Chapter 23
The God Liam and the Goddess Miranda
"Let me get this straight, Mushy, you want me to lead a prayer?" Liam asked.
"It would be a great honor, Lord," said Myanmush, showing his yellow teeth. The holiday of the Great Reward was fast approaching, the day when citizens celebrated their eventual reward for showing fealty to the Gods. "The people would love to hear more details of the afterlife to come from an actual God."
Liam and Miranda exchanged warning glances. Then Liam smiled thinly and said, "Of course! It will be my pleasure, Mushy. Spread the word!"
"I will, my Lord!" and he turned and left.
"What was that all about?" Miranda asked.
"Mushy thinks he's being clever," Liam said, in a low voice. "He wants me to give a religious sermon, and he thinks I know nothing about the Book of Sparticus, and that in my ignorance I'll expose myself."
"But he's right. You don't know anything about the Book of Sparticus."
"I tried to read it once, but it has a very meandering plot and I can't relate to any of the protagonists," Liam complained..
That Sunday, nearly a thousand parishioners streamed into the Shrine of Sparticus in central Phthiotis. The Shrine was so crowded, that many parishioners had to stand.
Liam stood on the stage, flanked by Miranda, Myanmush, some Tollahs, and a number of his Fists. Mushy couldn't contain his grin. He thought Liam was going to expose himself as a fraud.
The previous night, Liam had picked up the Good Book. He had tried to read it again, but it was too many pages. The print was too tiny. And it was too tedious and meandering. No, he would just use his wits for this one.
"Welcome, everyone," said Liam, using his megaphone disc, to impress them with his godliness. The crowd rippled with anticipation.
"I am here today to say a few words about the Great Reward." He saw Miranda looking at him intently. So was everyone else in the audience.
And Liam had absolutely no idea what he was going to say next. He found he worked best that way, sometimes.
He remembered one fact about the Book which had stuck with him. "The Good Book says, if you do good works in your life, that in the heavens you will be rewarded with 173 women."
The crowd hung on to his every word. Here, now, was a God telling them about the afterlife!
They looked like they wanted him to say something more. It was time to start theorizing.
"But what you may not know is that these 173 women are all exceptionally beautiful," said Liam. "They all have large breasts, wonderful breasts of many different kinds. Round breasts, cantaloupe shaped breasts, eggplant shaped breasts, melon breasts, juicy breasts, firm breasts, and more. Every variety of breasts you can possibly imagine."
He looked at the audience. The men seemed really interested.
"And their faces! Gorgeous faces, all with plush lips, beautiful hair, and sparkling eyes, of every color."
Liam paused, desperately thinking for what else to say. "And between their legs! They are very tight down there, very tight, five times tighter than any woman here on Earth!"
A low moan went over the crowd.
"But do not worry! They are also wet, very wet, so you will get incredible friction, better friction than you ever dreamed of in real life!"
"And now for the best part!" What was the best part? Liam tried to think quickly. "When you have sex, you will NEVER tire. So if you want to, you can have sex with all 173 women, every day!"
The men in the crowd roared, and started to go wild. Liam began to feel inspired.
"And more about the women! They never have their periods! They never complain! They never say they are too tired, or have a headache! They never need to go shopping, or spend time alone with their friends! They are always eager for your touch, always grateful to service you! They moan at the slightest caress! When they climax, they look at you with such appreciation that you yourself will FEEL LIKE A GOD!" He roared that last part.
The crowd was cheering wildly now. But Liam noticed that only the men were cheering.
"But let us also not forget the women! Good and virtuous women have their rewards when they go to the heavens too." From what little Liam knew of the Book, nothing was mentioned of what would happen to women in the afterlife. So he would have to be in full creative mode now. Should he say that women would be rewarded with 173 men? No, they might not like that, and it also might upset their husbands. So what should he say?
"Ladies, when you go to the heavens, you will be with your husbands. Yes, they will have 173 women, but that will only be on weekdays. On weekends, you will have them all to yourselves! And when you die, you will appear in the heavens young, as when you were 20 years of age, with firm breasts, skin that doesn't sag, no wrinkles, and the thing between your legs will get wet quite well without any outside help!"
The women started to look happier.
"And you will never have to do cooking, never have to do cleaning, never have to do chores again! Angels will gladly do all of it for you! And the laundry too. Angels will do all of that for you!"
The women looked positively gleeful.
"And you will never have your periods ever again!"
Now it was the women who were roaring with delight.
"And your children, they will all be reduced to babies and toddlers, who will never grow up, so you can play with them as you once did! And when they annoy you, you can send them away to Angel daycare, who will take care of them until you are once again in the mood for them!"
The women were cheering at the top of their lungs now.
"That is what awaits you in the heavens! That is the reward for those who are virtuous! Follow the Gods, and all will be yours!" Liam said, raising his voice.
Myanmush looked shocked as the crowd cheered him on.
"God Liam! God Liam! God Liam! God Liam!" they shouted.
Liam turned to Miranda, who couldn't help but smile back at him.
"Is what you said in the Shrine, about the afterlife, really so?" Gabrielle asked innocently, her large breasts pressed against his naked chest. Liam had just finished servicing Arola, the chambermaid, and the moment she departed, Gabrielle had promptly come in and stripped down and gotten into bed with him. The redhead lay there, pressing her wonderfully soft and lovely breasts against him.
"Definitely," said Liam, looking down at her twin beauties.
"So, suppose there is man I like here, on Earth," she said, looking at him. "In the heavens, he will have 173 women, but I will still be able to have him on weekends?"
"Yes," said Liam.
"Then what am I do to on weekdays?" Gabrielle asked.
"Shopping," said Liam promptly. He fondled her breasts. How could breasts really be this soft? "There is a lot of good shopping in heaven."
"Yes. Shoe stores, dress stores... you can have your nails done every day. Did you know that in Heaven, they sell 20,000 different kinds of shoes alone?"
"They do?" Gabrielle looked excited. Her nipples started to expand, though whether it was from Liam's touch or the thought of 20,000 shoes was hard to tell at the moment.
"Yes," Liam assured her. "Heaven can give you the most tremendous shopping experience you can possibly imagine." He gently let his fingertips roam over her body.
"But how do I pay for these things?"
"Angel dust," said Liam promptly. His mind was on automatic now. He was really just basking in her young, hot, warm body.
"And where do I get angel dust from?"
"You just scrape it off of clouds. It's everywhere," said Liam absentmindedly, as he returned to her breasts, squeezing them firmly. They felt so good in his palms! "You'll have enough to buy whatever you want."
"It sounds wonderful," the redhead said wistfully, laying her head against his chest. "Will you be there, too, God Liam? Will I see you there?"
"Of course," said Liam. "I am your God. I am everywhere," he said, gently stroking her hair, and then tilting up her head, to give her a kiss.
"You're late," said Miranda, as she finished her breakfast the next morning. Liam came in and sat down.
"What's wrong?" said Miranda.
"Nothing," said Liam. "I was just meeting with some travelers from Heraklion."
"Oh? That's Brother Khalid's territory, isn't it?"
"Yes," said Liam.
"I wonder how he's doing there."
"Quite well, from what I hear," said Liam, biting into a piece of toast.
"Liam, is something wrong?" Miranda asked.
Liam smiled. "No. I just have a big announcement to make today."
"What is it?"
"The biggest."
"I have been in communication with the Gods," said Liam, speaking loudly. "They are starting to be pleased with your spiritual progress. But they want more. They want to see some positive sign of your devotion to the Gods."
"What must we do?" A man in the audience of the Throne Room asked.
"You must build a mighty temple. Mightier than any you have ever built before. This temple must be in the shape of an enormous pyramid. And to prove it is to honor the Gods, the top of the pyramid must bear my image."
"Liam!" said Miranda, jumping up.
He ignored her. "This temple must be complete within nine months."
"Nine months! That's impossible!" said someone.
"Every able bodied man must contribute half his time to building this temple. This temple is more important than all other efforts.
"More important than bringing the crops!"
"More important than running a business?"
"How will we tend our farms?"
"Your children and women will have to help out. The Gods demand this of you to prove your devotion. Will you deny them this?"
The audience yelled "NO!" resoundingly.
"Then let us begin."
Liam had hired an architecture to supervise. His name was Pythagorean. He would organize the workers into teams. They would mine quarries of sandstone at the base of the nearby hills, and then drag the rocks to the building site, just outside of the city.
Miranda cornered him after the meeting at the worksite, which just happened to be in the shadow of Liam's obelisk. Liam's giant penis.
"Liam, what are you doing?" she asked, standing in the shadow of the giant penis so she wouldn't have to squint in the bright sunlight to look at him.
"Building a temple."
"You're pulling people from their farms and ranches. You're endangering their livelihoods," said Miranda. She casually leaned against the penis. The sandstone was already warm to the touch, just from the morning sun.
"Yes, I know," said Liam.
"Liam, why are you doing this?"
Liam looked up at his giant penis. "The Gods require a show of devotion."
"This is not what Taylor wanted. This goes far, far over the line."
"Taylor isn't here," said Liam
She stared at him, trying to figure him out. "Has this really gone to your head? Have you really gotten drunk with power?"
Liam stared back at her defiantly.
"I can't let you do this. I can't let you upend this society." She started to turn back towards the worksite.
"I wouldn't advise it," said Liam suddenly.
"Or what? Will you have me killed?" Miranda asked. "You forget, I'm a God, just like you. What you order, I can unorder."
Liam quietly followed Miranda to the quarry, where people were already beginning to work on the giant blocks of sandstone. The place was abuzz with activity, as Pythagorean was still giving out work assignments.
"Attention everyone! Can I have your attention please?" said Miranda. They turned to face her.
"Hi, everyone. It's me, Miranda, your Goddess! You know normally I leave the talking to Liam, but I have something important to say. The Gods, they don't want this temple. They don't need it. They want you to stay on your farms and ranches."
Liam calmly stepped forward. "Do not listen to her! She is a false Goddess!"
The crowd gasped.
"I am every bit a Goddess as you are a God!" said Miranda.
"Are you?" said Liam. "Tell me, when Myos of Tharn looked upon the waters, what did he see?"
Miranda licked her lips, but did not answer.
"When Kell of Skydra defeated the Sheepmen at Naousa, what did he find on their bodies?"
Miranda didn't respond.
"When the Gods caused Pargios to flood, who was the only one to survive?"
Miranda didn't answer.
"You see, she is not a Goddess," said Liam.
"Then what is she?" The crowd cried. "Is she Milsh? If she is Milsh, she must die!" "Kill the Milsh! Kill the Milsh! Kill her! Kill her now, God Liam!"
"No no no! Quiet!" Liam roared. The crowd fell silent.
"The Gods sent her, as they sent me. But she presumed to rise above her true station. Miranda is not a God. She is a Pillow of the Gods."
The crowds roared with derisive laughter. When the laughter died down, Liam said, "That's right. She was sent here to service me. And that is what she has been doing for the past two months."
"But... she is so plain looking, and thin chested," said someone in the audience.
"Quite right," said Liam. He saw Miranda's cheek burn. "The Gods sent me an ugly concubine, to punish me, for allowing you to stray from the path. But I am confident that once this great temple is built, that I will get the prettiest Pillow in all the Heavens!"
The crowd roared their approval. Liam made the smallest of gestures with his hand. His Fists went over to Miranda. She was so stunned that she didn't resist when one of the guards took her blaster. She was marched over to him. Liam looked at her dismissively. "Take her to the cells. I will deal with her later."
The look of hurt and betrayal on her face was one that Liam would long remember.
A few hours later, Liam entered the cellblock underneath the Palace. All the Palaces of Sparticus had cells underneath them, to house the wicked. Miranda sat dejected on a hard wooden bench.
"You did this to yourself, you know," said Liam. "I tried to warn you."
She said nothing.
"You know, I just realized, our situation is suddenly reversed. For once you're the prisoner, and I'm the jailer."
She looked up at him with anger in her eyes. "When Taylor hears what you've done-"
"Taylor will hear nothing. I've taken the holocomm and put it under guard. You'll never get to it."
"So what are you going to do to me? Torture me? Kill me? Make me your 'Pillow'?"
"I admit the last option is the most attractive one," said Liam. He gave one of his irritating smiles. He was enjoying this!
"You can flirt with me even in a time like this?"
"Especially in a time like this." And then Liam actually opened the cell door, and he came in and sat down with her on the hard wooden bench.
Miranda's mouth opened in shock. She felt uncomfortable by his nearness. "What are you doing?" she said nervously.
"Sitting," said Liam. He looked at her for a moment. "Tell me, Miranda, if you were me, in a situation like this, what would you do with me?" Liam asked.
Miranda was silent.
"Come on. Be honest."
"I'd keep you locked up." She couldn't meet his eyes to say it.
"Precisely," said Liam. He stood up, went to the cell door, opened it even wider, and started to walk away.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm letting you go," said Liam. "I'm a better person than you are, Miranda."
Suddenly, she felt embarrassed.
"You're releasing me? Just like that?" she said, moving to the cell door.
Liam suddenly barred her way with his arm. "Yes. But there's just two conditions."
She looked at him.
"You must accept your non-god status."
"So I'm a pillow now, am I?" she said defiantly.
"Yes." His expression was unreadable.
"I'm not sleeping with you."
"I'm not asking you to, although you should expect that I will brag about it in public. At every opportunity." She glared at him. "I'm sorry, but that's the only way this will work."
"And the other condition?"
"You can't speak out against me. That's not acceptable. If you have complaints, you can air them in private. But not in public."
She started to move forward. He barred her way.
"Do we have an agreement?"
Miranda nodded.
"Keep in mind that I am treating you far better than you would have treated me. Also keep in mind that if you betray me again, I may turn you over to Mushy." He turned to go.
"Are you serious?"
Liam kept walking.
Work on the mighty pyramid began. Miranda went out to view the initial stages of construction. She could see that just from the outlines of it that it was going to be huge, much bigger than any Pyramid on Old Earth. From the side of it, it looked like it would be able to fit hundreds of people inside. Perhaps thousands.
In the harsh sunlight, she always watched the construction under the protective shadow of Liam's giant penis obelisk. Up close, all she could see was the rigid circular shaft, carefully chiseled to appear fully erect. But when she moved some distance away she could also see the head. The stone cutters had done a good job, she had to admit, even putting a slit in the center of the curved top.
At this particular hour, the shadow of Liam's giant penis pointed the way to the worksite. They had learned to use Liam's penis as a sundial, figuring out the time of day from the direction of the shadow of Liam's penis. Right now the shadow of the bulbous head was pointing to the worksite, so that meant it was roughly close to the noon hour.
Miranda went into the quarries and watched the laborers start to chisel the sandstone. Mercifully, sandstone was softer, more malleable, and of a lighter weight than other stone. But it was still stone. She watched as teams of men started to pull the stone out of the quarries. At least the location of the pyramid under construction was not far from the quarries, so they didn't have far to drag each block.
The people of Phthiotis couldn't be happy with such back breaking labor. But Liam had convinced them that it was required by the Gods. She could tell that some of the workers were not so enthusiastic about it, but, to be fair, others seem to genuinely be enthusiastic about showing devotion to the Gods.
She wondered what Liam was really up to. Did he really believe he was a God? Was this a vanity project of a man gone mad? She didn't think so, but at the same time it troubled her that she didn't know his real intent.
If Liam really had gone mad, why hadn't he killed her? Why hadn't he made her his personal sex slave? Why hadn't he simply kept her imprisoned? He was right when he said that he had treated her better than she would have treated him, had the tables been turned. Could it be that he went back and forth between madness and sanity?
If only she could get word to Captain Taylor. But she was cut off from the holocomm.
Nothing could stop her from making the long journey to Arcadia on foot. It would take a few weeks, but she would get there. She could warn Taylor.
And yet, something kept her rooted here. Something kept her in Phthiotis, next to Liam. Was it a misplaced sense of loyalty? She didn't know what it was.