Chapter 20

The God Sanduval

Somehow, Sabiba had gotten her claws into Father.

Gradually, over a period of months, Sabiba's relationship with Father had fundamentally changed without Kristiana really noticing. Sabiba, who had become Father Sanduval's constant companion, had somewhere crossed the line and become his lover as well.

"Father, how could you?" said Kristiana. Sabiba was in the room with them. It was no longer possible to see Father alone.

"I love her with all my heart," said Sanduval.

"But she's not a member of the Faith!" said Kristiana. "You told me that was more important than anything!"

"I love her with all my heart," Sanduval repeated.

"And she's already married to another man, Father! What do you have to say to that?"

Sabiba stepped forward. "It is not at all unusual, child. A God may marry whoever he likes. The relationship a God has with a mortal takes precedent over all other earthly bonds."

"But he's not-" Kristiana stopped in mid-sentence.

"Not? Not what, child?" said Sabiba, being careful not to smile.

"Father, are you really going to marry her?"

"She will be my queen," said Sanduval, with glassy eyes.

Kristiana looked at him, with horror written all over her face.

Sabiba gently took Sanduval's arm. "And that will make me your mother, child," said Sabiba. "We will all be one happy family. Won't it be nice to have a mother again?"

"I already have a mother," Kristiana snapped. She fled, in tears.

After she had left, Sanduval blinked. "Kristiana?" he said, as if he were looking for her.

"Look at me, Edvard," Sabiba commanded.

Sanduval slowly turned to face her.

"Kristiana is very happy for us. Repeat it."

"Kristiana is very happy for us," said Sanduval.

"Yes, dear. She is," said Sabiba. "She just doesn't know it yet."

Kristiana went to Ingram and cried out all her troubles. She had long had a difficult relationship with her Father, but now it felt like a wall had descended between them.

"It is as I said," said Ingram, wrapping his arm around her. "Sabiba has taken control of him. There is nothing you can do."

"There must be!" Kristiana cried.

"Have you tried to reason with him?"

"Many times! He sees nothing wrong about marrying that witch. That witch who is already married to another man!"

"Then there is nothing to be done," said Ingram.

"I can pray," said Kristiana.

"To the Gods?"

"To the Lord of the Unredeemed," said Kristiana.

"Has that aided you in the past?" Ingram asked.

"Kind of," said Kristiana, shifting uncomfortably.

The next day, Sabiba had a private chat with Kristiana. "We're getting married in a week, dear."

"A week?" said Kristiana, stunned.

"There's no time like the present," Sabiba smiled. "By this time next week, you will be calling me Mother. In fact, you can start right now."

"Never!" said Kristiana.

"We'll have to do something about that attitude of yours," said Sabiba. "You know, I am now fully in charge of your father's welfare. He has a very delicate state of health."

"What are you saying?" Kristiana asked.

"That his well being depends on me. I would hate for him to get sick. He's an elderly man."

"You would make Father sick?"

"Never!" said Sabiba. "I love him with all my heart. However, I am in charge of his welfare. It behooves you to show me a little more respect."

Her meaning was clear, even to Kristiana. If Kristiana didn't obey Sabiba, she would do something to Father. Poison him, maybe.

Sabiba had enslaved father, and now she wanted to enslave Kristiana. Sabiba's smile made it very clear to both of them what she was doing.

"I'm... sorry," Kristiana stammered.

"Sorry what?" Sabiba asked.

"Sorry for upsetting you," said Kristiana. This was very hard for her.

"Call me Mother, child," said Sabiba. "We're practically family now."

"Yes... Mother," said Kristiana, her heart racing.

"We're going to have the wedding this coming Saturday. I trust you'll be in attendance, and all smiles."

"Of course... Mother," said Kristiana, still struggling to get the word out.

"Good. And please don't bring that loutish boy, what's his name? Anagram?"


"My Dickon is available if you need a date."

"No," said Kristiana immediately.

"I know it would please your father immensely," said Sabiba, giving Kristiana a meaningful stare.

Kristiana bit her lip, but slowly nodded.

Kristiana could tell that Ingram was hurt that she didn't invite him to the wedding. He liked it even less when she admitted that she was taking Dickon.

"Her son? Why?" Ingram asked.

Kristiana shrugged helplessly. She was too embarrassed to admit how Sabiba was increasingly controlling her, just like Father.

On the day of the wedding, Kristiana got to see Father in private, briefly. "Father, are you sure you want to do this? She's married, and not of the Faith."

"Sabiba is everything I want in a woman."

Father had already said this exact key phrase three times before. His eyes were glazed over. Kristiana didn't know how to break Sabiba's control over him. It was clear that he was lost to her. Kristiana had gotten down on her knees and prayed and prayed to the Lord of the Unredeemed, to save her, to save Father, but so far, her prayers had not been answered.

Things went from bad to worse when she entered the Throne Room. Dickon was there, wearing an ugly suit, and he reached out and grabbed her and roughly mashed his lips against hers.

"Hey!" said Kristiana, pulling away from him.

"Better get used to that, babe," said Dickon. "There's more where that came from." He grinned. He looked like he hadn't shaved in days. His skin had felt very coarse against her cheeks.

"Behave yourself, please!" said Kristiana.

"Hey, I know a place behind the shrine, with big bushes, real privacy. Want to get laid?"

"What?" Kristiana couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Your wholesome maiden act is making me hard. I'm going to enjoy penetrating you," said Dickon.

"No!" said Kristiana.

"You're going to be mine," said Dickon. "Mother promised."

"Never!" said Kristiana.

Dickon laughed, and drew her to him, and kissed her again. She struggled, and pulled away angrily.

"I think you will," said Dickon. "When Mother is done with you, you'll be begging for it." And he turned and walked off.

Kristiana's heart was beating a mile a minute. She was in shock. She tuned out the world around her.

When the shock lifted, she saw her Father kissing Sabiba on the lips, and a crown being lowered onto Sabiba's head.

"All hail Queen Sabiba!"

"All hail Queen Sabiba!" the crowd roared. Everyone clapped. Even Sabiba's first husband, Anber, was clapping, looking pleased as punch that his wife was cuckolding him in front of hundreds of people.

Sabiba looked out at the crowd, and for a moment it felt like Kristiana was caught in her gaze, like a fly in a web. At that moment she knew the true meaning of terror and helplessness.​
Next page: Chapter 21
Previous page: Chapter 19