Chapter 22
The Goddesses Brianna, Kyrsten, and McKenzie
"Hey, Bri!"
"I'm busy," said Brianna. She was sitting in the lounge, making out with a hot blonde she had picked up after giving a very well attended lecture on the joys of menstruation. After class, Brianna had made eye contact with the flirty blonde, one thing had led to another, and now Blondie was experiencing the joys of carnal contact with her Goddess for the very first time. She had thick, fleshy lips which Brianna especially enjoyed.
"Get your own squeeze!" Brianna yelled, and then she turned around, to see that Kyrsten did have her own woman, a busty brunette from the same class, whose she was fondling with one hand around her waist and another at her breasts. "What do you want?"
"Mitichondrius and I were just chatting here, and I just found out something that will shock you to your very core," said Kyrsten.
"They don't give period presents here!"
"WHAT?" said Brianna. She stood up, looking at the blonde she had been necking and petting with. "I'm sorry my dear, but my sacred duties as a Goddess comes first. Call an assembly!"
An hour later, a crowd was assembled in the Throne Room.
"I am shocked, simply shocked by what I just heard," said Brianna, looking flustered. McKenzie, looking closely, could see red marks on Brianna's neck.
"We just had a supremely successful workshop on the wonders of menstruation, and one of the students told us that you people have no concept of period presents. Can that really be true? Kenzie?"
"I don't believe it!"
"It totally blows my mind!" said Kyrsten.
"Mine too!" said Brianna. "In all civilized societies, when a woman has her period, her husband or boyfriend or father provides her with a period present, to thank the Gods for giving her her blessed period! Without her blessed period, there would be no babies! Without her blessed period, women would be all dry and shriveled and rough down there! You should all get down on your knees and give thanks to the She-Goddess for womens' periods! From now on, every man shall give his woman a gift on the first day of a woman's period!"
"Gift?" one of the Tollahs asked. "What kind of gift?"
"It need not be elaborate," said Brianna. "It can be flowers. It can be chocolates. You can make some high-protein yogurt, or better yet, an organic granola fruit treat. Just something to show you care! Do you understand me?"
"Yes, Goddess," the audience intoned.
"Good!" said Brianna. "And by the way, my gift should have been given today. I will expect presents at my bedroom door when I wake up tomorrow."
Several days later, The Goddesses took a tour of the city, viewing their sacred realm.
"Can we talk about changing the name?" said McKenzie, making a face. "Imanthia. Imanthia. Why not Womanthia?"
"It's a good idea, Kenzie, but I think even Captain Taylor would notice such a major change," said Brianna. "It's better to make more subtle adjustments."
"Men," said McKenzie, making a face.
The Goddesses, accompanied by Praylix and their unarmed bodyguards, the Dancing Fools, were on tour of a series of mills along the banks of the Irzat river. They toured facilities where women were hard at work kneading and separating dough, and carrying heavy bags of grain.
Kenzie noticed something immediately. "All the people doing hard work are women. And all the managers and supervisors are men." She turned to Praylix. "Who owns these mills?"
"Men? Is it all men?"
"Yes, Goddess. In Imanthia, only men can own property," said Praylix.
"Well, we're going to have to fix that, aren't we?" said McKenzie. She went over to one of the woman. "You! Woman. How much do you make per day here?"
The woman cast a nervous glance at the supervisor. "Two coppers."
"Two coppers!" McKenzie turned to a manager. "And how much do you make a day?"
The man bit his lip.
McKenzie stood close to him and stared him in the eye. "Your Goddess asked you a question."
"A silver piece, and four coppers," said the man.
"No. No, no, no," said Brianna. "This cannot stand."
Brianna called a meeting of all the major business owners in Imanthia. There were shopkeepers, mill owners, owners of large farms, lumber yards, quarry owners, and others.
Brianna issued her proclamation. "From here on, there must be equal pay for equal work. Men and women must be paid the same."
One of the mill owners stepped forward hesitantly. "But Goddesses, it is not the same work. Managers have entirely different responsibilities from laborers. They manage inventories. They plan. They fix problems in production. They supervise-"
"It does not matter. All work is the same. Men and women must be paid the same. It is required by Nurda Gababba. You want social justice in the community for women and girls, don't you?"
The mill owner opened his mouth, but no words came out.
Brianna leaned forward. "Don't you?"
"Yes, Goddess," said the mill owner.
"Then all must be paid equally. And why is it that everyone before me are men? I want to see some female-owned businesses. At least half of you here should be women! In fact, studies by the Muriel Guttmacher Institute repeatedly show that women are better in business to men! By this time next year I expect at least a third of business owners in Imanthia to be women!"
The crowd of businessmen looked stunned.
"That is all! You are dismissed!"
"Men, so typical," said Kenzie, wrapping her arms possessively around Kyrsten's throne chair.
"My Goddesses, there is a danger to alienating the business class," said Praylix. "They are powerful leaders in the community."
"More powerful than a Goddess?" said McKenzie, her eyebrows raised.
"I don't think so!" said Kyrsten, giving a laugh.
Kyrsten was sitting atop a desk, in a classroom, with her legs spread and knees bent. She put her hand on her groin, and started to move it, up and down. "Like this," she said, smiling.
The class of women, who were lying on their backs in a similar pose, started to mimic Kyrsten's hand gesture.
This "How to" workshop on female masturbation had gotten their best attendance yet, nearly 50 attendees. Praylix thought it might be due to the fact that they were handing out fried chicken and slender cucumbers at the meetings, which disappeared in the first five minutes into the ladies' handbags, but Brianna knew better. Women were genuinely becoming uplifted.
McKenzie and Brianna walked up and down the rows of attendees, who were hesitantly rubbing the seams of their dresses in rhythm to Kyrsten. When Kyrsten went faster, they did the same; and when Kyrsten slowed down, they did too. It was as if Kyrsten were the conductor of a fantastic orchestra, but not an orchestra of instruments, but rather an orchestra of vaginas, and they were playing a tune which only Kyrsten could hear.
"That one," whispered McKenzie, indicating a blonde rubbing her crotch through her clothes.
"You always pick the blondes," Brianna whispered.
"What is this really about?" McKenzie asked.
"I think you know," said Brianna.
"That's it, girls," said Kyrsten. "Feel the rhythm of your fingers! Now let's try a nice circular motion!"
"No, I don't know," said McKenzie.
"You're more attracted to Kyrsten then you are to me," said Brianna.
"Because I chose a blonde? Ridiculous!" said McKenzie. They kept walking. "How about that one?" She indicated a brunette who was rubbing her groin in circular motions, with a dreamy smile on her face.
"Or how about that one?" said Brianna. She nodded towards a redhead, who was doing this same with her fingers. But this redhead had large, circular breasts. She also had plush lips, and gorgeous green eyes.
"Girls, can you feel it inside you? Only girls can know how to make girls feel this good," said Kyrsten, continuing to lecture.
"Yes, you're right, that one," McKenzie whispered excitedly.
When the class was done, McKenzie went over to the redhead. Her name was... what was her name? McKenzie didn't remember. Not that it mattered.
McKenzie told the girl she was impressed by her advanced level of inner pleasuring, and offered to give her some advanced level masturbation tips in the lounge. That was all that was needed. In moments they were kissing and hugging passionately.
"Wait, wait," said the girl, who looked to be in her late teens. McKenzie thought her name was Janice. Or Janus? Something like that.
"Wait for what?" said McKenzie, kissing her neck.
"Isn't this a sin?" said the woman softly. She had the most beautiful round breasts.
"Of course not, Janus," said McKenzie, taking the opportunity to squeeze them. They felt so young and firm!
"Jannissa," said the redhead. "My name is Jannissa."
"Yes, of course," said McKenzie, pulling down on Jannissa's blouse, so she could rub her breasts directly.
"But... the Book says it's a sin."
"It's a transcription error," said McKenzie, now squeezing Jannissa's bare breasts. Jannissa moaned.
"Really?" Jannissa asked. "Are you sure?"
"I'm a Goddess," said McKenzie. "I'm paid to know such things." She reached down and sucked on one of Jannissa's nipples. Jannissa became sexually aroused and moaned again. When McKenzie pulled her mouth out with a pop, Jannissa's nipple was hard.
"But... the story of Canus says that when he found his wife, Mellus, in bed with the seductress Candissa, he banished both of them to the Forest of Eriadus."
"Exactly," said McKenzie, giving Jannissa a firm kiss. "And do you know what Mellus and Candissa did when they got to the Forest of Eriadus?" She reached down into Jannissa's skirt, her hand tunneling, moving ever closer to her ultimate goal.
"What?" Jannissa asked.
"They fucked like rabbits," said McKenzie. Jannissa gasped as she felt McKenzie penetrate her most sacred spot.
After McKenzie had penetrated Jannissa digitally, Jannissa grasped her arms tightly and lost all interest in having theological discussions about the Book of Sparticus. Soon both their clothes were off and they were touching and kissing each other all over. McKenzie kissed and touched Jannissa skillfully and soon brought her to orgasm, hugging her latest recruit as her eyes rolled back in their sockets and her body trembled, as Jannissa moaned loudly and her body finished shaking.
"Good?" asked McKenzie a moment later, when Jannissa's breathing returned to normal.
Jannissa nodded.
"Now I'll teach you how to do me," said McKenzie.
Jannissa used her mouth and fingers under McKenzie's expert guidance, and soon had McKenzie moaning as she reached a powerful orgasm. Jannissa obviously wasn't nearly as skilled as McKenzie, but the idea of a brand new conquest, responding to her instructions like a puppet, using her lips and fingers to bring her off, was more than McKenzie could bear.
As McKenzie finished groaning, they could hear sounds of clapping behind them.
Jannissa looked past McKenzie, to see Brianna and Kyrsten entering the room.
"That was good," said Brianna, walking forward, arm in arm with Kyrsten.
"Really good," said Kyrsten, reaching down and kissing McKenzie on the cheek.
"What is this?" Jannissa asked.
McKenzie fondled Jannissa's left breast and indicated her friends. "Jannissa, meet lessons two and three," she grinned.