Chapter 16
The God Liam and the Goddess Miranda
"These women were caught lying with each other, Lord," said High Tollah Myanmush, indicating a sullen blonde and brunette.
"Lying? You mean napping?" Liam said, smiling.
"They were taking pleasures in each others' bodies, my Lord," said Myanmush.
"Oh," said Liam, grabbing his heart as if he felt a terrible stab of pain. "How awful! How terrible! That's worse than burning down an orphanage!"
"I'm glad my Lord understands. In the Book of Sparticus, Sparticus caught Sarissa and Melisandra touching each other inappropriately. He realized that the sight of two women laying side by side was a corrupting influence to other women. He decreed that the practice of women lying with women was forbidden, and bade his followers to gently show Sarissa and Melisandra the much greater joys the Gods could give them through the pleasures of men. May we have your permission to begin their treatment?"
"What kind of treatment do you have in mind?"
"20 volunteers from my brethren, Lord. Ten for each. To show them the true ways to enjoy physical love."
"So you're going to have ten men Ra*e each of them," Liam said.
"Not Ra*e, my Lord. Religious instruction. It is therapy."
"Oh, of course. Of that I have no doubt," said Liam. He saw the horrified look on Miranda's face as she mouthed "no".
"Yes, by all means, begin the therapy!" Liam cackled.
"Liam!" Miranda fairly shouted.
Liam raised a finger before Myanmush had turned to go. "But first, I would like a word with these terrible, terrible sinners."
"A word, God Liam?"
"In private."
The women were led by Liam's Fists to a lounge just off the Throne Room. Liam stepped into the room. The women immediately went to their knees. "My Lord, we are sorry, we did not mean-"
"Did not mean to get caught, did you?" Liam grinned. There was a blonde and a brunette. They kind of reminded him of Brianna and Kyrsten. The brunette was kind of skinny, but the blonde was certainly attractive enough. "Girls, you're in a sticky situation, no pun intended. If you don't want to be gang raped, I can only see one alternative for you." He told them what he had in mind.
"My Lord! Do we really have to?" the blonde cried.
"No," said Liam. "We can go back out there and begin your gang Ra*e. Which will it be?"
The girls looked at each other and rapidly conferred. "Your way, my Lord. But must we, in front of all those-"
"Yes," said Liam. "End of discussion."
His guards escorted them back to the Throne Room, where Myanmush and his guards were still waiting.
"I have examined these sinners and their sins are truly great, as you have said," Liam said. "But there is one thing which confuses me about the Book of Sparticus."
"What is it, God Liam?" Myanmush asked.
"Well, the Book says that the sight of women lying with women, corrupts other women. Is that not so?"
"Yes, God Liam."
"But what does the Book say about the effect of women lying with women on men?"
Myanmush looked confused, and turned to confer with his Tollahs. Liam let this go on for a moment, and then said, "I'm waiting."
"My Lord, it is not very... clear," said Myanmush.
"Then let's find out, shall we? Let's do a... holy experiment."
"A holy experiment, my Lord?" Myanmush squinted.
"Yes. Gather 30 men from the marketplace. Bring them to the Globe Theater, just across the street. The sinners and I will meet you there."
"Men, my lord? What kind-"
"Just men. Any men," said Liam.
"Liam, what do you have in mind?" Miranda whispered.
Liam merely smiled at her.
The Globe Theater was one of the larger theaters in Phthiotis, with seating for more than a hundred. Liam prodded the two lesbians on stage. When the audience of men had assembled, Liam said, "Now, sinners! Take off your clothes!"
They looked hesitant.
"I am your God! I command it!"
Reluctantly, the blonde and brunette took off their clothes. The blonde had bigger breasts, but the brunette's were more perky and standupish. An Oooooh sound rippled through the men in the audience.
"My Lord-" said Myanmush uncertainly.
"Quiet, Mushy!" Liam barked.
Liam pointed at the lesbians, and his voice thundered with condemnation. "You have been accused of the sin of doing unnatural behaviors with each other! In order to judge your innocence or guilt, we must see these behaviors firsthand! You will demonstrate them, now!"
The blonde and brunette looked nervous. They had agreed to do this, but the crowd intimidated them.
Liam leaned forward and whispered in the blonde's ear. "The crowd really turns her on, can't you tell?" And then he whispered in the brunette's ear. "She wants it! Look how excited she is. Kiss her, already!"
That got things started. The brunette kissed the blonde. The blonde kissed her back. Within moments they were kissing and touching each other all over.
Liam casually walked through the audience of men, observing their reactions. They were transfixed, staring, some of them with open mouths. When the lesbians lay down on the stage and started to rub their bodies together, while still mashing their lips together sensually, he heard more than one groan of approval from the crowd.
The woman started to rub and touch each other more excitedly, their slick breasts shiny with perspiration for all to see. Their fear of public display had somehow turned and twisted so that now they found it stimulating, even arousing. They started to moan as they kissed and touched each other between their legs. The men in the audience started to moan as well, and more than one started to touch themselves in sympathy.
The end wasn't long in coming. The brunette's hand worked vigorously between her partner's legs, and then the blonde screamed, "Yes... yes.... yessss!" And then the blonde worked her magic between the brunette's, causing her to explode with pleasure, and then they collapsed over one another. When they were done, the men in the audience actually clapped, and cheered.
Myanmush looked around with disapproval.
"Well, what did you think?" Liam asked.
"Totally evil! Totally corrupting!" he shouted.
"Was it, Mushy?" said Liam. He raised his voice. "Let's get some feedback from the studio audience, shall we?. Gentlemen, how many of you found this little display arousing? Raise your hands, don't be shy."
Every man raised his hand.
"How many of you found that this... performance... made you want to love women more?"
Again, everyone raised their hands.
"How many of you want to go home and make love to your wife or girlfriend RIGHT NOW?"
Again, they all raised their hands.
Liam turned to Myanmush. "So you see, Mushy, the Book only tells half the story. It is true that this behavior corrupts women, but it has a very beneficial side effect on men."
"What are you saying, God Liam?"
"If you catch sinners like these, their punishment should be to perform in front of men. Their sins will be cancelled out by their good works."
"Really, Lord?" Myanmush looked doubtful.
"Really," said Liam.
"So you're going to force lesbians to perform in front of men?" Miranda asked.
"It's better than having them gang raped, isn't it?"
"Yes, but-"
"No buts. This was the best I could do for them."
"It's funny how the best you can do always involves women having sex," Miranda noticed.
"Yes," said Liam. "That is a pleasant coincidence." He smiled at her.
The next day Miranda found something new to complain about. She burst into his bedroom, right as Liam was to engage in intercourse with Hildy. Hildy was one of the chambermaids, a redheaded beauty with enormous, conical breasts that were rubbery to the touch, topped off by the largest areolas Liam had ever seen. He was about to start thrusting between her legs when Miranda rudely barged into his chambers.
"Has anyone ever taught you how to knock?" said Liam wearily.
"What is your giant penis doing in the desert?"
Hildy, who had no idea what Miranda was talking about, laughed.
"Can you be any more specific?" Liam asked.
"I happened to notice a line of workers heading out of the city, into the desert. I followed them. They're building some kind of structure. It's about ten feet wide, ten feet long, and about forty feet tall. Does that sound familiar?"
"Oh, yes, the obelisk," said Liam.
"Shaped just like a penis! Don't deny it! I saw them getting ready to mount the top part! It's shaped like a dick! Not just any dick, but YOUR dick, am I right?"
"Now that you mention it, a sketch artist did ask me to pose for her rather intimately," Liam admitted. "At the time I didn't really know why, but now that you bring me this information-"
"Don't play games with me, Liam Parnell! Have you gone crazy? Why are you having them build a giant penis in the desert?"
"The desert is where the hills are. The hills are where the sandstone is," said Liam, stroking one of Hildy's breasts. He was fascinated. He had never felt one so rubbery before!
"But why have them built a penis anywhere?"
"It's a test," said Liam. "The sandstone is marvelously light, but I want to see if it can be used to build structures several stories high."
"Why? What is it you want to built?"
Liam shrugged. "I haven't decided. Maybe homes for the poor-"
"Don't tell me you're going to build homes for the poor out of sandstone, Liam! You're up to something, I can feel it!"
"I can feel it too," said Liam, rubbing part of Hildy under the blanket. Hildy laughed.
"You're not supposed to be enriching yourself! If this continues, I'm not going to stand for it! I've warned you!" said Miranda. She glared at Liam, and then Hildy, and turned on her heel and left.
Hildy looked up at Liam. "The Goddess looks frustrated. Is the Goddess getting enough love?"
"I make love to her every night, but still it doesn't seem to be enough," said Liam, wistfully.
"Liam is out of control!" said Miranda. She had called the first person she could get in touch with on the holocomm. It just so happened to be McKenzie Risella.
But it didn't look like Miranda had caught McKenzie at a good time. McKenzie was reclining on a couch with another woman. A blonde.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were... occupied," said Miranda. "I can call back."
"No dear, it's quite all right," McKenzie assured her.
"Who are you talking to?" the blonde asked, a little dreamily, as if she were drunk or high on something.
"It's all right, dear, it's just one of my fellow Goddesses," said McKenzie, kissing the blonde and giving a little laugh. "I just met Hymethusite a few minutes ago at a workshop I gave on sexual equality. Isn't she a gem?"
"Yes," said Miranda. "I can call back later-"
"No, dear, I can see something's bothering you, let's get it out now," said McKenzie, as her hand played lazily over Hymethusite's chest. They were both wearing clothes, but from the way they were acting, they might as well have been naked.
"You were saying something about Liam being out of control?" said Kenzie.
"Yes. He... well... he's sleeping with all the servants in the Palace."
"What a monster," said Kenzie, kissing Hymethusite on the neck, while the blonde laughed.
"Yes, well, I think it's improper," said Miranda. "You know, given the role he has... assumed... he's using it to take advantage"-and as she said it, she saw McKenzie squeeze the young girl's breast-"to take advantage of his position."
"Well, we can't have that, can we?" said McKenzie, and Hymethusite gasped as she felt her other breast being squeezed.
"Relax, dear," said McKenzie. "We're all just having a bit of fun. Why can't you lighten up?"
Miranda saw McKenzie's hand snake under Hymethusite's blouse.
"He's started a cult of personality," said Miranda. "He's built statues to himself. He's even built a... a..."
"What?" Kenzie asked.
"A giant penis in the desert!"
Both McKenzie and Hymethusite laughed. They laughed, and laughed and laughed and laughed.
"Stop laughing!" Miranda barked.
"Sorry," said McKenzie, trying to get control over herself. "But did you say that Liam" and she burst out laughing again, before regaining control, "Sorry! Did you say that Liam... built a giant penis in the desert?"
"Not just any penis. His penis!"
"How would you know, dear? Do you recognize it?" Miranda turned red as McKenzie and Hymethusite started to laugh again.
"This was a mistake," said Miranda, reacting for the connection switch.
"No, wait! Please, please, please!" said McKenzie. "I'm sorry, really I am," she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. She had laughed so hard! "I see what's going on, really, I do."
"You do?"
"Yes," said McKenzie, now squeezing Hymethusite's breasts under her blouse. Hymethusite gasped, and looked at McKenzie knowingly.
"This is all about your attraction to Liam," said Kenzie.
"My... WHAT?"
"It's written all over you," said McKenzie. "You and Liam, Tara and Taylor, Pam and Samuel. You're all the same story. You all want what you don't have."
"That's not true! He's a criminal! He's my prisoner!"
"Not anymore," said McKenzie, her hand snaking into Hymethusite's pants. "He's a God now. Like us. You see him in a different light. I hear the outrage in your tone. And it's not about him banging some girls who are surely loving it. I've heard that tone too many times not to recognize it in an instant. I hear it from Brianna all the time. It's jealousy."
"Ooooh!" said Hymethusite, her head rolling back. Miranda could vaguely see a circular stirring motion, underneath Hymethusite's clothes, in her crotch.
"I am NOT jealous of Liam," said Miranda.
"Then why are you so outraged?"
"I... I..."
"Be honest dear," said McKenzie. "When you see him with his little chippies, do your nipples get hard? Do you get wet down there?"
"Most certainly not!" Miranda roared.
"So you do, then," said McKenzie, nodding. "I thought so."
Hymethusite gave a sensual moan, louder this time. "More, Kenzie, more," She whispered.
"Listen, dear, I'm about to have my hands full here," said McKenzie. "Just think about what I said. Next time you find yourself in the desert, rubbing against his giant dick, at least you'll know why. Have to go, now. Bye, dear!"
The last thing Miranda heard was feminine laughter, as the connection ended.
Could it really be true? Could she be attracted to Liam, that scoundrel, that man who took advantage of women left and right?
No. McKenzie didn't know what she was talking about.
She was wrong.
She had to be.
A feast was held to celebrate the one month anniversary of the arrival of the Gods. It had been Liam's idea. All the most notable townspeople were invited. Food and drink flowed freely. Most of the seating choices were random, but Liam made sure that one man in particular sat next to Miranda. His name was Emsack. He was a large, muscular man, with sandy hair, blue eyes, and a generous smile.
He was very friendly, and started up a conversation with Miranda. At first she responded to him haltingly, but when she saw how he smiled at her, when she saw how interested he seemed to be in her, she started warming up to him.
"My parents are wealthy landowners," said Emsack. "They wanted me to go into business. But I wanted to do more, to help others. So I started an orphanage for abandoned children."
"Oh, that's so nice!" said Miranda, and she meant it. Emsack was not only handsome, but he had a good heart. She felt herself turning on to him.
Emsack talked about how he cared for the children, cooking, cleaning, and teaching them, with the help of a few volunteers.
"It's so generous of you to spend your time doing that," said Miranda, smiling.
"The reward I see in the children's eyes makes it all worth it."
"Oh!" said Miranda, smiling even more. Emsack was so selfless!
"The only problem is that we are often short on food. Please forgive me for asking, Goddess.... but is there any chance we might take your leftovers from your meals, in the Palace?"
"Oh, of course," said Miranda, putting her hand on his. "We'd be delighted to help!"
Emsack smiled, looking down at her hand on his, and he casually put his hand over hers, and started to rub it. "The Goddess is as generous as she is beautiful."
"Oh," said Miranda, turning red.
Liam, watching this exchange progress, turned away, so Miranda wouldn't see him smile.
For the next ten days Emsack came every day with a horse and wagon, to pick up leftover food from the Palace. Each evening Miranda was there waiting for him. They lingered and talked longer and longer with every visit. It began to seem like he was coming to the Palace more to talk to Miranda than to pick up the excess food from the kitchens. Sometimes they would just sit and talk for hours in the dim lantern lights shining from the Palace. Miranda got to know Emsack better. He really was a kind, gentle man.
Each evening she asked if she could go back with him and see the orphanage, and each time Emsack begged off. "The children's' quarters are small, and squalid, Goddess. I would be embarrassed to show them to you."
"Oh, you shouldn't feel that way," said Miranda, touching his hand. They had started touching each other in that way, in a regular basis.
"Perhaps... when we get to know each other a little better, then you can come."
"I'd like that," said Miranda.
Miranda started looking more and more forward to Emsack's nightly visits. She really felt a connection growing to him. And then one night, on the fifth night, as they stared at each other, he kissed her. Quickly he said, "Forgive me, Goddess! It is not my place."
"Oh, oh no!" said Miranda quickly. "It was fine! It was better than fine! It was great!" She leaned over. "Kiss me again."
Kissing became a regular component of Emsack's visits. But she kept wondering about his orphanage. She really wanted to see it.
Finally, as they sat in each other's arms, behind the Palace, Emsack said, "How about tonight?"
"Come over to my place. Let me make you dinner. It's the least I can do. And after dinner, I will show you the orphanage," said Emsack.
"Yes!" said Miranda eagerly. Without any prompting, she got into Emsack's cart and sat next to him as he mounted the driver's position. Her heart pounding, she watched as he started the horses going.
Emsack lived in a small shack on the edge of town. It was a one room hovel, with straw on the ground, a small table and chairs, and a bed in one corner. "Forgive my modest circumstances," he said.
"Oh, it's fine!" said Miranda. If she had been thinking clearly, she might have remembered that Emsack had said he came from a very wealthy family.
But rational thoughts were far from her mind as Emsack prepared dinner. He even served her a delicious wine.
"Do you like it?" he asked.
"Yes, it tastes wonderful," said Miranda. He drank a cup, prompting her to drink hers, and then he poured them both another, and then another.
Dinner was plain, but Miranda didn't really care. All thoughts of the orphanage was driven from her mind. She only had eyes for Emsack. He stood her up, and without any preamble started to kiss her. She kissed him back passionately. Miranda was so excited! It had been so long since she had been with a man. So long since a man had been attracted to her!
Before long she was kissing him wildly even as he started to undress her. She helped, unbuttoning his own clothes. He had a big hairy chest which she adored.
When they were both undressed, he hugged her, and Miranda got so excited that she almost felt like she was going to come just from the feeling of his chest against hers. They kissed each other ravenously. And then Emsack lay her down on his cot, and gently and skillfully made love to her.
Miranda savored every moment of it, every touch, every sensation, every feeling. The light in the shack was dim, just a few candles, but she loved the way the shadows played off Emsack's body as he thrust into her gently, back and forth, back and forth, like a ship anchored at port gently swaying in the waves.
And then before long, she was groaning, and coming, and so was he, exploding inside her, and it was so beautiful. Afterwards, she smiled broadly, lounging in his arms.
Time passed. She realized she had been asleep. She looked up at him. He was smiling down at her.
"Was the Goddess pleased?'
"Yes," said Miranda emphatically. "The Goddess was very pleased."
"I am happy to have served the God and Goddess so well," said Emsack.
The God and Goddess? Something about that phrase struck her as odd. She looked up at him. "Emsack, what do you mean by serving the God and Goddess?"
"It was the God Liam's wish that I pleasure you."
A chill started to go down her body. "Liam... told you to seduce me?"
"The God Liam said that you were very lonely. But he also said that you were very shy. He suggested that I might be able to ease your loneliness."
Miranda stiffened, and sat up, her heart pounding. "So that first evening, when I met you at the party? Liam arranged that?"
"Yes, and I am very glad he did. You are a treasure, Goddess," said Emsack, reaching for her.
She pushed him away. "How did Liam find you? Did he come out to your orphanage?"
Emsack suddenly fell silent.
"I asked you a question, Emsack."
He looked a little bashful. "There is no orphanage, Goddess."
Suddenly, Miranda felt like she had been punched in the gut. "Who are you, then?"
"In truth, I was a little surprised you did not recognize, Goddess," said Emsack.
"Why would I recognize you?"
"I was one of the first actors that the God Liam hired."
Miranda resisted the urge to scream at the top of her lungs and claw Emsack's eyes out. Instead, she scrambled for her clothes.
"Goddess, where are you going?"
Miranda slipped on her clothes quickly. "To mur*er a God!"
She slammed the door on the way out. Emsack was puzzled. At first she seemed so happy. Then she had become so angry. Mere mortals could not understand the moods of the Gods. Emsack idly wondered if the Goddess's mood would change yet again, and if she would return to copulate with him on a later night.
"You son of a bitch! YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!" she cried, slamming his bedroom door open. For some reason her blaster was in her hand, and she was waving it wildly.
As usual, Liam was in bed with another girl. Actually, this time, it was two girls, a blonde and a redhead.
"Are you going to shoot me with that?" Liam inquired.
The girls looked at Liam, who gave a curt nod. "Go on, girls. I'll give you a rematch later, once I've tended to the needs of the Goddess."
Miranda was never so close to shooting Liam as she was at that moment. She waited with gritted teeth as the two girls, grabbing their clothes, made their way past her. When they were gone, she slammed the door shut behind them.
"HOW DARE YOU? HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" she said, still waving the blaster.
"I'm not going to talk to you while you're pointing that at me," said Liam calmly.
Miranda screamed and threw the blaster against the wall. It accidently discharged, "stunning" a portion of the wall behind Liam.
"How dare you set me up with a male prostitute!" she screamed.
"He's an actor, not a male prostitute," said Liam. He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Although admittedly, I never inquired about his full resume."
"What the fuck were you thinking?" Miranda said.
"You want to know? You really want to know?" Liam said, his voice becoming as aggressive as hers. He sat up in bed, causing Miranda to involuntarily take a step back. "Ever since we've gotten here you've been riding me, all because I take a few liberties with the locals. You constantly hold yourself out as morally superior. I wanted to see what your attitude would be like if you did the same thing. Now you're as bad as me."
"No Liam!" She shook her head vigorously. "This is not nearly the same! You told Emsack to sleep with me!"
"No, Miranda," said Liam. "I asked him to. And he agreed. Do you know why? Because he thought you were a Goddess. But if he had thought you were a common woman, he might have said no. And you knew it. When you slept with him, you knew he was sleeping with you at least partially because he thought you were a Goddess. Tell me, Miranda, before you had sex, did you confess the truth? Did you tell him you were not a Goddess?"
"No." Miranda's head dropped a fraction.
"So you had sex with him under false pretenses, didn't you? Just like me."
"Not just like you!"
"Just like me," Liam repeated, and his even tone beat her down. "It makes you uncomfortable, doesn't it, knowing you're on the same level as me. Your whole self-identity is wrapped up around the idea that you're morally superior."
Miranda shook her head. His doubletalk was making her confused! "No, it's not that, it's just... you're a criminal!"
"And to you, that's all I'll ever be. A criminal who gets no credit for stopping the murders; for stopping the rapes; for stopping the child abuses, and all the other awfulness that has been occurring here since the beginning of time. You treat me as evil incarnate, and I resent it."
"No," said Miranda.
"Yes," said Liam. "Think about the possibility of treating me like a person. An imperfect person, but a person. Think about knocking on my door before barging in the next time. It's not a jail cell, you know." He reached down, and tossed her blaster to her. "Now either shoot me, or get the fuck out of here, and let me get some sleep."
Miranda, with tears in her eyes, left.
"The Goddess was upset," Gabrielle noted, as she slowly bounced up and down on Liam's penis. Gabrielle had heard the shouting and saw Dorathea and Elektra leave the God's quarters before they had finished serving their Lord, so once the vengeful Goddess had departed, she immediately presented herself to her Lord and volunteered to finish their good works. Liam was grateful for her assistance and impressed by her piety.
"Yes," said Liam, absentmindedly, fascinated by the sight of her large breasts bouncing above him.
"Why was the Goddess so angry?" Gabrielle asked, her red hair starting to get sweaty.
"She's jealous," said Liam. "She wants me and can't have me."
"But you are such a giving God. Why will you not make love to the Goddess?"
"It's a good question," said Liam, enjoying the feeling of her riding up and down on his increasingly sensitive male sex organ.
"You are much smarter than the Goddess," said Gabrielle admiringly.
"You noticed," said Liam.
"Yes. Why did the Gods even send her with you?"
Gabrielle's question sparked an idea inside Liam. He smiled to himself. So engrossed was he in his own thoughts that he was barely aware when he climaxed inside of Gabrielle, spurting his essence into her. But like a good and caring God, he still had enough attentiveness to see to her needs as well, and soon that beautiful face was moaning and those green eyes were asparkle with orgasmic delight.
Afterwards, Gabrielle said, "I am sorry you did not finish being pleasured by Dorathea and Elektra. I know they would still be so very honored to service you, Lord. Would you like me to reschedule them for tomorrow evening?"
Liam looked at her. There was not a trace of jealousy in her. She was merely grateful to share some time with her God. Gabrielle was perfectly satisfied, perfectly content. For a moment he thought how much happier everyone could be, if only they knew less, and had fewer expectations.
"Yes, that would be wonderful, thank you," he said, kissing her gently on the forehead.