Chapter 02.1

She was a Valvan Princess.

That was the very first thing she remembered.

On Visenia, Thalessa was royalty, which also meant, by definition, that she was also a Valvan. There were perhaps a few hundred Valvans on the entire planet. There were also slaves. Several million of them.

There were slaves of every kind. Slaves who worked in their palaces; slaves who worked in industry, or in the military; slaves used for sex; and of course, the most important kind of slave of all; those who were fed upon.

With millions of slaves, and only a small number of Valvans, most slaves were spared having their gender drained from them. Some Valvans were more "high minded" and only drained a little gender from each subject, selecting women with large breasts, for example, and only taking enough from them to reduce them to average sized ones.

But Thalessa never pretended to be high minded.

She had been created by Balok the Great, who was also called Balok the Cruel and Balok the Terrible. Balok thought nothing about having wild parties, getting rip roaring drunk, and completely draining every serving girl in the room, down to their flat chests. During Selection Days, he would sometimes order whole families to step forward and ask them each to choose a family member to be drained of gender. He was said to be crueler than the other Valvans because he enjoyed not merely draining his slaves, but inspiring terror among them as he did.

And Balok encouraged such cruel tendencies in Thalessa. He started her training by bringing in a family of a man and his wife and his four adult children, ranging in ages from 18 to 24, and asked Thalessa which one "She wanted first". And he and Thalessa would drain each family member, one by one, while the others watched. First they drained the children, while the parents watched.

"Be proud!" Balok told the mother, after he had finished draining one of the children. "Your daughter is now a little girl again!", and he pointed boldly at the young girl with totally deflated breasts, and a now hairless vagina. A sexually mature 20 year old girl had been reduced to the age of 10 in the span of moments. The only difference is that the 10 year old girl had the mind of a 20 year old, and would never, ever again have a sexually mature body.

Balok smiled as Thalessa eagerly drained one grown up child after another. She enjoyed taking the boys, who she could work inside of her and drain until their manhoods became boyhoods. She growled as she sucked all their manliness out of them.

And all the while the parents stood there, totally mortified, unable to move a muscle. After Balok and Thalessa took the parents ("as dessert", as Balok put it), they got drunk and made wild love to each other until they dropped off to a victorious slumber.

Balok owned thousands of slaves, and he was feared by all. And as his bride, Thalessa also ruled over them. She saw the thousands, bowing down outside the Palace on the Day of Fealty, and felt a tremendous power surge through her. They were all hers. She could have any one of them. Thalessa didn't know if the thoughts were her own, and she didn't care. She was a ruler, and loved every moment of it.

"Sam, I'm having a small gathering of friends over tonight. We'd love it if you'd drop by," Janice said casually, over lunch in HomePlanet Security Headquarters.

Something about Janice was different. Sam couldn't quite tell what it was. Her skin was kind of shiny. Her breasts seemed to stand up more. And her eyes... they sparkled, now. Tricks of the lights, no doubt.

"I'd love to, Janice, but I'm just so tired. I think I'm going to go home and collapse," said Sam.

Janice lowered her voice. "Have you been burning the candle at both ends, Sam? Are you and Colonel Sullivan still trying to make a baby with that plant?"

That stopped Sam cold. Janice was reminding her, not too subtly, that she had covered for Sam and hadn't report to General Henderson that she had been impregnated by the Krion plant creatures. She owed Janice. But Sam was startled to hear Janice raise the subject like this. It sounded almost like blackmail.

"Uh, all right," said Sam. "I can come over. But really, I'm very tired-"

"You won't have to stay long. Just say hello and have a quick drink, I promise," said Janice, a little too quickly

"All right," said Sam reluctantly.

Later that evening, Sam rang the buzzer on the door to Janice's apartment. She was really tired. She would be glad to get back home to Gavin, have a quick dinner, and get some rest.

Janice opened the door. She was wearing... what was she wearing? It looked like a semi transparent nightgown. What kind of clothing was that for a house party?

"Sam, you're here! Good!" she gave Sam a hug. A tight hug. "Come in, come in!"

Sam entered her apartment. She saw red candles lit all over the place. But no one else seemed to be there.

"Where is everyone?" Sam asked.

"Oh, don't worry, they'll be along soon." Janice's eyes sparkled in the candlelight.

"Don't you think you'd better change?" Sam asked, indicating Janice's nightgown. She tried not to look at Janice's supple breasts, which were quite apparent through her nightgown. If she didn't know better, she would think that Janice was trying to seduce her.

"Oh, there's plenty of time for that," Janice assured her. "Sit down. Have a drink." She half ran into the bedroom.

Sam sat down on the sofa, and poured herself a small glass of wine. This was all very odd. Another thing she noticed: there were only two wine glasses.

Suddenly, she thought she understood what was going on.

Janice was trying to seduce her.

They had been lesbian lovers in college, but by her senior year Brian Wentworth had slipped Sam some penis during a wild house party and Janice, with all her many shaped dildos and vibrators, simply couldn't compete with the natural feeling of flesh on flesh. They had broken up, and at first there had been some hard feelings, but they had stayed friends.

But why, after all these years, would Janice try to rekindle their old relationship? Janice knew that Sam was happily married to Gavin.

That question hung in her mind as Janice, still wearing her not nearly opaque enough nightgown, strode back into the living room and sat uncomfortably next to Sam on the couch, thigh to thigh.

"Drink?" said Sam awkwardly.

"Sure," said Janice.

Sam poured her a drink, and Janice drained it in one gulp. Where had Janice gotten an appetite like that? She seemed like a changed woman.

Janice put down the glass. "Sam, it's probably obvious to you that I called you here under false pretenses."

"Yes," said Sam.

"I always want us to be honest with each other, Sam," said Janice, putting a hand on her thigh. "That's the kind of relationship we should be having."

Relationship. Sam's heart beat a little faster.

"Have you ever missed us, Sam?" said Janice, letting her fingers roam along Sam's leg.

"Janice, I'm happily married to-"

"I didn't ask that, Sam," said Janice. She stared at Sam with deep, dark eyes which had an alien sparkle in them. Suddenly, Sam felt herself being captivated by them.

"I asked if you missed us. If you missed me," said Janice, her hand still roaming.

"I... I... I always think of you as dear friend, Janice," said Sam. Something was happening. Something was happening to her mind. And the scariest part was, Sam didn't know what it was.

"No no no," said Janice, shaking her head. "We were more than that. We were closer, much closer," she said, moving her lips over Sam.

"Janice, we shouldn't," said Sam.

"Yes, we should," said Janice, pressing her lips against Sam. She kissed Sam hungrily, tasting her, dominating her. When she pulled back, she smiled. "Good, wasn't it?"

"Janice, this was a mistake. I think I should go." Sam started to get up. But suddenly, her legs didn't work.

"You're not going anywhere," Janice declared, with real force in her voice which seemed to sap all the energy from Sam. Sam found herself sinking back in the sofa, suddenly exhausted. Janice smiled and started to undo the clasps on Sam's blouse. "Not until I've had my way with you. With all of you."

Sam grabbed Janice's wrist to stop her. Janice looked into Sam's eyes. "Lower your arm."

Sam froze for moment. Then she found herself slowly lowering her arm.

"Look into my eyes," said Janice.

"No, Janice," Sam whispered. She tried to look away, really she did, but-she found herself caught in them, like a spider in a web. Sam felt herself starting to be drawn into Janice.

"That's a girl. Look closer, Sam... closer... closer...."

Sam felt like she was in a dream now. She didn't resist as Janice finished removing her shirt, and then opened the front clasp on her Survey Service bra. As her breasts were revealed, Janice cupped them approvingly. "They've gotten a little bigger since we were in college, haven't they, Sam?" she smiled.

"Yes," Sam heard herself saying. This felt like a lucid dream, one not under her control.

Sam let Janice roll her over and unclip her skirt. She was equally pliant in letting Janice lift her ass as she removed Sam's panties. Janice smiled as rubbed Sam's nether lips. "They're exactly where I left them," she said happily.

Sam groaned as Janice massaged her vaginal lips.

"Do you like that, Sam?"

Sam didn't respond. She was deeply conflicted.

Janice, sensing this turmoil, reached over and gave Sam a big kiss. Sam found herself responding, giving as Janice's lips took from her.

Then Janice pulled back, and gave her a purposeful stare, as if trying to decide whether Sam was ready for the next step. Then she nodded slightly, and opened her nightgown and removed it.

Sam gasped, her eyes widening.

Janice was gorgeous. Her breasts had absolutely no sag. It was as if she were 18 years old again. Her titties were already erect, and pointing straight at Sam. Sam could see Janice's red nether lips, glistening in the light of the living room, and it excited her.

Janice sensed Sam's reaction and smiled. She rotated Sam's unresisting body so she was lying horizontally on the couch, and then slowly lay her body on top of her.

Sam shivered as she felt Janice's body pressed against her own, her firm breasts, her slim belly, and her firm thighs.

Janice looked down at Sam. "Kiss me," she demanded.

Sam couldn't deny her. There was something in Janice's eyes which demanded compliance. She leaned forward, and kissed Janice on the lips. Janice's lips hungrily took from her, and Sam gave. It was the only way to express it. And Sam loved every moment of it.

They hugged, they kissed, they touched, and Sam got more and more excited. Janice kept looking in Sam's eyes, giving her a playful but firm look, telling Sam that she owned her, that Sam was her property once again, that she had finally reclaimed what was rightfully hers.

And then Janice went down over Sam's left breast, and started to suck her nipple.

"Ooooh!" Sam cried. It felt like much, much more than sucking a nipple. What was Janice doing to her?

Janice lifted her head, and Sam's nipple came out of her mouth with a pop, red and thick and juicy. "Are you ready for more?"

Sam smiled and nodded eagerly.

"All right..." Janice put her head back down, and took Sam's nipple in her mouth again. She once again felt intense pleasure... but then, also, a stabbing pain. Sam cried out, and tried to lift Janice's head away from her breast, but Janice could not be moved. Her head and hands were clamped on Sam's breast with a solid grip

Sam felt pain mixed in with pleasure. She didn't know how to process it in her mind. She felt like part of her was leaving her body, and going into Janice. She moaned with pain and joy at the same time, unsure what she was feeling.

When Janice finally lifted her head, her mouth was filled with blood. Sam's blood. She smiled. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Hurts," Sam whimpered. She tried to look down at her breast, but Janice lifted her head and made her kiss again. Sam felt the taste of her own blood in her mouth.

And then Janice was moving down on her other nipple, and suddenly she felt a sharp pain, as if her areola had been stabbed. She cried out, her body stiffening beautifully as she arched her back, wrapping her hands around Janice's head, as Janice sucked out her essence.

They were lovers. Sam lay there and groaned with pleasure as Janice sucked the sexuality out of her right breast. "Oh, oh, oh oh," she cried. There was pain, but also pleasure. Janice looked up at her and smiled with her eyes as she took Sam's essence, Sam's sexuality, and made it her own. The two were connected, connected by the sucking on Sam's teat, connnected the powerful gaze which forced Sam to simply sit and watch her dear friend drain her gender.

When Janice was done and she pulled up, Sam looked down and to her horror, saw that her breasts were now smaller. Much smaller. And each one had bite marks around the areola.

"What did you do to me?" Sam cried, completely horrified.

"I fed on you. And you were so delicious," said Janice, wiping her bloody lips. "But that was just the appetizers. It's time for the main course. Don't... don't move an inch," she smiled, moving lower down. Sam felt herself being spread open down there.

"Janice, no," she whispered. Then she screamed as Janice bit down hard, fangs sinking into the soft, delicate flesh around her clitoris.

Sam screamed again. She tried to sit up, but couldn't move. She felt the femininity being drained out of her. She could feel her raw sexuality flowing out of her cunt into Janice's mouth. She was being taken. And yet, intermixed with the pain was odd pleasure. Sam sobbed softly as she was drained.

When Janice had taken as much as she wanted, she pulled out. Sam gasped as she felt cold air hit her labia. Janice move upwards and gave a smile filled with blood.

"Hurts," Sam cried, feeling throbbing pain in both breasts and between her legs.

Janice looked concerned. "Sam dear, do you want me to take away the pain?"

Sam kept sobbing.

"Sam, listen to me. Do you want me to end the pain?" Janice asked.

Sam, with tears in her eyes, nodded.

"Then look into my eyes."

"No!" said Sam.

Janice held her head firmly. "Look into my eyes."

Sam did... and she was lost.

Sam woke up with a jerk, unaware that she had been asleep. She checked the chrono. It was 9 o'clock. She had been at Janet's apartment for nearly three hours. It felt like three days.

"Welcome back, sleepyhead," said Janice. She was still naked.

Sam looked at her, and felt a surge of lust. She gave Janice an incredible kiss.

Afterwards, Janice grinned. "That's my girl," she said admiringly.

Sam looked down at herself. Her breasts were much smaller now, basically A Cups. Half her pubic hair was withered and gone. "What did you do to me?"

"I drained you," said Janice slyly. "At least, partially. But don't worry. You can get it all back."

"I can?" said Sam.

"Yes. All you need to do is feed on someone."

"Feed?" said Sam.

Janice rubbed Sam's withered pubic hair. "You can feel it now, can't you? A hungering?"

Sam nodded. She did feel a hungering. But for what, she didn't entirely know.

"I made you one of us."

"What does that mean?"

"You're my bitch now," said Janice, giving her a playful slap on the ass.

"Your bitch?" Sam looked startled, both by the words and the slap.

"You're a slave, of a slave," said Janice, smiling. "That means you can do what I do, almost as well. You can feed off others, and mesmerize them."


"Because we must all serve Balok," said Janice, her eyes shining. "My master is Balok. He is your master too, now. You know that, don't you?"

Sam thought for a moment. "Yes. Somehow I do. You did something to me. Put something in me."

"I put some things in you, and took out others," said Janice,smiling playfully. "All for the better." She rubbed Sam's heavy, sweaty breasts. "Think of your hungering. You have it now. You want to suck the sexual maturity out of someone, don't you?"

"I... I don't know." Sam looked conflicted as she processed new hungerings.

"Think how good it would feel, to drain someone of their sexual energy," Janice purred, kissing her neck. "To drain a breast, to completely put that energy inside of you."

"Yes..." said Sam, starting to envision it.

"To drain a penis, to take all that male strength and make it your own," she said, rubbing Sam's clitoris.

"Yessss...." said Sam, arching her head back as she started to give in to the feeling, to give into the hungering.

Janice continued to whisper into her hear as she fondled her. "Think how big and hard all that sexual energy would make your breasts again. You would love to have that kind of power coursing through you. It would be incredible."

"Incredible," Sam whispered, arching her back as Janice continued to fondle her. "Who... who shall I take?"

"You could start with your husband," Janice said.

"Gavin?" said Sam, suddenly stiffening.

"You want these to be big again, don't you?" Janice said, squeezing her breasts.


"You want the hunger in your belly to be quenched, don't you?"

"Yes!" said Sam, with more feeling.

"Then you must drain Gavin."

Sam looked conflicted.

Janice looked into her eyes. "You must drain Gavin."

Sam's face grew blank. "I must drain Gavin."

"Good girl," said Janice, slapping her on the ass. "You'd better be getting home. Gavin will start worrying where you are."

The hunger inside of Sam only increased on her ride home. Even in her convoluted state of mind, she understood why Janice had partially drained her before making her a slave.

To increase her need.

If she wanted to get rid of this growing, clawing hunger in her belly, she would have to drain Gavin. To drain her own husband of his masculinity.

Sam didn't want to. But minute by minute, the hunger was growing, gnawing at her. She knew she wouldn't be able to resist if Gavin were within arm's reach.

For a moment she considered not going home, turning herself into HomePlanet security. But if she did that, she knew her hunger would not be fed, and it would only grow stronger, and more painful. The only way to feed her hunger was to take Gavin, a voice in her head whispered.

And so Sam went home.

When she got there, Gavin was just finishing dinner. She had to strongly resist the impulse to grab him right then and there.

Her husband smiled at her unknowingly as he stole a quick kiss. "Hey, I was wondering where you were. Hungry?"

Sam was very hungry, but not for what Gavin was offering. "I stopped by Janice's on the way home. She had a house party with some friends."

"Hey, that's great. How's Janice doing?"

Gavin was so clueless. He had no idea that Sam had had a three year relationship with Janice. She had never told him. All he knew was that Janice was a friend from college.

"Fine," said Sam. She sat down in his lap, put her arms around his neck, and gave him another kiss.

"Mmmm," said Gavin. "What's that for?"

"I'm hungry," said Sam.

"I can whip something up for you," said Gavin.

"I'd prefer you whip something out for me," Sam replied, rubbing his crotch.

It didn't take much prodding to move this to the bedroom. Sam made sure the lights were off so Gavin would not see the depleted condition of her body as they quickly undressed each other. His hands felt her breasts, but if he felt a difference, he didn't say anything. Before long their clothes were off, and they were rolling around, hugging and kissing each other.

Sam had already fought and lost the ethical battle of whether she should drain Gavin. The hunger within her was just too great. Gavin moved between her legs, but this time she knew she had to mount him from above if this was going to work. She pushed him on his back with unaccustomed strength and said, "No. This time I will be on top."

"Well, all right," said Gavin, with a big smile. He had no idea what was about to happen.
Next page: Chapter 02.2
Previous page: Chapter 01