Page 02

Cody giggled and shrugged. "Maybe I will and maybe I won't." He licked his lips again and his hand went into his pocket. He brought out a switchblade and flicked it open. "Tell you what, go on and cut off your own black dick and I'll let you go." He flung the knife into the dirt near my feet, the blade sinking into the dry dirt, the blade glittering in the bright sunshine.

I looked down at the knife with more longing that I wished and then back up at Cody. "Reckon, I'll pass, boss. I guess I'd bleed to death. Shooting me would be quicker."

He grinned and shrugged as he replied, "Shitty deal for sure, nigger, but it's the best deal any nigger's gonna get caught banging a white man's wife, even if she is a fucking slut." He thumbed back the hammer on his pistol.

I steeled myself to lunge for the knife and try and stick it in him before he could shoot me dead, but as I kept my eyes on his crazy ones, the screen door banged open. Not taking his eyes off of me, Cody said, "I thought I told you to stay inside, you stupid cu..."

Cody's voice was drowned out by the roar of a gun and I flinched as I assumed he'd pulled the trigger and shot me. As I patted my body, seeking blood and waiting for the pain to start, Cody lowered his gun and opened his mouth to speak, but instead of words, a gout of blood flowed past his lips, followed by another gunshot which faded into echoes almost immediately. I blinked in surprise as I looked down and saw two blood red flowers blooming on his sheriff's blouse.

He fell to his knees and I saw Arlene, standing naked a few feet behind him, holding a twin to the big forty-five revolver in Cody's hand. Her face and chest were red with something akin to arousal, her nipples swollen to the point of bursting. Cody looked down, his free hand clawing at the holes in his chest. Arlene pulled back the trigger and said, "Fuck you, Cody Keller." With terrible and deliberate purpose, Arlene sighted down the barrel and blew Cody's brains out, blood and brains splattering my body as he fell forward to the ground.

She dropped her gun hand down, the barrel making a sizzling noise as it brushed her leg. Arlene never even flinched. She glowered down at Cody's corpse as I took the whole scene in, trying to will myself to breathe. The only thing that moved was the old hound dog that had already been ambling our way...apparently not troubled by the sound of shots in the least. As I stood there in stunned silence, the dog approached, sniffed the dead body and then began to lap at the spreading pool of blood pooling in the dirt.

Finally, slowly and cautiously, I began to move, giving Cody a wide berth as I approached the naked, blonde-haired woman. "Arlene? You okay, Arlene?" I said softly as I carefully took the gun from her limp hand. Her eyes were on her now dead husband, watching him intently as if he might roll over and climb to his feet. I could see one crazy eye staring sightlessly at the barn. I'd seen dead men before and I knew she had nothing to fear from Cody anymore.

"Arlene? Thank saved my life," I said, reaching out to stroke her arm comfortingly.

She jerked her hand away, swinging her face around to stare at me, the anger in those blue orbs as intense as ever. "You think I done that for you! I was saving my own fucking life. I wasn't about to let that cowardly fucker beat me ever again. I've pissed and shit enough blood in my life."

I nodded and said, "I understand you, but thanks just the same."

Arlene ignored my thanks and then snorted and hawked up a gob of snot and spat it at her late husband. Wiping her mouth, she turned to me and said, "There's an old canvas tarp in the barn. Go get it and we'll wrap him up in it."

I shook my head. "Ain't you gonna go get the law?" Even as I said it, I knew how stupid it sounded.

She turned on me with fists clenched and screamed, "And tell them what...that I shot their asshole buddy 'cause he caught me fucking a nigger?" She slung an arm around and slapped me in the face, staggering me back as she continued to rant. "You want to fucking hang, Tyler, 'cause I sure as hell don't. We got to get rid of this sorry sack of shit and make like he never existed. Go get the fucking tarp. Get it now!"

I'd had combat sergeants who'd been less intense than her and I found myself running naked across the dirt yard towards the leaning barn, shoving open the door and finding a moth-eaten hank of tarp and dragging it back. We rolled Cody onto it, pausing to take nearly one hundred and fifty dollars out of his wallet and toss both forty-fives in with him before we bundled him up in the weathered canvas. Quivering with nervous energy, we hauled it into the bed of the old truck. I suddenly realized there was a sheriff's prowler parked next to it and I looked at Arlene and said, "What'll we do with the car?"

She stared at it, silent for a long minute before she worked it out and nodding, replied, "We'll put it in the barn for now. Tonight, I'll drive it to the border and leave it near one of his goddamn bordellos. You follow in the truck and then I'll drive it back while you cross the border."

I came up short and after a moment said, "You mean...I got to go?"

She laughed nastily and said, "Might be a bit suspicious, my husband gone missing and a colored man spending time out at the house." She came up to me, her hand coming to my face, stroking my still burning cheek with her fingers. "We both knew it wouldn't last. Tyler, it's time to go."

For a bad moment, I thought I might have to unroll him and fish car keys out his pockets, but Cody had left them in the ignition. We went back to the house and dressed. Arlene had cleaned my clothes as best as could be done and after what little time I'd spent in them the last week or so, it felt strange to be have clothes on again. It was nearly as odd to see Arlene clothed...wearing that same old fashioned, button up the front dress she'd sorta been wearing the first time we met.

We climbed in the truck and she took off like a bat out of hell. I glanced back at the bouncing tarp in the bed of the truck. I realized we didn't have any shovels. I looked over at Arlene who was staring straight ahead intently. "What are we gonna do with him? We gonna bury him?"

Arlene shook her head violently. "No...coyotes might dig him up...can't risk it. I got something better in mind." She didn't say more as we finally made the crossroad and then turned west. It was late afternoon when she turned sharply onto a barely visible road...obviously abandoned and unused for years. We bounced and crashed around a rise to come into a low depression where the remains of a barn and a small house had been at one time. The skeletal remains of a windmill stood over a rock cistern. Arlene skidded to a stop and we climbed out.

The place was deserted, but seemed haunted...I could almost sense the ghosts lingering. "What is this place?" I said in a hushed voice.

Pain clouded Arlene's eyes as she said angrily. "This here's home. Belonged to my daddy before the bank stole it back in 1931. I was ten. Pa moved us into town, left Mama here. She pointed to a rise beyond the house where the remains of a miniature iron fence surrounding a weathered wooden cross. "She died in 1925, given birth to my little brother. They're both up there." She looked at me, tears threatening. "Ain't nobody lives here now...aint worth shit, but there's a well we can use."

She pointed towards the large round cistern. I walked over there and looked down the uncovered hole. It went deep into darkness. I couldn't smell water though and glanced at her. "It went dry in 1929. Pa was always scared I'd fall down into it. Said it was nearly two hundred feet deep." Arlene smiled in a way that made me both aroused and frightened. "I reckon it'll do for Cody."

I nodded and we struggled with his rolled up corpse, raising it up and pushing it over the edge of the cistern. The bundle thudded against the sides of the well as it fell before it came to a stop with a wet, meaty sound. "I hope you roast in hell, you sorry son of a bitch," muttered Arlene as she walked around the cistern, pushing at rocks that had loosened in the homemade mortar, shoving them off into the well to impact with noises that made me queasy.

Each time she sent a rock down to crash on Cody, Arlene's eyes grew a little wilder until they seemed to be full of fire that was equal parts anger and desire. Her nipples pressed out against the thinning cotton fabric of that faded blue dress. I glanced at the sun, now riding low towards the west and said, "Maybe we best get a move on, Arlene. It'll be dark soon."

She spun and stared at me. "Fuck me, Tyler. I want it...I need you and that big, black dick of yours." I took a step back, daunted by the clear arousal in her her body, something that went beyond she was a wild spirit. Arlene was a bit scary and I have to confess, very sexy too. Scared and confused as I felt, I was startled to feel my cock begin to harden.

"Arlene...damn, but we got to get moving,'s a long way to the border."

I was still backing up and that wild blonde woman followed until I bumped up against the lowered tail gate of the truck. Arlene pushed herself against me, rubbing her body against mine while her hands fondled my crotch and her lips pressed against mine. "We got time and I want you right now! I'm free now and I want to be fucked!" she moaned as her hands got inside my fly and drew my swelling dick out, stroking it anxiously.

Her tongue swirled in my mouth, dancing with my tongue and in the process, somehow communicating a sense of carnal lust that associates with the specter of death. I'd seen it and felt it many times in the heat of battle...the joy of simply being alive after spitting in Death's face. My arousal exploded inside me and my hands were all over Arlene, squeezing her breasts through the dress, tearing the dress open to get my hands and then my mouth on her swollen nipples while she crooned with pleasure. I slid fingers through her already sopping wet pussy lips, my shameless blonde slut not wearing any underclothes.

She bit my lip as she broke the kiss and sobbed, "Fuck me, Tyler...goddamn, I need your big cock in my pussy!" She pulled away from my embrace and bent over the tail of the truck bed, hiking her dress up as she spread her legs, revealing her tight ass and between her thick, wild bush, her pussy was spread wide and glistening with wetness.

I unbuckled my pants and let them fall at my feet and stepped up behind her and with the ease of being near constant lovers for the past several days, pressed the swollen head of my cock between her cunt lips and shoved hard. Arlene threw back her head and screamed with pain and pleasure and in triumph, spooking a couple of jackrabbits that skittered away from us as I began to fuck my white lover with a vengeance.

Our moans and screams drifted away from us to be devoured by the great emptiness that we stood in the middle of, Arlene's fingernails scraping against the rusted metal of the truck bed while I pounded my long, thick cock into her hungry, clinging pussy, her feeling so hot and slick and tight, both of us screaming and swearing from the sheer pleasure of uninhibited fucking and the pure joy of being alive.

"FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK MEEEEE!" Arlene squalled, her body quivering as I pressed myself against her, hands wrapped around her and squeezing her large titties brutally, almost still except for my pelvis which was moving like a jackhammer as I fucked her with quick, powerful thrusts. Her cunt muscles tightened around my cock as she began to cum, sobbing, "I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT. FUCK, I LOVE THAT BLACK DICK!"

Before I knew what was happening, I began to cum, gushing huge gouts of hot jism into her white womb, my entire body tingling with pleasure as I exploded inside her, lifting myself up on my toes as I tried to thrust into her as deep as I possibly could. Her cries of pleasure became louder and she seemed to cum all the harder as I filled her pussy with my spunk and I was laughing and crying with the intensity and the insanity of the moment – in love with life and maybe that crazy white girl as I just seemed to keep cumming.

I was so caught up in the rapture of the moment, I never saw the tire iron until the very last second, Arlene's arm lashing at me from such an awkward angle that it must have hurt. There was a flash of pain, that strangely enough, seemed to enhance my pleasure for a moment and then the world fragmented into pieces of blackness that spread together to darken my whole world. My last conscious sensation was leaving something hot and sweet and so wonderful wet, feeling keenly a sense of loss and betrayal.

I awoke in darkness and swam slowly out of it. I was alone and the truck and Arlene were gone. The waning moon and a blanket of stars were my only illumination. I tried to rise up twice only to fall down, taking a while to realize that my trousers were tangled up around my ankles. My head ached and was sticky where the skin had been broken by Arlene's blow. I had no clue what time it was, but I had a sense that it wasn't quite midnight yet. "Fucking bitch,"

I sighed even as I heard my Pa's voice laughing at me..."I done warned you about those crossroads and the devil. She done sucked away your soul, ain't she boy?" I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind of his voice and all the accompanying echoes of every bad decision I'd ever made in my life. All that did was make me dizzy.

I stared at the sky, using the stars to determine direction. All my worldly possessions were back at Arlene's house, but I had no plans to go back and claim them. Thanking that crazy white bitch for not taking my shoes, I began to march across the scrubland in a southern direction, looking back in the darkness again and again for any sign of pursuit. I tried to steadily eat up the miles as I'd been taught in the army long ago, but my head was pounding and sometimes I was seeing double and I had no water.

Visions of Cody with the back of his head blown off keep flashing through my mind intermixed with images of Arlene's naked body underneath mine, her angry eyes fixed on me even as I moved inside her feverish body. I had a good idea of where she got off to and what it meant for me if I didn't get my ass across the river and into Mexico.

Sometime late in the night, I crested a small rise and looked back and three or four miles away saw several pairs of headlights all grouped together – a cherry top strobing and illuminating the sky like lightning dripping blood. I figured that somebody had come for Cody...and me. I moved on, shifting to the southwest and then to the southeast to hopefully shake any pursuers, but always moving south, praying that Arlene had been lying about Mexico being fifty miles away.

As light was breaking in the east, I scrabbled down a scree of loose shale into a dried up creek bed and moved towards the opposite bank when a gruff voice drawled, "That'd be far enough, boy. You're done running." A tall, gaunt shape emerged from the shadows of some heavy brush, holding a rifle at his waist, calmly pointed my way. His skin was leathery and wrinkled from too many years in the sun and a thick, unruly mustache covered his upper lip. He was wearing a denim jacket with a star on it and a sweat stained Stetson.

I considered running, unsure if I'd charge him or run away, but he read my thoughts in my body language and slowly shook his head. "Don't, boy...I can castrate a jackrabbit at fifty yards with this Winchester. Putting a round into your leg won't do anything but make you limp on your way to meet your maker."

I heard the absoluteness and finality in his voice and any thought of resistance flooded out of me. In a voice full of defeat, I said, "I didn't kill Cody Keller. Arlene did. She shot him to keep him from killing me."

He shrugged as he reached behind his back and came out with a pair of gleaming hand cuffs. "Don't much care if you did or didn't. Cody was a worthless piece of motherless white trash and I figured Arlene Keller would've done him in long before this." He tossed the cuffs over to land at my feet. "You know how this works, boy...put them on. Arlene's made some serious charges about you. Don't be fucking with me. Shooting a colored boy charged with mur*er and Ra*e wouldn't raise any eyebrows round these parts.

I hesitated as I reached down for the cuffs. "Ra*e? I ain't raped no one!"

He motioned with his rifle and said, "That'll be for a jury of your peers, such as it is, to decide." Once I had the cuffs on, he pointed south and we began walking – him a safe distance behind me. "Just be glad it was me who caught you. Sheriff Wilbourne had'a got his hands on you, you'd likely have been swinging from a courthouse tree before the morning was out."

I glanced back over my shoulder at him and said, "Who're you?"

"Dave LaSalle. Some call me Dancin' Dave. Texas Ranger...retired. They call me when they need someone tracked out here in the big empty places." He sighed. "Figured as soon as I heard Arlene tell her story you'd be lighting out for old Mexico."

We marched for nearly half an hour before we came along an old army Jeep. He cuffed me to the seat and we made for the city of Andolisa, the county seat for Andolisa County. Along the way, I told him my story and of all that happened while he kept his eyes on the road.

As we came into town and moved through the streets, people out on their morning business looking at us, some spitting as they glanced at me, the Ranger spoke softly to me. "Tyler, you got yourself a regular shit sandwich to eat." He glanced at me with pity in his eyes. "You could be telling the truth...lord knows, I've lived long enough to separate what's real from the bullshit in this world. I've known Arlene since she dropped out from between her mama's legs back in '21. She's been pissed off at the world pretty much ever since, spreading her legs for a lot of men, mostly trying to get even for whatever she lost or ain't ever had. I reckon at least two men have gotten killed over her since she turned eighteen."

He snorted and said, "Boy, she was something then...make an old man's pecker remember being young. But whether she's lying here or telling the truth, you and me both know how this is gonna go. White woman in Texas says a colored man raped her...he's a dead man...just a matter of time. Worse, you're accused of killing a law officer. A piece of shit law officer for sure, but all the same..." We pulled up in front of the sheriff's office and the old man put a hand on my shoulder. "Make your peace with God, son. You'll be riding the lightning before the New Year arrives." He looked down and spat out his side of his Jeep and said, "I'm sorry bout that, but this...this is Texas.

I only saw Ranger Dancin' Dave LaSalle one other time, although I did hear that he was all that kept the locals from hanging me. I wasn't ever sure he was doing me a favor. Sheriff Wilbourne and Cody's friends beat me near to death and I was still pissing blood long after the trial was over with and I was sitting in the State Prison waiting sentence.

The trial was a sensation and made the newspapers all over Texas. I pleaded 'not guilty' and then watched with my heart breaking as Arlene testified that I had snuck onto her farm and held her prisoner and raped her constantly for several days before Cody came home and caught me, but then I murdered him and forced her to help me hide his body. It was only while I was raping her again that she managed to knock me out and drive away to get help.

Arlene gave all this testimony in a dead, monotone voice, never once looking me in the eye, her face a harsh red, her eyes still angry, but thick with fear. Her testimony was supported by a local doctor who reported that in examining Arlene, her vagina's condition showed excessive abuse over a long period and that her anus had experienced some tearing from being anally assaulted.

The prosecutor built a case of me being a habitually violent man, citing my military record – two years in Leavenworth for assaulting an officer while stationed in France and my year and a day in Houston for hitting a policeman while drunk. He painted me as a rabid dog best put down for everyone's safety.

My own defense attorney made the minimal effort, skirting my claims as best he could and trying to get the court to show mercy and send me to prison for life rather than give me the death penalty. A jury of twelve white men, all over sixty years of age spent exactly fourteen minutes to decide my fate. I reckon it took that long 'cause one of them had to take off his shoes to count the votes up. A jury of my peers indeed.

The Judge, who appeared to know most of the jury on a first name basis, stood me up to pronounce sentence and asked me if I had anything to say? I rolled my eyes and gestured casually at him and replied, "Fuck you, your honor, but y'all have already decided to fry my black ass anyway. Go ahead and flip the switch you pale-bellied motherfucker."

The Judge's face went so red, I thought he might have a stroke on the bench, but finally, a grim smile broke out on his face and he answered, "I'll be right happy to oblige you, boy." I was sentenced to die on December 31 before midnight. I wasn't to see 1953 roll around.

My comments to the judge earned me a special beating from two good ol' white boys one night at the penitentiary who were let into my isolated cell for the longest fifteen minutes of my life. I heard they got serious time off for good behavior. Six months rolled by as I sat in my tiny cell day after day, marking the time growing short. Christmas, the guards gave me a thick stick of peppermint candy and waited till after I sampled it to tell me they'd been scratching their asses with it. I got a Christmas card from Dave LaSalle urging me to "get right with the Lord' and telling me that he and his missus were praying for me.

Finally, December 31 rolled around and they prepped me for execution and took me to a windowless cell down the hall from the execution chamber. I sat in a chair that was securely bolted down to the floor in case I had any last minute ideas of using it to escape. I ignored my last meal, knowing full well my guards had spit in it. I was calm. I wasn't sure I was right with the Lord, but I was ready to get the hell out of Texas.

With maybe an hour to go, the guards came in with another chair and then shackled me securely into the chair I was in. ""What's all this?" I asked hesitantly, figuring it was time for one last beating.

A pale faced guard with a Moe haircut snickered and said, "Sometimes, we get a request from the victim's family. A last little private visit with the piece of shit who killed some of their kin. We're always happy to oblige." My heart began to beat wildly as his words sank into me. I couldn't believe she would...

The door opened and in stepped Arlene. Her hair was still blonde, but somebody professional had done the hair job. She looked more like Veronica Lake than ever before. She had on a little make-up and she was wearing a fancy looking cloth coat with nice high heels on her feet. Her face was pale and drawn under the makeup though and though she looked pretty, I much preferred the face I'd seen cumming not so long ago.

Moe stepped to her and pulled out a beavertail sap, putting the weapon down on the chair he'd brought for her. "You got thirty minutes, Mrs. Keller. Don't make him bleed." He pointed to the sap and said, "Hit him in the gut and in, balls. Won't show and it'll hurt like hell."

Arlene nodded and smiled coldly at him. "I understand. Thirty mintues." She slid a coat sleeve up and looked at a sparkly gold wristwatch. Moe tipped his uniform cap at her and left, the door clicking as the lock was thrown into place.

For a long time we just stared at each other. My fear of Arlene quickly gave way to a hate that almost made me quiver while she stood there by the chair and stared coldly back. When I could bear the silence no more, I rasped, "Come back to take one more cheap shot at the nigger, Arlene?"

She looked down at her feet, casting her face into shadow and was a long time replying, finally saying, "I suppose I deserve that, Tyler." She looked up at me, her face now streaked with tears. "I wanted to...shit, I don't know. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am over how I did you."

I could feel my anger swelling and I strained against my shackles, praying for a single weak link so I could break free and strangle the lying white bitch. "You want to apologize, go tell that fucking judge how you lied before they fry my ass."

A sob broke loose from her, a bubble of snot forming and bursting over her upper lip. Arlene wiped it away with the back of her hand and barely looking at me, replied, "I can't do that, Tyler."

"Right," I answered, sarcasm and despair both in my voice. "Much fairer to just let the nigger die instead."

Arlene's entire body seemed to hunch over as she let out another sob. She pushed away tears with both hands and then began unbuttoning her coat. "No, I mean...I can't do that, Tyler. I'm pregnant with your baby." She spread her coat wide to reveal a plain dress that stretched tightly across her swollen belly. She shrugged the coat off and draped it over the chair, stepping closer to me as she ran her hands over her stomach.

I stared at her, shock dissipating my anger as I looked at a woman in the later months of pregnancy. " baby?" I whispered.

Arlene nodded and replied, "I'm in my six month and the doctor tells me it's already big for its age. It's yours...I'm near positive that it's a boy too."

My head was spinning and things started to blacken on me and I gasped for air, taking deep breaths until finally I could look up into Arlene's tear streaked face. "I'm gonna be a daddy?" I looked around as if looking for someone to jump out of hiding and tell me this was all a sick joke. "I'm going to be a daddy and I'm fixing to get fucking killed! What the fuck did you do this to me for, Arlene! Why'd you fucking lie and kill me for?"

Arlene began crying full on, managing to speak between hesitant sobs. "Please forgive me, Tyler...I done wrong and I can't undo it, but was the only way I could see to get free."

"What the fuck you mean, girl? Why'd you set me up?"

She wiped her face again and her voice grew cold and flat, hints of her old anger still simmering. "Cody had to die...if'n I'd let him just go missing, it would've been years before I'd have had title to his place. I'd had to wait for them to declare that fucker dead. I couldn't wait. Them fellas from the oil companies had been nosing around for months and wanted to buy the place and Cody was just teasing them on, jacking up the price. Cody had to die and I had to be clear of any wrong-doing. were convenient." She began to sob again and then slowly and awkwardly went to her knees. "Forgive me!"

"I was...convenient." I considered her words. "Fuck. Pa warned me about those crossroad and the devils you fool with there. You played me the fool from the moment we met. All that fucking and well, reckon we can't call it loving, can we? All that didn't mean shit to you."

Arlene shook her head. "It weren't meant to, Tyler, did. You made me feel better than any man ever has. You were better to me than any man ever was and I almost didn't do it, but selling the meant money and a way to get the hell out of South Texas and in the end..." She looked up at me again and held out her hands in supplication. "Please forgive me, Tyler. I'd tell the truth now excepting I'm going to have a baby...your baby...your son! I can't do it...they'd take him from me and I...I love him."

Her last words brought me up short, smothering my harsh reply as I recalled her words while she sat naked in a window looking out at the night several months and a lifetime ago. "Ain't got nobody and ain't nobody ever loved me...I don't love anyone."

My face must've told her I remembered because she reached out and took my shackled hands. "I understand now, Tyler...what love it you felt about your Celeste. He's my world now, Tyler and I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life loving him...teaching him how to love and make a better life than you or me ever knew."

I slowly shook my head and sighed. "You are one crazy white bitch, Arlene. You're a she-devil and I almost wished I'd never laid eyes on your sorry ass."

She gave me a tentative smile and replied, "I know. I'm sorry for what I've done to you and I'll be sorry for the rest of my life, but I wanted you to know...about the baby. I'll raise him right, Tyler. I already got us a place in Mexico...I bought a little store and I'll raise him up there. It's beautiful's on the Pacific Ocean. I'll raise our boy right. I'll teach him about to love and about his daddy and what a good man he was." She paused and looked up into my eyes and said, "I love our baby, Tyler and I understand now that I must love you too, at least a little for putting him in my belly."

Arlene scooted closer to me, her hands now on my thighs, slowly stroking them as she said, "I wish I could save you, Tyler. I know I've fucked things up something awful and I can't make it right. Maybe I shouldn't have come, but I wanted you to know you're a daddy and I reckoned maybe...well, maybe I am crazy, but I thought if I had the chance, I could at least let you leave this world knowing a little bit of pleasure." Her hand pushed on up my thighs and then moved south over my crotch.

I couldn't have been more surprised. "You must be crazy, bitch!" I said with a bitter laugh. "I'm getting executed more for raping you than killing that cocksucker, Cody and you want to fuck me!"

Arlene nodded and said in a quiet and equally bitter voice. "Maybe I am and I don't know if this will help make my guilt lay a little quieter late at night, but I have to do this!" Her hands worked at my pants, not having too much problem since they'd already took my belt so I couldn't deprive the state of Texas of the privilege of murdering me. She got my fly undone and reached in with warm hands and pulled my peter out.

Her hand felt good and despite my anger and disbelief, my cock began to respond. Oh, like everyone else in prison solitary, I jacked off a lot – ain't much else to do...I'd done it earlier in the morning, but I'd missed the feel of a woman's touch...that softness and that knowledge a woman can have. I began to harden under Arlene's attention.

Arlene's lips wrapped around the head of my cock and her tongue began to move like a wild thing, fluttering and licking at me while she began to suck me off. I groaned as memories of those wild days and nights in her old farmhouse swam in my mind...even after all these months, I recognized her mouth...her tongue, her furious and determined ways of pleasing a man. "Fuck me," I moaned. "This ain't right...not by a damned sight."

Arlene mumbled something incoherent as her mouth took more of my swelling dick in, taking me deeper and deeper until my helmet was nudging the back of her throat. She bobbed and moved her head up and down, my now erect cock sliding back and forth between her full lips. She suddenly let me slip from her mouth, my dick dripping with her spit and whispered tearfully, "I missed this, Tyler. I missed you. I missed your big, black cock."

Carefully and gingerly, Arlene struggled to her feet, her hands reaching down and hauling up the hem of her dress and I was surprised even though I shouldn't have been to see that she wasn't wearing underwear...her bush as thick and wild as it ever had been. Parting her thick pelt, her pussy lips had blossomed like some exotic lilly in season, revealing her own arousal...her pink cunt flesh gleaming with wetness. Arlene lifted her dress higher, revealing her full, round belly that held our baby.

I was rendered speechless as I looked at the lower half of her lush body while she used one hand to unbutton my shirt and spread it open wide. "Sometimes, I think I can feel him kicking at me, Tyler...your son is going to be so strong!"

Arlene carefully straddled me, rising up as she placed the head of my swollen cock against her cunt lips. She felt like a furnace and so unbelievably wet. Slowly she impaled herself on my throbbing cock, a low moan escaping her lips as she took more and more of me inside her. As she mounted me, her stomach rubbed against my chest, coming to rest against my midsection and it was as if I could feel the life growing inside that I had helped create. A sob broke free of my mouth...part pleasure from Arlene's tight pussy and part a feeling unlike any I had ever had before...maybe the closest had been what I'd felt for Celeste after the war.

Arlene began to ride me, taking her time and cautiously so as if not to disturb the precious thing inside her. Her arms went around my neck and I ached to hold her tight as she kissed me, thrusting her tongue between my lips to find my own and resume a dance that had been interrupted so many months ago.

My white lover used her considerable skill, her cunt muscles tightening and massaging my shaft as she somehow managed to take all of me inside her in her advanced pregnant state. It was a sort of sweet torture as she moved slowly and awkwardly on me, my throbbing cock remaining mostly in her as she went up and down on me cautiously.

Arlene ended the kiss with a lusty moan before leaning back and looking down at our joined crotches, obscured by her large belly, round like a basketball. Her fingernails dug into my neck as she arched her back and hissed, " your thick black meat, Tyler. Fuck me with that huge babymaker. Arlene reached in and scooped her breasts out of her dress, nipples swollen and massive and oozing a little fluid. She cupped them and held her meaty tits to me and I felt hot tears run down my face as I wrapped my lips around them and sucked at them, tasting hints of the mother's milk to come.

Her arms pulled me close as she ground herself against me and she began to cum, shaking with the intensity of her climax. I felt her go limp and sag against me, her pulse strong in her chest and in her belly and I tugged at my chains, aching to hold her to me. I heard her whisper into my ear, "I love how your big black cock in my pussy makes me feel."

Then she rose up and off my still very erect cock. With her hands on my legs, she carefully squatted down between my legs again and deftly took my cock in her open mouth. My black shaft was thickly coated with her whitish juices which she quickly and enthusiastically cleaned off me before beginning to suck me with a passion. Her tongue fluttered and rolled over my sensitive flesh, flicking at my piss slit and I began to gasp, trying to hold out as long as I could until my need was too great to be refused.

"Goddamn, Arlene...goddamn, I'm gonna shoot!" She made pleased, gobbling noises and looked up at me with a great deal of passionate rage. I began to shoot hot jism into her mouth which she gobbled up wetly and loudly, taking me back to that first time in the middle of the crossroads when she had, on her knees, sucked my black cock and where I guessed I had sold her my soul.

Amidst my pleasure, I felt a great sadness and I was again on the verge of tears as I slipped from her lips. Arlene rolled her lips over the head of my dick one last time and then looked up at me, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. We both wept silently as she gave my semi-hard dick a last kiss and tucked it back into my pants, fixing them and my shirt before she stood up.

"I hope that the next world, you can forgive me, Tyler," Arlene whispered as she leaned into me and kissed me one last time, her lips and tongue strong with my own taste...not that I really cared.

She stepped back and I coughed and cleared my throat and said in a raw voice, "Could I...could I kiss him before you go?"

Arlene closed her eyes for a moment, her face torn with anguish as she nodded and then she again climbed atop me, struggling to bring her swollen belly high enough so I could kiss it. Fingers digging into my shoulders as I bent down as much as I could to allow me to brush her stomach with my lips and I thought I could feel the life of my son, inside her. "I love you," I whispered as my tears began anew.

Arlene slowly pulled herself together, both of us still crying and I was beginning to believe that this mad white woman was actually feeling guilty. She pulled on her coat and turned to me. "His name...our son – what should his name be?"

Her question took me by surprise and my lips moved for several seconds without speaking. "I don't rightly know. Pa's name was Benjamin and I never liked Tyler." I tried to think of a friend who'd meant a lot to me, but strangely, none of my childhood friends or war buddies came to mind. I flashed on the Texas Ranger who'd brought me in and who had at least been sorta decent to me. "Dave...David," I said to Arlene. "Call him David Benjamin."

Arlene nodded and smiled...maybe the first happy smile I'd ever seen on her face. "David it is. Maybe I'll call him Davy."

"Davy," I said softly. "I like that."

We stared at each other for a long time, not knowing what more to say. I know she wanted to hear me say that I forgave her, but it wasn't in me to say it. Finally, there was a knock at the door. We could hear the click of the door being unlocked. "Got a minute left, Mrs. Keller," came Moe's muffled voice.

Arlene sighed and wiped at her face with a hanky she pulled from her coat pocket...her makeup smeared and ruined. I could tell she ached to hear me forgive her, but when she realized it wasn't coming, she nodded and her customary cold expression came much was an act for the guards, I would never know. She turned and reached for the door. She looked back and said in a shaky, teary voice, "I'll raise our baby right, Tyler. I'll love him and I'll teach him to be a loving person. I'll make sure he's a real loving man you'd be proud of."

She opened the door and was gone. Moe peeked through and saw me with my head down, weeping unashamedly. He snickered, reckoning, I guess that she'd worked me over good. I suppose, in her own way, she had.

My last hours passed quietly and many people passed through my thoughts. Pa...childhood friends remembered at last...sweet, little Darry. Guys I had served in Europe with. Faces of Germans I had killed in hand to hand combat. Celeste...most of all, I thought of Celeste, wondering if I would be lucky enough to see her again after. I thought of Arlene and the brief wonderful and terrible time we'd spent together and I thought of my son and what the world might be like when he was grown. I wondered what he'd be like raised by a she-devil like Arlene and I prayed for them both.

Finally, we took that long walk down to the room with the big chair. Beyond us, separated by a large plate glass window were the witnesses. I recognized Sheriff Wilbourne, looking pleased with himself. The judge was there too, passing a bottle back and forth with a couple of the men who'd served on my jury. To my surprise, Dave LaSalle was there too, looking grave. He's the only one I acknowledged, nodding to him. He nodded back, a sad smile on his face. Arlene wasn't there and for that I was glad. It was both sad and satisfying that I knew she'd go through life knowing I'd never forgiven her for her betrayal.

I was strapped into the chair and all the things clamped onto me that would fry me. I shook my head when they tried to put the hood on me. Finally, the warden stepped up and said, "Tyler Ballou, you have been found guilty of mur*er and Ra*e by a jury of your peers and have been sentenced to have electricity flow through your body until you're dead. Before sentence is carried out, do you have any last words?"

For a moment, my mind was a blank and then in a rush, everything that had happened since I had hopped off that freight train back near the crossroads flooded through my mind...all of it, from Arlene stepping out half naked from her truck to her standing before me, dress raised so I could see my child growing in her belly. I laughed and said, "Got no regrets. Everything I did, if I had the chance, I'd do it all again."

I watched most of the witnesses frown or start cussing – Dave LaSalle nodding slowly and then I heard the warden snarl, "Hit him with the juice." The world went completely white and I heard myself cry out and then I saw Arlene, tanned and older, still skinny and big chested, wearing a pretty summer dress and standing next to a handsome young negro man with her blue eyes and my smile. They were on a beach and he had his arm around her shoulders and they looked happy. As my world darkened, I decided that I had at the end spoken the truth. Everything I did, I'd do it all again.
The End​
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