Chapter 06
The Goddesses Brianna, Kyrsten, and McKenzie
Brianna Lindsay, Kyrsten Hymen, and McKenzie Risella watched the Asgard lift off. A crowd had already started to form around them. They were on the edge of the city called Imanthia.
They were not fearful. Nor were they anxious. They were excited.
Before they had embarked, Brianna had held a private meeting with Kyrsten and McKenzie.
"I think our presence here was no accident. I think, by the Goddess Aura, we were meant to be here," said Brianna, speaking in hushed tones.
"Really?" said Kyrsten.
"Just think about it, Stenna. We're here, in a brutal patriarchical society, and we are being given the power to change everything."
"But Captain Taylor said we were only to stop the killings and the rapes," said McKenzie.
"Kenzie, Kenzie dear, we're going to be gods," said Brianna. "I don't think any of this--the damage to the ship, our landing here, finding this regressive testosterone poisoned society--has been an accident. I think we were put here, by the Goddess Aura. I think Aura saw this society which has been so badly fucked up by men, and that she sent us in to fix it."
"You think so?" Kyrsten asked.
"I really do. I prayed to Aura and I felt it. It was undeniable," said Brianna. Her eyes grew wide, and she whispered in a hushed tone, "I think we have been put in a perfect position to practice Nurda Gababba."
Nurda Gababba, loosely translated to mean "Heal the World", was one of the basic tenants of the religion of those who worshipped the Great She-Goddess Aura. Nurda Gababba stated that everyone should work to gain positions of power in society, which they could use to improve the lives of others. The idea was that individuals, on their own, have no concept of Nurda Gababba or how to help others. That is why they needed people in positions of authority to coerce them to aid the poor and the less fortunate. Under Nurda Gababba, it was perfectly legitimate to raise taxes, redistribute wealth, push social justice, environmental justice, and all other kinds of progressive justice, and to teach people to idolize women and girls above all else.
"Nurda Gababba," said McKenzie excitedly, her nipples hardening just from the thrill of hearing those words. "Yes, I am starting to feel it too."
Brianna smiled. "Once we assume our roles as Goddesses, of course we will stop these heathens from murdering each other. But we will also use our roles to instill social justice, to better the plight of women and girls, and to heal Mama Earth."
The girls grinned. They were in total agreement.
"But what of Captain Taylor?" Kenzie asked.
"Captain Taylor will be hundreds of miles away. He'll never have to know," said Brianna.
The girls agreed. The girls decided everything together, as a rule, once Brianna told them what they were going to do.
Originally, they had been a couple: the brunette Brianna, with her shoulder length hair and moderate size bosom, and Kyrsten, the blonde bombshell with a short, man hairdo but much larger breasts. They had met at a Girlpower! conference on Earth nine years ago, and had been inseparable ever since.
But as their relationship had matured, they both started to feel that a little more spice in their relationship was needed. That zesty spice manifested itself in the form of McKenzie Risella, a fiery redhead with large breasts and an infectious smile who they met at a lesbian stripper bar in Amsterdam. Brianna and Kyrsten took one look at the beauty and they both knew they had to have her. Brianna saw her and whispered something to Kyrsten.
Kyrsten turned to Brianna. "Bri, why do I always have to be the one to seduce them?"
"Stenna, The She-Goddess gave me the brains, and you the titties," Brianna explained. "We have each been given our own divine division of labor."
So Kyrsten had gone over and seduced McKenzie. It really hadn't proved very difficult. McKenzie had been immediately attracted to the blonde bombshell. She found something oddly attractive about her mannish haircut and large breasts. And when Kyrsten brought McKenzie back to her apartment for a little getting-to-know-you session, and Brianna suddenly appeared and introduced herself, McKenzie didn't even blink, simply asking who wanted to get eaten out first?
And so the couple quickly became a triple. With a brunette, blonde, and redhead, the trio quickly became known as "all flavors to all women".
But there were fundamental insecurities to a triple which weren't present in a couple. As the newcomer, McKenzie always felt a little insecurity that she wasn't as "in" to the relationship as the original pair, Brianna and Kyrsten. Brianna worried that maybe McKenzie favored Kyrsten a little too much over her, and McKenzie worried that at times that she couldn't always fully satisfy Kyrsten, despite her moans of pleasure whenever she would use her lips and tongue on Kyrsten's most sacred place.
But all in all they were basically a stable triple... as stable as triples could be.
And so the day came when all three of them stood before a crowd of locals in the center of a city called Imanthia. As the Asgard took off behind them, spouting orange flame, the crowd Ooohed and Aaaahed.
When the ship was gone, and everyone could hear once again, Brianna used the megaphone disc, and announced that they were Goddesses, as prophesized by the Book of Sparticus, come to teach them the proper path. "You have strayed! But we will guide you back to the path!" Brianna's voice boomed to the crowd.
A young man stepped forward fearfully. He identified himself as Praylix. "We have long waited for your arrival, Goddesses," he said, bending the knee.
"You have?" said McKenzie.
Brianna gave her a warning nudge with her elbow.
"Yes," said Praylix. "Some of us would welcome new thinking. I work in the central library. The Tollahs are always taking my books, and burning ones with forbidden ideas," said Praylix. He added, "They have assaulted me, on more than one occasion."
"This will never happen again," Brianna announced smartly, her spacesuit sparking in the morning sun. "Take us to your High Tollah."
"The High Tollah? Erectomy? No, no," said Praylix, shaking his head. "It is too dangerous!"
"We are Goddesses, and we do not fear mere men," Brianna announced grandly. "Take us to him now, so we may show him the error of his ways!"
Praylix obeyed fearfully, taking them to the largest Shrine of Sparticus in Imanthia. It had tall spires, and was as large as a city block.
The doorways were barred by fierce looking men with spears.
"The Crushing Feet of Sparticus," Praylix said fearfully.
"Stand aside! We are the Goddesses of the Book of Sparticus!" said Brianna. "Stand aside, or you will be cast out, and sent to spend all of eternity in the Womenless Forest!"
The guards looked at each other nervously, and parted ways. The Goddesses strode boldly inside, trailed by an increasingly nervous Praylix.
High Tollah Erectomy was a man with cunning eyes and a closely cropped red beard. He had gold fringes on his robe, and looked very well groomed. He was flanked by lesser Tollahs, as well as several of his menacing looking Crushing Feet of Sparticus.
Brianna spoke with confidence. "We are the Goddesses of the Book of Sparticus! Have you beheld the fiery chariot which brought us here?"
"Yes," said Erectomy, speaking for the first time. "It was most wondrous," he conceded. His eyes were full of caution and cunning.
"We have been sent on behalf of the other Gods to set you back on the proper path! You have been violating the Book of Sparticus!"
And Brianna took a deep breath and told him how it was wrong to kill every third child, to Ra*e young girls, and to kill people accused of heresy, but she spoke in a flowery, God-like way, which she knew would impress the locals.
Erectomy listened to her list of items without comment. He paid more attention to the mob behind her, which had gathered to show their support, shouting out the names of the Goddesses, and their desire to serve the representatives of the Great Book.
When she was done, Brianna said, "Will you reform yourself? Answer swiftly!"
"Yes," said Erectomy, after a pause. "Yes, I see the error of our ways, now that you have shone the light of godliness on them. The way is clear now, Goddess, and we will follow your will!"
That was easy! Maybe the Goddess Aura had been right. Maybe this had been meant to be.
Brianna, seeing that her dominance over this mere man had been established, immediately pressed her advantage. "You will provide us with food, and proper lodging, so that we may begin our rule as it was written to be."
"Of course," said Erectomy. "Imanthia's Palace of Sparticus is rightfully yours. Will that suffice?"
"Perhaps," Brianna sniffed. "Let us view it first."
The Palace of Sparticus, all 40 rooms of it, did indeed serve their purpose. The High Tollah promised to provide food and drink and servants to attend them, to cheers from the crowd. After Erectomy's Crushing Feet had expelled the curious wellwishers, only Praylix was still with them.
"I don't believe it," said Praylix. "I have never seen Erectomy so... accommodating."
"You have never before seen him before his true Gods," said Brianna smugly. "High five girls!" she said, raising her palm as the others smacked it.
"Girl power!" they all chanted together.