Chapter 05

The rest of the week was an emotional blur. I hung around Mom like a puppy, with it getting to the point that she had to jerk my leash.

"Stop it, Kevin. You're acting like a lovesick fool, and if you think your father and sister aren't going to notice, you'd better think again. I've already seen Jan looking at me strangely. Act normal, Son. We'll have our time together."

Then there was Jan. She stayed turned on. I couldn't satisfy her. Every night she would sneak into my room. We'd whisper, listen to Mom and Dad, and then succumb to our own urges.

I don't remember ever hearing Mom and Dad go at it before, when Jan and I were teenagers, but they were sure going at it now. It seemed that almost every night the bedsprings would be squeaking.

I couldn't decide if Jan was going for Mom or Dad, or both. She had become very affectionate with both of them. One night instead of sitting on the couch with Mom and me, Jan playfully climbed into Dad's lap to watch our programs. I was watching, as was Mom, as we held hands under the throw. Jan leaned down and whispered something into Dad's ear, then they both laughed and she wriggled her butt on him. To me, it spoke volumes, but until the next day I didn't know if Mom noticed.

As we sat in the kitchen drinking coffee, Mom asked, "Have you noticed Jan acting a little strangely lately?"

I almost choked on my coffee, because only a couple of hours before I had my dick buried to the hilt in Jan's pussy. "She's always strange, isn't she?"

"You know what I mean. Did you see her last night on your Dad's lap? If I didn't know better, I'd think she was trying to get him interested. You don't think so, do you?"

I stood up and walked behind her, bending down to kiss her neck while I cupped her breast. "Would it be so bad? I mean, look at us."

Mom gave a throaty laugh. "I guess not. They're both adults. I've just always wondered about Jan. Sometimes she sends off sexual vibes that she doesn't seem to care in which direction they go. You know what I mean?"

I cleared my throat. This was an opening I had hoped for, but I had to tread carefully. I didn't want to get Jan in trouble or compromise her with Mom. How do you tell your Mom that her daughter wants to jump her bones? "Jan is a very sexual woman, Mom. Surely you must know that. She's your daughter, and you're the most sexual person I know."

"I guess so," Mom laughed. "I remember when I was her age."

I spoke a little hesitantly. "I hope I'm not compromising a confidence, so don't let her know I told you this."


"Jan told me once that she loved beautiful men and she loved beautiful women. She said we shouldn't be so quick to label people."

I expected Mom to gasp or cry or something, but she didn't. She mused, "I thought so. I don't care, you know. I just want you kids to be happy. My thinking has always been that love is such a precious thing, that we should celebrate it wherever we find it. Who cares if it's a man or woman, as long as there's love?"

Wow. Mom was much more open than I expected, so I thought I'd ramp it up a notch. "She's always thought you were beautiful, Mom. Who knows? Maybe she's going after you and Dad, both." I laughed when I said that, to take the edge off a little. I feared I might be walking too close to the edge, but Mom and I had had some pretty deep discussions lately.

She laughed and pushed me away. "Oh, get on, you. God, now you're telling me I have both my children after me?"

"I'm just saying."

I sat back down and Mom continued. "I don't think so. Maybe your Dad, but I don't know. It's different between daughters and fathers, and mothers and sons, you know. It's the power differential. Society frowns on daughter-father sex and, when the children are young, well it should. That's just wrong. But consenting adults? That's an issue to be debated for centuries, I guess."

I nodded. I knew exactly what she was saying. I couldn't imagine any man feeling victimized if he made love to his Mother, but we were always reading about women who felt victimized by their Dads. Kind of like the female teachers in the news for sleeping with young men in their class. As long as they're over 18, who cares? Plus, every man who read such an article thought, "I wish we had teachers like that when I was younger." But reverse the scenario and make it a male teacher with a female student and, even if she was over 18, the response was, "Yuck."

"Besides," Mom said. "I can't see your father doing that. He's pretty strait-laced, you know."

I laughed at that. "It doesn't sound like it at night."

That made Mom laugh. "I guess we have gotten pretty hot lately. It's just that you have me so worked up I can't stand it. Your Dad seems the same way at night."

We looked at each other, smiling. "Jan," we said together.

Then Jan walked in, rubbing her eyes. "I don't know what got into me last night. I slept like the dead."

I looked at her and smiled. I knew very well what had gotten into her last night. Me.

Jan got her coffee and the three of us sat chatting. Mom seemed particularly animated and after her initial jolt of caffeine, so did Jan. Sitting there with my Mother and Sister, both of whom had sucked my dick, was one of the most exciting experiences I could have imagined. Several times Mom or Jan had to jolt me out of my revery. I did notice, though, that the conversation flow seemed to be concentrated between Jan and Mom. They made a lot of eye contact. "Hmmm," I wondered. "What is this?"

After breakfast the sun was beaming down, so we agreed to adjourn to the pool. Jan and I went to our rooms to change into our suits, and I gave her a quick synopsis of the conversation Mom and I had. Jan's face beamed. At the pool, we all three got in and horsed around a lot. I managed to get surreptitious feels of both of them, and both of their hands found their way to my hard dick. The real fun, for me at least, was watching the horseplay between Jan and Mom. Once I was looking away and when my focus returned to them, both hanging from the diving board at the deep end, I was almost certain I had seen Jan's hand on Mom's ass. Mom gave no sign of it, but when Jan's eyes met mine, there was a hungry smirk on her face.

When we had our fill of swimming, we moved to the lounge chairs. For the past few days at the pool I had been responsible for putting sunscreen on Mom, but I was supplanted by Jan. I was laying on my stomach with sunglasses on, and I took advantage of the lesson Jan was giving on sensuously applying sunscreen. Her movements were gentle and smooth, where mine had been more aggressive. I squirted the sunscreen on Mom's back and then rubbed it in, while Jan squirted it in her hands first. After finishing Mom's back, Jan didn't hesitate. She put some lotion in her hands and started on the backs of Mom's legs. Maybe I was wrong, but I thought Mom was making slight little hunching motions against the lounger. There was no doubt that Mom spread her legs for Jan, who took advantage of it and rubbed the sunscreen right up to the edge of Mom's pussy.

That night, after dinner, I got a real dose of reality. Mom and I sat in our usual positions but when Jan came in, she pushed between us. "You always get Mom, Kev, and besides, the view of the screen is better here. How about a little sharing?"

What could I do? Jan and I did have a pact. How much farther I got with Mom depended on her now, and copping a feel of her pussy under the throw would not get me any closer. Jan, on the other hand...

I slid my hand on Jan's leg and started a move upwards. She grabbed my hand and positioned it on her left leg, closest to me. I could not tell you what program was on that night, for my focus was on the connection between Jan and Mom. It's a wonder I didn't go cross-eyed, for I had my face forward but my eyes to the right for hours. I thought I saw a little movement in Mom's lap. Could that be Jan's hand on Mom's leg? Did Mom have her hand on Jan's thigh, like she did mine when we sat together? I have to say, jealousy started to rear its ugly head, but I stifled it. After all, other than seeing Mom's face on my dick, I couldn't imagine anything hotter at the moment than the thought of Jan feeling Mom up.

When the program ended and Dad stood up with his customary, "Time for bed, kiddos," I jumped up and took the throw with me. Ah, ha! Jan and Mom couldn't react fast enough, and I saw their hands on each other's legs. I didn't say a word. I went to Mom and leaned down for a good night kiss, and got a little tongue action from her. My guess was that she could not have been hotter. Old Dad was in for a treat tonight, I was sure.

After everyone had settled, Jan came into my room and took her normal position, cross-legged on my bed.

I looked at her and smirked. "Well, little girl. Are you proud of yourself, sitting there feeling up your own Mom?"

"Oh, God, Kev! I've never been so hot in my life. Jesus, I could smell her. She was getting into it."

"Hell, you practically had your hands on her pussy at the pool. What do you think? You've done this before. Are you going to...?"

"Don't count chickens, Kev. You remember how she reacted the next morning after you rubbed her leg at the movie? Slow and easy. That's how you do it. Whatever happens will be her decision."

At that moment we heard the familiar squeak of their bed again. Jan looked at me with an impish grin. "Let's see if we can catch them at it"

As quietly as we could, we tip-toed out of my room to kneel at Mom's door. Jan slowly, ever so slowly, turned the knob and eased the door open enough that we could see in. Dad was on top and was humping away. I had to give it to the old boy, he was doing a good job. Mom's legs were wrapped around his, and she was meeting his every movement. We heard Mom say, "Roll over," and Jan eased the door shut.

When Jan opened the door again, we were shocked to see Mom astride Dad in a reverse cowboy. Mom. Doing a reverse cowboy. My dick could not have been harder. She had her eyes tightly closed and was rhythmically pumping on him, with him hunching up into her. We could hear the squishing of their fucking. Jan and I were on our knees, peering in, while holding hands. My mouth was hanging open, and when I looked over at Jan, so was hers.

Then Mom opened her eyes. Jan and I both started and were prepared for a quick getaway, when Mom took her right hand off Dad's knee and raised her finger to her lips in a shushing gesture. Her eyes met mine. Her mouth opened slightly and she licked her lips, looking right at me. She then shifted her gaze to Jan and gave a slight smile. Keeping her eyes on Jan's, she again licked her lips and then quickly spun off Dad and turned around. Her magnificent butt was presented to us as she gave Dad what I knew was a champion blowjob.

She moved her leg across Dad's and shifted so that she was kneeling on his left side, purposely giving us a view of her sucking Dad's dick. His was bigger than mine, maybe not in length, but certainly fatter. Mom raised her mouth off him and looked at us. Then she took the head of his dick in her mouth, still keeping her eyes on ours, first looking at me, then at Jan. The message was, to me, unmistakeable. To me, it was, "This is how I look when I'm sucking you." To Jan, it was, "This is your Father's dick. Can you beat me at this?"

When Dad erupted in her mouth, she collapsed on him and moved up his body to kiss him. Jan and I took that as our clue, and quietly eased away from the door. One of us must have made a sound because we heard Dad say, "What was that?"

"It was probably mice," Mom said. "I've been telling you to put traps out."

When we got back to my bed, Jan was trembling. "That is the hottest thing I've ever seen," she said. "Oh, God, I've got to fuck both of them."

Jan and I made a world record, I'm sure, of stripping our clothes. She threw me on my back and took me in her mouth. Mimicking exactly what Mom had done, she shifted to my side and sucked the head of my dick while she stroked the shaft. She looked up into my eyes, and I exploded. We had had some pretty hot sex before, but this night topped them all. I wondered if Mom could hear the squeaking of my bed. I hoped so.

Jan stayed with me that night and we fell asleep spooning. The next morning I was up before her, of course, and slipped on a pair of gym pants and a tee shirt to go downstairs. Mom was sitting in her usual position at the kitchen table and, when she saw me, a smirk crossed her lips.

"Enjoy the show?"

"Oh, God, Mom. That was sooooo hot. Please. If I don't have you, I'm going to explode."

"All things come to him who waits, Honey," she said. "Be patient. I want it, too. I realize that. We will. Just be patient with me." As she said that she reached to my lap and squeezed my dick. "Did you like how I sucked your Father?"

I could only moan.

She smiled at me with her usual Mom smile. "We've come a long way this summer, haven't we?"

"Oh, yeah. I'd say so."

"And I think we're all going to go a lot farther." She nodded as she said it. "So, did Jan enjoy it, too?"

I laughed. "What do you think?"

"What did she say?"

There were no more secrets between Mom and me. We had taken oral to new heights, I had fingered the hell out of her ass, and I was now sure I would be fucking her sooner, rather than later. I told her exactly what Jan had said about wanting to fuck her and Dad, both.

"As I said, all things come to him, and her, who waits."

And then Jan walked in.

Jan was glowing. The usual "Grumpy Cat" Jan in the morning was not there, but a bubbly and excited Jan was in her place. She wasted no time.

"God, Mom. That was the hottest thing I've ever seen. You could be in porn, Mamacita!"

Mom blushed. "I didn't plan it, for sure, but it was so hot when I saw you two kneeling there at the door, I couldn't help myself. Am I a terrible Mom?"

I started, "Hell, No,..." and then Jan interrupted.

"Mom, you are the hottest woman I've ever known. You're also the best Mom in the world. So, there."

That pleased her, but then she got a serious look on her face. "I don't know any other way to ask this, but I did notice how hot you two were last night. Are you...?"

Jan and I looked at each other. I don't know what Jan's plan was, or if she had even thought about our being confronted directly like this, but I knew I didn't want any secrets from Mom. "It just happened, Mom. I was so hot because of you, and Jan and I started talking, and the next thing we knew..."

Mom held up her hand. "I don't need details," and she smirked a little, "Maybe later, but not now. But you didn't start as children, please tell me that."

Jan jumped in. "Oh, hell no, Mom. It's just been this summer. I will tell you, though, that my little brother is a stud."

Mom sighed. "And you talked about me?"

This time it was Jan's turn to blush. "Yeah," she said softly. "Turns out we both wanted the same thing."

Mom hesitated. "So, how much do you know?"

Jan didn't answer, but looked at me.

Mom laughed a little. "I guess that tells me the answer, doesn't it? Well, what do you think about that, Jan? Does that make us a perverted family?"

"Mom, you would not believe the number of guys I date who I am convinced have slept with their Moms. And those who have not, want to. Based on my experience, I'd say it makes us pretty normal."

That got everyone laughing. "Well, what are we going to do about Dad? I'm afraid he's sure to find out, or at least, to suspect."

"You leave Dad to me," Jan replied. "I've got plans for him. He just doesn't know it yet."

"Are you so sure about that? What about your squirming your butt on him the other night? You think he's made of stone?"

Jan guffawed. "It felt like part of him was!"

Mom laughed, too. "Yeah, he gave it to me pretty good after that. I knew what he was thinking. It was hot!"

Then we told Mom what Jan had said the night we heard the bed squeaking, about Mom fucking me in her mind, Dad fucking Jan in his mind, and us fucking each other. Mom laughed at it. "You might not be far wrong there, you know. But really, what are we going to do about it?"

"Like I said," Jan replied. "You just leave Dad to me. As long as you're okay with it, I know what's going to happen. Are you okay with it?"

Mom giggled. "I'd be pretty hypocritical if I said I wasn't, wouldn't I? But you have to be careful, Jan. That's a big step. I know it has been for me. Parents are supposed to protect their children. There's a pretty big stigma about fathers who sleep with their daughters, you know. Kind of backwoods. He may not go for it, even if he wants to."

"But I'm not a little girl, Mom. I'm a woman who wants to sleep with a man she has loved all her life. That's not wrong."

"You can say that, Jan, but you two will always be our babies."

I jumped in. I have to admit, the thought of Jan fucking Dad was pretty hot. I knew what a tigress she was in bed. I just hoped she didn't give Dad a heart attack. Besides, there was still more I wanted from Mom. "Isn't it just a blooming of a love that has grown for years, Mom? When someone loves another person, regardless of gender," I paused and looked at Jan, knowing I was doing her a solid by saying that, "sex is a natural progression. Between parents and offspring, or between siblings, that love gets kind of stunted. It hits a roadblock. We want it, but aren't supposed to go there. But what if we do go there? Isn't it what love is supposed to be? I know I love you more now than ever. I even love Jan more than ever."

Jan reached over and punched my arm. "Jerk."

Mom paused. "I guess it can be. I know I feel closer to you than I ever thought I could, Kevin." She looked at Jan. "If that's what you want with your Father, then go for it."

Jan looked in her eyes. "That may not be all I want, Mom."

Mom blushed and looked down at her hands on the table. "One step at a time, okay?"​
Next page: Chapter 06
Previous page: Chapter 04