Chapter 19

The God Samuel and the Goddess Pamela

"Get behind me!" Samuel shouted, trying to shield Pam with his body.

The morning had started innocently enough. They had gone to tour a residential area, looking to make sure the orders of the Black God were being obeyed: no more infanticide, Ra*e of young girls, whipping of women, or execution of heretics. Each day, as they learned more about the culture in Argolis, they learned some new horror that was being done to someone in the name of the Gods of Sparticus.

That morning, they were walking around casually enough, when a man ran at them, with a curved knife. "Die, Black God!" he screamed.

The attacker was so quick that Samuel didn't have time to draw his blaster. Instead, he swung out with his iron club, smacking the attacker in the side. He fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

"Samuel, behind you!" Pam shouted.

Two more attackers came at them from another direction. Samuel drew his blaster and shot one, but then the second attacker grabbed Samuel, and started to wrestle with him.

And then yet two more attackers emerged from behind a hut. Pam drew her blaster and shot one. The second one tripped Pam by the legs and they went down together in a heap. The man drew a wicked knife. Pam tried to wrestle with his knife arm.

"Samuel!" she screamed.

Samuel threw off his attacker and shot him. He turned to aim his blaster at Pam's attacker, but yet another assailant charged Samuel. Samuel swung out with his iron bar, hitting him in the head. The man screamed and went down.

Samuel turned to take aim again at Pam's attacker, just as the man was slowly pushing the blade closer to Pam's chest. Samuel crouched to get a better aim, and all of a sudden, another man came running in. This man lifted Pam's attacker, and threw him against a tree.

The new man didn't seem to be with their assailants. The attacker he had thrown into the tree trunk got up, and Samuel shot him.

Samuel, breathing heavily, looked around. All five of their attackers were down. The man who had saved Pam gave her a hand to get up. Pam took it. She looked up at him.

He was a big man, over six feet tall, with a barrel chest. But he had a gentle look to him.

"Thank you," said Pam.

"Yes, you have our thanks," said Samuel.

The man bowed low. "You are welcome, Black God."

"Are you all right?" Samuel asked Pam.

She nodded. "I think so. Who were these people?"

Samuel saw one of them stirring. He picked up a discarded knife. "Let's find out."

Samuel sat on his throne in the Palace of Sparticus, with Pam at his side. Before him were the eight members of his Tollah Council.

"We were attacked today by five men," said Samuel. "They seemed to know exactly where to find us."

"Were you hurt, Black God?" asked one of them, named Serendipius.

"Gods cannot be hurt," said another, Metacarpillus.

"Quite right," said Samuel. "But Gods can still be offended." He glared at each one of them so his meaning would be clear. "I questioned one of our attackers. He claims that he and the other men heard a voice in the night commanding them to attack me."

"A voice in the night?" said Metacarpillus. "That sounds like the work of Milsh."

"Milsh," said Samuel. He looked at his Council. "It occurs to me that the time is ripe to recruit bodyguards. Attacks of this sort, even if they are not dangerous to me, cannot be tolerated."

"You wish to create your own Iron Fists of Sparticus?" Esok asked.

"Iron Fists," said Samuel. He smiled. "Yes, I like that."

Word spread quickly. Soon a line of people were applying to become members of the Iron Fists of Sparticus. Samuel had no idea who to trust, and had to rely on instinct. But one applicant piqued his curiosity.

"You are the one who helped the Goddess Pamela when we were attacked," said Samuel. "Step forward. What is your name?"

"Martouf," said the big man.

"Why did you help us, and why do you want to join my personal guard now? Do you believe in the reforms I am leading?"

"I suppose," said Martouf.

Samuel looked at him sharply. Martouf had a simple expression on his face. He was simple. "You suppose? So why do you really want to join my Iron Fists?"

"I like how you hit people," said Martouf, smiling broadly. "Black God hits good!" he said, like a five year old.

Samuel sighed. Well, it was as good a reason as any.

That evening, Samuel and Pam were sitting on their respective beds. Between them was the holoprojection of Michael Taylor coming out of the holocomm they had brought with them.

"You were attacked?" said Taylor. "Are you both all right?"

"We're fine," said Samuel. "But I'm sending Pam back to you."

"What? Why?" said Pam, sitting up and looking startled.

"You know why," said Samuel. "When I saw that knife about to go into your chest, my heart almost exploded. I don't want to see that again."

"But we have guards now," said Pam.

"Guards can be overwhelmed. Guards can turn on us," said Samuel. "You'll be safer with Taylor."

"Samuel is right," said Taylor. "You should come back here to Arcadia, Pam. In fact, maybe you both should."

"I'm staying. They're not intimidating me," said Samuel.

"Then they certainly aren't intimidating me either," said Pam. "I want to stay."

"It doesn't matter what you want," Samuel snapped.

"Pam, I think it's really for the best," said Taylor. "You're one of my passengers. Your safety is my responsibility."

"Captain, I'm touched that you are trying to look out for me," said Pam. "But we made a choice to come here and help these people. It's worth the risk."

"The girl's got spunk," Samuel admitted.

"All right," said Taylor. "But if you even get a hint of further trouble, I want to know about it immediately."

"Yes, Captain," said Pam.

"Of course," said Samuel. "Signing off." He pressed a button that terminated the connection.

Pam smiled. "It's touching that the Captain cares about us, even when we're no longer officially his passengers," she said.

"He's a good man," said Samuel evenly. "And he's right about one thing. You should reconsider. You should really go back there. He can protect you better."


"I want you to go," said Samuel.

"You can't make me," said Pam.

"I'm a God." Samuel stared at her with those eyes. "I can do anything."

"Really?" said Pam. She got up off of her bed, and sat down on Samuel's.

"What? What are you doing?" Samuel said. "Get off my bed!"

"Make me, Black God," she said mockingly.

Samuel looked into her hazel eyes. Ever so gently, she took his hand. "I know you're concerned for my safety. I'm deeply touched. But if I leave, you'll be all alone."

"I don't need anyone," said Samuel.

Pam reached out and touched his shoulder. "Yeah, I think you do." She reached over and gave him a kiss. Samuel felt her lips pressing against his, grinding, demanding, taking.

When she pulled back, Samuel said, "What was that for?"

"For protecting me," said Pam.

Samuel nodded. "I guess I'll have to keep protecting you, then."

"I guess so," Pam smiled.​
Next page: Chapter 20
Previous page: Chapter 18