Page 01

As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are fictional and exist solely within the confines of my imagination. Enjoy

Despite both sides of the boxcar standing wide open, the heat was pretty near suffocating as that freight train chugged along through the scrubland of South Texas. I sat in the open doorway, trying to take comfort from what little breeze was being created by the movement of the train, but the fucking Texas sun was broiling the land we were slowly crossing. Far ahead of the boxcar I was hitching a ride on, I could hear the locomotive ramping up as we began to climb a hill.

As we neared the top, the land south of the tracks seemed to go on forever, disappearing in wavering sheets of heat on the horizon. Nothing but scrub brush until suddenly, I could see a strip of yellowish brown sorta running parallel to the tracks maybe a mile off. Then underneath us we passed over another strip of yellow brown and I watched as it run off south, intersecting the other strip – two dirt roads meeting in the middle of nowhere. I could hear my daddy's voice suddenly in my head, "Tyler! Boy, you stay away from dem dere crossroads...the devil's always hanging 'bout, waitin' to steal yo' soul!"

I laughed at the memory, but after a moment's pause, I turned and grabbing hold of my duffel, jumped as the train reached the summit, it barely moving and landed cleanly amidst the scrub, spooking a jackrabbit that took off, zigzagging over the wasteland before me. I stood there as the train slowly rumbled past me, already thinking that I should turn around and clamber back on board and knowing I wouldn't do it. That's my bad decision after another.

I took off my rumpled fedora and wiped the sweat band off with a crusty handkerchief, staring at the once fine lace embroidery that lined the square piece of linen, my mind wandering off for a long minute as I recalled one of those bad decisions I'd made. "Damn, boy, stand out here all day and get the sunstroke, why don't you," I muttered to myself. I put my hat back on and began to march towards that crossroad, angling to pick up the dirt road going south.

Hot it was...not that soul wearying hot of the Mississippi Delta country where I'd been born, but oven hot...the kind that would bake every last drop of water from your body and leave nothing but a leathery carcass behind. My brogans kicked up little swirls of dust as I hiked towards the crossroads, soon settling into the easy rhythm that I'd learned in the army...the pace that would eat up the miles without killing a man.

I remembered marching half way up Italy and then over most of France and Germany and back to France again. Some days, it seems I've spent half my life just slogging through life. "And the rest of it fighting the white man!" came my daddy's voice again. "Just let him be, Tyler. Stay away from him and let him be!"

"He got to let me be, first, Daddy," I murmured to myself, keenly aware that I was talking to myself too much here lately. Maybe I took one too many shots to the head back in the Houston jail. I shook my head to clear it and found myself standing in the middle of the crossroads. It was quiet as it always is in such desolate places, nary an insect buzzing or bird singing a song. I set down my haversack and fished out a canteen. I took a drink of warm water, swished it around in my mouth to clear the dust and then spit...the water making mud that dried in a matter of minutes. I took another drink...still warm, but by God, it was wet.

Yellow-brown dirt roads offered me four directions to go...north, south, west and...well, no, not east... "Nigger, you come back to Houston, we're gonna kill you slow. Lots of ways for a shiftless colored boy to die here. Y'all want to be dead, just come on back and we'll oblige you." I glared at the east sky, part of me wanting to go back just out of spite and get in one good swing at that cracker sheriff before I died. Then I sighed, my hand running over my ribs, barely healed and still tender to the touch. No, not east.

I looked to the north and then to the west. It was a long way to the Pacific coast, but maybe I could find a fresh start there. North...maybe, Lord knew enough of my people were in Chicago and St. Louis now, but...the weather further north reminded me of France and...Celeste. I wasn't sure I could stand being haunted constantly by those memories...especially of her.

I turned to the South and nearly jumped out of my skin. An old pickup was nearly on top of me and I moved to the edge of the road without thinking. Out here in the Texas wasteland, sound seemed to be devoured by the emptiness and I didn't hear the steady washing machine clatter of the '39 Ford truck until it damn near hit me. It roared by in a flash of dusty red primer...a glimpse of dull blue cloth and yellow hair whizzing by as my heart leapt up in my mouth.

Then the brake lights flashed through a coat of Texas dirt and I heard gears shift as it came to a stop and then began to back up, coming to a stop beside me in a cloud of that damn yellow dirt. I wanted to run, figuring nobody in South Texas would be looking kindly on a negro vagrant, but my feet seemed mired in the dirt as if it had turned to mud.

To my surprise though, as the dust cleared, I found a white woman staring hard at me through the window of the truck. She had long, stringy blonde hair that framed brilliant blue eyes that flashed with anger and she said, "Boy, what the hell are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?"

Her voice though soft was full of the same anger that I saw in her eyes and I looked to the ground as I said, "Just trying to figure out where I'm going to get off to next, ma'am."

I instinctively took a step back as she suddenly swung the truck door open and hopped out. I took another step back as I looked at her and knew that this woman wasn't right. She was barefoot and wearing a faded blue sack dress that was unbuttoned nearly to her crotch, hanging open so wide that I could pretty much see her breasts, large and meaty and lying like gourds on her chest. Dime sized nipples stood out against blood-red aureoles, erect and angry. In one hand, she held a bottle of Wild Turkey.

In a sneering voice, she said, "Don't you know, boy, you are plum smack dab in the middle of the asshole of the world? Ain't no place near enough to walk to before the buzzards be gnawing on your black ass."

I nodded and took another step back. "Yes'm, but I was...well, I was thinking of maybe going to Mexico. Seems like a likely place to maybe get a fresh start."

She snorted at that and then took a hit from the bottle. Wiping her mouth, she looked me up and down. "You look to be in good shape, boy. It's over fifty mile to the river. You might walk it if you can find water before then." She looked at me hard, her eyes traveling down to my crotch and she licked her lips in a way that reminded me of a hungry tiger I once saw in a zoo in Paris after the war. It stared at me the same way she stared at me now.

"Maybe I'll do you a favor and give you a lift. Would you like that, boy?"

She took a step towards me and it was all I could do not to turn and run. I knew trouble when I saw it and Daddy's warning about devils at the crossroads ran through my head again. "Oh, ma'am, I don't want to be no bother. I can get along fine."

She laughed and said, "Wouldn't be a bother, boy. I do you a favor, you do me a favor." She reached out and palmed my crotch, rubbing her hand up and down and despite my fear, I could feel my cock responding.

That white woman stepped up to me, pressing her body against mine, her hand with the bottle slinging around behind my neck to keep me in place. "A woman gets lonely out here in this shithole, don't you know, boy?" She was rubbing my crotch with more effort now. Her angry eyes stared into mine and she whispered, "A woman gets lonely for what she needs. I'm lonely for what you got here."

She stood on tiptoe and kissed me, her mouth open and her tongue insistent against my closed lips. I could taste the cheap bourbon she'd been drinking and cigarettes. I could feel the softness, the lushness of her body as she began to grind herself against me. I knew I needed to push her away, but I couldn't make myself do it. I opened my mouth and her tongue snaked inside, curling around mine in a way that sent tremors through me and she moaned approvingly as she felt me growing harder and longer below.

She broke the kiss as suddenly as she had begun it and handed me the bottle and said, "Have a drink, boy!" She shoved the bottle into my hands as she abruptly squatted down, her hands fumbling at my fly.

"Ma'am...ah, you shouldn't be...we ought not be doing this here thing. Oh my Lord!" I moaned as she reached in and expertly fished out my cock, now nearly erect, long, and thick.

She chuckled madly and hissed, "Now this here's what I've been needing!" She looked up at me as she lashed the swollen helmet of my dick with her tongue. "Boy, you got a fine looking cock!" Amazed and afraid, I watched as this blond woman began to suck my cock like a whorehouse pro, her tongue a pleasure wielding demon as she rolled and flicked it across my swollen member.

I glanced around even as I stood there trembling with pleasure. A white woman was sucking me off in the middle of nowhere with no-one else in sight, but this was Texas in 1952. I get caught with a white woman's lips wrapped around my dick, I'd be dead before dark and it would be a hard death. Still, the way her mouth was working my hard-on, I was thinking it might be worth it. Been my experience that most women didn't know how to really suck a dick, and while no blowjob was really bad, an expert cocksucker was an experience that was hard to resist. Memories of Celeste, her pale face between my dark thighs, lips stretched tight around my erection flitted through my mind.

I took a hit of the cheap hooch, feeling the wet liquid burning a trail down my throat while her hot mouth worked to take as much as me down her throat as possible. Now, it ain't true that all black men are hung like horses, but the good Lord had more than blessed me between the legs and while she couldn't swallow all of me, I was impressed as that blonde haired girl got more of me down her throat than anyone I could recall.

Her blue dress came up over her knees and while she held me in her mouth, one hand cupping my balls, she snaked her other hand between her legs under the hem and began playing with herself, her moans vibrating sweetly around my throbbing cockhead. Her eyes, blazing with some unnamed fury never left my face as I stared stupefied down at her watching her lips run up and down my long dick.

Almost on instinct, I reached down with one hand and ran it gently through her stringy blonde hair which felt like damp cornsilk. I realized that she was a beautiful woman under the grime of the road...reminding me a little of that movie star from years back, Veronica Lake. A cold shiver ran over me as I recalled that Lake specialized in roles where her men got fucked over...usually hard.

She tightened her grip on my dick, lips clamping down while her tongue went insane over the head of my cock and I knew I wasn't going to last. "'am, I'm about to lose it. I'm gonna shoot my stuff!"

She sucked me all the harder, locking her lips around the shaft of my cock, letting me know that she'd decide when I could slip from her mouth and then things broke loose inside me and I hollered with pleasure as I gushed my jism into that white woman's mouth. She made obscene gobbling noises, drinking my cum like it was liquor, sucking me harder and gently squeezing my balls before stroking my long, throbbing cock, milking me for every hot drop of my seed. I felt dizzy, my head spinning in the hot summer heat as I stood there on a Texas dirt road while a white woman sucked me dry.

Finally, she let me slip from her lips, having totally drained my dick of sperm. She ran her tongue over and around her lips in an almost dainty a little girl getting the last smidge of ice cream off her lips. As easily as she had squatted down, she rose back up and smiled for the first time. I wasn't sure which expression scared me more...her pissed or smiling. "Goddamn, there ain't nothing like a real man's load."

She reached out and put a hand against my chest where it was open and spread wide, her hand warm against my sweaty skin. "Damn, you sure a black one, aren't you?" I didn't know what to say and I don't think she really cared because she didn't wait for an answer, but said, "Boy, you're coming home with me."

I was sure that was the wrong thing for me to do and I tried to back off but she flexed her fingers, nails digging into my skin as I said, "Ma'am...I'm thinking I should be on my way and all, heading towards Mexico-like. I...I thank you, what you did, but maybe I better mosey along."

Her smile fled and she had a look of violence about her as she said, "You're coming home with me, tonight, boy! I'm lonely and I want you in my bed come dark. I'll take you to Mexico like I said I would, tomorrow...maybe the day after, but I'm lonely and I need a man and you are definitely a man." She reached down and stroked my still half erect dick and then gently slipped it back inside my trousers.

I licked my lips, both scared and excited by her words. "Ma'am, I don't even know your name."

She took the bottle back from me and took a long swig. Then she threw her arms around me and rubbed her body slowly against mine. "My name is Arlene, boy and tonight you're going to fuck me silly, hear?"

My mouth was dry, my heart was pounding and I could barely speak as I rasped, "I'm Tyler, A-Arlene." Out of instinct, I offered her my hand and she stared at it for a second and then laughed...a sound nearly as scary as her scowl.

She shook my hand with a firm grip and then jerked a thumb at the truck. "Throw your shit in the back and let's go, bo – Tyler."

Reluctantly, I obeyed her and after depositing my haversack in the bed of the truck, climbed in on the passenger side, Arlene already inside, her worn dress up over her knees and taking another hit off that bottle of bourbon. She smiled grimly at me and in a terrible grinding of gears, catapulted us down the dirt road.

With a long trail of dust rising up behind us, minutes of silence followed with Arlene rocketing down the road, the ass end of the pickup slewing back and forth as she worked the speedometer up to nearly seventy miles an hour. Finally, I worked up the courage to ask, "Um, Miss Arlene, where exactly are you taking me?"

Hardly sparing me a glance, she shot back, "My on a farm here in the middle of bumfuck Egypt...not that anything grows there."

Licking my lips nervously, I said, "Who all lives there?"

She gave an amused snort and replied, "Just me anymore." She looked over and I suppose picked up on what was bothering me. "Don't be worrying none, Tyler – ain't nobody around for twenty fucking miles. Nobody's gonna know there's a colored man fucking a white woman at the old Keller place. Hell, I ain't seen anyone in I don't know when. You're the first person I talked to in maybe two weeks."

I told myself that that made things better, but I had a bad feeling about this Arlene, despite her big, pretty titties and her long blonde hair and the way she could suck a cock. She reminded me of Terry Harlow...a guy in our angry young black man, pissed off at the whole world. He walked us into a Kraut ambush in early 1945 and though he was the only one killed, the rest of the squad always thought he did it intentionally. The kind of guy you know is gonna get killed, but you expect will be taking a whole passel of folks with him.

We rolled along at a suicidal clip for nearly thirty minutes before she rocketed off the dirt road onto a rutted lane, middle overgrown with brown weeds. We headed up over a rise that led down to a dingy gray wood house and barn, both looking as if a mild wind could take them down. A rusted Desoto decorated the front yard which was more dirt than grass, sharing it with two old hound dogs that rose up and ambled over once we'd slewed to a stop.

"C'mon, Tyler," Arlene said in a demanding, expectant tone. One of the hounds pulled back its teeth and began growling at me, but as she passed it, Arlene kicked it in the side with her bare foot, sending it yelping away to cower under the ruined car. Hurrying to catch up, I followed her into the house, passing through a parlor that had seen better days...a heat warped piano, festooned with old yellowed photographs inside cheap five and dime frames and a rug that was littered with cigarette burns and a hole that looked as if one of the dogs had been chewing on it. Mismatched furniture were scattered around the room, all of it looking worn and used out.

"C'mon," she said, leading me through a dark hall with more faded photographs hung on the walls and into a kitchen with a fairly new wood burning stove and an ice box. She turned and with a shrug, let her old blue dress slide off her shoulders to pool at her feet. I gawped at her brazenness – standing completely naked before me. Her breasts were spectacular, sagging just a bit from a lack of a brassiere. Her bush was a wild growth of dark blonde hair, much darker than her head of hair, making me wonder about its real color. Arlene's body was lean except for those large titties, wiry and muscular and I wondered suddenly how it would feel to have those long legs wrapped around me.

"Get them duds off, Tyler. I'll wash them later and brush up that jacket." She gestured at me with a pointed finger. "C'mon now, skin out of them clothes. You need a shower. I aint gonna let you climb into my bed with a layer of that shit-yellow Texas dirt covering you." She moved up and undid my belt and then was unbuttoning my shirt and then there was pulling and tugging and I was as naked as she was. "Come with me, boy," she smiled wryly as she reached out and took my semi-erect cock in her hand and led me onto an enclosed back porch. There was a rectangular enclosure on one end with a plastic curtain instead of a door and she slung it open and I could see a shower nozzle extending down from above.

She pulled me inside and said, "This is 'bout the only good damn thing about this whole place," as she turned a faucet knob. I let out a yell as cold water suddenly hammered down on us, feeling almost painful amidst the heat of a South Texas summer day. Arlene shivered as the water plastered her hair down and said, "Cold, ain't it? Might shrivel you up some, but I got a cure for that." She stood on tiptoe again and kissed me, hard and passionate, her naked body sliding against mine. Her busy tongue and the feel of those tits rubbing against my chest, did take my mind off the stinging spray.

At some point, Arlene produced some soap and she lathered me up and then I returned the favor, soaping up her big breasts, pausing for a moment to tease those long, hard nipples and then the rest of her, wiping suds over her tight buttocks and then between her legs. I liked how my fingers slicing through her pussy lips made Arlene moan and lean her head against my chest, her pelvis hunching hungrily against me. I finished by washing her hair with the soap, her backed up against me, ass cheeks brushing against my thighs.

Then we were toweling off hurriedly with a rough towel and she was taking me through the house, hand again wrapped around my cock. We climbed a rickety set of steps to the upper floor, ceilings all at angles as she led me into a bedroom that was near stifling with heat. Arlene paused alongside an unmade and sagging brass rail bed, blanket twisted and rumpled and turned and kissed me again, more need than anger in her lips this time. Finally, she broke the kiss and whispered, "I'm so lonely, Tyler, please come lie in my bed with me!"

We fell into the bed in a tumble of limbs, lips pressed together while our hands touched and explored with increasing insistency. Despite the cold shower, my cock had recovered, now long and hard and as Arlen stroked it with her hand, I felt so big and thick. She moaned and gasped as my lips found first one nipple and then the other, licking and sucking at them. Arlene ground her pelvis against me as I trapped a thick, rubbery nipple between my teeth and flicked it with my tongue.

I kissed her again and then kissed my way down her body, tongue tasting the sweat already forming on her body as I made my way down the valley of her breasts and over her flat stomach, the smell of her aroused cunt thick in my nostrils. Thoughts of Celeste flashed through my mind...her skin so pale and fair, her thick, unruly bush glistening with her wetness, beckoning me to kiss her there.

"Fuck me, boy!" Arlene snarled, snapping me out of my reverie as her hands tugged at my head, pulling me back up as her legs spread wide to take me. Her face was a terrible mix of anger and desire. "I'm so lonely, fuck me and make me feel good!"

I settled over her body which writhed beneath me. We kissed again, her tongue working furiously in my mouth as her hand slithered between our bodies to wrap around my cock and bring the swollen head between her flowered lips. She flung her hips up and then cried out as I pushed down and forced my thick helmet inside her.

"OH FUCK...TOO BIG!" she sobbed rising up on her elbows to look down at the tip of my cock wedged inside her.

Arlene felt wet and very tight and I realized she'd never had anything like me before. For the first time, her anger wilted a little as fear and apprehension emerged, the look in her eyes one of desperation and need and a sense that maybe she had bit off more than she could handle.

Suddenly, my own lust overwhelmed me and my own fear and confusion evaporated as I wanted, no, needed this woman. I let out a little laugh as I flexed my hips and thrust more of myself inside her, opening her up, spreading her tight little hole. "You wanted a big black cock, bitch, you're gonna get it!" I snarled as she twisted underneath me.

I withdrew partially and then thrust again, hard. "GODDAMN...TOO FUCKING BIG," Arlene wailed as almost half my long dick slipped inside her. I lowered my body down, trapping her beneath me even as her fingers clawed at my back and shoulders.

I mashed my lips against hers, muffling her cries as I began to work my hips up and down, plunging deeper into her with each thrust, her cunt walls stretching to accommodate my thick member. Each time, I shoved my throbbing dick home, Arlene's screams changed a little more – her growing pleasure becoming obvious every time our bodies slapped wetly together. To my amusement, I could hear the hounds outside the house begin to howl in accompaniment with her screams of pleasure

I paused, breathing heavily as I bottomed out in Arlene's pussy, feeling her wet, slick flesh clamping down around my shaft as I ground myself into her hairy bush and she threw back her head and began to howl as her hot juices bathed my cock in liquid fire. I had that white woman squirming around and cumming on my cock and the room seemed to spin as I reveled in the moment, feeling in control and strong and free for the first time in a long time.

I raised myself up on my arms and watched that white she-devil twist and turn, her titties bouncing around wildly as she clawed my back and then clawed the sheets while her legs tried to scissor around my back, but she just couldn't control her body's flailing as she climaxed.

I expected her to try and push me off as her orgasm faded, but she just looked up at me, gasping for breath until she could wheeze, "Fuck me, Tyler...give me that big, nigger dick hard and fast!"

I hated that word and I hated hearing it come out of her mouth, but I vented all my rage into hammering her into submission and I began to fuck her with a vengeance, driving myself as hard and as deep as I could, drawing satisfaction from both her cries of pleasure and her cries of pain. Over and over, like a relentless machine, I plunged my aching cock into her tight pussy, feeling as much as hearing her wetness as her flesh tried to cling to mine.

"YESYESYES! MAKE ME FEEL GOOD! FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME TO DEATH WITH THAT BIG DICK!" Arlene screamed, her voice going to harsh tatters as her fists beat against my upper arms as she began closing in on another big cum. Her lips smeared across my face as we kissed and licked and bit at each other. I chewed a big hickey onto her neck, focusing on that to keep me from losing control, loving that I had her at my mercy. I felt like I was getting so deep inside her and it pleased me to instinctively comprehend that I was touching virgin flesh inside this crazy white slut's body and I craved going even deeper.

I rose up a little and reached down and took hold of her legs and brought them up and threw them on my shoulders and then I leaned back in, thrusting hard as I curled Arlene up into a white ball of sweet fucking flesh and she began to cum again, violently, grunting and screaming and snorting as pleasure like she'd never known before exploded inside her.

I could feel a puddle of her juices dripping from her pussy, getting pushed out in weak sprays with every hard thrust of my cock to puddle under her upturned ass. Her full breasts were pushed up and in between sloppy wet kisses, I licked and bit her nipples, nearly drawing blood as I tugged at the thick, rubbery points. The room became steamy with sweat and the smell of pussy intermixed with the sounds of our wet groins slamming together and her now wordless screams intermixed with the howling dogs outside.

Somewhere in all that, her hands clamped both sides of my face and drew me to her mouth and we kissed violently, both of us staring at each other...her eyes wide with pleasure and madness and fury. Her teeth bit my lip and I tasted blood and she broke the kiss to cry out with a burst of new pleasure, I could see her lips smeared with my blood. Something exploded inside me and I began fucking her with renewed vigor, showing her no mercy.

Arlene screamed once and seemed to lapse into a semi-conscious state as I continued to pummel her cunt with my dick until I felt my need to cum become unstoppable and I sank my cock in as deep as I could go as I snarled, "Here it comes, white bitch. Gonna put my baby in your belly!"

As I exploded inside her, hot jism flooding her womb, the sensation triggered some unsuspected well of pleasure and she opened her eyes wide and screamed, "FUCK, YESSSSS! GIVE ME YOUR HOT CUM. FUCK ME CUMMMING!" She writhed beneath me, her screams becoming frantic sobs as pleasure overwhelmed her nervous system.

Finally, she began to cry as I shrugged her legs off my shoulders to fall widely on both sides of our heaving bodies. When I started to withdraw from her cunt, she wrapped her arms around my neck and whimpered, "Please don't! Stay in me for a little while. I just need to feel" She began to cry more as I gazed down in wonder at this crazy white woman. My own anger was spent in the aftermath of my climax and after a moment, I took her in my arms and with my cock still mostly hard inside her, I rolled us over on the saggy mattress until she was on top of me, her face nuzzling my chest as she continued to cry.

I felt my weariness start to overwhelm me and I faded away to a lullaby of Arlene's sniffles and an occasional lonesome howl from her hounds. Images from so many worlds passed through my sleep. I saw Daddy sitting on an old rickety stool shaking his finger disapprovingly at me and then I was crawling outside a building that was maybe older than my country trying not to take a bullet from a Nazi sniper. Then I was laying in a soft feather bed with doves cooing outside the window and Celeste was there...her small, petite white body naked and beautiful and she was straddling me and I was long and hard and so thick and she smiled down at me as she impaled herself on my hard cock, her green eyes closing as she bit her lip, hand pushing her short black hair out of her eyes as I watched with wonder not for the first time at how that tiny French woman somehow could take all my Mississippi cock inside her. Then her eyes opened and she said in that lovely little voice of hers, "You should have come back to me, Tyler. I loved you, you know."

I reached out to her and said, "I love you too, Celeste!" And I opened my eyes to see Arlene atop me, riding me slowly, hands resting on her knees as she squatted atop me, slowly moving up and down on my cock. Tension was evident in her face as she was trying to stay in control in the wake of another orgasm as she eyed me curiously.

It took a minute to ascertain my surroundings and then the day's events overtook me, beginning with jumping off the freight train, to getting a blowjob from this crazy white woman and then us fucking like two rutting dogs. Through clenched teeth, Arlene muttered, "I. Love. This. Cock!" I gazed down at where our bodies were joined. My cock ached with great pleasure and I could see the black skin of my long shaft coated in sperm and cunt cream...the whitish fluids thick on my flesh. I wondered if I'd ever even slipped from her pussy or if she just began fucking me again as I slept.

I reached up and cupped her breasts, feeling my fingers dig deep into the mounds of flesh, her pulse strong and steady in her nipples against my palms. "I love your tight pussy, Arlene!" I said in response, not knowing much else to say.

She barked a strained laugh and said as she continued to slowly ride me, "Huh – I hadn't thought of myself as tight in years, but I ain't never had a cock like yours before. I thought you were gonna rip me clear in two." Her shoulders shook and she closed her eyes as she slowly slid down my dick, impaling herself completely as she shifted to her knees and settled atop me. In a voice that was quickly becoming high and strained, she said, "Ain't nobody ever made me cum like that either." Arlene bit her lip and closed her eyes, and said as she began to roll her hips back and forth, "Cumming like that was like dying and going to heaven!"

Tears trickled from her eyes as she moaned, "I loved that...feeling like I was in heaven!" She continued to undulate atop my body, her pussy muscles flexing and working around my shaft, something feeling like it was almost kissing the tip of my deeply buried dick, whimpering as she began to cum and then crying out at I flexed my hips and poked upwards into her a little deeper. "DO THAT, GODDAMMIT, YES! FUCK ME, BABY, FUCK ME GOOD!"

Then she was lost in her orgasm, falling forward, her face nuzzling my chest as her hips hunched at me, keeping me buried deep within her as her juices poured over my now throbbing cock. I reached down with both hands and cupped her tight ass cheeks and spread them just a little as I continued to thrust upwards inside her pussy until finally, I felt the need to cum again myself and without warning her, filled her womb with my hot sperm.

She was wordless in her cries of pleasure, quivering as she took all that I had to offer, her tears splattering down on my chest even as her juices splattered down on my balls, bathing them with her silky, wet heat. I fell asleep again with her weeping softly atop me, her voice raw from screaming, sometimes rasping, "Thank you," as I drifted off, this time into a dreamless sleep.

When I woke, it was dark, but there was light from a big ol' Texas full moon shining through a window, silhouetting a naked Arlene who was sitting in the window sill, her knees drawn up to her chest. She was staring out into the desolate moonlit landscape. "Arlene, you okay?" I murmured, sitting up on my elbows. I realized that she'd thrown a sheet over my naked body.

She turned and stared at me for a long minute before returning her gaze outside. "Reckon I'm fine as a person could be in this shithole." I sat there without a clue of what to say and it was a while before she turned and looked at me again, her eyes burning in the dim light. "Who is Celeste?" she asked sharply.

My heart did a double-flip and my mouth went dry as I said softly, "Say what?"

"Who's Celeste? You called me that while we was fucking." She tilted her head and said, "She someone you love?"

I sighed heavily and rolled out to sit on the side of the bed, pushing the damp sheet off my body. I rubbed my face with my hands and took a long time before I replied, "Yeah...she was someone I loved. She's...she's dead now." I remember sitting in the stockade...reading the letter from her village priest, telling me about the unexploded shell she'd stepped on in a field of wildflowers. "Long time ago. Long ways away."

"What's it feel like, Tyler...loving somebody. Being loved back?"

I looked up at her and saw that she was serious, her mouth turned down with a confused frown. I took a moment, not knowing what to say. "Why...I don't – I ain't sure I got the words, Arlene. It's – love is like caring for something so much it hurts your heart to be away from it. You want to just hold it and kiss it and smell it and get it inside your skin and never turn it loose."

She shook her head and then looked down, her face becoming lost in shadow. "Like when you're cumming and you reckon heaven can't be any better?"

I sighed and said, "It's...I reckon it's more. All that sweetness of fucking times a million, feeling that way when they just smile at you or touch your hand with theirs."

She rose her head sharply, her lips curled into an ugly snarl. I could hear the pain in her voice, "I ain't been loved like that and I sure ain't loved anyone and felt that way." She roughly wiped tears out of her eyes and looked back out into the dark. After several minutes, she said softly, "I'm sorry for all the names I called you, Tyler...boy and nigger and all that. I didn't mean's just...fuck, ain't it just a shitty world?"

I laughed softly and said, "It is at that, Arlene, it is at that." I stood up and walked across the rough wooden floor to stand next to her. I gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Where's your people at, Arlene? What are you doing out here all alone?"

She leaned back against me and sighed. "That's what I am. That's all I am. Ain't got nobody and ain't nobody ever loved me." I heard her sniffle a little and then she wiped her eyes again and said, "I don't love anyone."

"Well, you will, Arlene. You never know but one of these days you'll find someone who will love you and you'll love them back something awful."

She snorted and looked up at me. "I fucking doubt that. I'm thirty-one years old and stuck here in this hellhole and a lot of men have spread my legs and had me, but I ain't loved a single one and here I am alone." She dropped a hand down from atop her knee and reached out for my sticky cock. "I don't know how to love and I reckon it don't matter so long as I can have something like this once in a while."

She turned towards me and dropped her legs to the floor. Arlene looked up at me as she stroked my cock, urging it back to life with her experienced touch. "Make me feel better, Tyler," she whispered, bringing the head of my cock to her lips and slipping her tongue out to roll over my flesh, lapping up her the sticky jism and pussy juice that was slowly drying there. "Help me forget than I'm alone and that I don't love anyone. Make me feel good, baby, please."

Arlene began to suck me again in earnest, her lips spreading to take as much as me in her mouth as she could. I shivered as my sensitive flesh was licked by her talented tongue and I sighed, "Sweet girl," running my fingers through her hair as her head bobbed up and down on my lengthening and thickening bone.

Soon the night air was filled with Arlene's impassioned cries as I took her again, fucking her from behind as she clung to the rails of the brass bed, her head hanging low and her tits rolling back and forth as I fed my cock into her hungry pussy. Amidst Arlene's screams of pleasure, the hound dogs in the farmyard gathered underneath the window to join her in a chorus of howls.

It seemed as if I fucked that strange white girl for hours, able to withstand the need to cum as I tried to please her as if I was her one last chance to know pleasure on such a scale in the long years she still had to live. I rode her hard and I rode her gentle, fucking her through one orgasm after another until finally, I fell atop her sobbing body and flooded her pussy with a final hot load of jism and we both fell into a dreamless and restless sleep.

Arlene didn't get around to taking me to the Mexico border that next day or the next and to be honest, I wasn't in any all-fired hurry to go. What we did do is fuck ourselves nearly to death and before I knew it, a week had gone by. We ate when we were hungry and slept when we were tired and in between it seemed as if we were fucking and sucking and licking. I didn't learn much about her...she was pretty non-committal about the folks in the pictures scattered around the house and she wouldn't talk much about herself. When we wasn't going at each other, she was often staring out the windows or sitting on the porch, looking off into the horizon at something only she saw.

One early evening as the sun was setting, we were on the back porch. She was astride me, naked as a jaybird, moving up and down on my cock like a never ending piston in a machine, sobbing with sex spawned pleasure, I knew her eyes were fixed on that horizon, fucking me and taking pleasure from it to spite or deny something that haunted her and was looming out there somewhere. Even in her sleep, she was at war with something, sometimes whimpering and reaching out with her hands until she found me, her fingers finally wrapping around my cock and bringing me to her – inside her to chase away her demons.

I had never known a woman like her before. There was this seemingly never filled hole inside her that craved sex to replace whatever it was she was missing. She took joy from it, but not love and even as she began to creep into my heart a little, I knew that she wasn't feeling the same way about me.

In the early hours just before dawn, she was squalling with pleasure as I wormed my way in and out of her ass – that crazy white girl determined to have me in every hole in her body and although it was the tightest thing I'd ever gotten my dick inside and had to have hurt like hell, she'd taken nearly all my long, black cock inside her asshole and had ripped a hole in the threadbare sheets as she clawed wildly as I speared her up the back door, finally filling her bowels with hot jism.

She'd fallen forward, still shaking with pleasure, her lips curled in a carnal snarl and with my cock still trapped in her ass, I had eased down atop her, gasping for breath. I'd ran my hand under her hair, brushing it to one side so I could kiss the glistening skin at the nape of her neck. "Whoo, Arlene...that was something. I love you, girl!"

Arlene jerked as if she'd been shot and pulled free of me, her ass leaking my spunk and was sitting next to me, her face full of tears as she slapped me and said, "Don't you dare say something like that to me! Don't even pretend you do 'cause I sure as hell don't love you!" She jumped off the bed and still naked stormed downstairs and climbed into the truck and roared off, not coming back for hours and ignoring me for most of the next day.

It was near to bedtime and I was on the front porch, trying to enjoy what breeze there was when she came out of the house and climbed into my lap. We held each other for a long time before she finally whispered in a heated tone, "Don't ever say that again, Tyler. Love ain't got nothing to do with us...wouldn't work even if we did feel that way. What we got is sex. Fucking and making each other feel good ain't love." She sat up and kissed me. "It ain't love," she repeated, "But it's all we got."

And so it was that that first week slipped into the second. We fucked and slept and sat around saying next to nothing and then fucked some more. It was maybe the tenth day since I'd arrived and in the early afternoon, we were fucking upstairs in the hot, steamy bedroom, Arlene flat on her back and me buried deep inside her, both of us slamming into the other, me now used to this crazy white woman's way of making she was at war. We were kissing and biting and scratching at each other, her fingernails clawing furrows down my back while her ankles were crossed behind my ass.

Her hounds, Buster and Charley were howling in a chorus, echoing Arlene's yowls as they'd come accustomed to doing whenever we fucked. Her blue eyes were locked on mine, her fury as potent as ever, demanding that I pleasure her and make her cum and forget, at least for a moment, all her misery. Her sweet, slick cunt flesh was massaging my shaft like something that bordered on religious as I struggled not to cum too quickly.

I was so caught up in that perfect moment of sweet fucking that I never noticed the mattress sagging a little more and might not have realized we weren't alone until I felt the warm metallic business end of a large pistol tap softly against my temple. I froze in place while Arlene's eyes suddenly went wide and she moaned, half in fear and half in pleasure, "Fuck, God! Cody!"

I turned my head ever so slightly to spy a slightly overweight man wearing a dingy white Stetson with a tarnished star in the middle, unkempt curls of red hair coming out from under the hat band. His face was a might piggish and he was sporting a week's worth of reddish beard. I caught a flash of another badge on his chest and above it, the words Andolisa County Sheriff's Deputy.

He pressed the muzzle of his pistol against my head and grinned, teeth crooked and yellow. "Howdy, pardner." When I started to withdraw from Arlene, he pushed the muzzle harder against my temple and said, "Now, hold on. Ain't no one telling you to climb off this nigger fucking whore." He paused and glanced over at Arlene. "Ain't she something, my Arlene? Body built for sin and ain't nothing she won't do or anyone she won't fuck. I figured I'd come home and she'd be blowing the dogs or some such shit. Didn't reckon on seeing a jungle bunny fucking her though." He glanced at Arlene again and said, "Hi honey, miss me?"

Arlene licked her lips and then to my surprise, spat at him, spittle spraying his cheek as she said, "Fuck you, Cody, you sorry assed bastard. What little slut in a border whorehouse you been shacked up in for the last goddamn month?"

Amused, the man wiped spit off his face and said, "No whorehouse, Arlene. But I met me this little senorita with a cunny that tastes like honey. Still, I always come home, you know that." He grinned at me, his pistol never moving from my head. "Now, boy, did she forget to tell you she was married?"

My mouth was so dry, I have no idea how I even managed to speak. "Boss, I don't want no trouble...leastways, no more than I already got. Let me, off her and you can take me in, sir."

Cody laughed at me and shook his head. "Oh hell no, boy! I figure the least you deserve is to put one more load of your nigger jism in my wife's twat. I want to see you do it. I wanna see how you make this negro loving slut scream. I figure you got one last good cum coming to you before I cut your dick off and feed it to my dogs." He glanced down and giggled weirdly. "I reckon that'll keep 'em full for a day or two."

Moving smoothly for a fat man, he stood up, his pistol still aimed at my head. "Go on now, fuck my wife. Show me how much better a nigger can fuck a white woman that a white man can. Go on now, start really poking her with that thing!"

You know, its funny how looking death in the eye can make you feel. Part of me wanted to curl up into a ball and whimper until this ofay motherfucker put a bullet in me, but part of me felt alive as I have ever felt. Alive like I'd felt on the field of battle in Eastern France or when my sweet Celeste and I were making love, she urging me to make a baby with her. You'd think a man's dick would just shrivel up when someone was pointing a Smith & Wesson 45 at him, but I felt bigger and longer than ever and I turned my gaze away from that red haired man and stared down at Arlene.

"Sorry, " she grunted as I thrust myself into her.

"Ain't nothing for it, Arlene." I replied. "Guess we just make do with what we're given." I closed my eyes and began to fuck her hard, imagining her long, lanky body underneath me and imagining how Celeste felt with me inside her and how my first, a sweet, innocent girl with skin as black as night who used to sing like an angel in the church choir had felt the first time she'd parted her legs for me...her name like a nearly forgotten memory at the edge of my mind...Darrie, I think it was.

Arlene responded to my thrusts, her eyes blazing with anger and regret and above all, pleasure as she clung to me, her touch conveying her need and desire to get every last ounce of pleasure from our last time. I fucked her hard, trying to ignore the niggling feeling that this Cody was likely going to blow at least my head off when I began to cum.

Arlene squirmed underneath me, trying to control her sobs of pleasure, but finally turning herself loose with a feral scream of delight, Cody laughing as the hounds resumed serenading us. She reached up and defiantly pulled my head down and kissed me, making sure that Cody saw her feeding me her tongue. I was filled with a great sense of delight that even if I was going to die, I was making this white woman scream in ways that Cody never had or would and I broke the kiss laughing my defiance as I made one last brutal series of thrusts into Arlene that sent her spiraling off into a loud, barking climax as I sank into her as deep as I could and emptied my balls into her, resigned and happy to die as a black cuckold for this fat deputy.

"YESSSSS!' Arlene managed to hiss between gasps for air. "Got me a real man between my legs." She glanced over at Cody and sneered. "He's got a real cock too, unlike some limp little dick fellas I know!"

The fat man's face was a bright red and his eyes were filled with something a lot crazier than whatever haunted Arlene. He unconsciously rubbed his bulging crotch in his stained khakis and licked his lips. His eyes wandered away for a moment and I considered making a play for his pistol, but he was a good distance from me and I was still hard and deep inside Arlene, her cunt still tightly wrapped around my cock.

His eyes cleared and he squinted at me, his eyes all piggish as he waggled his pistol at me and said, "Alright, boy, nice and slow, climb off my wife." I did as he said, trying not to wince as my cock made a wet, obscene sucking noise as I withdrew from Arlene's pussy and she moaned in pleasure.

Cody backed up and pointed me to the door. "Let's go, nigger. Ain't no sense getting ain't gonna need clothes much longer." He kept his distance and I debated simply attacking him and hoping that I could take him and survive whatever wounds I might take.

I decided to bide my time and headed for the door, glancing once back at Arlene as she stared at me, despair and hate in her eyes as tears ran down her cheeks and she whispered, "I'm so sorry, Tyler."

Cody snapped, "Shut the fuck up, whore. I'll deal with you when I get done with the spear-chucker here. You keep quiet and maybe you won't be shitting and pissing blood more'n a month or so."

I slowly walked down the stair and began to turn towards the kitchen when Cody muttered, "Out the front door, nigger. You think we're stopping for a beer on the way out?"

I felt sticky and unclean as I climbed down the steps, the sun beating down on my sweaty and naked body. The hounds lifted their heads up to watch us go into the dirt rising to its feet to amble closer towards us. Twenty feet into the yard, Cody said, "Alright, nigger, turn around and face me."

Moving cautiously, I turned around and saw him standing a little over ten feet from me, gun pointed at my torso, him grinning broadly and most disturbingly, an obvious hard-on in his pants. "Boss, you don't have to do this. Take me in, beat hell out me, but you don't need to shoot my ass."​
Next page: Page 02