Chapter 04
Jan didn't get home that evening until well after supper. While Mom and Dad may not have recognized it, I saw a well-fucked flush on her face and couldn't wait to hear the details. I had some details of my own to share and, if my details got Jan as hot as I suspected her details would get me, maybe there would be a replay of the other night between us.
We were already in the family room when Jan got home. She walked to the couch and said, "Scoot over, Chump," while she bent down to give me a kiss on the cheek. I could smell pussy on her face, and my bulging eyes must have given it away. Instead of sitting right down after I had moved over to sit beside Mom, Jan went to Mom and Dad in turn and kissed each of them on the lips.
"Holy Jeebus," I thought to myself. "I wonder if Mom and Dad smelled the pussy on her?" I looked at Mom, and she had a shocked look on her face, so that answered that question.
"So," Dad said, "We're dying to hear. Who took a beating out there?"
Jan laughed. "I guess we both did. We were tied at the eighteenth, and decided to bag it and finish another day."
"You didn't finish?" Dad was incredulous. No one ever didn't finish, especially if they made it to the last hole. "You didn't make the last hole?"
Jan struggled to keep from laughing. "Oh, we made the last hole, Dad. We just didn't finish the last hole. We've got all summer to decide who's going to be on top."
I knew Jan was having a ball with her double entendres, but neither Mom nor Dad were in on the joke.
Jan sat down, and Mom covered our laps with the throw. I wasted no time in putting my hand on Mom's leg and she opened her legs invitingly. I slid my hand up and cupped her pussy, squeezing slightly, and was amazed at how wet she was. She glanced at me, smiled slightly, and put her hand on my hard dick. Yep, this afternoon had broken the ice between Mom and me. I couldn't wait to tell Jan about it.
Jan put her hand under the throw and I put my left hand on it to keep her from making a move on my dick. How would it have been if Jan moved her hand to my dick and found Mom's hand already there? Of all the problems a guy can have, that seemed a delicious one to me, but I wasn't ready for what might come of it - at least until I had prepped Mom for what I thought was to come between her and Jan.
The show we were watching was a British police procedural, one of Mom's favorites, but it was kind of dry. Jan stretched and yawned loudly. "I'm beat. I think I'll turn in early tonight." She stood up.
"Yeah, me too," I said. "Today was exhausting for me. The best day of my life, but exhausting." Mom squeezed my dick when I said that and laughed.
"Okay," she said. "Neither of you can hang with the old folks, so you go up. We'll probably call it a night after this, so we won't be far behind you." When she said that, Dad turned around and smiled at her. The look that passed between them left no doubt in my mind that Dad was in for a treat tonight. I had left Mom pretty hot and bothered, and Dad was sure to get the benefit of it.
Jan and I made no pretense of going to our separate rooms, but went right into Jan's and sat cross-legged on her bed.
"Who first?," Jan asked.
"You go first. I'm dying to hear about it. I almost got there. There's no doubt I will, in time, but I want to hear about Liz."
"Where do you want me to start? You want the down and dirty, or the teasing, too?"
"Oh, Baby," I moaned. "Give me all the teasing."
"Well, I drove to her house to pick her up. As soon as she got in the car she told me that both Carol and her Dad were away for the night. That might not have meant anything in normal circumstances, but I took it as Liz's way of telling me we had a free house for fun and games after golf. When she said that, my pussy started gushing."
"What was she wearing?"
"She had on a pair of loose tan shorts and a low-neck tee. She looked great, but not over the top. I think she wanted to look good, but not so good that it looked like she was trying. Remember, we were still in the early stages. Maybe nothing would come of it."
I nodded, breathless.
"So we got to the course and started playing. The first couple of holes were nothing special, and we were even going into three."
"Yeah, yeah."
"When we putted out, she bent over to get her ball at the same time I did, and my face was right at her tits. I couldn't help it. I stared. Then I said, 'Wow, you have beautiful breasts, Liz.'"
I could only imagine. Liz did have beautiful breasts.
"She stood up and looked at me, saying not a word. I figured that I was into it then, so I continued, and told her I wish my breasts were more like hers. She was breathing hard, and whispered, 'Oh, Jan, I think your breasts are lovely. Mine sag now. Nobody would want to see them anymore. But yours. Everyone wants to see them, I'll bet.' I told her I would love to see her breasts, if she'd let me. She just nodded, and we played on."
"Wow," I said. "You told Liz you wanted to see her breasts?"
"Uh, huh. The rest of the match was almost surreal. We didn't say anything else about it. When we got to the tee at the eighteenth, Liz said she was hungry and we could go to her house for a light lunch, so we bagged that hole and called it a day. When we got in the car I could smell her. I knew she was creaming her pants. We transferred my bag to my car and went in the garage door. Liz was trembling as she unlocked the door into the house, and I knew...I just knew. She walked in first and turned to me, and we fell into each other's arms and kissed. I slid her tee over her head and looked at those tits. I reached out to touch them, and then it was game on. We went right to her bedroom and she was trembling so much she could barely get me undressed. I don't know if it was her first time, but I'll find out. Carol and her dad will both be out of town on Thursday, and we're having lunch."
"Wow. Just wow," I said.
"It was so hot, Kev. She was, maybe, the hottest woman I've ever been with."
"Oh, God, Jan. You're killing me. How do you mean?"
"She was so hesitant, I guess. I went down on her first. She was shy, and kept trying to cover her pussy with her hands. Once I got into it, she got into it. Then, when it was my turn, she acted like she didn't know exactly what to do. I could see into her brain, almost. She was thinking, 'I like it this way. I'll try that.' By the end of the afternoon, she was a great pussy muncher. But that's not the best part."
"What? What could be better than that?"
"What she told me when we were snuggling afterward."
"Uh, huh. And what was that?"
"She said she had always thought you and I were the hottest brother and sister at the club. She didn't ask me outright, but she was trying to get me to tell her if you and I had ever been together. Kev, I don't want you to get your hopes up, but I see the possibility of a threesome in your future. Would you be up for that?"
"Shit. What do you think? Liz? Hell, yes."
Jan laughed and reached down to rub my dick. "I thought so. Let me see how it goes Thursday. Now tell me about Mom. Are you there yet?"
"Close, very close. It's just a matter of time now, for sure."
"Details? I need details."
"Mom and I were in the kitchen when you left. Mom was as nervous as a cat. She couldn't be still, flitting around the kitchen while I sat at the table. I finally asked her what was wrong. She came over to me and bent down to kiss the top of my head. She said, 'Nothing's wrong, Sweetie,' and just stood there by me, so I put my hand on her back and pulled her to me. She didn't say anything, so I kissed her belly and moved my hand down to her butt. She didn't have anything on under her robe, and I knew I was in."
At that moment the now familiar squeaking of Mom's bed started and Jan and I looked at each other and tried to stifle our laughter. Jan giggled, "Dad's getting the best part of this, isn't he?"
"Oh, I think I got the best part. So when I put my hand on her butt, she bent down and pulled my face into her breasts. I untied her robe, and there they were. Jan, I have to tell you, I love your tits, but Mom's are in a different league. They're not as big as yours, but her nipples are at least a half inch long. I didn't waste any time. I sucked those things like it was going out of style. I moved my chair back and she sat on my lap, straddling my legs and facing me, her tits right in my face."
Jan was breathing hard. Hell, she sounded like she had just run a marathon. I continued. "I told her how much I had always wanted her. She said, 'Oh, I've always known, Kev. I didn't think it was Jan digging my panties out of the clothes hamper every morning.' I told her that it could have been you. I lied a little bit. I told her you and I fought over her panties. Man, you should have seen the look on her face."
"Oh, yeah, Kev. You did me a solid there."
"Then she got all serious. She told me that we could never do what I wanted. She said she loves Dad and could never do that to him. But when she said that, she was rubbing her pussy against my dick, Jan. It was the hottest thing I've ever done. I pushed her up, took her hand, and led her right up here. She didn't say a word. Just followed me."
"Up to your room, or hers?"
I paused to let the drama build. "Nope, Jan. Right here. We came to your room."
"You're shitting me. You fucked her on my bed?"
"Not yet, but as soon as we came in here, she was so hot I couldn't believe it. We stood right there at the foot of your bed and kissed. Mom's a good kisser. She was hungry. I took her robe off and she got embarrassed. She apologized because her bush was so thick. I couldn't help but laugh. Jan, she has the most beautiful bush you've ever seen."
"I dunno. Liz has a pretty good one."
"Yeah, but this was Mom's. I told her how I had dreamed about her pussy. I pushed her back onto the bed and buried my face right into it. I don't know if Dad eats her pussy or not, but I'll tell you she likes it. She almost smothered me. I made her cum, eating her pussy. She was almost there, I could tell, and I rubbed my finger across her butthole. Man, she exploded. I was afraid I was going to give her a heart attack."
Jan laughed. "Yeah, explain that one to the EMT guys."
"She pulled me up to her and kissed me. I could tell that tasting her pussy on my lips turned her on. She looked in my eyes and told me, 'I can't give you what you want, but maybe there's something else?' I did the classic push-on-her-head move, and she went right down. Jan, she practically worshipped my dick. She was studying it like she'd never seen one before. Then she did it. She took me in her mouth."
"Oh, God. You got a blowjob from Mom. You are a man among men. How was it?"
"How do you think? I mean, even if she didn't give a good one, just to have your Mom take your dick in her mouth. What could be better? But Jan, I'm telling you, our Mom is a champion at blowjobs. She was sucking it with her mouth while she stroked me with her hand. She's a champion."
"She swallow?" Jan was breathless.
"Like she was dying of thirst. Even if it wasn't Mom, it may have been the best blowjob I've ever had. But it was her. I thought I was going to die."
"But you never fucked her?"
"Nope. But I'll get there. While you had your face buried in Liz's pussy, I had mine buried in Mom's. We spent all day at it. She couldn't get enough. Listen to how hot she still is." We could hear the bed, squeaking away.
I took Jan's hand in mine. "But the best part was when we were laying in bed, this bed, talking. I asked her why she had gotten so angry with me that day in the kitchen. What she said was beautiful, I thought. She kissed me, and said, 'I knew someday that day would come, Kevin, and I was afraid. I had wondered what I would do if, when you became a man, you asked me for it. All I could ever think was that I would give it to you if that's what you really wanted. I have never denied you kids anything you really wanted, have I? How could I deny you the one thing you wanted more than anything? But it scared me that the moment had come. That's all.'"
Jan looked at me. She knew what that meant for her. "See?" she said. "That's what I told you. More Mothers and Sons have fucked than you can imagine. It has to be the most pure love ever." Jan was trembling. "So you think I have a shot?"
"Based on what she said, you just might. I have to tell you, though. It can't be just sex because you want a notch on your bra strap, or wherever you girls put your notches. It has to be love, Jan. She's our Mom."
Jan leaned over and kissed me. "My little brother has grown up into a good man, I'd say."
"And Jan?"
"Mom loves ass play. I got my finger in it while I was eating her, and she was like a tiger."
Jan cradled my face in her hands. "Show me, Kev. Show me how Mom likes it."