Chapter 03.1

"Hey Arden, haven't seen much of you lately," said Jack, coming into her office.

"Been busy working, sir," said Sam, trying hard not to look at him. If she looked at Jack, she knew she would lust for him. And if she lusted for him, she would drain him of his manhood. She just knew she would!

Sam had been busy. Almost every night she had been going out on the town with Janice, picking up women in lesbian bars. They had drained their victims, and then after dismissing them, Sam and Janice had made wild love to each other afterwards. It was disturbing, and terrible, and glorious, and also so very wonderful, and Sam was increasingly having trouble reconciling the new reality of her life with her former feelings.

"Actually, I haven't seen much of you since that whole incident with the plant," said Jack. He took a deep breath. "I was wondering if maybe you were... avoiding me."

"Avoiding you, sir?" said Sam. She looked up, and held her breath. Jack looked so handsome. So manly. She felt the urge to drain him. She had to fight it!

"Yeah, you know... things were awkward... the whole having sex with your superior officer thing, my impregnating you... that could change a friendship, I suppose," said Jack, looking at her face for a clue to a reaction.

"No sir," said Sam, taking a deep breath. "Nothing's changed between us. We're completely fine."

"We are?" said Jack, a little uncertainly.

"Of course," said Sam.

"All right then," said Jack, looking doubtful. "Say, where's Number Four?" That's what he called Dunlop, a little disparagingly. Sam thought Jack felt that there was something going on between them. She wanted to reassure him that she and Dunlop hadn't done anything nearly as intimate as having sex together with a plant, but instead she said, "He's checking out some leads on the Hive Mind. He'll be back in a few days."


Actually, Sam was waiting for him to come back. Janice had filled her mind with the need to drain him. The urge was so strong that she couldn't resist.

Meanwhile Gavin had become the perfect little eunuch at home. He had acquired an almost slave-like eagerness to please, always cooking dinner, always sitting by her side, seeking her approval, eager to be petted or praised, like a good little dog. Now that he had the genitals of a child, their relationship had evolved from wife and husband to wife and... something else. Something lesser. The whole situation left a sour taste in Sam's mouth.

Jack gave her a probing stare. "Well, stop by Doc Whistler when you get a chance. We've gotten a rash of flat chested women in the DC area that the Doc is having a look at now. Talk to them, see if they can provide any information that would give us a lead on this titty vampire."

Sam didn't even laugh at his joke. She was too emotionally involved. Instead, when he saw she wasn't laughing she simply gave a weak smile, and nodded and said, "Yes, sir."

Sam entered the examination room and saw Janice, in a white lab coat, examining three nude women. All were totally flat chested, but each had multiple fang marks on their chests.

Sam recognized them immediately. They were all women she and Janice drained, two from three nights ago, and the third from last night.

"This is interesting, Sam," Janice said in a loud voice, as she gave Sam a knowing look, which told her they were being monitored.

"All three women say they were bitten by other women during rough sex," said Janice.


"Yes, apparently there are at least two ladies out there who are doing this," said Janice.

"Did you get descriptions?" Sam asked.

Janice smiled. "Generally speaking. One was a redhead, and the other a blonde." She turned to the women, and gave them warning look with sparkling eyes. "You don't remember anything else about your assailants, do you, ladies?"

"No," all three said, as one, as if they were hypnotized.

Janice turned to Sam and her smile grew broader. "That's all we have, sorry. I can tell you that there are also bite marks around their clitorises, or at least what's left of their clitorises."

"They got smaller too?" Sam asked.

"Uh huh," said Janice. "Come and see." She went to one of the women, and spread her nether lips. "See? The clit is much smaller. So are the labial lips. All three of these women have basically reverted to the state they were in as children. It's as if they have all gone through puberty, in reverse."

"What kind of creature could do this?" Sam asked.

Janice put a hand on Sam's shoulder. "One who could seduce these women. One who could control them, and take whatever they wanted, with complete impunity," she said, looking into Sam's eyes.

Sam felt herself getting wet between her legs. For a moment, she was in a daze. Then she shrugged it off. "Janice, can I see you in private, for a moment?"

"Of course."

They went back to Janice's office.

"How long is this going to go on?" Sam asked.

"As long as we need to feed," said Janice simply.

"But you keep making me hungry by draining me," said Sam. It was true. Every time Sam drained a new body, Janice fed from Sam, to always keep her in that hungry state of mind.

"I told you how you could keep the hunger away," said Janice knowingly.

"Dunlop 4 isn't going to be back until next week," said Sam.

"Then you'll have to find ways to occupy yourself until then," said Janice. "Be at my apartment at 7 o'clock tonight. And this time, wear something sexy."

"All right," she said.

"Something else?" Janice inquired, searching her face.

"It's Gavin."

"What about him?"

"He's... he's like a little puppydog," said Sam, making a face. "It's like I've lost my husband."

"Sam, dear, you have lost your husband," said Janice, putting an arm around her. Looking over her shoulder to see that no one was walking by, she gave Sam a deep, passionate kiss, while squeezing her between the legs. "I fulfill your needs now, do you hear?"

Sam nodded.

Janice lovingly cupped Sam's ass. "Now get back to work, slave."

"Yes, Master," said Sam, without a smile.

Balok watched approvingly as Thalessa, formerly Susan, drained the young construction worker she had lured back to their apartment. The man moaned in pain as Thalessa rode up and down on his penis. Balok smiled as he used his special vision so he could actually see the red blobs of life energy flowing from the man's organ into Thalessa's body. It was glorious, watching it move into her groin, then into her left breast, and into her right one. When she was done and she dismounted the young man, Balok kissed her. She kissed him back affectionately. He felt the power within her.

"Very good," said Balok. "But why did you stop?"

"Stop? I got my fill," said Thalessa.

"Finish him," said Balok.

"All the way?" Thalessa looked at the young man's penis. It was smaller than when she had first started, but he still had some sexual maturity left to him.

"Finish it," said Balok.

Thalessa looked reluctant, but mounted the young man. As his moans of pain resumed, Balok smiled. It was all happening exactly as before. Susan had given herself up to him, exactly as Helena had, but she still retained some of her humanity.

Exactly as the Immortal Mouth had predicted.


When Thalessa was done, and she climbed off the young man a second time, all that was left was a whimpering little boy. Balok curled his lip and sent him on his way, with hypnotic post-instructions to remember nothing of what had happened to him. When he heard the front door slam shut, he smiled and took Thalessa in her arms.

"Nathan is coming back tomorrow."

Nathan was Thalessa's boyfriend, actually had been Susan's boyfriend, before she became Thalessa. He had been away on some trip to somewhere... the details were not important to Balok.


"What... do I tell him about us?" said Thalessa.

"Anything you like," said Balok. "Tell him that he is your newest slave."


"Drain him," said Balok. "Make him your slave." And then, "Is that a problem?"

"No," said Thalessa, quickly. A little too quickly.

Nathan gave Thalessa a great big hug and kiss when he got home.

"You look good! Even better than good," said Nathan admiringly. Thalessa's breasts had gotten bigger and firmer, and her red lips had gotten thicker. And those were only the changes that Nathan could see.

"Thanks," said Thalessa.

They engaged in small talk over dinner. Thalessa didn't know why she allowed things to drag out. It was odd every time Nathan called her Susan. Susan was the other woman, the one that no longer existed, who died when she became Thalessa. Nathan's confusion of her with Susan made Thalessa feel a little uncomfortable.

She ended things by going over and giving him a kiss. One thing led to another and soon they were in the bedroom, taking off their clothes in a hurry, and Nathan was pounding away between her legs, satisfying his primal urges.

But he started to feel a growing pain between his legs. His penis felt like it was under withering assault. He started to stop, to pull out, but Thalessa started into his eyes, and he heard the word "Continue!" in his mind, and he was forced to keep going, feeling like a captive piston in a larger machine.

Nathan cried out louder and louder, and Thalessa, streaming tears, held him by the waist and literally moved him back and forth on top of her until she exploded in her own fiery orgasm. She cried out, and released him.

Nathan fell off of her. He looked at his penis. It was small, shriveled, and smoking. Still erect, it was about one third smaller than it normally was.

"What... what did you do to me?" he said.

Thalessa sat up, and stared him in the eyes. "I have taken from you," she said. "You are now my slave."

"I... I am your slave," said Nathan, losing himself in her gaze.

"I am no longer the woman you once knew. My name is Thalessa. Serve me well, and you will continue to live. Tell no one what has happened here. No one."

"No one," Nathan repeated.

And then she dismissively pushed him back onto the pillows, and turned away and cried softly.

The next day, Balok asked her, "How was your reunion with your boyfriend?"

"Fine," she said, smiling.

"Did you drain him completely?"

Thalessa saw Balok looking intently at her. "N-not completely, no."

"Do it tonight," Balok smiled.

"Of course. My love," said Thalessa, reaching up and kissing him. He fondled her large breasts, enjoying the kiss thoroughly.

She remembered more.

When she had been Thalessa, the original Thalessa, on the planet Visenia, she remembered Balok telling her the same thing. To drain them completely.

There were ten men and women standing in the throne room. All were nude, and trembling.

"Which one does your hunger call out to the most, beloved?" Balok asked.

Thalessa, wearing a sexy nightgown, casually moved among the rows of naked men and women. Her hand brushed by a woman's large titty, and the slave shuddered. But then her gaze fell on a very muscular, tanned man with a big manly moustache and beard. Her hand worked on his penis and in moments it got hard. She smiled approvingly at its size and girth.

"I think you've found yourself a winner," said Balok. "Take him."

"Here?" said Thalessa, looking around at all the slaves, and palace servants, all watching.

"Why not?" said Balok, in a steely tone.

And so Thalessa did. She kissed the man with a snarl, and then pushed him to the ground. They made love on a pile of pillows. Everyone--servants and slaves--watched expressionlessly as the man's cries of joys became cries of pain. But Thalessa's moans of joys never changed as she mounted him, bouncing up and down, feeling his penile energy draining, loving the sensation of all his masculinity, and all his manhood, flooding into her.

When she was done, and climbed off him. Balok clapped casually. "Very good. But why didn't you finish him?"

"Finish him?" said Thalessa.

"You left a few inches left," said Balok, pointing to the slave's semi-erect penis. Thalessa had drained some of his masculinity, but as was custom, she had left the man some for himself, so he could go back to his wife and enjoy some semblance of a normal life.

Thalessa opened her mouth, but for once didn't know what to say.

"Finish him," said Balok harshly. He pointed at the man's penis. "Finish it now."

Thalessa, giving a falsely confident smile, mounted the man again, and finished draining him.

There were no cries of joy from the man now, not even at the beginning. Only screams.

When she was done, and Thalessa dismounted and stood up, the man's penis was tiny. Even his large muscular body was altered. The manly muscles were gone, all gone. When the man sat up and touched his face, his beard came off with his fingers.

For all intents and purposes now, he had lost his manhood.

Thalessa got a sick feeling to her stomach as Balok clapped her on the shoulder and congratulated her. "Good, very good," he said.

He started to kiss her, and one thing led to another, and before long they were doing it, in front of a room full of people who were too afraid to make a sound or move a muscle.

And then the doors to the throne room opened with a bang, and in roared Dorala.

"Are you still playing with this whore?" she roared.

Thalessa held her breath. No one dared to talk to Balok in that way.

But Balok calmly pulled his large penis out of Thalessa's vagina and stood up calmly, dusting himself off. "Hello, Dorala."

"What is that creature still doing here?" Dorala demanded. "I thought she was just a distraction."

"She is a distraction," said Balok. "Don't tell me you haven't been with any men in the past two weeks."

"Yes, men. Different men. And I haven't turned any of them into lessers," said Dorala.

Suddenly, Thalessa realized that Dorala didn't know that Balok had made her into a full fledged Valvan. She thought Balok had turned her into a lesser slave, one with lesser Valvan abilities.

"We're just playing," said Balok mildly.

"Well, let me know when you're done playing," Dorala snapped. She glared at Thalessa so intently, and with such force that for a moment Thalessa worried that her own neck might break. But then the spell was broken, and Dorala turned and stomped off.

Balok turned to the silent slaves. "Dismissed," said Balok, clapping his hand. Everyone eagerly walk-ran from the room.

He offered a hand to help Thalessa get up.

"Dorala doesn't know I am your bride?" said Thalessa, obviously confused.

Balok looked into her eyes. "Dorala knows exactly what she needs to know. As do you."

"But... what happens when she discovers the truth?" Thalessa asked.

Balok smiled, which gave her the chills. "Well, I expect you'll deal with her properly when the time comes."

He turned and left, leaving Thalessa with a sinking feeling in her stomach.
[Back in the present]

The next day, Balok asked, "So, how was it?"

"It?" Thalessa asked.

"Your boyfriend," he said, using the word ironically. "Did you finish draining him, as I asked?"

"Oh, Nathan," said Thalessa. "Yes, of course." She tried not to look anxious, but had the uneasy feeling that Balok could tell that she was lying.

"Gooood," said Balok. "And how is your sister?"

"My sister?" said Thalessa, looking confused. Officially, she had no sister.

Balok grabbed her hands and stared at her, which made her feel even more uncomfortable. "Susan's sister. Emily."

So he knew.

Thalessa had gone to Emily, two days ago. The first act she had done as Thalessa had been to drain the femininity from one of Emily's breasts; Balok had taken the other. Emily was no longer her sister. Emily had been Susan's sister.

For she was no longer Susan. Now she was Thalessa.

Em had come over two nights ago, weeping. She didn't remember exactly what had been done to her, but she sensed that Thalessa had been involved.

"Susan, you have to help me," she cried.

Thalessa looked at her sister. She was wearing a tight shirt. She looked almost totally flat chested.

"I cannot help you," said Thalessa flatly.

Nathan spoke up. Even though she had drained part of his manhood, even though she had turned him into a slave, totally under her domination, he still spoke out. "Susan, she's your sister."

"I do not know her," said Thalessa again.

Emily was sobbing now. She reached out and touched Thalessa, who flinched slightly. "Please, Susan.... Robert's going to leave me when he sees... these," she said, pointing to where her breasts had been.

Robert. Her younger sister's fiancée.

For a moment, something melted inside of Thalessa. She looked from Emily's pleading face to Nathan's.

Then she dragged Emily by the throat roughly into the bedroom, and roughly slammed the door.

Nathan heard moans through the door for the next hour, but did not enter.

When the emerged, they both looked sweaty, like they had just run a marathon.

And Emily had her breasts back.

Emily started to thank her, but Thalessa brushed her off. "I must feed," she said, heading for the front door.

"You restored your little sister, didn't you?" said Balok.

"She was whining. A complete irritant," said Thalessa. "I just wanted her out of the way." She tried to put up a stoic front.

Balok just looked at her, nodding slowly, which made her even more nervous. Finally, he said, "I believe you are ready."

"Ready for what?" Thalessa asked.

"To bear the child who will give us the keys to the world," said Balok.

Thalessa remembered more of her past life on Visenia.

She and Balok were on tour, during Selection Day. Dorala did not accompany them. Thalessa didn't know what had passed between Balok and Dorala after the time that Dorala barged in on the two of them, but from that day on, Dorala kept a distance from Thalessa in the palace, who gave her rather unfriendly glares.

As she and Balok rode on the open air transport, Thalessa noticed a young man in the crowds. Simeon.

Simeon had been Thalessa's friend since childhood, back when she used to be Helena. They had never been boyfriend and girlfriend, not exactly, but they had been close, very close. They would go to the stream and tell each other their dearest secrets. Helena would tell her about all the boys she coveted, and how she hoped they would court her, and Simeon... Simeon rarely talked about girls. And it wasn't because he didn't feel attracted to them. No, Helena got the idea that Simeon was attracted to her. But he never said anything about his feelings, not a word. He was always there for her when she needed him.

All that changed, of course, when she became Thalessa. She hadn't seen Simeon since. So it was totally without thinking when she smiled and waved at him when she saw him in the crowds, smiling at her.

"Stop the transport," came Balok's voice immediately.

The vehicle stopped abruptly, and for a moment, so did Thalessa's heart. Balok gave her an indeterminate look, and then stepped out of the transport. He was gone for only a minute. When he returned he also brought Simeon, dragging him by the arm. "Does this one suit you, my love?" Balok asked.

Thalessa tried to act indifferently. "He is a little thinner than I am used to."

"But could he feed your hunger?" Balok asked. From the way he was asking, it seemed to be more than an idle question.

Thalessa shrugged. "I suppose he would be a small snack."

"Then bring him!" said Balok, gesturing for his retinue to take Simeon. When he stepped into the transport, he turned to Thalessa and smiled, "I love bringing home snacks for my sweet one."

Thalessa smiled back at him as best she could.

Later, a very trembling Simeon was brought to her quarters. The servants closed the door behind her with a resounding thud. Simeon looked fearfully at her for a moment. He had been scrubbed clean and garbed in tight blue pants. He was shirtless, reminding Thalessa of the slender chest she used to rest her head against by the river.

She herself was wearing a sexy crotchless nightgown.

Simeon looked at her for a moment, and then stuttered, "Helena-"

"There is no Helena," said Thalessa, taking a sensuous step forward. She walked over to him slowly, each step an erotic act as her high heels clicked on the floor. She put her arms around his shoulders. "Only Thalessa."

"Y-yes, of course," he said. She could feel him trembling.

She looked him in the eyes. It was the same old Simeon. Even though she had become a different person, Thalessa had all of Helena's memories.

And her feelings.

She looked at his boyish face, at all the hopes and joys and fears she had shared with him, and bit her lip.

In a split second, she made a decision. She pulled him to the bed. She lay down, on her back, and pulled him on top of her.

Simeon was shaking like a leaf. She hadn't hypnotized him as of yet. Thalessa pushed his head down, lower, and lower, and spread her legs, until her nether lips were showing.

"Please your goddess," she commanded, giving him a strong command for the first time. "Do it."

Simeon looked in her eyes and was lost to her. He moved his head down over her crotch and opened his mouth. He took her essence between his lips and started to suck.

Thalessa started to moan with pleasure. She never spoke a word, but somehow Simeon knew exactly what to do--slower, faster, harder, softer--these were words that appeared in his mind, and he obeyed instantly. Very quickly he brought her to a mind-shattering orgasm.

Afterwards, she pulled him up to her and kissed him passionately. He responded, with genuine emotion.

Then she said, "You may go."

Simeon quickly examined himself. He hadn't been drained, not as he could tell.

"You may go," Thalessa repeated, with a hint of irritation.

In his mind Simeon heard, "Go quickly!" And he jumped up and left.

Later, Thalessa padded around the hallways of the Palace. She heard sounds of talking from the Chamber of the Immortal Mouth.

Thalessa did not really understand what the Immortal Mouth was; it simply existed. When Balok had first introduced her to it, she had seen a giant pair of flesh metal lips, built into a wall that was solid stone. But then the metal lips moved, and spoke, causing her to jump.

"Meet my blushing bride, Thalessa," Balok had said.

"It is very nice to meet you, Thalessa," the Immortal Mouth had said. It spoke in a deep, booming voice that echoed throughout the small room.

Balok had turned to Thalessa and said, "The Immortal Mouth predicted your existence. It said that you were the one for me, the one I should seek out."

"The female with striking red hair and impeccable beauty," said the Immortal Mouth. "The female of strong spirit, who can resist, but who does not resist."

"And that was you," said Balok, looking into her eyes. "After I failed to sway you with my dominance, you gave yourself to me willingly. Do you not remember?"

Thalessa certainly did. She had given herself over to save her family. Helena's family, she corrected herself.

"You are the one," Balok had said, hugging her. "The one."

And now Thalessa was hearing the same words again.

"She is the one," she heard Balok's voice say, through the open door. "Even now, after she has given herself over to me, she still feels compassion. Just now she spared one of her former life friends. She is Valvan, but she also still has the spirit of a human."

"Then she is indeed the one," said the ponderous voice of the Immortal Mouth.

She was the one? The one for what? What did Balok want from her? What didn't he already have from her?

She considered going inside the room and confronting him. But she couldn't muster up the courage to.

Ever so quietly, Thalessa crept back to her room.

She found an unexpected guest there.


"So, the whore finally returns to the nest," said Dorala, rubbing her fingernails with a wicked looking knife.

"What are you doing here?" Thalessa asked.

"You didn't seriously think I'd let you have him for yourself, did you?" said Dorala, taking a step forward.

Thalessa took a step back.

"You're nothing. You're just a flavor of the day," Dorala spat, still walking forward.

"Why don't you tell him that," said Thalessa, still moving backwards.

"He's blinded by you. I can see it in his eyes. He'll be so thankful, once I get rid of you," said Dorala. She smiled as she raised her blade.

Thalessa's back was now against a wall. She stared at the blade, preparing to jump out of the way as it swung.

Dorala saw what she was looking at. "You think I need this to get rid of you?" She laughed, and the blade dropped to the stone floor with a clatter. Then she shot forward at an incredible speed, and grabbed Thalessa by the throat.

Thalessa tried to pull Dorala's arms away, but she was incredibly strong. She hit her head against Dorala, knocking her away for a moment.

But then Dorala bared her fangs, and launched herself at Thalessa's throat.

Thalessa ducked under Dorala and ran out of the way, but she tripped and fell, at the foot of her bed.

And then Dorala was on top of her. Thalessa tried to fight her off, but she was strong, incredibly strong, and she worked her way through Thalessa's arms, and saw a clear path to her throat, and took it.

Thalessa screamed as she felt Dorala's fangs sink into her neck. She heard Dorala hiss with joy, and slowly started to feel her life essence draining.

Die, bitch, die, she heard in her head.

Thalessa refused to die, even as she felt her strength rapidly leaving her. There was too much to live for--for mother, for father, for Maragarete, and yes, even Simeon-

Her hand found something small, something hard. She grasped it, and swung it up in an arc, and down, violently.

There was a tremendous impact and Dorala, fell off of her, on the ground, without saying a word.

Thalessa painfully sat up, and felt the wound in her neck. It hurt. She looked over at Dorala. She had a footman impaled in her head.

Along the front edge of Thalessa's bed were a row of short footmen statues, each less than two feet tall, all made of stone. Each had a shield and sword and a cap, with a sharp point at the top of it, more than four inches long.

It was that cap which was now embedded in Dorala's head. Thalessa looked at her. Her eyes were unmoving.

Suddenly she heard a clap. And then another, and another.

"Well done," said Balok, standing at the door.

"How long... how long were you there?" Thalessa asked.

"Long enough," said Balok. "You have passed your final test."

"My final test?"

"To carry my child within you," said Balok.

Thalessa was stunned. "Balok... help me... I'm injured."

"There's sustenance right in front of you," said Balok dismissively, pointing at Dorala. He turned and left.

Balok wanted her to be the mother of his child. The next day, he had brought her to the Immortal Mouth. "Tell her," he commanded.

"The offspring of a female who willingly submitted, of a female with red hair and great beauty, will be the key to ruling all of Visenia," said the Immortal Mouth. "Once-"

"Enough," said Balok, silencing it. He turned to Thalessa, grabbing her by the arms. "Our child will be the key to my becoming King of all Visenia. And you, my dear, will be its queen."

Suddenly, everything Balok had done to her was wiped away. All the cruelties, all the tests, all were forgiven. Thalessa suddenly discovered she had a big and bright future ahead of her. And for her child! Her heart leapt at the thought.

Balok smiled, sensing her reaction. "Are you ready, my love?"

At first, Thalessa had had some qualms about draining Dorala. But drain her she did, completely and utterly, and now she felt she was once again at her physical and mental peak. "Yes, my love! More than anything!"

"Then we will conduct the ceremony, tonight."​
Next page: Chapter 03.2
Previous page: Chapter 02.2