Chapter 01.2
Taylor undid his helmet. The sight before him was gruesome. Explosive decompression wasn't kind to human bodies. He saw what was left of the Captain, and the others. He started to reach down to lift up the Captain's body.
"Here, let me help you with that," said a new voice.
Taylor turned to see Samuel, the elderly black philosopher.
"We'll get them out of the way before the girls come in. It's best that way, I think," said Samuel.
Taylor nodded. Samuel impressed him. He knew nothing about ship operations, but had risked his life to help him in engineering, and now this. Samuel was a level headed man. With no crew left to speak of, he could be a big help managing the panicky passengers.
Taylor got some body bags from sickbay and handed one to Samuel. It was not fun work. Once the bridge had been cleared, Taylor removed his spacesuit and got to work. Two hours later, he went to the mess hall to report his findings to the anxious passengers.
"Well, here's the good news," said Taylor. "We have auxiliary power. One of the generators is working, though it's not in the best shape. The ion and FTL drives seem to be fully functional. The bridge controls are also working, for the most part. Life support, navigation, and sensors are back online."
"So, can we get out of here?" Naomi Weinberg asked.
"And now the bad news," said Taylor. "We don't have enough power to engage the FTL drive."
"Can we call for help?"
"Our FTL communicator has been fried, from the impact of one of the meteors."
"Fried, as in-"
"Fried, as in destroyed. Blown up, as in short circuited," said Taylor. "I don't have the parts to repair it."
"But surely we can send out a distress signal!" said McKenzie Risella.
"Yes," said Taylor. "But it wouldn't be picked up more than a few million miles away."
"But surely the Survey Service knows where we are," said Brianna. "When we don't reach Ramada, they'll send a ship to investigate, right?"
"That's true. Eventually," said Taylor.
"So we just wait here to be rescued, right?" said Brianna.
Taylor sighed.
"Taylor, what is it you're not telling us?" Liam asked
"We got caught in the Stellar Ribbon. We were only in it for a short time, but in that time, the Asgard travelled at incredible speeds. We are now twelve light years away from where we're supposed to be."
"12 light years!"
"The Survey Service will never think to look for us here," said Taylor. "We're too far off our logged flight plan."
"So, we can't move, and we can't expect rescue?" Alexis asked. "I call that being royally fucked." The use of such coarse language was odd, for a school teacher.
Taylor raised a hand. "There is one other option. We are near a solar system. It is uncharted. Distant probes merely registered its existence. It's called PR-5298 on the charts. We're actually pretty close to it. I did some scans with the ship's sensors, and there seems to be a habitable planet that can support life. We could get there, with ion drive, within three or four weeks."
"And then what? We'd be stranded on an alien planet!" Brianna asked.
"We'd be alive on an alien planet," said Taylor. "We can't survive on the ship for more than a few weeks. If the planet is habitable, we can await rescue."
"I must pray on this," said Brother Khalid.
"You do that," said Samuel. He turned to Taylor, "And while he's doing that, set a course for this planet."
"Does anyone else have any other suggestions?" Taylor asked.
He was met with silence.
"It's agreed, then."
The Asgard got under way. There wasn't enough crew to run the ship full time, so Taylor did the best he could. He took one eight hour watch, put Jefferson in charge of the second watch, and Samuel, who knew nothing about starships but seemed very conscientious, was put in charge of the third. It was Jefferson who had the most qualms about the arrangement.
"I don't know anything about starship operation," said Jefferson. "What should I do?"
"If an alert sounds, call me," said Taylor simply.
Life returned to a semblance of normalcy. But the atmosphere in the ship was changed. Nearly the entire crew was gone, and their survival depended on one very junior officer. In addition, it became very clear to them that their chances of rescue were even lower than their chances of survival. Even if they reached this planet, even if it was habitable, there as a good chance they would be marooned on it for the rest of their lives.
That realization tended to drive the passengers to do things they might not ordinarily have done. People started to pair off.
Pamela Bloomberg started spending time with Samuel Thomas. Naomi Weinberg was seen with Chaka, the youngest of the Ramadan brothers. And Taylor started to attract the attentions of Tara McCallister.
Tara came over to his quarters, ostensibly to talk. She told him all about herself. She was a technical agronomist on her way to the small agro colony on La Honda to help the farmers increase their crop yields. Taylor was less interested in that than the fact that she was a pretty brunette with hazel eyes that seem to stare at him incessantly. She asked about his background in the Survey Service, but it was obvious that she was looking to get to know him in a way that was more than biographical.
They met in his quarters and talked several times, establishing a certain level of familiarity with each other, before Tara made the first move. She reached out and started touching his hand.
Tara pretended like nothing was happening as she talked about soil tests she had done on some nameless planet, while her hand gradually moved up Taylor's arm. He didn't draw away, but he didn't respond either. But when Tara reached in to give him a kiss, he drew away.
"What?" she said, looking hurt. "Don't you find me attractive?"
"Very much so," said Taylor, and it was true.
"Then what is it?" Tara asked.
"I... have a girlfriend, on Earth," said Taylor slowly. "Her name is Jessica."
"Oh...," said Tara. She paused, considering. "Are you serious with her?"
Taylor frowned. They hadn't parted on the best of terms, but he still felt like he was together with her. "Yes."
"I understand," said Tara. She got up to go, and reddened. "I'm sorry."
"No, don't be," said Taylor. "If I led you on in any way-"
"I'd better go," said Tara, bumping into the door in her haste to get out.
Taylor felt sad after Tara left. He really did like her. But he wasn't quite ready to give up on Jessica.
Taylor had another visitor the next day. It was Alexis Herman, the school teacher who had been on her way to Ramada.
Taylor once again thought how little Alexis reminded him of a school teacher. The redhead had long, luxurious wavy hair, high cheekbones, hazel eyes, full lips, and a very flirtatious look. She had firm, high breasts... a little too firm, and a little too high, for a woman in her mid 30's, Taylor judged.
She didn't act like a school teacher either. Taylor remembered how she had played with his legs under the table in the mess hall, how she had looked slyly at him. Precisely the same way she was looking at him now.
She actually ran her hands down his legs as she smiled at him. "You were so brave, Captain. The way you risked your life in that engineering deathtrap. The way you floated out in space to repair the bridge. The way you took charge."
"Although I'm acting Captain, my rank is still Lieutenant," said Taylor, feeling uncomfortable and aroused, all at the same time.
Alexis's eyes sparkled, and she leaned closer to him. "You look like a captain to me." She tried to kiss him, but Taylor pulled back.
"What's wrong?" Alexis asked. "Don't you like girls?" She seemed to be teasing him.
"Oh, I do," said Taylor.
"Then maybe you just don't like me," she said, leaning against him to press her glorious breasts against him.
"Oh, I do," said Taylor. And he did! She was gorgeous. "It's just... I have someone back on Earth."
"Someone? A wife?" said Alexis, rubbing her hands slowly on his chest.
"A fiancée?'
"... Not exactly...."
"A girlfriend?"
"Yes," said Taylor, finding it harder to concentrate as her hands roamed farther and farther afield.
"And what happens when we're stranded on this planet, assuming we can even survive there? What happens when days turn into weeks and into months, and we're officially declared dead? What will your girlfriend do then?"
"She'll move on," said Taylor, jumping slightly as he felt her hand brush between his legs. "But there is always the chance we'll be rescued." Suddenly, he noticed how red and full her lips looked, when she talked.
"You yourself said we are far from the established space lanes. What are the chances we'll be found way out here?" Alexis asked, rubbing his thighs slowly.
"Not high," Taylor admitted, enjoying her touch. He looked into her eyes. The hazel in them seemed to hypnotize him. Suddenly, he realized Alexis was right. His relationship with Jessica had been precarious to begin with. Now, with rescue unlikely, he was effectively single again.
He looked at Alexis. She was gorgeous, much more beautiful than Jessica. And she wanted him. What kind of fool would he be to turn her down?
Alexis seemed to be reading his mind. She moved closer, sensing his waning resistance. She pressed her lips against his. At first, Taylor was passive, but then he responded, kissing her back. Her soft lips felt wonderful. They felt full of the promise of something exciting.
Her kiss totally melted his resistance. He kissed her back as passionately as she kissed him. They kissed and touched for a while. Taylor expected things to end there on this, their very first romantic encounter. But Alexis wanted more than that. Much more.
She started unzipping his pants.
"What are you doing?" said Taylor, feeling genuinely alarmed.
Alexis smiled slyly as she boldly, without warning, reached into his underwear and pulled out his penis. "I think everything will become clear in a moment."
She put her mouth to it, and looked up at Taylor. He felt a chill down his spine. Alexis blew hot air on it, and Taylor almost jumped. Then she slowly put her mouth on it and started sucking.
Taylor groaned as his fists grabbed his bed sheets. Alexis worked him like an expert. Taylor could tell the difference. Jessica had gone down on him once, but hadn't liked it, and hadn't nearly a fraction of the skill or enthusiasm that Alexis was showing him.
This school teacher, on the other hand, sucked him with abandon, making eyes at him as her tongue worked magic around his engorged head. And then he gasped, and exploded in her mouth.
Alexis, rather than being disgusted, sucked all of him, lapping on his head as if it were a lollipop.
When she pulled out, Taylor said, "I'm sorry. I seem to have been.... a little too excited."
"Why, darling, that's the highest compliment a man can give the girl," Alexis assured him, as she moved to unzip her own pants. "Don't worry, dear, we're just beginning."
Taylor had the wildest night of sex in his life. Alexis touched and petted him like a professional, bringing him back to full arousal just moments after he had come in her mouth. He reached out to caress her breasts, and Alexis instructed him, telling him exactly how she liked to be touched. Exactly how she liked to be sucked. He found her step by step instructions to be controlling. And he found being controlled sexually by such an experienced, attractive woman to be highly erotic.
Alexis thrust out a breast at him. "Would you like a taste?"
Taylor had never heard a woman talk like this before. He eagerly put his mouth to her teat. Alexis started to direct him, like an instructor, telling him how much to put in his mouth, how hard to suck, what kind of rhythm he should try to maintain. She smiled lovingly as he aroused her under his instruction.
When she felt he had mastered that lesson, she moved onto the next one. She spread her knees and gestured with her eyes for him to get between her legs.
On the first date? Taylor thought. But he was a man, and she was beautiful, and how could he refuse such a tempting offer?
Taylor slowly moved between her legs, looking for any signs of hesitation. Alexis smiled and nodded at him approvingly. Taking a deep breath, Taylor inserted himself into her. He was on top, but Alexis was clearly in charge.
"Slowly, start slowly, my love, you have to build up to things, not all at once," she said, smiling at him. She instructed him how to move within her, how to kiss and touch her while making love to her, everything he needed to do to please a sophisticated woman. It had never been like this with Jessica. He felt like he had never had sex before. His penis was attached to his body, but under her detailed instructions, his organ felt like it was totally under Alexis's control, and his body was just along for the ride. Alexis was using his sex organ, like a device, to give her body pleasure. The feeling of being so controlled, by such an obviously experienced woman, made Taylor more excited than ever.
Under Alexis's detailed directions, he was ecstatic when he brought her to orgasm. She moaned, her head rolling back, as she climaxed, being sure to shout his name and smile at him a the key moment. "Oh Michael... Michael... yes, Michael!" and she screamed and shuddered and grabbed him tightly.
All was silent for a moment.
"Was that good?" Taylor whispered anxiously.
"You were the best. The best I've ever had." she said, kissing him tenderly.
"Really?" Taylor asked.
"Um hm," said Alexis. "And now, let's see to you, shall we?"
And she did. Alexis didn't need any instruction from Taylor on how to please a man. She looked at him with lust and determination, which was almost enough to cause him to climax. At her bidding, he resumed thrusting within her. Alexis clenched some internal muscles that Taylor didn't even know women had, and within a minute Taylor was gasping, and ejaculating deep within her.
As they lay together afterwards, Alexis said, "Did you enjoy that, dear?"
"Did I? Alexis, you're incredible!" said Taylor.
She gave him a very satisfied smile.
After that, Alexis was his constant companion. She flaunted her status to others, even telling them that she was the "Captain's woman", and seemed to enjoy the title she had conferred on herself.
Tara was enraged. Taylor had refused her, claiming he had a girlfriend back on Earth. Obviously that had been a lie. He simply hadn't been attracted to her. She resolved to have it out with him, and went to his quarters.
But as luck would have it, as Tara arrived at his quarters, Alexis was in the process of leaving, shutting the door behind her. "You're too late, darling, in more ways than one." She smiled at Tara as she winked and adjusted her bra strap. "There's nothing you have that he wants. I'm seeing to all his needs now."
Tara glared at Alexis.
"You had your chance," said Alexis. "I saw you try to take it. But you didn't try very hard, did you? That's the difference between us. When I see something I want, I take it. Would you like some advice, dear? If you're still looking to shack up, try one of the Ramadan brothers. Or maybe Father Edvard. If you like older men, that is," she said, grinning, as she walked down the corridor, still reeking of sex, happily swaying her hips.
Alexis was smugly content. She had claimed Taylor, and there was nothing Tara could do about it.
Pamela Bloomberg was attracted to Samuel Thomas. It wasn't just his bravery. He had been the only one to volunteer to help Taylor deactivate the power in engineering, at grave risk to his own life.
No, her admiration for Samuel stemmed from his professional work. Samuel was one of the foremost philosophers. His work on Rational Thought was known throughout the galaxy. While he wasn't a household name like a holostar, those who studied the field knew who he was. Pam had majored in philosophy in college. She had fallen in love with his writing on Objective Rationalism from afar, and then, when she actually met him on board the Asgard, began to admire him as a person. She liked the strength of his personality, and the strengths of his convictions. It didn't matter whether she agreed with all the principles of Objective Realism; she likes the personality of the man behind them.
So, when it came time to pair off, she chose him. At first, it might seem odd that a 24 year old woman would be attracted to a 60 year old man. But her choices were limited. The Captain (Lieutenant Taylor) was already being pursued by two women. Father Edvard was even older than Samuel, and she didn't like his dry personality. The Ramadan brothers scared her. Adam Jefferson, the crewman who had survived, seemed little more than a boy. And Liam... well, he was a criminal, wasn't he?
Samuel wasn't quite as understanding of her selection. He wasn't blind, and as she visited him every day, and sat by his side, and looked into his eyes, he knew exactly what she was doing. And when the day came, a week later, when she put a hand on his arm, he said, "Girl, what in the world are you doing?"
"Nothing," said Pamela innocently.
"Nothing looks like something," said Samuel. Samuel was always blunt. That's what she liked about him. Usually.
"Are you attracted to me, young lady?" Samuel asked.
Pamela looked down. Samuel raised her head with his hand. "I asked you a question."
"You're... one of a kind," said Pamela.
"That's right," said Samuel. "I'm a one of a kind 60 year old black man on this ship. Surely you can do better than me."
"I don't want to," said Pamela earnestly.
"I'm not interested," said Samuel resolutely.
"Why? Are you married?" she asked.
"Married?" said Samuel. The question seemed to enrage him. "Three times. Yes. Each time worse than the one before it. No, young lady, I am done with women."
Pamela was close to tears. She started sniffling.
Samuel looked at her with hard eyes. Then he put an arm around her. "Don't cry. You shouldn't cry about losing the chance to have sex with an old black man," he said. "My dick is like an old limp donkey's. It can't get it up anymore."
Pamela smiled, and started to laugh, even while still sniffling. "You're lying."
"Uh uh," said Samuel. "Do you know what happens when a man gets old? His thing shrinks. Mine is smaller than a pencil. You'd feel more making out with Kyrsten or Brianna and a cucumber from the kitchen."
Pamela broke out into a laugh, and the tension was broken.
After that, she continued to visit Samuel, but didn't try to seduce him again.
The door opened abruptly, and Naomi Weinberg found herself facing the unsmiling face of Ahmed Anjahar.
Wrong brother.
"I'm, ah, here to see Chaka," said Naomi.
Ahmed, still glaring at her, turned around and shut the door behind him. Naomi, standing in the corridor, wondered what to do next.
But then the door reopened again, and this time Chaka was there. Chaka was a big, strong man like his brothers, and had a big, dark beard, but there was something in his eyes, something kind, that Naomi had seen in her furtive glances in the mess hall. And, as their eyes met, she thought she saw some interest in his furtive stares too.
"Hi. I just came to, ah-"
Chaka pulled her by the arm and brought her to his stateroom. The brothers shared a three room suite. He closed the door of the bedroom behind her, and sat down next to her.
"Hi," she said, a little nervously.
Chaka nodded at her, ever so slightly.
"I've always been fascinated by Ramadan culture," said Naomi. "I mean, I've heard all the negative propaganda, of course, about the alleged treatment of women, but I studied Transcultural Issues in college, and it was there I really learned the truth. How rich and vibrant your culture is, and how happy your women are. I simply love the Ramadan cultural identity."
Chaka slowly put his hands on Naomi, and started to rub her arms, and then her legs.
"You seem like an interesting man," said Naomi. "I mean, you don't talk much, but-"
She gasped as she felt Chaka squeezing her breasts.
"I just thought we could get to know each other a little-"
Chaka put his lips over Naomi. He took a kiss from her, grinding his lips hard against her. Naomi moaned as Chaka grabbed her, and pressed his body against body.
In moments Chaka was ripping off her clothes.
"Hey, isn't this a little quick?" Naomi asked as Chaka, with no cooperation from her, wrestled off her shirt and bra. When Chaka turned to her pants, she grabbed his arm and said, "Not so fast!"
A fire lit in Chaka's eyes, and he slapped her. Naomi, speechless, was thrown back onto the bed. Chaka resumed taking off her clothes like nothing had happened. Naomi, thoroughly cowed, did not resist. Then Chaka took off his own clothes. Within moments, he was pounding into her.
From the stateroom next door, his eldest brother Khalid, hearing the squeak of the bunk bed, smiled. "I do believe our good brother Chaka has found us a concubine."
Naomi didn't show up for breakfast the next day, or lunch or dinner, or for meals the next day after that. Her friend Pamela Bloomberg started to become concerned. She approached the brothers at dinner. They glared at her. "Have any of you seen Naomi?" she asked. She turned to Chaka, who seemed to be the least unapproachable. "I know Naomi mentioned she was going to drop by to see you, but I haven't seen her since. Do you know where she is?"
"She is resting," said Chaka sternly.
"Resting? From what?" said Pam.
"She is resting!" said Chaka.
After dinner, he returned to his quarters, along with his brothers. There they found Naomi, completely nude, kneeling with her fist on the floor and her head face down on her fist. Her body was covered with red welts. They didn't have a whip, so Chaka had had to make do with his belt.
Chaka looked approvingly at her. At first they had had to gag her and tie her to the bed, to prevent her from escaping. But by the end of two days of intensive training, punctuated by sleep deprivation, beatings, and intense psychological dominance conditioning, she now obediently prostrated herself by the door to their quarters, eagerly awaiting their return.
He patted her on the head. "Very good, woman. You may rise and greet me."
Naomi, still totally nude, obediently rose and gave Chaka a kiss. It was one of passionate ardor. She slid her arms around him and pressed her nude breasts against his chest lovingly. She had given in easily to the conditioning, falling in love with the man who alternated beatings with kindness, as Chaka knew she would. Naomi filled the kiss with as much intensity as she could, knowing if she didn't make it feel real, that she would be punished. Naomi had been taught not merely to obey, but to obey enthusiastically; and if she didn't obey eagerly, she would be beaten again.
Chaka looked at her with satisfaction. "Now that you have been properly trained, your duties will be expanded." He turned Naomi to face his brothers, who were sitting in the common room.
Khalid, the oldest brother, was sitting down in a chair. He had opened his robe, and his large Ramadan penis was sticking out.
"Go to him," said Chaka, giving her a nudge.
This was almost too much for Naomi. She had been attracted to Chaka to begin with, so it didn't take too much conditioning to turn her into his love slave. But to service Chaka's older brother... in front of his other brothers....
Chaka took his belt, and raised it. "Whore!" he shouted. "I will not ask again!"
Seeing the hard glint of his eyes, Naomi, trembling, went down on her hands and knees in front of Khalid.
"Hello, my sweetness," he smiled at her, like a friendly father, as Naomi reluctantly touched his organ, and slowly lowered her mouth....
Two days later, Naomi reappeared in the mess hall. "Where were you?" Pamela asked, looking her friend over.
Naomi looked healthy and rested, her hair perfectly combed, with not a mark on her--not where anyone could see.
"I was spending time with Chaka," said Naomi.
"You had a four day orgy with Chaka?" said Pam, wide eyed.
Naomi nodded, smiling at Chaka, who was watching her a table away.
"How was it?" Pam asked.
"Amazing," said Naomi. "I feel really empowered." She put a hand on Pam. "You have to meet him, and his brothers."
"No, I don't think I'm into that," said Pam, eyeing the Ramadans with their stern glances and big beards.
"But they really want to meet you," said Naomi. "I have told them all about you." She tried to appear casual, aware of the price she would have to pay if she failed in her task.
"Well... maybe," said Pam. "But to be honest, I prefer to spend my free time with Samuel."
"The old black man? What can he possibly do for you?"
"He's brilliant," said Pam. "He's like an encyclopedia."
"You can't have sex with an encyclopedia," said Naomi.
"I don't need that. The intellectual stimulation is enough," said Pam.
"So he won't sleep with you, huh?" said Naomi. She grabbed Pam's hand. "Come on. Come to Chaka's quarters with me. You won't regret it."
Pam pulled her hand away. She saw something unfamiliar in Naomi's eyes. "Maybe another time," she said, getting up to leave.
Naomi looked fearfully at the brothers. Chaka gave her the slightest of frowns.
She knew she would be punished, no matter how much she begged for forgiveness. Nonetheless she obediently found herself following Chaka back to his quarters after dinner. As Naomi stripped and leaned against the wall, hearing Chaka take off his belt, she realized she had accepted her new way of life.