Chapter 01

Attack of the Sex Vampires

Earth was a dream come true for Balok.

No one knew who he was. No one was chasing him. The entire population was oblivious to his presence, and totally defenseless.

In short, they were ripe for the picking.

Balok was eternally grateful to the Hive Mind, that mixture of insects, pancake-like riders, and other creatures, for securing the Containment Ship. He still remembered the joys of sucking Zenia's breasts, the first breasts he had feasted on in hundreds of years. After Dunlop 4 had been dealt with, he had resumed sucking Zenia until she was quite, quite dry, totally drained of all gender. And not just her breasts. On the inside, too. After Dunlop had been dealt with, he had laid her down on her bed, spread her legs, and entered her, sucking every drop of femininity from the center of her womanhood in an entirely leisurely fashion. Every time he thrusted into her he removed a little more of her femininity. The taste of sucking the gender from her had been incredible.

And then the Hive had let him suck the gender from Zhanna and Zarabeth. Zarabeth was best of all. The taste of draining her had been the sweetest. And after that, after all their gender had been drained Balok turned them over to the Hive Mind. The riders fed on them, until they were all lifeless husks.

When they arrived on Earth, they each went their own separate ways. There had been some discussion about whether to release the others. Balok didn't particularly care to, but the Hive Mind did. They wanted the humans to be distracted while they built a secure base of operations. Balok didn't really care, so he didn't object when the Havariti and the Krions and the black excrement creatures and the superaccelerated humanoid were released from captivity. By then he was already out of the ship, fleeing fast.

When he had put some distance between himself and the ship, and he was safe, he decided to settle down, for a time, in a place called Miami.

The women there! Many wore bathing suits that hid little and revealed nearly everything. Balok had an eye for women. There were women and there were women. For Balok's purposes, he wanted the most feminine of them. His eye fell on a blonde at a beach party, and he just knew he had to have her. She had large breasts, wide child bearing hips, and she gave off the scent of sensuality.

Balok knew she wouldn't be interested in him. The girl had to be barely 18, if anything, and Balok appeared to be an ordinary middle aged human male with black hair and dark eyes. She would be looking for something younger.

But what she would get would be him.

Her name was Susie Loughlin. At around 1 AM, Susie started to stagger home from the beach party. Susie was still wearing the one size too small bikini she had worn at the beach. As she walked through the dark streets of Miami, she saw a man with black hair, standing at a street corner.

His stare unnerved her. She walked a little faster.

When she got to the next corner, the man was there. At least, it looked like the same man. He stared at her with open interest. Susie changed direction, taking a more indirect route back to her apartment.

As she walked, she thought she saw a shadow, following her. She started to walk faster.

It was with great relief when she reached her building. She keyed the entrance pad, entered, and climbed the three floors to her rundown apartment.

When she got inside, and closed the door behind her, she heaved a sigh of relief.

The man who had been following her was standing in her living room.

Susie screamed.

"There is nothing to fear," said the man, taking a step forward. There was something about his eyes! They mesmerized her.

"That's right, there's nowhere to run," said the man, taking another step forward.

Susie had her back to the door. By all rights she should have flung it open and fled. But the man took another step, and then another, and then it was too late. There was something in his eyes that held her.

"Who are you?" she whispered.

"I am the predator," said the man. And Susie trembled as he reached out to touch her hair. "And you are the prey."

"What?" Susie said.

"You are meat. Beef for me to consume," said the man, now tenderly stroking her cheek.

Susie was trembling like a leaf now. "I don't know what you want."

"I think you do," said the man, studying her face. "I think you do." He pulled down roughly on her sleeves and her low cut top went even lower, revealing her breasts, breasts that were not even covered by a bra, large firm breasts which stuck out at him. The man's face lingered over hers, for a moment, taking in the fear, the terror, the feeling of powerlessness, and relishing in all of it.

Balok's mouth moved down to one of her breasts, and he released a breath of hot hair from his mouth, one that caused Susie's nipple to become erect. The hard red nubbin excited him. Even in her state of terror Susie was aroused. The man smiled, to demonstrate the power he had over her, and Susie shivered.

Susis saw he had fangs! And then he clamped down, right around her areola, and Susie felt an incredible pain, and she screamed at the top of her lungs!

Balok bit down on Susie's left breast. The taste was incredible. Soft, sweet and supple! He started to drain her, bit by bit. Not her flesh. Not even her blood, not really. Balok was taking her gender.

As Balok sucked, Susie's very womanhood, the mature expression of her X chromosomes, started to drain into Balok's body. He fed hungrily on her sexual energy. Her breast started to shrink in size, getting smaller and smaller.

A small moan escaped Susie's lips as Balok slurped noisily. He looked up at her and saw her eyes filled with pleading. "No," she whispered. But she didn't have the strength to move. She just stood there as Balok held her arms in an implicable grip, smiling at her with his eyes as he sucked, draining her gender with every slurp. Susie watched in horror as her left breast got smaller and smaller. Soon, it was a fraction of the size of her right one.

When Balok had taken his fill he released her, wiping his mouth and giving a tiny gasp. "That was good," he said. "Really good. It's been so long."

And then Balok moved his bloodstained mouth over her other breast.

"No... please, don't," Susie whispered.

Balok smiled at her broadly, his teeth full of blood. And then he clamped down again, and Susie cried out again. Susie felt her life essence draining out of her as Balok sucked on her breast. To her horror as she watched her right breast started to get smaller and smaller, like a balloon slowly losing its air.

Time seemed to skip a beat because the next thing Susie knew, she was in bed, with her bikini bottom off, and Balok was between her legs. She looked up in the dim light and saw his penis. It was large and hairy and meaty, more like the shaft of a large animal, not a man. Balok smiled again as he saw her staring at it.

"No," Susie cried.

"Yes," said Balok. He inserted it into her. She cried out as she was taken.

With every thrust, Balok started to drain her femininity. He felt it flowing into her body, all her sexual energy. It felt so good. He groaned as he began to absorb it all.

For Susie, it was a mixture of pain and pleasure. They were so intertwined, that she couldn't tell which was which. But when Balok was done, and he pulled out, she felt... lesser.

Balok looked in her eyes as he calmly dressed himself. Those eyes! They were hypnotic. Susie felt herself falling under his spell. When Balok saw that, he nodded, satisfied. "I will be back tomorrow, at this time. You will be here, in this bed, with your clothes off, and your legs spread."

"My clothes will be off, and my legs will be spread," Susie repeated, in a monotone.

"You will remember nothing that has happened tonight, and talk about it to no one. All you know is that you had a wonderful time, and tomorrow night, all your problems will be solved."

"All my problems will be solved," Susie repeated.

"Good girl," said Balok, patting her on the head. He left her apartment with a spring in his step. Her gender energy had been so strong, so vital! It was simply wonderful.

The next morning, Susie woke up and immediately knew something was wrong. Her breasts were smaller. She was a C cup, but now she was a marginal B cup, at best. And her areolas were sore. Looking closely at them, she saw bite marks on each of them. What had bitten her? What could have done this?

And then Susie felt the pain between her legs. She opened her legs and gasped. The top half of her pubic hair was wrinkled and grey. She reached out to touch it, and it fell off of her body, making her cry out.

Her nether lips seem to have gotten smaller too, unless that was her imagination. Susie looked through her folds for her clitoris. At least that was still there. She touched it, but somehow it seemed less sensitive than before.

What had happened to her? She had the urge to call a friend, or go to a doctor, but something inside of her told her to do nothing. Everything would be solved tonight. Something would happen which would fix everything.

And so Susie stayed in all day. She had planned to go to another beach party that evening, but now none of her bathing suits fit her, since her breasts were much smaller.

She tossed and turned and lay in bed, totally naked. At around one in the morning she heard the front door opening. She instinctively spread her legs. She didn't know why.

"What an obedient little girl," she heard.

Balok stepped in the room.

"Who are you?" said Susie.

"I will explain," said Balok, smiling as he stepped closer.

The next morning when Susie woke up, her breasts were gone. Completely gone. She was flat chested. She looked down at her vagina. All her pubic hair had fallen out. Her labia lips had shrunk. She put her hand on her clitoris, and felt it. It was still there, but... she felt nothing.

She rubbed it, and then rubbed it again. She felt absolutely nothing. It was as if her body was nine years old again. She had been drained of all her sexual maturity.

"We're after a vampire who likes to suck... womens' breasts?" Jack asked.

Sam bit her lipped and looked away, trying to restrain a smile.

"In a sense," said Dunlop 4. "Balok is the last of the Valvans. The Valvans ruled the planet Visenia for many thousands of years. They were creatures who feasted off of the sexual maturity of their subjects."

"Sexual maturity?" said General Henderson.

"When a life form enters puberty, the body expends a lot of energy to transform certain organs to perform reproductive tasks. That energy is stored in the muscle meat of the life form. Normally that energy is used in the tasks of reproduction, but the Valvans have found a way to tap into that energy," said Dunlop 4.

"Tap into that energy? What does that mean?" Jack asked.

"We'll show you," said Janice. "We think we have found one of the Valvans's victims. But I have to warn you, what you are about to see isn't pretty." She pressed a button, and a holoimage of the nude Susie Loughlin appeared over the conference room table.

"What happened to her?" Jack cried. Susie was completely flat chested. Her pubic hair was totally withered away.

"She was drained," said Dunlop 4. "All the sexual energy from her breasts and her reproductive canal were removed. She has lost all aspects of sexual maturity."

"Ouch," said Jack, wincing.

Janice continued. "The victim said she had no memory of how it was done to her, but from her injuries it seems consistent with the description Dunlap 4 gave us about how the Valvans operate."

"Colonel, I want you to take a team down to Miami and check this out," said General Henderson.

"Yes sir," said Jack.

As the meeting broke up, Jack motioned for Sam to follow him to his office.

"Colonel?" She asked.

"Arden, maybe you should sit this one out," said Jack.

"Sir?" She stared at him quizzically.

"There is a lot of work to be done here. We still have to track down the Hive Mind thing," said Jack.

Sam put her arms on her hips. "Why are you trying to keep me off this mission, sir?"

"Me?" Jack tried hard not to look at her breasts and failed. "No, I'm not tryign to do anything-"

Sam smiled and leaned forward, making the outline of her breasts under her uniform look even more pronounced. "I appreciate what you're trying to do sir, but I'll be fine."

Jack felt embarrassed as he realized he couldn't keep stealing glances at her breasts. She was so sexy. Finally he steeled himself to look into her green eyes. "All right, Arden. Briefing in 30," he said briskly.

"Yes sir," she said, flashing him a small smile.

Jack. There was something between the two of them, that was undeniable. Something had changed between the two of them, since their experience together with that seductive plant. Sam still remembered Jack pumping away, his hard penis pounding into the plant, working to fill her with a mix of human and alien sperm.... As she sat behind her desk in her office, Sam realized how how sexy he was, how alluring, and she felt pretty sure he felt the same way. But she was married to Gavin! It was a pity she and Jack weren't coworkers, a pity that-

"Hello, Samantha," said Dunlop 4.

Sam blinked rapidly. Dunlop 4 had entered her office. "Oh, hello Dunlop."

"You requested to see me?"

"Yes," said Sam, stretching her legs. "I wanted to ask you more about the Valvans."

"What would you like to know?" Dunlop asked.

"When you told us about the Valvans, I sensed a certain... sadness in you," said Sam. It had been rather more than that, actually. Sam's ESPer skills had sensed intense distress from Dunlop.

"I have seen them drain the gender from many victims. It is not a pleasant thing to remember."

"No," said Sam, shaking her head as she leaned forward. "This was a more personal kind of sadness. I could tell."

Dunlop gave a small smile. "As we get to know each other better, I find it increasingly difficult to conceal things from you, Samantha."

She smiled back at him.

"It was my wife, Sirena."

"You mean, the original Dunlop's wife," said Sam.

"Yes. But I remember her as if she were my very own," said Dunlop.

"It must be difficult to remember a loved one you've never met," said Sam.

"It is. The reality for Dunlop has always been a memory for me. But it is as real to me as your memories are to you, because they are the memories of the original Dunlop," said Dunlop 4.

"What happened to her?"

"She was taken by a Valvan."

"Oh my god," said Sam.

"She was turned into what is referred to as a slave Valvan or a lesser," said Dunlop 4. "A slave is a lesser version of Valvans. They have the same inclinations as a Valvans, to suck the gender out of others, and the same abilities, but at a lesser level of strength. They are also subordinate to the Valvans. The Valvans, realizing who Sirena was, turned her into a slave, and tried to use her to suck the gender from Dunlop."

"There are female vampires, I mean Valvans, too?"

"Oh yes. And if Balok establishes himself here, he may well create them."

"If male vampires drain the breasts of women, what do female vampires take from men?"

"Their sexual organs. They become small and impotent. It is as if they are ten years old again, for the rest of their lives."

"That's terrible!" said Sam. She knew that any man would have a hard time living with that. "What... what happened to Sirena?"

Dunlop frowned. "Sirena was... taken... and turned. Then she was returned to Dunlop without him realizing that she had been changed."

"So... what happened?"

"Sirena initiated the reproductive ritual with Dunlop. He suspected nothing. Her sexual organ started to drain the masculinity from Dunlop's penis. When he realized what was happening, he fought her. Eventually, he subdued her. When he killed the Valvans who had enslaved her, Sirena was released."

"And what happened to his..."

"His sexual organ? It was shrunken, to a little more than half its regular size. Dunlop could still procreate, but obviously not as easily, or pleasurably. As you might understand, his disability was hard on not only Dunlop, but Sirena as well. "

"So she stayed with him, even though he had a small... thing."

"Yes. She truly loved him," said Dunlop 4.

Sam couldn't stop herself from asking the next question. "As a clone, do you...."

Dunlop smiled. "I am the appropriate size. Do not worry."

"Worry?" said Sam. She gave a nervous laugh. "I wasn't worried! I just wanted to be sure that you were... all right!"

"Be assured, I am... all right," said Dunlop 4, smiling at her. Sam smiled back.

"What have we here?" said Balok, smiling, as he pawed the breast of the completely naked attractive brunette under him. Her name was Melissa, and she was a 21 year old college student. Her breasts were enormous D cups. He had found her at a shopping mall and followed her home. "There is so much to consume! I don't think I will rush through my meal with you, my dear. I'll take you in three separate sittings. Would you like that?"

"Whatever you wish, Master," she said, in a flat voice.

"I thought so," said Balok. He smiled, showing his fangs. Then he bit down on one of her areola, and she screamed. And then she felt joy, as Balok tongued her nipple, but also pain, as he started to drain her breasts.

"Hey, what's going on?" said a new voice.

Balok stopped feasting and lifted his head to see a large, muscular man standing at the door to the bedroom.

"Hey, who are you? Get the fuck off of Missy!" he cried, running forward. He reached over to throw Balok off his girlfriend. Balok casually threw out a hand, and the man went spinning across the room.

Balok got up. "I so dislike being interrupted during a meal."

"Chad!" Balok heard the girl, Missy, cry.

Chad, the boyfriend, got up and looked like he was going to charge again, but suddenly he was caught by Balok's glowing eyes, frozen in place, like a spider in a web. His fists suddenly unclenched.

"That's right," said Balok, giving an approving smile. "Why don't you go out for a nice walk while I have my way with your woman?"

"A nice walk," said Chad, in an empty voice.

"Yes," Balok smiled. "It's a nice night for a walk. An hour or so should do it," he added.

Chad turned to leave.

"Chad, don't leave me!" Missy cried.

"So nice to have met you," said Balok. He turned back to Missy. "Now, where were we?" He smiled as his fangs sank into her juicy titty flesh and she screamed anew.

Balok leisurely sucked some more of the femininity from Missy's delicious breasts. By the time he was done, her D sized breasts had become C's. She was so juicy that Balok was in no hurry to finish her in one dining. He looked at her still sizable breasts with fang marks on them for a long moment. Then he ordered her disrobe and spread her legs. Missy, her gaze caught by his glowing eyes, dutifully obeyed. She disrobed and lifted her knees. The vertical slit at the base of her dark pubic triangle was the source of Balok's mounting desire.

He entered her, groaning freely as he filled her deeply. "Aahhhh," he said. "I hope Chad takes a nice, long walk."

Missy, her eyes glazed did not respond as Balok stgarted to pump her real good. He felt her sexual energy draining from her vagina into his shaft. She felt so good, he had to restrain himself from taking it all at once.

After he was done, he gave Missy the appropriate post-hypnotic suggestion, and left.

When Balok returned the following day, Chad, the boyfriend, was also there. Balok restrained him with a glance, hypnotizing him instantly. This time he decided to make Chad stand on his head and watch while he ravaged his girlfriend.

"Chad, help me!" Missy cried, as she tried to struggle against Balok.

"He can't help you, dear. He's having such a good time standing on his head," Balok chuckled. "Now, where were we?" He sunk his teeth deep into her right breast, and moaned as he sucked more of her femininity.

When he was done, Missy barely had B cups, and half her pubic hair had withered away. Balok laughed and promised to return the following night.

When Balok returned for the final evening, he chuckled as he found Chad lying face down in front of the front door. As he walked over him, Balok remembered that is where he ordered Chad to wait for him the previous night. He ordered Chad to get up and follow him to the bedroom. That is where Missy lay, also waiting for him, totally naked, with her legs spread, as he had commanded.

"Ah, good, you're ready."

"What are you going to do to me?" She sobbed.

"I'm going to take everything else you have," said Balok, shedding his clothes.

"No, please don't!" Missy pleaded.

"Let's get a second opinion. You, boyfriend. What is your name?"


"Really?" said Balok, making a face. "All right, Chad. Do you want me to ravage your lady friend here?" He stared intently into Chad's eyes, and subtly nodded.

"Yes." said Chad.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I want you to ravage Missy."

Balok turned to Missy and shrugged helplessly. "It's what the public demands."

Missy squealed as Balok sank his fangs deep into her breasts. Behind him, Chad stood there, watching impassively.

They were four college grads, who were sharing an apartment.

An apartment where Balok had paid a visit.

At first, it looked like all four of them had been drained. Sam interviewed each one. They all told of the same story. They had met a dark haired man at a party. After that, they remembered nothing. Over a period of two days their breasts had been drained. Something had happened to their vaginas as well. They no longer experienced sexual pleasure of any kind.

At least, that's what happened to three of the roommates. The fourth one, a slender girl named Yung-Suk, said, "I'm fine. My parts... they all work."

Sam exchanged excited glances with Janice. If this woman survived an attack from the Valvans, maybe she had some kind of natural immunity, that they could exploit and use against the creature.

"Your breasts weren't drained at all, dear?" Janice asked, gently touching Yung-Suk's breasts.

"No, they're the same," said Yung-Suk. She rubbed the top of her head. "The only thing is that the top of my head feels sore. Like I've been standing on it, or something."

"I do not believe the Valvans drained this woman," said Dunlop 4.

"Why not?" Sam asked.

"She is not feminine enough," said Dunlop.

Yung-Suck's mouth opened in surprise.

"I do not mean to offend," said Dunlop. "But the sexual energy is stored in breast size. Smaller breasts store less. It is likely that the Valvans did not think it worth his time to drain this one."

"I knew I should only have brought flat chested women on this mission," said Jack, risking a glance at Sam.

"Colonel!" said Janice.

"I'm being serious, Doc," said Jack.

Back at HomePlanet Security Headquarters, General Henderson was briefed on the effect on the victims. The holodisplay was showing a recording of Janice working with one of the victims, whose face was obscured for privacy purposes.

Janice started to rub the woman's nipples. "As you can see, I get no reaction from the subject. This woman is no longer capable of getting nipple erections." She turned to the woman. "Spread your legs, please."

The woman complied, and the holo zoomed in on her now hairless vagina. Janice spread the woman's now slender folds, and started to rub the clitoris. "Do you feel anything, dear?"

"No," said the woman.

Janice turned to the camera. "I cannot sexually arouse this woman through normal means. This woman's sexuality has been totally drained."

Janice, who was sitting in the conference room watching the recording with them, pressed the pause button on the recording of herself.

"They were totally drained of their sexuality?" said General Henderson.

"Maybe you weren't rubbing her the right way," said Jack.

Janice gave him a dirty look. "These women can never have a normal sex life, or a sex life of any kind, ever again. It's lost to them."

"Is there nothing we can do for these victims?"

"I don't know," said Janice. "We can try to use hormones to induce a second puberty... but it's never been done before with adults who have already gone through it. The results might be unpredictable."

"If we manage to capture the Valvans, it is also possible we might be able to restore some of the sexual energy he stole from his victims," said Dunlop 4.

"Is that possible?"

"Perhaps," said Dunlop 4. "But keep in mind he consumes much of the energy he steals. We will never be able to restore all that was lost."

"Keep on it. I want this creature found," said General Henderson.

Balok needed a woman.

Actually, Balok needed two women.

Of course, Balok really needed many women. His hunger was never ending; he had endured several hundred years, virtually in a coma state, not feeding until he dined on the crew of the Container Ship.

But what he needed most were two women.

But not just any women.

He needed the most beautiful dark haired woman on the planet. Or at least, one of the most beautiful brunettes.

And he needed one of the most beautiful redheads. And not just a beautiful one, but one who was resistant to his charms.

Why Balok would want a woman resistant to his charms would seem counterintuitive; but his slaves did not question his orders, they only obeyed.

In addition to sucking the gender out of a number of healthy, attractive females, Balok also created several slaves, whose minds belonged to him. These were not full Valvans as he was, but he did imbue them with minor powers, to mesmerize their victim, and to suck their gender essence, as he did. These he commanded to locate and find the two women he was seeking.

They obeyed. Over the next two weeks they brought him a parade of dazed, mesmerized women. Although Balok fed on a few, choice morsels, he realized he wasn't going to find what he was looking for that way.

So he actually set up a talent agency, to attract aspiring models and actresses. This was much more efficient, and soon Balok was seeing holos of greater numbers of women.

But still he couldn't quite find either of the two he wanted.

He explored prospects in other venues as well. One of his slaves owned a lesbian fetish club near Washington DC, and told Balok she had a prospect there who would be perfect for him. So one evening Balok was in one of the encounter rooms of the fetish club, staring at a red headed woman, totally nude, who was handcuffed to a bar protruding from the ceiling. In addition to having gorgeous red hair, the woman had large, pouty breasts.

Balok rubbed his hands along the woman's thighs. "How nice of you to have yourself bound up for me," he said appreciatively. "What is your name, little one?"

"Janice Whistler," said the woman tonelessly. Janice had thought she was giving herself a special treat when she signed up to be whipped at the Pussycat Club in Alexandria, but didn't realize she herself would be the treat. She had been mesmerized by one of Balok's slaves and held for his inspection.

Balok inserted a finger between her nether lips. "So soft," he whispered.

"Is she the one, master?" his slave asked.

"Look at me, Janice Whistler. Look at me!"

Janice slowly complied.

"Do you want me to take you, to make you mine?"

"Yes, Master," said Janice.

"She is not the one," said Balok.


"She not the one," said Balok. He eyed her hungrily, letting his hand fall along the curves of her ass. "But she might be a useful instrument...."

Finally, Balok found the redhead he was looking for, purely by accident. She was a gorgeous beauty, with thick, wavy red hair, and wonderful curve front and back. She wiggled as she walked. Balok followed her, and at one point, appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

"Hello," said Balok.

"Hi," said the woman.

He stared at her intently with his mesmerizing eyes. She stared into his eyes, gazing, gazing...

"Would you like to become acquainted with me?"

The woman seemed about to say yes, she really did, but something snapped within her, and she broke the spell, and said, "I don't think so." And started walking past him.

Balok gave a great smile.

He followed her home, found out her name, and found out everything about her.

Her name was Susan McReady, age 24, a graduate student, and... she had a younger sister, age 19.

Once Balok found out about the younger sister, he knew that Susan was the one.

Two days later, he was ready. When Susan came home from classes to the apartment she rented, she found Balok there, waiting for her.

"Who are you?" she said, immediately becoming frightened.

"Your greatest lover," said Balok.

"I'm going to call the police!" Susan cried, raising her comm.

"Drop the device," said Balok casually.

Susan dropped her comm. She tried to reach for it, on the floor, but couldn't quite touch it.

"You won't be able to get it," said Balok. "You will now agree to become my bride."

"Your bride? Are you kidding, old man?" said Susan.

"If you will not have me, I will take another."

"Go ahead!" Susan snapped.

Balok snapped his fingers, and Susan's younger sister Emily obediently entered the living room.

"Emily! What are you doing here?"

"She is to become my bride, in your place."

"Em, get out of here!" Susan cried.

"Remove your clothes," said Balok, putting a hand on Emily's shoulder.

Emily slowly started to remove her clothes, starting with her blouse.

"What have you done to her?" Susan asked, watching Emily remove her blouse. She then started working on her bra.

"She is mine. To do with as I wish."

Emily removed her bra, revealing her pear shaped breasts. She started working on her skirt.

"No, Em!"

But Emily didn't seem to hear Susan. Her face was blank. She removed her skirt and then lowered her panties. She was a redhead, like Susan, but not as much of one, and the hair between her legs was darker.

"What are you going to do to her?" Susan cried.

"I am going to suck her dry," said Balok. And then he smiled, and showed his fangs.

"You're like some kind of vampire!" Susan turned, and ran for the door. Or at least, she tried to. But her feet wouldn't move.

"Oh no, you're going to watch every moment of your sweet sister being drained," said Balok. He smiled, opened his mouth, and sank his fangs deep into her right breast.

Emily screamed.

Susan yelled at him to stop, but he continued. Balok sucked and sucked, and drained and drained, while Emily obediently stood there, whimpering. When he pulled back, there was blood in his mouth.

And Emily's right breast was half the size of the left.

"Did you enjoy that? Are you ready to watch me do the other one?"

"No!" Susan cried.

"I can restore her," said Balok.

"You can?" said Susan, looking at her maimed, mesmerized sister, still standing there with one semi-deflated breast.

"Yes," said Balok. "All you have to do is agree to be my bride."

Susan didn't really know what Balok intended those words, but she couldn't just stand there and watch her sister be tortured. She nodded.

"What does that mean?"

"I'll do it," said Susan. "I'll be your bride. Just don't harm my sister."

Balok smiled. Everything was happening just like last time.

"Very good, my dear," he said, moving forward and putting an arm around her, which gave her the chills.

"Can you heal her now?" Susan asked, in a small voice.

"Of course! Once you and I do one small thing," he said, leading her to the bedroom.

Susan never clearly remembered what happened after that. Balok made love to her, that was clear. But he didn't drain her, not in the way he had done to Emily. In fact, she felt like she was having energy being put within her. Energy, and something else. As Balok thrust between her legs, she felt an unfamiliar warmth, rising from her vagina, trickling up into her body. And Balok's face was right on top of hers, and those dark eyes started into her.

"Open your mind to me," she heard, in her head.

"Open your mind," she heard again.

Susan gave in to it. She knew she had to, to save Emily. She stared into Balok's eyes, and didn't resist. She felt some power reaching into her head. Altering her. Changing her. She didn't attempt to fight it, but just lay back, and accepted it. She felt herself changing. Something else started to build in her mind. A different identity. It was foreign, alien to her, until it took over enough of her mind, that suddenly, it became her. Susan gasped. She no longer knew who she was. She had become something else.

When Susan woke the following morning, she noticed the changes immediately. Her red hair had somehow become even brighter; her breasts had become even fuller. She had new hungers and appetites she didn't fully understand; and she had come to love Balok, without reservation.

She saw him lying next to her, just staring at her, and a surge of lust shot through her. She immediately smiled at him, and rubbed against him, and kissed him. He kissed her back, and they made passionate love together. And as she did so, she called out his name lovingly. "Balok... Balok... Balok..." and he called out her name, once, when he roared and filled her with his seed.


Thalessa. That had been her name.

As they lay together, arm in arm, Balok waited for her reaction.

"Thalessa," said Susan. "That was my name."

"That is your name," said Balok.

"I have lived before... I was somewhere else."

Balok held her face in his hands. "You were always with me, my loving bride," he said, as he kissed her. She returned the kiss, hungrily.

As she pulled back, she said, "Why can't I remember my past?"

"In time, my love, you will. The memories are all within you," said Balok. "But what do you want to do first?" The question seemed to be a test.

"I want to feed," said Susan, now Thalessa, not even sure what she meant as she said it.

"I have breakfast ready for you," said Balok. He snapped his fingers, and Emily, who had obediently stood in the living room all night in a trance, entered.

"Emily," Thalessa gasped. She remembered now, seeing the one breast deflated.

"We can't have her walking around like that, can we? Even her out, Thalessa."

Thalessa stared at her former sister. One breast was a large, C cup, and the other was smaller, like an A cup.

"You don't have to drain her all," said Balok, sensing her hesitancy. "Just even her out."

Thalessa walked over to her mesmerized sister. The scent of her gender was powerful. It made her hungry. She looked at her full, left breast. She reached down to give her sister's nipple a gentle kiss. She sucked on it. Emily was stoned faced. But Thalessa loved the taste of it. She couldn't resist. Before she realized what she was doing, she sunk her fangs deeply into Emily's areola.

Emily cried out as Thalessa fed from her. Without fully realizing what she was doing, Thalessa started to drain the gender from Emily's left breast. She acted purely on instinct.

"Very good," said Balok, who was suddenly behind her, rubbing her shoulders.

Thalessa fed and fed, and only pulled away when Balok pulled her back.

"How was it?"

"It was good. So very good," said Thalessa, wiping her bloody lips. She looked at Emily's left breast, which was now nearly as deflated as her right. "But I still have a tremendous hunger."

Balok laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "There is a whole world of slaves out there for you to feed upon!"

Together they laughed, arm in arm, as Emily, with her deflated breasts, watched woodenly.​
Next page: Chapter 02.1