Chapter 12

The Goddesses Brianna, Kyrsten, and McKenzie

It wasn't quite as easy to change the attitudes of the Imanthians as they thought.

Brianna, Kyrsten, and McKenzie had believed, when they outlawed child Ra*e, baby killing, and the execution of heretics, that their orders would be quickly obeyed. But it wasn't that simple. They quickly found out that while their orders had been heard, they hadn't been universally carried out. They called the Mouth of Sparticus himself, High Tollah Erectomy, onto the red carpet to explain himself

"Goddesses," he smiled, bowing low. They liked that. Brianna, Kyrsten, and McKenzie were sitting on thrones in the gathering hall of the local Palace of Sparticus, addressing one of their humble subjects, who happened to be the High Tollah of all of Imanthia.

"We have heard that the practices we have banned are continuing," said Brianna. "Can you explain this?"

"Reluctantly, yes," said Erectomy. "You have to understand, these practices have been deeply ingrained in our culture for a long time. Hundreds of years."

"We don't care. They have to stop," said McKenzie.

"Of course, Goddess," said Erectomy. "But you have to understand, we cannot simply tell people to stop practices which they believe to be virtuous overnight. They must be educated. Made to understand."

"Educated?" said Brianna, her ears perking up. She looked at her friends.

"A workshop!" said Kyrsten.

"A singalong!" said McKenzie.

"An educational playlet!" said Brianna.

They started babbling to each other, and totally forgot Erectomy's presence in their midst.

They called in Praylix, who they had hired as their errand boy. They told him to find as many actors and singers as he could, to audition before them.

"Actors? Singers?" said Praylix. "Goddesses, don't you think you have more pressing needs?"

"Like what?" McKenzie asked.

"Guards," said Praylix.

Kyrsten waved her hands dismissively. "Erectomy provides those."

Praylix lowered his voice. "High Tollah Erectomy opposes many of your reforms, Goddesses."

"He does?" said Brianna. "He always seems so helpful in person."

"Maybe we should have our own security force," said Kyrsten, giving the matter a little more thought.

"I have an idea! We can combine them with the dancers!" said McKenzie. "They can both protect us, and dance for us!"

"Great idea, Kenzie!" said Brianna, laughing as she smacked Kenzie's hand with a high five. "We can call them our Dancing Fools!"

And so the Goddesses created their own security detail known as the Dancing Fools, consisting of skinny men who were also skilled dancers. They carried no weapons, and had no armor, but drew potency from their proximity to the virtue of the Goddesses.

The largest amphitheater in Imanthia was packed to capacity.

"Don't kill your babe!" one woman sang.

"Don't kill your babe!" another woman sang.

Young men and women danced vigorously, as a musician pounded out a tune on a primitive drumset.

"Not if it's the first! Not if it's the second! Not even if it's the third!"

"Don't kill your babe!"

"No, no, noooo," said the chorus. "Don't do it! Don't evar do it!"

"Don't crush it with an axe!"

"No, no, noooo," said the chorus. " Don't do it! Don't evar do it!"

"Don't smash it with a club!"

"No, no, noooo," said the chorus. " Don't do it! Don't evar do it!"

"Don't feed it to shark!"

"Don't drop it from the roof!"

"Don't strangle it with your bare hands!"

"Don't grind it in a food blender!"

"Don't kill your babe!"

"No, no, noooo," said the chorus. "Don't do it! Don't evar do it!"

The performance was greeted with thunderous applause. The Goddesses gave each other big thumbs ups.

Meanwhile, puppet shows were playing all over Imanthia, all performing essentially the same skit.

"What are you doing, Daddy?" said the Baby Girl Sock.

"I'm welcoming you to womanhood!" said the Daddy Sock. Daddy Sock had a big carrot sticking out of him.

"No, Daddy, don't!" cried the Baby Girl Sock.

"Why not?" said the Daddy Sock.

"The Goddesses say it's bad!" said Baby Girl Sock. "They say if you put your thing in me, that mine will rip open!"

"But... how to I protect your virtue then?" Daddy Sock asked, looking puzzled as he scratched himself with his own bit of carrot.

"All you need to do is respect me as a girl and a woman and reject the crushing grip of the patriarchy. Girls and women are superior," said Baby Girl Sock.

"Girls and women are superior," said Daddy Sock. "Why didn't I think of that?"

Brianna and Kyrsten, witnessing the audience's wild clapping response, grabbed each other and kissed passionately. Unfortunately, what they failed to notice was that all of the people in the audience were women. Their socks didn't have any carrots to speak of.

"The Tollahs are reporting that the anti-whipping workshops are a great success," said Kyrsten.

Brianna and McKenzie squealed. It was so fun being Goddesses. "Aura be praised!" said McKenzie.

"And I think the singalongs are really helping," said Brianna.

"What about the baby killing?" McKenzie asked. She turned to Praylix.

Praylix cleared his throat. "They have been... reduced."

"Not eliminated?" Kyrsten demanded.

"Some still cling to the old ways." The 'old ways' being what had been done as recently as three days ago.

But Goddesses were not known for their patience. Brianna frowned. "If they don't want their babies, why don't they just get abortions?"

"Abortions?" said Praylix.

"To end the life of the fetus," said Brianna.

"Fetus? You mean the baby within them?"

"No, silly. Women don't carry babies inside of them. They're not babies until they're born. They're just fetuses," said Brianna.

"I think I understand of what you speak," said Praylix. "There is a weed that can be chewed on, to end a pregnancy. But it must be chewed in the early stages of the pregnancy. It does not work after the third month."

"So that's the problem? You guys simply don't know how to do late term abortions?" said Brianna. She laughed.

"You have a way of ending a baby's life before it is born?" said Praylix.

"For the last time, it's not a baby, it's a fetus! And yes. We all majored in Feminist studies in college. Do-it-yourself abortions were a required course!"

"I got an 'A' in abortions," McKenzie grinned. "I did one that was just barely a nine-monther for my senior thesis."

"Way to go, Kenzie!" said Brianna, giving her another high five. She turned to Praylix. "Gather all the women you can. We're going to teach women and girls how to manage their own reproductive health."

Several days later, Brianna entered the Throne Room. Kyrsten was standing there, looking a bit distressed. "How was your class?" Brianna asked.

"No one showed up!" said Kyrsten. She had been supposed to run a workshop about child care.

"No one?" She turned to Praylix. "The Goddesses are extremely displeased. Did you promote this event as you were instructed?"

Praylix fell to his knees. "Yes, your Gloriousness. All the heralds were commanded to announce it at taverns and markets all over Imanthia."

Brianna sniffed. "Imanthia. Why of all places did we have to land in a city with the word 'man' in its very name?"

McKenzie sauntered into the Throne Room. The gorgeous redhead was wearing a low cut dress which revealed her sexy cleavage. "Hey gang! Stenna, where's your class?"

"I don't know, Kenzie baby. No one showed!" said Kyrsten.

"Why in the world wouldn't this hall be packed with women, who want to learn how to take care of their kids? Your heralds did make it clear that this was a workshop about child care, did they not?" McKenzie asked.

"Yes, Goddess," said Praylix quaking.

"Oh, get up off your knees. You look ridiculous down there, you pitiful male," said Brianna.

"Yes Goddess. Thank you, Goddess," said Praylix, standing up. "Goddesses, if I may offer a thought?"

"A man, offering a thought?" McKenzie smiled, and the other girls laughed, "Ok, let's have it!"

"Your lecture was on the topic of how to care for your child."

"Something every woman needs to know," said Brianna, putting a possessive arm around McKenzie's waist.

"Of course, Goddess," said Praylix. "It's just... every woman already knows this."

"They do? How could they? Does your city government teach women how to care for their child?"

"No, Goddess."

"Do they have any private non-profit organizations which teach women how to raise children?"

"No, Goddess."

"Then how can they possibly know on their own?" Brianna asked.

"Instinct, Goddess," said Praylix. "Instinct... and their mothers teach them."

"Instinct? Their mothers? What kind of bullshit answer is that?" Brianna laughed. "How can one mother, acting alone, possibly tell her daughter everything she needs to know to raise a child? It takes a community!"

"You tell him, girl!" said Kyrsten.

"That... that may be, Goddesses," said Praylix. "But women here believe they do not need assistance in this area."

"Then we'll have to schedule a workshop to educate and uplift them," said Kyrsten.

"That's it! We'll have a workshop to teach them why they need to attend our workshops!" said McKenzie excitedly.

Kyrsten laughed. "Brilliant, Kenzie Baby! You're a genius! In addition to being one hot babe." And she leaned forward and stole a kiss, while Brianna looked on, admiringly but also with a small bit of jealousy in her eyes.

No one on "this" planet Earth had ever heard of yoga. It was advertised by the heralds as a healthy form of exercise, by women, for women.

Brianna led the class, while Kyrsten and McKenzie scouted for recruits. McKenzie was actually a yoga instructor in real life, and would have been the logical candidate to lead the class, but other skills she possessed were in greater demand right now.

Brianna lay on the floor, her legs spread, and slowly lifted one leg, and then the other. The other women in the class followed suit.

This time they had gotten a relatively good attendance, more than 30 women. It had actually been due to Praylix's suggestion.

"Your Goddesses lectures are all quite worthy, but women here are focused on more basic needs, like... coping with hunger."

"What does hunger have to do with anything?" Kyrsten had asked.

"They don't have enough food, Goddess. If you gave out some food at your events-"

"Brilliant idea!" said Kyrsten. "Why did it take a man to think of it?"

Once they started serving chicken and salad, women showed up by the droves.

And so now they watched a group of women, in their 20's and 30's, slowly spreading their legs, and bending their knees, all under the careful instruction of the Goddess Brianna.

"Yes... yes... spread your legs more, more. Imagine your Goddess between them, breathing compassion and love into your inner being," said Brianna.

As Bri led the class, Kyrsten and McKenzie walked around the room, surreptitiously looking at the women and searching for targets of opportunity.

"That one," Kyrsten whispered, indicating one of the women with her legs spread wide.

"You always go for brunettes," said McKenzie. "How about that one?" she nodded towards a blonde.

"Too flat chested. I have baker's hands, I like having more dough to knead," Kyrsten grinned. "What about that one?"

She indicated a different blonde women, with a beautiful face and an ample bosom.

"Yes, that one," McKenzie agreed decisively, staring at her luscious red lips. The woman saw her staring at them, and gave a tight smile.

"Ooooh," McKenzie whispered softly. "I think we just found the winner of today's lottery."

After the session ended, Brianna came over to McKenzie and Kyrsten. "Which one?" she whispered.

"That one," said McKenzie, eyeing the blonde. She gave Kyrsten a small push. "Go get her, girl."

Kyrsten awkwardly stepped forward, and pasted a smile on her face as she started to talk to the blonde. At first, the blonde was friendly, and they seemed to have an animated conversation. But then after a few minutes, their conversation started to drag. Kyrsten said her goodbyes, and returned to Bri and McKenzie.

"I don't think she is," Kyrsten whispered.

"Of course she is," said McKenzie furiously. "Must I always do everything around here?" She went over to the blonde. Within a minute, Kenzie had her smiling and laughing. They were chatting up a storm long after the other attendees had left. "Here, let me show you one more move," they heard McKenzie say. As McKenzie started to position the blonde's arms, she casually brushed over her breasts. The woman blushed and smiled at her.

"Bri, what would we ever do without Kenzie?" Kyrsten asked.

"I never want to find out," said Brianna, grabbing Kyrsten's arm in anticipation and putting on her brightest smile as she went forward to introduce them to Kenzie's new friend. "Why hello there!" Bri said, in a very high girlish voice.

The blonde turned and smiled at her, totally missing the sly look and nod McKenzie gave Kyrsten.

"You hit yourselves on the head how many times?" Brianna asked, confusion written all over her face.

"Every time the bell rings," said Praylix. Outside, they suddenly heard a bell ring, from one of the many Shrines of Sparticus in Imanthia. Suddenly Praylix took a wooden board he was holding, and smashed it against his forehead.

"That looks painful," said McKenzie.

"Oh, it is," said Praylix assured her. "As I was saying, we do this every time the bell rings."

"And how many times will it ring today?" Brianna asked.

The bell rang again. Praylix smashed the board against his head.

"Many times," said Praylix.

"Ok, if we're going to finish this conversation, you have to stop hitting yourself on the head with that board," said Brianna.

"But Goddess, I must! The Book of Sparticus-"

McKenzie plucked the board from his unwilling hands.

The bell rang again. Praylix looked upset. His eyes begged to have his wooden board returned to him. "Goddess, please!"

"Now that we've eliminated this distraction, you can explain why you, and apparently everyone else in this city, are hitting themselves on the head with a wooden board every few seconds."

"It is to celebrate Sparticus's victory over the non-believers at Atheos," said Praylix. "Sparticus and his followers came to Atheos, and the non-believers had an army three times as large, it is said. But size did not matter, where matters of faith are involved, and Sparticus and his men slew the non-believers, and took their women and put their seed into them."

"Charming," said Kyrsten dryly. "But why do you hit yourself on the head with a board?"

"I was getting to that, Goddess," said Praylix. "The victory was commemorated by the ringing of bells in all the local shrines."

"That still doesn't explain why you hit yourself in the head with a wooden board to commemorate the battle."

"Well, we do it because-" suddenly, Praylix fell silent. "You know, come to think of it, I don't know why we do it. We just always have."

"Sparticus won the battle, right?" Brianna asked.


"So you're supposed to be celebrating. Whose idea was it to celebrate by hitting yourself on the head with a wooden board every few seconds?" Brianna asked.

"Why... the Tollahs, of course," said Praylix.

"Of course," said McKenzie, rolling her eyes as she threw Kyrsten a kiss.

"Pralix, I want you to get out there, and go to all the shrines, and tell all of them to stop ringing the bells. Tell them to stop right now," said Brianna.

"But... Goddesses.. they have only rung a few dozen times! The Tollahs will not permit it!"

"Tell them if they don't obey, that they will all be sent to the... what did you call it? The Dewomanized Forest."

"The Womanless Forest?" Praylix asked.

"Yes, that's the one. The Women will all be in a separate forest, pleasuring each other, and no men will be allowed."

"I cannot tell them THAT," said Praylix. "Women laying with women is strictly forbidden in the Great Book." He gave her a look, as if to tell them that he knew their secret.

"Of course it is forbidden," Brianna said, winking broadly at him."All right, just tell them the first part. They'll be sent to a place where they'll have to figure out how to do blowjobs on themselves if they want any."


"Womanless Forest! Womanless Forest! Run now, little Praylix! Run on your hairy little legs and tell them all! And if I hear more than two dozen more ringing of the bells before they are silenced, I'm going to send your dick to the Womanless Forest a few years ahead of the rest of you, do you dig?"

Praylix dug. He got going.

McKenzie laughed and wrapped an arm around Kyrsten. "Just what kind of man-tarded society have we waded into?"

"The She-Goddess Aura has sent us where we are most sorely needed," said Brianna, most solemnly, as they heard the bell ring yet again.

"Welcome to the Gyn-Friendly Feminine Workshop on Female Girlpower Women's Empowerment Issues," said Kyrsten, smiling. More than 50 women had showed up. What great attendance! The first thing they had done was fill their bags with fried chicken and beans they had prepared for them.

"Today we're here to talk about women. Because we're women, and women have special needs," said Kyrsten. "Women and girls, that is. Has anyone here been thinking about their vaginas today? I have, and have come to some amazing conclusions-"

As Kyrsten lectured, Brianna and McKenzie casually walked up and down the rows of attendees.

"That one," Brianna whispered, indicating a blonde.

"No, she's not like us," McKenzie whispered back. She pointed instead to a brunette with short hair.

"Just because she has short hair doesn't mean she swings our way," said Brianna.

"She does."

"No she doesn't. Check out that blonde over there. The one with the big bosom," said McKenzie.

"The one who looks a little like Stenna?" Brianna teased.

"A different shaped face. Though I will admit, the body similarity is uncanny," McKenzie whispered.

"She doesn't swing our way," said Brianna.

"How do you know?" said McKenzie.

"Look at her eyes! She doesn't have it in her eyes," Bri insisted.

"You don't have it in your eyes," said McKenzie.

"Oh? Then where do I have it?" Bri asked.

McKenzie's gaze drifted downwards, and Bri couldn't resist a laugh. When some of the attendees looked over at her, she stifled her chuckle as best she could.

"Ok, that one," said McKenzie, pointing to a redhead.

"How do you know?"

"She has the man 'do," said McKenzie.

"Not all of us have the man 'do," said Brianna.

"But this one does. And look at her legs. Look at her stance."

The redhead was sitting with her legs spread wide, her knees pointed straight up.

"She sits like a guy," said Kenzie excitedly. "She's one of us!"

"You're right," said Brianna.

After the lecture was over, McKenzie went over to chat with the redhead. After a series of mutual laughs, smiles, and furtive looks, she realized she had more in common with the woman than just hair color. As Brianna and Kyrsten watched, McKenzie gave them a subtle nod.

"Why does Kenzie always get first crack at them?" Kyrsten complained.

"If you can seduce them as good as Kenzie girl, then you can," said Brianna.

"I do exactly what she does." Kyrsten protested. "I talk and I flirt."

Brianna snaked an arm around Kyrsten's waist. "Baby, you need some girl hunting lessons, real bad. Mama Kenzie's gonna show you what to do."

"Goddesses, for the last time, I beg you not to go through with this." Indeed, Praylix was actually on his hands and knees.

"We're just going to conduct a religious service," said Brianna, putting on pearl earrings.

"But do not mention the one you call Aura, I beg you!" said Praylix.

"Why not?" said Brianna. "She is, after all, one of the Gods of Sparticus."

"My people do not know this Aura you speak of. It may offend them to take guidance from a Goddess."

"They take guidance from us, and we are Goddesses," said McKenzie.

Praylix was silent. Then he said, "I will pray for you."

"Good, you're getting a head start on the services."

The services were held in the largest Shrine of Sparticus in Imanthia. It could easily seat 2000 people, and on a Sunday like today, it was full.

The Tollah who ran it, a bearded man named Asparicus, looked a little apprehensive about turning over his podium to the three Goddesses, but he had no choice.

"Welcome everyone," said Brianna. "I am your Goddess Brianna, and to my side is the lovely Goddess Kyrsten and the equally lovely McKenzie. We are here to talk about our fellow Gods of Sparticus."

She wet her lips. "As you know, there are many Gods of Sparticus. But one of the most important of them, one of the highest of their order, is known as Aura, the She-Goddess. Aura is kind and gentle and full of teachable moments. She teaches us that women and girls must be highly respected. Women and girls, after all, were made in the Goddess's true image, and were the first beings to walk the Earth."

For some mysterious reason, some of the people in the audience got up and left.

"Men have a role to play too, of course. They were created to allow women to create more women... and I guess a few men as well. But men start out as brutish, savage creatures who must be tamed by the gentle touch of women. Aura teaches us that women and girls are truly superior. They are the ones who Aura gave the dual gifts of wisdom and breasts."

More people started to get up to leave.

Brianna saw she was starting to lose the audience, but she gritted her teeth and plowed on.

"Aura made the female body with perfection in mind, it has a beauty which transcends all else. Aura calls on us to recognize the special needs of women and girls, and put them high on a pedestal, and treat them as the gems the truly are. We must continually ask ourselves, what is best for women? What is best for girls?"

More people left. About a third of the audience had gone now.

"But that's not all. Aura teaches us the sacred concept of Nurda Gababba. Roughly translated, that means to heal the world," said Brianna. "Aura wants us to heal the environment, which has been destroyed by the evil capitalist activities of men. You build factories! You build big stone buildings! You build large scale agriculture! All these things Ra*e the environment! Aura commands you to stop! Stop them now!"

"Aura is also very concerned about equality. Under Nurda Gababba, everyone must be equal. Here in Imanthia, we have seen the appallingly rich and the astonishingly poor. This is not right. Everyone should have the same level of material wealth."

More people walked out.

"And then there is the need for social justice, which is the highest calling of Nurda Gababba," said Brianna. "Women and girls must get equal pay for equal work. There must be an end to microaggressions against women. Every home must have a dispenser full of female sanitary products. Girls must receive hot meals in the school and good nutrition, and sex education that teaches them about their wonderfully changing bodies."

There were long lines of people streaming to the exits.

"I tried to warn you, Goddesses," said Praylix.

"Warn us of what? That your people are all primitive savages?" Brianna barked.

"These things you speak of are not our ways, they are not teachings of the Book of Sparticus," said Praylix.

"They are if we say they are!" Brianna raged, doubling down. "We have been sent here by the She-Goddess to uplift your people, to bring the enlightenment of Nurda Gababba to everyone. We will just have to try harder!"

"You go, girl!" said Kyrsten, smiling broadly, as McKenzie put an arm around her.

That wasn't the only consequence of Brianna's sermon. A few days later, they received a holocall.

"Why Captain Taylor. What an unexpected pleasure," said Brianna. "How are you doing?"

"Well, thank you," said Taylor. "How are things in Imanthia?"

"Quite well," said Brianna. "We have stopped all the atrocities, and the populace is rapidly becoming enlightened, shedding the worst elements of the patriarchy."

"The worst elements of the patriarchy," Taylor repeated. "Girls, I've heard troubling stories from travelers coming from Imanthia."

"Troubling in what way?"

"That you are pushing your Goddess Aura on the population."

"Well," said Brianna, studying her nails. "I might have let the name slip out here and there. Perhaps I mentioned she was one of the Gods of Spartius."

"But not the only God, I trust."

"Oh no, Captain, of course not! I would never upset the beliefs of these people so radically."

"And you mentioned upturning the patriarchy. You realize that this society has been ruled by men for generations. If you focus on women's issues, you're going to upset a lot of men."

"We focus on everyone," said McKenzie. "Women, girls... and men."

"Good," said Taylor. "Because if you pushed a feminist agenda, I think it would lead to instability. Just remember, you're only there to stop the worst excesses, the rapes, the murders, the infanticides. Otherwise, please try to interfere as little as possible."

"As you say, Captain," said Brianna. "Goodbye for now!" She terminated the connection.

"He calls our work a 'Feminist agenda'," McKenzie fumed. "Who does he think he is?"

"He's a man, Kenzie. A man who thinks only with his bottom parts," said Kyrsten, putting an arm around her.

"We are making everything better with social justice and Nurda Gababba!" Brianna declared. "I have seen no evidence of instability. Have you, Stenna?"

"Not at all."

"Have you, Kenzie Baby?"

"Not in the slightest, Bri," said McKenzie, reaching over to kiss Kyrsten on the lips. It was a long, lingering kiss, causing Brianna to feel just the slightest twinge of jealousy. Perhaps McKenzie sensed this, because when they parted, McKenzie waggled a finger at her, and said, "Come here, little girl. You're next."​
Next page: Chapter 13
Previous page: Chapter 11