Chapter 01.1
As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters within are only figments of my imagination! Enjoy!
I'd been studying for the big Chemistry test for the better part of two hours. It was past midnight and I guess I had been dozing for a while when I was jerked awake from noise from my parents' bedroom which was across the hallway from mine. I could hear Mama's voice, shrill and angry as it always seemed to be lately, intermittingly -- "Keep...awake. Get up...walk I can get some sleep."
I heard the old wood floor creaking and then my parents' bedroom door open and close and then the familiar footsteps of my father descending the stairs. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. Daddy was hurting again. My heart ached for him. The last several months had seen him inflicted with leg pains -- night cramps that kept him up and often walking the floor at all hours. Daddy was the floor supervisor at the local paper factory and he worked hard...always down on the lines with the men and not taking it easy behind a desk.
I pushed away from my desk and crept to my door and opened it slightly. In the quiet of the late night, I could hear Mama already snoring again and occasional grunts of pain from my father as he tried to walk off his misery. Mama wasn't too sympathetic, especially when the doctor had said it wasn't something too critical -- just night cramps common to men of Daddy's age. Mama tended to have a hard view on things, especially when they interfered with her sleep. It was becoming an old story that when Daddy got too restless in bed with his hurting legs, Mama would shoo him out of the room so she could sleep.
A louder groan came from downstairs and before I knew what I was doing, I was already hurrying down the stairs, my bare feet slapping along the smooth and worn wooden steps. I followed the groans through the narrow hallway of our old house and into the living room where Daddy was standing before the unlit fireplace, his head against the bricks as he flexed and worked his legs.
"Daddy? Are you okay?"
My father's head came up and he looked at me, the pain evident in his eyes. "Hey, Pooh," Daddy replied, using the nickname he'd been calling me for as long as I could remember. My real name was Lillian, named after my maternal grandmother by Mama. Most people called me Lilly, but I liked it when Daddy called me Pooh. "I'm alright...just hurting a bit. Sorry if I woke you up."
I shook my head and came over to stand beside him, resting my hand on his shoulder. "No, I was studying, Daddy. I heard Mama...well, I heard you come down stairs. Is there anything I can do for you?"
Daddy shook his head and said, "No, honey. I just got to walk it out...let the muscles loosen on their own." He said it with a casual tone as if it was nothing, but I knew better. The last few months had been wearing on Daddy. There were dark circles under his blue eyes which were clouded with weariness and pain. His tall, lean frame which had always seemed so strong and formidable to me had become a little stooped lately.
"Daddy, are the doctors sure there's nothing else wrong with you...I mean, nothing really bad?"
My father winced a little before chuckling, putting on what I now knew was just his tough guy act, "Nothing, Pooh...I'm just getting old. Doctor Manning says it's just night cramps brought on from being on my feet so much and maybe stress or tension." He shrugged and said, "What can you do...just tough it out."
I couldn't help myself -- I just wrapped my arms as far as they would go around my father's waist and hugged him. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I'd give anything to make you feel better."
I felt Daddy's body tense up as I pressed myself against him, pretty much as he'd done since I'd hit puberty and went from being his rough and tumble tomboy to suddenly becoming a young woman with all the accompanying curves. I squeezed a little tighter and then let him go, Daddy's face a little redder than before -- an almost guilty look on his face. Then another spasm of pain crossed his face and he grunted as he reached down to rub the top of his thigh.
Daddy was wearing an Atlanta Braves T-shirt and an oversized pair of white boxer shorts that had little Braves tomahawks all over them. They were a Christmas gift from me from the previous year. Daddy hated regular pajamas, but he liked these for sleeping in. I could see the muscles in Daddy's thighs knotting as they cramped.
I reached out with one hand and placed it lightly on my father's chest and said, "Maybe if we massaged your legs, that would help. We do that sometimes on the track team...working Charlie-horses out."
Daddy laughed and said, "I don't's late and you need to get to bed. Tomorrow's a school day."
He seemed to be embarrassed by my offer, but I decided to insist. I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the big overstuffed chair he always sat in while watching television. It was a well worn leather chair that we'd had for as long as I could remember and it had always been Daddy's chair. "No...I'm good, Daddy and I'm pretty good at this. We won't know unless we try!"
Daddy grunted with amusement at that. 'You won't know unless you try,' was one of his favorite sayings whenever me or my big sister Amelia had balked at doing something because we thought it was too difficult. With a resigned sigh, Daddy eased himself into the chair, wincing as his legs continued to cramp. I settled onto my knees between his legs which he had stretched out till they were almost straight -- the muscles of his calves and thighs bulging with knots.
"Just try and relax, Daddy...take deep breaths...breathe!" I urged him as I began kneading his left calf, working my fingers hard against the tight, oxygen starved tissue.
Daddy gave a little yelp as I put a lot of pressure on his legs, working on those knots. I'm not very big, but since I was twelve, I've worked part-time at Allen's Bakery downtown, kneading dough and working in their kitchen and anyone that knew me knew I had a strong grip. "Relax, Daddy," I repeated softly as I worked my way up from his calf to his thigh, my fingers squeezing and massaging his thigh muscles -- loosening them up. I stared up into his face and gave him a little smile, happy that I could maybe do anything for the man I admired most in the world.
To say I was a 'Daddy's girl,' was a bit of an understatement. I was the youngest child in the family. Mama and Daddy had had Amelia when they were both twenty-five, scarcely a year after they had been married. I'd been a bit of a shock when Mama became pregnant with me when they were thirty-seven. After eighteen years, I still think Mama hasn't forgiven me for showing up as late as I did We had never been close -- not like I knew she was with Amelia who she had always doted on. Even after Amelia got married when I was seven and left home for Atlanta, Mama's attentions were always turned towards my big sister.
Daddy, on the other hand, made it clear from my earliest memories on that I was the apple of his eye. I could do no wrong and he was never too tired or busy to pay me attention. He took me fishing, taught me to hunt, taught me to drive and almost every night throughout my childhood, would read me to sleep...usually something from my Winnie the Pooh books which I adored and from where he bestowed me with his pet name for me...Pooh. With the onset of young womanhood, Daddy had grown a little more distant, but he was still my hero...always ready to defend me when the usual battles between Mama and me, required it. He wasn't permissive, but he was fair and had long recognized that while Mama loved me...there was a little bit of a disconnect there.
I switched attending to Daddy's right leg, massaging the tight muscles as I carefully studied his face for signs of relief. "I love you, Daddy!" I said softly as I worked my fingers around his right thigh, rubbing and massaging the knots until my fingers ached.
Daddy, who'd had his eyes closed, opened them and looked back down at me between his legs, not saying anything for a long time as we gazed into each other's eyes. Finally, almost too soft to hear, Daddy replied, "I love you too, Pooh."
"Is it helping, Daddy? Are your cramps easing up any at all?"
Again, my father took his time in answering as if he was having trouble focusing. Finally, in a husky voice, Daddy said, "Yeah,'m feeling better!"
I broke eye contact with Daddy to look down and confirm that his muscles were relaxing, looking down just in time to see movement in his shorts and I stifled a gasp as I recognized the signs as a lump snaked its way down Daddy's right leg beneath his shorts.
I felt my own face burning as I processed the information that scant inches from my kneading fingers, my father was popping wood...that my beloved Daddy had a growing erection! I continued to work on his leg as my brain tried to process what was happening. I knew I wasn't imagining things. I'd wrestled and fooled around with my boyfriends enough times to recognize the signs of a growing cock when I saw it!
I tried to fumble for an answer that didn't sound stupid, but Daddy rescued me when he reached down and ran his fingers through my black, curly hair and said, "I think I can...sleep now, Pooh. I reckon its time we both got to bed." He finished his movement through my hair and dropped his hand over the bulge in his shorts in a mostly vain effort to hide his hard-on.
I continued to massage his thigh, watching as his covered penis continued to grow until it was just an inch or two from my kneading fingers. Finally, I nodded dumbly, brushing my black, curly locks out of my eyes and climbed to my feet. Daddy smiled wanly at me, his embarrassment etched clearly on his face.
In a slightly strained voice that was barely above a whisper, I managed to get out, "Well, good night, Daddy!" and turned and hurried out of the living room, suddenly aware that I was wearing pajama shorts that molded quite closely to my behind, leaving no doubt as to the shape and tightness of my cheeks as well as exposing my bare legs. It was only as I hit the steps, going up them two at a time that I looked down to see the top buttons of my pajama top unbuttoned, making me wonder how well Daddy had been able to see down my top as I knelt between his feet.
When I got inside my bedroom, I locked the door and flung myself face down on my bed, trying to cover-up my flaming face as I realized that I was responsible for giving my daddy a raging boner! "So stupid...stupid...stupid, Lillian." I moaned into the bedspread. What had I been thinking? What did I expect? An eighteen year old in a shorty-pajama oufit, kneels between her father's legs and rubs his calves and thighs while offering him a glimpse of her perky titties...of course he was bound to get an erection!
Groaning, I rolled over and sat up, staring at the full length mirror hanging on the closet door opposite of me. Silently, I mouthed the words, "You made your daddy's cock hard!" I studied myself. I'm no sex symbol, but I know that boys and even a few of my teachers consider me pretty. At eighteen, I'd reached my full height of five foot, five inches tall and at one hundred, thirty pounds, I possessed a curvy 34C-24-36 figure. I had Daddy's blue eyes, a smattering of freckles across my pert nose and a mop of short, unruly, black hair that always looked a little wild and framed my face -- often hanging down over one eye.
I looked down again at my partially unbuttoned top and then leaned forward to simulate how it might have hung open when I was rubbing Daddy's legs. "Oh, God!" I groaned as I realized that he had been able to see pretty much all of my tits including my now erect nipples, eraser-sized nubs that stuck out nearly half an inch. I shivered. Why were my nipples hard?
I looked at again into the mirror and as the shock of seeing my father sporting wood over me began to fade, I became more aware of my own physical reaction. My nipples ached, throbbing more as the image of that big lump in Daddy's shorts came to mind. I wriggled on the bed, suddenly spreading my legs and almost moaning as I felt my pussy lips open a little, feeling hot and sticky -- peeling apart in that most delicious way when one realizes one is aroused. "Fuck I'm turned on!" I whispered as I again fell back into bed, scooting around until my head was on the pillow.
My mind was swirling as for the first time ever I was feeling horny over my father! My thoughts were scattered as I kept seeing that lump growing in Daddy's shorts while my hands fluttered over my chest and somehow unbuttoned my top, letting it fall away as my hands cupped and kneaded my breasts, palms scraping wickedly over my hardened nipples.
I let my left hand tease and pinch my blood swollen nipples while my right hand snaked down over my bare stomach and slid under the elastic waistband of my pajama shorts and then under my panties. "Omigod!" I gasped as my fingers slipped through my trimmed black-haired bush to discover that my pussy was really, really wet. I bucked my hips upwards off the bed as two fingers slipped between my aroused labia.
Fireworks went off in my brain as I imagined my hands had slid further up Daddy's leg to touch his erection through his boxers. I quivered with naughty pleasure as I envisioned tugging those shorts off Daddy to reveal his big cock and I was sure he was big...bigger than Darrel Jones or Billy Taft. The bulge in Daddy's shorts had been bigger than either of the cocks I had actually touched since I turned eighteen.
I was already cumming before my brain could process a fantasy of what I would do after I had Daddy's cock in my hand and I clamped my thighs around my fingering hand while I rolled around on my bed, grabbing a stuffed Winnie the Pooh lying next to me and mashing it against my mouth as my orgasm exploded, muffling my cries of "Daddy!" as my body convulsed with lusty pleasure at the thought of touching my own father's erect penis.
I think the effort of thinking of my father in such a sinful way was too much for my mind and even as I gasped for breath in the sweet aftermath of my orgasm, my brain was shutting down and I fell asleep with my fingers still in my pussy, hugging my stuffed bear to my face. My dreams were a weird mishmash of Daddy and me in various places...both of us naked and Daddy chasing me -- a cartoon-like monster erection jutting out from his always slowing down to let him catch me, but he never quite managing to do so.
"BREAKFAST...SCHOOL!" Daddy's voice bellowed through my door after he'd pounded on it a couple of times.
"S-fuh...okay, Daddy!" I mumbled back, slowly rolling into a sitting position on the side of the bed. I felt funny...out of sorts. I felt confused and horny and I sat sleepily staring at my right hand which seemed a little sticky and at my nipples which were stiff in the cool, morning air and which were more than a little sore. Last night came rushing back and I moaned again as I hit the floor and put on a robe before I headed for the bathroom and a quick shower.
Dressing took a bit longer as I debated on tops. I had planned to wear jeans and a black, lacy blouse that was a little low cut, but then reconsidered as it showed off the tops of my breasts. I changed into a more modest yellow blouse and was heading out the door when I stopped and changed back into the black blouse. Okay, last night had been a little weird, but I wasn't going to start dressing like a nun to avoid letting my father know I had tits.
Downstairs, Daddy was just plating up some scrambled eggs and as I slid into my usual spot at the kitchen table, he rumbled, "Good morning!"
"Morning, Daddy," I responded as he moved around the kitchen, putting the frying pan into the sink to soak and pausing to nibble at a piece of toast and sip at coffee, barely sparing me a glance. I tried to think if this was normal or if he was avoiding looking at me. "How did you sleep, Daddy?"
He paused and looked out the kitchen window for a moment before he turned and did look at me, a funny little smile on his face as he replied, "Y'know, Pooh -- I slept pretty good."
There was a sudden warmth in my gut that seemed to spread down between my legs and up into my breasts as his words both pleased me and revived the sudden strange arousal I had felt last night. As I felt my nipples harden against my bra, I said, "That's wonderful! I'll be glad to massage your legs again tonight!"
Daddy's smile got a little stranger and he downed his coffee nervously before he answered me, "Oh...I'm sure you don't have to do that, Pooh. I can't keep you up're a growing...uh, girl and you need your sleep." He set his cup down and glanced up at that stupid kitty-kat clock on the wall. "It's time, I hit the road. Can't be either."
He grabbed his lunchbox and came up behind me and I had to make an effort not to shiver as I felt his body leaning against the back of the chair and against me as he bent over and kissed me on the head. "Have a good day, Pooh!"
"You too, Daddy. Love you!" I replied as he hurried out the back door without a backwards glance as if he was embarrassed. I sat there for several minutes, letting my eggs grow cold as I tried to sort out the feelings I was having...knowing that I was definitely feeling turned on by my father.
"LILLIAN...HAVE YOU SEEN MY KEYS?" Mama's voice snapped the spell and things were suddenly normal again as Mama's usual daily routine began. Her tone of voice indicated that it was my job to keep up with her car keys and I sighed as I got up to find them so she didn't have a hissy fit before going to work as our town's second most successful insurance agent.
Her keys were where they usually were -- in the candy dish on the coffee table in the living room. I fished them out and went upstairs. "Here ya go, Mama," I said, holding them out.
Mama grabbed them out of my hand, murmuring, "Shit, I'm gonna be late."
I glanced at the clock on her bedside table and said, "Y'all got plenty of time, Mama." I hesitated for a moment and then decided to risk talking to my mother about Daddy. "Mama...are you sure Daddy's okay?"
My mother was shrugging on her suit jacket -- looking professional in a business skirt and blouse. Reaching up to pull her dark hair, liberally salted with gray, to tie it into a knot that was held together with a fancy clip, she glanced at me and said, "What are you talking about, Lillian?"
"Mama!" I replied in exasperation. "How much he's hurting at night...walking the floors till all hours."
Mama rolled her eyes and began putting her earrings on. "Your father is fine. He's just getting happens. You wait and see, girl. Everyone gets old." She huffed as if she resented having to talk to me about it.
"I know, he told me it was just old age and stress. But...isn't there anything you can do?"
"Like what?" Mama asked, looking into her bureau mirror, using her fingers to adjust her hair.
"Well..." I took a deep breath as for the first time since Mama and I had the talk, I brought up a taboo subject. "Don't you, help him lose stress, you, sex?"
Mama stood straight up and spun around, her face reddening with anger. "Lillian May Holland! You're presuming to ask me about your father's and my sex life? That's none of your damned business." Mama shouldered past me, grabbing her purse off the bed and slinging it over her shoulder. She stopped at the door and spun on her three inch high heels to glare at me. "I know you and that Billy Taft have fooled around. Just because you're eighteen and think you know everything about sex now - you wait until you're older and you've had a man grunting atop you for thirty years and see how you feel about sex."
Mama turned around and left the room, calling over her shoulder, "You'll put your foot down and stop all that foolishness when you're my age...wait and see." Then all I could hear was Mama stomping down the stairs, mumbling to herself before slamming the front door on her way out.
I sighed, feeling a little sad as I almost always did when I talked about anything with I have said, Mama always seemed exasperated or angry with me, but this...maybe it wasn't any of my business, but maybe it did explain why Daddy was so stressed. I remember when I was little and hearing the mattress springs in my parents' room getting a workout and Amelia explained what was going on. Back then, the noises happened a lot, but as the years passed, I heard them more infrequently and it suddenly dawned on me that I couldn't remember the last time I had heard that particular sound.
The day passed slowly and I couldn't get my mind off my Daddy and that big lump in his shorts and the thought that my parents no longer had sex and how I hated to see Daddy hurting. I blew my Chem quiz because I couldn't keep three things from dominating my thoughts...Daddy was in pain, Daddy had a big cock and Daddy wasn't getting any!
By the time I showed up at the bakery and began working the dough in preparation for the midnight run on donuts, those three items were completely intertwined. When I arrived home from work, Mama and Daddy were watching of those criminal investigation shows and I breezed by, pausing only long enough to assure them I had a good day while trying to not act weird in the presence of Daddy and trying to resist glancing at his crotch as he sat in his old overstuffed chair.
I took a shower which didn't help my state of near befuddlement, soaping my body up as images of that big thing hidden in Daddy's shorts flashed through my mind again and pussy tingling and slippery wet by the time I finished. I tried to study...a Civics test was coming up on Friday, but my attention was drawn away by every noise and sound from downstairs...growing worse as I heard my parents prepare for bed and then the house going quiet.
I tried to focus on Constitutional Amendments, but the words slithered away from me. I was ready to scream from anticipation when I finally heard murmuring from across the hall, followed by the creaks and thumps that cued me that Daddy was up again. I began counting silently, getting to almost five hundred before I heard a faint snore coming from my parents' room.
With my heart pounding in my chest, I got up from my desk and began moving towards the door, pausing to glance at myself in the mirror. A pretty, eighteen year old girl looked back, curly hair, still slightly damp framing a tense and nervous face while her hands fluttered aimlessly up and down her canary yellow baby-doll negligee.
It wasn't exactly sexy in its own right -- the yellow material was solid, revealing nothing on its own. Still...the hem was just an inch or two below my crotch, showing off my bare legs and the neckline plunged enough to show off my breasts which were only partially nestled in the outfit's cups -- the spaghetti straps putting my bare shoulders and upper chest on display. Amelia had given the outfit to me as a Christmas present a year ago as a bit of a joke after learning I was going 'steady' with Darrell Jones. Needless to say, Mama was not amused, but fussed at me and not my more perfect older sister and the outfit was deemed unsuitable for all occasions.
I thought high heels would be a bit too much and so I silently padded barefoot down the stairs to find Daddy leaning against the sink in the kitchen, his face's reflection in the window revealing his discomfort.
"Daddy?" I called out softly. "Another bad night, huh?" He stiffened and slowly turned around -- tonight wearing another Braves T-shirt and boxers that were decorated with smiling Mickey Mouse faces. Another of Amelia's joke Christmas gifts.
"Pooh...what are you still doing up?"
I shrugged and said, "Studying, just never ends. I heard you get up again and well...I thought I could help you out again." I slowly came around the kitchen table to stand in front of heart beating so hard, it was a wonder he couldn't see it trying to break out of my partly bare chest. I felt and for the first time so very aware that my father was looking at me not just as his little girl. There were glimmer of purely male appreciation as he eyed me in my negligee.
Daddy sighed and said, "Oh no...that's okay. It's not as bad tonight and you should be in bed, Pooh."
"Oh, Daddy...please." I stepped a little closer and said in a small voice, "Do you think I could sleep knowing you're down here hurting. I don't...I don't know how Mama does it, but I just can't." I reached out and took Daddy's hand in mine. "Let me help you, Daddy. I know I can." I brought my father's hand to my lips and gently kissed it, staring up into his eyes as I did. I felt him shiver and he let out a little breath even as I felt a spurt of wetness between my legs and I wondered if a dark spot was developing in the crotch of my yellow panties.
Daddy's mouth moved mutely in what I assumed was silent protest, but I just smiled at him and led him by the hand into the living room, guiding him around until he was in front of his favorite chair. I pressed my free hand against his chest, his T-shirt faintly damp as Daddy was sweating both from pain and tension. A thrill of something sexual shot through me as I realized that his chest was well muscled and strong. "Sit, Daddy," I purred. "Let me make you feel better."
In mute surrender, my father sat down heavily, his knees sprawling wide as I followed, lithely kneeling in a fluid motion, my hands now resting on his knees. "Pooh....I don't think..."
I shook my head and looked slyly up at Daddy and said in a whisper. "Shhhh -- just relax, Daddy. Let me help you relax and lose some of that stress." I was well aware of how I must have appeared...a little would-be sex kitten at Daddy's feet. I leaned forward a little, never letting my eyes leave Daddy's, pleased when I saw him glance down at my chest where my position allowed more of my breasts to be exposed. I began to knead and work the knotted muscles of his right calf, slowly working my way up his leg until I was massaging his thigh.
"Just take deep breaths, Daddy...think of something nice -- something you enjoy doing." I winked and said, "Think of things you'd like to do...just let the pain and stress just fade away." I worked his blood starved flesh until I felt it begin to unknot, massaging and caressing his bare flesh and then watching his eyes widen at my boldness, slid my fingers under the loose fabric of his shorts, rubbing his thigh as far up as I could manage. "I love you, Daddy," I whispered. "I love making you happy!"
Daddy nodded slowly, his eyes shifting to my breasts and then to my busy hands and then back up to my face. "I-I love you too, Pooh," he said in a feathery voice that had undertones of a little boy caught doing something naughty.
I switched to his left leg and finally risked a glanced downward and almost gasped. The bulge was back and it was bigger, no more than maybe two inches from the leg hole of his shorts. For a moment, I felt my pussy gushing so much juice I thought I was peeing myself. I knew I was just scant inches from the biggest cock I'd ever seen.
Slowly, I began to work Daddy's left calf muscles, smiling up at Daddy and then openly staring at his obvious erection and then smiling happily up at his blushing face again. "Are you feeling better, Daddy?" I asked as I worked my way up to his thigh.
"Yu-Yeah...I do feel better, P-Pooh," Daddy wheezed as my fingers began kneading and caressing his thigh muscles -- carefully and pointedly maneuvering around his erection.
"Good," I murmured and then I giggled, "I bet I can make you feel even better!" My left hand slipped into the open gap in the left leg of his shorts, making a bulge with my wrist that ran up and then parallel to his cock. As I began to withdraw, I slid my fingers over until the tips were touching the shaft of my father's cock and I slowly trailed them back down, marveling at the girth and at how it seemed to pulse with health and power, over the flared head and then out of his shorts all together.
I looked at my fingers and wanted to moan as I saw just a few wet smears of precum. "Oh my, Daddy...did I cause that?"
Daddy's face was so red, for the first time I wondered if I'd gone too far and was going to cause my father to stroke out, but he gasped and took in a deep breath before he groaned, "I'm sorry -- Pooh...I didn't mean...I'm -- oh, my God..." Daddy stopped talking abruptly because my hand was once again sliding up his shorts, this time, running my fingers and palm over the velvety hard shaft of his erect penis before wrapping themselves around his shaft or at least most of the way around.
"Don't be sorry, Daddy," I replied quickly. "Why, I'm flattered that you think I'm...well, that I can make you hard...real hard."
Daddy began to squirm as I slowly slid my hand up and down his shaft, gently stroking him. There were equal parts arousal and panic in his face and as I gently rolled my palm over the head of his swollen cock head, there was a momentary expression of pure joy before panic reasserted control and his hand came down on my shoulder and he said, "Oh, no, no, no, Pooh -- I'm your father...this is so goddamn wrong. I'm soooo sorry!"
He began to push me away, but I rolled my shoulder and he lost his hold there and I scooted up and while I masturbated him with one hand, my free hand reached up to hook his waistband and start tugging. "I want to do this for you! This is not wrong, Daddy!" I hissed as I tried to pull his shorts down. "What's wrong is that Mama ain't doing it already. You deserve to feel good, Daddy and I'm going to be the one who does it!"
Daddy's mouth hung open in surprise as I took charge of the situation, even obeying me when I snapped, "Raise your butt up, Daddy so I can get your shorts off!" He lifted himself up and his shorts slid down his legs quicker than I thought and I lost my balance and plopped back onto my ass, forced to let go of his cock, but now allowing it to stand up, free and unrestrained.
For several long seconds, we just stared at each other in surprise -- me staring at his beautiful, long and thick penis -- thick veins running the length, making his erection appear to be muscled on its own. Daddy stared down at me and it took me a bit to realize that my baby-doll had rode up, revealing my panty-clad crotch and that there was a huge wet spot where my cunt had become soaked and now the solid yellow cotton was molded to my labia and was semi-transparent.
Knowing that Daddy was looking at undeniable evidence of my own excitement fueled my desire to take action and I was on my knees again in an instant with my hand again wrapped around my father's dick, stroking it steadily and lovingly. "You're beautiful, Daddy!" I crooned in a subdued voice. "I never imagined a cock could be big and long."
Daddy let out moan after moan -- each one seeming to drain him of tension that had been building for months or maybe years, staring down in disbelief as his little girl stroked his prick. "I love you, Pooh," he sighed. "Daddy loves you so much!"
"I love you too, Daddy and I love your...I love your big Daddy cock!" I exclaimed happily as I scooted a little closer till my face was hanging over his cock while my hand slid up and down with such ease that you would've thought we'd been doing this for years. I loved how his cock felt in my hand. I could feel power and desire throbbing in my grasp. My head was spinning with wicked thoughts -- not the least of which was that I was stroking the magnificent organ that had begun my life!
I could sense Daddy's body beginning to tense up and I slowed my strokes a little, trying to extend the length of his pleasure. I'd jacked Darrell and Billy off enough to know that it often didn't take much and I wondered how long it had been for Daddy and how much of his problems were being denied sexual release by Mama! Suddenly, I was filled with a terrible need to bring Daddy to that long denied release.
I squeezed Daddy's cock a little tighter and began to stroke him faster and he groaned and gasped, "Oh...oh...Pooh, oh Lord, Pooh, I'm gonna...gonna..." Daddy's body convulsed once and then his hips rose up as if I was lifting him up by his cock and as he gave a little cry, he exploded -- a sudden geyser of hot sperm shooting up and splattering my face -- steaming semen spraying my cheeks and lips and chin!
The smell of hot jism filled my nose, making my mind, already spinning from the knowledge that my daddy was cumming on me, spin even more! "God, Pooh!" Daddy groaned as he continued to shoot -- the second tremendous spurt splattering on my chin and my chest and the next few gushes of cum spraying warmly on my breasts and nightie.
"I love you, Daddy!" I said, still stroking him, urging him to empty his balls onto me, feeling sluttish and sexy and naughty. His ejaculations began to ease up, each spurt less than the last until the last few mostly oozed from his cock to dribble over my hands I kept masturbating Daddy even as his erection began to fade, savoring how he squirmed and moaned at the intense pleasure I was still giving his sensitive flesh.
Only when he reached out and touched my shoulder, violently shaking his head as I stroked him to gasp, "No more, Pooh...too much. You're going to give me a heart attack!" did I finally let Daddy's cock go.
"Wow, Daddy...I've never seen so much spunk!" I giggled as I ran a finger over my cheek, scooping up a big blob of semen.
Daddy's eyes widened and he started to say something, but then shook his head and said, "There are some things a father just doesn't want to know." As he caught his breath and watched me wiping semen off my face, smearing it on my baby-doll negligee, the full impact of what I'd done seemed to sink in and he began to frown.
I shook my head violently and dropped my hands onto his knees. "Daddy, don't you dare feel guilty. You needed that and I'm glad...I'm proud to have helped you. I slid a sticky hand up his thigh and briefly squeezed his now less than half-erect cock and said, "We both enjoyed that and I bet you're more relaxed than you've been in weeks and months...maybe years!"
Daddy sighed and scooted up in his chair, taking my hands in his own, not seeming to mind his seed smeared on my fingers while leaning down. "I haven't felt this good in forever, Pooh...but, let's be honest. What we did is wrong. We're father and daughter and this...this was incest." He smiled down at me, squeezing my hands as he added. "I'm your father, Pooh. I shouldn't have let it happen."
I sat up straight so that our faces were almost together and said in an insistent tone that I realized sounded way too much like my mother's, "Oh, horseshit, Daddy! I'm eighteen years old and nobody's made me do anything I didn't want to do since I was a little girl. I know my own mind, Daddy and I chose...I wanted to do this for you."
I leaned in and kissed my daddy on the lips, my tongue teasing his closed mouth before I said in a firm voice that somehow didn't betray my own nervousness. "If Mama won't be a woman for you, I would love to take her place." I kissed him again, my tongue still rolling over his lips, pulling away teasingly as he slightly opened his mouth.
"Daddy, I would be honored to jack your big cock off every night if it will help soothe your pain." My voice grew huskier as I said, "I'll be willing to do a lot more if you'll let me."
Daddy sighed and replied softly, "Oh, Pooh, I love you." I kissed him again, cutting off anything else he might have said. His lips were parted and I let my tongue dance into his mouth where it found his tongue and made a more intimate acquaintance. I felt so hot between my legs and part of me wanted to fall onto my back and spread my legs and ask Daddy to be my first, but the more logical part of me told me to not move so fast, so I settled for soul-kissing my father for a lovely couple of minutes before I eased back out of his grasp.
Climbing to my feet, I looked down at Daddy and said, "I love you too, Daddy...more than ever before." I glanced around and saw that it was after midnight and continued, "It's late, Daddy and we both need our sleep. You think about us, Daddy and don't you go getting guilty about abusing your little girl. It ain't abuse when she's offering all her love to you."
Before he could answer me, I turned and scooted out of the room, pausing just for a second at the living room doorway to look back at Daddy, looking so funny and shocked with his shorts down around his ankles and said, "Goodnight, Daddy. I love you!"
I was up the stairs in a flash, Daddy's "Love you too, Pooh," still echoing in my ears when I locked my bedroom door behind me and collapsed onto my bed -- the enormity of what I'd done now overwhelming me.
My body began to shake violently, tears rolling down my face as I relived the last few earth-shaking moments of my life. I had jacked off my own father! His semen was still clinging to my body! My pussy was on fire and my primary thoughts centered around wanting to jack Daddy off again and much, much more!
Again, it occurred to me that Daddy's sperm was cooling on my skin and suddenly I was in a frenzy, one hand scooping off blobs of semen from my chest and exposed tits and bringing them to my hungry mouth while my other hand was in my panties and like the night before, I began to masturbate furiously.
I was cumming before I'd finished licking the first samples of Daddy's cream off my fingers. His wasn't the first man's seed I'd ever tasted -- but there was more to it than the light, clean taste of Billy's and Darrell's cum. It was much stronger, but my body seemed to respond positively to the saltier, slightly more bitter flavor as if I recognized the semen as family and what more...I liked it! Even as I writhed in orgasm atop my bedspread, fingers in my pussy becoming coated with my juices, I scooped up the smeared globs of Daddy's semen and gobbled them up as if I was starving!
As sleep overtook me -- my pussy still throbbing as I thought of Daddy and his unique taste in my mouth, I knew then that there would be no stopping me. I fell asleep dreaming of Daddy and me becoming lovers in every way possible and even in my sleep, I recognized the irony that it was the stubborn streak I'd inherited from Mama that would see my dreams and desires to fruition.
"BREAKFAST! SCHOOL!" I opened my eyes and mewled with both pleasure and frustration, my dream of Daddy between my legs about to deflower me dissolved as his voice dragged me into the waking world. I groaned and stretched, feeling tender, but so nice between my legs, the sensation enhanced as I smelled Daddy's drying seed on my negligee and body.
A quick shower later, I was rushing downstairs, dressed in tight, low riding blue jeans and a cropped T-shirt that left my flat belly bare. I could hear Mama rustling around her room, talking softly to somebody. In the kitchen, I found Daddy plating up biscuits and sausage, whistling brightly to himself. I slipped up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. "Morning, Daddy!" I hugged myself against him as I hadn't really done since my tits had started to grow. It felt good to press my firm breasts into his strong form.
When I released him from my embrace, Daddy turned and gazed down at me -- a silly grin on his face as he replied, "Good morning, Pooh!" He started to lean down, hesitating for just a moment as he glanced towards the hallway and then finished his move to kiss me on the lips, pressing them firmly against mine for a heart stopping morning smooch! When he finished, his eyes seemed to be sparkling as he said, "Isn't it a lovely morning!"