up.
"Yes, please," Mom and Dad both said, so Jan filled all our glasses. When she filled mine she looked right in my eyes and smiled.
"Good boy," she said as I held my glass out.
Mom laughed. "Don't be fooled, Jan. He's not as good as you think," and she squeezed my hand when she said it.
Jan sat back down and we all settled in again. I was, as I said, totally focused on that little finger, so close to heaven, so I felt the gentle nudge of Mom's hand on mine. A gentle nudge up, toward her pussy. So now I was back to my quandary, but this time I didn't dwell on it. I slowly inched my hand up until my little and ring fingers were touching Mom's thigh, right next to her pussy. Her breathing had become deep and when I glanced over at her, her eyes were closed. Ever so gently, like I was touching a butterfly's wings, I stroked my little finger across her pussy. Even through the tight yoga pants, I could feel the structure of it. I could feel the lips of her pussy.
She gave an involuntary jump with a gasp and moved to jerk my hand away. I was prepared to beat a hasty retreat, but she held my hand up close to her pussy - not on it, but right next to it. I got it immediately. She would let me get close to the gates of heaven, but would not let me enter them. Yet. But of one thing I could be certain - Mom knew I was going for her pussy. Emboldened, I rubbed a little more aggressively, right beside her pussy. Not much, just enough so there could be no doubt in her mind what I was doing. I knew I mustn't touch her pussy again, so I used my finger to stretch the fabric of her pants to put pressure on it. I must have been right, because she started making slight pushing movements with her hips while her hand pressed mine into her.
Dad stood up, the show over. "Bedtime," he crowed. I took my hand away, but Mom gave it a meaningful squeeze before I did.
"Daddy," Jan whined. "I'm not ready. It's too early to go to bed."
"Get to bed, young lady, before I give you a spanking," he said. "You're still not too big for that, you know."
"Oh, please," Jan purred in a seductive voice, and everyone laughed.
Dad had a funny look on his face but he recovered quickly. "Maybe you are too big, after all," he said, chuckling, and then headed up the stairs. Jan, Mom, and I cleaned up, and then Jan left us alone in the kitchen. She had gone out of the kitchen, but there was a stair tread that always creaked and I hadn't heard it. I knew she was lurking just outside the door, listening to us. Little sneak.
Mom rinsed the wineglasses while I stood behind her, enjoying the view of her ass in those yoga pants. She turned and gave me a hug. I did not replay the actions of the previous night and kept my hands on her waist, and I lowered my head to her neck and gave it a gentle kiss. "I love that elegant neck," I said. "I just love you, Mom."
"Oh, Kev. What are you doing to me?," she whispered in my ear. "You can't get your Mother all worked up like that."
"I just love you, that's all," I replied.
"I love you, too, but not in that way. You know we can't do what you want, don't you? We just can't. I won't let it happen."
I kissed her neck again, and gave it a little nibble this time. "I don't care. I'm happy however you let me love you. Just kissing this neck is enough for me."
I must have said the right thing because she gave me a tight hug. "When did my little boy grow up?" she asked.
I snorted. "When did my Mother become such a MILF?"
She pulled out of my arms and slapped my butt. "I know what that means," she said.
"Good," I answered. "Then you know." We both laughed as we turned to the door. I coughed so Jan would have some warning and I heard the stairs squeak as she scampered up them. When Mom and I got to her bedroom door, I stopped her and bent my head down to kiss her neck again. "Just one more," I whispered, and then she went into her bedroom.
I went right to my room and immediately Jan came in through our adjoining bathroom.
"Tell me all about it," she said as she settled onto my bed.
"She had me almost rubbing her pussy," I whispered, still in awe of it. "She let me run my finger across it once. She even encouraged it."
"I thought so," Jan snickered. "I could tell by the look on her face. You're going to get it. I just know you are."
Then we stopped and looked at each other. My room was the closest to Mom's and Dad's, and we could hear the unmistakeable sound of the bed squeaking. We both giggled, covering our mouths to stifle the sound.
"God," Jan said. "You must have had her horny as a billy goat."
"Me? What do you think you did to Dad with that spanking comment? Did you see the look on his face?"
That got us both laughing quietly again and, to the sound of Mom and Dad fucking, we naturally fell into each other's arms. I kissed Jan deeply and she responded eagerly. This time I didn't ask. I peeled her tank top off and in a flash had my mouth on those tits. Jan arched her head back and moaned.
"I'm going to do this just this one time, for now," she said, "but if Mom and Dad get to take the edge off, then so should we." She pushed me onto my back and shucked my pants off. "I saw you adjusting that big boy," she said, as she studied it. "Nice one, Kev."
"Just kiss it for me, Jan."
"Oh, no." She took me in her hand and gently rubbed her thumb across the head of it. "You're going to have to wait for that. This is going to be a quickie. We want to take the edge off, but you have to maintain your competitive spirit. I can't give you everything at once." With that, she pulled her panties off and I saw her pussy for the first time I could remember. It was shaved clean, which was something of a disappointment to me. I don't know why girls started deciding their pussies had to be shaven, but practically every girl I had at college was that way. For a guy who loved a big bush, it was not right.
She was sitting on my chest, so I bent my head forward and kissed her pussy softly. "No, no," she said. "Mama will give you lessons on that when the time is right, but not now." She rose up on her knees and slid down, then lowered herself onto my dick. As soon as I was fully in, she paused and arched back. "Like I said, Nice one, Kev."
Her pussy was as tight as any I had experienced. I told her that, and she squeezed it on my dick. I moaned. I couldn't help it.
"Ssssh," she whispered. "You want to get us caught?"
We were both quiet, and then could hear Mom's bed, still going at it, along with a whispered conversation we couldn't hear well enough to understand. That got another giggle fest going. "God," Jan said. "Mom is fucking you in her mind and Dad is fucking me in his. And we're fucking each other. Can it get more delicious and twisted?"
"Oh, I think so," I said, and then put my hands on Jan's tight ass to get her moving. My big sister was a good fuck, I had to give her that. I couldn't keep my hands off her tits, so the position with her on top was perfect for me. I quickly learned that she was accustomed to being in charge. She came first, and it didn't take long, then I was right behind her. I was ready for another go with another position, maybe doggie style, but Jan stopped me.
"The after sex is as important as the sex, you know. Just snuggle me. Just love me. Besides, that was just to take the edge off. You're on a mission. Remember, Soldier?"
"Oh, I do, Jan. I've always wanted you and I've always loved you, even when I put that bubble gum in your hair."
We laid there for a bit, basking in our afterglow, and then Mom's bed stopped its noise and Jan got up and grabbed her clothes.
"See you in the morning. Gonna be a good day, I think," and then she was gone to her own room.