Chapter 21

The Gods Khalid, Ahmed, and Chaka

Naomi Weinberg walked a fine line. She had been the very first to be trained by the Brothers, back on the Asgard, even before the ship had landed on this planet. She had been attracted to Chaka, the youngest of the big, bearded Ramadans. He had actually taken her, sexually, on their very first encounter, but Naomi knew that this was the cultural norm on Ramada and she had submitted to that.

In college Naomi had majored in Ramadan culture. The media on Earth and the educational system had glamorized the Ramadan lifestyle. It was true that women were subject to a lot of rules and restrictions on Ramada, but it was for their own benefit, Naomi learned in her college classes. Women on Ramada enjoyed a rich culture, loving relationships with their husband and children, and a vibrant social life embedded in the community. The whippings, the beatings, the mutilations, and the subjugations never made it onto her college curriculum.

Naomi had actually been on her way to Ramada to spend a year on a social research fellowship when the ship had malfunctioned. And so when people started to pair up, she found herself attracted to Chaka.

She had loved the first time she had sex with Chaka. He was rough, and domineering, but Naomi loved being dominated. The second and third time was good too. But then Chaka had lent her out, like a library book, to her brothers Khalid and Ahmed. That shocked her. And then the beatings began. The beatings, the whippings, and the indoctrination. She spent four days and four nights locked away in their cabin, but when she emerged, she was a different woman.

Naomi became a humble convert to Laquinta. She accepted that her sole purpose in life was to pleasure men. She accepted that, and even enjoyed it, because despite it all, she was in love with Chaka.

But with Khalid and Ahmed, a little less so. Chaka sometimes hurt her during sex, but never intentionally. It was different with his brothers. The first time Naomi had sex with Khalid, she was unable to get him hard. He slapped and hit her, and only then did his organ start to become solid. And then the second time he took her sexually, he choked her even as he was thrusting within her, screaming in ecstasy as she gagged, gasping for breath. She had blacked out just as he had come, and woke up to find herself discarded, on his bedside, and feeling herself full of his juices.

Ahmed was different. When Ahmed asked Chaka to use her, Chaka had given his permission, but grudgingly. And then Ahmed had methodically beat her from head to toe while he used her, smiling all the time. She was black and blue for a week after that. Chaka was furious when he saw what Ahmed had done to her. She got the impression that her beating had been intended as a message to Chaka. Naomi sensed that for some reason, Ahmed and Chaka didn't get along.

When they arrived at Heraklion, Naomi was thankfully to only be used by Chaka. Khalid and Ahmed found other women to use for their sexual pleasure. But Khalid kept giving her dangerous looks, and more than once he suggested to Chaka that perhaps Naomi would better serve as a concubine in the general harem.

Chaka was disquieted by these suggestions but tried not to show it. Instead, he figured out a way to keep Naomi safe, by getting her a job as assistant to the Slutmaster. The Slutmaster was in charge of training new concubines. It would be harder for Khalid to transfer her to the general pool, if she had a real job which occupied her time.

Naomi had mixed feelings about working for the Slutmaster. The Slutmaster was in charge of training new recruits to be concubines. The training was not a pretty process. But Naomi found she could use her influence in small ways to reduce the abuse of the women being trained.

And the Slutmaster himself was very nice to Naomi. His name was Tirano. He was a relatively new recruit to Laquinta. He had been selected not so much for his cruelty but his administrative ability; with a lot of sluts moving in and out of the system, a man with an eye for numbers and workflow was invaluable. Tirano was always friendly and kind to her, sneaking her extra food, and asking her how she was, even as they heard the screams of women being trained around them.

Naomi started her workday doing her rounds of the women in each stage. Phase One contained the most recent recruits, who were in different stages of being tortured to weaken their resistance. Phase Two contained recruits who had been broken, but were just beginning to learn how to please their new masters. Phase Three contained recruits who were learning the proper attitude and manners. And Phase Four was the finishing school, teaching girls how to use their hands and mouths and other body parts expertly.

A prison had been converted for the use of the Training Harem. The prison had been emptied quite easily, with the prisoners either being beheaded, or, if they had enough potential, recruited to join the Stranglers of Laquinta.

Naomi walked by the room where Phase Four initiates were being trained. These were women who had earned the stripes, literally, on their backs. They were totally willing, totally compliant, and were receiving final sex training. Naomi saw a slave on her back, being ridden by her trainer, being told to wrap her hands around his back and her legs around his legs, to heighten her penetration. She saw another slave on her knees working on a trainer's organ, being instructed on how to best use her tongue; the instructor even had his own tongue out, and was swirling it in a certain way as the slave, with the Master's organ in her mouth, looked up at him to try to imitate. Naomi smiled, knowing that these girls would soon know the happiness of serving Laquinta as she did.

Naomi walked by a Phase Three room, where slaves were taught the proper attitude. They were being instructed to kneel on the ground, with their forehead buried in their fist.

"It is not merely enough to pleasure a Master," said a trainer. "You have to make the Master believe that you want it, that you desire it above all else. You must make the Master believe he is giving you the greatest gift of your life by allowing him to use your body as he wishes. Serena! Convince me."

A naked woman obediently ran up to the trainer. "Master, please, let me pleasure you! I beg you!"

The trainer slapped her in the face with a loud smacking sound. "Pathetic. Karis, you show her."

A second naked woman ran up and hugged him, and kissed him passionately, rubbing her hands all over his body. "Please, Master, please, I need you inside me! Please ravage me, I beg you! My body was made to serve you! My body was made to serve Laquinta! Please take me, so my insignificant self may better serve the Great God of Blood!"

"Better," said the trainer, smiling appreciatively, and Naomi could sense that this little 'demonstration' had aroused him a bit.

Naomi went by a Phase Two training room, and saw women being trained to use their hands, their mouths, and the space between their legs. The women were clumsy, and while not resisting, were not exactly eager; they had accepted their fate, but had yet to receive their full attitude adjustment. Even in Phase Two, some women sometimes regressed and required further therapeutic whippings.

And then there was Phase One. The beginning. This was Naomi's least favorite place, because it was the place where women were most abused.

In one large cell Naomi saw several women chained to the wall. They were going through a process. They would be whipped, and then chained to the wall to allow them to feel the residual pain. They would also be given almost nothing to eat or drink, and they wouldn't be allowed to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time. Depending on their prescribed treatment, each cycle ran for anywhere from two to six hours, and if they weren't compliant after a set period time, they would be whipped again.

A few women broke after their first whipping, but most required a number of treatments, and the majority graduated to Phase Two after a day or two.

Naomi entered the group cell, bearing a bucket of water and a ladle. She helped each girl take a drink. She spoke encouraging words to each of them, telling them their pain would end if only they cooperated. Her role was key in the conversion process, to offer the girls a sympathetic face and voice in their wilderness of pain and confusion.

As Naomi watered each of the girls, and spoke gently to them, she sensed one girl, a brunette with curly hair, might be ready.

"How long will this continue?" the girl whispered.

"It can end now, if you cooperate," said Naomi, touching her hair gently.

"I want it to end," said the girl. "But I'm afraid," she said.

Naomi held her hand and smiled. "Don't be. I'll help you."

The woman hesitated, then nodded.

Naomi unchained the woman, and led her to a Phase Two training room.

The woman saw the room full of women, servicing their trainers, and hesitated.

"I will give you to our most gentle trainer. You will not be harmed, I guarantee it."

The woman nodded.

Naomi went over to the trainers who were unoccupied. She picked one at random. "This slave is ready for Phase Two. Be gentle with her, and she will obey."

"It is not for you to give us orders, slut," one of them snapped. He went over and grabbed the woman by the arm, and began her lesson.

As Naomi continued her rounds, she had the misfortune to run into Ahmed. She immediately kneeled down, putting her head into her fist on the ground.

"What are you doing here, slut?" Ahmed snapped.

"Working, Master," she said. As he well knew.

"I have a special assignment for you," said Ahmed. "There is a new slut in Phase One. Her name is Leila. Have you seen her?"

Naomi thought quickly. He must mean the terrified brunette with the pear shaped-"Yes, Master."

"She has been in Phase One for nearly three days. The trainers are incompetent. I want you to move her into Phase Two."

"But Master, if she is not ready-"

"You will make her ready," said Ahmed, jabbing a finger at her. "If you do not, then perhaps we will put you back in the program. Would you like that?"

"No, Master!"

"Then obey my orders."

"Yes Master! At once!"

Ahmed was always looking for reasons to get her into trouble. But this time Naomi sensed he also had another purpose. She had heard that he had selected this slut to be his personal concubine. But when he had tried to train her on his own, she had proven to be stubborn, so he had put her in the general training pool.

And now it was up to Naomi to get it done. She knew the penalties for failure. She hadn't been whipped in some time, but didn't look forward to another round of discipline at Ahmed's hands. Somehow she would have to get the slut properly trained.

Naomi entered the Phase One cell where the woman Leila was. She looked to be a few years younger than Naomi. They were both brunettes, and even both had similar pear shaped breasts. Naomi smiled at the young girl. "Leila?" she said gently.

Leila looked up at her wearily. Even from this angle Naomi could see that her back had been repeatedly whipped. By now the sleep and food deprivation should have done the work along with the pain... and yet here she was, still in Phase One. This could be a real challenge.

"My name is Naomi," said Naomi, in a gentle voice. "I'm here to help," she said.

"Help?" said Leila groggily. Naomi spoon fed her some water. She coughed as she swallowed.

"Yes," said Naomi. "My heart breaks to see you beaten like this. Why won't you open your heart to Laquinta?"

"They killed my mother," said Leila. "They killed my father."

"Oh," said Naomi. What could she say to that?

"I will never serve them. Never," said Leila defiantly.

"Well... do you have any other family? A brother, or sister perhaps?"

Leila painfully nodded. "Both."

Suddenly Naomi got an idea. "Your sister. What is her name?"

"Selene," said Leila.

"Then there's the answer. I can get you released," said Naomi.

"You can?" Hope appeared in Leila's eyes.

"Yes," Naomi smiled. "In just a few minutes, if you wish."

"How?" Suddenly, Leila was excited.

"I'll tell the guards to get Selene. She will take your place," said Naomi.

"No!" said Leila.

"It's the only way. I can't stand to see you suffer any more," said Naomi. "I'll go speak to the trainers." She turned to go.

"Wait!" said Leila, her eyes pleading.

Naomi looked at her.

Curtly, she nodded. "I'll cooperate. Just don't tell them about my sister! Please!"

Naomi walked back to her. "If I keep silent, you have to cooperate. Really cooperate. You can't just go through the motions. You have to actually act like you're eager. Can you do that?"

Leila made a pained expression. She thought about her beloved sister Selene. She thought about Selene being beaten, tortured, and used as a sex slave. No, she couldn't allow that. Whatever the cost to herself. She looked at Naomi, and nodded quickly, before she could change her mind.

"All right then. Let's take a small test of your commitment, shall we?"

Naomi unchained Leila, and led her to a Phase Two room. She spoke to a group of trainers who eagerly eyed the new recruit. "Masters, we have a new slave here, who is eager to cooperate."

A trainer stepped forward. "I have yet to see this one eager to do anything."

"Well, she's eager now."

The trainer dropped his pants. "Show me, slave."

Leila looked at Naomi with horror in her eyes. Naomi mouthed the word 'Selene' and gently push pressure on her shoulder. Shuddering, Leila got on her knees and put her lips over the trainer's penis. Slowly, she started sucking.

The trainer pulled out and slapped her in the face. "No, not like that, whore," he said, with an annoyed tone. "You, slut, demonstrate."

Naomi readily reached over and put the trainer's penis in her mouth. She alternated sucking with explaining what she was doing. "You see how my lips form a tight seal around him?" She said, demonstrating. And then she pulled out and said, "And you can't see it, but my tongue flicks around the head, like this," she said, twirling her pink tongue in front of Leila's face. "You try it! Twirl your tongue with me!"

Leila, on her knees like Naomi, hesitantly stuck out her tongue. She started to twirl it in front of Naomi, who kept demonstrating with her own tongue, barely an inch apart from Leila. "More twist, more twist, girl," said Naomi. They both twirled their tongues, opposite each other on their knees.

Leila applied more twist, and soon her tongue was doing a mirror image dance a fraction of an inch away from Naomi's tongue. They stared into each other's eyes as their tongues incidentally touched each other, sending a small shock through Leila's body.

"Better," Naomi smiled. "Now kneel by me, and watch closely." Leila kneeled by Naomi as Naomi took the trainer into her mouth, at first deeply, taking him entirely inside her. Then she almost pulled out, just lingering on the head, bobbing back and forth a little. When she fully pulled out, she said, "Note how I can take as much of him as I can inside me, but sometimes I work on only the head, to stimulate him more." Naomi demonstrated again, and then pulled out of him. She handed the Master's penis over to Leila. "Here, you try."

Leila hesitantly put the trainer's penis in her mouth again. Naomi coached her. "Faster. Slower. More emphasis on the head! Good, tongue action, remember to use your tongue!"

Very soon, under Naomi's guidance, Leila had the trainer moaning. As she sucked on the head of his organ, her fatigue and confusion caused her to question her actions. Was she truly doing this merely to save Selene? Or did she want to serve the Masters, the great servants of Laquinta? For the first time, Leila started to feel doubt as to her true motivations.

The Master's moan reached a fevered pitch, and he gave a wild cry, and exploded in her mouth. Leila felt a stream of liquid hit the back of her throat. She started coughing. "Swallow, Leila, swallow!" said Naomi anxiously, clapping her on the back. The trainer grunted and pulled out, leaving a milky white residue which clung to the corner of her mouth.

"A very good first effort, Leila," said Naomi, rubbing her shoulders tenderly. She looked into Leila's eyes. "You are starting to become a very devoted servant of Laquinta."

Leila looked into her eyes and felt lost in them. She didn't know what to think. "Are we done?" she asked wearily. She was so tired! She would do anything just to close her eyes for an hour.

"Almost! Just one more little exercise!" said Naomi. And there would be just one more exercise after that one, and then one more after that, until Leila's resistance had been totally eliminated. Leila, supremely tired, was in the best possible mental state to be trained.

Leila slowly nodded, giving her assent. This was excellent. Her new conditioning was taking hold. Naomi had broken her by holding Selene's safety over her head, but now Leila was beginning to internalize her training. Ahmed would truly be pleased.

Naomi bade Leila to lie back on the floor with her legs spread. Another trainer was called to mount her. Suddenly Leila realized what was about to happen. She had never been with a man before. No, she could not do this! She started to get up.

"Selene." All it took was that one word to deflate her, like a pin pricking a balloon. Leila stared into Naomi's determined dark eyes, knowing she would do it, that she would enslave her sister if she didn't obey. Leila's shoulders slumped, and she lay back down.

"Oh, you're so obedient, dear, that's good," said Naomi, reaching down and spreading Leila 's legs, as she waved a trainer over.

Leila whispered, "I've never... I've never..."

"Then you are about to be doubly honored," said Naomi, as a big bearded naked man dropped his pants in front of her. He was already erect. His organ looked huge to Leila. He grunted and lowered himself over her.

Leila gasped as she felt this new Master enter her. He was so thick! He felt her opening her up in a way she had never been before.

Naomi lay by Leila's side and held her hand tenderly as the Master thrust in her, his hostile bearded face scaring her almost as much as his organ within her. As Leila moaned in discomfort, Naomi gently stroked her hair and whispered, "This is such a supreme honor. For your first time to be with a Master. You are truly blessed by Laquinta."

And then the Master thrust deep within her, and Leila felt a sharp pain, and then the Master exploded in her. Leila also cried out, but not in pleasure.

When the Master pulled out, there was blood on his member. Naomi looked at it approvingly. "You have shed blood for the one true God. You are doubly blessed." And she reached down and gave Leila a passionate kiss.

Leila, her senses battered, struggling to stay awake and understand what was going on, was really at Naomi's mercy.

"Can I rest now?" she pleaded.

"Of course, child," said Naomi. She helped Leila get up. She took her to a cell with an actual bed to lie on. But Naomi didn't let her rest on the bed. She chained Leila to the wall.

"What's happening?" she said wearily, not aware enough to pull away as Leila chained her arm to the wall. She was barely able to keep her eyes opened. "Can't I rest?"

"Of course you can," said Naomi sweetly. "Just close your eyes," she said.

"Standing up? Why can't I sleep on the bed?"

"You haven't yet earned that right. Get some rest, dear," said Naomi, closing the cell door behind her.

Leila was so tired that she felt she could fall asleep standing up. And it seems she did just that. The next thing she knew, Naomi was back, and shaking her awake.

"What?" said Leila. It seemed like just a minute since Naomi had left!

Naomi unchained her. "It's time for your next lesson."

"Sleep! I need sleep!" Leila cried.

"Soon dear. Very soon." Naomi smiled and whispered words of encouragement as she gave Leila a drink of water and a half bun to chew on.

Naomi worked with Leila intensively over the next 20 hours. She allowed Leila to sleep no longer than thirty minutes at a time, and didn't let her rest for more than two hours over the 20 hour period. Fatigue wore down Leila's mind like a stone, and before long she was willing to do anything and everything asked of her.

Soon enough she was not just taking Masters between her legs but actively cooperating with them, wrapping her arms and legs around them and kissing them passionately. Her severe state of fatigue prevented Leila from orgasming, but that didn't matter; her sole responsibility was to please the Masters.

Before long Naomi judged Leila was ready for Phase Three training. She warned Leila that she now had to convince the trainers that she wanted to pleasure them. Leila was shocked the first time she failed and was whipped, and not merely by a trainer, but Naomi herself! She had started to think of Naomi as a friend. Naomi was the one who talked to her in soothing tones, stroked her, and gave her food. But it was also Naomi who chained her to a wall and whipped her back until she screamed.

But afterwards, Naomi was also there for her, whispering soothing words in her ear as she patted her bottom, encouraging her to do better.

"I don't enjoy disciplining you, but you must be trained. The Masters require it," said Naomi, fondling Leila between her legs as she looked into her eyes.

"But I have been cooperating."

"It is not enough to cooperate. You must want it," said Naomi, and her eyes grew hard.

"I don't know," Leila sobbed. "I don't think I can do that!"

"There, there, it's all right," said Naomi. She took the crying girl in her arms. "Really, it's all right. This was a mistake. I can see it now. We'll get Selene. I'm sure she can do better."

"No!" said Leila, sitting up rigidly. "I can do it. Please! Give me one more chance."

"All right," said Naomi, stroking her hair. She kissed her on the lips, showing surprising tenderness. "But you're running out of chances. You really have to show a reformed attitude." She unchained Leila and held out her hand. Leila took it. She led the nude woman out into the corridor, into a Phase 3 training room.

Leila threw herself into the role with desperation. She cried and begged to service the Masters. She was whipped again, and then after another try, was whipped a third time, until she finally figured out how to be convincing.

And as she rubbed her breasts against the Masters, as she kissed them and begged them to make love to her, as she made false moans as they plunged into her, Leila started to wonder again if she was doing this to save Selene, or because it was what she was meant to do. Yes, she was doing this because she was forced to, but as her hazy mind saw herself begging to serve the Masters, pleading with them to make love to her, a confused Leila started to wonder if perhaps she was starting to enjoy this too. After each session Naomi would reinforce the training by whispering in her ear. "You are a slave. You are a slave of Laquinta. This is what you were made for."

And the repetition and lack of sleep started to convince her. Each time she successfully pleased a man, and begged to be allowed a little sleep, Naomi would fondle her, and promise her "Soon." Then the next exercise would begin.

Finally, after 20 hours of intense training, Naomi hugged Leila and smiled. "I think you're almost ready."

"Can I sleep now, please? Just a few minutes!"

"You can," said Naomi. "You just have one last test." And this time, she meant it.

"Have you come to report your failure?" Ahmed snapped.

"Leila is in Phase Three," said Naomi.

"Phase Three? How could she possibly have gotten that far?" said Ahmed. "If you're lying to me...."

"See for yourself, Master," said Naomi. She stood aside, and Leila, still totally nude, entered the room. "Master," she breathed, her breasts heaving dramatically. Leila sensually walked over to the man who had executed her mother and father and wrapped her arms around his back. She kissed him passionately on the lips "Master, please forgive my impudence. How can I ever make it up to you?"

Ahmed looked down at her impassively.

Leila looked up at him desperately. "I am worthless, Master, but if you can take some small pleasure from using my body, I beg you, Master, please do." She got down on her knees, and looked up at him fearfully. "Please use me, Master, I beg you! I need you, Master! I need you inside me!" she cried, looking longingly up at him.

Ahmed nodded, ever so slightly, and Leila reached into his pantaloons and pulled out his penis. In seconds she was joyously sucking on it like a professional, looking up at Ahmed with big doe-like eyes.

Ahmed looked down at her with shock and surprise and pleasure, and then gave Naomi the broadest smile he had ever seen. "Get out of here!" he barked to Naomi. "And close the door behind you!"​
Next page: Chapter 22
Previous page: Chapter 20