Page 07

That's when I pushed the tip of my thumb inside her dark little hole like I'd seen in porn vids. Her head snapped up sharply, face contorted, but not completely in pain. I regretted it instantly but at the same time a strange pleasure sucked an extra spurt from my spent dick. Mom's ass suddenly quivered and her legs began to shake. Her pussy expelled my softening cock as her toes lost the strength to keep her up. I sank back onto my own heels, a final spurt leaving a gob of cum on her cheeks which was quickly covered when the dress fell into place over her hips. Mom smoothed it down her legs, straightened her hair, and walked away without looking back at me. She went into the kitchen and, from the sounds, began loading the dishwasher. Unsure of how to handle the situation, I went upstairs to my room and stayed there until the next morning.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -​

It was Saturday and my damned father didn't go out all day. When I asked if he was going golfing he asked me if I wanted to play.

"No, I have to study."

"That's too bad," he replied.

"Have you seen Mom?" I asked. "Did she go out?"

"No, I think she's in her office."

I knocked lightly on Mom's door then opened it and entered. She was sitting at her desk but didn't look at me though she didn't seem to be doing anything. She was staring at her computer screen, which was blank.

I felt bad about the night before. I had done the wrong thing but I couldn't help myself. She had just looked so sexy I got carried away. I approached her, ready to beg forgiveness. It wasn't all my fault. She could have walked away when I lifted her dress and put my hands on her ass. She could have said 'No' in a forceful manner but she didn't. She simply let me lift her skirt, put my hands on her ass and pulled her panties down. No, it wasn't all my fault, not by a long shot. Still, I hated to see her looking so sad. I had to apologize. I had to make things right.

I stopped beside her but my presence was not acknowledged. I didn't like being ignored. She gave the silent treatment to my father when she was angry with him. It was something I refused to tolerate. I didn't want to fight with her but before I knew it I had grasped her chin and turned her head toward me. Though I did it gently, Mom kept her eyes averted. I spoke softly.

"Look at me."

She refused. She didn't say anything but her gaze remained fixed, staring at my belly rather than at my face. I tilted her face upward.

"Look at me," I repeated.

Still, she didn't speak and her eyes lowered to remain fixed on my stomach.

"Mother, do as I say."

But she wouldn't. I looked back to make sure I had shut the door, then looked down at her and put my hands on my belt.


My request, demand really, was met with a silence that drained away the last of my desire to apologize. I pulled my belt until the buckle loosened and held it, looking at Mom. She didn't even blink so I released it and pulled it through the buckle. My zipper was down in a flash and I paused again. Mom's gaze was steadfast. I stretched my shorts out and unlimbered my cock. I was sure she would react then but she didn't. She had called my bluff.

I steered my cock toward her and touched her cheek with the tip, then slid it to the corner of her mouth and across her chin to the other side. Lifting it higher, I rubbed it across her lips, their fullness depressing and springing back to mark its passage. Mom didn't shy away and that was tremendously exciting.

"You shouldn't defy me," I said.

I tried to push the tip between her lips but they were clamped too tight so I put my thumb on her chin and pressed down to open her mouth. My cock slipped inside and for the second time in my life I started to fuck Mom's face. I moved steadily but gently in and out. I didn't hold her head because, as strange as it seems, I wanted to afford her the opportunity to pull away so she couldn't say I forced her. God, her mouth felt good! Too good, in fact. My hand found the back of her head.

"Suck it," I whispered, urging her forward to take more.

I couldn't stop now if I tried and I knew that meant I had lost control despite the fact that my hand held her head in place and my cock was moving back and forth in her mouth, forcing her to produce more and more saliva. The feeling was exquisite. I had never felt anything like it, except for her cunt. Ahhhh, I wanted that again too. Tonight. I had to find a way to have her tonight, father or no father.

"Suck it," I growled. I pulled on her head. "Oh yeah, like that. Suck it!"

Mom put the flat of her hands on my thighs, bringing my cock to a full stop. Despite the sudden loss of ecstasy, I didn't try to pull her head back onto my shaft. She looked up at me, then abruptly forced her mouth down the length of my shaft, was stymied about three quarters down but then progressed the rest of the way with a hard shake of her head, lips chewing as she gobbled the remains of my cock. It felt so incredible my legs weakened and if it hadn't been for Mom's arms circling around my thighs I might have fallen. Shaking her head again, Mom withdrew up my shaft which reflected the harsh light of the office as the slick pole emerged from her lips. I almost fainted when the tip slid out of her throat and gasped when her mouth released it completely, abandoning it to the cold air.

Mom pulled back, glanced up at me and smiled, unaware of the thin stream of saliva that connected her lips to the tip of my cock. She looked at it then, chuckled hoarsely, and scooped it up with her mouth before the strand broke. I sighed as the tip of my cock was recaptured and moaned as her lips scraped down my shaft, groaned when her head shook to gobble the rest of me and cried out when I felt myself breaching the tightness of her throat. She stayed on me longer this time, pushing her face into the flesh surrounding my root and closing a hand around my balls. The retraction was slower and her head swirled around the tip, tongue working, before she released, this time pulling back more carefully and watching the thicker stream of saliva stretch from cock to lips.

Mom laughed without looking up at me and threw herself back onto my cock, quickly gobbling it to the root, swallowing the head and an inch or so of my shaft and squeezed with her throat while she tickled my balls. When she pulled off the stream of saliva connecting us was very thick but it lost its hold anyway and snapped, a strand falling towards both of us like a broken bridge collapsing back to its banks. Mom was looking at the section falling toward me when the unexpected happened, a demonstration of my youth and lack of control. My cock exploded in her face!

A huge rope of white goo bolted from my tip and sailed the six or eight inches to splash onto her forehead, quickly followed by another stream that, because I started to hunch forward in reaction to the awesome pleasure bolting through my cock, struck lower and sprayed her nose and upper left cheekbone. Most of the third flew into her mouth but some painted her lips. The rest landed on her neck and dress. I was powerless to stop any of it, my limbs racked by convulsions gripping my groin.

Mom calmly opened a lower drawer and pulled out a bunch of Kleenex. Then she did an incredibly erotic thing. She pulled my cock into her mouth and sucked it clean, extracting one or two ghost squirts in the process, and then wiped my shaft dry before wiping a single drop of goo from her face. She leaned back in her chair and swiveled it toward the desk, swiping the mouse on the pad to activate the screen. I felt like I had been dismissed so I refastened my pants and stood awkwardly for a moment before turning away. As I opened the door, Mom spoke.

"Did you get what you came for?"

I turned around but she was looking at the screen rather than me.

"For the most part," I answered.

"That's all there is," she replied.

I started to answer but she lifted the hand holding the mouse and waved it to indicate she was busy and we were done. I closed the door behind me.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Later that night, awake in my bed and slowly stroking my cock, I was planning scenarios that would enable me to have Mom even if Dad was home. I knew I couldn't fuck her on the dining room table again. That had ended well only because he had probably passed out and hadn't been awake when I pummeled her from behind.

Despite the cutoff implied by Mom's words, I meant to have her again, and not just once; many times. I wanted her face to face and more gently than the first time to convince her of my love and that I didn't want her just for sex. I cringed at the memory of my cock filling her face with my goo but my cock stiffened anyway. Sure, that had been hot, but I wanted to make love to her too. How could I get her away for long enough to do it well and have the freedom to speak and, hopefully, make her cry out in pure joy the way she had done for me?

In a flash, I snapped out of my reverie. What was that? I was sure I had heard something. I listened for the telltale sound of my father emptying his bladder. Sometimes he went to bed without remembering to pee but there was nothing. I strained my ears. I had heard something but couldn't say exactly what, a click, a scrape—my mind was blank. The fridge kicked in downstairs. Relief. That was it. The motor must click when it started.

I sucked in my breath. No. There was something else. I could sense it even if I couldn't hear it. I lifted my head and stared at the door, or more accurately, where I knew it was, and the hallway beyond. It was pitch black in my room, by design because of the black curtains I used to shut out light from the street. Something was in the hallway. No, closer. In my room! The hair rose on the back of my neck and a chill wriggled down my spine.

There! I couldn't hear it but I sensed mass pressing into the carpet. I released my cock and put my hands on the mattress to enable a springing escape should one be needed. Thankfully, I had been thinking of Mom and had pulled the covers down to fondle my cock. I was ready.

"Mason, are you awake?"

It was Mom! Relief flooded through me. I wasn't about to be killed in a home invasion. It was just Mom. Mom! Shit my cock was sticking up like a lighthouse. I reached for the covers, then remembered it was pitch black. If I couldn't see her, she couldn't see me.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"About tonight…" she started, then stopped.


I could understand, and sympathize, if she was guilty about how far we'd gone. I had felt the same way but the lure of her body—her legs, breasts, mouth, and pussy—and her mature but pretty face, sparkling eyes, and laughter when she was happy, had taken me far beyond guilt. I wanted her, badly, and now that I'd had her I would never give her up. I braced for an argument that I had to win, folded my hands behind my head, and forced myself to relax.

Be cool, Mason. Don't blow it.

A soft footstep fell beside me. I didn't know she was so close! The mattress depressed beside my chest, followed by another depression on the other side, and skin scraped my chest. Mom had straddled me. Hands found the back of my elbows and pressed outward, holding my hands in place until knees pinned them for good.


"Shhhhhhhh. Don't be stupid," she spoke harshly, then followed up in a softer tone. You'll wake your father."

"What do…"

"Stop talking and listen."

I remembered the advice I had given myself just seconds ago. Okay, she wants to tell me it's over. I'll listen and dissuade her after, gently moving her off her position until she sees the justice in mine. We loved each other. That was a good start. She didn't love Dad, at least not the way she used to, and wasn't sexually attracted to him anymore; that much was obvious. And clearly, we got off on each other. Surely, we could forget the fact we were mother and son?

Mom repositioned her knees, squirming higher until they were above my shoulders with her feet hooked under my armpits. I couldn't feel any material. There wasn't any sign of a nightgown. She must be wearing a very short one. I wished I could see because I would be looking right at her pussy. The image was so strong I could actually smell it, her beautiful, pungent pussy. The scent of cunt was strong in my mind.

"Downstairs you had your turn. Now it's mine."

Fingers clutched my hair and lifted my head. Thighs pressed in against my cheeks and a pair of huge, puffy, wet lips smashed upon my mouth.

"Lick it," Mom hissed.

Her hips churned, rubbing her pussy up and down my face, her lips lower parted to let her slit skid over my nose. She shook from side to side, squishing across my face.

"Stick your tongue out."

There was more rubbing.

"Stick it out!"

I did. I stuck my tongue out as far as it would go and tried to make it stiff.

"That's it," Mom cried, forgetting the need to be quiet.

Her pussy rotated until her inner hole found my stiff tongue and sunk upon it. Immediately, she began working on it and I tipped my head back to free my nose so I could breathe. Her pubic hair ground against my lips and I had to fight the tension of her hands lifting my face to keep it mashed against her gyrating pussy, at least enough to let in a little air. Was this what it was like to accept my cock plunging in and out of her mouth and throat? If so, it was a worthwhile trade. If this felt as good to her as my cock felt in her mouth then I could suffer this as long and as often as she wanted to do it. As long as I got a turn. I moved my face, trying to figure out what would feel best for her. She became more animated.

"Yes, yes, oh yessss," she mewled.

I sucked and poked and swirled my tongue and even managed to work my hands free so I could reach up and hold her tits, squeezing and teasing her nipples. Mom was absolutely buck naked! I imagined her sneaking out of bed and creeping silently down the hall, naked as a jailbird, thinking about what she was about to do. The definition of horniness on the prowl!

This was not to be a two minute ravaging of my face. Mom had a much greater capacity to absorb pleasure than I did. I had spurted off after a few short strokes into her throat but she worked my face for ages. She slowed down and rubbed and scrubbed my face, mashed her labia on my cheeks and nose. Hell, once she even rubbed it up and down on my throat for a bit. For a long time she held my head and steered my tongue around and around her lips, pausing to let it flick around her clit, then around the labia again. Over and over. I lost track of time. It had to be twenty minutes but I wouldn't be surprised if it was longer.

I wondered how many orgasms she'd had. She became quite agitated several times but when she did come, bathing my face in a tidal wave of feminine fluid, the mystery was solved. One big one, a huge one, with smaller achievements piled upon each other on the way. That lesson stood me well in later years. How to squeeze every drop of pleasure from sex, approaching the brink only to withdraw and enjoy nearing the precipice again, and again.

Afterward, Mom pulled the sheet up to clean and dry my face, then yanked it away the way she did when stripping the bed. I was surprised when she lay down beside and snuggled in against my left shoulder. I leaned down and our lips met. It was a sweet, platonic kiss but nice. When it was done, she shifted up to lay on top of me.

"Do you want to be inside me again?"

God, the capacity of women was amazing. I nodded, forgetting she couldn't see me in the dark but she knew the answer anyway. Her body lifted and I knew she was preparing to suck my cock inside her.

"Can you be quiet?" she asked.

That was rich, given the sounds she had just made.

"Yeah, no worries."

She proved me wrong on the first stroke, sinking down in a dramatic drop that banged her slick lips into the hair around my root.

"Sorry," I muttered, to make up for the wail that met her exquisite attack.

"It's okay," she said, laughing. "I shut both bedroom doors just in case."

That explained the click.

Mom rode my cock which was already at full mast so she didn't have to be gentle in case it bent. She drew her tight lips all the way up, almost coming off, then plunged down, sometimes straight and other times twisting her cunt around my shaft. She played with me and that ruined me for many other women. She thoroughly pleasured my cock and, though I knew she was a considerate lover, took every opportunity to reach her own peaks and kick them higher.

We fucked for a long time, a very long time. I played with her tits and forgot about them, dropping them in favor of caressing her hips, thighs, stomach, whatever I could reach, then rediscovered her breasts again. For a while I held the sides of her face as if I could gaze lovingly into her eyes if I could actually see them. Sometimes Mom sat upright upon me working in a steady, almost languid rhythm and others she leaned over me and galloped like a jockey heading for the finish line. That's how she ended it, riding me like a race horse, her face close to mine, our breaths intermingling in a steady stream of frantic gasps.

She stayed on my cock for a long time afterward, giving it the occasional squeeze, but it eventually softened and slipped out. We kissed and nuzzled most of the time for a while after that but didn't speak except to express out love for each other, once. A long, tender final kiss was awarded before she slipped out of my bed. Somewhere in the dark, while she was still in the room, she spoke.

"I think I'll make you blueberry pancakes for breakfast."
- - - - - - - - - - - -​

You'd think all my ire would have been directed at Mom after learning she alone was responsible for selling the Cuda and the desire for retribution would be diminished once she gave herself to me in atonement for her sin. But that wasn't the case. I was angry that my father hadn't sacrificed the Cuda himself for my benefit, like Mom had done, so I found myself making Mom pose for pictures in front of him.

I positioned her in the way I had become accustomed. I molded her into alluring poses by with hands that fondled as much as guided. At first Mom was upset but when I persisted she acquiesced though she remained nervous about my father's reaction. For his part, he seemed unaware but after a few days I realized he was actually pretending not to notice. I couldn't figure out why he was tolerating my behavior except to think that if it was okay with Mom it was okay with him.

This was strange ground. Though she seemed uncomfortable Mom was always excited after a posing session in front of Dad and would often find an excuse to go upstairs or downstairs soon after. Of course, I followed her.

Mom was quick to give me a blow job and sometimes impatiently dug my cock out of my pants. Once, she couldn't wait to go farther afield and did it in the kitchen but usually we had full sex upstairs in her room or mine or downstairs in the laundry room. That time was scary because we got carried away and the dryer rattled like a freight train roaring by when I banged her against it. It as safter to bend her over the bed.

Things took a turn deeper into the strange when I began fondling Mom without the excuse of taking pictures for my Ergonomics class. I slipped my hand around her waist while talking to her and grazed my palm up and down the side of her breast before sliding down over her buttock. I sat next to Mom on the couch when we watched TV and caressed the side of her leg, hip and breast and often kissed her on the cheek. My father said nothing but he must have been aware of what I was doing.​
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