Page 03
Ma sipped her mug slowly and never once looked at me, leaving me to revel in the glory of her exposed thigh and the thought of pushing her over and easing myself between the press of her soft legs. Somehow, I managed to keep silent. When Ma tipped her mug way up, I knew her cocoa was almost gone and sensed the show, if that's what it was, would soon be over. Ma set the mug down on the table beside her and pulled the robe up to cover her leg. She called out to Pa, who I guess had drifted off.
"Harv, you'd best go up to bed now. Harv...Harv."
"Huh," Pa shook his head. "What..."
"You'd best go up to bed now," Ma repeated.
Pa snorted and got up. Still shaking the sleep out of his head, he stumbled over to the stairs and starting climbing up to his bedroom. Ma watched him go and as she did, the robe slipped off her leg again. Ma spoke without looking at me.
"Your Pa is getting old fast, Donny."
"Yeah, I guess so," I answered, my eyes remaining on Ma's bare thigh rather than following my retreating father.
"Losing Hank has been hard on him."
"Yeah, I reckon so."
"He's a lot older than me, you know."
"Yeah. I know, Ma."
She started to say something, bit her lip, then started again.
"He hasn't been a real husband... I mean, he hasn't been his whole self for quite a while now."
"Uh, I don't... I, um..."
Ma sighed and turned to look at me, her legs still bare.
"Never mind," she said. "I'm guess I'm getting to be an old woman myself, yattering too much and saying nonsense. Don't you pay no attention."
I didn't know what to say but sensed an opportunity of sorts had been briefly presented and then quickly swept away. A profound sense of loss came over me. Ma smiled, almost as if she understood the feeling spreading through me. She reached over and patted my knee, her robe falling off to the side of each thigh. I looked down as Ma consoled me for a few seconds but all too soon she got up and stood in front of me, the robe dropping down to cover her legs.
"You won't go off and leave us old folks alone now, will you?"
I shook my head.
"I don't think your Pa could take it." Ma reached out and tousled my hair. "I know I couldn't."
"I won't leave, Ma."
Ma took my face into both her hands. "You're such a good boy." As she leaned down and kissed me on the forehead, her robe gapped open, wide enough for me to see her breasts hanging down against the thin nightdress so firmly I could make out her nipples. "You'll be happy here, Donny. I promise," Ma said in a husky whisper, then kissed me lightly right on my lips.
She stood up abruptly and walked away, slowly, despite her sudden departure. I enjoyed the sensual sway of her body and push of her hips, emphasized by the firm planting of each foot as she walked away. It reminded me strangely of the smell I had sensed in the kitchen; this was a woman's body, not a mother's. When she was out of sight, I looked down and noticed the huge tent in my pants. It was glaringly obvious and Ma couldn't have stood in front of me and not seen it.
I got up and walked into the kitchen. What was that all about? Did she know I had watched her take a bath? I didn't see how, but then, why had she decided to bath at night? Would she have done so if she knew Pa might leave me downstairs all alone so I could peek through the door? And what about the robe and exposing her legs? Surely, that must have been an accident if she didn't want to bath during the day when I might happen to come in from the fields. She must not have realized it had fallen off. But then, what about that kiss? Ma must have meant to kiss me on the cheek like she usually did. She just missed and didn't make a big deal about it, that's all. All in all, a bunch of little mistakes.
Still, I couldn't lose the hopeful thought that nothing had been mistaken or unnoticed and I became convinced that Ma had let me see her legs, even put them on display for me. I went outside and wacked off, spraying my spunk all over the back yard.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"I'm goin' to town for supplies. Leaving in five minutes so y'all best get ready," Pa announced after breakfast.
"Not me, I've got baking to do," Ma said.
"Well, we can't miss that, that's for sure," Pa laughed.
"Boy, how 'bout you? Want to see those purty town girls?" Pa asked, laughing harder.
"Nope. I'm going to fix that harrow."
"What? No one wants to go to town."
Ma and I both shook our heads.
"Farmers," Pa laughed. "Well, make me a list. If there's money left over, I'll get it."
Ma started making a list for Pa and I went out to the barn to work on the harrow. I heard him drive off about twenty minutes later but stayed focused on the task at hand because we really did need the harrow fixed. It was hours later that I stood up and stretched to ease the crick in my back. Hungry and thinking it must be near lunch time, I walked over to the house. I wasn't prepared for what I found.
The counters were covered in flour and bread dough. Some loaves had already been baked and were cooling on the counter, others were formed and ready to put into the oven. Ma was rolling dough out on the wooden kitchen table where we usually ate our meals, her back to me. She was wearing a white apron that covered her from her neck to her knees but underneath she was only wearing what must have been the nightdress she'd worn under her robe last night. I could see the dress she'd worn this morning neatly draped over the back of one of the chairs and the white underdress on top of it. Ma wasn't wearing any shoes, she was barefoot.
Ma was rolling the dough back and forth. I could see almost all of her legs and her luscious bottom wiggled and tensed with each push and pull. I stood quietly, knowing I should back out but not quite being able to force myself to do so. Standing slightly to one side as I was, I could see her breasts filling the apron each time she leaned forward to roll out the dough. She must have forgotten I had stayed home to fix the harrow.
In the midst of my quandary, Ma turned her head. She saw me but instead of screaming and grabbing her dress to cover herself, she simply smiled and turned back to her task. I couldn't believe it.
I watched her for a moment longer, my cock hardening and making a tent on the front of my pants. I walked up behind her for a closer look. Ma paid me no mind and just kept rolling out the dough. She must have been making pies because she was rolling it out real thin, leaning far over the table to stretch it out. I could almost see the bottom of her ass, the nightgown was so short. She must know what I could see, so why was she doing this?
Ma's words from the night before sprang back into my mind, the ones she had struggled with. Your Pa hasn't been a full partner... he hasn't been his whole self.
I looked down at Ma's back and her flexing behind. I dropped my hands and delicately pinched the material of nightgown between my fingers. Lifting it up, I flipped it up onto Ma's back, both horrified and thrilled by my action.
Ma didn't miss a stroke. She kept rolling the dough, back and forth, back and forth. I stared at her bare ass and remembered my dream of pressing my cock against it. I fished it out of my pants. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Wack off on her bum? I pointed my cock at Ma's ass and pressed it against her flesh. Ma kept rocking back and forth, as if I wasn't even there. I pressed a hand onto her back, slowing her to a halt, then guided my cock to her fleshy pubes, rubbing it between her lips.
Ma let go of the rolling pin and pushed it away. It rolled over the dough and clunked against the wall. Ma grabbed the sides of the table and waited. I pushed my cock into her and she groaned out loud. She was tight, like a girl, I guess. I had never been inside a woman but I had heard from other boys at school that older women were supposed to be loose. I knew then that Ma had spoken the truth about Pa. He hadn't been doing his duty, probably not for a long time.
I was all the way in. I ground it around in a half circle, then pulled it out and, slowly, shoved it back in. It was a little easier this time and I realized that Ma was lubricating. That excited me a lot. I was making her wet! I pushed it around in two full circles when I was all the way in and Ma groaned. I liked the sound of that. I pulled out and pushed back in three more times, then pulled out. I paused with the head of my cock barely inside her cunt, then slammed in hard. Ma cried out and her head flopped forward. I pulled out and lunged into her several more times. Each time pulling a reluctant grunt from Ma.
I pushed her down onto the table, pressing on her back to crush her tits into the dough, and started a raucous, rollicking fuck. Each time, the table banged into the wall. Harder and harder, faster and faster. She felt so fucking awesome, it was indescribable. Ma was still hanging onto the table. I grabbed her hands and pulled them back, holding onto them as I lurched into her, again and again and again.
After a while, I dropped her hands, leaned onto her back and, hunched over her like that, started humping against her butt furiously, my legs slapping loudly into the back of her thighs. I squeezed my hands under her and grabbed her tits, gripping them tightly as I frantically banged her, knowing I was close, ready, ready... "Ahhhhhhhhhhh," I cried, spewing my spunk into my mother, crushing her beneath me as my legs grew suddenly weak and failed to support me. My body contracted as my juices jerked out of my cock. Gasping and not quite finished, still spewing sticky white cum, I pulled out and watched my slimy, snake-like cock pull out of Ma's cunt with a wet plop.
Ma was panting, struggling to breathe. Her eyes were closed and I was glad she stayed on the table and didn't turn around to look at me. I didn't know if I could handle her looking at me after what I'd done. I put my cock away and hitched up my pants, then walked out of the kitchen like nothing had happened.
An hour later, Ma called me in for lunch. She was wearing her dress.
The table had been washed and was set out with two bowls of soup, two glasses of milk, and a big plate of sandwiches in the middle. We sat down and ate. Nothing was said about what had happened. Ma asked me how I was coming with the harrow and I complimented her on her bread. I felt like we were eating lunch in dream.
When we finished, I was about to go back to the barn when the news came on the radio. Evidently, things were starting to happen. The Germans had launched a surprise attack and had caught the British and French off guard. The enemy had charged through a forest and were swinging around behind. The Germans were racing for the coast, potentially trapping the Allies in Belgium, and they were also heading for Paris. Things looked dire.
Out of the blue, Ma said, "Why don't you leave the harrow for now. I don't think your father will be back for a couple of hours yet."
She walked out of the kitchen into the living room. She looked strangely more shapely even though she was wearing one of the same old dresses she always wore. Was that because I knew what her body felt like now? The thought of her lying on this very table, pounding her cunt with my cock, made it get hard again. Suddenly, Ma's underdress flared into my vision. It was still draped over the back of the chair but I hadn't seen it until now. Ma hadn't put it back on.
I got up and followed Ma into the living room. She was kneeling on Pa's overstuff chair, facing the wall. I walked over to the chair and stood behind her. Ma leaned forward and braced her hands on the back of the chair. I got my cock out of my pants and lifted her dress. She was naked under the dress and her ass was bare.
I kneeled onto the chair and guided my cock to her pussy. She was already wet. I slid in easily and started banging her hard right away. Ma fell against the back of the chair and I followed her in, my hips bucking so hard I lifted her up the back of the chair with each thrust.
Ma started to moan and I went wild, pushing her head over the edge of the chair, then pulling it back by her hair. I ground my cock into her. I don't know why I was so rough with her. In my mind, it was her fault I was a farmer. I wouldn't have left. I was no adventurer, I was a real farmer. She didn't even need to do this but she didn't know so it was her fault I was fucking her, fucking my own mother. It was her fault!
I growled in her ear. Fucking faster than a jack rabbit now, my grunts intermingled with her moans and the creaky springs in the old chair. Pa's chair. I was fucking Ma in Pa's chair. Faster. Hard, really hard. I wanted to bang her so hard, so very hard.
"Ahhhhhhhh, fuck, shit, ahhhh fuck," I cried, walloping against Ma's ass. "So fucking good, so good," I murmured. I snuggled into Ma's shoulder, brushing my lips against her neck. I whispered in her ear, "I won't leave, Ma, if I can do this."
I felt like a cad afterward and berated myself while I finished fixing the harrow, but by dinner time, I was horny again. I wanted to have Ma whenever I wanted her and if pretending I wanted to leave was what it took then I was ready to do it. I walked to the house, ready for another go.
Pa was home.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I wasn't able to get to Ma that night or the next day. I just couldn't get away from Pa during the day and the next night I couldn't separate the two of them. The following day was the same. For a while, I thought Ma was avoiding me but she continued wearing her dresses without underdresses and I could tell she was naked underneath. If she didn't want me to do things to her, why was she dressing like that?
After supper, I tuned the radio to a Canadian station, knowing when the news came on they would talk about the war in Europe. Ma became agitated and left the living room. I followed her into the kitchen a minute later. She was making sandwiches for our lunch the next day. I approached her from behind.
"Those French women must be really scared with the Germans invading," I spoke quietly so Pa wouldn't hear me.
"They have lots of French soldiers to protect them," Ma said, slicing the bread.
"Yeah, I guess so," I said. "There's lots of British and Canadians there too."
"I suppose so," Ma said.
"Even some Americans," I added, insensitively.
Ma was quiet.
"I hear those French women, they really appreciate the help," I continued, pushing it.
Ma didn't say anything but I could tell she didn't want me to talk about it.
"Kenny Johnson told me he heard his Uncle talking to his Pa once and he said that the French women did special things for the doughboys in the Great War."
Ma started buttering the bread. "Nonsense," she said.
"No, it's true," I persisted, stepping close behind Ma. Kenny's uncle said they were so happy to see us Americans they would do anything to show their gratitude."
"Big talk from a no account slacker," Ma replied.
I didn't argue. Kenny's uncle was indeed a no account, but that didn't matter. I stepped closer so my pants were brushing against Ma's dress. She definitely wasn't wearing anything underneath it. Ma moved forward but her retreat was blocked by the counter. I followed and put my hands on her waist. I didn't say anything. I just stood there, my hands resting on her hips and my pants pressing lightly against her bottom, watching her butter the bread.
"What kind of things?" Ma asked.
"I'm not real sure," I answered, pausing for effect, then leaning closer, allowing my erection to press between Ma's semi-soft buns, and whispered as if I was divulging a secret, "Kenny's uncle said they did things with their mouths."
I pushed my hardon further into Ma's crack. Ma stopped buttering the bread, dropped the knife, and put her palms flat on the counter.
"Horsebucky," she rasped.
I gripped Ma's waist and slipped my hands around to fit underneath her breasts.
"No, it's true, Ma. That's what Kenny's uncle said."
Ma was quiet but tense with restrained anger. She took a deep breath and expelled it in one long huff letting her breasts sag heavily over my hands.
"Is that what you want, Donny? You want me to be like those French women for you?"
This was it. I knew what I was doing was wrong but my need to have Ma was so great I had to press on. Now, here's the silly part. Kenny had told me what his uncle had said but I didn't actually know what it meant and I hadn't asked because I didn't want to get teased about my ignorance. So, I knew I was pushing Ma into something bad, maybe even shameful, but I didn't really know what. I did know I wanted it, whatever it was, especially because Ma seemed to know what it was. Her knowledge, apprehension, and reluctance intrigued me but, most of all, the thought that she might comply compelled me to pursue.
"Yes," I hissed in her ear, hugging her to me and grinding my hard cock into her ass.
Ma stood, silently letting me push her against the counter. Her head fell forward.
"Alright, if that's what you want. Tomorrow, you find a way to get away from Pa and come back to the house."
"I can't wait until tomorrow," I rasped, rubbing my bulge roughly on Ma's ass so she could sense my urgency.
"You have to," Ma insisted.
I yanked Ma's skirt up the back of her legs, pulled my cock out of my pants, and pushed it between her legs.
"No, Donny," Ma whispered intensely. "Don't."
"I just want to rub it for a bit," I replied with equal intensity.
"No, you can't. Not here! Not now!"
Despite her vehemence, Ma didn't move to stop me and I could sense excitement in her voice. Her hands remained planted flat on the counter while I rubbed my cock under her ass, painting it with her musky dew. Ma had said no, not here, not now, but she was already damp under there. It dawned on me that Ma's sexuality had been in hibernation for a long time and I might have awakened a real bear. I pushed my tip between her lips and was rewarded with a slick coating that confirmed my theory. I shoved my helmet into her hole and held it there with just the head inside. Ma's head sagged and her hair spilled forward.
"You want it too," I growled.
When Ma didn't answer I pushed my shaft slowly into her cunt, shoving up until Ma had to get up on her tippy toes, and pulled out with equal caution. Then I treated ourselves to the same, slow deliberate thrust five or six more times.
"I need you Ma," I panted. "I can't stay without this now. If you don't let me, I'll have to leave."
Ma whimpered and I grabbed her tits through the dress. As quietly as I could, I humped her a dozen more times and came inside her. I meant to pull out but she just felt too good. Fixing myself, I returned to the living room. Pa was snoozing. I turned the radio back to our local station and sat down. A few minutes later, Pa woke up and a little after that Ma came in with some tea. As we all sat there, sipping and listening to the radio, I couldn't stop thinking about Ma sitting there with my spunk inside her and coating her inner thighs. The thought made me so horny I wanted to grab her by the hips and fuck her again. The urge was so strong I actually reached out for her once.
It was a long, lonely night.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next morning Pa was in a good mood. It was a nice, sunny day and he was eager to get out and start working. I was pleased to see Pa lift out of his depression and get back to his usual self. Before going in for breakfast, I went into the living room to tune the radio to the Canadian station because I thought it wouldn't hurt to have a bit of news as a reminder to Ma about how appreciative those French women were and the things they did. I was startled to find a screw set right into the radio blocking the tuning dial from reaching the far left side where the Canadian station was.