Chapter 02.2
I don't know how long I rode Daddy, fucking that glorious cock. It seemed like hours...even days of being immersed in his love. I reckon it was just minutes, but for the first time, I understood the concept of perfection. Making love to Daddy was the very manifestation of perfect and I never wanted it to least until Daddy gasped, "I'm gonna cum, Pooh – sweet lord, I'm gonna cum in you, little girl!"
Just Daddy announcing his need to climax sent me over the edge and I was already sliding into orgasm when I fully impaled myself on his swelling cock one last time, feeling his head nudging my cervix and then there was a fiery flood of semen inside me – steaming jets of Daddy sperm filling me up and I wailed soulfully and collapsed atop Daddy, helpless as my hips ground instinctively against Daddy's crotch, willing his seed to invade me deeply.
Suddenly, Daddy's hands were on my face, tilting my head back even as he leaned in and kissed me and we smooched loudly and wetly while his cock throbbed and ejaculated in my womb, Daddy flinging his hips upward just enough to make me cry out – a bit surprised that amidst the firestorm of my orgasm, he could induce even more pleasure with his wonderful penis.
As our mutual orgasm began to wind down, I found myself fighting to stay awake – my weariness from being fucked so magnificently overwhelming my desire to savor the sweet sensation of having Daddy's cock still nestled inside me. My last thoughts were of sighing, "I love you so much, Daddy," and maybe hearing him reply, "I love you, my sweet, sweet Pooh."
My God, how my life changed that night. I awoke happier than I had ever been and somewhat abashed that at the grand old age of eighteen, I had pretty much believed that I was knowledgeable of the world and that I'd pretty much figured out the sex thing even though before Daddy I had only been a virgin. Only in the lovely afterglow of that first night of making love and fucking Daddy did I realize what a child I had arrogant and foolish.
My new life begun the next morning when I vowed to myself to be Daddy's disciple and learn as much as I could from him and to be his forevermore. That first weekend, Daddy and I went at it with the intensity of young honeymooners and in a way, that's what we were. I never had to say it but I was Daddy's wife now. We weren't sure how we'd work it all out once Mama returned from Amelia's, but there was no going back and there was no giving each other up. Daddy and I had a hunger for each other that was insatiable.
When Daddy returned to work on Monday, he moved a little slowly, his cock red and sore from fucking and sucking. Even then, his magnificent cock twitched eagerly when I gave him a little kiss on the tip goodbye. For my part, I walked funny for half a week, enduring teasing from some of my girlfriends and some unhappy grilling from my now ex-boyfriend, Billy.
At home, Daddy and I couldn't keep our hands and mouths off each other and every night ended with his cum in my cunt or in my mouth...often both. Daddy's leg cramps and pains completely vanished and he even lost a little weight and the look of utter weariness evaporated from his face. Daddy looked happier and ten years younger and that pleased me nearly as much as having his cock inside me.
Of course, we knew and dreaded that this couldn't go on forever – that sooner or later, Mama would be returning home. Our first inkling of that was the phone call from Mama telling us that Amelia had given birth, another son...healthy and squalling. Daddy and I drove the five hours to Atlanta...although in truth, it was more like six hours because Daddy fucked me behind a big trucking center when our lust just overwhelmed us.
It was a test of my control that I arrived at Amelia's and hugged Mama while feeling my panties soaked with Daddy sperm that leaked from my well fucked pussy. Of course, any guilt I might have had vanished when Mama began fussing at me because to her, "Your daddy looks thin – you should be taking better care of him."
Daddy rushed to my defense, replying, "Pooh's taking great care of me, Helen. I've lost a little weight because..." Daddy tossed me a casual wink that made my cum filled cunt flutter as he finished, "Because I've been getting more exercise...a lot more exercise."
Mama just snorted and muttered something under her breath about a 'lazy girl's sorry cooking.' I ignored her and spent most of my visit being a good Aunt Lilly to my older niece and nephew and 'oohing and ahhing' over the new baby. Mama and Daddy went off by themselves several times to "talk" and whatever the subject, neither looked pleased when they came back. I wondered if Mama suspected him and me, but all inquiring looks at Daddy got a gentle smile and a shake of the head in reply.
The first evidence of their talks came during dinner with Amelia's family when Mama brought up her business, mentioning that not only had her office been running smoothly in her absence, "I trained Bettina and Tim well," but that the corporate office had her looking at a local agency that was having trouble to see if she had any insight into how to fix things. "Can you imagine, they want me to take it over and run it."
Mama gave me a rare smile. "What do you think, Lillian – wouldn't it be nice to live in Atlanta instead of some old smelly paper mill factory town?"
I paused in mid-chew, my mouth opening in surprise, drawing a frown from Mama. It was several seconds before I could respond with, "Mama...I don't want to leave home...not now. I love our town. I love our house."
Mama rolled her eyes and sneered, "You sound just like your father. You wouldn't know a good thing if it bit you in the ass!"
Amelia made a small grunting noise, looking at Mama and rolling her eyes towards the little ones. Daddy spoke up then, "Nobody's moving anywhere. I'm no where near retiring and I'm not moving." He glanced up from his tuna casserole and added, "Period."
Mama rolled her eyes again and then scooted back her seat and excused herself, leaving in a bit of a huff. In the uncomfortable silence that followed, Amelia broke the silence by saying, "You would love it here, Daddy. Lord knows Mama does." My big sister spared me a withering glance and said, "I'd think you'd like it here too, Lilly – there's a lot of good schools and so much more to do."
I shook my head and the uncomfortable silence resumed. It was only when Amelia and I were alone, cleaning up the dishes, that she spoke up and said, "There's another reason Mama wants Daddy to move up here. Mama thinks Daddy might be cheating on her."
I felt my cheeks burning as I tried to bluff my way through responding, "That's just bullshit, Amelia. Daddy goes to work and comes home and that's it." I focused on washing the dishes and telling myself that if I hadn't exactly told the truth, I hadn't exactly told a lie.
"Well, Mama says he seems too happy and relaxed. She thinks he's screwing around on her."
"Maybe it's because he hasn't had to put up with all her happy bullshit." I snapped. I paused and turned to look at my sister. "Besides, why should she care? Mama told me she'd cut Daddy off years ago."
Amelia laughed...a cold, unsympathetic laugh that reminded me so much of Mama. "Yeah, I know." She reached out and took my hand, "If Daddy were'd at least tell me wouldn't you, Lilly?"
I rolled my eyes and replied crisply, "I promise you, Amelia. If I ever catch Daddy out with another woman, you'll be the first to know." Amelia stared at me for a moment and I feared for a second that she saw right through me and knew my secret, but then she nodded and excused herself to go nurse the new baby.
The trip couldn't end quickly enough for me and I was thrilled to wave goodbye and head north with Daddy, scooting across the seat to cuddle up to him as soon as we'd gotten out of sight. "God, Daddy, I've missed you!" I murmured, feeling wet and gooey already between my legs – amazed at how only two days of abstinence could make me so horny.
Daddy dropped his hand onto my bare left leg and slid it up under the blue jean skirt I was wearing and smiling when he discovered I had no panties on. "I can tell, Pooh." His fingers fluttered along my labia, prodding them to flower open wider. "I missed you too."
Nothing more was said for a while as we negotiated Atlanta's maddening traffic and eventually got on I-75 northbound. Daddy played and teasingly fingered me the whole time so that by the time we were free of the city, I was already squirming and moaning – the car reeking of my wet pussy creams and me close to orgasm.
Daddy's fingers masterfully twirled and probed inside my cunt as I sobbed and cried, violently shaking my head as Daddy made me cum hard – both from his expertise and from sheer need. When I finally slumped down beside him, Daddy pulled his fingers from my tight pussy with a wet pop and held them up, putting my glistening juices and clumps of creamy cum on his fingers on display. Daddy took his eyes off the road just long enough to wink at me before he put one finger in his mouth and lewdly and loudly sucked it off. I reached out and took him by the wrist and then sat up on my knees and sucked my own juices off his middle finger, slowly running my lips up and down his digit.
"Damn, Pooh," Daddy muttered, his voice full of lust. "Now we're gonna have to make a stop." I kept sucking Daddy's finger until we got a few miles down the road and reached a rest stop – my father veering quickly off the road and taking us to the far end of the car parking area.
I let his finger slip from my lips and said in a sexy little girl voice, "Does Daddy need his big ol thang sucked?" Daddy's response was to unbuckle his belt and open his slacks to free his big erection – the head of his cock an angry and insistent purple. "Oh, yummy, Daddy!" I said in the same voice and dropped my head in his lap. I opened wide and hungrily wrapped my lips around Daddy's cock, letting it slide deep into my throat – the knowledge that I was sucking my father giving me as strong a thrill as it had the first time.
At the this angle, I couldn't keep my eyes on Daddy's face constantly, but with each upward movement as my lips and tongue kissed and teased the head of his cock, I would look upward and give Daddy a loving look. Once in a while, I would let him slip from my lips so I could tell him, "I love sucking your big cock, Daddy," before gobbling him up at again.
Daddy's strong hand came up to cup the back of my head – fingers stroking the back of my neck and then gently ruffling my black curly mop as he whispered, "I love you, Pooh," over and over again. I fluttered my tongue over his spongy head and rolled it up and down his long shaft, sucking and licking eagerly, knowing that after two days, it wouldn't take Daddy long.
Quick enough, I heard Daddy gasp courteously, "Pooh...gonna cum, baby!" Daddy always warned me in case I didn't want his load, but eating Daddy's semen was something I knew I would never tire of. In response, I let him slip from my mouth until I had only the head of his cock trapped between my lips and then I sucked him furiously while my tongue whirled madly around.
"LOVE YOU, POOH!" Daddy grunted and his hips rose as he began to cum – two days worth of pent up hot and creamy semen and I gurgled approvingly as I drank his sperm, sucking at his penis to spur on his ejaculations. I felt a little lightheaded – overwhelmed with love for my father and in my eagerness, I allowed a little streamer of spunk to escape my lips and dribble down my chin. I focused my attention on sucking Daddy dry and then continued to suck him until he had to push me away because the sensations were too intense.
"I LOVE YOUR CUM, DADDY!" I cried loudly as I sat up while scooping up the escaped remnants of his semen and sucked them off my finger. I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him even as I became aware that we were not exactly alone. A few feet in front of our car in the grass, stood a man – maybe Daddy's age or a little older – dark hair shot through with gray underneath a straw fedora, holding the leash of a preoccupied York Terrier.
The man looked at us with what appeared to be shock and awe and I felt both embarrassed and aroused knowing that some stranger knew exactly what I'd been doing. I giggled and waggled my fingers at the man in a sort of girly wave. A grin broke out on his face and he waved back, tipped his hat to us both and wandered off in a bit of a good-humored daze. Daddy looked at me and said, "I reckon it's time to go."
I giggled and as I tucked Daddy's cock back inside his pants, said, "Don't be embarrassed, Daddy. I'm not." I kissed him on the cheek again and said in a husky voice, "Daddy, I'd fuck you in the middle of Times Square under a neon sign that said, 'Pooh loves her daddy more than anything!'"
Daddy snorted and said, "Well...we probably aint going that far."
I snuggled up against Daddy, feeling loved and safe and after several miles had rolled by, said, "Mama thinks you're cheating on her."
Daddy nodded and replied, "Yep...and she's right. She says a man don't look as happy as I am unless he's getting laid."
I pursed my lips into a pout and said, "I don't think we're cheating. I just took Mama's place when she gave you up."
"Well, she's pretty suspicious. Guess she wants to get me out of town and to Atlanta where she can keep her thumb on me."
I felt my heart do a flip. "Daddy, we''re not moving to Atlanta?"
Daddy snorted again and said, "Sweetie...I actually like my job and I don't plan to retire for another ten-twelve years." He looked over at me and reached out and squeezed my leg. "I also happen to love my house and the young woman who lives there with me. We're not going anywhere, Pooh."
And we didn't. Once we got home, Daddy and I resumed our loving daddy-daughter lifestyle – him going to work and me to school and spending the rest of our time loving and fucking each other. Daddy had me in every position possible in every room of the house. Breakfast often concluded with me on my knees sucking Daddy off and sending him to work with a smile on his face and me to school with a bellyful of fresh semen. Supper usually ended with me bent over the kitchen table and Daddy taking me from behind. Bedtime found us cuddled together, limbs intertwined as our bodies cooled from making love and we slipped into a restful and hard earned slumber. Life a word, heaven!
And then Mama came home. She'd stayed with Amelia for five months and we'd gone down periodically to visit in order to coo over the baby, play with the youngsters and to allow Mama and Daddy an opportunity to argue over Mama's desire to move us to Atlanta. Spring was in the air and Mama was now determined to force Daddy's hand.
I came home from school to find Mama and Daddy sitting once more at the kitchen table. My disappointment over my plans to have a nice afternoon fuck with Daddy was tempered by my concern for the obvious storm clouds over their heads. Mama didn't have to say a word, but stared angrily at an empty chair. I sat my backpack down and slid into the seat. "Hi, Mama – good to have you home."
Mama ignored my pleasantries and got right to the point. "I came back to end this nonsense and move us to Atlanta."
"What nonsense is that, Mama?" I asked, trying to sound ignorant and innocent at the same time.
"All this damned foolishness. Your daddy has worked thirty years in that damned paper mill and he can retire. Between my salary and his pension, we can live quite handsomely. Once we sell the house, you can live at whatever school you chose. Stay in Tennessee or come to Georgia." She didn't add it, but her tone all but said it for her that she didn't really care what I did.
"What if Daddy doesn't want to move. We both love it here and we love this house!"
"We're moving," Mom nearly screamed, almost rising out of her chair to snap at me. "Things are going to change. Your father and I are moving to Atlanta and whatever little whore he's hiding and you're covering up for can go to hell. This nonsense is over!"
Daddy started to speak, but I beat him to it. "Yes, this nonsense is going to stop, Mama. I'm not moving and neither is Daddy and I am not 'covering up' for some other woman." I did stand up and got right in Mama's face as I snarled, "Daddy never took up with any whore. He works like a dog to support you and me and he comes home every goddamned day and spends it with me...with ME, Mama – the only woman in this family that isn't afraid to love him like he deserves!"
And just like that, understanding blossomed in Mama's eyes. She sat back as if I slapped her, looking over at Daddy and then back at me. I moved to stand beside Daddy, draping an arm over his shoulder possessively as I looked scornfully at my mother. Her eyes grew frosty and I'm sure she was picturing just how close her husband and daughter were. Finally, she muttered, "John?" packing a boatload of questions into one word.
Daddy nodded and said, "This is the way it is, Helen. I'm not moving and neither is Pooh. We love this place and we love each other." Just to make sure Mama had no misperceptions, Daddy drove it home by adding, "Pooh and I love each other like a man and woman should love."
For a moment, I thought Mama's angry and bitter façade might crack...that she might see all that she had pissed away and I had just a second's chance to wonder what might happen if it did. In my heart, I thought I still loved them both enough to step out of the picture if my mother came to her senses, but then Mama shoved away from the table and almost spit at us, "You two deserve each other...rot in hell!" Mama went upstairs and came back a few minutes later with a bag, got back into her car and I haven't seen her since.
Daddy just shook his head and pulled me into his lap. "Well...I reckon that went about as good as it could've possibly gone. I guess it's just you and me now, Pooh." His arm reached around me to pull me against him, his hand resting comfortably on my left breast. I could feel my heart pounding and my nipples hardening as I realized that Daddy was now mine...exclusively mine!
Still, I wondered if this was going to bring trouble with it. "Daddy, do you think Mama, tell on us?"
Daddy chuckled and shook his head. "Oh no, Helen's terrible pride will never let her reveal it. I loved your mother...hell, I reckon I still do, but Pooh, your mama was and is the most prideful woman I ever met." Daddy stood up, me sliding to my feet as he towered over me, his hands now on my shoulders.
Daddy kissed me...slow and gently...a lovers' kiss. "It's just us now, Pooh, the first day of the rest of our lives together. What would you like to do?"
I grinned and said, "Well...on the way home, before I realized Mama was here, I was thinking maybe you and me could go upstairs and take a nap."
Daddy grinned and arched an eyebrow. "A nap, baby...really?"
I giggled and said, "Well, not really. I was thinking that maybe we could have some on some maybe a sixty-nine and then afterwards, a nap before supper."
Daddy smiled and turned, taking my hand as he moved towards the hallway. "I like that...math was always my favorite subject." Daddy proved again to me how adept he was at things associated with numbers as I struggled to suck his cock appropriately while he expertly tongued and licked my quivering pussy through one orgasm after another, beginning a new chapter in our love affair.
At home, we were now more like a loving man and wife than ever before and whatever regret Daddy might have had over losing Mama, I very quickly made him forget, loving him as he deserved to be loved...making him the center of my world and his happiness my most fervent desire. He reciprocated, our hearts growing as intimate as our bodies...discovering that our likes and interests went beyond the bedroom.
By the time I graduated, the divorce was final. Citing irreconcilable differences, Mama filed for divorce and Daddy took a shellacking in the settlement – taking out a new mortgage on the house to pay Mama more than her fair share of its value. Daddy did it without complaint, telling me, "What's a house payment compared to coming home every night to a wonderful and loving woman like you, Pooh?"
In late June, Daddy and I took a trip to North Carolina to visit Asheville and the famous mansion there. Daddy called it our honeymoon trip and to my pleased surprise, he actually meant it to be just that. Maybe an hours' drive into the lovely mountains there in a little town that seemed like it was stuck in time a hundred years past, he paid a justice of the peace to "marry" paperwork of course, but just the words and the vow to each other before God.
When Daddy slipped a lovely gold ring on my finger with a small, perfect diamond and said huskily, "With this ring, I thee wed," I was almost in tears – my love for my father nearly overwhelming me.
After the justice of the peace pronounced us 'man and wife' and urged Daddy to kiss the bride and he did, taking his time about it and kissing me long and slowly, his tongue dancing with mine and then whispering, "I love you, Pooh," in my ear, I did cry, tears of pure love and joy streaming down my face.
We spent that night...that honeymoon night in an isolated cabin nestled deep in the mountains outside Ashville and Daddy fucked me so wonderfully – him between my thighs, my legs wrapped tightly around him as he slowly worked his long, thick cock in and out of my fingernails clawing bloody trails down his back as I had orgasm after orgasm, both of us crying out our passion as he filled my womb with his hot, creamy semen.
In the afterglow of our lovemaking, we cuddled and kissed. Finally, at some point when Daddy had caught his breath, he said softly, "My God, Pooh – that was I was taking your virginity again."
I nuzzled Daddy's chest and purred in utter contentment, "I know...I love knowing you're the only man to have me...every time with you is like..." I paused and then sang in a little girl's voice, "Like a virgin...touched for the very first time." We both laughed and kissed again, our tongues sliding deliciously against each other even as a thought occurred to I had had before but had never worked up the courage to bring up with my loving father.".
Breaking the kiss, still in my little girl's voice, I whispered, "Daddy...I am still a virgin in one sense of the word."
Daddy sat up and looked at me...the slightly damp sheets pulled up to just below my full, perky breasts. "Pooh?" he said in a slightly mystified tone. Then his eyes went wide and he gasped, "Oh, baby! Surely, you're joking, Pooh...I'd tear you wide open!"
I giggled and said, "No you wouldn't, Daddy. Who better to offer my anal cherry to than my loving daddy...and husband?" I snaked my hand underneath the covers and was delighted to feel my father's cock quickly growing erect. "Besides, I can tell that you really do like the idea." I crawled up into my father's lap, feeling his hard-on slid along the length of my still tingling labia. In an almost obscenely innocent little girl voice, I said plaintively, "Daddy, won't you please fuck your little girl up her ass?"
"I fucking love you, Pooh," Daddy growled in a sex fueled snarl and then suddenly I was atop Daddy, his strong arms spinning me around until we were in the now very familiar sixty-nine position. "Get Daddy nice and sloppy wet, Pooh!" Daddy commanded me as he spread my butt cheeks. "I'll do the same for you!" I moaned before slipping my lips around Daddy's cock as I felt his hot, wet tongue slithering along the crack of my ass before tonguing my little brown hole.
My head was swimming with erotic anticipation as I sucked my father, tasting my own cunt creams on his throbbing cock while he wetly slurped at my asshole, his tongue going rigid again and again to probe at my backdoor, seeking entry into my anus. Daddy's fingers found their way into my semen filled pussy and I crooned around a mouthful of cock as he stirred the sloppy mixture around in my heart beginning to pound wildly as his fingers slipped free of my well fucked vagina and then began to probe at my asshole too.
"DADDY, YES!" I moaned, his cock slipping from my mouth as orgasmic tremors exploded inside me as his middle finger wormed its way past my yielding sphincter. It didn't hurt although it felt passing strange to have anyone, let alone my daddy fingering my butthole. I squirmed atop Daddy for what seemed an eternity, but was probably no more than a couple of minutes, savoring this new and wicked feeling. I tried to resume sucking Daddy's dick, slurping at it wetly, leaving it slick with my saliva, but probably spent as much time moaning with pleasure as I did sucking.
Suddenly, Daddy shot into hurried motion and I was again on my back, Daddy's strong hands holding my ankles as he draped them over his shoulders and leaned in, curling me up like a fleshy ball until my knees were nearly bracketing my ears. I took a sudden deep breath as suddenly I felt something a lot bigger than a finger nudging my asshole. "Daddy..." I moaned with both anticipation and fear.
"I love you, Pooh." Daddy murmured, staring down at me with so much love and lust. "I love you...daughter...wife!" Daddy flexed his hips and I cried out as the head of his cock pressed relentlessly against my partially relaxed sphincter – which tightened up in response to the cock assault upon it, but too late as the head of Daddy's cock wormed its way up my back door. It did hurt even as my body also recognized pleasure that seemed so familiar yet alien at the same time.
I was huffing and puffing, tears rolling down my face as Daddy paused for a minute and then surged forward, filling my anus with another inch or two of his huge cock! I flung my head back and screamed with pain and delight, unable to separate the two intense sensations. "DADDDDYYYYY!" I shrieked even as his hips made another thrust and drove more of his cock up my ass. I tried to claw his back and shoulders, but wasn't able to get my arms to cooperate – my fingernails tearing at the sheets instead. My legs went into spasm – sticking straight out above Daddy's head – my toes clenched as a pain laced orgasm ripped through me.
Daddy held himself in place, buried inside me, being patient although my own ecstatic writhing actually resulted in more of his cock slipping up my anus. Only when my orgasmic storm seemed to be waning did Daddy begin moving again...this time slowly anal ring clinging tightly to his cock before he drove forward again, driving the breath from my body and making my head spin madly as my orgasm renewed like gasoline being thrown on the fire.
In truth, at first it felt exactly as Daddy had he was splitting me in two, but with each stroke Daddy took in and out of my ass, the pain lessened and the pleasure increased...pure carnal pleasure laced with incestuous ecstasy. As Daddy fucked me in the ass, the rightness of our joining was undeniable. I had an overwhelming feeling that that this had always been our destiny...that Mama had merely been a means – a way station on Daddy's path to becoming the lover of his daughter.
As Daddy's hard, solid weight fell on me again and again, focusing to an erotic point that was the tip his long, hard penis, I could not conceive of a world that would have allowed for anything else. Daddy and I were soul mates...privileged as few ever are to know perfect and pure love as we possessed.
Everything around us become part of this erotic moment. Daddy's hard breathing...the smell of our sweaty bodies and the sound of them wetly slapping together. That nearly indescribable noise of his cock worming in and out of my asshole blending with the creaking of the bed springs we were taxing to their limit. My cries and sobs amidst declaration of love for my father and husband mixed with the unmistakable aromas of man/woman sex...all of it coming together in a swelling symphony of love and lust until finally Daddy cried out, "POOH, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" as he made one last deep thrust and filled my asshole with blasts of fiery semen.
"I LOVE YOU, DADDYYYY!" I screamed, finding the strength to fling myself against Daddy's groin and bury the head of his ejaculating cock a little deeper up my anus. "CU-CU-CUMMMING DADDDDDYYYY! LOVE Y-YOUR CU-CUMMMM!"
Daddy seemed to cum buckets up my ass...his climax seeming to go on forever. Longer still was it before my sphincter relaxed enough to let him slip out of my butthole. I curled up against Daddy as he kissed the tears of pleasure from my face, both of us whispering "I love you," to each other as our hearts slowly resumed their normal beating and our bodies quit gasping for air.
In Daddy's arms, I felt safe and loved as never before and as I slipped into a dreamy sleep, I relished both the sensation of feeling Daddy's seed in both my holes and the knowledge that I faced a lifetime of being loved like this.
In the years since, neither Daddy nor I have had any cause for regret. We never heard from Mama again, although after a few years, Amelia and I began trading the occasional letter and Christmas cards. She tells me that Mama is happy, maniacally focused on becoming the number one insurance agent in Atlanta. Apparently she still has no need for a man as Amelia says she never dates.
Daddy is well and for a man in his early sixties, his doctor says he has the heart of a man half his age and that he'll be around for decades to come. Daddy says it's because I gave him a life worth living for...a loving daughter and wife and two loving children of our own. In my third year of college, I became pregnant and gave Daddy the son he had always wanted...John Junior or J.J. as we call him. I decided to put off finishing my degree and focused on providing a loving home for Daddy and our son. Two years later, I gave Daddy another child...our beautiful little girl, Danielle, who Daddy often refers to as Pooh Junior.
Eventually, with Daddy's help, I bought the bakery and despite the occasional slur against my character, I have built up quite the business – selling homemade breads and donuts and cakes.
Oh yes, there was quite the speculation about John's round heeled daughter who got knocked up by persons unknown while whoring around Knoxville, but both Daddy and I let such remarks roll off our shoulders like raindrops from a spring shower. We are a loving family and Daddy's ardor for me has never cooled. Nothing else matters.
Now, when I wake up hearing Daddy's footsteps on the floorboards, I don't worry. He's simply checking on our babies...tucking the blankets in so they won't be cold, bringing them a drink of water or reassuring them if they had a bad dream. I know that in only a few minutes, Daddy will return to our bed to slip beneath the covers and if he needs soothing himself, he knows that in his daughter's loving arms, his little Pooh will soothe her Daddy's needs.
The End.